Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Jailbirds

Chapter Two

by CaptainRiren 0 reviews

What has Smith done?

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2018-07-05 - 1948 words - Complete

"So what're you in for, Smith?" Levi questioned as they walked past, honestly curious. Erwin looked surprised for a moment, but smiled a moment later.

"Me? Oh, I just stole a pen," he hummed.

Levi was not amused by his answer.

"That's bullshit."

"Now, why would you say that?" Erwin responded, looking offended, but his grin gave it all away.

Goddamn, that smile could cure cancer. But that wasn't important.

"Don't mock me," Levi warned, pushing aside the intruding thoughts. "You look like fucking jail bait. You should be a prison whore. All it took was a few words to sent those retards back there running when they should have been passing you around like a fucking blunt. So what did you really do?"

Erwin shrugged, looking amused. "Okay, I pushed an old lady. But I really did steal a pen, you know."

"Pushed an old lady," Levi repeated flatly.

A shrug. "She might've broken her hip."

Levi stopped walking for a moment, glare burning holes in the blond's back. Erwin turned around and raised his eyebrows in a silent question, and after a pause Levi joined him again, but not before making a promise in a low growl.

"I'm going to find out one way or another, you fucktard."

"But I've already told you, Levi."

"Bullshit," the ravenet accused again. "It takes more than petty theft or battery to get into federal prison, especially if you're a walking god. Only a guilty man hides."

"Do you think so?"

"I know so."

Erwin only laughed. "We'll see."


Levi had been so sure of himself that it would only take a few days, at most. That he would either have Erwin or someone else squealing. That he would get that one tidbit of information he desired, and could then move on.

That was not the case.

It was so simple, what he wanted to know. A few words, maybe a short story. He couldn't find it anywhere. Everyone Levi cornered knew all about it - that much he was sure of - but for some reason, they all refused to tell. Each and every one of them would rather have their noses broken and fingers nailed to the backs of their hands than reveal Erwin's story, and Levi simply couldn't fathom why.

It was what one man said when he was cornered, what he finally confessed, that answered that little question . . . and raised a million more.

"Why will none of you answer me?" Levi had asked in bewilderment as his victim screamed.

"Because Smith told us not to say a word to his little pet," the man had said, spitting out the title like venom and getting blood on Levi's feet.

Was that what Erwin was calling him behind his back? Levi delivered another kick to the man's gut just for the bad attitude, then dropped him unceremoniously on the floor. "What a bunch of fuckin' pansies," he grumbled, padding down the hall and away from the groaning heap of inmate. He had a certain god-man to hunt down for his word choice now.

Levi was no one's pet. He had made that very clear when they first met - it'd be a lie if he didn't admit, though, that he'd be weak kneed if tall, blonde, and handsome called him that in a low whisper in his ear - and Erwin had been civil enough to call him by his name. But, apparently, that was only to his face.

Erwin was waiting for him at their shared cell. Luck, Erwin had called it when Levi was told who his new cell mate was, but the raven knew there was something else. It was far-fetched to say he was pulling strings, but still, it sure seemed like it. But that wasn't on Levi's mind, at the moment - something else was.

"Pet?!" Levi demanded as he stormed towards the man.

"I suppose I figured that one would slip eventually," the blond replied nonchalantly. "Which one told you?"

"I am not your fucking pet, you piece of shit!"

Levi should have known better than to think he could rush Erwin. As experienced as he was, he knew the taller man was dangerous. He supposed he was lucky Erwin just decided to grab his wrists and shove him to the floor; his skull cracked painfully on the concrete as he went down and his vision went black for a second, but he was relatively unharmed.

Not that he didn't know for a fact Erwin could have easily killed him.

"Get off of me."

Said man was hovering above him, looking rather amused by the attempt at attack. Levi seethed silently, a dark glower matching the challenging stare. He tried to wriggle out from under Erwin, but the weight pinning his hips down was too heavy, and the hands on his wrists were closed painfully tight. The position was embarrassing, the sinful scenarios creeping at the edges of his thoughts even more so.

"If I do, you can't attack me again."

"I make no promises."

"Then I'm not moving." Their little staredown didn't last long, as Erwin's expression quickly shifted into something more serious. "We need to talk."

"That's what I came here for, asshole," Levi spat, eyes narrowing. "You can't go around treating me like your fucking property. I am a human being -"

Erwin didn't let him finish.

"You are my property," he said, tone eerily calm. Levi's heart skipped a beat. This wasn't the pleasantly passive aggressive man he had met in the cafeteria. This wasn't the polite asshole he shared a room with.

This was someone powerful. Someone he hadn't met yet. Someone he didn't want to get to know.

"You are no longer a person. I don't want to take advantage of that, but you are mine, and essentially, I can do whatever I want to or with you. But I don't. Understand that you're lucky."

As much as Levi wanted to angrily snap back, he had no real comeback. Instead he settled for, "And what the fuck is your point?"

"I felt the need to address that, as you brought it up."

Erwin's serious expression didn't falter. Immediately, Levi regretted his word choice, but the blond didn't get violent, surprisingly enough. The look on his face, however, was more than enough to have him shrinking back. Whereas he would usually be entertained by the smaller man's anger, he now seemed almost angry behind that calm exterior. Every instinct was screaming at Levi to run, to get away from this dangerous man.

"What I was originally going to say is this: stop attacking other inmates."

Levi was taken aback at the request. Demand? He wasn't sure, but either way, Erwin had seemed so entertained by Levi's actions before. Where had the change of heart come from?

"Not until you tell me how you got in," Levi said defiantly, pushing his fear to the back of his mind in favor of getting answers. He wasn't about to give up on his mission just because a few inmates were complaining about a broken bone here or there. What did Erwin care, anyways?

"You don't understand. You can't just go around beating them senseless."

"And why not?"

"Because I said so."

"I am not a pet!" Levi growled dangerously, anger slamming back into him full force. Something in his gut was urging him to back down, but something louder was demanding he stand up for himself, insisting he fight back. An angel on one shoulder, a devil on the other. Unfortunately, Levi had always favored the devil. "I will do what I damn well please whether you like it or not!"

Levi had never heard Erwin raise his voice above an amused chuckle. Hearing it go above that sent a chill of fear down his spine, even if it was only the smallest bit louder. Or maybe it was the unveiled threat, the growling undertone, the clear order. Levi had never seen Erwin angry before.

"You're going to do what I say, or I'm going to make it where you can't even walk, let alone pick fights. Am I clear, pet?"

There was that tingle of fear again, accompanied by a sense of indignation at the name - and a pleased shiver down his spine that Levi would never admit to. But more than that was the realization that Erwin wasn't kidding. Levi had no doubt that the blond could break his legs and force him into bedrest for months, or his back and paralyze him forever. He could bruise the right tendon, clip his Achilles. The ravenet didn't doubt Erwin would do it, either. With the position they were in, hell, if Levi was rebellious enough, Erwin might even fuck him into submission.

At the sudden thought, Levi's expression shifted into a mix of morbid curiosity and slight fear, and he glanced down at where their hips connected. Erwin noticed the look, and his serious countenance was broken by a sinister smile.

"I could do that, too," he mused. "I'd have fun ruining your tough act. You wouldn't be able to move the next day."

"You won't touch me," Levi immediately responded. And yet the ravenet's voice wasn't as strong as he intended when he denied the claim, and it seemed to only amuse Erwin, who leaned down, lips close to Levi's ear.

"Won't I?"

The shiver that ran down his spine was a confusing mess of fear and desire, and Levi found himself questioning his priorities. Just seconds ago, he'd attacked Erwin with intent to seriously maim, and now he was fighting to control his breathing, pinned by the wrists and hips. He knew that, at this point, it was no secret that there was serious physical desire on Levi's side. Erwin knew it. Erwin knew everything, the fucker, and of course he used it to his advantage, rolling his hips ever so subtly against the ravenet's. Thankfully it wasn't enough for any real problems to pop up, but when the blond straightened, he took one look at Levi's face and let out a deep chuckle.

"So flushed, someone might think you actually wanted it," he hummed. "I'll let you off the hook now." Erwin released the ravenet's wrists, allowing Levi to at least sit upright. "But if you try to pull that again, remember what I've said here."

Levi rubbed his wrists, more indignant (and still a confusing mess of scared and horny) than hurt, a harsh glare directed at the blond to hide his moment of weakness. Erwin quirked an eyebrow.

"One more thing."

In an instant he was tilting Levi's chin up, their eyes locking intensely. Levi's glare didn't falter, the fear that had previously consumed him turning quickly into hatred; the nerve of this asshole! Erwin was playing at his desires now, toying with his wants in an attempt to control him. Levi was determined not to let it work. It didn't matter how badly he wanted to choke on Erwin's cock - he hated the guy, and he wouldn't let that asshole use it as leverage.

He bit the inside of his cheek, defiant glare intensifying. He'd get back at that royal prick soon enough. But for now, he'd bite his tongue and keep his silence.

The staring contest went on a few more seconds before Erwin's stern expression relaxed, and he patted Levi's cheek.

"Smile more, Levi. This place isn't all that bad, so long as you behave."

Behave, Levi echoed mentally, watching as Erwin got up and walked away without another word. He clenched his fists, fury swirling in the depths of his mind.

Yeah fucking right.
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