Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Mine

Chapter Ten

by CaptainRiren 0 reviews

Torture and decapitation.

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2018-07-06 - 1138 words - Complete

Krista's eyes drooped dangerously as she wandered the halls, fingers trailing along the wall. Dim torchlight lit her path every few meters while she headed for the staircase that would lead to Hanji's quarters. It was quiet in headquarters, seeing as it was the middle of the night. It was almost peaceful, though a bit eerie with the absence of ambient noise and the fact that she was all by herself. Usually Ymir would have tagged along, but Krista managed to slip out while her girlfriend was passed out. She didn't want her to worry.

She paused in front of the stairs, rubbing her eyes wearily and prepping herself for the climb. Krista was beyond tired, exhausted really, but the stress weighing her down was making it impossible to sleep, leaving her in a zombie-like state all day. Covering her mouth with a yawn, she started on the first step of the spiral staircase.

That was when she heard the scream.

It was very quiet, muffled by fabric, Krista guessed. Fear spiked in her heart. It was three in the morning, everyone should have been sleeping. Those screams were coming from Hanji's quarters! The petite blonde didn't know what compelled her to keep moving. What if she stumbled across a scene like last time? For a moment she nearly turned back, but she came to a sudden realization.

If something is going on... I can expose the murderer.

Krista knew she wasn't the best for the job. She knew if she were to be caught, she would be killed. But it seemed as though waiting around was simply prolonging her death; everyone was being picked off one by one with no obvious pattern, and Krista wasn't in the best condition anyways. She knew it was a possibility the stress would get to her, and in such a dangerous environment, a stress-induced slip-up could result in death. If that didn't happen, it was still very likely everyone was going to die soon unless the murderer was caught.

So, as silently as she was capable of, she tiptoed up the stairs. Another muffled scream and sobbing reached her ears, making her freeze momentarily. There was no doubt in her mind now that something terrible was happening in Hanji's office. Krista hurried up the rest of the steps, carefully making her way down the hall to the sliver of light left by an open door - the door to the titan scientist's laboratory. Slowly, silently, she approached the door and peeked through the tiny crack -

Promptly, she had to swallow back a horrified scream.

Blood... so much blood. Small silver instruments Hanji had used for such delicate operations had found a new home in human flesh. Blue rubber gloves shone with red substance, the owner of the hands standing with his back turned, though it was obvious who it was. Krista's suspicions were proved correct when the captain turned to one of the two figures tied down on the operating table. He reached forward and plucked the gag from her mouth, pressing a scalpel against her throat so she wouldn't scream.

"Enjoying the show?"

She looked so broken, so resigned. Krista could see it in her eyes. Hanji and Levi had been such close friends, even if the shorter had refused to admit it. Yet here he was, torturing the scientist's assistant, having the nerve to act as though it were boring. Tears had left behind streaks on her cheeks, and she could only speak in a hoarse whisper, presumably from the screaming the blonde had heard.

"Stop it, please. Let Moblit go, he hasn't done any wrong -"

"Except for hold Eren down while you put him through misery," Levi interrupted in a harsh bite.

"Exactly!" Hanji rasped pleadingly. "He helped me because he was ordered to! He tried to stop me, Levi, God, just let him live, he won't tell a soul! Kill me instead! This isn't fair!"

"You're right, it isn't fair," Levi hummed. "But life isn't fair. Your mistake has led to your subordinate's misfortune. I want you broken. I want you to know what it's like to see someone you care for being hurt while you have no means to stop it. Don't worry, you'll have your turn."

The poor blood-soaked assistant chose then to wriggle around. Levi let out a sigh as though it were all a bother, and reached forward to remove the gag from Moblit's mouth, who spoke even with the undeniable agony from the knives and scalpels embedded in his body.

"Just look at her, you monster - you've broken her already - just kill me, please -"

"If you so wish."

The rasping, begging scream of "NO!" chilled Krista to the very bone. A dull gurgling noise accompanied the slice in Moblit's throat, until that ceased and it was clear he was dead. Suddenly Hanji was struggling, anger and desperation flashing in her eyes.

"You - you fucking monster!" she shrieked, screaming made impossible, though she tried nonetheless. "I trusted you! Erwin trusted you! I suspected it - but I - I never thought you could be the murderer! Why?! If you're going to kill me, tell me why! You offered up your beating heart for humanity! Why would you betray everyone you care for?!"

"Because I don't care for them," Levi said coolly. He pried one of the wicked-looking knives from Moblit's corpse, inspecting the blood-covered blade with disinterest. "I only care for Eren. You've hurt him for the last time. Research is one thing. Fulfilling your sick fantasies is another."

"Sick? I'm sick?! You bastard, you're the sick one! And Eren must be too, if he's allowing you to -"

She didn't get to finish her sentence around the knife jammed into her throat. Levi looked livid, tearing the gloves off angrily but making sure no blood got on his arms.

"Don't ever talk about him like that."

Krista backed away from the door, heart pounding and tears pouring down her face. She did everything possible to keep her breathing quiet and even. Captain Levi? But how? Why?! He had always been crude and unapproachable, but he was also known to be secretly kind and understanding to his soldiers. He cared greatly for his troops, Krista was sure of it! Levi was strong and reliable, Humanity's Strongest for a reason, Commander Erwin's right-hand man! How could this be true?!

The door swung open abruptly, and the murderer was towering over the tiny girl, wielding a titanium blade.

"My, my. You caught me." He sounded playful. "Pity, I liked you. You weren't any bother to Eren. I'm sure you understand."

Krista couldn't give an answer, for in a flash, her head was rolling on the floor and her body's dead weight sent it crashing to the ground after it.
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