Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Bittersweet Roses

Chapter 10

by Amaya-san 0 reviews

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Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2018-09-02 - 1528 words - Complete

Neither had mentioned the tweezing incident over the next few days; Lia and Levi spent a bit of time apart out of embarrassment. That was of course increased by the fact that most humans thrived on gossip. It had already alarmed Lia to the point of choking on her dinner when Hange referred to the rookie's mentor as "her boyfriend."

It was hard to avoid facing the man when he went specifically looking for her, however. After some time had lapsed, he'd let her know they would be doing some hand to hand combat. Now they stood a few feet apart in a spacious area not far from base.

Storm clouds rumbled overhead, lightning flashing and warning of coming rain. The wind was picking up, and chilled the bone as it whipped and whistled around them.

Lia was in position, readying herself to go on the offense. Cool blue eyes analyzed her every movement, and she almost felt as though her thoughts were being scanned as well. She lowered her newly- and unevenly- plucked eyebrows and didn't flinch as sheets of rain began coming down upon them.

She launched into a ground sweep, and Levi leapt over her leg, taking the transition time from her new lower position as a chance to knee her down. With an upward thrust of her legs, she was off of her back and once more on her feet.

They became a whirl of strikes and blocks on both ends. It became very apparent that Lia had greatly improved, as she held her own for some time. Finally, a blow to the back of her knee sent her to the ground. Mud splashed onto her, and the rain made streaks in the grime.

Panting, she remained on her palms for only a moment before digging her feet into the ground and launching forward. She drove her head into Levi's abdomen and wrapped her arms around his upper legs. The pair went sprawling onto the sodden ground, Lia having the upper hand.

Within seconds, Levi twisted his body into a lock around hers and thrust her down. Her back struck the earth and she felt the breath leave her lungs. Wheezing, she tapped out. He stood, covered head to toe in brown filth, and gazed down at her.

She lay there in the growing puddle, trying to get her wind back. The precipitation made her shiver and stung her eyes, so she closed them. Gradually, her heaving chest steadied and she looked at him wearily from behind heavy lids.

"Do you think I'll ever win?" she chortled, rolling over and groaning in pain.

"Do you?" he repeated back to her.

"I don't know, but I feel too exhausted to move, and too cold to want to stay here." Her words curled into the air in wisps.

"Well then by all means, just lie there."

"Maybe I will," she agreed, sighing and shaking.

"I've made my decision."

"About what?"

"Your training grade," he said, nonchalant, as though it were a simple matter. She sat up immediately, eyes wide.

"And?" He looked her over coolly and made her wait for a few seconds.

"You fail." A long pause followed this as she processed the shock.

"W...What?" Lia's chest rose and fell rapidly in panic. "But...I don't understand. You said I was getting better! I made my first assist. I can hold my own for the most part in a fight. My omni-directional movements have vastly improved."

"You're not cut out for the Survey Corps, unless your dream is to die," he said calmly. She looked down and shook her head in disbelief.

"I worked so hard. I just don't understand." Gradually, her face shifted from bewilderment to anger. She glowered at him, seething and standing tall in determination. "I won't quit."

He frowned and stated, "That wasn't our deal."

"Well I'm breaking our deal! I will show you that I can do this." Her fists were raised to fighting position. "Attack me; I will prove you wrong."

"Lia, don't be an idiot."

"Fine," she snapped before throwing herself forward in a barrage of punches. He backed up, blocking them and staring at her in alarm. She kept at it before he threw her weight. She dropped, but was immediately back up and flying at him with a screech of rage.

Levi's expression remained blank as he countered her time and time again. Tears of frustration ran down her cheeks and blended with the rain. Finally, he gripped both of her wrists firmly and stepped into her to prevent any kicks.

"Stop," he rumbled. "Your chance is over; it's spent. You didn't make the cut." In a fit, she broke an arm loose and slapped him across the face.

"Why?" Lia screamed at him as he regained control of her arms. She struggled wildly, and he focused on ceasing her movements before coming to a last resort to do so. He yanked her forward, and in a split second, he was kissing her, hot and forceful.

Lia stopped squirming, her body rigid and stunned. When he pulled away, he only had to cradle her forearms as she seemed to be incapable of movement. Eyes searched her face with warmth she had not seen in him. His breath came in large, heavy puffs of vapor as his expression turned to pleading.

"It wasn't supposed to end like this," he told her. "You are so nosy; you should have just let me be. Instead, you insisted like a fool, and now I have to make sure neither of us gets hurt. You need to leave the Scouts." As her mouth opened in protest, he pressed a finger to her lips to silence her. "You'll be killed, Lia. I can't be responsible for that."

"But I won't!" she butted in. "I have the best soldier training me. I have become a better fighter than I ever thought I could be, and you got me there! I want to serve humanity with these new skills; and with each expedition, I will get better."

Lia gripped his shoulders and spoke with earnest words. He had to see she was serious. Waiting on the sidelines would tear her apart. "Levi, please. Just give me one more time outside of the walls, I beg you. I will demonstrate I am ready for this, I swear it."

"I'm not gonna make that mistake twice," he said sharply. "Each choice influences our next, and I made the wrong one when Isabel and Furlan asked the same of me, and I won't be bought into it again."

"Well the fact is, you have little influence in the matter," she said coolly, releasing him.

"What?" growled her tutor.

"Well...your offer was to find me a safe haven outside of the Scout Regiment; get my name changed, or even have me transferred to Garrison. I don't know what you had planned. However, this requires my cooperation to go smoothly. My signature is on the military agreement paperwork, and though you may be able to pull strings to get me out, I have to be willing to leave to begin with."

Levi glared at her, but she quirked a brow and continued. "I am revising our agreement. I will comply with leaving if," she looked at him with meaning, "you push back the pass or fail grade and base it on the next mission."


"I'm not giving you an option. This is my life, Levi."

"And you're part of mine," he stated, a bit too waspish for an endearing comment. Her heart stopped before doing erratic jumping jacks. Even so, she pressed on.

"I need you to respect this request. Please; and then if - unbiased - you decide I am still incapable, I will honor yours. But it is not reasonable to ask me to leave you to the unknown for your own selfish reasons. It will drive me crazy with apprehension."

His eyes slide sideways at her as he contemplated new information. What would she possibly be worried about, safe in the walls? He voiced this darkly, clearly still upset at having lost control of the situation.

"Oh don't be daft, Levi!" snarled the blonde. "I don't care how exceptional you happen to be; things happen fast out there, and I can't be sick with anxiety, wondering day by day if you're going to ride back through that gate."

His eyebrows rose at this, and he puffed out his chest just slightly. So she thought he was remarkable, and was concerned for his safety. Quickly, he corrected his posture. Since when had it mattered? This was an entire sea of emotion he hadn't experienced.

"...Fine," Levi conceded at last. "But you'd better keep an eye on shit."

"I will keep my eyes on...shit," she laughed, stepping closer and pecking him on the cheek. "Despite all better judgment," came a verbal, unfinished thought from her lips. He frowned at her, and she smiled. "You're such an ass, and yet I cannot help but loving you. Kikka knew what I could not admit."

"Don't die," he begged.

"I will be fine. I am with you."
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