Categories > Cartoons > My Little Pony > Operation black diamond

Operation black diamond

by Ticcitobyfan53 0 reviews

Rainbow is a sniper in the equestrian military

Category: My Little Pony - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Parody,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2019-01-18 - 100 words

Rainbows POV.
Rainbow Pegasi to blue kilo do you copy? Copy that. Blue kilo to rainbow Pegasi state your transmission.I’m in position over.copy that fire when ready over.(breaths in and out) BLAM..

Targets POV. AKA: Donald clump

Ok we need to build this wall for our safety! Skht ughhh plop*

Rainbows POV
I gotta change/escape zippppp... chuckchacka sniper turns to a small key chain
Runs* to the friendly helo nice shot rainbow says soarin. It was nothin I say

A/N Listen to the crew soundtrack while reading this it gets a good vibe
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