Categories > Anime/Manga > Ranma 1/2 > Genderbending Girl (Genderbent Ranma 1/2 Reader Insert)

New Found Respect

by CoolKat122 0 reviews

Fourth Chapter

Category: Ranma 1/2 - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2019-02-02 - 3377 words - Complete

I totally forgot to do Akeno's P.O.V last chapter, should I go back and add it or leave it be? I'll leave that up to you guys.


(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up almost immediately when I smelt Kaname cooking breakfast no joke my eyes snapped open around the same time as my Ma's and we jumped right onto our feets though since I was still injured from last night I cried out in pain. 

My Ma ignoring my cries rushed straight out the door and down to the dining room with me following behind pushing through the pain just so I don't miss breakfast.

I'm not going to lie it hurt like hell to do this but I didn't let it stop me, I have been through worse so it's not like I'm not use to pain but it didn't make it any better.

Which is a shame I would like to be better at handling pain, it would make things so much easier for me in the long run, I finally get down the stairs my ankle aching like a mother but I ignore it to the best of my abilities as I sit down and start chowing down on Kaname heavenly breakfast (why wasn't I marrying him?).

About half way through the meal Akeno finally shows up looking sweaty from his run, he heads straight towards the fridge and as he grabs some milk Kaname hands him a plate of food that I didn't notice before (huh Kaname must have noticed that last time Akeno barely had anything to eat so he made extra just for his brother).

Now I feel bad for not having thought about saving some for Akeno yesterday... nor for Nabi or their Mother... you know I'm starting to think Ma and I aren't exactly being the 'best' guest.... might want to work on that.

"(Y/n) what happened to your ankle?" Kaname who I just now noticed was on the ground picking up his rag saw my wounded ankle and was looking pretty concern about it. 

Akeno who was eating in a corner looked over and his eyes narrowed. "Wait is it worse than before?" I looked down at it and it did look slightly different than last night but I wasn't too worried about it just give it a few days and I'll be good as new.

"Eh it's fine" I said with a shrug in a nonchalant manner, Akeno didn't seem to like my lack of caring as he sat down his plate on the counter and walked over with a frown just as Kaname Stood up (there was so much worry in Kaname body language).

"It's not fine, you need to see a doctor" I frown from confusion as I looked down at my ankle that barely looked all that noticeable (See a doctor? Piff I barely feel it)

"Pass" I waved my left hand while using my right to grab another waffle before Ma could causing her to glare but I just stuck my tongue in response.

"(Y/n) I really think you should listen to Akeno on this" Kaname stepped in backing up his brother, I looked at him throng the corner of my eye as I thought it over glancing between him and Akeno before sighing.

"Fuagh" I muttered out through the mouthful of mushed up waffle bits in my mouth before grabbing a cup of milk to help it on it's journey.

There was a brief look of disgust on Akeno's face and look of relief on Kaname's as a smile touched upon his princely face before going back to the housework.

"Well let's go see this doctor" I wasn't thrilled but if it would get them off my case then I'd best do it right? I mean the alternative is that I listen to them go on and on about it which is such an annoying thought and I really rather not go that route.

By the kitchen doorway Akeno's Mother and brother Nabi were standing off to the side apparently watching us arguing over seeing the doctor though their facial expressions were different.

Su's was kinda lovey-dovey about it as she rambled on about us already acting like a married couple and Nabi's was kinda his usual mischief looking as he had this smug look.

"Aw look at you being all caring and kind of.. acting like a husband"  He stalked closer tugging off of to a corner to whisper something to Akeno.

Whatever it was Akeno didn't like it because he pushed him away with his face red as a tomato as he walked off to the front door only looking back to shout at me.

Cause apparently I wasn't moving 'fast' enough for him, like dude I was waiting for you to finish your little chat with your brother so chill.

As I limped over to him I heard Nabi snicker about Akeno's reaction as he waved us off with a see ya at school later, and with that the male went off to the school's direction while we went to the doctor's.

Akeno was way ahead of me due to him not having an injured ankle, I tried to keep up with him despite the pain and I think I was doing a more than decent effort thanks to my training (Chibi superior posing like a boss).

When he cooled down he slowed his pace till we were side by side-ish, he was still like an inch or two ahead, I could see that he was still frowning and grew curious as to what was it that Nabi said to cause him to be so upset?

So me being the nosy person I am I asked. "What did Nabi say that has you so worked up?" he seemed taken back by my question as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's nothing, I'm just a little tired of his teasing, he always does it but lately he's just been doing it more than what I'm used to so I over reacted" He glanced down at my ankle.

"Do you want me to carry you there? It really does look worse than last night, I don't think it's wise to be walking on it" I quickly moved as far from as possible so he wouldn't pull the same stunt as before.

"No thanks, I'm good" He shrugged but I was still eying him for any suspicious movement just in case but it was for nothing cause he didn't try anything and we eventually arrived at the place.

It didn't look like a hospital which I bought up so he mentioned how it was just a small one runned by a friend that helps out some of the locals and such.

When we entered I saw like one or two elder people inside waiting, Akeno and I sat down to wait but it wasn't long before a female with light brown hair and glasses that made it hard to see her eyes stepped out from a room with and old man. 

One of the old ladies got up and the pair thanked the lady before leaving, the glasses lady took notice of us and greated Akeno rather cheerfully and that's when I noticed the look on his face.....

AKENO LIKES HER! (SAY WHAAAAAAAAAT! Head explodes) I looked between the two like crazy trying to study their body language, trying to see if I was right if I was how did this lady feel about him? Did she return his feelings? But wait I thought Akeno hated girls! (I honestly thought he was gay... might have to rethink that).

How could I not? He took every chance he got to talk about how much he disliked them so what in the heck is this reaction to being around her? Blushing, that smile, they way he's looking at her oh yeah he likes her.

I felt a stupid smile creep up on my face as I confirmed Akeno's crush on this chick who's name I should probably learn. "Oh who's your friend Akeno?" 

"Uh? Oh this is (Y/n), she hurt her ankle last night so I thought it was best you checked it out for her"  Her head tilted down signaling to me that she was looking at my ankle.

"Hmm, let's have a look at that in my office shall we?" I was about to follow but I saw the other old lady that was here before me and I didn't feel right going before her.

"What about her" I pointed to the old lady but Akeno's lady friend waved her hand while shaking her head.

"Oh no she just comes in here for the quiet, nine grandkids and four grown children of her own along with their spouses living under one roof? Can be pretty hectic so I allow her to spend some much need peace and quiet here" Yakes! That's a lot of people under one roof.....

"Isn't Doctor Tofu so kind (Y/n)?" That was her name? Huh neat and unique sounding name definitely won't be hearing that anywhere else.

"Yup" I follow her to her office and sat down where she told me to as she carefully examined my ankle humming here and there as she narrowed her eyes not saying a word on it's condition, leaving us in total suspense.

Until finally she said something. "It's a little swollen but nothing serious, just use these and you'll be fine" She handed me some crunches.

I looked at them reluctantly before turning my gaze to her. "Do I have to?" she nodded.

"If you want to get better" I sighed as I grabbed them, I've never used crunches before so it felt weird trying to position them and all that but it felt like an embarrassment to even need these in the first place. 

I've had swollen ankles before and never need these, I got by just fine but now all of a sudden I needed to use these all because someone says so? Piff

"Stop pouting it's only for a few days" Akeno said as we walked towards the door just as Kaname came in. 

"Oh you two are still here?" The old lady that was sitting in the corner jumped up and left as soon as she saw Kaname which was weeeeeeird. 

My eyes followed her as I tried to piece together her odd behavior and what was even weirder than an old lady that seemed to enjoy peace and quiet running for the hills like a maniac is now Akeno was getting all weird and depress like. 

"We were just leaving" Akeno said as his gaze shifted to the ground not sounding like his usual self(which was always kind of confident sounding and so sure among a few other things).

"Oh wait before you two go- Kaname?"  I glanced back to Tofu and now she was kinda weird acting! What was going on? "Y-you're here" Tofu stood up straighter and started laughing all weird like and now I was starting to get it....

She likes Kaname ouch what a love triangle, Kaname on the other hand was normal acting nothing about him suggested that he likes her in any special way. 

He was just as polite and kind as usual. "Hello Miss Tofu, I have somethings here that I thought you're office could use" I got nosy so I looked in the basket he was holding.

Nothing in it caught my eye so I turned my attention back to the three of them, and Tofu came walking over like a robot stepping on my foot in the process. 

I stopped myself from screaming but it still hurt (jeez maybe she was a robot?), she took hold of something that totally wasn't the basket as she held it up thanking Kaname.

I think it was a pot. 

"Oh thank you Kaname, this will be a nice addition for my office HAHAHAHA" Is anyone going to tell her?

"Oh Tofu that's a potted plant" Kaname laughed taking the pot and exchanging it for the basket their hands touched for a brief second but that was enough to make Tofu shoot out of the building like a rocket.

"Hmm, I must have came at a bad time, it appears Miss Tofu had somewhere else to be" Akeno forced a closed eye smile as he agreed with his brother while also coming up with a cover story for Tofu.

"She did mention a house call she needed to take care of" Kaname hummed as he nodded before turning to us.

"Well I better get going and so should you two, I called the school so you shouldn't be in any trouble" We thanked him as we walked off to school.

~Akeno P.O.V~

We had just left Tofu's office and started heading towards school, along the walk I could sense that (Y/n) was struggling not to bring up the whole Tofu thing but I kinda wanted to talk about it and I honestly have no one to do that with.

Nabi would use it against me eventually at some point down the road and most of what I have to say would make Kaname feel bad and I obviously don't want that and I don't even know how my Mom would act so the only person I can think of is (Y/n) I'm sure she would handle it better right? Plus she's pretty much already knows some of it anyway from today.

And if the fact that she's not bringing it up as we walk to school not proof enough that she's at the very least a little trustworthy then I don't know what is.

So with a deep breath I stopped walking and bite my lip just a few seconds before actually saying something. "She's loved my brother for as long as I can remember you know?..... despite knowing this I still fell for her" My eyes drifted down towards my shoes.

"But I couldn't help it at the time she was the only person that didn't mock me for my appearance and treated me like a normal person so eventually I kinda found myself trying to earn her affections, I even went as far as to grow my hair out like Kaname's since whenever we were alone she'd bring up how much she liked his" I picked up the ends of my hair as I laughed.

"It's more trouble than it's worth having hair this long, I go through so many bottles just to make it look as half as good as Kaname... I really don't know how he does it, I remember spying on him once just to see how he does it but he doesn't do anything special or different he just...washes it...yup that's right..that's his secret nothing special there" I shook my head.

"But all copying my brother did was show just how different we were despite being related how...perfect he was...and how imperfect I was in comparison, I'd never get Tofu to notice when he's around but now that I'm finally talking about this to someone... maybe I don't need to...not anymore" I looked up to the sky as I tried to fight back the tears as I thought back to all the times I felt inferior or like a lesser being than Kaname. 

It's like no matter what he does it's perfect and all everyone would ever go on about whenever they saw Kaname was how they couldn't believe we were related. 

He was just so perfect and I wasn't, he can cook, he can fix things, he does housework better than anyone I know, when he was in school he had better grades than me, he was good at solving everyone's problems and the only thing I can think of that I better at than him was martial arts but what's that when compared to EVERYTHING HE CAN DO THAT I CAN'T!?

Does it even matter that I'm better than him at that? Of course I would be, he's just too nice to even think about hurting someone for a second, he can't even play video games if it has something violent in it.

He really is just such a nice person with a kind and generous soul but what am I? I can't even answer that cause I don't even know...

" you wanna...maybe skip school?" (Y/n )was pretty silent for a while so long so that I thought that was her trying to say no politely or something.

"Uh..sure?" I smiled at her response glad that she agreed to do it, I really didn't feel like dealing with Kuno and the others but I didn't want to do this alone so her doing this meant a lot.

I wasn't really hungry but I think I know her well enough to buy some food to keep her busy since she really can't do much as is and from the amount of time I spent with her has taught me anything is this girl loves to eat.

After buying a bunch of burgers and fries I took her to the park and we sat down at a bench to eat and talk about random things, she told me about her travels and all the weird training she and her mother did...and I must say her mother took it more seriously than mines did that's for sure.

Spending this time with her and not fighting for once kinda has me thinking maybe I was giving her a hard time for nothing, she wasn't as crazy as the girls at school and she definitely was a huuuuuge step up from Kuno.

"Ya know" She started with a mouthful of burgers and fries but stopped as she grabbed some soda to help it go down so she wasn't showing the whole park her lunch before continuing what she wanted to say.

"I know I give you a lot of slack for your looks and all that but.... you really don't look bad or nothing... I just didn't like the things you said about me so I wanted to say something back, anything really so...don't...don't feel bad about how you look, you honestly look really cool Akeno especially your hair"  She reached out to touch it, lifting it in the air before dropping back on my shoulder.

"Makes me wish mines could look like yours but I had it long once....and it didn't end well so I keep it short for convenience" She took a piece of her hair now pretty much doing what she did with mines twirling it a bit as she lifted it before letting it fall.

"Thanks..(Y/n) but I think you're onto something, in fighting I think it's better to have shorter hair anyway and I'm honestly done worrying about my looks, I think they played too big of a role in my life a little too long so I'm going to stop with that nonsense and focus more on my martial arts" She gave a thumbs up and a toothy grin.

"I support your new way of thinking" I saw her grab a burger but put it back after 'secretly' counting how many she had compared to me, I don't know where this new way of caring came from but I went into the bag and handed it to her.

"As a way of saying thanks for your support I hereby offer you this double-decker cheeseburger" Her eyes lit up as she happily took it and munched on it like there was no tomorrow.

The rest of the day was then spent going around trying to get her use to the crutches but all she could think of doing was trying to find ways to fight in them and dragged me into helping with that.


Again I think I said this already but I'm going to try and create my own things along with my own plot and ideas for this so different things will happen maybe might add some minor o.c here and there. 

I hope that's not a problem..
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