Categories > Games > Undertale > AU Sans X Reader Chan!

Blueberry X Shy! Reader

by DaKawaiiMarionette 0 reviews

Well, would you look at that. All the AU's x the beautiful reader Chan! Yay! IF you want more than the characters I've provided, you need to comment and request!! :)

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2019-05-07 - Updated: 2019-05-07 - 354 words

Chapter 1: Blueberry X Shy! Reader Chan!

Hope you all enjoy!

"B-Blueberry, I don't think you put wood shavings in a taco..."
"Nonsense, human! Wood shall make the taco taste even better!"
"Y-yea, but..."

You stopped. You knew there was nothing you could do to deter Blueberry, and anyways your shy self hated to argue.

Where did he get the wood shavings from, though? you asked yourself.

"There! Now the tacos are completed!" Blueberry shouted (or said in his normal voice, you could never tell.) You winced, as your hearing was sensitive.

Blueberry picked up a taco and hungrily bit into it. "Mmmm! THE MAGNIFICENT SANS HAS DONE IT AGAIN! Here, human, try a taco!" He held out one in front of your face, and you were hesitant to take it out of his gloved hand, as if the taco might bite you.

"U-um... Blueberry, I c-can't eat wood..." you stated timidly.

"NEVER FEAR! The magnificent Sans has made a taco just for you, no wood shavings included!"

You smile shyly and took the taco, biting into it. Your eyes widen. The taco is delicious! Pretty soon the whole thing was gone.

"Did ya like it?" Blueberry asked eagerly. You nod. But you must admit, you probably would've eaten anything Blueberry had cooked you, because the truth was, you had a MAJOR crush on the adorable little skeleton. His glittery eyes, warm smile, everything about him just filled you with warm feelings. "GREAT! But the wonderful Blueberry hopes you saved room for surprises! " He rushes to a drawer in the kitchen.


He struggles to pull out a large heart shaped box of chocolates. "I've been saving this for today! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, Y/N!"

You gasp. You had hoped against hope that Blue would get you something for Valentine's Day, but you hadn't actually expected anything. "B-Blueberry! You shouldn't have!" You say, a blush creeping across your cheeks.

He blushes bright blue. "But I did...because....I LOVE YOU!"

You grin and say, "I love you too!"

He leans forward and kisses you.

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