Categories > Books > Dracula > Vampire Secrets

Chapter one

by poppygirl124 0 reviews

Hi, my name is Mattaline Marie Darkbloom. I'm 17 and a born vampire. For most of my life, I hung around Supernatural hunters. I was determined to keep my secrets hidden from EVERYONE. But life has ...

Category: Dracula - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2019-05-14 - Updated: 2019-05-14 - 603 words


I woke with a start at the sound of someone bamming hard on my door."Hey, Matt, get your ass up. Tony wants us up and in the dining room in five." I think it was Logan that said that. I flopped in bed a few more times and growled out a curse word or two. As I moved the covers from my body the cold air that circulated my room bite at my skin. I shivered and peered into my pitch black room. The only thing that was in there was the shadows that watched me. I swung my feet off the bed and onto the cold tiled floor. My bare feet making contact with the cold tiled was like touching freezing ice after coming out a warm room. Sending shivers throughout my body and forcing the hairs on my arms to stand up.

I stood up and crossed the room to my wardrobe, a small shelf with one wooden door and inside held what little clothes I had. Grabbing a pair of black guy pants, four tight shirts, and my black leather jacket I went back to my bed and changed. After putting on my clothes and my shoes I went to my body size mirror then started brushing my hair several times. I pinned my hair up and slipped my head into a plain white mask.

Thanks to the four shirts my breast were invisible. I shivered as I looked into the mirror and saw the mysterious person looking at me. I hated this person, worst of all was the mysterious person that stared at me, was myself. I am an undercover Supernatural Hunter at this time I live with my new team. I've been here for two months and 7 days. Everyone in the group is close and talks to each other.

Everyone expects me.

No one in my team has ever heard my voice or see me without my mask. And I need to keep it that way. I had secrets. Secrets they wouldn't believe or imagine. I hated all the secrets I had to keep and all the lies I have to tell. But it wasn't for the reasons you might think. It wasn't because I liked or trusted anyone in my group. I haven't known them that long and soon I will move on to a different group so there was no need for me to get chummy with anyone here. I just hated secrets and lying. I've been doing it since I was very young. It's the first thing I learned to do. It was my first instinct and reaction to everything.

Everyone in my group thinks I'm shy but I'll come out of my shell soon. They have no idea how wrong they were. But it wasn't their faults that the human race is blind. I was not shy. I was secretive, mysterious, and most of all, dangerous. The secrets that lingered inside of me wanted to come out, as did the monster that grew inside of me. The monster breathed the same breaths as me, it was the one who shared the same heartbeat as me.

If my team were to find out the secrets that hides inside me I would be hunted and killed for treason. Yes, I'm a girl on a guys only team, but my worst of all secret, the one that breathes and lives inside of me. The one that rumbles and roars at the sight of blood was the one that was to most likely to get me killed.

If only they knew I am a vampire.
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