Categories > Books > Dracula > Vampire Secrets

Chapter Two

by poppygirl124 0 reviews

Hi, my name is Mattaline Marie Darkbloom. I'm 17 and a born vampire. For most of my life, I hung around Supernatural hunters. I was determined to keep my secrets hidden from EVERYONE. But life has ...

Category: Dracula - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2019-05-14 - 638 words

I walked slowly down the creaky staircase. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I took a right on the long and dark hallway. The fourth door on the left was the dining room. There were two guards at the door who didn't so much as look at me as I came up to the door, which I was perfectly okay with. I pulled open the huge door that led me into a big room. There was another door on the far side wall. In the middle of the room was a table that sat ten. As I walk into the dining room Tony, (the team leader), looked up from his papers to me.

"Hey Matt, early as always," He said with a charming smile. I made a gesture with my head and sat at the end of the table. The door I came in opened again and I looked up to see Logan, Maxwell, Ron, and William. They sat at the beginning of the table talking about something that happened at Ron's room last night.

The cook came in the room with two girls behind her. The cook had a huge, steaming pot of something. The girls had trays of bread, sausages, and bacon. They went to each person and sat one piece of bread, four sausages, ten pieces of bacon, and a scoop of soup on a bowls and plates at our spots. I felt the absence of one of my teammates. I looked at the empty seat beside me then I shifted my eyes to look at Tony. From the way he huffed I knew he knew it too.

Like on cue the door opened with a slam and with his mischievous smile, in came Jess. I tried not to stare, but like always, it was a try and fail. He was so damn hot! His hair was always messy, he wore a tight muscle shirt that showed off the outline of his figure. But I had to focus, plus I was planning to leave in a few weeks I can't get distracted.

“Hello ladies,” Jess said walking in and I gave a hard laugh like everyone else. That's when Jess pulled off his heart-melting grin. My breath got caught in my throat, just like every time. Then he sat beside me and I tried my best not to stare but it was hard like, trying not to press a big red button when someone told you not to, hard. then he looked at me.“Hey, Matt are you ever going to take off that mask?" He asked me suddenly, I stiffened, he stared at me and I forgot how to breathe. I quickly looked down at my plate.

“Not even a word? I mean you’ve been here for a while and I swear I've never heard you speak. Not once!” He yelled and a shiver crept up my back. The best part about this team was that they normally never asked questions. But now here we were, I looked up, yep everyone was looking at me. I pushed my chair back, about to get up and storm out, why would jess do this? I never did anything to make him mad. When a guard ran in.

“There has been a sighting of vampires at the corner of Three Main. We think it's their dein” He gasped out and I almost laughed in disgust. Dein? What were we animal? I know what you're probably thinking, why do I care. It's probably very clear that I don't care for my kind. I mean hello! I'm in a team that hunts them. But I couldn't keep questions from popping in my head, one in particular. A question that kept going through my head. Was I willing to fight and quite possibly kill my own?
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