Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Show time


by Nic 0 reviews

Show time

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2019-08-07 - 4294 words

Benji had just got in whilst Joel Dean Paul and Billy had been back a little while.
“Joel did you have to act like such an asshole around Jenna before she things there's something wrong.” Benji said to Joel irritably.
“because there is something wrong Benji I'd have thought getting a call from your long term girlfriend would have reminded you of that when your with your bit on the side.” Joel snapped not really meaning to sound harsh about Jenna he loved her as a friend but he wasn’t happy with the current situation.
“will you just drop that for now. It doesn’t mean you have to take it out on Jenna.” Benji said knowing he was wrong overall but he was trying to make a point about Joel’s attitude to and around Jenna.
“yeh Benj I was going to say to you when I was speaking to Jenna earlier she clearly knows somethings going on and was trying to ask some questions.” Billy said not wanting to get into an argument but he felt he should know.
“w-what do you mean?” Benji asked feeling stressed.
“she asked if I knew who it could be who's name began with M as you two was clearly pissed off about something.” Billy said.
“you didn’t tell her did you?” Benji panicked for a second and it came out sounding harsher than he mean for too.
“don’t start getting shitty with me about it. I haven't told her its not my place its yours. She's actually genuinely concerned for the pair of you. You need to get your head straight Benji and decide what you want but even then I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost both of them.” Billy said and stormed off to the bunks he'd had enough. he didn’t often argue or tell people exactly what he thought. He was always the good listener and put things diplomatically.
“you see Benj you need to tell Jenna before she ends up getting any more hurt.” Joel said going to the back of the bus.
“well clearly he's on Mia's side because of Rachel.” Benji huffed turning to look at Paul and Dean.
“well just for the record I’m on Jenna side in all this.” Paul said walking to the bunks leaving Dean feeling a bit uncomfortable being the only one left after all the kicking off.
“this is such a mess.” Benji sighed sitting down.
“Do you wanna talk I can’t say I'll be much help but talking might help a little.” Dean said eyeing Benji.
“I just don’t know how to fix this and I known in being selfish in it all and is be pissed off at me too if I was any of you guys but I just.. I dunno.”
“Ok well let’s try to simplify it a bit think of one thing at a time, how do you feel about Mia ?” Dean said.
“I’ve been with her for that long it’s just like that's the normal now. I do love her.” Benji said truthfully.
“and Jenna?” Dean asked Benji's face lit up he couldn’t help a smiled at hearing her name.
“there has and probably always will be a spark between me and Jenna. Even after loosing contact for years the spark came right back when we first bumped back into each other the first day we was here. She gives me butterflies she makes me smile she makes me laugh I can’t take my eyes off her. We used to be so close and we got each other through some really tough times and I feel that connection is coming back the more time I spend with her. The more time I’m with her the more I fall in love with her.” Benji said making Dean smile.
“just from the way you speak about each of them it’s clear how you feel. It’s interesting you say you Love Mia however you said you was in love with Jenna.” Dean had noticed and made the point to Benji.
“you are so right but...” Benji trialled off.
“ok so tell me why tour staying with Mia?” Dean asked. Benji went quiet he couldn’t find an answer.
“I erm I dunno I don’t want to hurt her we’ve been together for so long.” Benji said.
“ok but if your not in love with her and honestly from my point of view when I see you guys together your so disengaged from each other in the end your hurting her more and your self as your both missing out on being with someone you can truly be happy with.” Dean said.
“your right.” Benji said. “bit when all this comes out Jenna will probably tell me to fuck off anyway.” Benji said saddly.
“ok so yea that's a possibility and I don’t doubt for a second that she will be pissed off for sure but it’s the only way whether you stay with Mia or want to try and give it a go with Jenna the only way you can do that is by being honest with both of them. The last thing you need is Jenna finding out any other way but from you.” Dean said.
“shit your like really good at this stuff Mr ‘I don’t know if I’ll be any help' you need to start a helpline or something.” Benji laughed.
“glad I could help.” Dean laughed.
“you really have I need to break up with Mia but I think it’s best in person than over the phone. She's coming next week with Rachel.” Benji said and Dean nodded.

The next day was like any other they was up early prepping for the shows and worked hard both shows all day. Once all the circus jobs was done for the day max and Jenna where in the horse box.
“where are you going?” max asked her as she got up and picked up her phone and keys.
“I’m going to go out for a walk and check out some of the music playing whilst you Skype your family.” She said. Once a week max’s family skyped each other to have a good catch up with max bring away and Frankie and their mum and dad living in different states.
“you don’t have to go out you can stay in if you like.” Max said not wanting her to feel like she had to go out just so he can speak to his family.
“no no it’s fine I want to.” She smiled.
“ok well come back any time though.” He smiled.
“will do say hi to them all from me.” She called as she went out the door.
Not long after Jenna left there was a knock at the door
Max answered it to see Benji stood there.
“hey you Ok?” max asked.
“yeh I um came to see Jenna?” Benji asked.
“oh she went out I'm not hundred percent where, she she was going for a walk and checking out some music playing. She has her phone with her if you want to call her.” Max said.
“ah I don’t have her number I don’t think.” Benji said.
“here.” Max took Benji’s phone and typed in Jenna's number he knew from memory.
“thanks.” Benji smiled. “I’ll call her.” He left and max closed the door.
Jenna was at main stage where the music was. Stood at the back of the crowd under a tree. It was starting to go dark when her phone rang she didn’t know the number.
“hello?” she answered.
“hey.” Benji said.
“Benji?” she asked confused.
“yeh. I went to the box to see you and max said you was out and gave me your number thought I could catch up with you.” He said.
“ah did you now.” Jenna smirked playing with him.
“yeh.” He said slowly.
“you’ll have to find me.” She laughed.
“that’s like finding a needle in a hay stack.” He laughed. “can I have a clue at least?” he laughed knowing she was playing around.
“I’m at the main the crowd area.” Jenna smirked to herself.
“well that’s not much better.” He said she could hear him walking. “do I get any more clues?” he asked. She paused.
“I can see you.” She said mysteriously but it also made her sound so sexy over the phone to Benji making his stomach do a summer Sault.
“well I can’t see you.” He said.
“getting closer.” She smiled to herself she could see him walking in the right direction.
“closer.” She said down the phone. She seen him see her and smiled. Their eyes locked again.
“closer.” She whispered down the phone as he was meters away from her.
“closer.” She whispered very quietly as he got right up to her their eyes locked in a lustful stair. She put her phone into the back pocket of her skinny jeans as Benji put his in his pocket.
“closer.” She said once more as he closed the gap and kissed her as she took the last half a step back so her back was against the tree and Benji’s body was pressed against hers as they was in a heated kiss under the tree where no random people or fans could see them. Eventually they broke the kiss but still stood just as close her arms on his shoulders and his hands on her hips. She lifted her eyes to look into his. Her deep blue eyes framed with her long black eyelashes and dark make up where mesmerising.
“found you.” He said quietly with a smirk.
“you did.” She raised her eyebrows at him letting out a devilish smile.
“so what now?” he said. Them both still stood body to body.
“what do you want to do now.” She smiled. Oh how he would like to answer that question truthfully he thought.
“well our bus should be empty for a while the guys went out for food and drinks after.” Benji found himself saying before he could control his mouth. He started to instantly regret it and kick himself he want nothing more than to take Jenna back and take that heated kiss further but then he thought was it too much will she back off...
“your place it is then.” She said rather seductively then taking his hand and they walked over to the GC bus. Benji had all his doubts battling in his mind as they made their way over to the bus ‘this is wrong misleading Jenna, she doesn’t know about Mia, if she did clearly this wouldn't be happening, then there's mia, his girlfriend.’ But then as soon as the door to the bus closed he could think of nothing else but enjoying this moment as they broke into a heated kiss working on getting each other’s clothes off and falling into his bunk. It was electric it was all either of them had secretly thought about right from the moment they bumped into each other on the first day.

“well I've got to hand it to you your place is defiantly better than mine.” She laughed walking through the bus looking round as she pull her shirt on. Benji came up behind her putting his hands on her hips and kissing the back of her neck.
“are you sure you have to go.” He mumbled against her neck.
“yes, yes I do. I can’t stay here I have to sort the horses for morning and Jackie will do her nut if I’m not there.” Jenna said and laughed as he pouted like a child. “pouting’s going to change nothing.” She said squealing his cheeks kissing him on the lips.
“so the day after tomorrows a day off.” Benji said.
“yes the festival’s closed I can’t say it’s a full say off ill still have to see to the horses and work them.” She said.
“ah really.” He said disappointedly and like it was an inconvenience.
“yes really.” She smiled.
“but we could still may be go for lunch or dinner maybe?” he asked hopefully.
“I suppose I could try to fit you in.” She joked.
“oh right is that how it is?” he smirked moving closer to her wrapping his arms around her waist.
“yea it is.” She said simply then laughed.
“well I just have to keep hold of you if I have to fight for you.” He said picking her up spinning her round then kissing her.
“alright right alright I really do have to go now, put me down.” She laughed he put her down reluctantly.
“Ok but lunch or dinner tomorrow?” Benji asked.
“Yeh, Dinner might be better as I probably won’t have much time over lunch but I'll pop over at lunch to give you a better idea of time. What time are you guys playing? ” She said.
“our set starts at 3.45 so we’re free for either lunch or dinner.” Benji said.
“ok well I guess I'll see you tomorrow.” Jenna smiled.
“can't wait.” He smiled kissing her good bye. Benji went to bed once she left before the guys got in.

“you’ve ban gone ages!” max said as Jenna got in.
“have I?” Jenna tried to act like nothing happened.
“yeh I’m sure the music finished ages ago, oh did Benji find you?” max said not putting two and two together yet
“erm yeh he did.” Jenna smiled.
“oh my god!” max shouted the penny dropping. “you two had sex!” he stated amused.
“No.” She said guiltily.
“well I didn’t actually think you did but your face just answered my question.” Max laughed.
“alright we did big deal. You never care when or who I have sex with and vice versa.” Jenna said.
“yes but it is a huge deal because this guy isn’t any guy... you actually have feelings for this guy.” Max said.
“do I.” She said coyly
“come on Jen you know you do anyone can see the sprl between you.” Max said.
“yeh maybe.” She shrugged smiling.
“you known it.” He said. “you need to stop letting Karl hold you back.”
“I guess we’ll see how it goes.” She smiled.
“good.” He winked.
“anyway I need sleep.” She yawned.
“yeh me too night.” He said.

The next day was like any other Jenna and max got the horses prepped them helped everyone else get the big top ready the first show went really well. In the break between the shows they got the big top prepped for the second show and then max and Jenna sorted the horses. AJ, Seraya and Erin was hanging round the stables as max and Jenna was finishing up.
“ah man am I glad to have a day off tomorrow.” AJ said. The festival was closed the next day to allow everyone time to have a day off.
“you can say that again.” Seraya agreed.
“can’t wait to have a lie in.” Erin said.
“speak for yourself, no lie ins for me.” Jenna said as she had the horses she still had to be up to look after them.
“ah shit for you.” Max laughed winding her up.
“er we’re in this together aren’t we.” Jenna glared at him joking.
“up until our days off then that’s my day off from you too.” Max laughed.
“are we witnessing a domestic.” AJ laughed.
“I dunno about you needing a day off from me I need one from you.” Jenna laughed throwing a hay net at max.
“aw you know you love me really.” Max said cheesily giving her a bear hug.
“right I’m just going to check in with Benji of your ok here I won’t be long in just need to give him an idea of time as we’re going out for dinner tonight.” Jenna asked max.
“dinner ey.” He smirked.
“yeh dinner.” She said as if it was no big deal.
“I’m joking go on.” He laughed.
As Jenna made her way to the good Charlotte bus she could hear voices that sounded like they was arguing or in a heated discussion from the outside. The door was wide open. She slowed as she got closer to walk up The steps but Joel’s voice stopped her in her tracks as she got to the door...
“oh right so when Benj when exactly do you plan o telling Jenna you have a girlfriend!” Jenna heard Joel loud an clear. It felt like she'd been hit by a bus.
“Jenna!” Benji and Joel said at the same time as they seen her but it was too late she'd heard all she needed to hear and left.
They went after her Benji got to her first grabbing her hand in an attempt to stop her.
“girlfriend really? Jesus Benji what the actual fuck!” she said clearly hurt and angry and shook her hand away from him and left again storming off.
“Jenna, wait.” Joel called.
“no Joel you can fuck off too if you knew about it your just as bad.” She shouted back at him and carried on walking off she could hear them still trying to catch up to her.
“I mean it don’t follow me!” she shouted back at them.
They finally stopped following her. Benji and Joel walked back to the bus deflated.
“go on then tell me told you so.” Benji sighed sitting down with his head in his hands.
“I’m sorry Benj I know I got at you but I really didn't want it to be like this.” Joel sighed. “what you going to do?”
“Well I still need to break up with Mia and I guess try to talk to Jenna.” Benji said his head in his hands.
“your going to break up with Mia still?” Joel asked.
“well yeh or I suppose she’ll break up with me anyway when she finds out. If anything's come out of all of this its made me see me and Mia aren't right for each other.” Benji said.
“well if your sure?” Joel was quite pro Mia because she was his best friend and Joel got on with her quite well too.
“100%. Joel you’ve known how much Jenna's meant to me all these years and now I have, had a second chance let just hope there’s third time lucky.” Benji said.
“er guys I just seen Jenna looking really pissed I said hi and asked if she was ok but she just told me to fuck off...” Billy said walking in.
“she knows about Mia.” Joel said.
“I figured you told her what she say?” Billy said sympathetically.
“I didn’t she over heard Joel.” Benji said.
“ah not so good.” Billy flinched.
“I need to go speak to her.” Benji said.
“I wouldn’t just yet I think she needs time to cool off Benj, and doesn’t she have a show soon.” Billy said.
“yeh I'll go over there after the show and hopefully she'll let me explain.” Benji said.

There was still a bit of time before the next show everything was prepped and everyone was off getting lunch. Jenna sat outside the RVs having a cigarette stiring into space a few silent tears escaped but mostly she was angry. Angry at Benji for betraying her trust and making her ‘the other woman’, angry at herself for letting her guard down, angry at max and Jackie for encouraging her to let her guard down, angry at Joel billy Paul and Dean for knowing and not telling her.
“hey what’s up with your face.” Max joked as he walked over to her without getting a good look at her. She didn’t respond just kept stiring ahead smoking. She put out her cigarette and straight away lit a second.
“wow wait up what’s wrong?” max said getting a good look at her realising something was cry wrong he knelt in front of her trying to get her attention.
“nothing leave it for now max.” She said plainly still in her little trance.
“what happened?” he asked again.
“seriously max just leave it for now.” Jenna said. She was really struggling to hold it together she knew she had to do this show in a minute and she couldn’t open up because she knew she'd break down.
“hey guys what you doing.” Seraya smiled as her and Paul walked up to them also unaware of the situation.
“just give us a minute.” Max said trying to send them warning luck but it was too late.
“Jen you alright?” Paul asked seeing there was something wrong and having a feeling he knew why.
“no thanks to you so called mates.” Jenna said still looking ahead of her.
“shit he told you about Mia?” Paul said.
“not exactly I over heard him and Joel.” She said. Paul flinched and max and Seraya looked confused.
“who’s Mia?” Seraya asked confused looking between Jenna and Paul.
“Benji's girlfriend.” Jenna said plainly but you could hear all the anger and hurt in her voice.
“what!” Seraya gasped.
“are you fucking joking!” max said sounding furious.
“as I said leave it for now max.” Jenna repeated her self standing up putting her cigarette out taking hold of him by the arm to pull him away from Paul.
“Jen...” Paul started.
“just stay the fuck away from me Paul.” Jenna said coldy and started to walk to the horse box pulling max with her.
“Jenna..” max started to try to make her talk but she knew she couldn’t she had to hold it together till after the show.
“just don't, let’s get this show done.” She said he knew what she meant he nodded and they walked in silence to the horse box.
“ah I know this would happen I told Benji he should have sorted this sooner now Jenna hates me too.” Paul sighed hurt that Jenna was angry at him and clearly hurting.
“well I have to say I don’t blame her. What the he’ll was Benji thinking.” Seraya said.
“it’s not exactly that straight forward though. Him and Jenna have a lot of history they've always been meant for each other just neither of them took that leap years ago then we lost contact and obviously now there’s Mia but no one even knows why Benji and Mia are together they have nothing in common and they're not close at all. It’s just really bad timing on Benji’s part that he's fallen for Jenna again or well I don’t think he ever fell out of love with her just never thought we’d find her again. He is going to break up with Mia he was just waiting to do it in person when she comes next week rather than over the phone. Not that it makes seeing Jenna whilst he's still with Mia and not telling her ok but it’s not as simple as he wants his cake and eat it.” Paul explained.
“well he's fucked up big time with Jenna now. I wouldn’t be surprised if this pushes her back over the edge. Her ex cheated on her he was seeing someone else for months before she found out and they spilt up but he fucked with her head too made her feel it was her fault and she wasn’t good enough.” Seraya said.
“shit.” Paul said. Seraya nodded.
“ah shit I’ve got to go or I’ll be late for the show.” Seraya said suddenly remembering the time.
“I’ll leave you too it ill go see the damage back in the bus. See you later.” He missed her on the cheek and they went their separate ways.
Max and Jenna got ready for the show in silence Jenna max understood she wasn’t ready to let it out for needing to hold it together to get through the show. In true Jenna form she went out and pulled off an amazing ‘foot perfect’ show, if you didn’t knot her you wouldn’t have known there was anything wrong. After the show Jenna was putting trigger away and sorting the horses Jackie pulled max to help in the big top so she could quiz him.
“what’s wrong with Jenna?” she asked knowing ‘Her girl’ all too well.
“she found out at lunch or well over heard that Benji has a girlfriend.” Max said.
“what? So what be been hanging around our Jenna like a love sick puppy.” Jackie said never one to sugar coat her words. Max just shrugged and raised his eyebrows at her in a exactly my point way.
“what did Paul have to say for himself?” max said to Seraya. Seraya then explained all what Paul had told her earlier.
“considering he loves her so much he’s gone about it completely the wrong way.” Jackie said disappointingly.
“especially with all she’s been through before.” Max said clearly angry in his protective way over Jenna.
“you keep a close eye on her for me max-i” Jackie said.
“I cant believe she managed to get on that horse and pull off a flawless performance like that.” Seraya said.
“she’s one in a million our Jenna.” Jackie smiled proudly.
“she’s a trooper alright.” Max agreed.
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