Categories > Cartoons > Invader Zim

Zim's revenge

by TheIrken1 0 reviews

Zim finally finds out about his murderous side of himself and takes it all out on Dib ending with Dib dead

Category: Invader Zim - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Zim,Gaz,Gir,Red,Purple - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2019-09-30 - 8684 words

Buildings were collapsing and killing everyone the irken armada was shooting down on everyone everything was on fire anyone who escaped the mayhem was either shot down from the armada or slaughtered by Zim. Dib was standing in the middle of all the death and destruction Zim saw that the human was alive and hit him in the back of the head with a gun enough to knock him out the Irken deployed his PAK and a communicator came out “Guards come secure this human!” Zim said turning towards his now destroyed house two guards came off the ship and put irken handcuffs and ankle shackles on Dib they dragged Dib onto the ship and put him into a cell that was cramped but empty “Gir we need more fire!” Zim commanded “Okay” Gir replied lighting more fires onto buildings and letting the flames spread the ashes were twirling and dancing through the sky.
“Thank you, Gir you can go in the ship now,” Zim said gladly Zim went onto the ship after Gir, he went into the control room and turned on autopilot a strange voice came from the ship “autopilot activated,” the voice said Zim prepared the ship for liftoff once the ship was off the ground and in the air Zim left to go check up on his now human slave Zim saw that he was still knocked out so he went to go sit down on a comfortable couch. After a couple of hours Dib finally woke up Zim walked down the hallway and looked in at Dib, Dib was looking around wondering what happened “Ah, good, you’re awake” Zim said opening the cell’s door with his gloved hand “I need you for right now” Zim said as Dib looked up and blinked “where’s my dad and sister?” Zim looked at him like he heard him wrong “you mean the gothic girl who plays video games and the guy who always does science?” Zim questioned, Dib, nodded “I don’t know…” Zim said obviously lying “But I need you now,” Zim said sounding a bit annoyed Dib got up on stumbling legs but a guard came over to him and put irken handcuffs on him again. Dib got dragged down the hallways of the ship Zim headed to the second floor to check up on the ship’s engine to see if there wouldn’t be any problems for the months of having autopilot on after Zim saw nothing wrong with the engines he caught up with the others to Dib’s new cell and Zim’s new living room making his old living room as his room.
Dib looked at all the cool erkin writing on the walls down the hallways Dib couldn’t believe he was on an alien ship.
Zim whispered in the guard’s ear making the guard laugh Dib looked up at the guard “Not to be rude or anything but what is funny?” Dib said in a confused way the guard looked down and shrugged. When they reached Dib’s new cell witch was also cramped but at least it had a bed in there Zim looked at his new furniture in the new room for him and smiled “better than my old living room” he said happily the irken sat down on his new couched facing the window when the guards left Zim stood back up and looked at Dib in the eyes with a serious look “I think you already know this but if you try to escape you will regret it” Zim hissed after a second of silence Zim walked out the room and down the hallways Dib was left alone with his brain he thought of escaping but he didn’t know any way of the ship nor where the escape pods where and if he were to go off the ship he would be frozen to death. So he had no other option except to accept his faith in being a slave for the rest of his life with no escape except for retaliation which might end up with death. Zim finally came back with a glass of water “would you like a drink of water?” Zim asked “It takes you that long to get a glass of water?
I think you might have done something to it for it to take that long.” Dib said accusingly as he squinted at the Irken “Why would I do that?” Zim asked, “drink it then!” Dib said rudely Zim stared at him Zim opened the cell deploying his legs from his PAK he entered Dib’s room with an evil look on his face Zim got close to Dib’s face his breath warm “Don’t talk to me or the tallest like that or you will get hurt” Zim whispered lifting one of his legs and pointed it at his face. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now and now I can,” he said pointing his leg at Dib’s chest he rested the tip of his spider leg on Dib’s chest then stabbed the leg in his chest making Dib scream Zim grabbed the humans lower jaw “This is what happens if you talk to me or the tallest like that” Zim said angrily. Zim then stabbed his leg deeper in Dib’s chest making him barely scream “UNDERSTAND?!” Zim yelled Dib tried to talk but he couldn’t so Dib tried to kick Zim back “Stop or else” Zim threatened, dragging his left slowly down Dib’s chest making a deep cut all Dib could do was whimper and kick Zim retracted his legs and let go of Dib “Why do you bother pathetic human, why do you bother to try anymore when all you do is fail?” Zim said hissing. He walked away from closing the cell door laughing. Zim left the room leaving Dib alone again but came back with a plate of food he sat down and tried to eat but Gir was trying to Zim’s food so he also had to keep Gir away from his food “Gir, quit it! You already ate just a few minutes ago!” Zim said Dib was trying not to think about food because who knows what Zim will do to it or do to him Dib went lied in his bed staring at the disgusting interior of the walls “Hey, Zim when do you think we’ll land?” Dib asked impatiently but Zim didn’t answer strangely Dib got up and try to see over the couch as best as possible all he could see were to black shoes over the armrest and Zim’s antenna Dib turned around and sighed he lied back down on his bed and fell asleep hungry and cold.
Sirens wailed throughout the ship waking Dib, Zim, and Gir Zim looked in the cell when he saw the Dib-human so it couldn’t have been him escaping Zim ran don to the second floor and checked up on the engines nothing was wrong so he went to the control room to find that autopilot was off and had a bunch of food on the control panel “GIR!” Zim shouted Gir ran up to his master “Yeah?” Gir asked, “was this you?!” Zim asked in a forceful way Gir looked down “maybe...” Gir said with guilt “it’s okay but you could kill us if you do this again!
” Zim said angrily Zim clean the mess up and turn autopilot back on they both walked back to check up on the Dib-worm Zim turned towards one of the guards “Hey I’ll need the Dib out of his cell today at any time you’re available for training we only have a couple of weeks and four days before we reach our destination and I want him to learn anything he could be assigned for and to not be rude or escape us or the tallest” Zim said as the guard nodded with agreement “I think I’ll help soon” the guard said “Okay, thank you” Zim said turning back around and walked away. Zim walked in the room with an evil look “Dib we will need you in the training room” Zim said looking at Dib, Dib tilted his head “But why do we need to train” Dib asked staring outside looking at Zim making it seem like a reflection that was incorrect with the appearances. “Okay,” Dib said still staring at Zim the erkin tilted his head and squinted his eyes “DID YOU PLAN TO ESCAPE?!” Zim yelled in his usual way back before he conquered earth. Dib just blinked and turned around not realizing the erkin opened the door “ANSWER ME!” Zim said in a really annoyed and angry tone
Zim deployed his PAK legs Dib turned around frightened Zim immediately grabbed Dib’s throat making the human gasp for air in shock Zim used the same spiked leg to cut Dib in the stomach Dib tried to squirm out of Zim grasp the human screams pierced the air making Zim smile “You think I’m that dumb to just let you escape? THERE IS NO ESCAPE WITHOUT GETTING PASSED ME, IDIOT” Zim said furiously he looked like when Dib splashed him and Gaz with a puddle once, Zim’s eyes glowed with ill intent “You know I wonder why you even bother trying to escape us” Zim said absent-minded watching the blood drip from Dib’s new cut Zim’s snake tongue slithered from between his teeth and licked Dib’s face Dib had drawn a line right there Dib kicked Zim back ignoring the pain of Zim grabbing tighter on Dib’s throat his claws cutting Dib’s throat. Dib was blinded with anger and fear his adrenalin kicked in and Dib tried to run from the irken but Zim got up and kicked Dib down and punched him over and over again not stopping to let Dib breathe nor fight back Dib cried in pain making him seem weak Zim smiled but didn’t stop punching Dib, Dib curled into a ball making Zim punch him harder “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!” Zim said angrily Dib started screaming for help the guards ran over to the room to see Zim beating the living crap out of Dib the guards raced in and grabbed Zim trying to calm him down while Dib was being escorted to the showers so he could catch his breath and recover from the pain tackling him making him feel sick. Zim was sitting on the ground trying to catch his breath making the guards look at each other “Sir, we only have two more weeks before we arrive at Irk you need to calm down we know that Dib is a trouble maker, but we will let you calm down as we watch over him for the rest of the weeks.”
the guard said looking down at Zim “We’ll train him personally even if that ends up with him escaping.” the other guard said as the different guard nodded. “Okay then” Zim responded getting up Zim walked over to the couch and sat down. Dib got cleaned up and caught a grasp of why the irken did that he still was frightened to go back to him Dib got dressed in new clothes and not the torn up ones Dib looked into the mirror and cried “I miss my home why couldn’t I have died like the rest of them?” Dib cried out the guard looked to see if he was okay, Dib walked out tears in his eyes the guard didn’t put him in his cuffs and shackles instead he let Dib walk himself with the guard ahead of him guiding him to his new room. “ Since Zim is taking a break of watching over you, you will be getting a new room” the guard reassured “you won’t have to deal with him for a whole week” the guard added Dib barely smiled but then cried again “I want to die! Please… put me out of my misery” Dib cried out the guard turned around in shock “I can’t do that unless Zim told me too or you killed Zim” the guard said in shock but absent-mindedly Dib looked down “We’re at your new cell” the guard pointed out Dib peeked in his cell it was bigger and had a more comfortable looking bed a table and couches Dib went into his cell and saw that there was food on his table Dib turned back around to see that his cell was closed and Zim walking by not even realizing him.
Dib ate his food and lied down thirsty but not hungry anymore. When Dib went to bed he had a dream that Zim went in his room Dib felt negative energy outside his dream Dib woke up to find that his dream was not a dream Zim was walking around Dib’s cell and passing around Dib tried not to scream but it was too late to hide somehow. Zim turned around to see that Dib was there Zim growled in a low tone and walked towards him making Dib feel the same fear as he felt when he was getting beaten up, Zim stopped and looked up and ran out the cell making no sound like he Zim went into his room and acted like he was asleep as the guards passed by
DIb tilted his head and went to bed thinking what happened to the training did it get delayed because of Zim or something else?
The next day Dib was woken up by one of the guards “you will start training now” the guard said Dib got out of his bed and walked towards the door putting his hands out to get cuffed but instead of cuffing Dib the guard pushed his arms down “we trust you enough plus the rules are changing so we don’t need to cuff you” the guard said Dib looked at the guard confused but went with it still waking up Dib walked alongside the guard. Dib looked around looking for Zim there was no sign of him so he calmed down when they reach the training room Zim was there waiting for Dib, Dib stopped making the guards grab him and drag him in with Zim and another guard. Zim looked calmer than he was before “You’re going to learn how to defend yourself and how to fight” Zim calmy blurted out Dib blinked and waited for another word or sentence but there was silence instead “The first move will be an effective move to make it easier to put handcuffs on a noncooperative alien or human” Zim said breaking the awkward silence. Zim gave an example by sliding his foot right underneath Dib’s feet Dib fell over making a thud noise Dib got back up and did exactly what Zim did Dib slid his foot under Zim’s feet sending Zim to the ground “good now try it on the guard” Zim said, Dib, slid his leg under the guards feet at full speed making the guard trip over his on foot “The next lesson will be hand to hand combat Dib punched at Zim as he was blocking the punches the irken then showed Dib how to block effectively after a while Zim taught Dib the weaknesses of their enemies and the Irken weakness Zim got behind Dib holding a knife to his kneck as a part of practice Dib elbowed Zim in the chest causing Zim to drop the knife and gasp for air “Good” he wheezed.
After the training, the guard left the room Zim told Dib to tell the guard to let him out of his cell because he needed Dib to meet him on the lower deck Dib nodded and left to his cell Zim left to go to the second deck to start working on something Dib showed up and saw that sim was working on engines Dib got worried he thaught Zim was going to make the ship lose power and break the engine before Dib could ask anything Zim looked up “Oh you’re here I thought that you wouldn’t come” Zim got up and lead Dib over to a corner with dials “You need to watch over these and make sure that they are at 100%, not 0 okay.”
Zim said going back to the engines Dib watched the Dials as Zim worked on the engines “Done” Zim said walking towards Dib “you can go to your cell now” Dib walked away to go to his cell but got suspicious and watched Zim behind a doorway Zim walked up the stairs and out of the room he went into the pilot area and started checking everything Zim flipped switches and left he went down the hallway looking around for anything else to check up on he went into the kitchen and made Dib food Dib got worried for his safety so he continued watching Zim finished cooking and put everything on a plate Dib ran back to his cell and sat down looking out the window Zim walked in “Here’s your food” Zim said putting the plate of food down on dib’s table and walked away to go check up on everything else Dib ate and went to go lay down Zim came in and took his plate and gave Dib a glass of water realizing Dib was asleep Zim walked out acting like he was happy for some reason Zim went into his room and waited until the next day. Once Dib woke up he got out of bed and got a drink of water Zim talked to the guard and walked away, the guards following Dib was alone, Zim came back with another human “I think that this human is a relative of yours.” Zim threw them in the cell dib looked close to them realizing it was Gaz, Gaz turned around and screamed at Zim “YOU PUT ME IN A ROOM BUT WITH NO GAMING CONSOLE!” Gaz shouted “Gaz!” Dib said happily “you’re alive! I thought you were dead...” Dib hugged Gaz which she did not appreciate at all “Let me go now” Gaz said in a cold voice pushing Dib away “Sorry” Dib said Zim looked at the two of them with a mad looking face “You try to escape or plot to you BOTH will regret it. Remember Dib?” Zim said madly but chuckled at the last one Zim walked away Gir chasing him “Only one more night before we reach Irk” Zim said turning towards Gir, Gir yelled with excitement but stopped when alarms went off “AHHHH” Gir yelled trying to imitate the alarm “the humans! ONE DAY TOGETHER AND THIS HAPPENS!” Zim shrieked running down the halls to find out that they weren’t in their cell. Zim ran down the halls as the guards ran behind him Zim deployed his PAK legs and ran up the walls letting the crowd of the guards chase after them Zim caught up with Gaz and Dib, Zim jumped off the roof blocking their path “GOING SOMEWHERE” Zim said with his eyes glowing with excitement the two were blocked Zim grabbed both of their throats “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ESCAPING?!” Zim said in a cold voice Dib tried to escape Zim’s grasp Zim lifted his to of his PAK legs and stabbed one into dib’s stomach and tabbing the other in Gaz’s face dragging them both down both Gaz and Dib screamed in extreme pain “I think its time to learn a lesson DIB” Zim said hissing he let Dib go still holding his PAK legs on Dib’s stomach making a deep cut Dib screamed out in pain Zim dropped Gaz Zim kicked Dib in the face and punched Dib nonstop Dib screamed loudly the guards took Gaz to her old cell Gaz screamed at the guards to let her go or else Zim used his PAK legs again stabbing Dib in the face Dib screamed even louder which made Zim drag the leg down “I… think that your tallest will EVER care for you” Dib managed to say through the pain tackling him and spreading throughout his body.
Zim looked down at him “I had enough of you I may as well kill you” Zim grabbed Dib by the throat, cutting off Dib’s airway and digging his claws into Dib’s throat Zim lifted up his PAK leg level to his heart “Say goodbye DIB-WORM!” Zim chuckled the PAK leg went backward Zim turned towards the hall and heard Gir running towards them Gir ran directly into the both of them making Zim’s PAK legs go back Dib let go of Dib and looked at Gir “GIR!”Zim shouted Gir looked down “sowwy master,” Gir said “Guards” Zim shouted two showed up “Yes, sir,” they said annoyed secure this human-worm and bring him to his cell,” Zim said turning around they saluted and dragged him to his cell Zim walked by Dib’s cell “you’re going to go to bed hungry tonight MORON” Zim said he Zim went to Gaz’s room and saw her already asleep Zim went back to work as the Dib lied in his bed trying not to think of food.
the next day they landed on Irk Zim woke both the humans up and put handcuffs on both of them bringing Gir along “Gir walk with Dib” Zim said looking down at him “okay” Gir said grabbing Dib’s chain Dib talked to Gir as they walked to the tallest’s place and Gaz was being dragged along as she played her games when they reach the door to the tall building Zim turned around to face Dib “You be rude to the tallest and you WILL regret it “ Zim threatened Zim opened the door and Gir ran in with Dib getting dragged Zim entered with Gaz Zim then bowed to his tallest “Greetings, we brought two human-worms” Zim said dragging Gaz forward.
“Very well Zim,” the purple said shoving donuts in his mouth Zim smiled I trained them too “More like you just trained me and left Gaz,” Dib said Zim looked at Dib and back to his tallest “So what will he be assigned as?” Zim squinted “Does the purple-headed girl know how to pilot?” the red asked Zim shrugged “I guess she’ll be a pilot then.” the red said. “What is the big-headed one good at?” the red questioned as he shoved food in his mouth “I trained him for anything.” Zim smiled “Okay then I guess he’ll be a foot-soldier,” the purple said with the red nodding with agreement.
Zim bowed with all his respect turned and grabbed Gir he walked out of his tallest’s ship dragging Gir along with him “Where we gonna go?” Gir asked as he was getting dragged through dirt “We are going to go get food Gir” Zim said walking towards his ship “Can we get tacos? I love them tacos!” Gir shouted happily “fine…” Zim said angrily. They got into the ship and flew over to the taco place once they got there and ordered what they wanted and sat down Zim’s PAK phone activated it was his tallest “Zim, you are de-ranked your big-headed slave escaped find it or you get reencoded.” the red shouted and hung up Zim groaned in anger and got up “Gir I need you.” he said irritatedly “Okay, but are we chasing space monkeys?” Gir asked “No!” Zim shouted.
Gir looked up at Zim and started throwing a toddler level tantrum throwing food and screaming “GIR STOP THAT!” Zim shouted “Okay,” Gir said happily Zim then grabs Gir and drags him again “I need you to fly me I have no time to start the Voot-runner.” Zim said angrily Gi r flies off then turns around scooping Zim up they flew all over the planet and only found strangers then he went close to the restaurant they were at they found him Zim jumped off Gir and activated his PAK legs and scuttled up to Dib then slammed him into a wall causing Dib to hit his face hard against the brick wall and fall over blood coming from his mouth and nose he realized that it was Zim and he was furious.
“You think that you could escape that easily don’t you?” Zim laughed as Dib tried to get up but before he fully got up and try to reason with Zim he got hit in the face with Gir Zim laughed at his pain and discomfort Zim took his PAK legs and stabbed through Dib’s back causing Dib to scream and blood to splatter on Zim “This is more satisfying” Zim laughed as Dib struggled to fight death “I’d rather be reencoded than have you breathing.” Zim said coldly.
Zim then took all his PAK legs and stab the half-dead human and laughed coldly as Dib screamed and then falls silent.
After he killed Dib he walked over to the Voot-runner and climbed in to tell the tallest about Dib dying he flew over to his tallest’s ship and landed Zim got out and ran over to where he saw his tallest. Once he got there he bowed “My tallest I have bad news the Dib has died I found him brutally murdered next to the taco shop.” Zim lied his tallest stared down at him “Okay Zim you will be keeping your rank I guess.” the red said as the purple just ate chocolate “Thank you, my tallest I will find you a new slave next invading year.” Zim said bowing he turned and left to go enjoy his taco with Gir.

Buildings were collapsing and killing everyone the irken armada was shooting down on everyone everything was on fire anyone who escaped the mayhem was either shot down from the armada or slaughtered by Zim. Dib was standing in the middle of all the death and destruction Zim saw that the human was alive and hit him in the back of the head with a gun enough to knock him out the Irken deployed his PAK and a communicator came out “Guards come secure this human!” Zim said turning towards his now destroyed house two guards came off the ship and put irken handcuffs and ankle shackles on Dib they dragged Dib onto the ship and put him into a cell that was cramped but empty “Gir we need more fire!” Zim commanded “Okay” Gir replied lighting more fires onto buildings and letting the flames spread the ashes were twirling and dancing through the sky.
“Thank you, Gir you can go in the ship now,” Zim said gladly Zim went onto the ship after Gir, he went into the control room and turned on autopilot a strange voice came from the ship “autopilot activated,” the voice said Zim prepared the ship for liftoff once the ship was off the ground and in the air Zim left to go check up on his now human slave Zim saw that he was still knocked out so he went to go sit down on a comfortable couch. After a couple of hours Dib finally woke up Zim walked down the hallway and looked in at Dib, Dib was looking around wondering what happened “Ah, good, you’re awake” Zim said opening the cell’s door with his gloved hand “I need you for right now” Zim said as Dib looked up and blinked “where’s my dad and sister?” Zim looked at him like he heard him wrong “you mean the gothic girl who plays video games and the guy who always does science?” Zim questioned, Dib, nodded “I don’t know…” Zim said obviously lying “But I need you now,” Zim said sounding a bit annoyed Dib got up on stumbling legs but a guard came over to him and put irken handcuffs on him again. Dib got dragged down the hallways of the ship Zim headed to the second floor to check up on the ship’s engine to see if there wouldn’t be any problems for the months of having autopilot on after Zim saw nothing wrong with the engines he caught up with the others to Dib’s new cell and Zim’s new living room making his old living room as his room.
Dib looked at all the cool erkin writing on the walls down the hallways Dib couldn’t believe he was on an alien ship.
Zim whispered in the guard’s ear making the guard laugh Dib looked up at the guard “Not to be rude or anything but what is funny?” Dib said in a confused way the guard looked down and shrugged. When they reached Dib’s new cell witch was also cramped but at least it had a bed in there Zim looked at his new furniture in the new room for him and smiled “better than my old living room” he said happily the irken sat down on his new couched facing the window when the guards left Zim stood back up and looked at Dib in the eyes with a serious look “I think you already know this but if you try to escape you will regret it” Zim hissed after a second of silence Zim walked out the room and down the hallways Dib was left alone with his brain he thought of escaping but he didn’t know any way of the ship nor where the escape pods where and if he were to go off the ship he would be frozen to death. So he had no other option except to accept his faith in being a slave for the rest of his life with no escape except for retaliation which might end up with death. Zim finally came back with a glass of water “would you like a drink of water?” Zim asked “It takes you that long to get a glass of water?
I think you might have done something to it for it to take that long.” Dib said accusingly as he squinted at the Irken “Why would I do that?” Zim asked, “drink it then!” Dib said rudely Zim stared at him Zim opened the cell deploying his legs from his PAK he entered Dib’s room with an evil look on his face Zim got close to Dib’s face his breath warm “Don’t talk to me or the tallest like that or you will get hurt” Zim whispered lifting one of his legs and pointed it at his face. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now and now I can,” he said pointing his leg at Dib’s chest he rested the tip of his spider leg on Dib’s chest then stabbed the leg in his chest making Dib scream Zim grabbed the humans lower jaw “This is what happens if you talk to me or the tallest like that” Zim said angrily. Zim then stabbed his leg deeper in Dib’s chest making him barely scream “UNDERSTAND?!” Zim yelled Dib tried to talk but he couldn’t so Dib tried to kick Zim back “Stop or else” Zim threatened, dragging his left slowly down Dib’s chest making a deep cut all Dib could do was whimper and kick Zim retracted his legs and let go of Dib “Why do you bother pathetic human, why do you bother to try anymore when all you do is fail?” Zim said hissing. He walked away from closing the cell door laughing. Zim left the room leaving Dib alone again but came back with a plate of food he sat down and tried to eat but Gir was trying to Zim’s food so he also had to keep Gir away from his food “Gir, quit it! You already ate just a few minutes ago!” Zim said Dib was trying not to think about food because who knows what Zim will do to it or do to him Dib went lied in his bed staring at the disgusting interior of the walls “Hey, Zim when do you think we’ll land?” Dib asked impatiently but Zim didn’t answer strangely Dib got up and try to see over the couch as best as possible all he could see were to black shoes over the armrest and Zim’s antenna Dib turned around and sighed he lied back down on his bed and fell asleep hungry and cold.
Sirens wailed throughout the ship waking Dib, Zim, and Gir Zim looked in the cell when he saw the Dib-human so it couldn’t have been him escaping Zim ran don to the second floor and checked up on the engines nothing was wrong so he went to the control room to find that autopilot was off and had a bunch of food on the control panel “GIR!” Zim shouted Gir ran up to his master “Yeah?” Gir asked, “was this you?!” Zim asked in a forceful way Gir looked down “maybe...” Gir said with guilt “it’s okay but you could kill us if you do this again!
” Zim said angrily Zim clean the mess up and turn autopilot back on they both walked back to check up on the Dib-worm Zim turned towards one of the guards “Hey I’ll need the Dib out of his cell today at any time you’re available for training we only have a couple of weeks and four days before we reach our destination and I want him to learn anything he could be assigned for and to not be rude or escape us or the tallest” Zim said as the guard nodded with agreement “I think I’ll help soon” the guard said “Okay, thank you” Zim said turning back around and walked away. Zim walked in the room with an evil look “Dib we will need you in the training room” Zim said looking at Dib, Dib tilted his head “But why do we need to train” Dib asked staring outside looking at Zim making it seem like a reflection that was incorrect with the appearances. “Okay,” Dib said still staring at Zim the erkin tilted his head and squinted his eyes “DID YOU PLAN TO ESCAPE?!” Zim yelled in his usual way back before he conquered earth. Dib just blinked and turned around not realizing the erkin opened the door “ANSWER ME!” Zim said in a really annoyed and angry tone
Zim deployed his PAK legs Dib turned around frightened Zim immediately grabbed Dib’s throat making the human gasp for air in shock Zim used the same spiked leg to cut Dib in the stomach Dib tried to squirm out of Zim grasp the human screams pierced the air making Zim smile “You think I’m that dumb to just let you escape? THERE IS NO ESCAPE WITHOUT GETTING PASSED ME, IDIOT” Zim said furiously he looked like when Dib splashed him and Gaz with a puddle once, Zim’s eyes glowed with ill intent “You know I wonder why you even bother trying to escape us” Zim said absent-minded watching the blood drip from Dib’s new cut Zim’s snake tongue slithered from between his teeth and licked Dib’s face Dib had drawn a line right there Dib kicked Zim back ignoring the pain of Zim grabbing tighter on Dib’s throat his claws cutting Dib’s throat. Dib was blinded with anger and fear his adrenalin kicked in and Dib tried to run from the irken but Zim got up and kicked Dib down and punched him over and over again not stopping to let Dib breathe nor fight back Dib cried in pain making him seem weak Zim smiled but didn’t stop punching Dib, Dib curled into a ball making Zim punch him harder “WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!” Zim said angrily Dib started screaming for help the guards ran over to the room to see Zim beating the living crap out of Dib the guards raced in and grabbed Zim trying to calm him down while Dib was being escorted to the showers so he could catch his breath and recover from the pain tackling him making him feel sick. Zim was sitting on the ground trying to catch his breath making the guards look at each other “Sir, we only have two more weeks before we arrive at Irk you need to calm down we know that Dib is a trouble maker, but we will let you calm down as we watch over him for the rest of the weeks.”
the guard said looking down at Zim “We’ll train him personally even if that ends up with him escaping.” the other guard said as the different guard nodded. “Okay then” Zim responded getting up Zim walked over to the couch and sat down. Dib got cleaned up and caught a grasp of why the irken did that he still was frightened to go back to him Dib got dressed in new clothes and not the torn up ones Dib looked into the mirror and cried “I miss my home why couldn’t I have died like the rest of them?” Dib cried out the guard looked to see if he was okay, Dib walked out tears in his eyes the guard didn’t put him in his cuffs and shackles instead he let Dib walk himself with the guard ahead of him guiding him to his new room. “ Since Zim is taking a break of watching over you, you will be getting a new room” the guard reassured “you won’t have to deal with him for a whole week” the guard added Dib barely smiled but then cried again “I want to die! Please… put me out of my misery” Dib cried out the guard turned around in shock “I can’t do that unless Zim told me too or you killed Zim” the guard said in shock but absent-mindedly Dib looked down “We’re at your new cell” the guard pointed out Dib peeked in his cell it was bigger and had a more comfortable looking bed a table and couches Dib went into his cell and saw that there was food on his table Dib turned back around to see that his cell was closed and Zim walking by not even realizing him.
Dib ate his food and lied down thirsty but not hungry anymore. When Dib went to bed he had a dream that Zim went in his room Dib felt negative energy outside his dream Dib woke up to find that his dream was not a dream Zim was walking around Dib’s cell and passing around Dib tried not to scream but it was too late to hide somehow. Zim turned around to see that Dib was there Zim growled in a low tone and walked towards him making Dib feel the same fear as he felt when he was getting beaten up, Zim stopped and looked up and ran out the cell making no sound like he Zim went into his room and acted like he was asleep as the guards passed by
DIb tilted his head and went to bed thinking what happened to the training did it get delayed because of Zim or something else?
The next day Dib was woken up by one of the guards “you will start training now” the guard said Dib got out of his bed and walked towards the door putting his hands out to get cuffed but instead of cuffing Dib the guard pushed his arms down “we trust you enough plus the rules are changing so we don’t need to cuff you” the guard said Dib looked at the guard confused but went with it still waking up Dib walked alongside the guard. Dib looked around looking for Zim there was no sign of him so he calmed down when they reach the training room Zim was there waiting for Dib, Dib stopped making the guards grab him and drag him in with Zim and another guard. Zim looked calmer than he was before “You’re going to learn how to defend yourself and how to fight” Zim calmy blurted out Dib blinked and waited for another word or sentence but there was silence instead “The first move will be an effective move to make it easier to put handcuffs on a noncooperative alien or human” Zim said breaking the awkward silence. Zim gave an example by sliding his foot right underneath Dib’s feet Dib fell over making a thud noise Dib got back up and did exactly what Zim did Dib slid his foot under Zim’s feet sending Zim to the ground “good now try it on the guard” Zim said, Dib, slid his leg under the guards feet at full speed making the guard trip over his on foot “The next lesson will be hand to hand combat Dib punched at Zim as he was blocking the punches the irken then showed Dib how to block effectively after a while Zim taught Dib the weaknesses of their enemies and the Irken weakness Zim got behind Dib holding a knife to his kneck as a part of practice Dib elbowed Zim in the chest causing Zim to drop the knife and gasp for air “Good” he wheezed.
After the training, the guard left the room Zim told Dib to tell the guard to let him out of his cell because he needed Dib to meet him on the lower deck Dib nodded and left to his cell Zim left to go to the second deck to start working on something Dib showed up and saw that sim was working on engines Dib got worried he thaught Zim was going to make the ship lose power and break the engine before Dib could ask anything Zim looked up “Oh you’re here I thought that you wouldn’t come” Zim got up and lead Dib over to a corner with dials “You need to watch over these and make sure that they are at 100%, not 0 okay.”
Zim said going back to the engines Dib watched the Dials as Zim worked on the engines “Done” Zim said walking towards Dib “you can go to your cell now” Dib walked away to go to his cell but got suspicious and watched Zim behind a doorway Zim walked up the stairs and out of the room he went into the pilot area and started checking everything Zim flipped switches and left he went down the hallway looking around for anything else to check up on he went into the kitchen and made Dib food Dib got worried for his safety so he continued watching Zim finished cooking and put everything on a plate Dib ran back to his cell and sat down looking out the window Zim walked in “Here’s your food” Zim said putting the plate of food down on dib’s table and walked away to go check up on everything else Dib ate and went to go lay down Zim came in and took his plate and gave Dib a glass of water realizing Dib was asleep Zim walked out acting like he was happy for some reason Zim went into his room and waited until the next day. Once Dib woke up he got out of bed and got a drink of water Zim talked to the guard and walked away, the guards following Dib was alone, Zim came back with another human “I think that this human is a relative of yours.” Zim threw them in the cell dib looked close to them realizing it was Gaz, Gaz turned around and screamed at Zim “YOU PUT ME IN A ROOM BUT WITH NO GAMING CONSOLE!” Gaz shouted “Gaz!” Dib said happily “you’re alive! I thought you were dead...” Dib hugged Gaz which she did not appreciate at all “Let me go now” Gaz said in a cold voice pushing Dib away “Sorry” Dib said Zim looked at the two of them with a mad looking face “You try to escape or plot to you BOTH will regret it. Remember Dib?” Zim said madly but chuckled at the last one Zim walked away Gir chasing him “Only one more night before we reach Irk” Zim said turning towards Gir, Gir yelled with excitement but stopped when alarms went off “AHHHH” Gir yelled trying to imitate the alarm “the humans! ONE DAY TOGETHER AND THIS HAPPENS!” Zim shrieked running down the halls to find out that they weren’t in their cell. Zim ran down the halls as the guards ran behind him Zim deployed his PAK legs and ran up the walls letting the crowd of the guards chase after them Zim caught up with Gaz and Dib, Zim jumped off the roof blocking their path “GOING SOMEWHERE” Zim said with his eyes glowing with excitement the two were blocked Zim grabbed both of their throats “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ESCAPING?!” Zim said in a cold voice Dib tried to escape Zim’s grasp Zim lifted his to of his PAK legs and stabbed one into dib’s stomach and tabbing the other in Gaz’s face dragging them both down both Gaz and Dib screamed in extreme pain “I think its time to learn a lesson DIB” Zim said hissing he let Dib go still holding his PAK legs on Dib’s stomach making a deep cut Dib screamed out in pain Zim dropped Gaz Zim kicked Dib in the face and punched Dib nonstop Dib screamed loudly the guards took Gaz to her old cell Gaz screamed at the guards to let her go or else Zim used his PAK legs again stabbing Dib in the face Dib screamed even louder which made Zim drag the leg down “I… think that your tallest will EVER care for you” Dib managed to say through the pain tackling him and spreading throughout his body.
Zim looked down at him “I had enough of you I may as well kill you” Zim grabbed Dib by the throat, cutting off Dib’s airway and digging his claws into Dib’s throat Zim lifted up his PAK leg level to his heart “Say goodbye DIB-WORM!” Zim chuckled the PAK leg went backward Zim turned towards the hall and heard Gir running towards them Gir ran directly into the both of them making Zim’s PAK legs go back Dib let go of Dib and looked at Gir “GIR!”Zim shouted Gir looked down “sowwy master,” Gir said “Guards” Zim shouted two showed up “Yes, sir,” they said annoyed secure this human-worm and bring him to his cell,” Zim said turning around they saluted and dragged him to his cell Zim walked by Dib’s cell “you’re going to go to bed hungry tonight MORON” Zim said he Zim went to Gaz’s room and saw her already asleep Zim went back to work as the Dib lied in his bed trying not to think of food.
the next day they landed on Irk Zim woke both the humans up and put handcuffs on both of them bringing Gir along “Gir walk with Dib” Zim said looking down at him “okay” Gir said grabbing Dib’s chain Dib talked to Gir as they walked to the tallest’s place and Gaz was being dragged along as she played her games when they reach the door to the tall building Zim turned around to face Dib “You be rude to the tallest and you WILL regret it “ Zim threatened Zim opened the door and Gir ran in with Dib getting dragged Zim entered with Gaz Zim then bowed to his tallest “Greetings, we brought two human-worms” Zim said dragging Gaz forward.
“Very well Zim,” the purple said shoving donuts in his mouth Zim smiled I trained them too “More like you just trained me and left Gaz,” Dib said Zim looked at Dib and back to his tallest “So what will he be assigned as?” Zim squinted “Does the purple-headed girl know how to pilot?” the red asked Zim shrugged “I guess she’ll be a pilot then.” the red said. “What is the big-headed one good at?” the red questioned as he shoved food in his mouth “I trained him for anything.” Zim smiled “Okay then I guess he’ll be a foot-soldier,” the purple said with the red nodding with agreement.
Zim bowed with all his respect turned and grabbed Gir he walked out of his tallest’s ship dragging Gir along with him “Where we gonna go?” Gir asked as he was getting dragged through dirt “We are going to go get food Gir” Zim said walking towards his ship “Can we get tacos? I love them tacos!” Gir shouted happily “fine…” Zim said angrily. They got into the ship and flew over to the taco place once they got there and ordered what they wanted and sat down Zim’s PAK phone activated it was his tallest “Zim, you are de-ranked your big-headed slave escaped find it or you get reencoded.” the red shouted and hung up Zim groaned in anger and got up “Gir I need you.” he said irritatedly “Okay, but are we chasing space monkeys?” Gir asked “No!” Zim shouted.
Gir looked up at Zim and started throwing a toddler level tantrum throwing food and screaming “GIR STOP THAT!” Zim shouted “Okay,” Gir said happily Zim then grabs Gir and drags him again “I need you to fly me I have no time to start the Voot-runner.” Zim said angrily Gi r flies off then turns around scooping Zim up they flew all over the planet and only found strangers then he went close to the restaurant they were at they found him Zim jumped off Gir and activated his PAK legs and scuttled up to Dib then slammed him into a wall causing Dib to hit his face hard against the brick wall and fall over blood coming from his mouth and nose he realized that it was Zim and he was furious.
“You think that you could escape that easily don’t you?” Zim laughed as Dib tried to get up but before he fully got up and try to reason with Zim he got hit in the face with Gir Zim laughed at his pain and discomfort Zim took his PAK legs and stabbed through Dib’s back causing Dib to scream and blood to splatter on Zim “This is more satisfying” Zim laughed as Dib struggled to fight death “I’d rather be reencoded than have you breathing.” Zim said coldly.
Zim then took all his PAK legs and stab the half-dead human and laughed coldly as Dib screamed and then falls silent.
After he killed Dib he walked over to the Voot-runner and climbed in to tell the tallest about Dib dying he flew over to his tallest’s ship and landed Zim got out and ran over to where he saw his tallest. Once he got there he bowed “My tallest I have bad news the Dib has died I found him brutally murdered next to the taco shop.” Zim lied his tallest stared down at him “Okay Zim you will be keeping your rank I guess.” the red said as the purple just ate chocolate “Thank you, my tallest I will find you a new slave next invading year.” Zim said bowing he turned and left to go enjoy his taco with Gir.
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