Categories > Original > Fantasy > Descendants: The Future

The Core Four & Co.

by TheSixthTester 0 reviews

What happens to the Descendants characters when they grow up?

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2019-11-10 - Updated: 2019-11-10 - 308 words

Evie and Doug:
When Evie and Doug were in their thirties, they finally decided to marry each other. Evie was Mal’s royal advisor and Evie’s 4 Hearts became one of the leading fashion brands in Auradon. Evie saved up enough money to buy her own castle and opened boutiques all over Auradon. It’s said that she has over 40,000 employees. Evie met and befriended her sister, Snow White, and they became very close. Doug became a scientist and helped create many medicines for previously incurable diseases and illnesses.

Mal and Ben:
Mal and Ben married a few years after Descendants 3 when they were in their twenties. Mal’s first official actions as queen were creating a number of programs to help all of the new Isle residents adjust to life in Auradon. Some of the most influential programs provided housing for new residents, the expansion of Auradon prep, free tutors to catch students up to their grade level (Dragon Hall wasn’t a great school), jobs for former villains, classes on rules and social norms of Auradon, and food and clothing donations. Ben welcomed everyone from the Isle into his kingdom with open arms, even Gaston, who had toned his ego down (though he was still obnoxious) and settled down with Mother Gothel.

Carlos and Jane:
Carlos and Jane decided that they didn’t need to marry to show how much they loved each other. Carlos went to vet school and opened up an animal sanctuary while Jane took classes to learn how to control her magic and became a tutor in Mal’s ‘Isle of the Tutors’ program.

Jay and Lonnie:
A few years after Descendants 3 Jay and Lonnie started dating. Jay became a professional tourney player, and later in life would go on to coach Auradon’s Fighting Knights. Lonnie became a professional fencing coach.
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