Categories > Anime/Manga > .hack//Sign > Why I hate you ( Karma x Reader )

Chapter 1

by dleroux252525 0 reviews

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Category: .hack//Sign - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2019-11-23 - Updated: 2019-11-23 - 604 words

I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. It was hard being as i've been RUNNING UP A FUCKING GIGANTIC HILL FOR THE PAST 15 MINUTES. Finally I could see the tiny building at the top of the hill that I called school. Now, I know what you must be thinking, 'Why is your school tiny and at the top of a big hill?' Well to answer your question, it isn't really my school, its more like my classroom. My real school is actually at the bottom of the hill I just ran up. Class 3-E is the lowest of low you can go in this school, everyone picks on us, even the teachers. Actually I think they encourage it. We're a disappointment to the school so they like to keep us as far away from the real school as possible.
I turned the corner in the small building to see the class 3-E sign hanging above the door, that my face is all too familiar with. That's right my face and the door have become quite acquainted.
Once I reached the door I slammed it open, gaining the attention of my classmates and my teacher, Koro-sensei. "You're late Y/N", kuro-sensai said with his normal yellow face and smile. Just as I was about to reply, when somebody did for me. "When is she not teach". I looked at the red headed male that sat at the back of the class. Karma. " Shut it. Karma Akabeanie", I said with pure sass and annoyance in my voice, as I gave him a cold stare making sure that I mispronounced his name. "Akabane. You know it's Akabane" he said between his gritted teeth. Now along with my stare I had a smirk on my face. "Yeah, your right I do. But I think Akabanie sounds better, I remarked sarcastically.
Karma gave me a stare that if it was possible could kill someone. If it was almost anyone else that stare would have scared the shit out of them. But not me. Instead I whip the smirk off my face and replace it with a stare just as deadly. "Now, Now children, you supposed to be killing me not each other. Now Y/N, go sit down. I let out a sigh. "Yes sir". I started walking towards my desk which was unfortunately right next to Karma's. It really wouldn't be so bad if I had 1 of my friends sitting on the other side of me. But noooooooo, sadly there are only 2 seats in the back and koro-sensei thought since we never really got along, sitting together would fix that.
Oh boy was he wrong. If anything I think we've gotten worse.
I sat down at my desk just as koro-sensei started up the lesson again. I took out my notebooks and started writing everything that koro-sensei was writing on the board. Just like everyone else. Well everyone except Karma that is. "Shouldn't you be writing this down? Kuro-sensai says that it'll be on the exams". I whisper so only he can hear me. He looks at me with a are you serious look. "I don't need to write this down. It's all being stored in my brain anyway so writing it down would be pointless. Besides, I'll ace the exams anyway," he said with a cocky smile.
What bothered me the most was that he was right. Karma is easily the smartest kid in our class. Not only that but he is also the most skilled assassin in the class.
If anyone in our class can kill koro-sensei it's him.
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