Categories > Anime/Manga > Yami no Matsuei > Boar and Rat

No More Crying

by Noizchild 0 reviews

Airi gives Anna a pep talk and convinces her to go to the tower to end this war for good.

Category: Yami no Matsuei - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Horror - Published: 2019-12-14 - 331 words - Complete

Chapter Forty-Five: No More Crying:


I'm done with this. We don't have much time. We need to end this. I need peace. They need peace.

Don't lose focus.

I froze in my tracks. "Airi, that you?"

Duh. /We don't have time to feel anything. We/ have to keep going.

"And go where?" I asked. There was a pause.


Well… /you won't like the answer./


We have to go back to the tower. I was already frowning.

"You can't be serious," I said.

I am.



I puffed up my cheeks. "I just escaped from there. Why do I have to go back?"

She's there.

"I know."

You want this to end, don't you? I didn't answer.

Don't you?


Do you want revenge?


Then you know what /has to be done./ We have to /go back./ She was right. I hated to admit it. I looked behind me. I couldn't see my path anymore. Cracks formed on the ground. Holes formed at my feet. Well now, I had my answer.

I turned around and started running.

"Where's the tower?" I asked.

Straight ahead. Keep going!

"Right!" I started to run faster. The whole time I could see my family's faces. Papa. Aunt Yumiko. Aunt Kirika. Their lives were stolen by those monsters. Now, their souls would find peace. I could move on. I could fully enjoy my family.

Yes, /keep those in mind./ Don't lose focus.


And pick up the pace. You're going too /slow. We don't have much time, remember?/

"Okay, okay! I know!" I started running faster.


Haruka looked down from her tower and smirked. One heading here from the sky. One heading here from the ground. Who would get here first? The old lady chuckled to herself.

"So this is it, huh?" she asked. "It feels kind of… disappointing." Didn't matter. It would all be over. Haruka turned and walked out of her room. Only two hours and forty-one minutes left.
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