Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Twins Potter


by felixharry 0 reviews

A poll to find out how my fans want me to revamp my story.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Luna - Published: 2020-02-15 - 297 words - Complete

Hey there loyal fans. I have not forgotten you! I have been working tirelessly to improve my story and bring you the resolution you are looking for! Well, kinda. Actually, I have been pretty busy and writing has been put on the back burner for a while. However, I am getting back in business. I also took the time to really think about what I wanted out of this story and why I am writing in the first place. I also feel that I learned a bit more about writing and now I actually have a bit of a vision on where I want to take this story.

So I created a new poll that you can find on my profile page on under Black Phoenix Dragon. It is about how you my fans think is the best way for me to present my edited and improved story. Do you want me to go back in this story and simply replace files so this is where you find the story? Or do you want me to mark this as discontinued and create a new story that is the revised version of this story, and leave my old and plot hole filled story as an example of how far I have come? The poll for this is on my profile page, so if you could go and vote to let me know that would be fabulous.

Also, just informing everyone, I am changing my name to Arcane Bibliophile. I will do it once I have gotten the results back from my pole and re-posted the story, The Twins Potter.

I also am going to eventually be working on Deaths Interference, but I am currently working on The Twins Potter story right now. Something for the future.
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