Categories > Movies > Lion King > The Lion King 4 Dawn of A New Era

Chapter 12

by TLK4DawnofANewEra 0 reviews

An ongoing story about Kovu and Kiara's reign, and the trials and tribulations throughout. Including accepting hyenas into The Pride Lands.

Category: Lion King - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2020-06-21 - 739 words

Chapter 12

The air outside of Pide Rock was brisk and cool that night, as Kiara, Kovu, Nala, and Vitani laid under the stars.

Nala sighed. "I should have told you this a long time ago, but Simba… didn't want me to talk about it." She looked to the Great Kings of The Past in the sky, "But, dear, I think it's time to tell them."

She exhaled again and looked at the three young adult lions. "Things started the day before Scar took over."

Nala started with her and Simba's elephant graveyard adventure.

Hey Nala!

Hi Simba!

Come on, I just heard about this really cool place.

Simba, I'm kind of in the middle of a bath ….

"And it's time for yours"

Mom! Mooom! You're messing up my mane! Okay, okay I'm clean! Can we go now!?

So where are we going? It better not be any place dumb!

No, it's really cool!

"So where is this 'very cool place?'"

Oh uh … around the water hole ….

The water hole!? What's so great about the water hole!?

I'll show you when we get there …

Oh, uh …. Mom, can I go with Simba?

"Hm … what do you think, Sarabi?"




"It's all right with me …"

Yeah! All right!

"As long as Zazu goes with you"

No! Not Zazu!

Zazu sat perched in his nest when Simba and Nala ran up.

"Hey, Zazu!" Simba said, shaking the tree with his front paws. "Zazu!"

Zazu stumbled out of the tree and fell in front of the two cubs.

"Good morning Simba, Nala…" He groaned

"Mom said you have to take us to the water hole!" Simba said.

Zazu got up and brushed the dirt off his feathers. "Well there's a perfectly good water hole near Pride Rock, I don't see why you need me to escort you."

"No, we wanna go to the other one!" Simba said.

"Yeah! Simba's gonna show me something really cool!" Nala said, excited.

Zazu rolled his eyes. "I'm sure it will be fascinating, whatever it is ..." He sighed. "All right, I suppose I do have time before Mufasa's midday patrol to take you to the water hole.

Zazu made sure he was presentable and fluttered above the two cubs. "Lets get going then, shall we?"

So where are we really going?

An elephant graveyard …


Shhh Zazu …

Right … so how are we gonna ditch the dodo?

"I … actually haven't thought that through …" Simba said, sheepishly.

Nala rolled her yes. "Of course you didn't." She looked around "Listen, I've got an idea."

"What is it?"

"We'll get the other animals to distract him and we can run off!"

"How are we gonna do that?" Simba asked.

"Well, you're the future king, why don't you show them how great you're gonna be when you're in charge!"

"Great idea!" Simba said.

Zazu noticed them talking and landed in front of them.

"Oh just look at you two! Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah …. Your parents will be thrilled! What with your being betrothed and all."

Be what?

"Betrothed, intended, affianced …"


"One day you two are going to be married!"



I can't marry her, she's my friend!

Yeah, it would be too weird …

Kovu, Kiara, and Vitani all laughed at this. Nala chuckled herself and looked to the sky, "My how things changed."

"Is that what why dad wouldn't let us to the water hole without an escort that wasn't Zazu?" Kiara laughed.

"Exactly." Nala giggled

Suddenly Kiara paused mid laugh.

"Wait … does that mean I was betrothed?" She asked, glancing slightly at Kovu.

"Did … did you feel forced to love dad?"

"Not at all." Nala said. "It worked out for us, but we wanted you to be with someone you truly loved … and you did …"

Kiara smiled and nuzzled into Kovu's mane.

"So did you two get away?" Vitani asked.

"Yes, and we made it to the Elephant Graveyard."

Nala let out another small chuckle. "No dear, your father got rid of the bethroyal. He didn't want you to feel like you were forced to love someone."

"Did … did you feel forced to love dad?"

"Not at all." Nala said. "It worked out for us, but we wanted you to be with someone you truly loved … and you did …"

Kiara smiled and nuzzled into Kovu's mane.

"So did you two get away?" Vitani asked.

"Yes, and we made it to the Elephant Graveyard."
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