Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love

Needed: One House Elf

by ilex 1 review

An invitation is extended for the coming holiday. Winky is offered a new position.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-23 - Updated: 2006-09-23 - 2266 words


Chapter 18

Needed: One House Elf

"Well, class, I'm happy to report that all of you have passed your first term exams in Defense Against the Dark Arts, with sterling marks in the written exam and very, very good marks in the practical portion. Not one mark below an E. Keep this up and the N.E.W.T.S. exam will seem like a simple review, not a major hurdle that you have to dread. BRAVO!" Anna smiled and applauded them, which the class returned with grins and laughter.

"Now .. about your holiday homework assignment," she continued, as she walked around her desk.

"What!?!" "Homework .. over holiday?!?" "That's not fair!" "Do we have to?"

"Oh, stop whining/, you lot!" Anna put her hands on her hips and looked around at their shocked faces. "I don't mean essays or anything of that sort. Don't you all know me well enough by now to realize I wouldn't do /that to you? Ok, let me rephrase .. I'm going to explain about the new skill I want all of you to practice over holiday. Actually, I think you'll really like this, and I expect you to come back with fairly good targeting skills."

"What are you on about?" Seamus laughed.

"Come here, Seamus, and help me."

Anna was opening a large delivery box. Seamus walked around the desk and peered into the box and a grim spread over his face.

"Wicked!" Reaching in, he grabbed and pulled out a slingshot.

"What the..." Ron stood up and came forward, followed by the rest of the class. Seamus handed one to Ron and then passed out slingshots to all of the others.

"This is not a toy," Anna called over the babble of voices. "As you can see, it is a serious piece of weaponry. That's what I want all of you to do over the holiday; target practice. Find a nice secluded spot and use pebbles, pieces of brick, acorns, sea shells...whatever you can find that's about the size of a large marble. Once you get the feel for it, make your target progressively smaller until it's about the size of an apple or a fist."

Anna looked around at the class, who were trying out the stretch of the cords, with a few 'Ouches' being heard. She smiled and picked up one of the slingshots to show them an extra feature.

"Look, it also has a build in arm prop - see?" She demonstrated the flip-over u-shaped attachment. "This will keep the slingshot steady, which will help improve your aim. It also takes some pressure off of your wrist, so your hand and arm don't get too tired. AND, they are silent; no SPONG! when you let go a shot."

"What will we be using these for?" asked Justin.

"Ah .. that's the #1 reason to get back here to school at the end of holiday, isn't it; the answer to that question." Anna smiled sweetly, but she didn't fool any of them.

"Oh, Ha! Ha!" " Sneaky .. juvenile, but sneaky." "Very funny .. NOT!" "I just knew you'd say that."

"Yes, well, don't let anyone see these. Put them in your book bag or deep in your pocket. This is another class project we need to keep to ourselves, /understood/?"

"Yes." "Right" "Ok" "Gotcha"

The students nodded and grinned at Anna and one another.

"That's it, then. Class dismissed for the holidays. Have a very Happy Christmas and I'll see all of you next year!"

X # X # X

"Harry, a word please," Anna called, as he gathered his things, preparing to leave the classroom.

"Yes, Professor, what can I do for you?" asked Harry, as he approached her desk.

"Are you going to stay with the Dursleys for Christmas holiday?" She crossed her arms and waited for his answer.

"No, I've always spent the holiday here, except for last year. I only go to Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon's at the end of school in June. Have to; no place else to go. Why?"

"Well, it's a bit spur of the moment, actually, but I was wondering if you'd consider spending the holiday with me in London at my townhouse. I know Remus would enjoy seeing you and I'm sure Mad-Eye and Tonks would drop by," she added in a rush. "Of course, that would mean riding on my bike, but honestly. It's not too cold and..."

"Are you /serious/?" Harry interrupted. "Really? You mean it? Go to London for Christmas and all?" Harry was sure she was joking or maybe he was day-dreaming.

"Yes, I'm dead serious. I happen to know you're the only student who will be left here this year, and I wasn't about to let that happen."

"Then my answer is YES! When are we leaving?"

"Saturday morning after breakfast, at the same time as the Hogwarts Express leaves with the other students." Anna leaned over, checked left and right and then whispered, "Bet we beat them there, too!"

"Just how fast does Tut go?" Harry sounded slightly alarmed.

"Ever been on the Knight Bus?"

"Bloody Hell!"

"I'm kidding/, Harry!" Anna laughed at the look on Harry's face. "Besides, I'm a /much better driver than Ernie. Trust me." She came around the desk and put her hand on his shoulder. "I've got another reason for asking you to visit. After our talk I remembered that I have, in my attic, a treasure trove of old photos of Lily, James, Sirius and Remus, here at school and on holiday, too. We can go through them and you can have any of them you want. We'll make a big fat photo album as my Christmas present to you."

"I don't know what to say," Harry croaked, his mouth suddenly dry.

"Say you'll be ready to go this Saturday. Pack light - we'll go shopping - I LOVE to shop!"

"I'll be ready, alright. Thank you, Anna." Harry kissed her cheek and grabbing his things, ran out the door to find his friends and tell them the news.

X # X # X

"You lying wench/! You need someone to help you decorate the house for the holidays and carry in that /bloody big tree you always buy." Christopher put down the book he'd been reading and waggled his finger at her, disapprovingly, although he was smiling.

"That's what teenagers are for; cheap labor. Feed 'em and let 'em have a friend or two in and they'll re-arrange the whole house, if you smile and ask sweetly." She batted her eyelashes but dissolved into giggles at the look of disapproval on Christopher's face. "Seriously, dear, this is his first Christmas since Sirius died and I figured it would be too awful, sitting here, literally by himself. I want to get his mind off of that and get him into happier surroundings, with friends to visit and new things to do and see."

"Like you did last year," Christopher ventured a guess.

"Yes, like I did last year. I think it will be just the thing for Harry, as it was for me."

"Excellent idea, then."

"Thank you."

"Those pictures - he'll have a wonderful time going through them with you as his guide. But, don't go telling too many tall tales or you'll incriminate yourself," Christopher chuckled.

"Well, I'm not going to sugarcoat Sirius or James, if that's what you think. Harry knows they weren't angels, so I'll tell him some of the better stories of their adventures, warts and all!" Anna cupped her chin in her hand. "Speaking of helping...humm...I wonder if I could borrow Dobby for the holiday. I might, correction, I will need a bit of help if too many people descend on us, once they know Harry's with me. Think I'll pop down to the kitchens and check if he's available. See you in a bit."

"Right. See you later," Christopher replied, picking up his book and settling back in his chair.

X # X # X

Stopping in one of the lower hallways, Anna looked up at a painting of a bowl of fruit.

"I hope this still works."

Reaching out she tickled the pear, which giggled and turned into a doorknob. Anna grabbed it and pulled the door open. Walking into the vast kitchens of Hogwarts, she looked around at all of the smiling house elves, but didn't spot Dobby.

"Hello! I was looking for Dobby. Is he anywhere near?"

"Oh, yes, Miss. Dobby is in another room," the elf nearest her answered.

"Excellent! Could you tell him that Professor Twigg-Jones would like a word with him, please?"

"Yes, Miss. Right away, Miss." The elf turned and padded away down the room and turned left, disappearing though a door.

Anna took a deep breath. "My, something smells good. Are you making Christmas cookies?"

"Correct, Miss. You is wanting to taste some?"

"Oh, yes, please"

An entire serving platter, piled with cookies, appeared in front of her, held up by some of the house elves, eagerly awaiting her opinion.

"Oh, goody, snicker-doodles, one of my favorites." Picking up a plump, sugar coated sample from the pile, Anna took a bite. Chewing it slowly, she closed her eyes and hummed in ecstasy, "Ummmm! This is /marvelous/! You all have outdone yourselves!"

"Oh, thank you, Miss, thank you!"

"Professor Twigg-Jones is wanting to see Dobby?"

The house elves parted to let Dobby through.

"Ah, here you are! Yes, Dobby, I wanted to ask you if you'd be willing to come with me to my townhouse in London over the Christmas holiday. I'm going to need a little extra help."

"Dobby would be honored, Miss, but if Dobby could be so bold, could Professor Twigg-Jones take Winky instead. She is most unhappy and needs something to cheer her up." Leaning toward Anna, he whispered, "Her old Master gives her clothes, Miss, and throws Winky out."

"What? How dreadful! Who was that, Dobby?"

"Mr. Crouch, Miss."

"Oh, dear, I remember now. Remus told me all about it. Of course, I'll take her, if you think she'll come with me, Dobby."

"We must ask her. Come with me, Miss."

They proceeded down the long kitchen and turned left into a side hallway. Stopping at a door on the right, Dobby pointed to Winky, who was sitting on a stool, listlessly stirring a bowl of cookie dough, looking a little dejected and forlorn.

"Winky, here is Professor Twigg-Jones I is telling you about. She needs your help."

Winky looked up and her eyes widened.

"Hello, Winky." Anna pulled up a stool and sat next to Winky. "I have a problem and I'm told by Dobby that you may be able to help me."

Winky shot Dobby a stern look, frowned, put down the spoon and turned to Anna.

"What is Professor Tig-johns .. Twig-joins ....."

"Just call me Miss Anna, Winky," Anna suggested, smiling at her.

"Yes, Miss. What is you needing Winky to do?"

"I'm looking for a house elf, to come with me to London, to my townhouse and take care of me and my guests over the Christmas holiday. If it works out satisfactorily, I might consider making the position permanent."

"Permanent, Miss? Is you saying I could be a proper house elf again? You would be my Mistress?"

"Yes, that's what I'm thinking about, but only if that would make you happy. You'd have to see if I'd be the kind of mistress you would want to work for. I mean, we'd have to try it first - over the holiday, and then decide. Would that suit you?"

"Oh, /yes/, Miss! Dobby! I is going to be a proper house elf again!" Jumping off her stool, Winky ran around the table to Dobby and hugged him.

"But, Winky. You is free - like Dobby."

"I is not liking being free, Dobby. I is wanting a proper home and a proper /Mistress!" Turning to Anna, Winky exclaimed, "I is a /good house elf, Missy Anna, you'll see! A proper house elf!"

"Excellent! It looks like we've solved two problems, then." Anna saw Dobby shaking his head slowly.

"Dobby, I don't think freedom suited Winky, as it obviously does you. But that's ok, I'll take good care of her, don't you worry about that.

"Yes, Miss."

"Winky," Anna said, turning to the beaming house elf, "we're leaving Saturday morning. We'll get you a beautiful pillowcase when we get to London. We'll pick it out together, what do you say?"

"Oh, Miss/, you is treating Winky like a proper house elf, /already/. You is a /good Mistress, you is."

"I'll try my best and I know you will, too. Come to my chambers right after breakfast on Saturday morning and we'll leave as soon as we pack."

"Yes, Miss. Oh, thank you Miss!"

"Don't thank me, Winky, thank Dobby. He recommended you for the job," Anna laughed.

Dobby blushed to the tips of his ears as Winky threw herself in his arms and burst into tears of joy.

Anna stood up to leave. "You've made both Winky and me very happy, Dobby. This means I'll have to send you an extra special Christmas present."

"Oh, thank you, Miss. You is too kind to Dobby," replied the house elf, beaming at her.

Anna waved goodbye and headed out the door. The other house elves were crammed in the hallway and they'd heard everything.

"Thank you, Miss. Winky has been ever so sad, for ever so long, Miss. Now she is happy again."

"So am I, my darlings, so am I." Snatching another cookie from the serving tray as she passed, Anna made her exit, waving back at the sea of smiling faces.

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