Categories > Games > Mega Man > Zero Attraction

Zero Attraction

by MockeryLloyd 0 reviews

Cymbal - an adorable Reploid child who once wanted to enroll in the Maverick Hunters - finally got her dream when she meets Zero, an S-class Hunter. However, everything takes a turn for the wor...

Category: Mega Man - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica - Warnings: [X] [Y] - Published: 2020-07-25 - 252 words - Complete

"Cymbal! Step forward!" A loud, bustling voice called over to a female Reploid with red hair and a light blue outfit.
For years, she has been dreaming of this moment since she was no more than a year old.

With the help of friends and family, Cymbal was able to achieve this dream at such a young age, even for herself. She stepped up to the podium where Signas stood, holding what appears to be a saber-like Sword in his hands.

Cymbal edges herself closer, standing tall - and short - in front of the commander. Every Reploid in the crowd watched curiously as the ceremony commenced, wondering if the child will take this position.
With graceful elegance, Signas gently waved the Saber down beside Cymbal's shoulder, and started speaking. "You have proven yourself worthy of becoming a hunter, young Cymbal," he said, his words carrying the weight of millions.

"Your skills are exceptional, your precision, wits and might are of greater importance to the Maverick Hunters. We humbly demand that you take our hands in enrollment." He places the saber towards her.
"As of today and the foreseeable future, you are officially a Maverick Hunter!"

Accepting the weapon, Cymbal smiled proudly, while cheers erupted from the crowd. Everyone chanted her name, even some are clapping.
Seeing all of her fellow Reploids happy with the ceremony, she even took notice to Chopper Swallow and Deep Orca, who both cried in pride.

"Thank you, dads!" She yelled, and began to join the crowd.
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