Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love

Let's Get Started, Shall We?

by ilex 0 reviews

Decorations, trees, shopping! Ready, set; here we go!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-24 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 1929 words


Chapter 22

Let's Get Started, Shall We?

Descending the stairs twenty minutes later, Anna paused, then came down the last two or three steps. She gasped and gazed around at the profusion of decorations. Gwen and Harry were standing there, with silly grins on their faces, watching Anna as she peeked into the library and parlor and marveled at the entrance hall, festooned to the point of literally every available inch of space being covered.

"My Lord. Bit keen, isn't she?"

"A bit." Gwen nodded.

"You think?" Harry's eyebrows shot up.

"We'll have to calm this down a little." Anna put a hand to her cheek and shook her head.

"What, and break Winky's heart?" Gwen asked with a smile on her face.

"I've got to tell her to spread this around the house a bit more. A lot more! /WINKY/!?!"

"Yes, Missy Anna." Winky came bounding out of the dining room, a garland of silver tinsel wrapped around her neck, grinning from ear to pointy ear. "Winky is having fun/, Missy Anna. I /likes decorating."

"Well, I am glad, dear, but I'm afraid I made a little mistake in my directions to you. So it looks like you may have to do a bit more decorating for me."

"Mistake, Missy Anna? I is not understanding."

"Well, I meant to tell you that I wanted the decorations spread around the house, not just in these front two rooms, the dining room and the hall. So, if it won't be too much of a bother, could you put some of this glorious Christmas cheer in the back parlor and music room, downstairs in the kitchen and breakfast room and some in the hall and office? If there's any left over, maybe a bit or bob in the bedrooms on the next floor?"

"Oh, yes, Missy Anna; don't you worry. Winky will take care of everything," proclaimed the house elf, beaming up at Anna. "Winky was wondering why you is wanting just these rooms having all of the decorating."

"Winky, it was my fault; I just didn't give you very clear instructions. Never mind. I trust you to make everything right while we're out shopping."

"Yes, Miss." Rubbing her hands together, Winky headed for the front parlor.

Harry and Gwen were leaning on each other, rocking with silent laughter. Anna gave them a withering look.

"Oh, shut it!"

"We didn't say a word!" Gwen protested.

"No, but you were thinking it!"

"Thinking what?" Harry gasped.

"That I had extricated myself from that misunderstanding with superb diplomatic skills."

"Ha! Saved your arse, you mean. 'Diplomatic skills' my aunt Hannah!" Gwen crossed her arms and stood there, tapping her foot, looking askew at Anna.

"I .. oh, forget it. Let's go shopping. WINKY!"

Gwen and Harry grabbed their jackets and put them on. Anna picked up her coat and with Harry's help, shrugged into it.

"Yes, Missy Anna?" came Winky's voice from the parlor.

"I'm going to have the Christmas tree delivered to the back door, so if you hear someone in the garden, you'll know what's going on."

"Yes, Missy Anna."

"Ok, we're off, then. See you later."

"Yes, Missy Anna."

"We'll be home for dinner - say about seven."

"Yes, Missy Anna."

"I, oh, never mind, Winky."

"Yes, Missy Anna."

Turning to Gwen and Harry, she looked puzzled. "Did either of you happen to notice the point at which I lost all control of my own house?" They shook their heads, grinning. "Oh, well. I'll figure it out later." Popping her hat on her head, she shooed Harry and Gwen out of the front door. "Let's go look at Christmas trees and then we'll head toward Diagon Alley."

X #X # X

"There you are!" Remus waved at them from a corner table. "I was starting to lose bets with myself on when you'd finally get here." He took a sickle from one pocket and transferred it to the other pocket inside his robe.

"Cute - very cute." Gwen gave him a hug and kiss and then settled into a chair next to him, while Anna and Harry checked the 'lunch specials' menu board.

Tom, the innkeeper came bustling over and took their orders. Remus then questioned them as to their morning activities.

"We retrieved the boxes of Christmas stuff from the attic. Winky's decorating /EVERYWHERE/! We searched for a long time but we finally found, and then bought, a lovely Christmas tree. It is being delivered to the back door this afternoon. You and Harry will have to move it into the parlor and get it set up when we get home. Then we came here to meet up with you," Anna enumerated.

"Well, that took care of this morning. What have you got planned out for us this afternoon?"

"Gringotts after lunch, and then we shop 'til we drop!"

"Harry!" Remus hissed across the table. "If we move really quickly, mate, we could make a break for the door before she could get her wand out and stun us!"

"Don't even think it, Remus," Gwen warned him. "We're all going shopping together/. You're /not leaving me here alone with Anna!"

"Oh, nice!" Anna rolled her eyes.

Tom and one of the waiters arrived with their food.

"Gentle Witches and Wizards...lunch if served."

Harry, Remus and Anna swiveled to look at Gwen and they all broke up laughing.

X # X # X

Emerging from Gringotts an hour later, Gwen wore a puzzled expression on her face.

"How far underground were we, exactly?"

"Don't know," Remus answered. "Truth be told, I'd just as soon not know."

"Right. What a ride, though!"

"Still scares the willies out of me." Remus nodded.

"Oh, I wasn't scared. I just thought it was the strangest roller coaster I've ever been on."


"Roller coaster, Remus. A fun, scary Muggle ride at an amusement park."

"Yes, I know what they are. You like to ride on them?"

"Sure. I'll take you on one sometime. Maybe next summer."

"I don't know about that." Remus shook his head.

"We'll start small and work our way up to the heart stoppers," Gwen suggested. Seeing the shocked look on Remus' face, she smiled and shook her head. "Would I make you do anything I wouldn't do myself?"

"I suppose not, /but/, small ones first."


Putting her arm through his, they started down the steps.

"If you'll give it a try, you'll come to enjoy the thrill. And roller coasters have proper seats and safety harnesses and bars and things so you'll feel secure. Trust me, love, we'll have fun come next summer."

"Hey! Wait up you two!" came a shout from behind them, as Harry bounded down the steps to catch up with Gwen and Remus. "Where's Anna?"

They all three looked back and forth at each other and then chorused, "Madame Malkin's!"

"Let's go extract her, before she blows her entire Christmas budget on new gowns," Gwen suggested.

Off they trooped, down Diagon Alley.

"Hang on. I've got to pop into Quality Quidditch Supplies for a gift for Ron. I'll catch up with you in a few minutes."

"Right! See you in a bit, then."

X # X # X

Harry entered Madame Malkin's ten minutes later, having bought Ron a broomstick servicing kit, like the one Hermione had given him for his birthday a few years before. Looking around the shop, he spotted Remus lounging in an overstuffed chair in one corner. Remus waved him over and indicated that Harry should sit down in the other chair, opposite him.

"Where are they?"

"In the back, trying on gowns, both of them. We need to nip this in the bud, Harry, or we'll never get them out of here."

"Well, let's remind them about Oxford Street and the fact that Winky is home alone, running amok with the Christmas decorations," suggested Harry.

"That might do it. Worth a try, I suppose."

Remus glanced at his watch and sighed. Harry settled back into the cushy chair and resigned himself to the wait.

X # X # X

"Well?" Gwen appeared through a curtain at the back of the shop. Twirling around, she looked back and forth between Harry and Remus, hopeful of a positive reaction.

"Very pretty. The color suits you and I like it a bit better than the first one," Remus admitted as he gazed at Gwen.

"I like it, too, Gwen," Harry agreed.

"Excellent! It's my favorite. I'll get it, then." Gwen turned and disappeared back through the curtain.

"One down, one to go!" Harry grinned at Remus, just as Anna made her entrance into the room.

"I can't make up my mind. What do you two think; this one," she asked, holding up a periwinkle colored gown in front of her. "Or .. this one?" Sweeping the first gown aside, she revealed the bottle green one she was wearing.

"That's a tough one; they're both nice, but haven't I seen you in one that's similar to the blue one?" Harry asked, tilting his head and looking thoughtfully at both gowns.

"Harry, you're right! That was very observant of you. I'll get the green." Anna turned and swept back to the changing room.

"Smooth, Harry."

"Constant vigilance." They both laughed. "Now, if we can just get them to limit themselves to one gown each, we'll get out of here."

"My thoughts, exactly, Harry," Remus agreed, smiling broadly.

Madame Malkin came bustling out of the back rooms, with the two gowns Gwen and Anna had decided not to purchase, to re-hang them for display.

"Wait a minute, Madame Malkin," Harry said as he stood up suddenly, walking over to the owner of the shop. Turning to Remus, he grinned. "I just had an idea. Let's buy these two gowns for Anna and Gwen for Christmas. We know they like them and they fit, so that'll save us worrying over what to get them."

Remus got up and came over to Harry and Madame Malkin. "That's bloody /brilliant/, Harry! Madame Malkin, if you would be so kind as to wrap up these two gowns and have them sent to my place." Remus grabbed a sales slip and scribbled his address on the back. "And not a word to those two in the back."

"Certainly, sir. The ladies will be so pleased. They were having a hard time deciding. You will both receive Christmas kisses for these gifts, I can assure you." Madame Malkin beamed at them, hanging the two gowns on a rack and putting Remus' address in her side pocket. Harry checked the price tags and counted out the Galleons to Madame Malkin.

"Harry, I can't let you pay for both!" Remus protested.

"No time, pay me back later," Harry hissed, as Anna and Gwen came out of the changing room and joined them at the front, carrying their new gowns in bright purple bags.

"What have you got there?" asked Gwen, noticing the bag in Harry's hand.

"A present for my friend, Ron Weasley; a broomstick servicing kit. He's the keeper on Gryffindor's Quidditch team."

"OH! Speaking of the Weasleys; we have to stop in Fred and George's shop," Anna exclaimed. "I have a project for them," she added mysteriously, as she headed out the door.

"Uh oh. I get the feeling Anna is up to something," whispered Remus to Harry, as they left Madams Malkin's.

"Should we feel apprehensive for this Fred and George, or us?" Gwen asked.

"Both, I should think," Harry said, shaking his head.

"I heard that!" Anna shot back over her shoulder, as they wended their way through the crowded alley.

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