Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Goes Around...Comes Around...Lost and Found...Love

Making a list...

by ilex 0 reviews

Remus and Gwen, "the welcoming committee" are there. Harry is pitchforked into Christmas, Twigg-Jones style. Making plans and lists and checking it twice.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Characters: Angelina Johnson, Arthur Weasley, Bellatrix, Bill Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Cho, Colin Creevey, Crabbe, Dean Thomas, Dobby, Draco, Dudley, Dumbledore, Ernie, Fleur, Flitwick, Fred, George, Ginny, Goyle, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin - Warnings: [!] [?] [R] [V] - Published: 2006-09-24 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 2907 words


Chapter 21

Making a List

Lupin walked into the vestibule and opened the outside front door.

"Hi, Remus. Forgot my key."

"Shush, she's already here."

"Anna, /early/?"


"We weren't expecting her for another hour."

"I know. And she brought Harry Potter and Winky with her, too."

Remus stood aside and then shut the door as Gwen Jones stepped into the entrance hall, shrugged her coat off and hung it up on one of the hooks. Turning, she put her arms around Lupin and gave him a hug and a quick kiss.

"Harry Potter I've heard of, but who is Winky?"

"Anna has acquired a house elf."

"Really? I've never seen one. What does it..."


"What does she look like?"

"That," said Remus, pointing up the stairs to where Winky stood, watching. "Winky, come here, I want you to meet someone."

Winky padded quickly down and came over to stand by Remus, looking shyly up at Gwen.

"Gwen, this is Winky, Anna's new house elf. Winky, this is Doctor Gwen Jones, Anna's stepdaughter."

"Hello, Winky." Gwen put out her hand, which Winky shook. "Is this your first time here?"

"Yes, Miss. I is just being Missy Anna's house elf. But I is liking the house."

"Would you like to help me surprise Anna?"

"Oh, yes, miss."

"Ok, here's what we'll do: you take my hand and we'll go..." she looked at Remus.


" the kitchen and you can say you found me and can you keep me?"

Winky looked puzzled.

"It's a joke, Winky. Trust me; she'll be very happy to see me."

"Yes, Miss." Winky took Gwen's hand and started to drag her toward the stairs. Entering the kitchen, she stopped. "Missy Anna? I is finding her in the hall. Can Winky keep her?"

" 'Keep her?' What?" Anna turned around with a frown on her face, which instantly changed to a expression of amazement. "/Gwen/!"


Rushing into each others arms, the two women embraced warmly.

"I wasn't expecting you until Monday night, Gwen. When did you get into London?"

"Yesterday morning; a bit earlier than originally planned. Rang to see if anyone was here and Remus answered. He told me you'd be arriving this evening, so I thought I'd pop over and be part of the welcoming committee." Crossing her arms, she shook her head. "Little did I think you'd be here early."

"Oh, stop. It was a race, so for once, I was ahead of schedule. Otherwise, we'd still be on the road, right Harry? Oh, yes, let me introduce you two. Gwen, this is Harry Potter, who kindly consented to spend his holiday with me. Harry, this is my second favorite Doctor Jones, Christopher's daughter, Gwen."

"Pleased to meet you, Doctor Jones." Harry pulled his fingers loose from a ball of lace he had been trying to detangle, in order to shake hands.

"Call me Gwen, Harry. And it's nice to meet you, too; puts a face with a name, as Anna has told me all about you and your parents."

"Do you know all about our world; the magical one, I mean?"

"No, not all/, but Dad and Anna thought I should know /some things, seeing as I was getting a witch for a stepmother when they got married."

"That and the wand was a /bit /of a giveaway," Remus added as he sat on the stool next to Harry.

"True. I was a little puzzled by some odd things that would occur when I was home from university. I thought it was pretty cool, though, when they did tell me. I used to get the biggest giggle out of telling my friends that my new step-mother was a real witch. They never got the joke." Giving Anna a hug, she looked around at the house elf standing there, silently watching them. "And now, you have your own house elf. She's cute as a button, but what is she wearing?" Gwen was regarding Winky's horribly mismatched hand-me-downs.

"Clothes! And I is not going to wear them no more!" Winky spoke up, emphatically. "I is a proper house elf now and Missy Anna is giving me a proper house elf pillowcase to wear, isn't you, Missy Anna?" Winky asked, looking excitedly at the pile of linens on the counter.

"I was just trying to decide which one would suit you. Here, help me pick one." Anna spread a few pillowcases out on the countertop as Winky climbed up on a stool to get a better look.

"Ok,/ NOW/ I'll display my ignorance of most things magical...why would she give up her clothes to wear a pillowcase?"

"Oh, Missy Gwen," Winky started to explain, "Winky was given clothes by my old Master, Mr. Crouch. Winky's old Master throws her out in disgrace. He was terrible mad at Winky, so Dobby takes me with him to Hogwarts and Missy Anna is making me a proper house elf again, with a beautiful pillowcase." Winky turned from Gwen, gazing rapturously at the bounty of linens spread before her.

"I'll explain it all to you later, Gwen," whispered Remus. She nodded and smiled, walking over to put her arm around his shoulder. He slid his arm around her waist.

"I is not knowing which one to choose." Winky shook her head in wonderment.

"Well, they're all yours, Winky, but let's just pick out one to get the size and fit right, then we'll trim it."

At that, Winky burst into tears and threw herself into Anna's arms. "Oh, Missy Anna, you is too good to Winky!"

"Don't be silly, you've got to look like a proper house elf and you'll need different - shall we call them uniforms - for different occasions. So, which one will it be? I, personally, like the red flannel plaid: it goes with the season, it's warm and it just needs some lace trim."

"This would go good with it," joined in Gwen, as she stepped forward, picking up a length of lace.

"Harry," Remus whispered out of the side of his mouth, "this is where we make a break for it." He pointed at the door.

"Right," Harry agreed. "Have fun ladies." He and Remus beat a retreat.

"We're going to get some take away for dinner," Remus announced over his shoulder to the three females gathered around the linens and lace. "Be back soon."

Three hands shot up in the air and waved Remus and Harry on their way.

X # X # X

Harry awoke the next morning, opened his eyes, and after a second or two realized where he was. A grin slowly spread across his face. He lay there listening to the traffic noises drifting up to his window. Harry took a deep breath. /Ah/, he thought, /bacon and coffee and I don't have to fix it/. He sat up, put on his glasses and spied a shopping bag at the foot of his bed. He pulled it to him and read the tag.

"Harry. Surprise, surprise! An early present or several late ones. Anna and Remus."

Tearing through the tissue paper, he pulled out a pair of sneakers, two pairs of blue jeans, a long sleeved tee shirt sporting the Manchester United logo, some underwear and socks and a bulky, green pullover jumper.

Scrambling out of bed, he got dressed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen, following the delicious smells and the sound of voices. Anna and Remus were sitting at the breakfast table, coffee mugs in hand, looking a little bleary eyed, trying to focus on The /Daily Prophet/ and /The Sunday Times/.

"Morning, Harry. Coffee?" Remus called when he spied Harry entering the kitchen.

"Morning. No, thanks; I'm wide awake. Anna...I don't know what to say," Harry stammered, indicating his clothes, "except thank you, both of you."

"No worries, Harry. You're a few years behind on the shop-o-meter, so we decided to get you started by expanding your wardrobe," replied Anna. Remus nodded agreement.

"Harry Potter, sir, what is you wanting for your breakfast?" Winky had appeared at his side, dressed in her new plaid pillowcase, with two damask napkins fashioned into a pinafore apron.

"Morning, Winky. Some scrambled eggs and toast would do nicely, thanks. Oh, and some juice and a chipolata or two if they're ready, please."

"Well, I'm off to Headquarters." Remus folded the paper he had been reading and stood up. "I'll meet you all for lunch at noon, at /The Leaky Cauldron/."

"Correct. With Gwen and Harry along, I might even be on time, too." Anna offered her cheek for a kiss from Remus and then dove back into the 'Style' section of the paper.

X # X # X

Winky carried Harry's plate over to the table.

"Thanks, Winky."

"You is welcome, Harry Potter, sir."

"We're going shopping, then?" Harry asked Anna, as he spread butter on his toast.

"Yes, indeed; this afternoon. Diagon Alley first; we'll get some money from /Gringotts/, then onward to lay waste to Oxford Street. Have you got a list?"

"Ah, no .. should I? I mean, I've been thinking about what to get everyone, but I've only had Hogsmeade to shop in."

"Thin pickings, Harry, thin indeed."

With a flick of her wand, a piece of paper and a pencil flew from the small deck in the corner and settled in front of Harry. He started listing names and jotting down ideas for gifts.

"Morning all." Gwen walked in, took off her jacket and hung it over the back of a chair. She gave Anna a kiss on the cheek and ruffled Harry's hair. "Got you making a list, has she?" Harry grinned at her and nodded. "She's a maniac when it comes to shopping. You're in for a real experience, my boy, so eat all of your breakfast. You'll need your strength."

"Oh, stop." Anna made a half hearted swipe at Gwen. "You've no room to talk, Missy. You used to be a 'Sloane Ranger' and you're proud of it."

"Too right! Shop 'til you drop!"

"Help!" Harry squeaked, looking around, panic written on his face. Anna and Gwen laughed.

"Missy Gwen is wanting something to eat?" Winky popped up at Gwen's elbow.

"No thank you, Winky. I had breakfast at my place, but I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee, if it's not a bother."

"No, Miss. Winky will get it."

"Anna, she's such a sweet little thing. How did you even talk her into leaving Hogwarts?"

"She'd been longing for a new position as a proper house elf and I needed help, so it was fate that we found each other."

"Missy Gwen." Winky was back, holding up a mug which Gwen took from her.

"Thanks Winky. How's it going, so far, in you new position?"

"Oh, I is liking it here. I is so glad Missy Anna is wanting me as her house elf. I is going to work hard to get everything ready for Christmas, too."

"Do you mind if I ask you a question, Winky? You see, I'm a Muggle and you're the very first house elf I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

"Doesn't magic scare Missy Gwen?"

"No, I find it very interesting. A bit unexpected, at times, but not scary."

"Oh .. but you is having a question for Winky?'

"Yes; do you find this house scary, it being a Muggle one, with all the Muggle things it contains?"

"I is finding some very strange things, yes, but I will learn to use them. I is wanting to please Missy Anna and be a good house elf. So Winky is not scared of Muggle things, same as Missy Gwen is not being scared by magic."

"Now, Winky," interrupted Anna, "you and I discussed this. If something Muggle doesn't suit you, or you don't see the point of using a certain appliance, you can feel free to do your work anyway you see fit. You don't have to use /anything /Muggle, if you'd rather not. Understood?"

"Oh no, Missy Anna, I is liking some of the Muggle things. I just isn't knowing how some of them is working, yet."

"Fair enough. We'll get around to them, one at a time."

"Yes, Missy Anna."

"Gracious," commented Gwen as she sat down at the table. "I didn't know one question would be such a bother."

"Nonsense, you don't learn if you don't ask."

"Lord, Anna, you sound just like Dad," laughed Gwen.

"Well," replied Anna with a smile, "I did pick up a few of his little sayings. You'll have to tell him."

"When's he getting her?" asked Gwen, taking of sip of her coffee.

"There's the final round of that whist tournament he organized, so he's not hurrying as he doesn't expect you to arrive until Christmas Eve. You can surprise him - BOO! - scare him to death." They all laughed at the absurdity of that statement.

X # X # X

"So," Harry asked, between forkfuls of eggs, "what're the plans for today? Besides shopping, I mean."

"First." Anna ticked off her list on her fingers. "We're getting the Christmas decorations down from the attic and sorted. Second, go and pick out a tree. Third, we lunch with Remus at The Leaky Cauldron/. Fourth, visit /Gringotts to get some money. Fifth, shopping in Diagon Alley; Madame Malkin's and anyplace you need to go, Harry. Then last, but by far the most exciting; laying ruin to all the shops and stores on Oxford Street that are foolish enough to let me in the front door!"

"Blimey. I had to ask." Harry shook his head and sighed.

"That's why I wore my most comfortable shoes, Harry," Gwen informed him. "I've done this before and I've learned; it'll be marathon shopping at its grandest!"

"I'm beginning to realize that." Harry nodded.

X # X # X

Draining the last gulp of coffee from her mug, Anna got from her chair and regarded Gwen and Harry.

"Well, let's get this show started, shall we? Upwards, to the attic! Winky, we'll need your help, too.

"Yes, Missy Anna."

Off they trooped, up the four flights of stairs, to the top of the house. Reaching the landing, Anna opened the first door and stuck her head in.

"Morning, Wally. Hello, Hedwig." Soft hoots answered as Harry looked around the door jam. Half of the room was given over to the two owls, sitting on perches, surrounded by old picture frames, water and treat bowls, trunks and pieces of furniture. The other half of the room was lined with shelves, holding neatly labeled boxes, marked 'books', 'papers', 'souvenirs', 'clothes', 'photos', etc.

/So this is where all of those pictures of my folks would be/, thought Harry.

"We'll find those pictures I told you about, somewhere in that lot," Anna airily waved in the direction of the shelves. "You and I will get to those later."

"Right." Harry smiled to himself. "Hello, Hedwig." He walked over and petted the snowy owl, which nibbled his fingers and hooted softly. Anna's barn owl, Wally, also hooted at him. "Good morning to you, too, Wally. Just settling in for a nap, huh? We'll leave you two alone, then."

Harry followed Anna out onto the landing and across to the other half of the attic. Gwen was already on a stool, handing down boxes to Winky. Actually, she was picking out boxes from the shelves and Winky was floating them down and piling them neatly by the door.

"That's the last." Gwen climbed down off of the stool.

" 'Locomotor boxes' " Anna swished her wand and the boxes formed into a little line, and proceeded to float down the stairs ahead of them. On the third floor, Anna separated one of the boxes from the rest.

"Harry, your job is to put a candle in each window, front and back, working your way down to the ground floor. They've had a charm put on them, so they will go on at dusk and go off at dawn."

"Right, I'll get started." Harry picked up the box and headed into the nearest bedroom as Anna, Gwen and Winky continued down the stairs.

"Are we putting the tree in the library or in the front parlor this year?"

"Parlor will be best, I think. It'll feel more like a family Christmas for Harry. Plus, there will be more room to pile up presents, too."

"Oh, good logic, that." Gwen smiled at Anna and winked. Anna nodded her head and winked back.

"Ok, then, the ornament boxes go by the sofa, and we'll leave the decoration boxes in the hall. Winky, these boxes will be yours to unpack. We'll unpack the ornament boxes when we get the tree in place."

"Yes, Missy Anna." Winky was shivering with excitement. "What is your decorations looking like? Can Winky unpack them now?"

"Sure, get started," replied Anna, waving her hand, indicating the library, dining room and parlor, "while I run back upstairs and get dressed."

"Yes, Miss!" came the muffled reply from inside the first box, as Winky reached for the swags and baubles and various bits and pieces of Christmas cheer to be hung up around the house.

"I'm going down and finish my coffee." Gwen headed for the stairs. "Don't be too long, Anna, we've got a lot of territory to cover and I'm in just the right mood."

"Me, too. This is going to be a LOT of fun." Anna ran up to her bedroom to change.

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