Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I remember

Chapter 2

by LOVELA 1 review

I remember when we were lost in innocence and then innocence was lost.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2006-09-25 - Updated: 2006-09-26 - 1085 words

The hour before lunch is always the longest, but I had English, so I was hoping it would go quickly. I walked into the classroom seconds after the bell had rang, and everybody was already in their seats.

"Can I help you?" a friendly looking female teacher asked. She had a warm smile, so I smiled back.

"Yes, I'm new," I said handing her my transfer slip.

"Oh, well welcome, Isabelle. I'm Mrs. B. It is actually Barbatoes, but everyone calls me Mrs. B." she said with the same smile.

"Where would you like me to sit?" I asked not looking at the class. I hated having any let alone all eyes on me.

"Oh, well let's see," she said looking around the room. "There is a spot in the back by Pete. Do you mind sitting in the back?" she asked me.

"Nope," I said going towards my spot to see HIM sitting there smiling at me. I just nodded towards him as I sat down. I looked over at him and he was yet again scribbling in his notebook furiously. The lecture went on, but I loved English, so I enjoyed the entire time. We didn?t have any free time in class, so I was unable to talk to Pete, which I was kind of bummed about. The bell rang and I quickly got out of my seat to leave.

"Lunch?" he asked me before I could leave.

"Yeah, I guess that's next for me," I said sighing and looking at my schedule.

"No, do you want to have lunch together?" he asked laughing a little.

"Oh, sure," I said shrugging. I was beginning to think he was fulfilling some sort of bet. Why in the world was this completely gorgeous boy being so nice to me? I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt, for the time being.

"So how is your first day going?" he asked as we slowly walked to the lunch room.

"Fine. I'm not used to the weird glances that I get everywhere I go, but I'm assuming that will pass," I said just as someone did a double take as we walked by.

"Yeah, that will pass. Our school isn't very open to outsiders. I don't know why. We are just a small town near the city and everyone fears that we are going to be invaded by the city folk," he said jokingly.

"Well, they don't have to worry about me. I'm from an even smaller town than this," I said laughing with him. "We even have farms and fields!" Pete just laughed as we walked into the lunch area. It was total chaos. I stopped shocked for a moment. There were people everywhere.

"Come on. It isn't as bad as it seems," Pete said quietly in my ear. I got instant goosebumps. I just nodded and followed him. We walked into the lunch line and I reluctantly got what was on the menu. It looked disgusting.

"Yeah, you may want to start brining your own lunches. It is unfortunately as bad as it looks," he said noticing my face as we walked to a table that had spots. "Is this ok?" he asked as we sat down.

"Yeah, it's fine. Don't you have like a usual table or something?" I asked him looking around.

"Not really. I sometimes sit by the team, but they can be assholes, you know," he said pushing his food around. I just nodded. I took that as they wouldn't approve of him sitting next to me.

"Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater!"

We were interrupted by a boy with brown shaggy hair and a very hyper personality. He sat down and immediately began eating off of Pete's tray. I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Hey Joe," Pete said looking up at me and smiling.

"So who's the dish?" he asked. I blushed and looked down at my food.

"Joe, this is Izzy. Izzy this is my friend Joe," he said introducing us. "Izzy just moved here from Minnesota," Pete explained. Joe didn't really look as though he and Pete would hang out together. He looked more like someone who would hang out with me. He had on baggy jeans and a black t-shirt with a band logo on it.

"Ah, a farmer's girl. Nice to meet you," he said putting the charm on and shaking my hand.

"Hi. You too," I said back smiling at him.

"Joe?" Pete asked him as he wouldn't let go of my hand.

"Yeah?" he asked still not letting go.

"What the hell are you doing in this lunch?" Pete asked breaking Joe out of his trans or his attempt to seduce me. It wasn't working.

"Huh? Oh! I dunno. Shop was boring and Goldberg fell asleep again," Joe said shrugging continuing to eat Pete's food.

"Are you going to let him eat all of your food?" I asked Pete.

"He doesn't care. Pete barely eats anyway," Joe said answering him.

"Shouldn't you eat before a game?" I asked sounding a little shocked. Pete and Joe both looked up at me shocked at my reaction.

"I eat. I just don't eat this shit," he said pushing it more towards Joe who just kept eating it. I just nodded.

"Sorry," I said knowing I was intruding into someone's personal business. Pete just shrugged.

"I better jet kiddies before the teach wakes. See ya tonight?" Joe asked Pete.

"Yeah, tonight," he said to Joe before he left.

"Are you ok?" he asked looking at me concerned.

"I'm fine. I just feel real stupid butting into you business. It was rude," I said again.

"Don't worry about it. I know what you were thinking. I'm too skinny as it is, and I don't eat. It looks like I have an eating disorder, right?" he said laughing.

"Well, you are skinny," I said giggling at him. Pete just rolled his eyes but laughed with me.

"My mom says that all the time. I eat all the time. I just get nervous before a game, that's all," he said calming my nerves a little. The bell rang and everyone stood up and started to push their ways to their lockers.

"Thanks for lunch, Pete," I said standing up as well.

"I'll meet you at your locker after school still, ok?" he asked picking up his tray and taking mine as well.

"Yeah, see ya then," I smiled and pushed my way to join the mass of students.
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