Categories > Cartoons > Futurama > Leelas love

Default Chapter

by herry_odie_fan 6 reviews


Category: Futurama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-25 - Updated: 2006-09-26 - 101 words

"Fri how many times have i told you your not my boyfriend"Leela said walking into the profesors ofice.

"oh come on leela just one dat!"Fri said.

"No"Leela told him.

"Oh comeone leela give him a chance"Amy said striping on a pole for bender.

"Oh yea"Bender said looking at her boobs and smoking a cigar.

"Fine"Leela said giving up.

Fri then gav leela a big kiss.

"Mmmm mmm mmm"They mummbled.

Then the profesure walked in.

"Oh my"he said

HAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA first story writen and just to let you know my sister is greektitan lol
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