Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Technology and Desert Skies


by xxFamousLastWordsxx 0 reviews

"For All of Us"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2021-02-24 - 1235 words

My heart was racing. “Music?” I mumbled out and shook Music’s shoulder gently. I stared down at her, she was unresponsive, the machines had switched off, the lights had become dimmer, the whole building had shook with the waves produced by the machine. Dust was settling on the ground and there was panic outside the room, BLI had hacked into some of Music’s inventions long before they had got into the mother board. With all of it gone, BLI had lost majority of it’s power. I moved Music’s hair out of her face and didn’t look away from her for a single moment. I haven’t been this scared since BLI first came around. I bit my lip and shook her shoulder again, “Please wake up Music,” I whispered to her scraping my hair out of my face. She moved slightly and twitched. I let go of the breath I was holding, she didn’t know herself if she would have survived Protocol 23.
“Where am i?” She mumbled. Music had also pre warned me that she wouldn’t know exactly how much she would remember if this was activated.
“You’re safe, you’re with me,” I said, turning her face to look at me.
“Jamie?” She mumbled out. I immediately threw a hand over her mouth, “We don’t use our birth names, I am Ghost and you are Music,” I warned her. “Trust me, a lot has happened, everything might be a little fuzzy but just use your alibi name,” I said with a nod.
She stared at me like I was crazy. “Okay?” She asked and slowly sat up on the chair. “I am so light headed, what happened? Did I get too drunk again?” She asked squinting her eyes at me.
I held my laughter in, “No, a lot has happened, I will explain it to you when you’re more yourself” I half smiled at her. A wave of sadness came over me, she didn’t know a single thing, she probably didn’t remember any of the killjoys or The Black Parade.
Music nodded “Okay, uhm” She started and began to take in her surroundings “Who is that?” She asked pointing outside the box, to Party Poison.
I struggled to explain, “That is a friend” I started. “He can be trusted” I said, deciding that was the best I could give her, “His name is Party, Party Poison” I said with a nod and glanced over to Party who was on his knees, close to a mental breakdown. My heart broke for the two of them, they had gone through so much, I am sure this was not easy for Party to see either.
Music nodded again, “Okay, ccan I go speak to him?” She asked and slowly began to move out of the chair. Her arm was still neon blue, I didn’t understand why. The procedure was designed to disintegrate the microchip inside her. I decided against asking questions.
“Y-yeah, come on, you might feel a little unsteady on your feet” I said wrapping her arm around my shoulder and gripping her waist.
“Woah, you were right, I feel like my body isn’t connected” She giggled and began to try to walk with me out of the room.
Party had got up from his spot and had made it to the door. He was choked up.
“My name is Lo-Music,” Music quickly corrected herself. “I don’t remember a lot, but Ja-Ghost told me that I can trust you” She half smiled at Party.
Party nodded at her “I am Party,” he said quietly, unsure what to do. “We are in a bit of a situation, you need to get out of the building, I have sent someone to make sure your little sister has been evacuated” He said looking towards the ground.
Music’s mouth dropped, “Where is she? She is uh-“
“Don’t worry, they know” I whispered to Music. “Don’t worry” I repeated. Music relaxed her muscles. “She is in a coma, she had a bit of an incident earlier” I said to her as I led her out towards the lifts, followed by Party.
“Oh goodness” Music mumbled, “Uhm” She struggled. “I feel” She whispered, I could feel her grip loosening on me.
“What’s wrong?” I asked in a panic. Party had automatically wrapped his arm around her waist on the other side of her.
“My chest is-“ She paused and took a deep inhale of breath “It feels tight” She managed to get out.
I didn’t know what to do, she didn’t have any respiratory conditions, was this an after affect?
“Listen you need to focus on your breathing until we get you out of here,” Party said in a slight monotone.
Music nodded and continued to take deep breaths as we reached the ground floor and out through the main entrance. It was chaos outside the building. People were screaming and jumping and fighting, obviously for freedom and restoration of a democracy, this was the start of the killjoy uprising.
“We need to get somewhere safe” I mumbled more to Party.
“Jet has set up a bunker, we can go to that, just until this passes” Party said opening a car door and helping Music into it.
“They will come for you” I whispered to Party, as the people chanted for BLI to be destroyed and the anonymous dictator to be executed for their crimes.
“They don’t know who I am, if anything I am a killjoy in their eyes,” Party said jumping into the drivers seat.
He had played this so well and so smart, he had planned for the collapse of BLI a long time ago in his mind, that is why he remained anonymous.
“ACTIVATION APPROVED” Kai chirped up, which scared both me and Party
“What??” Party snapped looking in the mirror at me.
“I DON’T KNOW HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?” I asked looking at the smart watch on Music’s wrist.
“Kai, Kai is under development” Music whispered “I don’t remember finishing Kai, Kai was” She paused for a breath, her colour had changed and become more pale, her breathing rate had increased.
“Kai was just a vision,” She got out before she passed out in the seat.
“Who has the ability to do that?” Party shouted as he continued to drive, barely focusing on the road.
I swallowed a lump in my throat, “Gerard in the Black Parade is the only person that can do that,” I mumbled to him. “She was going to die” I whispered. “He reversed it to save her life, that’s the only reason Music gave him that ability, was if her life was in danger” I said to him, looking at Music who was cold to touch.
“RESTORING MICROCHIP 7991” Kai bleeped up.
“YOU’RE ONLY SAYING THIS NOW?” Party screamed.
“She was part of the Black Parade, Kai and the technology keeps her human.” I mumbled, “She sold her soul a long time ago,” I said. “A long long time ago,” I mumbled putting my head In my hands.
This was going to be a disaster for Party, for Music, for Missile,
For all of us.
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