Categories > Games > Undertale > My Undertale AU's

Buttercup - NekoFlowerShift

by LuxIsAnEnby 0 reviews

This is one of my favorite character's I've made.

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!!] [V] [R] [?] [Y] - Published: 2021-02-26 - 745 words

Name: Chara Dreamurr
Buttercup, NFS!Chara
Masked Neko, Demon, Monster
NFS!Frisk (Ex-Lover)
X-Gaster (Enemy)
Ink (Enemy)
Dream (Frenemy)
Blueberry (Friend)
Nightmare (…Friend?)
Error (Neutral/Frenemy)
Killer (Friend/Teammate)
Horror (Enemy/Teammate)
Dust (Friend/Teammate)
Cross (Friend/Teammate)
Classic (Enemy)
Outer (Enemy)
Fresh (Enemy)
Sci (Neutral/Enemy)
Reaper (Enemy)
Geno (Enemy)
UZ!Sans (Friend)
Ellie (L Child)
Rose (H Child)
NES!Chara (Lover)
NFS!Asriel (Adopted Brother)
NFS!Asgore (Adopted Dad)
NFS!Toriel (Adopted Mom)
Additional Info
Birthday: 4/29/####
Species: Neko/Demon/Mage
Gender: Non Binary
Battle Info
HP: 99999
AT: 20
DF: 1000
ACTs: Check, Hug, Talk, Pet
Short Backstory
They lived in our world as a 11 year old closeted non-binary named Lux, one night they were killed by some people who broke in. They were transported into this AU as Chara who at this time was 8. They were pushed down the hole by their 'parents'. They saw a black and yellow figure as they fell. They were found by X-Gaster and Ink. They were experimented on by X-Gaster for 4 years which led to trauma and flowers growing on their face. Toriel found them and they lived with the Dreamurr's for a year. They then lived just with Asriel for 3 years. (I know they were 13 when they moved out but just work with it-) They met Frisk and a few months later Chara started dating Frisk. One day Chara met Ink again, Ink had acted like he didn't know them, Chara acted the same way. They talked for a bit and then Ink invited them, Asriel, and Frisk to a AU party so they made nicknames, Chara as Buttercup, Frisk as Lilac, and Asriel as Rainbow. A few weeks later they went to the party, Lilac and Buttercup met Fell then Dream which allowed them to find out that Buttercup can't be around Dream due to his Aura.(Basically Buttercup starts to feel dizzy but if he touches them they get burned)Buttercup then met Blue. Buttercup decided to go home early. A few days later Blue asked if they would hang out with him along with the other Stars, they agreed. They all became friends, which lasted a year. The Stars begun to think there was something wrong with them, because they would stop listening in the middle of a conversation and sometimes look very scared. They were sent to an Asylum after they told The Stars that they would see whoever was with them dead and themself holding a knife covered in blood, even Lilac and Rainbow saw them as a monster Buttercup hated this. They were put in a cell with UZ!Sans or Zodiac. They had become very good friends and the Stars still visited. Blue visited the most and Ink the least since Buttercup started acting cold to them. Blue talked with them, did Dream but from the other side of the room, Ink just brought art supplies. One day Buttercup was framed by another Asylum member and a guard came to give the, a punishment, Zodiac attacked the guard which sentenced him to death and Buttercup had to watch. Ink and Dream stopped visiting and tried to get Blue to stop. Everyone started to blame Buttercup for his death as the guards decided to tell everyone Buttercup had killed Zodiac. Buttercup soon escaped, since it had been a while since they teleported they accidently teleported into Underlust. They were raped by some monsters down there and Lust helped them. Buttercup left Underlust after they got a hang of teleporting again. In secret they stayed in Outertale there they met Killer who offered them to join, Obviously Nightmare told him to ask, they decided to accept the offer. Buttercup had grown a hatred towards Lilac and Rainbow, so they killed them or... tried they could only kill Rainbow and the rest of their AU, Lilac escaped and during the fight their magic well... made a child. Buttercup took the child which they named Ellie and kept hidden in their room at Nightmare's castle, Lilac doesn't even know about the child. Buttercup soon started to see and hear Zodiac as well as Rainbow. Buttercup decided to explore AU's which is how they found Hacker. So they became friends, later on they started dating and made a child out magic named Rose.

That's probably all for their backstory I guess also they do have something similar to the Hanahaki disease, basically the disease but not for love and it can't be cured.
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