Categories > Games > Undertale > My Undertale AU's

Li - Underzodiac

by LuxIsAnEnby 0 reviews

Zodiac's brother :)

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2021-03-10 - 145 words

Name: Papyrus XXXX
Li, UZ!Papyrus
Rara, Lib
UZ!Sans (Brother)
UZ!Undyne (Former Friend)
UT!Papyrus (Friend)
Other Papyrus AU's (Friends)
Additional Info
Birthday: 10/23/XXXX
Species: Magic Skeleton
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Battle Info
He's also kinda dead...
Short Backstory
He lived with Zodiac his whole life until Zodiac got taken away, Undyne stopped training him and everyone started to hate him because they thought he was just as crazy. He met Creampuff and they became friends, soon he met other AU's and befriended them as well. He became very sad and angry when he heard that Zodiac died, he committed suicide soon afterwards.
Same outfit as Papyrus but the jacket is teal. (HEX #5aa18e)
His eye's are both a golden orange. (HEX #f7d04d)
The Libra symbol on his left cheek(?) is a pale blue. (HEX #66758c)
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