Categories > Games > Undertale > Fractured!


by Sunadokei 0 reviews

It was never gonna be easy for them to fit in this universe of anomalies and alternate universes, especially after so many losses. Guess it'll just have to work. Rated PG13 for violence, depressing...

Category: Undertale - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2021-03-12 - 776 words


The tall skeleton who bore a loose magenta robe around his shoulders came to a sudden stop, jumping up and down in excitement.
“Look Sans! Look! I found something really cool!”
The Sans chuckles to themself, closing their eyes up. They were wearing a hood over their dark grey skull, bright pink edging the bottom of their eyes.
“Oh yeah? What is it, Paps?”
The Papyrus pulls a rock from behind his back, holding it in front of the Sans proudly. “Isn’t he awesome?!”
The Sans stifles a laugh, placing a hand on the skeleton’s head. “Yep.”
“He’s cool..” The Papyrus rubs his eyes tiredly, right before he collapses into a lump on the floor. The Sans, having been quite used to their younger brother’s narcoleptic habits, scoops the child into his arms. The Sans walks on forward, heading to their own cozy little home.
They swung the door open, sliding their brother onto the soft couch which lay in the middle of the floor. They pull a soft, blue blanket over the small skeleton, Rubbing a hand weakly over The Papyrus’ skull. They spare him a smile, albeit a rather sad one. Slowly, The Sans’ expression fell to a frown. They sigh deeply, turning around to walk into the kitchen. They spread their arms to the back of their head, tugging the hoodie off. It sinks to their shoulders, drooping down. Once they reached the interior of the kitchen, they grabbed out a pack of ramen noodles and a pot, setting it under the running water. Thinking that their brother may awaken at some point late in the night, and may be hungry, The Sans thinks to snatch out yet another pack. Once the pot was full of water, they placed it on the stove, turning the heat up rather high. They then lean against the wall, pulling a flip-phone from their hoodie pocket, flipping it open. The screen read: 2 new messages.
The sans unlocks the phone, checking the texts.
Toriel: How is your day going? I hope it’s been well! How is Papyrus? Anyway, I’ve been having a great day. You should come over later! I mean-if you want to. I know you’re always busy with your brother nowadays. Enough of that, hope to hear from you soon!
The Sans chuckles, shaking their head. She was always one to send messages THIS long over text.
They type a quick response, then head to see the next message-
All of the sudden, everything in front of the sans began glitching sporadically in flashes of green and red and blue.
“Papyrus!” The Sans cries out, reaching a hand forward, as they begin to feel themselves fall backwards. They scream, wreathing their limbs around wildly, the floor disappearing into nothing but a black abyss underneath them. They shoot bones randomly upwards, trying desperately to climb their way through air, but to no avail.
Would this fall ever end?!!
Right as they said this, they landed on a blank surface with a THUMP. The fall rattled their bones and caused them to flinch.
“Do you know who you are?”
“Hm-hmph-” The sans murmurs. They couldn’t open their eyes-panic began to set in-were they blind?!
“Do you know your name?”
The voice spread thickly over The Sans, the words washing over them like a tide. They took a minute to think about it.
Actually, no.
“Hm..just as I expected! This is working out quite well…”
“No need to worry about that one anymore! You’re better than that, I’ve made you BETTER then that!!”
W-what do you mean?! What’d you do to m-
A force grabbed The Sans by the shoulders, shaking them wildly.
“I’ve made you the GREATEST weapon that there ever was, ever will be!!”
The Sans began to hyperventilate, clutching at their chest, reaching a hand above their soul. They were thrown down, then were apparently...locked up. It sounded like that. A few footsteps later, the other person was seemingly gone.
The Sans breathed quickly, raising a hand to their eye sockets. They clawed at them madly, gasping and burbling, tears running down their skull. Their soul was seized with a terrible feat of fear, so much so that they could feel some magic leaking from their ribcage.
They heard footsteps clacking into the room, tugging open what was probably the door, as it made quite a lot of banging noises. Before they could open their mouth to say something, a needle jabbed into their chest, sending them into an unconscious slumber.
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