Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Pride

Nation Building: The Risen Sun: Part I

by TheLemonSage

In the two years since the 4th Great Shinobi War, the world has slowly slipped back into chaos. Having had his dream of becoming Hokage taken from him, he sets out to reshape the world in much the ...

Category: Naruto - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2021-04-26 - 10719 words

Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine. Also, this story is a lemon fiction therefore is intended for people of a legal age from wherever they come from. So, if these type of stories offend then stop reading now. Thanks.

Chapter 8: Nation Building: The Risen Sun: Part I

Haruna made a move on the shogi board, and although she had a feeling it would prove to be a mistake, removed her fingers from it, and almost immediately her bodyguard, Yurinojo, who also served as her closest friend and advisor moved a piece to counter while he announced, “Checkmate!” She sighed before giving a soft if brief smile as she offered her congratulations, but Yurinojo already aware that his lady’s mind had not been on the game didn’t linger on the victory to instead take a stab at what had been preoccupying her, “It is an intriguing offer.”

Haruna nodded, not needing to ask what he meant since in truth the offer that Priestess Shion, and Daimyo Kayo had made to join her country with theirs to create a new more powerful nation had been all she could think of since it had been made revealed to them after arriving in The Land of Demons that afternoon. “It is indeed,” Haruna said as she stood from the small table where she and Yurinojo had been playing at. “It is so very tempting to say yes, since if they manage to pull it off, it would perhaps give our people a respite from getting caught up in the conflicts between the Lands of Earth and Wind.

Yurinojo nodded since a part of the reason the Land of Vegetables even had a clan of shinobi such as he was a member of in the first place was because after the Second shinobi war, it had tried to establish a shinobi village. This had been as a direct result of it and the preceding one, since numerous villages had been burned to the ground as both Iwa and Wind had used their country as well as others for their battlegrounds in order to find paths past their opposing countries’ borders. Granted, Vegetable hadn’t suffered nearly as poorly or as often as Bird, since it wasn’t caught directly between the two warring nations, but some of the worst battles had erupted in Vegetable since both sides often tried sneaking through their territory, and as such, when they encountered one another, would believe that if they could just eliminate their opposite number, a golden road would open up leading straight to the enemies’ capital or shinobi village. As a result, while Bird would suffer many more battles, they tended to be short but vicious, since with it being the shortest route between both Iwa and Suna’s subsequent home countries, and thus naturally would tend to be the most heavily guarded section of their border. Those that broke out in Vegetable tended to be just as vicious, but lasted longer since more and more troops would get pumped into the battles as those dictating the war felt a victory there would open the path to an overall triumph.

Thus, after the Second war ended, the Vegetable Daimyo of the time, Haruna’s father, had founded the Hidden Flower village. He had hoped that should a new war ever break out, with a shinobi village of its own, Vegetable would be able to force the shinobi of both sides from violating their borders. The Hidden Flower village had done just that when the Third Shinobi War had broken out, as its shinobi had attacked both forces when found within their borders. However, sadly while it had prevented any major battles from breaking out in its territory for a time, since both sides would quickly retreat rather than fighting them, figuring their enemies would just join in the attack to crush them while their attention was diverted. It hadn’t lasted long as their efforts had painted their village as a target, and since neither side was pleased to be deprived of what they perceived as the battleground that they continued to hope would be the key to achieving an overall victory over their enemies, one side had eventually launched a direct attack on the minor shinobi village.

Naturally, the fledgling village while able to achieve victories in smaller engagements, mainly as the battle was already won as soon as the opposing force of either side was discovered. As with their covers blown, it would only be a matter of time before their enemies picked up their trail and engaged them and so they would quickly retreat in order to try again at a later point to conserve their forces. It was completely unable to match even a fraction of the forces a major village could direct towards them even when preoccupied by a war on two other fronts. Yurinojo had only been a baby when his home village was burned to the ground, and while the force that had done it hadn’t worn any means of identifying them, likely so they could blame their enemies for the atrocity, which most considered it to be as many, particularly those in other minor countries, had considered the Flower Shinobi to be heroes defending their homes from the constant collateral damage inflicted on the minor countries, he had always suspected the village responsible had been Suna. Mainly as Suna had been the closer village, and even before the fires had fully been put out, it had launched a rather massive offensive, which luckily had carried them entirely through Vegetable before the force had been discovered in the Land of Claws where a massive battle had erupted. A battle Suna had lost, as the survivors of the Flower Village had fallen on the reinforcements as they left the Land of Wind and tried to reach their comrades engaging the Iwa forces, and while Flower had also lost many, it had delayed Suna long enough for Iwa to claim victory.

Disgustingly enough, Suna had quickly sown for peace soon after as Konoha having taken advantage of it having robbed shinobi from its River border to send its reinforcements, had smashed through the Land of Winds defenses there and were well on their way to destroy both Suna and the Wind Capital. The Third Hokage had quickly agreed to the proposed peace, and with Iwa aware that soon it could be facing both Suna and Konoha without the prospect of them fighting each other had also quickly come to the negotiating table, which in turn had also brought the other two villages as well.

It had always disgusted Yurinojo that as soon as Wind Villages had started burning, the Five Shinobi Villages had quickly agreed to a peace after years of subjecting minor countries to the same thing. Although, he imagined that with the wars effectively being just large stalemates, that when it was apparent that one of the players was about to be swept from the board, that others would quickly begin to fall in quick succession. Which, just left Yurinojo with the question of what had been the point of the wars in the first place? After the Fourth Shinobi War, there had been a genuine sense that it would be the last as some believed that it had been the creature known as Black Zetsu which had been working in the shadows stirring up the various hatreds each village harbored for one another to ensure its creator would face weakened shinobi resistance when it eventually succeeded in returning her. However, whether true or not, the current boiling tension growing between villages showed that nothing had really changed with its defeat as new powers seeking to expand their borders rose in the years since the war, and they used old resentments or grudges as a way to legitimize their increasingly hostile stances.

Stances which in time would undoubtedly lead to a new Shinobi war, which had Haruna considering reestablishing the Flower Village, despite it having been defunct since the end of the Third Shinobi war. A possibility as many of the survivors of the massacre had remained loyal to her father due to him taking the survivors into the capital and giving them various ranked positions for their service. Sadly, even if Haruna did decide to, which was unlikely as it would only create a target for one side or the other to attempted to eliminate again, the Janin Coup several years early which had seen Haruna trying to flee the country as a merchant under the protection of the Leaf who ultimately had been responsible for ending it, had still resulted in the decimation of the surviving members of his clan. Of course, since all it had taken to do so was three powerful jounin level shinobi, Yurinojo severely doubted they would be enough to even slow down a serious push from a force of either Suna or Iwa shinobi looking to turn his home into a warzone.

Yurinojo felt a sense of powerlessness and mentally cursed as his fist curled up into a ball. He forced himself to relax though as Haruna placed an understanding hand on his shoulder as she felt much the same, but noticing the time said, “Perhaps, one offer I will take them up on is the one to join them this evening for a bath.”

Yurinojo frowned as he asked, “Are you sure that is wise? I can’t imagine they are very pleased with us currently. As your guardian, I’d prefer you remain in this evening.”

Haruna inclined her head in understanding, but replied “I don’t think our hosts were entirely upfront about what they are up to.”

Frowning Yurinojo said, “That isn’t exactly easing my concerns about you being out of my sight.”

“I know,” Haruna said giving a tight nervous smile, “But, you remember that outburst by the woman who leads Honey’s military. She was as caught off guard by what is being proposed as we were. Whatever Shion and Kayo are planning, they’ve done so without even letting their closest advisors in on it. That tells me there must be some trump card that they have hidden, which even if the other countries realize they intend to merge, will give them the edge should any conflict result from it.”

“Perhaps,” her bodyguard replied, “But why not reveal it at the meeting?”

Haruna shrugged before she moved behind a red and gold paper screen to take off her official robes to replace them with a yukata favored by those heading off to the baths. As she began peeling off the layers, she explained why she felt the priestess and daimyo may have been holding out on them, “From the moment they invited us, they had to consider the possibility that news of their intentions would leak. After all, if we refuse and return home, we are going to have to prepare for the inevitable conflict that will arise. Neither Iwa or Suna are going to be happy about a new major country springing up on their doorsteps, especially if Bird joins them.”

“Which is why I think it best you stay here tonight, milady,” Yurinojo said cautiously. “We should leave with the morning sun and not tempt fate. If Bird joins, they may decide to take Vegetable by force and kidnapping you here and now would be a good way to force us to give up territory so they can link this new country they want to create to Bird.”

Haruna paused as she was about to remove the last layer as the idea hadn’t really occurred to her, but after a moment resumed as she countered, “A possibility, but I doubt they would feel the need to separate us just to make a move on me. Besides, if they did act so brazenly, I’m sure both Suna and Iwa would jump at the chance to use my kidnapping as an excuse to squash some new upstart nation, much as explained would be the case for Iwa, they cannot allow themselves to be cast as villains so soon after their founding” Although Haruna had stated the last part with a fair amount of scorn directed towards the two shinobi villages, she felt a few vestiges of guilt spring up within her as there had been a time when she would have acted in a similar manner. It began to fade away as she reminded herself that she was no longer that woman, and as she pictured the young man that had saved both her and her kingdom felt a familiar sense of longing, which caused her to begin to massage her breasts. But, remembering where she was, she shook off the desire the brief daydream had created as she picked up the yukata which had been placed there for her use.

“Be that as it may,” Yurinojo said as his concern ratcheted up several degrees as he could tell his charge had made up her mind, “I doubt those two have anything up their sleeve which could repel a shinobi village that sets their sights on them. Especially if it is Iwa. If anything, the Tsuchikage will probably be pleased for an excuse to go to war, since his Western Army is composed of their most green shinobi. He’ll see it as a chance to get them some experience so he can begin feeding them into the Armies of the South and East when the real wars kick off.”

Haruna nodded as she finished tying her yukata, although her bodyguard wouldn’t seen the gesture on the other side of the screen, so she stated, “I agree, but they already seem quite sure that would be the case, and even have an idea of where that attack will probably originate from. Neither Kayo or Shion seem to be the most tactically minded of individuals, so it leaves me to wonder just who may have told them what to expect. The only answer I can arrive at would be this third party we are currently unaware of, and who is responsible for reaching out to Toki of Bird, which if this third party is the trump card that makes them so confident that they can withstand an Iwa or Suna attack, then perhaps they’ll be more inclined to reveal it to me should I approach them alone.”

Still not entirely comfortable with the idea, Yurinojo stood as his Daimyo emerged from behind the screen, “As you wish milady. I see your mind is made up.” Haruna smiled trying to put her bodyguard at ease, as she opened the door but almost immediately went tense and began to have second thoughts upon catching sight of what was awaiting her on the other side. “Milady,” Yurinojo said closing the distance between them in an instant due to Haruna’s reaction, but was also caught somewhat by surprise as standing before the wall opposite them was a woman wearing a large lion’s skull as a helmet, and a leather and fur uniform which hugged her voluptuous frame. Her face which was framed by the skulls open jaw was covered in a black cloth, making Yurinojo wonder how she was able to see as even her eyes were covered. Still, despite the tension her presence had caused in both him and his charge, she paid it no mind a she bowed politely before inquiring, “Good evening Lady Haruna, am I to take it by your choice in night wear that you have decided to join Shion and Kayo this evening. If so, I will be happy to escort you to them.”

Haruna was caught a little by surprise at the woman’s familiar way of referring to the two rulers, but there was also a sense of familiarity to her voice which caused her to relax. She looked back towards her bodyguard and could see he also had a sense that whoever it was before them, her voice had struck a chord with him as well. Although, she imagined that sense of familiarity could just mean they had heard it in passing at some point during their trip when she was less provocatively dressed. Still, for some reason she felt she could trust the person beneath the strange costume so said, “If you will be so kind.” She sent one more comforting glance towards her friend as she stepped out into the hall, and wondered just what the evening had in store for her.


She didn’t have to wait long as her guide came to a stop at the first door that she had arrived at after Yurinojo closed the door to the suite they had been provided. Haruna began to wonder just what she had gotten herself into when her guide produced a key that appeared to be made of bone, and had a jeweled skull attached to the end of it which seemed to glow with an internal energy all its own. Inserting the apparently literal skeleton key into the door, the lioness dressed woman turned it causing the crystal skull to glow brighter before the energy it had apparently contained traveled down the bone lighting up the runes that had been carved into it. The energy disappeared into the lock, causing the edges of the door to light up before growing dark once more, this darkness was quite unnatural as it began to extend from the edges of the doorway until only blackness remained. Her guide then turned towards her and indicating the darkness said, “After you.”

Haruna paused for a moment as she considered calling Yurinojo to her, and following his advice by fleeing from the castle as she began to fear that the unknown party was in fact a demon summoned by Shion. But she pushed what she felt may be an irrational fear aside since she lived in a world brimming with shinobi, and knew to the untrained, many of the techniques they used would appear as like magic. Besides, she reasoned it was too late to back out now, as she was sure her guide would be able to silence her and force her into the darkness before she uttered a sound. Believing it best to at the very least to appear cooperative for the time being, she steeled her nerves and stepped into the darkness.

The sensation that followed was quite difficult to explain as she felt like she had completed a journey of a million steps with but the one as the environment changed in an instant going from a comfortable warmth generated by the castle, to the coolness one often felt when underground. The scene swapped in an instance as well as the well-lit hallway instantly gave way to a rocky landscape being illuminated by torches. Which didn’t do much to help convince her that Shion and Kayo hadn’t made some pact with a demon, as the light given off by the torches along the walls revealed alcoves carved into the rock, which appeared to be covered by plush cushions.

However, the alcoves didn’t hold her attention long as she became aware of moans drifting up from a large pit residing at the center of the room. Not even conscious of herself doing so, Haruna moved to the pit as if drawn by a siren’s song, although it wasn’t just the cries as with each step closer, she began to notice an almost spicy odor which had her wanting to take in more as it caused her nipples to tighten and begin to rise, while her pussy quickly moistened. She gasped as she reached the edge of the pit, and saw a carnal circus taking place before her as women lined the mattress covered levels leading down to the bottom. Her eyes didn’t know where to focus as she caught sight of a pink haired woman locked in a sixty with a blonde woman beneath her. When the pink haired one came up from between the other woman’s thighs her eyes were a sharp green, which seemed to match the color of the blonde’s as she likewise pulled her mouth from the quim, she had been licking to let out a moan due to the fingers of the woman atop her focusing their rubbing on her clit. Her gaze then shifted over to a pregnant woman who was sitting atop of a mattress with her back pressed against the stone which comprised the level above hers, while another blonde woman with pig tails running down her back was perched between her spread legs as she fingered and licked her snatch. The dark-haired woman fondled her breasts causing milk to begin leaking out, which tempted the a blonde bob cut woman moaning above her whose face was planted in the mattress she was on, while a woman whose brown hair was done up in twin buns and was busy fucking her upturned ass with a strap on, to lean over and wrap her mouth around one of the raven-haired woman’s leaking nipples. After several pulls of her milk, the brown-haired woman behind her, grabbed the blond by the hair and yanking her back up, turned her face towards her as they shared a milky kiss before falling back so that the big titted blond was on top.

The streams which began running down Haruna’s thighs from the sights laid out before her, turned into rivers after passing over several more women locked in the throes of passion to finally focus on the action taking place at the very bottom of the futon covered pit before a throne carved into the stone that made up several of the platforms. There she caught sight of the only man present who kneeled between the thighs of a woman, whom Haruna had never met, but knew who she was due to pictures she had seen due to her being a fellow Daimyo. Although, currently Toki looked nothing like the dignified woman those pictures had portrayed as she moaned loudly while her pussy was pounded by the muscular blond man her legs were wrapped around. Her gaze traveled from Toki’s pleasured filled face, to her breasts where both Shion and Kayo were busy licking and sucking acting nothing like the women they had been hours earlier, as they occasionally pulled away to moan in wicked delight due to their asses facing towards the blond man, who’s fingers were drilling inside their dripping snatches.

Haruna’s gaze finally focused on the man’s face, and although it had been nearly six years since she had last seen it, she had little trouble recognizing him. Not even really because of the whisker marks that adorned his cheeks, but due to the blue eyes he possessed which even as clouded as they currently were with lust, didn’t diminish the kindness she had seen them shine with. Eyes she had often pictured staring into hers, when she would occasionally give into her desires. Which was something she was definitely feeling in the mood to do at the moment, which was when she noticed the knot holding her yukata closed being undone. Shaking herself from what felt like being in a drunken stupor, she looked behind her to find her violet eyes locking with the white eyes of the Byakugan, as a naked Hinata finished undoing the knot.

Noticing the neatly folded lioness costume a few feet behind the purple haired kunoichi, Haruna realized she had been the woman who had led her there, and let out a slight moan as the naked Hyuuga pulled her yukata from her shoulders to let it pool at her feet and pressed herself against her back. Wrapping her arms around Haruna’s midsection, the Hyuuga asked, “Are you enjoying the show?” Haruna moaned in reply as one of Hinata’s hands moved up to cup her breast, while the other slid down through the tightly trimmed pubic patch of brown hair to come to rest between her thighs to tease her drenched pussy. Hinata smiled at the reply, and pulling her hand from between Haruna’s thighs held up her drenched fingers while stating in amusement, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

Haruna tried to remain focus on what brought her there as she said, “I take it Toki has agreed to join you.”

“So, it would seem,” Hinata answered before sucking Haruna’s juices from her fingers, an act which caused the daimyo to flush crimson when the Hyuuga let out a content sounding, “mmmm.”

Although quite aware of how Naruto’s disappearance had set the world into a tizzy, not to mention how with his presence removed it had seemed as if the one thing which had been serving as a brake to the shinobi villages breaking out into another round of wars had been removed, Haruna asked, “Are you few really enough to stop what is about to be unleashed?”

Hinata’s hand massaging her tit, pinched her nipple causing the Vegetable Daimyo to moan again, before responding, “Why don’t you ask him that yourself?” She then pushed Haruna on the back gently setting the woman off to travel down the steps to the bottom of the pit.

Although, it was not quite the bath she had been expecting to take, she found descending down the steps was a bit like submerging herself. It was difficult to put into words, but she felt like the pungent aroma she had noticed seemed to grow heavier and thicker the further she descended, or more accurately the closer she came to Naruto. A fact which became evident as Toki let out a cry of ecstasy when Naruto buried himself fully within her, a cry which was soon followed by her fellow rulers as both Shion and Kayo let out shouts of their own. Upon finishing pumping Toki with his seed, Naruto seemed to notice her for the first time, and gave her a pleased grin as he pulled his cock from Toki, who moaned out in loss. He stood and without an ounce of shame began walking towards her, his still slickened rod bouncing with each step towards her. The aroma began shifting its center, alerting Haruna that Naruto was indeed the source of it, which helped her understand better what was happening to her as her pussy began dripping in anticipation. She nearly stumbled on the last step, but was steadied by Naruto and as she stared up into his eyes felt so very small, not necessarily in a physical sense although he had indeed grown taller than her. But, in a sense of just how much power was contained within him, realizing this was all being communicated via scent alone, she could definitively say she understood why her fellow rulers would put their countries’ futures into his hands, as there was no place she would rather be at the moment.

Naruto smiled tenderly at her, as his eyes shone with the same clearness of vision that she remembered them possessing as he said, “I’m happy to see you decided to join us.” He sent a look towards his just pleased lovers before continuing, “Shion and Kayo weren’t so sure that you would.” He then refocused on her, and although still holding her firmly, kept a noticeable distance between them before asking, “You will be joining us, right?”

“Yes,” Haruna replied knowing the full meaning behind his words. She cooed appreciatively when almost as soon as her answer left her mouth, she was pulled flush up against him, and her lips were captured by his. Her tongue danced with his, until her lips were forced away as Naruto picked her up in his arms, and he then carried her to the center of the cushion that lined the pit. Where he set her down, before covering her like a blanket as they resumed their kissing. Haruna lost track of how long their tongues had danced with each other, and would have continued forever, but she tilted her face away as she let out a sudden moan. She blushed upon understanding the kissing had made her so hot, that she had wrapped her legs around Naruto and had been trying to guide his cock inside her, with her moan being the result of a nearly successful attempt.

Naruto sat back pulling free of her legs’ embrace, and Haruna’s blush deepened as he saw all of her laid out before him. But she didn’t try to cover herself, as her eyes traveled down his body to lock on the large club sticking up from between his legs. Naruto grinned as Haruna’s eyes grew hungry, and although tempted to plunge himself inside her, instead gripped her by the hips and began lifting them up to his mouth as he said, “Don’t worry, you’ll be experiencing it soon enough. But first…”

Naruto dove face first into her snatch, as he devoured it with gusto while Haruna let out a guttural moan and tried to pull up the matting beneath her. His eyes bore into hers as he drank of her essence while her pussy just continued to create more for him to enjoy in a perpetual loop, although one with an eventual end as something seemed to be building with each swipe of Naruto’s tongue, until it withdrew from her completely in favor of suckling on her now aching clit. Haruna exploded as she cried out in delight while her juices ran down Naruto’s chin and neck. After spending a few moments licking his plate clean, he set her down and lined his cock up with her entrance before asking, “Are you ready?”

Haruna nodded as she held her breath in anticipation, and cried out as he pushed inside her to tear through her maidenhood. Naruto leaned down, and likely expecting her to have experienced some pain said, “Just bear with it for a moment, I promise you’ll feel better soon.”

Haruna though began moving her hips as although there had been some discomfort, found it had paled in comparison to the pleasure that had erupted inside her. “Fuck me,” she moaned as she raised her hips and began moving them in circles against his crotch. Naruto grabbed her hands, and linking his fingers with hers, began slamming his hips into hers. Stars exploded behind Haruna’s eyes as parts within her never touched before began coming to life, and began sending signals of pleasure all throughout her body until spiking her brain with endorphins as she neared another climax. Locking her ankles behind his driving hips, she tried to force him even deeper inside her, but couldn’t imagine it was possible as he was already knocking against her womb every time, he bottomed out within her. Naruto let go of her hands, which quickly wrapped tightly around his back as he reached underneath her to grip her by the shoulders as he tried to force her that little extra bit onto his cock. It did the trick, as after a particularly powerful thrust where she almost felt as if he had pierced her womb, she cried out in release as he shouted, “Here it comes Haruna!” and began pumping her full of his seed. A warmth built up within her stomach which soon spread all throughout her, and was followed by a sense of weightlessness, although the later she realized was due to Naruto having picked her up as he carried her to his throne.

Haruna already thirsty for more pleasure, waited until he began to sit down to unwrap her legs from around him so that her feet were planted besides his hips as she began bouncing on his cock. She felt like a woman possessed as she thrust herself against him over and over again while covering his faces in light kisses while Naruto reached up to fondle her tits. She moaned contently as he pinched her nipples which suddenly felt tugged on due to her wild bouncing. Still, she soon found herself exhausted as she wasn’t quite used to exerting herself in such a manner, at which point Naruto guided her in spinning around in his lap so that she was facing away from him. Her legs hanged off of the throne, as she rested her legs outside of his, while her hips continued to swish about as if possessed of a mind of their own, while Naruto returned to fondling her tits while one of her hands was buried in his hair behind his head trying to hold her in place.

Haruna seemed to step outside of herself for a moment and noticed that most of the women present having finished in attaining their own pleasure, were now watching keenly as she tried to recapture the feeling of Naruto exploding within her. However, while only moments before she imagined the thought of being watched in such a compromising position would have deeply embarrassed her, at present, she just found it all rather exciting which she showed as she brought her free hand between her legs to rub her clit. Yet, soon the new stimulation was not enough for her, and so she brought her legs inside Naruto’s own so that she could touch the floor, and found the movement made him feel even bigger within her. She then began bouncing in his lap once more, and felt a pleased sense of accomplishment as Naruto groaned in appreciation.

Massaging her own tits, as she raised and lowered her hips on Naruto cock, she soon found her own lack of stamina working against her as her movements became erratic. Naruto solved the problem by surging forward and pushed her forward until her face was pressed against the mat of the pit as he remained hunched over her and began pounding her upturned backside. With her insides properly being drilled again, she soon found herself once more about to explode, a feeling she expected Naruto shared as she felt him growing within her. But she felt torn as she wanted to taste the man studding her like a bitch in heat this time around, but also wanted to feel his cum filling her womb once more. Luckily for her, she found she could enjoy the best of both words as she noticed that Toki was still laying spread wide before the throne, and so despite it being the first interaction she would share with the woman crawled the few feet necessary, with Naruto moving right along with her pounding her along the way, to begin lapping up the seed spilling from her freshly fucked snatch.

Toki moaned appreciatively which coupled with the delight Haruna had felt upon tasting the man essence whose children she fully intended to bear, if she wasn’t pregnant already, had her fully giving herself to the task of licking the Bird Daimyo’s cunt clean of his seed. Soon, Toki’s hands were buried in her hair while Shion and Kayo joined in with the purple haired women teasing her asshole with her tongue, while the the priestess reached underneath her to rub her clit as she shared a kiss with Naruto. To her surprise Toki reached her release first, although Haruna supposed that perhaps she shouldn’t have been due to the eagerness with which she had taken to eating out her fellow Daimyo. But just as she was about to begin lapping up the Bird Daimyo’s liquid offering Naruto’s cock stiffened within her, and he buried himself fully flush against her womb to begin filling it once more. She exploded into another powerful orgasm as she felt a sensation of overfullness which she imagined was due to there being little room left within her considering the massive load he had deposited inside her previously. As such, she felt a little relief when this time he withdrew from her, and almost immediately his seed began pouring out.

She reached up trying to stop the exodus of her reward, but lacking the strength to hold her hand in place simply allowed her hips to sink to the floor. Looking back over her shoulder, she felt the satisfaction coursing through her again being replaced by hunger as Shion was now bobbing her head on Naruto’s cock while Kayo and him shared a passionate kiss. Haruna was caught up in the sight, so was caught somewhat by surprise when she was suddenly flipped onto her back as Toki’s face appeared above hers. The dark-haired woman smiled at her, before crawling over her body as she said, “Let me return the favor.”

Haruna moaned as her own freshly fucked pussy was explored once more, and although she tried to reciprocate, she found her passion somewhat diminished as she had already licked the woman clean of the seed that she had desired. At least until she found her legs gripped possessively once more, and her love tunnel was pierced by what was either a baby’s arm or the tool that would eventually fuck a child into her. Which as Naruto once more began to claim his newest mate, caused her to lose herself to her passions once more as she began licking Toki’s quim with renewed gusto.

Yurinojo was beginning to panic as it took all his self-restraint to remain seated in the suite that had been assigned to Haruna and him. She had been gone for several hours, and as it neared midnight, he feared that he had already failed in his duty to protect her, and soon they would be coming for him. As such, despite being aware of people approaching their room, he still jumped in his skin some when a soft knocking sounded against the door. Moving quickly to it, he palmed a kunai and opened the door to find Haruna weakly remaining standing between Shion and Kayo who were supporting her.

Haruna seemed to get ahold of herself as she said, “I should be fine now,” as she pulled her arms from around the shoulders of her fellow Daimyo. Yet, taking only a single step, she nearly collapsed forward, although Yurinojo caught her and steadied her by placing a hand against her stomach. At which point, a small whoopee cushion like noise escaped from beneath Haruna’s robe followed by a soft moan from her.

Yurinojo quickly stepped back, as he noticed both Shion and Kayo were fighting back from wearing the amusement they felt from what had just transpired. While Haruna steadied herself, Kayo said, “We’re sorry to have kept her out so late, but Lady Haruna got a bit overheated. We would have probably kept her with us and just sent a messenger, but she was insistent on returning since she said you were probably crawling the walls with concern.”

“I admit that was indeed the case,” he replied noticing that Haruna seemed to have recovered, and didn’t appear to be even slightly embarrassed by her moment of weakness.

Turning towards the two women, she bowed politely as she said, “Thank you for seeing me back yourselves. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s talks.”

“As are we,” Shion said, as she and Kayo returned the gesture before turning to head down the hall to what Yurinojo assumed would be their quarters.

Haruna closed the door, and began heading towards her room within the suite but stopped as Yurinojo asked, “I take it they opened up to you.”

He noticed a slight blush appear as Haruna answered, “Indeed they did, and we will be joining them in their endeavor.”

“Lady Haruna…” her bodyguard and advisor said caught by surprise by her sudden reversal as he feared some sort of genjutsu had been placed upon her.

He drifted off though as she quickly spun towards him, and he could see a hint of steel in her eyes as she said, “Don’t worry Yurinojo, in time everything will be made clear, and while there are still some details that need to be pounded…out. Trust me when I say that our trump card is a powerful one indeed, and soon Toki will be joining us as a new sun is going to rise and cast its light on the shinobi world as a whole.”

Yurinojo was a little concerned when his Daimyo nearly broke into convulsions as she mentioned the details that had to be worked out, but she quickly recovered to finish strong and also with such a strong sense of assuredness when she spoke of what the future held in store. He also noticed that Haruna already considered herself to be an integral part of the conspiracy to unite the four countries together under a single banner, and so with his leader’s mind seemingly set assumed a rigid stance as he said, “As you wish milady, where you lead, I will follow.”

Haruna gave him a pleased and grateful smile which while it had come to her much easier in the years since her encounter with the Leaf genin who had brightened her outlook on life, had begun to wane under the strains of leadership and concerns of her peoples’ wellbeing in a time of strife. Yet, the one she was presently wearing seemed to have been recently renewed and for a fleeting moment he wondered if perhaps the sun which had first brightened her outlook on life had returned, and if so, considering what he had seen the man was capable of when just a genin, also found himself sharing in the belief the people of Vegetable would be more at ease if that power could be brought to bear for their wellbeing. Although, in truth he supposed it didn’t matter since much as he had stated, where she led, he would follow, even if it was straight into oblivion.

Toki felt a sense of despair as she dressed in her cursed armor to attend a gathering of her court’s nobles. The feeling was born of her knowing that she would soon be walking into a bloodbath. In the weeks since her joining Naruto’s Pride, she had taken the steps necessary to begin the unification process. Yet, much as she had come to expect, most of her advisors and nobles had been against her edicts, almost passionately so; although admittedly, she had been less than truthful as to what the endgame was. Having recently sent her loyal military forces and personnel to join those of Demon, Honey, and Vegetable in what was being explained to the public as mock battles in anticipation of the real ones everyone was sure were soon to come, she knew she had created a perceived weakness that those conspiring against her would seek to exploit.

The despair that she felt was that among those plotting against her was her childhood friend, and former love interest, Chishima. In fact, he was one of the leaders of the conspiracy that had gripped her court as the woman he had begun seeing since the collapse of their own relationship was in truth an Iwa kunoichi. Naruto had first brought the news of the plot to her nearly two weeks after she had become one of his mates. He had explained that Ino had uncovered it as she practiced using Shadow Clones to increase the number of animals that she could possess at one time since they had been monitoring the courts of the political portion of the Pride to make sure the changes being proposed happened smoothly. Toki wasn’t too horribly surprised her court was found to be the one most against the actions being proposed since they had shown they would much rather surrender to Iwa then take a stand. She had however been shocked to learn of Chishima’s central involvement though, having previously attributed his skittishness to concerns about how the people of Bird would fare should Iwa attack them directly. Rather then his having been seduced into accepting a role as regent of Bird which would have him then pledge loyalty to the Land of Earth, similar to how the Land of Stone had during the Second Shinobi war.

She finished up by pulling her gloves over her hands, before then attaching the mask to her face. She then gripped the katana from her family’s shrine before stepping out of her bedroom and startling an attendant who had been passing by. Toki paid the woman no mind who began hurrying down the hall, without trying to appear as if she was running since she likely felt the tension filling the palace as readily as everyone else.

Toki though walked calmly to her throne room, noticing how the guards who lined the hall began to tense as they saw how she was dressed as well as due to the sword she was carrying. She was somewhat surprised that none of them attacked her, since her wearing the armor was a dead giveaway that she knew what was coming. Yet, she suspected that Chishima wanted his stage properly set so he could castigate her publicly for her perceived flaws with how she was dealing with Iwa, and assure his supports that he would not lead them into the jaws of oblivion. She also imagined that many of the guards only saw her at playing at being a warrior so figured she was just being defiant until the end.

Reaching the double doors, she threw them open causing many of the nobles to jump a bit, although Chishima turned towards her coolly. For a brief moment, she considered darting from the room as she remembered him during happier times, and knew if not for his actions she wouldn’t even have a country in the first place. But she steadied her resolve as she truly believed the path her feet currently traveled would result in her people escaping the worst the coming war had in store for them. Even if the price she was now going to pay was high. Stepping into the room she walked through the sea of gathered nobles as the guards stationed inside the room closed the doors behind her, and as she approached Chishima, who stood before the dais upon which her throne rested, she again felt her resolve begin to falter. Meeting his cold eyes, she wondered if had been her fault that Chishima’s heart had hardened against her as even though she had believed they had been passionately in love, she had refused to be swayed into ruling as he felt was best. She admitted to herself that after having freed her court of the disguised Hoki’s influence, she may have been too hardheaded in accepting anyone else’s opinions as she fought to assert her own, since she had noticed many of her retainers began to treat her differently upon learning that she was in fact not a man. Which while Chishima had also been one of her vassals who changed upon learning she was not her brother, she suspected it was more to do with the fact that they had been sharing a bed rather than her true gender being revealed.

Still, as she moved within striking distance, and her heart truly began to waver due to her conceding she wasn’t entirely blameless in the way his attitude had hardened against her. She suspected it was the Iwa seductress that he had taken up with, who had truly poisoned her against him by filling his head and ego with the idea that she only had a throne because of his actions. Which, admittedly was true in the sense that it had led to Naruto being assigned to the mission to deal with the Cursed Warrior she was pretending to be. Yet in truth, it had just been another example of Chishima believing he knew what was best as she had made it clear, while in the guise of her brother, that she didn’t want him to act. Granted, she knew he had been acting then with the wellbeing of Bird’s citizens in his heart, but it had ultimately resulted in him throwing a wrench in her own plans to avenge her father and brother. Which while she had admittedly severely underestimated Hoji, and likely would not have survived if not for his actions. Ultimately, it was a case of two negatives somehow working out to a positive outcome. She supposed that in itself should have clued her in to the idea that a relationship between them was doomed, but in the end, she had been to overcome by his own near death to properly heed anything other than the relief she felt at his survival and as such ignored the warning signs that would soon pull them apart.

Climbing the several steps of the dais, she sat down on the U-shaped throne as the light of the torches behind her cast a shadow over Chishima. Knowing their fates were now locked, as they had reached the point of politics where words no longer would be enough, and only bloodshed would determine whose vision of the future survived, she asked, “So Chishima, what is the purpose of today’s gathering?”

“You would seem to know already,” he replied not missing the sign of her appearing before them in armor meant. “But it is fitting you would come before us dressed as a warrior since your pigheadedness is leading us into a war that we cannot win.” The nobles behind him began shouting in agreement while he carried on, “Defying Iwa is a fool’s errand, when if we just work with them, we can ensure that the worst fighting takes place outside our borders.”

“Really,” Toki said torn between disbelieving and mocking as she countered, “And what of Suna? Do you think they are going to stand by and allow Iwa to use our country as a pass through? That didn’t work out so well for Stone since it all but insured the heaviest fighting took place there as Suna fed more and more shinobi into that front to stop Iwa from establishing forward bases there once Stone proclaimed their support of the Land of Earth during the Second Shinobi war. That doesn’t even take into account how they would react should Iwa demand we stop supplying them the trees they rely on for puppet and scroll production.”

“So, what is you propose?” Chishima snapped back, “That we thumb our noses as both powers and uselessly defy them until one side or the other takes from us what we could have simply given?”

Toki’s eyes narrowed behind her mask, and as she rose to her feet she shouted, “We defied those powers three times previously, and yes the cost to do so was grave, but all you are proposing is opening the gates for our would be conquers. But you are not doing it because you believe it will spare our people hardships, but to protect your own positions and possessions.”

Rather than address her charge, Chishima countered “You’re a fool, Toki. The coming war is going to be unlike any that has come before, the Tsuchikage isn’t gearing to fight like the Kage of previous generations. He isn’t going to just try to pass through Bird, but take it for himself and direct its resources to his effort to take the continent. This is our chance to salvage something before it is too late. Although, I suppose it is pointless in trying any further to get you to see reason. I guess I just wanted you to understand why this is necessary considering our old friendship.”

“You mean my death, don’t you?” Toki replied calmly causing the first vestiges of concern to appear on Chishima’s face that he was not as in control of the situation as he believed. “That was the price of your bargain was it not? My head in a box, to be delivered to the Tsuchikage by the whore that you’ve aligned yourself with. It is quite the deal you arranged for yourself, my old fried. You ruling Bird as the newly installed regent.”

“What is she talking about?” one of the nobles asked harshly.

“She’s spouting nonsense,” Chishima replied trying to maintain his calm as he explained, “She is just trying to sow discord among us.”

Toki sat back down on her throne, as she chuckled mirthlessly, “I’m guessing he isn’t one of the chosen now is he.” Directing her cursed masked gaze on the noble she said, “Think about it for a moment? Do you really think the Tsuchikage would need so many of you to run things if he desires to turn Bird into a production base for his war efforts? You’re the fat of the land, and the first thing that he is going to cut so more of Bird’s resources flow into his war machine’s engine.”

Another of the nobles stepped forward shouting, “Yes, and that fat is going to be trimmed from the fools who you’ve sent away to participate of your fruitless wargames.”

Toki’s gaze focused on Chishima as she replied, “And he would be one of those chosen to serve in the new proxy government you intend to create following my demise.” She noticed both Chishima, and the man that had just spoken grow pale due to confidence with which she spoke.

The previous noble realizing that Chishima’s new order, even if pledged to serve Iwa had no need of men not loyal directly to him quickly pulled his sword as he said, “So, you’ve intended to play us all for fools is that it? Did you plan for you’re Iwa bitch to slit our throats in our sleep once things settled down? Well, something tells me she doesn’t care who delivers her Toki’s head, and the guards stationed here are loyal to me.” As if to prove his point, he nodded to the two guards stationed near the door who quickly pulled their blades as they took places by the noble’s side.

The room quickly broke into three camps as weapons were drawn, and the others either grouped themselves behind Chishima or the noble opposed to him. Although aware those loyal to her would not be present within the room, she still felt disappointed so many had proven themselves to be disloyal, and many more appeared to be loyal to Chishima whose group noticeably outnumbered the other nobles, as it also would have those she had sent away.


Chishima secure in his advantage said, “You’re move.”

Still, his would be collaborator wasn’t quite so ready to surrender as he stated, “You forget boy, those are my guards stationed outside the doors.”

“Were,” a new voiced called out which seemed to echo throughout the room, and caused all those present but Toki to search about for its owner.

A startled gasp arouse from one of the female nobles in Chishima’s camp as she caught sight of a figure rising from the noticeably darkened shadow Toki was casting on the ground. Looking every bit like a demon summoned from hell due to the red eyes he sported behind the sabretooth skull mask hiding his face, he spoke in a low growl as he said, “Your men are all dead. So, if you all wish to slaughter each other, go ahead, it will save us the trouble.”

As if to punctuate his statement, the doors to the throne room were thrown open and masked women dressed in leathers coated in splotches of blood began filtering in. Addressing the masked man, the noble that had spoken earlier and was aligned with Chishima shouted, “And who the fuck are you all supposed to be?”

“Your executioners,” the masked man said after raising his hands to his mouth, and acted as if he blew through them in a manner similar to a person shooting a spitball through a straw. However, the results were devastating as his collaborator’s head simply exploded as if hit by an invisible projectile, which was barely impeded as it passed through several more skulls before shattering the stone wall behind them.

Shocked, all Chishima could whisper was a weak sounding, “No…” as his fellow nobles bodies began hitting the floor, and the women who had appeared charged into the rest. The slaughter that followed was decidedly one sided and vicious as in the time it took him to remember to breath, he found himself to be the lone survivor. Two of the women grabbed him by the shoulder as they dragged him before the masked man, and forced him to his knees as his red eyes stared down at him mercilessly.

His view of the man was soon blocked as Toki stepped before him, she remained silent sensing her hesitation he pleaded, “Please Toki, spare me. I’m sorry…”


The rest remained unsaid as she quickly drew her blade and sliced his head from his shoulders, and despite the situation was proud her strike had been true enough that neither woman holding him, and she knew were Sakura and Tsunade due to their visible eyes had flinched away. She turned away, and sensed her fellow Pride members quickly filtering out of the room, as she struggled to maintain her composure. Naruto’s eyes having returned to their usual shade and having lifted his mask said, “You didn’t need to do it yourself.”

“No, I did,” Toki replied leaving hers in place.

Simply nodding in understanding, Naruto walked by her and picked up Chishima’s head as he planned to deliver it to Iwa to let the Tsuchikage know the deal had been cancelled. Although, it wouldn’t be the woman who had originally been intended to deliver the head to the drop off location that ended up making the journey. He stopped as Toki asked, “The woman…”

“She’s been dealt with,” Naruto said, having personally delivered her to Ahri, who he assumed would use her as a future host for one of her fellow Bijuu.

Toki just nodded, and as the silence lingered Naruto was going to begin leaving once more but paused when she asked, “Naruto, it’ll be worth it, won’t it? The bloodshed… both this and what is to come?”

“I don’t know,” Naruto admitted, but turning to face her masked visage said, “But, I’ll do everything in my power to make it so your cheeks are never blemished by tears of pain again.” He then disappeared in a swirl of leaves as Toki removed her mask and sank onto the steps leading up to her throne as she began pouring out her grief, which was where the few soldiers loyal to her that had not sent away found her despite having been stationed at the far end of the palace and had been alerted to the danger after some servants had stumbled onto the bodies littering the halls leading to her.


The quiet of a secluded town within the Land of Noodles was suddenly interrupted by the sound of breaking glass as two figures leapt out of the second floor of an inn. The room from which they escaped suddenly erupted into a fireball due to the ball of exploding tags that they had tossed behind them after killing several of their assailants. The larger of the two figures turned to face the inn, with a hand gripping the handle of the sword appearing from behind her right shoulder. When it was apparent that none of the women who had tried to ambush them had survived, she turned towards her green-eyed charge who wordless rounded on her heel to dart off into the darkness.

Noticing the direction, she had picked, she considered cautioning her against it since it was apparent that their pursuers had picked up that since hitting the east coast of the continent, they had continued in a westerly direction. But she knew her charge would refuse the suggestion since for some reason it appeared that she was hellbent on meeting the man who had ultimately been responsible for her downfall.

She knew her charge didn’t exactly see it that way, but she did as it was his influence which had convinced her to try and change the rules of the village that they both called home and which she used to rule. However, the winds of change refused to blow in in their home, and she soon found herself deposed. Together they had fled, but the woman who had taken her charges place, wasn’t willing to leave a rival alive who may one day depose her in turn so had dispatched numerous kunoichi to eliminate her charge and by extension her as well.

Still, to her surprise she found her charge almost felt freed by what had transpired as she had fled across the continent following what scraps of information that she could find in her search for the missing student of Jiraiya, whom she had faced once before and with all he had accomplished since then, was undoubtedly strong enough to best her and make her his.

Chapter 9: Nation Building: The Risen Sun: Part II

Author’s note: Hello everyone, first as always let me begin by thanking those who took the time to leave a review on the last chapter of Eroninja.

Well, after almost six years, at long last I’ve finally updated The Pride, and I won’t ask if it was worth the wait since well it was six years, and this is a pretty short chapter by my standards. Still, as it took a little longer to get into the proper mood to write this version of Naruto again, and the weather has turned for the better, further making it harder for me to concentrate on spending my weekends chained to a computer. But damn, six years, where has the time gone. Yet, time is time and is ever moving forward so I hope you enjoy the newest chapter.

Furthermore, some of you may have noticed that StikyFinkaZ has posted a new page to the Eroninja comic. Here is the link to the overall series:
Now, this page, along with the series of covers he had generated before his extended hiatus were actually commissions generated by me. So, I have considered opening up a Subscribestar account, as I’m not included to be the sole finical backer of it. I would do a patreon, but as that site tends to silence voices they don’t like by suddenly shutting down their accounts I’m not inclined to trust they won’t do the same to me someday considering my history of getting kicked from sites. But, while supporting the comix and generating other fanart would be short term goals of the account, long term, the goal would be perhaps lessening my dependence on fulltime work in the hopes of one day getting my update schedule back to the glory days of a monthly or even weekly basis. Granted, I imagine that would be far off in the future, and so I would also be interested in hearing suggestions as to other perks that would make it worth your while.

I would not be hiding the stories I write behind a paywall, at least not the current ones, as I would still post them to Ficwad. But, would perhaps delay their releases a month or so until so that backers would get them first. In any case, it is all up in the air still, so I would love to hear your thoughts both of the chapter, and what I’ve laid out as potential plans going forward.

Thank you all for the support you’ve provided in terms of reviews over the years, and I plan to remain on The Pride for a few chapters more. So until then, take care. Sincerely the Lemon Sage.
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