Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Lost in time


by citrus-lime

when the heros walk to school they are magecaly transported to the past

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2006-09-28 - Updated: 2006-09-28 - 587 words

Title-----------Lost in time-------------

Hey it your fav author citrus-lime and here is my very first fan fic and id like it if you review and mizmel don't hurt yourself again ok? Sorry it took so long. Jordyn don't hurt me!!! Well the story will proceed. yes its finally on!!!


It was a nice morning and the titans were getting ready for school. That day student council decided it would be fun to have a sprit day so they choose to have Greek day.

"Neal, Herry, Odie, Theresa hurry up come on were going to be late!" Atlanta screamed

"Umm Atlanta your talking bout Neal here he's going to be late anyway." Archie replied.

"Well then lets head out then and they can meet us at school" there leader finalized, heading for the door.

"Wait, wait!" Theresa yelled thumping down the stair.

"Um wow" jay said blushing badly

Theresa was wearing a short mid thigh length toga like halter dress with an open back and small slits in the sides. The back of the dress was low and you could see her gold thong just above the low back. (I had to add that just for you mizmel). Her shoes were gold strappy high heal sandals that lace up to the knee. (Like the ancient Greek sandals but with heals and in gold)

Jay sifted uncomfortable and tried really, really hard not to stare at her lower back and well, everywhere else. Atlanta and Archie noticed, and started making fun of them.

Theresa I think you might want to change before jay gets a boner!" Archie yelled as they headed out the door. (That was for my sister sidilidleumps)

"You know what Archie I think they'd make a good couple"

Jay started to blush even more then before.

"You two would make the perfect couple to so shut up" Theresa finally said

Archie and Atlanta looked at each other and started to protest, both going red in the face."

"Let them argue and let just walk to school." Theresa said to Jay who was still quite red in the face.

Little did they know, Cronus was watching there every move. (The sick perverted pedophile)
Aaaa this is the time to act the evil god thought to himself, as he sat in the bushes on the side of the road.

The two couples were walking though the park to get to school when suddenly one of Cronus' portals popped up in front of them! The portal was so unexpected Archie screamed!

"Cronus I should have known" said our one and only captain obvious, Jay

"Well, well, well. Don't seem surprised Jay. What I'm going to do to you will surprise you!"

"Doubt it" Atlanta muttered

Archie snickered at the comment

"Since you're dressed like you're in ancient Greece then why don't you go there!" Cronus screamed, and at that instant the ground started to shaking and the four heroes's felt themselves falling into a swirling time vortex.


Sorry that was short but I promise the next one will be longer!

What I'm planning on doing is at the end of every chapter that I will do favourite COTT moments.
This chapter's moment is in must b G.I.Ants when Odie comes to get Neal when he was bitten by an ant.

"Hey man Herry is coming with the truck to get you and your friend"-Odie
"He's not my friend he' my ant, get it, ant!" -Neal


"Don't take that tone with me!"-Neal
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