Categories > Books > Phantom of the Opera > Erik/Christine Oneshots

Vampire AU - Bonus chapter, time skip-

by operaghostangst 0 reviews

Time passes

Category: Phantom of the Opera - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Erik - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2021-07-26 - 411 words

The centuries and years passed with herself and Erik getting closer and closer. It wasn't truly ever easy with Erik's face being the way it was and they could never stay in one place for too long. However, Christine couldn't complain. Not really. She hadn't at first, mostly because she'd been upset about having to watch her friends, such as Raoul and Meg die. But Erik was right. It got easier as time went on and it was also better to avoid creating too many deep bonds. She could understand why he had always planned upon turning her now. He hadn't been able to deal with losing her or watching her die. She felt the same way and had for quite awhile now. So long, that she'd forgotten the exact year the realization dawned on her.

She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't notice Erik's approach, though it was unlikely that she would've either way. He'd mastered the art of sneaking and she'd never managed to catch him unless he wanted her to. She jumped when his arms wrapped around her from behind, his lips just ghosting over the side of her neck. "You've been so busy reminiscing that you've failed to realize it's our 400th anniversary." He teased huskily.

"Oh.. so that's how long you've been unbearable. I was trying to figure out just how long I've put up with such a pain in my ass. Now, I've just got to figure out why." Christine shot back, her full lips quirked up into a smirk. Erik accepted the silent challenge there, immediately leaning down to capture those lips in a kiss with more than his usual amount of intensity. If Christine were a human, she probably would've fainted by the time he even bothered to pull away.

"Seems like I should remind you in that case." Erik mused softly as he pulled away. Christine could only nod, in awe that he could still stun her into silence. It was a skill that seemed like he would never lose and she didn't want him to. He took her hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss against it before leading her towards the bedroom- a room that they only ever used for this. The swan bed wasn't the same exact one but she wasn't surprised that her husband had managed to duplicate it almost perfectly. It wasn't long before all thought left her mind

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