Categories > Books > Phantom of the Opera > Erik/Christine Oneshots

Vampire AU (Part Two)

by operaghostangst 0 reviews

Christine awakens

Category: Phantom of the Opera - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Erik - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2021-07-26 - 472 words

When Christine awoke, she noticed how different everything felt almost immediately. It was dark in the room yet she could see perfectly and the quiet clinking of the music box sounded louder than should be possible. It actually hurt her ears. The organ sounded beautiful in an odd way, but it hurt her overly sensitive ears as well. She slowly got out of bed, expecting to feel weak with the fever she probably had. Instead she felt stronger, stronger than ever before. She glided over to the mirror with a grace that she was unused to. The most shocking thing was her reflection. She was gorgeous and her hair was only slightly mussed up from her sleep. The most shocking part was the fangs that hung just over her full bottom lip. The scream built in her chest before she could stop it.

There was a discordant noise from the organ as her angel jumped and cursed quiet loudly. Within moments, he was in front of her, frowning down at her in concern. He raised a hand to grasp her chin, turning it this way and that. "I suppose you must've noticed the presence of your fangs.." Erik mused, more so to himself than to her. Christine looked at him wide-eyed, surprised by how calm he seemed. If she looked closely enough she could almost see a note of pride in those eyes of his. But.. but how could he have anything to do with this? Vampires don't exist. They shouldn't exist.

"What.... What did you do to me? What are you?" Christine tried to demand when she finally found her voice. Well, she'd intended to demand but it had come out as more of a terrified whimper than anything else. She didn't think her angel would hurt her like this, but her angel wasn't really an angel, was he? The intense eyes surveying her softened and the leather gloved hands were moved to cup her cheeks, caressing them gently. Christine found herself relaxing despite herself.

"I'm sure you already know, Christine. It's quite obvious. I am a vampire and now you are too. We can be together... forever, my love." Erik uttered softly, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. Surprisingly, Christine wasn't as upset by this revelation as she probably should be. Perhaps she was simply a hopeless romantic, but she quite liked the sound of forever. But there... was one problem.

"You'll figure it out... we have all the time in the world to get to know each other...But right now, I need to take you out so that you can feed." Erik explained, pulling away and offering her his hand. Christine hesitated for a moment before she offered him a dazzling smile that left him nearly breathless. She took his hand a moment later and they were off.
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