Categories > Original > Poetry > Poems (2021 - )

I'm Not Drunk Because of You

by peitho_x 0 reviews

Normally wine makes me giggly and sleepy but now it reminds me of you...

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2021-09-14 - 126 words

Normally wine makes me giggly and sleepy but now it reminds me of you

And beer makes me think of that party in high school that I snuck out to go to

That was the most daring thing you had ever convinced me to do back then

And I never cared about shots a whole lot till you said I looked hot doing them

Don't get me started on all of the others, gin, whiskey, vodka, and rum

Cause how am I supposed to get over you when I can't even get blissfully drunk?

I guess the thing is that I turned nineteen not long after you asked me out

So you introduced me to all of the things I now can't seem to do without
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