Categories > Original > Romance > The Tale of the Demon

The Tale of the Demon

by Goreleech 0 reviews

There are some places in this world that are just plain evil. What happens when one such broken soul is rescued? And how far will he go to KEEP his newfound paradise?

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2021-09-03 - 104036 words


"Hey, retard! Think fast!"
A large brick came flying of nowhere and smashed into Tyler's back, knocking him to the ground with a sickening thud. The boy who had thrown the red stone burst out laughing and picked up another brick.
"Hey! Hold up!"
A second voice was heard, this time a girl. She was a pretty blonde with a cute pair of green eyes, and the newcomer came up and took the brick from the boy. He just laughed,
"Well, Becky, you wanna hit him too?"
"Hells yeah, C'mere ya pervy retard!" smash!
She had jumped up as high as she could and smashed the brick onto the still fallen boy's back, and it broke. Tyler just groaned at the impact, more from reflex then actual pain. He'd more or less lost the ability to feel pain, so constant was the torture. The laughing duo began to kick the boy as well, since there were no other bricks handy. Tyler just laid there and accepted the beating, since any attempt to fight back on his part would lead to more medications, therapy sessions, and people trying to tell him he was in the wrong for defending himself. For in the eyes of this town, anyone who stuck out the slightest had something very wrong with them that required treatment. In Tyler's case, he was a good deal smarter than most of his classmates, and a lot bigger too. Those two damning factors had gotten labeled as 'special needs', since he required a different curriculum since he was smart. His size difference wasn't much, as he was a respectable 5ft 11, whereas the second tallest was 5ft6, so they had expected him to be good at sports. Nope, average. That was inconceivable to the school, he was tall and moderately fit so he must be good at sports. When he started to get bullied, and he fought back, he was labeled with anger issues, and given heavy drugs and intense therapy. He had fought it tooth and nail, the result was just more drugs and shrinks telling him there was something wrong with him. He KNEW there was nothing wrong. So, his solution? Wait. He realized that he only had to endure it for 18 years, then he'd be free, free of the pain, free of the ridicule, free of everyone from that god-awful town. Tyler picked himself off the ground, dusting his back off with a hand, and rose to his 5ft10 height, rubbed his light brown eyes and brushed some brick dust from his short black hair. He then just sighed, he was 14, so in 7th grade. He walked into the school, wishing that 18 would come quicker, or for anything really to happen to help him escape his environment.
"Naamani? Naamani?!"
"here sir."
"You're nearly late again. I'm running out of patience with you, retard. Get here on time tomorrow, or detention. Understood?"
"yes sir."
The teacher, an older man with glasses, glared at the boy who'd nearly been crippled by his fellow students right outside the teachers very window. Tyler walked with his head high, as if nothing had happened and went to take his seat, pausing only to brush the set of five tacks and needles his classmates had left as a present. He then pulled out his notebook and went about his note taking.
"Psst, hey retard, show me your notes."
the speaker was a tall redhead with freckles. She always got bad grades, and usually was yet another one kicking Tyler around. The only time she would do anything other than torture him was when she needed to pass a test to stay on the girls’ basketball team.
Come to think of it...there is a big game coming up. god bitch, I wish you would just disappear.
even though his wish was heartfelt, he still let the nasty girl see his notebook anyway, since it usually bought him a day’s reprieve. She copied everything into her book and gave it back, zero thanks, and zero gratitude. Such was his life. Getting beaten with a brick outside, then giving his own studious notes to the girl who'd beaten him with a 2x4 the week prior, and now a detention to look forward to, since he knew his other classmates would go out of their way to make sure he got it. He was used to the hell. The day passed on into fourth period. He was looking at a new warplane encyclopedia he'd spotted in the library, and was flipping through it when the redhead he'd let borrow his notes came over to his desk with the blonde, and the guy who had hit first with the brick. Tyler sighed and quickly stuffed the book inside his desk, out of the line of fire. The redhead came up and slammed her hand on his desk. Her friends taking up spots around him,
"Hey retard, I didn't get your notes, and they didn't either. So, teach us."
"Sure. What don't you get?" whammmm!
The boy behind him on smashed him on the back of the head with a massive 700 page dictionary, and his head bounced off his desk, earning him a small cut above his left eye. He showed zero pain, and merely licked his thumb and wiped the cut with his spit, the only thing he could do until he reached his locker. The boy behind him informed his inferior as to his mistake,
"You forgot to say thank you retard, speaking to Rachel like that? The fuck do you think you are?"
"Remember he's a retard, so no wonder he can't remember his place. No wonder his grandma died, and his father walked out, oh and don't forget his trip to the retard circus!"
"Honestly just kill yourself. No one wants you, hell, even your own mother doesn't want you. You'd be better off dead."
A loud announcement came over the intercom. get, let me guess. another lecture on tardiness? or some other self-righteous bullshit.
He sighed and got up to leave, stuffing the library book into a small shoulder back he carried between classes and went to head out, only the blonde he passed kicked his leg out and pushed his head down. He hit the floor hard, but he'd been able to keep his face from the floor by throwing his hands out and catching him. Then the red head stomped on his hands as he got back to his feet. He sighed once again, but otherwise had no reaction. He left the room to more 'retard' and 'freak' jeers. He first went to his locker and dug out a disinfectant wipe and cleaned his cut. He then placed a small band aide on it to keep the blood under control and headed off to see the principal. he walked along the wide halls of his school, constantly looking over his shoulder and peeking around corners to try avoiding getting jumped, stabbed, tackled or some combination of the three. The school knew about his bullying, but actively ignored it, because you know, retard. And since some of his tormentors were hotshot sports players it was in the best interest of the school to leave it be. He kept his head high as he passed through the larger of the school's two gyms to get to the second building.
"Hey! Think Fast!" zzzippppp, sthunkkk
An arrow zipped past him, grazing his arm, and bouncing of the wall behind him. He picked the shaft off the ground and held it out to the shooter, a tall boy with sandy hair. He took the arrow and slugged him in the stomach, nearly knocking the wind out of his lungs. The boy laughed and returned to the shoot line. He had turned a full ninety degrees to shot at Tyler, and the gym teacher just watched.
"Hey, retard, that shaft better NOT be damaged, or it's your ass."
"Yes sir."
Tyler rubbed his sore stomach and kept on walking. His arm was trickling blood, but he didn't have anything on hand to stop it, the most he could do was his rub his spit on it trick. He arrived at the office in question. The receptionist clucking her tongue at his lackluster response.
"You kept us waiting young man. Get in there."
"yes, Ma'am."
Tyler walked over to the door and knocked politely,
"Excuse me, Mr. Record. It's Tyler Sir."
"Bout time, you may enter."
Tyler opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door gently behind him. The principle, Mr. Record was a tall middle-aged man with black sideburns, black hair, a clean dress shirt and a look off disdain for the boy. Sitting directly opposite the Principle was a woman in a full business suit. she was a couple inches shorter the Tyler, had short black hair in a bun, a severe look on her sharp face, and a set of glasses. Her suit being a light brown in color. Upon Seeing Tyler, she raised an eyebrow at his appearance, as if either surprised or disappointed. She still stood and offered her hand,
"Mr. Naamani. A pleasure to meet you. I am Ausika Sakamuji. I represent KaraKonia Academy in Japan."
Tyler took the woman's hand gently and shook it,
"A pleasure Mrs. Sakamuji. Please call me Tyler."
She winced at his grip; Mr. Record exploded.
"You worthless retard! Hurting a woman who's here to see you? The fuck is wrong with you? If you can't return a greeting properly, then just shut the fuck up!"
Tyler released the woman's hand like it was a live hand grenade and backed away from her.
"Yes sir. I’m sorry miss. Are you okay?"
She, on the other hand was staring appalled at the still ranting principle. She seemed even more horrified at Tyler's meek reaction to the unfair reaction, as if used to it. There was a vein bulging on his neck, and he was completely red in the face. Ausika then slammed her rather large briefcase on his desk, halting him mid word. Her formerly firm but kind voice was replaced with a trembling yell.
"What is the meaning of this? Is this how Students at this school are treated? He did nothing wrong. He merely misjudged his grip! This is how you react to such a simple mistake?"
The principle just sat back, genuinely confused at her reaction.
"Well how else am I supposed to react when that retard hurts someone?"
She was completely flabbergasted at this response. Tyler just sighed,
"I didn't hurt you miss, did I?"
She was even more shocked at his easy acceptance of the cruelty.
"No, I'm fine. Why aren't you standing up for yourself? You did nothing wrong."
Tyler just sighed again and sat in the open seat next to the horrified woman.
"Why would I do that? It just causes more problems for me anyway."
"Well, what problems could a retard like you possibly have? You should be grateful I even keep you in this school."
Tyler just kept his face straight like always.
"yes sir, Thank you sir."
"Enough of this-Is that blood?"
Tyler glanced down and saw his graze was still bleeding a little.
"I'm sorry. I'll get it to stop."
He licked his thumb and was about to rub it again when she stopped him. he looked up with a surprised look on his face,
"What happened? Why aren't you going to the nurse?"
"There was an accident during archery in the gym I passed Through. And I'm not allowed to go to the nurse."
"What kind of school is this?"
"The kind the takes care of 'proper' students, not retards."
Tyler shrugged at the principle's words. He then asked a question on his mind.
"excuse me, but why did you want to see me?"
The woman had an extra gleam in her eye, as if about to cry, but she pulled a pamphlet from her back and gave it to him.
"I'm here to see if you'd like to take our Academy's entrance exam."
She handed him an application filled out by his mother, apparently. It was an application for the school entrance exam at a school in japan, clear across the world.
"We received this recently, and since it was such a bizarre application from an even more bizarre place, the school felt it prudent to send me here to look into it."
she turned to look the principle in the eye,
"I was NOT, however to find such a respectable, well-mannered boy to be in such a cruel, evil excuse for a school. The treatment you have received just in the span of time I have been here is simply appalling."
Tyler was very confused, and now worried. Mr. Record, however, was irate.
"How dare you? You come into MY school and tell me that MY treatment of a retard is cruel? Get out. This meeting is over. Leave, or I will call the police."
Tyler handed the application to the woman,
"I'm sorry your school wasted your time and their money just to come see me. You should leave now, he will really call the police, and they will arrest you. Everyone in this town shares more or less the same ideals on both the school and myself."
The principle had already started to dial the phone. Asuika, however was not leaving the poor boy in such an evil place. she had a daughter of her own and would rather take a bullet then see her suffer like Tyler clearly was. Plus, she had an ace for just such an occasion. She pulled out her own phone and dialed up a person to help in this situation
Tyler just groaned, as he knew where this was going. He'd played this game before, great, another visit from those bastards from DCYF. They won't help you lady. They agree with everyone in this town. Which means more drugs and more shrinks hofuckinray
He then sat back and looked over the application that had been submitted, namely, the parental signature. Surprisingly it was indeed his mother's scribble on the dotted line. He sighed and looked over the pamphlet the now rapidly chattering-into-her-phone lady had given him. The pamphlet said that KaraKonia academy was a full-live-on-site campus with dorms either on site or full apartments in the city it was situated in. The courses offered ranged from the standard core classes right up to frigging rocket technology. The school apparently had a rather extensive collection of extracurricular activities, like sewing to kendo to a very wide sports selection. The photo of the main building painting a nice picture of a white building similar in style to the Whitehouse, with a wide round stairway into the white pillar supported porch, massive wings stretching in either direction, an expansive lawn with a heavy looking main gate. The place looked hella fancy. He lowered the info pamphlet in time to see armed police officers enter the room.
"Excuse me miss. You have been asked to leave the property. Either do so immediately, or be placed under arrest."
the woman was a little taken aback by the fact the principle had actually called the police, but recovered enough to put her phone on speaker,
"I am Ambassador Yamamoto Hystogiya. That woman is my Daughter. She has informed me of the situation, and I have already called your federal state department. You should be getting a call from the governor of your state soon. Until that happens, local law enforcement are unable to act."
The principle and police just started laughing at the ridiculous claim,
"Whatever. Lady you are hereby placed under arrest for criminal trespassing."
"Thank you officers, she was disrupting my school."
The woman was cuffed and was being read her Miranda rights when the phone on the desk started to ring. The principle picked up and his face went instantly pale. The officers were then paged on their radios. They went pale too, and immediately uncuffed the suited woman, apologized profusely and left the room. The principle was getting an absolute ear full from his caller. He then gave Tyler an Ice-cold glare. he hung up and spoke through gritted teeth.
"Tyler John Naamani. You are hereby expelled from this school. Empty your locker and get the fuck out."
The woman went from pleased to absolutely horrified at his proclamation. Tyler was also stunned, but then just hung his head. He now had no choice.
"I'll take your entrance exam. I don't have a choice now."
His voice was full of defeat.
"May I be excused? I need to collect my things."
"Get your shit and get out retard."
"Yes sir."
Tyler left the room with Asuika behind him
"Hey, Tyler hold on!"
he turned around,
"Wat can I do for you?"
"I'll come with you get your things. I'll also give you a lift back home."
"If you wish. If you couldn't handle that encounter, then you might not want to come."
She was adamant. Her heart had shattered at his treatment by the school staff, so she now had to see just how bad it truly was. he led the heeled woman back through the halls to his locker. Every door he passed he got further jeers of 'retard' or 'kill yourself' or some other insult. He just kept walking, when he passed a group of students ion the halls, one tripped him and smashed his head into a locker, denting it. They kicked him a few times before leaving him to get back to his feet like nothing had happened. The woman was now openly fighting tears. Then they passed through the gym. The archery class was still going on. Tyler stopped,
"Walk a good ten feet behind me until we reach the other hall."
She was shocked again but did as she was told. Tyler walked out into the open and nearly immediately an arow whizzed past his head, leaving yet another groove on his skin. The arrow clattered to the floor, and he picked it up. The shooter, a small girl kicked him in the groin as she retrieved her arrow. He wobbled a little but retained both his stance and his serene expression.
"You're gonna pay for the replacement arrow retard/"
"yes sir."
He then walked to the other building, and inside. Asuika now had tears trickling down her face. She had her phone up and seemed to be recording. He sighed, knowing full well it won't change anything. he led her up to his locker and as he opened it, the redhead drop kicked it, slamming it on his body. He dropped and her blonde friend and the guy began to kick him, all laughing hard. He was laying on the floor, just taking it, not making a sound. The boy the lifted the dictionary he'd hit him with before and smashed it into his back. thud thud thud thud
They kept up the beating for a good few minutes until they ran out of breath. Tyler lay motionless as they walked off, cheering and congratulating themselves on the beating. Tyler then got back to his feet and emptied his locker into the large backpack he used to carry his things from home to school. He then went and checked in the books he had to the school library. He then emptied his desk and left the building. Asuika was heartbroken. She then hit a button on her phone and tried to hug the tortured boy, but he merely moved aside. He had cuts, bruises, and a nasty-looking welt on his arm from the locker door. She had tears openly flowing from her face. Tyler noticed and reached into his bag and handed her a cloth,
"here. Don't cry. It wasn't as bad as usual today. Plus, you got what you wanted."
She took the cloth and seemed to be confused.
"What do you mean?"
"You got me to take your entrance exam. I kinda have to now, since I got expelled and all."
"I'm so sorry."
"For what? This was all a part of your plan, so don't apologize. I get it. Now just how much of this brochure is false?"
Asuika's eyes widened at his statements, and his readiness to accept a potential lie like that.
"None of it's a lie."
"Right. Look, I'm not gonna run. I know this is just another group home or mental health clinic. So please, you can drop the act."
She felt the rest of her heart simply shatter. She'd seen his test scores and his grades. He was easily the smartest kid in that godforsaken school and yet had to endure hell itself because of it. Her phone buzzed.
"Hello, Asuika Sakamuji speaking. Yes sir, I'm afraid it's all raw. I know. He said it wasn't bad today. Yes sir, yes sir. They expelled him after the governor called. Yes, I'm afraid so. I completely agree sir. Thank you."
She hung up and smiled,
"Congratulations kid!"
"You're going to japan!"
"um, I'm sorry. Maybe I wasn't clear before, here let me say it again: Huh?"
"You got accepted to KaraKonia Academy!"
"Look I know it’s a group home so please just stop."
She rounded on him, smiling with relief.
"Look just trust me, okay? What have you got to lose?"
"Fair enough. Anything your group home does to me; I've probably been through worse."
Tyler sighed as he stood in line at the airport. His ticket to Japan held firmly in his hand, and his carryon over his shoulder. Must be a foreign place. Amazed they allow residents to cross oceans alone, either they have plants on the plane, or this is a hallucination from some new drug. Either way, this could be interesting. He passed through airport security without issue and boarded his plane on time as well. His mother had dropped him at the terminal, Ausika having flown ahead to greet him when he landed. he found his seat and pulled his MP3 player to listen to on the flight. It was an 8 hour nonstop from Boston to Tokyo. He glanced out the window as the plane taxied and took off into the sky, leaving the only world he knew behind. The plane touched down in Tokyo at nearly 6oClock, and he found his luggage and looked around. The airport was a bustling place filled with more people then Tyler had ever seen before. He was effectively lost in the sea of moving bodies. Plus, him having never set foot in the building only complicated the issue. He sighed and pulled the new phone his mother had given him. It was the latest model Samsung since the new iPhone had a nasty habit of exploding. He then dialed the only person in the country he knew.
"Hello, Ms. Sakamuji? It's Tyler. My plane just laned and I'm at baggage claim."
"Good. I trust the flight was fine."
"It was. Now where do I go?"
"Oh that’s right I forgot you've never left the country before. I'm down the set of escalators to the right of the baggage claim area."
"Okay. I'll stay on the line till I see you."
"That’s fine."
He walked along her directed route and spotted her leaning against a window.
"I see you."
he hung up and approached the woman. She was wearing a light blue dress and sandals with a wide-brimmed sun hat. He walked up and greeted the lady.
"Hi, Me Sakamuji."
"Glad you made it, and please call me Asuika."
"Okay Asuika. Can we get going?"
They left the airport. She led the boy to a large black SUV and climbed into the driver's seat. He loaded his bags in the trunk and went to climb in the back when she spoke up,
"You can sit in the front. I don't bite."
He climbed into the passenger seat and they were off. It was a two-hour drive to the campus, so Tyler fiddled with his new phone. It would be paid for by his mother until he reached the school, and as he understood it, the school would cover his bills, like food, clothing, rent for the apartment, and other expenses. His mother would then send two hundred dollars a month for him to blow how he would. Tyler was highly suspicious of this deal. If something seemed to be too good to be true it was. They drove in silence, leaving the crowded city behind, entering a more rural area. They had just entered the KaraKonia city limits when Asuika spoke up.
"Hey You hungry? Let’s get some food."
"Thanks but I don't have any money."
"I'm buying."
"Thanks, but really, you don't have to. I'll be fine."
"Jesus. Look I'm hungry so I'll get something. Let me know if you change your mind."
He didn't respond, and just went back to understanding his new piece of tech. She pulled into a small takeout burger joint, and parked.
"Okay, we're here. You want anything?"
"Look I said I'd be okay. Don't waste your money on me, I already owe you for gas."
She seemed about to cry at this. He truly thought he'd have to pay for her gas since she picked him up. She went in, leaving him in the car. He sighed, as he was not letting himself be lulled into letting his guard down. He finished his exam of the phone and put it away when she came back.
"Here, think fast!"
"She tossed a bag his way. He caught it deftly and just sighed,
"How much?"
"how much did it cost?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Seriously, how much?"
She just stared at the guy looking at her suspiciously,
"I'm not trying to pull anything. Look, just pay for the gas, the food's a thanks for being such a good passenger."
Still suspicious, he opened the bag and took out a bigmac. He waited till she took a bite of her sandwich first before devouring his own. HE would have to watch his body's reaction for a while in case of hidden drugs. She sighed as she felt his still suspicious gaze on her,
"You know, not EVERYONE in the world is a monster."
"I have only met one person that wasn't. You? Not sure."
"I'm not."
"I'm not so sure."
She sighed again. But let it go as they continued their drive. The sun was going down by the time they arrived at the apartment he'd be staying at. It was a four-story building with dozens of other apartments. As they entered the parking lot and Asuika got out, a voice called out to her.
"Hey! Assuie! You came to visit!"
A girl in a black shirt, jeans and flipflops came up to give Asuika a full-bodied hug. The girl had long brown hair, soft hazel eyes, a fair complexion, even fairer skin, and long legs. Tyler noticed this then went to retrieve his bags.
"Hey, this the new guy?"
Tyler looked up into her kind-looking eye as she came over.
"Yep. His names Tyler. Careful though, he's been through a lot."
"Really? That sucks. I'm Rin, the house manager, pleased to meetcha!"
He smiled as he took her hand in a barely handshake.
"Nice to meet you, miss. You won't even know I live here."
She laughed,
"Hey, dude. relax. Call me Rin, okay?"
"Okay, then, Rin. Sorry about that."
She sighed and looked at Asuika.
"I'll show you later. It was bad. VERY bad."
"Okay. I'll hold you to it. Hey, Tyler let me help you get your bags,"
"No thanks. I got it. Just tell me which floor and room number."
He had his three large duffel bags and a backpack. Rin was a little nervous.
"Um, it's the top floor, number 45-g. Look you sure? We don't have an elevator."
"I'm sure. I was expecting this. Don't worry about me. Thanks for the lift, Asuika. I owe you, about 160 yen, right? I'll pay you back soon as I get my money out."
He headed up the stairs with his load, leaving the two women alone. Rin then turned on her friend.
"Okay, Asuika, what the hell? That kid looks like a beaten dog."
Asuika's only response was to show her the recording she had taken. Rin was a very kind-hearted, gentle girl, the sight of the torture was simply too much for her poor heart. It broke for the tall boy who had barely touched her, as if she'd been made of delicate glass.
"Oh my god."
"They expelled him. I called Yamamoto, and the principle got a governor call. I guess he got reamed for his treatment of Tyler and was ordered to change. So, he expelled him. This is immediately after. That’s not even the worst part."
"How could it get any worse?"
"Tyler said it was a rather easy day that time. This is when they go EASY on him. If that’s an easy day for him..."
"That poor boy! No wonder he didn't have to take the entrance exam."
"He thinks this is some kinda group home. So, don't be surprised if he says things. He even fought me on buying him food. Like he'd owe me a favor or something."
Rin was having a very hard time not breaking into tears at his story. She had come from a very loving family and hometown. So, the horrors the new boy under her care were just too much. she was also a woman of duty. She marched up to the boy’s room. Tyler had made it up without difficulty and had gotten inside the small one bedroom. he walked in and placed his bags on the floor before beginning a bug check of the room. he was searching for mics, mini cameras, wiretaps, anything of the sort. He was just checking the vents when there was a loud knock on the steel door.
He undid the deadbolt and opened the still chained door to see who it was. It was Rin.
"Oh, Hey Rin. Give me a second."
he closed the door and undid the chain before admitting the house manager. She came right in and tried to give the boy a hug, only he jumped back a good four feet and planted his feet, as if expecting some kind of tackle. Rin watched as his face went from carefully guarded cheer to steel mask in milliseconds. Rin dropped to her knees, her heart in pieces,
"I'm not going to hurt you. I just wanted to give you a hug!"
He did not move. His gaze did not waver, and his eyes were still made of steel.
"You couldn't even if you tried."
The kind hearted girl hugged herself, as if to try to restrain her emotions.
"I saw the video."
"I'm sorry you suffered like that."
"Why? I'm the one getting wrecked, so why should you care?"
"Because you're in my building. I look after my tenants. So.."
"I can take care of myself. If something breaks, I'll either fix it myself or pay for the damages personally. Gotta say, this is a hell of a show. Haven't been to a group home that goes to such effort to gain the trust of its inmates like this in quite a while."
"This is not a group home! It's a school!"
"If you say so. I'm not falling for the same trick twice. not that it matters, since you can't break me. I'll turn 18 in a few years, then people like you won't be able to reach me."
She looked up at he coldly speaking boy.
"How can I prove it to you?"
"How can I prove this is not a group home?"
"You can't. I have yet to fully investigate the place. Anything I say you'll do, so it would defeat the purpose. I will have a full understanding of just what this place is by the end of tomorrow. I'll understand not just if what you say is true, but the mindset of the general populace, the staff, and the overall atmosphere. If I'm right, well then, it’s just another nightmare for me."
"If you're wrong?"
His steel mask shifted ever so slightly, granting a brief look inside his impenetrable armor.
"If I'm wrong? Well, I may have to crawl out of my bunker."
Rin and the now arrived Asuika had smiles of hope on their faces,
"But, I highly doubt it."
His answer gave the ladies chills,
"Because, such a good thing happening to me is only possible after I die. Since death is the only true release from pain."
The women shuddered, And Tyler went back to examining his room. The moment had passed, and the ladies recovered themselves enough to go about their business. Rin was curious as to his unusually thorough probing.
"What are you looking for?"
"We have an exterminator come through once a week. I assure you the room's clean."
"Good to know, but not the bug I meant. I mean stuff like cameras, wiretaps, hidden mics, those types of bugs."
"Yep. Was at a group home once, and there was a female staff that had placed a small camera in my shower. She was hot so I let it slide. Though the look on her face when I gave it to her when I left was priceless. I even said to her, 'I usually charge for live shows, but I made an exception for you.' Her face! I wish I'd had a camera. I liked her, she was fun."
Rin and Asuika both exchanged looks at this story, unsure if he was serious.
"That stories true by the way. In case you're wondering."
The ladies just sighed. Tyler had finished his extensive search of the apartment and was about to start unpacking when there was a loud knock on the steel door.
"Be right there!"
He opened the chained door to see his NEXT visitor, only to scare a small girl with long twin tail black hair. She seemed scared when she looked up into his gaze. He had a good five inches on the poor girl. His eyes widened as he realized he'd just scared the girl and shut the door, undid the lock and opened all the way.
"Hi, I'm sorry if I scared you, miss. My name's Tyler. What can I do for you?"
His voice was gentle, and he held out his hand. The girl was carrying a clipboard and pen and had a black-stripped armband on her left arm. Her uniform was a simple black-and-white sailor suit with a light blue scarf, knee high stockings, and a pair of brown shoes. Her eyes were a rather pretty shade of green. She had to tilt her head back to look him in the eye,
"Um, sorry to bother you!"
her voice a loud, startled soprano. She then plucked up courage,
"I'm here on official student body business. My name is Kiria Sakamoto. I'm here to check on you and inspect the room prior to you unpacking, so that we have a reference for any damages incurred during your time with us!"
Tyler smiled as he nodded,
"I see. Well, then do come in miss Sakamoto. I have yet to unpack."
He stepped aside to allow the cute girl excess while he held the large steel door. The small girl gulped but had her duty to carry out. She timidly stepped inside, jumping when the door shut behind her, and becoming scared when he slid the chain back into place. He turned back.
"Well, I guess welcome? Oh, and Asuika and Rin are here so there’s that."
Little Kiria breathed a visible breath of relief she wasn't locked in the room with the scary-looking boy alone. She then went into the main area to find the two women laughing quietly to themselves. Kiria became quite indignant at this display.
"Hey! What’s the big Idea? What are you laughing at?"
Rin was the one to speak first.
"Wow, Asuika, little Kiria's braver the I thought. She just marched in here like she owned the place!"
"Yes, she is quite the little trooper! Tyler this is Kiria Sakamoto. She's in the same grade as you. If I'm not mistaken, you might even be in the same class."
This surprised the girl.
"Wait, how old are you?"
"Seriously? What do they feed you in America?"
"Burgers, fries, soda. Oh, and PLENTY of pizza and ketchup. Why? how old are you miss?"
"14, and please stop calling me 'miss'. it makes me feel old."
"Old like them?"
He jabbed a thumb at the two seated ladies. Kiria giggled,
"Not THAT old. And call me Kiri, okay?"
"Sure thing. Is my size really that big a deal?"
The two ladies were smiling with relief at his easy conversation with the loveable Kiria, who was sometimes called the Campus' Little Sister. Everyone loved the twin-tailed sprite.
"I guess there's still hope."
"Well to be fair, Kiria's smile could melt an iceberg."
Tyler heard their whispered conversation. While Kiria simply answered his question,
"Well yeah. You're like the same size as most fourth years, and they're all seventeen and older. You kinda stick out."
"Well, as long as I don't get the same treatment as the last place for it, I guess it should be fine."
"I don't know what you mean, but don't worry, everyone here is really nice! It's not like we'll beat you with a brick or something."
She had meant it as a joke, but his response caught the sweet girl completely by surprise,
"Yeah I was already beaten with a brick this week, I'd like to at least go two days without getting bricked again."
He said this with such a straight face, in utter seriousness, that little Kiria's eyes went wide and she turned to Asuika and Rin, as if seeking an explanation. The ladies just sighed.
"I don't know what's scarier, the fact I believe him, or the fact he is unfazed by it."
"I'd say the first. Hey little Kiria, I'll give you some advice on him: He was raised in a literal hell, so please go easy on him, okay?"
Her blue eyes became full of sympathy at the confirmation of the story. She then clutched her clipboard and held to the tall boy with a pen,
"I need you to sign this. It shows I did my job as our class representative."
"Sure thing miss rep."
He signed the paper, after looking it over first. He'd been caught in a trap with a signature before. He then handed the thing back to the official girl and gave her a sarcastic salute. Her sympathy melted at the sight of the tall boy saluting a girl he was nearly twice the size of. She just started laughing at the ridiculousness of the scene. She then returned the salute, and marched to the door, which he unlocked for her and opened as well. She marched out like a soldier on parade, eliciting a laugh from the boy as he closed the door. He went back to find the ladies rising,
"Well, that was cute. We got to get going now. Classes start at 8, so plan accordingly. It's a good fifteen-minute walk to the main building."
"I need to head out too. I have a meeting with the principle, superintendent, and the dean. Hey Tyler? Go easy on the other students. None of them have ever experienced the horrors you have so just be aware."
Tyler smiled reassuringly as he let the ladies out,
"Relax, I'll give them a chance. I always give new people a chance until they give me a reason not to."
Both ladies relaxed at his words. They watched as he closed the door and heard him re-bolt and rechain the door. They then let out a shuddering breath as they left his doorstep,
"That kid."
"Agreed. I don't know how he survived that school. Beaten with bricks? Jesus."
"And he can still smile, plus how gentle he was with Kiria? I wish I had that kind of strength."
"Yeah, but what worries me, is from his records, there were plenty of things blamed on him, but there was not a single sign of him fighting back, at all."
"you mean?"
"Yep, I fear he's a ticking time bomb. The other school leaders fear the same thing. I informed the student council about his past, so they will monitor him."
"You know he'll pick up on it right? No way he doesn't"
"Yeah, but we don't have a choice. If he blows, well, I'm afraid of what'll be unleashed. His interaction with Kiria was reassuring though."
"It showed he still has a chance to be free of his past?"
"It does. Plus, his statement about turning 18. If that is what has been giving him the strength to endure that level of pain, just imagine what he could do with that strength without the fear of pain?"
"It's a little frightening."
Tyler had heard most of their conversation, since his hearing was impressive. He now knew that the school was afraid of the 'time-bomb' he represented. This was expected, along with the bit about the student council watching him. He had also figured the other teachers and staff would also keep an eye on him too. So far, he'd been proven right about the school. The only monkey wrench in the gears was Kiria. Tyler had learned real fast to identify liars, fakers, and those with hidden motives. But that adorable little bundle of nerves seemed to just glow from the inside out. It was so strange. He had never encountered someone with such an open book for eyes and personality. He pondered how to handle the little girl as he readied a large sandwich and coke for his supper. He had already set his alarm on his phone for seven, since he only needed fifteen minutes to be ready to leave in the morning. He finished his meal, did his plate and readied his school uniform. It was a simple white dress shirt, light blue tie, black pants, and the same brown shoes. A far cry from his loose t-shirt, denim jeans, and work boots. He hung the uniform on a hanger on the closet door. After he set his new lair up the way he liked. He pushed the queen mattress against the corner, taking up the space from the hallway to the hall. This granted him the largest amount of open floor space. He then moved the large two-tiered desk next to the head of the bed and placed the chair there as well. Now a good two thirds of the floor had been opened up. He put his clothes away and set his phone to charge on his desk. He then pulled his most precious possession out of his bag. A solid black laptop covered in Anime stickers and military plane stickers. Tyler was a closet weeb and otaku. Hence his pervert insult at school. He opened it up and double checked the drive was intact. This was the single item he owned he could not replace if damaged or stolen, so he had never brought it to school. He'd gotten it for a Christmas gift a few years ago, and he treated that thing better then himself. he logged on and his favorite Anime girl home screen was shown, a red-haired bust devil girl named Rias. He'd discovered anime on accident and had become an instant otaku. He had several thousand songs on his two terabyte drive, and a good 50% were either anime openings, closings, themes, or other related music. Tyler then checked on his extensive Anime collection on his 5-terabyte cloud storage, of which only 2 terabytes were still free. He bought every show he'd liked and had them stored via the cloud, so as long as he had his password, he could access his library. He changed the passwords to all his accounts and wrote them on a sheet of paper. He did this at least once a month or more, if he felt the need. He'd spent a good deal of time and money building his collection and would be devastated if he lost it. Now assured his staches were secure, he laid in the bed for the night.
"Well, here we go again. Here's to a fresh nightmare."
He woke up as his ring tone went off, a loud air raid siren, and got ready for his first day of school. He showered, had a pop tart and an energy drink, brushed his teeth, put his uniform on and loaded the small shoulder back, as he did not have anything more to bring with him. On impulse, he slid his laptop into his bag. This was to put the school itself to the test, for this was the only thing he'd be willing to draw blood over. He considered slipping a knife into his bag but felt that was daring fate. So, he just left. He had his keys on a heavy bandolier clip and turned the deadbolt, only to realize he forgot his phone on his desk. He retrieved it and now satisfied he had everything he'd need for the day, locked up his room and set off for the campus. He walked at his usual pace, listening to a set of his favorite openings as he did so. He felt the bag bumping his leg, it was a decently sized bag, a long shoulder strap with red and black material, a pouch large enough for basically anything he'd need for the day, and it hung by his hip. It also made a convenient weapon if loaded with heavy books. It was a backup plan, and nothing more. He was walking along a wide sidewalk on the side of a two-lane street, his long legs easily eating the routes excuse for a hill. The city itself had a very peaceful atmosphere, unlike the desolate feel the other town conjured. There were a few shops on the roadside he passed, and he picked out a few students from the school in the windows, given their uniforms. He kept moving, passing a large open park with picnic tables, some graffiti-less, well-maintained park equipment like swings and slides. He noticed this point as a good sign for the type of neighborhood he now lived in. There was a strange scent in the air, one of noodles and what seemed to be a tree, but he had no idea what it meant. He passed an open front shop and the noodle smell was wafting from, it. must be a Ramon shop. Kinda cool. He then reached the main gate to the school and standing at the front gate was little Kiria with her clipboard. She was standing on a small box, as if to be taller. Tyler walked over to the cute little runt. She was tapping a pen on the board when he approached
"Mornin Kiria. Nice to know at least one person here."
The small girl squeaked in shock,
"Eeepp! Oh, it’s just you! You scared me, Tyler."
"Sorry. I wasn't trying to sneak up on you."
She smiled kindly,
"I know. You move pretty quietly for such a big guy. And you're like ten minutes early, that’s good."
"Well, Asuika told me classes start at 8 so I woke up at seven to give myself plenty of time. So, I got a question."
"Really? What is it."
"Where do I go? I don't know my way around so."
"I see. Ahh, if you go through those doors there, and bang a right the main office is right there. They'll help you. Id show you but I have to take attendance."
"I get it. Thanks. oh hey."
He saluted the girl and she laughed as she returned the salute. He then went on his way. She kept a large grin at their little inside joke.
"Oh? That your boyfriend?"
The speaker was a rather tallish girl with back length auburn hair, a wide grin, dark brown eyes, the same uniform as Kiria, but with shorter socks, the same light blue scarf and a noticeable bust.
"No! jeez, Aki, that’s just Tyler. He's new, a new student. he was just asking for help!"
Her voice had a flustered tone and her face was a little red. Aki, just smiled wider and leaned in closer,
"Is that so? Seemed to be more than just a new student asking for help. That little saluting thing seemed serious!"
Kiria went beat red, and covered her face with the clipboard,
"It’s a joke he started! I met him yesterday on a room inspection! Leave me alone!"
Aki just burst out laughing at the twin-tailed girls’ obvious embarrassment.
Tyler just smiled as he left the small girl to the teasing. He entered the building and found a small locker section greeting him. He then remembered the small white shoes in his bag with a locker number. 56-j He found the locker in question and switched his footwear. I forgot just how anal their culture is about shoes indoors. He shrugged as he placed his outdoor pair in the locker, before closing it. He wouldn't bother to lock up shoes, so he went to the office to the right of the main entrance like Kiria had told him. There were a few students in the halls, and a few even stopped to check out the new guy, but Tyler coolly ignored them. The main office was a large room behind two double doors, and he entered as his usual quiet self. He approached the front desk and greet the receptionist behind the counter,
"Um, excuse me, but I'm the new student Tyler Naamani. I was wondering where I need to go."
His tone was soft and polite. The receptionist looked up and seemed to get a look of pity on her face, but she handed him a packet of school documents.
"here. These are your school ID, your classes list with teacher name and room numbers, a list of your student council representatives and class representatives. And a school map. If you have any trouble, don't hesitate to ask your fellow students for help. Any questions?"
"No, thank you. I think this covers everything. Thank you for the help."
He then turned to leave,
"Hey, ah, one thing."
He looked back at the lady,
"Something wrong?"
"Just, that this school is nothing like the one you came from so, just remember that, okay?"
"I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for the heads up."
he left, and the now-saddened receptionist picked up a photo of her own son and hugged it tightly. Tyler sighed as he climbed the grand central staircase in the center of the large entry way leading to the freshman floor. As he understood it, his 7th grade level was just below the high school level 8th grade. He found his homeroom without getting lost and walked into the nearly empty room. The teacher was sitting at his desk, a large newspaper in his hands. Tyler approached the man.
"um, excuse me sir, But I'm Tyler the new student."
The man lowered his paper at his voice and stood up, finding that Tyler had two inches on him. He was maybe thirty years of age, with short brown hair, brown eyes, a clean face and wore the same uniform as the male students. He held out his hand as he introduced himself,
"well, that’s refreshing. A student with proper manners. I'm Irigwowa Siyaki. But please just call me Ira. The other students do."
Tyler took the offered hand and shook it,
"Ira? You let students talk to you on a first name basis here?"
"Yeah, well we like to remember that we were also students too. Uh, can you let go? My hand hurts."
Tyler recoiled like he'd just been burned.
"I'm sorry, sir. It was an accident!"
Ira was shocked until he remembered the video Ausika had forwarded to the entire school faculty. Jesus. This kid merely underestimated his own strength, and yet he reacted like I was about to smack him.
"Hey, relax kid. You just don't know your own strength. And call me Ira, okay? Remember, you're in our school now."
Tyler just smiled meekly,
"I'll try to, Mr. Ira."
"Just Ira! Mr. Ira makes me feel old!"
"um, okay, sorry. Ira. feels weird."
"I'm gonna regret asking, but what would happen if a student called a teacher by first name in your old school?"
"Them? Nothing, just a lecture on proper respect."
"And you?"
"The teacher would beat me with a 700-page phone book, then the whole class would get a turn. It'd turn into a game of who could hit me the hardest, the winner getting no homework that weekend. Annnd I'd get beaten up in the hallway as well."
Ira just sat in his chair at the ruefully smiling boy,
"Why would you let them do that?"
"Because I learned it was just easier to take the pain then deal with the drugs, therapists telling me I was wrong for defending myself and the mental ward visits. Plus, after a while, nothing they did really hurt anymore, so there’s that. So where am I sitting?"
Ira was absolutely floored by his explanation, but answered as asked,
"Um, I am gonna introduce you to the class when they get here, so for now, just take a seat."
"Sure. So, since this is halfway through the first quarter, is there anything I need to really catchup on?"
"Well, let’s see. This is pre-algebraic prep. So, if you need formulas, I'd ask the students to borrow their notes. Other than that, that’s really the only thing you need to worry about."
"Okay. Any other school stuff I need to be aware of?"
"Well, once the student body learns there’s a new kid, they'll most likely come running to recruit for clubs and other afterschool activities. So be prepared for that. You WILL be required to join some form of afterschool activity to pass so be aware. Then there’s the usual school festivals and other functions you'll be expected to help with."
"Do you have a rule for laptops in class?"
"If you have, you can use it for notes. The school's Wi-Fi password is KaraKonia. Just be warned the school monitors all sites accessed on school grounds. We don't have web blocks. So, don't abuse the schools trust."
"I understand. What about cellphones?"
"On silent and out of sight. If caught three times, it is confiscated, and you can collect it after school that day."
Tyler pulled his out and turned it fully off.
Ira nodded approvingly. Tyler slid his phone back into his pocket and thought for a moment,
"Okay, so is there a list of clubs and activities somewhere I can look at?"
"Certainly, it's on our school website. If I remember right, you get the log in info from the office with a packet of papers."
"This one?" he held the stack up.
"Yep. Your login info should be there. It's the main way the school updates it's club and activities guide. Now then is that all?"
"I think that covers it. Thank you. I'll take a look."
"Alright. But I'd like to surprise the students with the taller-then-I-am new kid. So, the library is just down this hall, if you'd like to put that student ID to use. Come back in about ten minutes. Okay?"
"Sure thing."
Tyler left the room and headed to the floor library Ira had indicated. He found it and walked right in. It was massive, easily the size of four classrooms put into one. The shelves were tall too, nearly above what he could reach. He smiled as he approached a girl behind the counter.
"Excuse me, but do you have any Smithsonian handbook encyclopedias?"
The girl looked up at him, and he was stricken by the single most beautiful pair of blue eyes he'd ever seen. They sparkled like sapphires from her large glasses, which were obviously a disguise, her long thick black hair was braided into thick ropes and tied over the front of her uniform, covering her taped down cleavage. Her uniform was the same as Kiria and had the same light blue ribbon. He hid his reaction well, as showing admiration of any sort for a girl had gotten him badly beaten many times at his old school. She smirked at his request and wrote down an aisle number and section ID. She handed it to him and returned to her book without saying a word.
He walked off, her blue eyes haunting him for some reason. He found the selection of handbooks, and even spotted the same military aircraft one he had been reading back in America. He grabbed it and another one on tanks, before heading back to the sapphire eyed girl. He placed the books on the counter and handed her his ID. She scanned it, and gave it back to him,
"These are due in two weeks. Would you like the receipt?"
"yes, please."
Her voice had a light quality to it, like a well-played flute. He was now immensely concerned by his reaction, so he smothered it. He took the slim paper and his books and slid them into his bag. He turned to leave when she spoke again.
"I'd appreciate it if you don't tell anyone that I'm faking my look."
He glanced back, and she was looking over her glasses, giving him a full view of her sapphires.
"Relax. I'm no rat."
He left the library, listening to her chuckle as he did so. His ten minutes were up so he returned to the now packed classroom. The door was closed, and he could hear Ira speaking, so he knocked rather loudly.
"You may enter."
Tyler slid the door open and approached the man taking attendance. There was a collective firestorm of whispered conversations and curious glances. Tyler paid then no mind as he took a spot next to Ira.
"Class, we have a new Student. Please introduce yourself."
"A pleasure. My name is Tyler Naamani. I look forward to making his life miserable together!"
That resulted in an outburst of laughter, the kids getting quite the kick out of his joke. Ira just sighed,
"Oh, crap. Another comedian."
This got another round of laughs. Tyler just stood there looking confused, which only added to the effect. Ira whispered out the side of his mouth.
"Well played. You'll be just fine."
he spoke up more loudly this time.
"Alright, enough laughing at my expense. Tyler take that empty seat by Kiria over there. Kiria!"
The now nervous class rep stood up.
"Yes, Ira?"
"I want you to help the new kid out. As class representative, I'm counting on you."
"Oh, great I'm in the hands of a capable politician."
The other students lost it. They had just barely recovered the first time, but now at the combined line of his sarcasm and the now red-faced girl, they just couldn't contain their mirth. Even Ira was heard to snort a little. Tyler had a smile as he went to sit next to the fuming Rep. As he took his seat she stomped on his foot, to zero reaction. She instantly regretted it, as her foot now hurt. It felt like she'd stomped on a rock. He saw her wince and instantly felt bad.
"You okay? Sorry if I accidently stepped on you."
She sighed,
"You're fine. I stepped on a rock is all. Now then, do you need anything while they recover?"
"um, a copy of the classes' formulas."
"Okay, here. You can borrow my notebook."
He pulled out his own notebook and started to copy the required Formulas.
"Wow, Kiria, you got neat handwriting. It's a nice change to not have to fight to read someone else's writing."
She blushed a little and looked down as her twin-tailed hair twitched like they had a life of their very own. Tyler wrote down the equations and handed her book back.
"Here. I owe ya one."
"It's nothing. Just let me borrow yours if I'm ever out and miss something."
"Sure thing."
Tyler then noticed a girl staring at him with a smug grin on her pretty face. Kiria also noticed and seemed to shiver a little under the other girl's gaze. He tilted his head, curious. She had Auburn colored hair, a light complexion and light skin too. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had a noticeable bust through the same uniform as Kiria. Tyler then ignored the staring girl as the lesson started. He did, however, make a mental note of her location so if she were to try anything, he'd be ready. Ira was instructing the class on the proper way to solve a rather long equation when he was paged on the intercom. He turned to that class,
"Alright class. I have to step out. Try not to mob the new kid too much. And Tyler? If they irritate you, just gave them that ice gaze you scared Rin with. That should do the trick."
As soon as the door shut Tyler pulled his laptop out and fired it up. Kiria was instantly impressed. So were a good few other students. Until he signed in and the roar of a tank cannon went off. It was his login sound, and it caused nearly all the students to jump.
"Heh. Gotcha."
He smirked as he connected to the schools Wi-Fi. He saved it to his preferred connections and was about to open up one of the stories he had been currently writing, when.
"well, well. Looks like we got a new otaku in our midst."
he looked up to see the face of the Auburn-haired girl that had been staring at him. He tensed, expecting something to come flying at him.
"ah, yeah. I'm an otaku. Is that bad?"
She seemed to pause before throwing her head back laughing.
"Okay, new guy. It takes guts to just come out and admit that to a girl. Particularly one you just met! I like you. Names Aki. Nice to meetcha!"
She held out her hand and he took it in what could barely be called a handshake.
"The hell was that? Gimme a proper shake!"
before he could speak up, she grabbed his hand and squeezed it as hard as she could. Aki was captain of the kendo club, and taught at her family's dojo, so she did not like be treated softly. She was also used to making people wince in pain from her strong grip. She was expecting the same thing, only
"Well, I can feel your grip at least."
Tyler had zero reaction whatsoever. Aki was surprised.
"Okay, you squeeze my hand now."
"I can't. If I do, I'll crush every bone in your hand."
She could not believe his words, the whole class couldn't. Kiria just sighed.
"Tyler, just give her a taste. She won't give up otherwise."
"Alright fine. I'll go as easy as I can, Okay? I don't want to hurt you."
Aki was getting more offended by the second...until he gave a little squeeze of his own. She dropped to her knees with a pained expression on her face. Tyler immediately released her hand, concern on his face.
"hey, you okay? I didn't hurt you Did I?"
Aki recovered, though she still had to wring her numb hand in the air a few times, a smile of awe on her face.
"Damn, dude. Okay, I apologize. I didn't realize you had such a stone grip. I'm fine, so don't worry. Let me get this straight. That was you going easy?"
"yeah. It was the least amount of actual pressure I could use that you could feel."
"Jesus. If that’s you going easy, then I do not want to see you actually try. It felt like my hand was gripping a statue. I'm impressed."
She was laughing now. Tyler was a little confused, both at her reaction and the lack of a phone book to the face. He then smiled too.
"well, I guess you're alright then. Just don't get fresh with Little Kiria, understood? Otherwise I'll kick your ass!"
"yes Ma'am!"
"I like this one."
she was laughing at his response, then noticed his computer screen.
"You write?"
"Only bullshit fanfictions, a few original works, and basically me in some of my favorite anime genres."
She went behind to get a closer look.
"That right? HOLY, this one has over two thousand pages! This is just one story?"
"ahh, yeah. I just started it like last week? I got maybe four or five more that are twice as long."
"Twice as long? Okay, big guy. I wanna read one! Can I?"
Tyler was taken aback at her eager question.
"Ahh, well sure, I guess. I never intended for the to be read by anyone else though."
She seemed confused by this answer, as Tyler set up an email with one of his favorites attached to it.
"Why would you go to the trouble if you don't want People to read them?"
"Well, cause it gave me an out. My last school wasn't exactly welcoming of my existence, so I tried to find ways to escape. I tried suicide, but wussed out at the last second. So, I dove into the written word. Here, what’s your-wait what’s the look for?"
Aki and the rest of the class had stepped back,
"You tried to what?"
"hmm? What do you mean?"
"You tried to kill yourself?"
"ahh, yeah. twice actually. First time the friggin rope snapped, second, I could not force myself to pull the trigger. So ahh yeah, why do you look so shocked?"
Everyone seemed a little uncomfortable with his response. Then Little Kiria spoke up.
"Guys, he's been through a lot. So try to relax."
Aki, however wouldn't let it go.
"why try to kill yourself?"
"Well, it was either sweet oblivion or getting beaten with either bricks or cinderblocks for the next several years. Hell, one time, the principle hit me with his car, twice, in one day. Then made me work off the damages to the car."
There was a very loud silence. Tyler just looked at them,
"You okay? Hey Aki, I need you email so I can send the story."
She did not respond, she was looking somewhere between horror and disbelief. Again, Kiria spoke up,
"He's not lying. Or exaggerating. Everything that he said happened, happened."
Aki, along with the rest of the class spun to face her,
"How do you know?"
"Ms. Asuika and Ms. Rin said so. That’s why."
The names of the two women were enough to convince them. Aki then turned on Tyler and grabbed him in a hug before he could get away, as she did so she felt his scars through his dress shirt. He then grabbed her arms and gently but firmly, pushed her back. A serene mask of calm on his face.
His voice a cool level.
"Please don't touch me again."
She just nodded as she felt so bad for the guy. Seeing her nod, he started to smile again.
"Coolzies. Now then, where am I sending this?"
She imputed her Email, and he hit send. She then stood back up and pulled her flip phone out.
"Do you have a cell?"
"Ah, yeah gimme a sec."
He dug his out and turned it back on. The startup sound played then the sound of plane engines firing up. His phone home screen another picture of Rias, this one with her wings out and a large red circle behind her. Aki smiled a little as she recognized the Busty devil girl.
"So, you're a member of the house of Gremory?"
"I am a pawn in the service of Rias Gremory."
Aki smiled,
"We of the Noble house of Gremory look after our own like family."
"One thing: Rias, Akeno, or Asia?"
"aww duh, Koneko!"
"Acceptable. Proceed."
She smiled as she took his cell and entered her number and name.
"there, lets binge the series some time."
"You, my good lady, just became my new favorite person! Only thing is, do you prefer censors, or uncensored?"
"The hell do you take me for? Uncensored, obviously!"
"Good girl! I got the full directors cuts on my cloud storage, alls I need is a decent TV setup and we're golden! Oh, and one thing."
"who is your most hated bad guy in the show?"
"That prick that tried to kidnap Asia. You?"
"Same, but that Fred Selaman guy was also acceptable."
"Ah, earth to weebs, can I get your number Tyler?"
Kiria was holding a small pink flip phone.
"Sure. Here, I'll do it."
He entered his name and number and tossed it back to Kiria. He then noticed a shadow on the door.
"Hey, looks like Ira's back. Hey guys, I got a great Idea!"
Ira walked into a classroom of his students all greeting him with
"Welcome back Mr. Ira!"
He went red in the face, and the class started laughing at the prank. He then saw Tyler laughing from behind his laptop screen, clearly the mastermind for the class-wide prank. That sneaky bastard. That better NOT become a thing now! The teacher watched as Aki gave Tyler a hefty high five from her newly acquired seat in front of him.
"Miss Aki. Your seat is over here."
The seat in question was close to the board, where a boy with blonde hair was now sitting.
"Um, mister Ira. I was having a hard time seeing the board from back there, so Aki offered to switch."
"It's Ira. And is that so? Very well then. Sora, I expect you to pay attention. And Aki? You better pay attention and not flirt with that new kid."
"I'll make sure she does Mister Ira. And for the record, She's pretty and all, but I'd like to leave that mess for at least my second week at school."
Aki blushed, hard, while the whole class just went aaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
"you're a dead man."
"Yes Ma'am."
Ira just sighed, and gave Tyler a secret smile, and went back to teaching his class. Although now every time a student addressed him, it was Mister Ira. That little bastard had instituted a new nickname for him in the space of an hour and a half! The rest of class passed without incident and the students hurried off to their next classes. Once they left Ira just sat back in his chair, and mused his thoughts aloud.
"That kid is gonna flip this school on its head. Things are sure gonna get interesting."
Tyler's next class was world history, so he headed over to the room. Aki and Kiria having different classes. He walked in to find that blue-eyed girl from that library. He took a seat in the same corner as the last class and opened his laptop again. His tank cannon went off and he jumped, as he'd forgotten to turn it off. The girl looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. The lady teacher came out from behind her desk at the sound,
"That was a Firefly cannon!"
Tyler was a little surprised at the lady’s accurate guess. The teacher was a pencil thin, glasses wearing, red headed woman. She wore a green dress suit, and heels. She then spotted the stickers adorning his computer and marched over to his desk.
"Is that a P51?"
"ahh, yeah."
"a Messerschmitt BF109?"
"A focke-wulf 149?"
"that’s an SR71 Blackbird!"
"Can I help you?"
She seemed to recover herself.
"Oh! I'm sorry. I'm just a little fond of Warplanes. Plus, that tank shot kinda excited me."
"I'm sorry. I turned it off. It shouldn't happen again."
She just laughed,
"It spooked me, that’s for sure. But I love a good cannon shot! It makes my blood run hot!"
"Okay. Now I'm concerned."
Then the girl with the blue eyes stood up and approached the gushing teacher.
"Miss Yukino. You're going overboard again."
Yukino then seemed to get a handle on herself,
"Why yes. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I get it. If you'd like I can set different cannons to fire each day."
"I'd love that!"
"Alright, then."
Now satisfied, the eccentric teacher went back to her desk Tyler the turned to the girl with the gorgeous eyes,
"Ah, thanks for that."
She looked back at him with her eyes sparkling,
"No problem."
"What's your name?"
"Well, Melody. My names Tyler nice to put a name to the face."
She just smiled, her hands clasped over her waist,
"Same here. Now I have a request."
"Okay, shoot."
"I am to spend the lunch period in the library. I would like it if you were to join me for a chat."
"Sure. Do we have the same lunch period? I got second lunch."
"well, what a coincidence, so do I."
"Then I'll be there."
She gave a happily knowing smile,
"Of course you will."
She then retook her seat. Tyler was now on high alert. Something was up. His years spent in hell told him that, and that there was something else behind those eyes, something familiar. He placed the mysterious Melody on his to pay special attention to. The class was about to start so he just shrugged and opened a new word document for his notes. He caught the odd miss Yukino checking out his laptop every now and then. Least he hoped it was his laptop. For Melody, she never looked back his way once. Tyler was typing when he noticed a large polished shield hanging above the whiteboard. He then realized he could see directly into Melody's eyes from the convenient reflection. He then noticed that she had noticed and winked into the reflection. She gave a little smirk at getting caught and winked back. well, we gots ourselves a watcher. Interesting. He then went back to his notes. He would look up every once in a while and catch Melody gazing at him in the polished shield. As far as Tyler could tell, not another soul was aware of their secret staring. He had no idea what the blue-eyed Melody wanted with him, and if he was honest, didn't really care. He was more curious as to her sudden invitation. She was interested in him, that much was obvious, but the type of interest was what had him on edge. The last time a girl had invited him to a meetup, he'd been beaten by her five brothers. The odds of this happening were slim, but he was still going to exercise caution. The class went on and ended. Tyler now had a free period before lunch. Which meant he had a good hour and a half of downtime. He decided to find a corner and bang out the homework for his previous classes. He wandered over to a large open area he'd spotted the last time he'd past through. He found a solitary desk and set up shop. He took out the equations and other problems he had to solve and dove right in. He had just finished the math when his name was called. He found he knew the voice,
"Hey, Tyler!"
"oh, hiyya Aki. How’s it hanging?"
She sauntered over and plopped herself in a seat next to him.
"Watcha working on?"
"Just finished Ira's homework. Was gonna start on Misses Yukino's assignment.”
She froze,
“Wait. You already knocked out Ira’s homework? How long it take you?”
“I dunno, ten minutes, if that.”
“No freakin way. It normally takes us an hour to do it.”
“Yes really! Let me see it!”
He handed her the paper, and sure enough every problem was solved. She then just looked at the confusing boy.
“If you wanted, you could hand it in now. He doesn’t have a class.”
“It’s no biggee. I don’t want to seem TOO eager. Ya know?”
“I hear ya. So, you also got Miss Yukino?”
“yep. She’s quite the character.”
“yeah, but we all love her for it.”
“I bet. Hey Aki, I got a question for you.”
“Does the name Melody mean anything to you?”
“Melody? You mean the library troll? Black hair always in a twin rope braid? What about her?”
“I ran into her checking out a book, and she got me curious. You know anything?”
Aki then got a smug looking grin on her face,
“Oh, you like her?”
“No. It’s just she set a warning bell off in my mind for some reason. I tend to listen to my gut. It usually winds up being less painful that way.”
Her joking demeanor died as quickly as it had appeared.
“well, you don’t have to worry on that end. From what I hear, she’d also a transfer student. I heard she came from some high-end prep school near Kyoto. As far as I know, she’s very quiet, keeps to herself, gets solid grades, and has never missed a day of school.”
“What side of the bed does she sleep on?”
“Right. Wait what?”
Tyler burst out laughing at Aki’s red face, then he noticed a familiar shadow ducking around a corner. His eyes narrowed, so THAT’S how it is? He sighed,
“Hey, Aki. Watch this.”
He got up and ducked to the wall out of view of the corner hiding place. He then ghosted along the wall, till he was near the corner, then sprang around the blind turn. There was a little squeak, and Tyler led a startled Melody from around the corner. Aki was surprised by her appearance. Tyler made her sit across from the pair. The exit from the area directly behind Tyler. Aki was both surprised and a little concerned.
“Tyler, how did you know?”
“Get jumped from behind as many times as I have, and soon you develop a sort of radar. You feel people looking at you. Plus, I know how to use my eyes. There is not a soul who can sneak up on me. So then Melody, why are you following me?”
Melody had recovered from her shock at getting caught and merely smiled.
“What makes you so sure I was following you?”
“Because I’ve been feeling watched since I left the classroom. I know what being followed feels like, plus I kept seeing a shadow about your height and build ducking around corners and behind stuff. You left the classroom before me. Plus there’s also the fact I spotted you in the reflection on the glass of that trophy case I was checking out ten minutes ago. You were hurrying quite a bit, but when I went to turn around, I saw you duck behind down a corner in a window reflection. I didn’t do anything since you’re no threat to me, but now I’m curious. Why are you following me?”
She sat back in her chair, her blue eyes shing, but Tyler could see the tiniest bit of panic in the sapphire depths. Aki was also curious too.
“This is new, Melody. Never took you for a stalker.”
Tyler checked the time.
“I got lunch next. Melody, I will keep my word. I’ll meet you in the library once I get my food. You WILL explain yourself. Or I will never speak to you again, even if I have to pay late fees. Understood?”
He then packed up his stuff and made to leave,
“Hey. I’ll join you in the library too.”
Aki was now chomping at the bit to find out too. Tyler gave Melody a hard look.
“Aki comes too. Understood?”
Melody nodded meekly. Tyler sighed and headed to the main cafeteria. Aki right behind him.
“Don’t you think you were a little harsh back there?”
“Not really. If she’s following me, then I need tom know why.”
“It might be hard for her to explain.”
“Well, then I should avoid her. She bothers me.”
“She feels like a person with a big secret to hide. Plus her eyes.”
“They are pretty.”
“Yeah, but not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean?”
“I can read people’s eyes pretty well, kinda necessary when you need to know who’s gonna beat you with a brick later. Her’s are very deep, and very guarded. Plus there’s something…familiar about them.”
“Yeah. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I feel like I’ve seen that look somewhere. It’s like she reminds me of someone.”
He went quiet as he descended into deep thought. He had no reference for this situation, so had no idea how to handle it. So he decided to just play it by ear.
“Hey, Aki. Where is the cafeteria, anyway?”
“Took that long to realize you don’t know? It’s this way.”
He followed the feisty girl. The cafeteria was a boisterous place. Aki led him over to a large counter with a monitor. She swapped her school ID on a card scanner and picked out some light curry. Tyler followed her lead, and found his Account had well over several hundred thousand yen in the system. He selected a pizza for himself and went over to a vending machine he’d spotted. He got himself another energy drink and together the two of them headed for the library. The room of books was cool and quiet as they entered. Melody was sitting by a large window. Tyler went and sat across from her, with Aki right next to him. He popped the seal and got a look from Aki.
“That’s your lunch? You’re gonna struggle with gym after.”
“I got a back up energy drink in me locker if I need it. Plus this is the American diet. So then down to business. Melody. Why were you following me?”
She sighed,
“Well if you have to have an answer. You fascinate me.”
“Okay, why?”
“You mean you don’t know?”
She said this with a lightly surprised voice. Aki blinked and got another smug grin on her face. Her reaction telling Tyler what he needed, given her personality.
“Look, if this is a roundabout way of saying you have a crush on me, then for both our sakes just come out and say it.”
Melody seemed to go into deep thought at this statement. Aki was watching with a intensity of a wildlife photographer spotting a rare animal. Tyler had already devoured his pizza and was about to down his energy drink when.
“Very well. Tyler, I have a major crush on you. Does that make you feel better?”
Tyler placed his can on the tabletop before he squeezed in all over the place. Aki nearly choked. Melody was grinning triumphantly. Tyler recovered quickly enough from his surprise.
“Really? Well then, wanna go on a date sometime?”
Melody’s grin vanished at his straightforward question. Aki was now beat red at the same thing.
“Hey, Tyler you’re not supposed to just come out and ask!”
He looked at the crimson-faced girl, an expression of confusion on his face,
“Why not? She said she has a crush on me, I think she’s pretty, what more do I need? I don’t play games, and I don’t hold back, in anything. So what’s the problem?”
Aki threw her hands up in defeat at his straightforward personality. He chugged his energy drink and was about to get up to toss the plate and empty can out,
“Sure, Tyler I’d love to go on date with you, sometime.”
He smiled,
“well alright then. Here, let me toss this and I’ll grab your number.”
Aki was blown away at the exchange. She then turned to Melody who was now smiling with triumph. He came back and slid his phone over to an eager Melody, who hurriedly put her number in. She the tossed her own phone over and he did the same. He got his phone back and looked at his new contact.
“Nice. A phone full of girls numbers, moving up in the world.”
Aki elbowed him in the ribs,
Melody was still smiling widely at his number. Tyler thought it was kinda odd.
“Hey, Melody, is this the first time a guy’s asked you out?”
She looked up,
“No, but it is the first I’ actually accepted.”
“Well, no pressure there. I’ll come up with something nice. Plus I got like two hundred American to play with, if I’m not mistaken, that’s like what, two hundred thousand yen?”
The girls were speechless at the number. Aki spoke up,
“Ah, yeah, that’s pretty accurate. Is your family rich or something?”
“Not even. I just get two hundred American for fun money a month from my mom. As I understand it, the people at the school financial aid felt so bad about my last school that they kinda hooked me up. It’s a little beyond me, but I essentially get a free ride here. Although that amount for the cafeteria menu seemed a bit much, but hey, never look a gift horse in the mouth.”
Melody just started to laugh, her mirth sounding like a pretty windchime. Aki merely sighed as she understood the schools mindset. Tyler checked a clock. He had maybe another half hour until he needed to roll.
“Hey, Melody. What kinda things do you like?”
She then turned thoughtful.
“Well, I do like anime, and am a bit of a gamer. I also enjoy just walking around the city mall, and checking out various shops.”
“Really? I can definitely work with that. What about food, anything special?”
“I love fast food, but I don’t get to have it often.”
“Girl, you sure you not Merican? Anything else?”
She leaned in, her slender arms on the table as she gave him a mischievous grin,
“Are you trying to get ME to plan our date for you?”
Tyler smiled as he mirrored her posture, but he placed his head on his hands,
“oh, how mean my pretty friend. I just needed some points to jump off. I got a few ideas myself. Though to be clear, I share a few of your likes myself, so this is gonna be good.”
He spoke with a husky voice, and gazed directly into Melody’s blue eyes fearlessly. Melody’s hands started to tremble before she finally lost her battle and blushed hard. She then leaned back in her chair, trying to still her beating heart. Tyler chuckled as he got up, it was time for his gym class.
“well, anyway. I’ll text you later with the details. I’m shooting for this Saturday. Sound good?”
Melody smiled,
“Todays Tuesday, right? That’s seems fine.”
“Looking forward to it. Give me a holler if you wanna do something specific or if anything pops up.”
“kay. Bye!”
“Catchya later.”
He headed out with Aki right behind him as she also had the same gym class. She was rather impressed,
“Wow, Tyler. I had no idea you were such a heartbreaker.”
“I’m not. I meant every word.”
Aki stopped dead.
“You’re actually taking her out on a date this Saturday? Just like that?”
Tyler was once again confused,
“Why is that so shocking? She said she had a crush on me, so why not?”
Aki was beside herself,
“why not? Do you have a crush on her?”
“Not yet. She is very pretty, so that’s a plus, and I want to take her out, what’s wrong with that?”
She seemed like she was gonna throw a fit, but then just sighed.
“Just, don’t hurt her like the others would, okay?”
Tyler stopped dead in the hall. He looked to Aki with a cold fury in his eyes. His voice a barely controlled growl,
“Let me say this once, Aki. I will not hurt her. If you think I would, then just get the fuck away from me.”
He then walked off, leaving Aki feeling both scared, and ashamed that she had thought that about Tyler, who had endured so much pain at the hands of others, and still continued to smile. She had put him in the same category as the other boys, which he very clearly was NOT. She had hurt him by even thinking that of him. So now she had no choice but to hurry after him. Tyler was livid. He was NOTHING like those that had tortured him for so long, and would rather die then let that happen. He lengthened his stride and Aki was lost to sight behind him. He reached the gymnasium, a massive building nearly the size of his entire old school. There was also a full track and field course. He walked into the building only for a tracksuit wearing gym teacher to come over,
“You the new kid?”
“yes, sir.”
“Don’t sir me, kid. I work for a living. Call me Meld. Now there’s a laundry over there, find a clean set of gym clothes and get changed. I want to see what an American is made of these days.”
“I can answer that now. Lard and bullshit.”
The gruff man just burst out laughing at his response. The man was as tall as Tyler was, only far more muscular. He had a large scar on his right bicep, and hie eyes ran brown. He regained himself,
“Okay, I’ve never heard that one before. I’ll give you a pass on swearing at a teacher. Don’t let it happen again.”
“Sure thing, meld. I’ll go get changed. Which is the boys locker room?”
“that one on the right.”
“Sweet thanks.”
Tyler went and grabbed a shirt, shorts, shoes and socks in his size then hurried off to change. He spotted Aki headed into the girls locker room, but ignored her. He went into the boys room and found an empty locker. There were about 15 other guys inside all changing. Tyler laid out his gear and pulled his shirt off. Nearly instantly all conversations stopped. Now on edge, Tyler turned to see every dude in the room was looking horrified at his torso.
“Okay, what? Am I bleeding?”
One guy without a shirt on pointed at his chest, confused Tyler looked down. He saw nothing but his only white skin, his scars, and what little muscles he had. Then it clicked.
His scars. He was crisscrossed in old wounds, some small, some over four inches long. HE shrugged and put his gym shirt on. He dropped pants and pulled his shorts on, and they saw that his legs were also heavily scarred as well.
“what the hell happened to you?”
“Hmm? Oh, My old school wasn’t as friendly.”
“Your SCHOOL did that?”
“Aww yeah, like 99% of them. A few were from animals they set on me, so they don’t technically count, but ya know.”
Again He shrugged at the cruelty he endured. He finished dressing for gym and headed out. He found Meld waiting near a set of bleachers by the double doors leading outside. He approached the gruff man,
“Alright, now what?”
“Go run four laps of the track outside. Then do some stretches. I’ll tell you more after- What the hell?”
Again his scars were visible around his collar and on his legs,
“My school wasn’t very friendly. I’ll go get started on the laps.”
He waved and headed out the doors, holding it for a girl behind him. Meld was absolutely floored, which only got worse when the remaining boys came back out,
“Hey, Kouki. Did you see the new kid change?”
The ashen faced youth nodded.
“How bad is it?”
“His back is covered in scars to the point it was like a map of Tokyo. His chest is no better. Some are longer then your own. I don’t know how anyone could survive that kind of pain.”
“Get out and do your warm ups. And remember what you saw. Some places aren’t as nice as here.”
The humbled boys all nodded and went to join their tortured classmate. Meld then went and had to brace himself against a wall, so overcome with pity for the boy who smiled at his pain.
“What kinda monsters did he grow up with?”
Tyler was already on his third lap of the quarter mile track, and was easily moving onto his fourth. After he went over to a set of bars for pull-ups and used it as an improvised armbar to help stretch his now active muscles. He not never had any help for this so he asked for none. he was about to start on his back when,
“Hey, I can help you if you’d like.”
He looked over and saw a tallish guy with black hair offering him a hand.
“Sure why not, I can help you too, if you’d like.”
“Thanks. I’m Kouki.”
“Tyler, nice to know ya.”
Tyler then got assistance with his stretches, but the overwhelming number of creaks, pops, and cracks shook Kouki. He was certain Tyler would break something, but he just laughed,
“relax bro. I just settle, then I crack like a glowstick. I’m fine really. You should hear me some mornings.”
Kouki had no idea how to handle his new classmate. They were among the first done with stretching so they milled around awaiting further instruction. Tyler was looking around the field, taking in the sights.
“Never seen a track field before?”
It was Aki. Her Gym outfit being near the same to Tyler’s only her shorts were shorter. He glanced at her then continued his survey of the area.
“I have not no. The high school had one, but I never dared to go near the place.”
Aki shuffled her feet in the dirt awkwardly,
“Hey, Tyler?”
“yeah, what?”
“I’m sorry I compared you to them. I should not have said that. So forgive me?”
he turned to look the girl in the eye, and held out his fist,
“Sure, I ‘m also sorry. I overreacted. Just try to not say it again, fair?”
She smacked her fist into his and they brofisted, a relieved smile on her face,
“Fair! So given any thought to your date with Melody?”
“Oh shit I forgot!”
“Already? You sonvabitch!”
“I’m messing with you.”
“Jesus. You nearly made me summon the witches.”
“What could you and a bunch of mirrors do?”
“Okay, first off good one, second, you’re an ass.”
“And third?”
She leaned in close,
“I really what to say something else, but I have to be ladylike in public.”
“You know...”
“It’s so important for the future of your groin that don’t you finish that sentence.”
“yes Ma’am.”
“Good boy!”
They started to laugh when Meld’s whistle was heard.
“well duty calls.”
“yep, catchya on the flipside.”
They went off to their respective teachers and Tyler went over to sit Infront off Meld. Kouki and the other boys came up behind him.
“Hey, you going out with Aki or something?”
“nah, we’re just friends. I got a date this Saturday though.”
That got a few looks, after all, it was only his first day at school. But before the true interrogation could begin, Meld started speaking.
“Alright listen up. We’re going to do a 4k run around the city. The girls will be joining our class so put on a good show for the ladies. If we get back in time, we’ll have a round of dodgeball. Alright? Heres the route. Naamani!”
“yes, Meld?”
“I want you to team up with someone, since you don’t know the route very well. While You could most definitely find your way back to campus just fine, I do not want to take the risk, understood?”
“Clearly, may I team up with Aki from the girls class?”
“If she agrees, and if you can keep up.”
“Shouldn’t be a problem, I’m used to running for my life.”
There was not a single chuckle as they knew he was only half joking. The girls class came over to join them, and Tyler spotted Aki near the rear and waved her over. She came right to him, and plopped at on down.
“You heard?”
“Bout the fun run? Yep.”
“They want me to team up with someone who knows the route, so, wanna run?”
She gave a wicked smile and held up her fist, Which he bumped,
“Oh hells yeah! This just became fun!”
The two gym teachers blew a whistle and the class got to their feet and began their run. The route was along a river, then took a hard left turn into the city proper. They then would continue for a good 2km through the busy downtown, then loop back around to the school. The route wasn’t that hard on paper, but in practice, was difficult. Since the students had to pass through several crosswalks and roads. Tyler wasn’t at all concerned as his guide knew the way like her own hand. The two of them set up a healthy rhythm that they could very easily maintain for quite a while. Tyler had also stashed his wallet in his pocket as he never left money anywhere but his pocket. As they ran they also discussed the coming date,
“So, have you gave any thought to your date?”
“You’re really invested in it aren’t you?”
“Yeah, kinda. I was there for the set-up so now I wanna help the show.”
“Nice image. As for the date, well, I’d planned to do a little digging on the net to get an idea of places in the city she might like. I can also use this run to also do some scouting.”
“Not a bad plan. Asking her what she liked was a rather smooth move.”
“Hell, if she doesn’t have fun, then what’s the point?”
“True. By the way, you’re pretty popular with the girls right now.”
“Am I supposed to be flattered, or terrified?”
“A healthy dose of both. I think it’s just the new guy allure.”
“I hear that. New guy came to my old school once, got two girls pregnant the first week alone.”
“Wait, like with babies?”
“Yep. full blown bun in the oven. But the best part? The dude had syphilis, and the school had to get quarantined for a week while they sanitized the building. The girls got the vaccine and all, but they still had the kids nine months later.”
“Did no one do anything?”
“Like what? They didn’t care. The guy had moved away four months prior to the births of his kids, so he didn’t have to care. The babies were put up for adoption and that was the end of that.”
Aki was saddened at this story,
“Jesus, Tyler. Do you have any HAPPY stories?”
“hmmm, now That I think about it. NO. That town is not known for happy.”
“Well, at least you escaped. That’s a good thing right?”
“I’m not so sure yet. I’ll give it two days before I know for certain.”
“Before you what for certain?”
“that this isn’t some insanely elaborate setup with a nasty rug pull at the end. Actually, I take that back. I’ll wait for the date. That would be more then enough to convince me.”
“You think we are trying to set you up? For what?”
“Something painful.”
“You really think we’d go to all this trouble just to hurt you?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time. One plan lasted a full year.”
“I know I’m gonna regret this, but what happened?”
“It was my first girlfriend. We dated for like a year, had our first kiss together, told each other we loved the another the first time, hell, I even spent a week at her house with her and her family for thanksgiving. Far as i knew I was like a member of her family. I was on friggin cloud nine at the time.”
He trailed off, sighing at the memory. Aki was heartbroken for the big guy, but she still asked the question,
“What happened?”
“She’d been collecting everything I’d ever told her, and read them to the school for an assembly. Apparently the entire school, her family, the school staff, everyone but me knew about it. she then put the teddy bear I’d won her at a carnival on the stage, doused it in gasoline and lit it on fire. She then tossed everything I’d ever bought her, and all our pictures together into the fire. She then started saying just how bad of a kisser I was, how childish I was, and how she been having sex with every other guy after we went out. She basically took my heart and smashed it with a sledgehammer. Then her five brothers all beat the shit outta me withb some spare 2x4s. And that led to my first suicide attempt.”
“And you’re gonna go out on a date with Melody even after that?”
Her voice was small, is if the sheer thought of the evil in his story was hurting her soul. Which it was.
“Sure. It wasn’t my fault I wound up dating a monster. I did my damnedest to make my girlfriend happy. There is nothing wrong with that. The only thing I’m at fault for was believing her lies. I never gave up on the idea of having a girlfriend, I just gave up on it in that town. My heart broke that is true, but I am nothing if not resilient. So I put it back together with duck tape and superglue. Been fine ever since. Though burning that teddy? That was just plain uncalled for, that teddy was innocent!”
“Prffthaa! You get led for a year and humiliated by the whole town, yet burning a single teddy was uncalled for?”
“You’re damn right It was! The teddy had done nothing wrong!”
Aki was now laughing hard enough that she had to stop before she fell. They had reached the turn in the route into the city, so they stopped for a moment to regain their breath and stop laughing. She recovered, and was about to set off again when Tyler grabbed her arm, and a large speeding box truck raced past as the light turned red. She had just nearly been hit by a truck, and only Tyler’s awareness had saved her. Tyler got a quick look at the trucks license plate before guiding the stricken girl to a nearby bench next to a vending machine. Aki was very pale, as her near demise had left her completely shaken. he pulled his wallet an got her a small grape drink and gave it to her.
“Here. Get your marbles back. We don’t move until you do.”
“Thank you.”
She popped the seal and drank deep. Tyler could see the route clearly and when he spotted Meld,
“Hey! Meld! Over here!”
The teacher turned and saw Aki’s paleness and rushed right over.
“What Happened?”
“Truck blew a red. I grabbed her in time, but it was way too friggin close. License was, 5376LieA. We’re taking a break till she’s good.”
Meld pulled a cellphone and called it in to the school, and police. He then turned to see Tyler rubbing the shaking girl’s back,
“I gotta check on the other students. Stay with her.”
“She safe with me.”
Meld then took off running to check on the others. Tyler was still rubbing Aki’s back in slow circles, and holding her. she stayed like that for about ten minutes, until her paleness faded, and she stopped shaking. Tyler leaned back,
“You good?”
“yeah. I think so.”
“Lets get you on your feet.”
He then stood up and took her by the arms and helped her to stand. She was shaky on her feet, but didn’t seem about to fall over. She took a few steps, Tyler right beside her,
“We walk from here. Okay? And take your time. We are not in any form of hurry.”
“We have to make it to sch-”
“That school can kiss my ass. My friend was nearly a friggin smear on that bastards bumper. We go at our pace. They have a problem they deal with ME.”
His voice was firm inviting zero counterarguments. This Time Tyler took point on the crosswalk, and when he saw the coast was clear did he cross with Aki, him right beside the girl. They walked far more slowly then before. Her pace still a little shaky, so Tyler forbade any more running until the shaking stopped. He pulled his cellphone and made sure it was on. He then got a phone call from the school.
“Hello. Tyler speaking.”
“Tyler, it’s Meld. How is Aki?”
Tyler looked at the girl beside him,
“Her color has returned, but her pace is still shaky. we’re walking along Karakura street.”
“Okay. The other students are fine and the police got the truckdriver. Nice one on that license plate.”
“Thanks. We’re gonna take our time to get back.”
“I understand. Take her to the nurse when you get back.”
“Gotcha. Is this your work cell?”
“It is.”
“Mind if I put it in my phone, might be a good thing to have.”
“Go ahead. I should’ve done that from the start.”
“Alrighty, we’re good to go. We’ll see you back at school.”
Meld hung up. Tyler put his phone back in his pocket and felt Aki lean into his shoulder. He looked to see her wriggle under his arm.
“Hold me, please.”
her voice was small, a complete 180 from, its usual firebrand. He smiled and wrapped the girl under his arm. She snuggled into his protection. Tyler smiled at his friend. She had had a very nasty shock, so she was very fragile and weak right then. Tyler stayed right beside her the entire time. His dating conversation at the back of his mind. They turned a corner to find some girls from her class regaining their breath, but they all rushed over when they saw Aki’s condition. The girls gym teacher, a tall athletic woman with medium brown hair, came right to Tyler,
“What happened?”
“A truck blew a red at that cross walk on the left turn in the route. I grabbed her arm, but it was still way too frigging close, like inches. Meld already called the school and police, and they got the driver. She’s still shaky on her feet, so we’re taking it easy.”
The woman was relieved she wasn’t hurt.
“What’s your name?”
“Tyler, Ma’am.”
“Call me Mira. Thank you for looking out for her. I can take her from here.”
“Thanks but no thanks. I promised Meld Id get her to the nurses office.”
“I see. Then get going, and look after her.”
“Will do.”
Tyler and Aki kept moving along.
“hey, how you holding up?”
“I’m good. I feel weird, though.”
“I get it. Let me know if you start to feel faint.”
“Yes daddy.”
“Please for the love god don’t call me that again.”
“What’s wrong daddy?”
“Stop! I feel very awkward right now!”
“Daddy you’re mean!”
“You’re one mean girl.”
“Holy shit, are you blushing?”
Tyler had a little red coloring under his eyes, but he denied it,
“No, I am not. I just don’t like getting called daddy.”
“Okay, baby girl.”
“Okay fair enough.”
They laughed a little, and Aki seemed to regain a little of her former fire. She let up on leaning on his shoulder, and started to walk on her own. Her pace more steady and strong. She seemed to be recovering. They passed a gas station, so Tyler called a halt,
“hey, hold up a sec. Be right back.”
he ran inside and grabbed a couple things before paying and coming out.
“hey think fast!”
He tossed a large bar off chocolate at the girl. She caught it and smiled,
“Well, Aren’t you thoughtful. First a drink now a candy bar? I might think you’re worried about me.”
“Only a little. Chocolate helps with shock.”
“Worked for me.”
They walked on, munching on the candy. The school came into sight, and Aki sighed,
“Hey, Tyler?”
He turned to look only for her to kiss him on the cheek,
“Thanks for earlier.”
He smiled warmly,
She smiled to and they walked back onto the campus. Tyler had her take the lead as he went o drop her off at the nurses office. They found the youngish lady in her office waiting for them. She was tall, wearing a white coat over her black suit, had her long hair in a ponytail, light blue eyes and a vivid red lipstick. She walked Aki to a bed behind a curtain, where she laid down, exhausted from her brush with death. Aki’s things had been brought up by a classmate. Same with Tyler’s. He waited for the nurse to return,
“She’s gonna take a little nap now. Here you can change behind that curtain. I’m Syliva by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Sylvia. I’m Tyler.”
Tyler changed back into his uniform and had just put his other shoes on when Syliva threw back the curtain,
“I’ll have your gym clothes brought put back in the same locker. You get to class.”
He glanced back at the curtain with Aki behind it.
“You can check on her later.”
“I will. Aki, I’ll be back after class. Try and regain some of that fire I like so much.”
He turned to leave the room when he got a tired hmhumm, from the sleepy girl. Sylvia walked him out.
“She’ll be just fine after a little rest. Good thing you were there to keep an eye on her.”
Tyler just shrugged. Sylvia just smiled and let him on his way with an excused tardiness note explaining the reason. He hurried off and found his next class, a marine bio class and slid the door open. The teacher was a very severe looking man with an air of self-importance about him. He gave the tardy Tyler a disdainful look,
“Finally decided to show up eh? Well, I guess there are weeds with every flower bed.”
“Well, I’m sorry, but this weed just stopped his friend from getting hit by a truck so whatever. Here’s the note.”
he had a very condescending tone to his voice that gave the other students pause. This teacher had a very well-earned reputation for not liking his students very much. Tyler’s type being the one he despised. He took the note with a surly grimace, and read it.
“Congratulations you saved you r friend. Pff, unobservant little tomboy. If she had been paying attention like a proper st-”whammmm!
Tyler could endure the very worst pain a person could endure, but the single thing he would not stand for was someone insulting his friends, which were more precious to him then life itself. He had grabbed the nasty teacher, lifting him like a child and slammed him against his white board. With his feet several inches off the floor, The bully teacher had a very clear look into Tyler’s enraged eyes. The weasel of a man gulped as Tyler gave him his only warning,
“Listen well. I can tolerate being stabbed, beaten with cinderblocks, bricks, microwaves, hit with cars, nearly anything a person can do to another, but if you dare to insult my friends to my face.”
He lowered the now terrified man till they were eye to eye,
“Then I. Will. Break. You.”
He dropped the man on the floor and walked out, since he knew the way to the office. The weaselly bastard was left sitting in a small pool of his own creation. The students he had bullied all got up and just left the room after the boy who had terrified their tormentor so very badly. Tyler walked to the office with his head held high. He was fully prepared for anything this school could throw his way. He was about to enter the when the intercom went off calling him to the office. So he just walked right on in. The receptionist seemed to sigh as she pointed to the principle’s office. Tyler nodded and walked in. He placed his laptop on a seat before taking his own. He then met the man behind the desk’s gaze without flinching. The schools principle was a tall, big-waisted man with a white beard and hair. He had kindly brown eyes set behind a pair of glasses. He looked at the fearless young man before him.
“My boy, you have certainly made a name for yourself, haven’t you? I am principle Takenke. I wish we could have met under other circumstances, but ah well. Now what happened with Mister Ikashi?”
“He insulted my friend who had just nearly died before my eyes.”
“that’s it?”
“That’s the only reason I need to break a person in half.”
Takanke just sat back at the near instant response. so THAT’S his breaking point? Insult or threaten his friends and he fights, threaten him and he takes it. An interesting lad.
“I see. So you were speaking up for your friend. How is Aki?”
“She should be fine after some rest.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Now what to do with you.”
Tyler just shrugged.
“Whatever you do, I’ve been through worse.”
Takanke sighed, as the scarred boy was right. He was about to speak when there was a knock on the door,
“Takanke, the rest of the Ikashi’s class want a word.”
Takanke smiled and winked at the scarred boy.
“Let me show you the world of difference between our worlds. Come in!”
The rest to the class, a good twenty people came filing in, Tyler stood up and backed against the wall with his bag and laptop behind him. He had his steel mask on, and was ready for pain. He watched as the students all found an spot to stand, and then one that had been designated the spokesman came forward,
“Sir. I am Sigra Hyasko, of Ikashi’s class. I was picked to speak for us.”
“Very well, Sigra, share your thoughts.”
“Thank you sir. Tyler, right.? We would like to thank you from the very bottom of our hearts for doing what we could not."
"Standing up o Mister Ikashi. He thoroughly enjoys tormenting us. He'll assign us homework then fail us the next day because he'd change it and tell no one, he'll have you come up to the board and have you write something and just insult you, from your hand writing to your appearance. He'll then try to 'accidently' touch some of the more-well-endowed girls."
"that's a very pretty way of saying busty."
Takanke gave him a severe look while a few guys and girls sniggered,
"Sorry, couldn't help myself."
"Ikashi has done everything to make our lives miserable. So we'd like to extend our sincerest gratitude for finally putting that bully in his place. Takanke, sir if you mean to punish Tyler we all humbly request to share his punishment as well."
Tyler was not having that one.
"I was behind you until that last point. You really did not think it through."
"yes we did."
"And if the punishment was expulsion?"
There was collective gasp at the idea.
"See? Look I appreciate the support, but I'll take the fall. it wouldn't be right for all of you to also share my fate."
Takanke then stood up and clapped his hands together.
"Well said, everyone. But I agree with Tyler on this matter. That said, I have been getting lots of similar stories about mister Ikashi's 'tendencies' for a long time now. I now have all the evidence i need. Tyler, would you please to the honors of handing him his termination papers? I feel it'll be a bit of poetic vengeance. I'll let you off with a warning Tyler, since it's both your first day, and you nearly lost a good friend. do not let it happen again."
"With all due respect sir, I do not care who you are, where we are, or what you do for me, If you mess with my friends, then I. Will. end. you."
His eyes and his voice were both colder then ice and harder then steel. Takanke tried to glare the boy into submission, but lost hopelessly to Tyler's metallic gaze.
"I will remember that. Dismissed. Ikashi's class will be a free period until we find a replacement."
Tyler and the other students left the room without another word. Leaving Takanke visibly shaken. He then called Asuika.
"Hey, Take, what’s up?"
"I just had to have a meeting with Tyler."
"What happened?"
"He picked up Ikashi and slammed him into his whiteboard, then threaten to kill him."
"Wait what? Why?"
"Ikashi insulted his friend Aki, who we very nearly lost to a speeding truck today. Tyler apparently saved her from getting hit and escorted her to the nurses office himself."
"So Ikashi insults his friend and Tyler nearly puts him through a wall?"
"Pretty much. The other students in the class all came down here to lend their support to him, and even offered to share in his punishment."
"His response?"
"He told them flat out no. He said they hadn’t fully thought it through. You should've seen their faces when he said that they could all be expelled. He then stepped up to take his punishment."
"What did you do?"
"Fired Ikashi. There have been allegations for months now, Tyler's actions just brought it to a head to today. But that is not why I called you."
"Then why?"
"Because of the way his eyes went cold went he threatened me for if I were to pose any form of harm to his friends."
"How'd they look?"
"Asuika, that young man's eyes chilled me to the bone. I have zero doubt he would kill someone to protect the ones he cares for. He'd do it and not even hesitate. Asuika, he had less life in his eyes then an African child soldier. He reminded me of a serial killer I arrested back in the day, only that monster didn't scare me half as bad as that boy did just now. I will also bet my bottom dollar that boy has killed before."
"That bad? And, you really think he's killed before?"
"Yes. I sincerely hope you know what you set loose in our school./"
"There is a single piece your missing."
"Oh, what?"
"he'd do all that if his friends are threatened or in danger. That alone reassures me."
"I hope you're right."

Tyler was leading the pack of students back to Ikashi's classroom. He was admonishing the others for offering to share his punishment,
"look, I really am grateful for show of support, but that could have been so much worse for all of you."
"We understand."
"No you don't. At my old school, all of you would be getting beaten with hardcovered dictionaries right now. Or a brick if they found one."
"That doesn't happen."
"Okay, I'll show you something, hold up."
He opened a few buttons on his dress shirt and exposed the myriad of his Scars. That had gotten a few gasps of horror, he rebuttoned his shirt,
"Ya see? That's how bad it could've been. Thank your lucky stars it wasn't. Next time, just don't offer to share punishment. Otherwise thank you."
"Okay, Tyler."
The students returned to find that Ikashi has both cleaned up and recovered from his terror. he was currently bullying his next class heartlessly. Tyler slid open the just in time to see him yelling at a now crying Kiria. Tyler growled like an angry dog, and Ikashi looked over to see him with a look of sheer rage on his face. The other students behind him saw who had been tormented by Ikashi and two words were heard,
"Oh shit."
Tyler then walked over to the now cowering teacher, a look of pure murder on his face. Ikashi turned to run but Tyler grabbed his leg and threw the coward over his shoulder across the room. He then started to approach the fallen man like a lion hunting a deer. Tyler grabbed the man by his neck and lifted him off the floor like he weighed next to nothing. Tyler was about to put the major squeeze on the bastards neck when he felt a tug on his shirt. he looked to see Kiria's tear-stained face. Tyler dropped the man like a sack of potatoes to comfort the crying girl.
"Hey, don't cry Kiria. I made the guy leave. He can't get you anymore."
She shook her head,
"I'm crying cause I want you to stop. You'll be expelled otherwise. And I don't want that!"
"Alright then. I can make him disappear anyway."
Ikashi had recovered enough of himself to try buzzing the office, and when he did.
"Ikashi, the decision is final."
Tyler then handed the file with his termination paperwork.
"Get the fuck out. Piece of wannabe pedo trash"
Ikashi went pale as a ghost at his dismissal. He got up and seemed to go through several different emotions, disbelief, rage, more disbelief, anger, shock. The weasel man then settled on indignant anger. He was about to start ranting but Tyler had merely walked over to a still quietly crying Kiria. He gave the twin-tailed girl a comforting pat,
"Hey, come on now. Stop the waterworks. The bastards leaving. here, let me help you."
He held his hand out to the small girl. She looked up, and seemed even smaller, He smiled,
"I'm not going anywhere."
She blinked and took his hand and let him help her off the floor. She smiled up at him, a large smile of relief. That look quickly turned to horror as she looked over his shoulder. Tyler then pushed the girl backward as Ikashi smashed a large empty fish tank on the back of his neck, his rage at both being ignored and ignored by a student that was supposed to be cowering before him added to that very student having handed him his termination papers in his own class had driven the man well passed sanity. He had picked the large 30 gallon tank and smashed it in the unprotected turned back Of the Student, shattering the tank, leaving several large cuts and a massive bruise behind. The glass also left several massive holes in his dress shirt. Ikashi was then laughing manically as Tyler's blood started to pool on the floor.
"Bahahaha!, that’s what happens when a worthless student disobeys a teacher! You will respect me! Hahah-what the?"
"Are you okay, Kiria?"
Everyone in the class, and in the doorway could not believe their eyes. Tyler was completely unfazed by the large, bleeding slashes on his back, and was actually still smiling kindly at the girl he'd shoved away. Kiria's green eyes were wide with horror. She could see the blood, and yet he was still smiling like nothing was wrong.
"I-I'm fine. b-but you're B-bleeding."
"What this? eh, I'm fine. Been a while since some's smashed a fish tank on me though."
Ikashi was speechless, and every else was too. Tyler went to move his arm, and the torn cloth hampered his movement.
"Damn. I'd hope to get at least a week outta this. But whatever."
he grabbed the fabric and tore off his torso, exposing his chest and his scar collection. Little Kiria's eyes went even wider. He just laughed,
"Relax, Kiri. I'm fine. Really. Now if you'll give me a minute, I have a coward to keep an eye on."
He turned to see Ikashi raising a large metal pipe that the class used for experiments. It was about four feet long, three inches across and made from steel. Other teachers and students, having heard the fish tank smash, were now crowding the door to see what was going on inside. Down in the office, Takanke was watching the events on the school's security cameras. He had police on the way with paramedics. He now could only watch, and relay the updates to Asuika, who was racing to the school. The big man sighed,
"Well, Ikashi. My hands are tied. Anything he does to you is now well within self defense. Now, Tyler, lets see what you will do."
Tyler was just standing between Kiria and the irate teacher. Tyler did not move. Just silently stared a hole through the pipe wielding teacher. But had yet to retaliate. Kiria could see the near four inch long cuts on his back, with one that was nearly eight, and they were bleeding profusely. Ikashi, however was now scared as well as angry. His life as he knew it was over. All he had to look forward to was a life behind bars. All because of this kid. This kid that was now bleeding so badly that is was impressive he was still conscious. This kid that had scared him. This kid had DEFYED him, and taken his job, his respect, and his dignity. HE would pay. Ikashi stopped shaking and swung the pipe and smashed into Tyler's collarbone. There was an audible thud of metal on meat, but again zero response from the scarred boy. Ikashi's eyes went wide and he brought the pipe back for another swing, and another, and another. He must have swung the pipe a good 15 times, all for zero response. Not even a single wince. Tyler just tilted his head to the side,
"Seriously? That's the best you can do with a pipe? I know a five year old that could beat you to death with her bare hands."
There was no waver in his voice, no fear, no pain. Ikashi might as well have hit a statue. Then little Kiria yelled in her little soprano, her voice full of tears and agony,
"STOP IT! Make it stop, please! Tyler, make him stop."
"yes, Ma'am."
Ikashi felt an icy fear creep up his spine but readied the pipe for another swing. He brought the pipe down, only for Tyler to catch the metal object in a single hand. Then Ikashi could not move the long pipe in the slightest. Ikashi panicked again, but try with every ounce of his strength he could not move it from Tyler's stone fist. Tyler then removed the pipe from the now pale-faced man, and tossed it into a corner. The metallic clang echoed, before Ikashi pulled a small pocket knife from his dress shirt pocket, flipped it open and plunged it into Tyler's chest. Everyone screamed, but Tyler merely looked down, pulled the two inch knife out, and snapped it between his fingers.
"I kinda feel embarrassed, getting stabbed with a toy like this. I'd gave you a pencil and ask you to do it properly, but I doubt you even could. Got anything else you wanna try?"
Ikashi dropped to the floor and just gaped at the boy,
"What the hell are you?"
"An escapee from the bowels of hell itself. You are a denizen of light. I was raised in the dark. You can't hurt me. A fish tank? A toy knife? A metal pipe? Child's play. I get stabbed twice weekly, beaten with bricks daily, or however they can pry them from the walls. I'll give you points for the fish tank, that one's rare. But I'll deduct points for it being empty. Try getting smashed with a tank that size filled with saltwater. You're just a pissant little man with a piss-poor superiority complex. Someone like you, I'll say it one more time. You can't hurt me."
Here Tyler crouched till he looked the white-faced man in the eye,
"But I can hurt you. Very badly. Very easily."
Ikashi's eyes were literally bulging with terror, Tyler then smiled and licked his lips,
Ikashi's eye rolled back and he passed out from sheer terror. Tyler then stood up and just started laughing,
"Jesus Christ. If that’s the worst this school can hit me with, then I think I might just relax. He was pathetically weak."
He then turned to offer another hand to Kiria, who was still on the floor, but with her eyes shut and her hands covering her ears. he nudged the scared girl,
"hey. Fun's over."
She uncovered to see the passed out teacher, and a smiling Tyler. She seemed confused,
"he passed out. So I'm gonna raid the nurses' office. I kinda need to get someone to dig some glass outta my back. Hope she takes cash."
He then pulled a small roll of chain links off a shelf.
"Sooo, tell me. Why does a marine biology class need chains?"
Kiria blinked,
"We use them for algae collection."
"Of course you do. Well, they should hold for a while."
He had taken Ikashi's hands and, using the chain links, attached him to a heavy radiator. His hands were tied above his head, and he couldn't escape since Tyler had found a large pad lock in a supply closet. He then left the out cold man on the floor. The other students stepped back,
"Woah, when'd you all get here?"
The students were absolutely flabbergasted. Tyler shrugged, and a little blood flickered.
"Well, That blows. Let's see."
He went over to a cabinet of various supplies, and started rummaging,
"Where are you? Ah! BINGO."
He pulled a large roll of duct tape from the cabinet, and set the roll on the pipe wedged between a large filling cabinet and the wall. Tyler then used the improvised roller to extend a piece over his back, and with practiced precision, pressed the bonding tool onto his cuts. He repeated the procedure until his bleeding stopped.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the red-necked band aide."
He laughed at his own joke and was about to head off to the nurses' office when,
"Alright everyone outta the way!"
A large group of police officers moved into the room. As soon as Tyler sighted the officers he dropped to the ground his hands high. The officers ignored him however, and went over to the chained Ikashi. An Officer approached Tyler,
"Where’s the key?"
"Here, sir."
"Thanks kid. Let the paramedics take care of- Jesus kid! Where'd you get those scars?"
"My last school wasn't very fond of me, sir."
"Jesus. What's with the duct tape?"
"he smashed a fish tank on my back, sir. It's to keep the blood spattering every where to a minimum."
"Neat trick. It's gonna hurt like hell coming off later."
"No it won't. Least, no more then when I usually have to do this."
The officer was dumbstruck by this kid. He had more scars crisscrossing his body then most Tokyo Yakuza hitmen. he had even applied improvised dressings to his wounds on his back, all with a roll of duct tape and his own ingenuity. The cop didn't have time for more as the paramedics arrived with a stretcher. Tyler was still on the ground when they approached.
"Okay kid, you can get up now. We're gonna take a look at your back okay?"
"Sure, but pull on this strand here. It'll take it off in one go."
The EMT was taken aback at his words, and then he too noticed the scars, some healed badly indicating a lack of professional medical treatment. The duct tape band aide proved his theory. He had Tyler sit on the stretcher and pulled on the indicated strip. Sure enough, the whole latticework of strips came up easily, starting from his neck and going down.
"Where'd you learn to do this?"
"This isn't the first time I've had to put my back together again. I learned my hillbilly medical skills at my old town. Since I wasn't allowed to go to the nurse or doctors offices or hospitals in general, I had to figure out my own ways of putting my body back together. Most worked, some didn't."
The EMT was appalled that there was a town out there that had medical professionals that refused to treat the polite young man.
"Because I was a retarded failure in their eyes. I was big, but bad at sports, I was smart too. That made everyone else feel inferior, so the whole town came to a consensus: Make me as miserable as possible so they could feel superior. The police would taze me for no reason or if they were bored, doctors, nurses, and even dentists refused to see me, and the general population would then use me as a town wide punching bag. I've been stabbed, shot twice, hit with cars, nearly drowned, beaten with most every kind of blunt object one can swing, hell, I even got set on fire once. There was a river and I was then tackled into it, and the damage was surprisingly minimal. And beaten up i every stereotypical setting you can imagine, alleys, parking garages, schoolyards, hallways, locker rooms, you name it, odds are I've been beaten in it."
he was smiling as he spoke, like it was funny. As if it was normal to experience such horrors. The EMT had seen a lot of things in his twenty years, and had thought he'd seen it all, then this kid rolled up, covered in more scars then most gang members combined and he just smiled at his pain. The man's hands were trembling pretty badly,
"hey, you okay? I can peel the rest of the tape off myself if you'd like."
"No it's okay. I can do it."
The EMT then swore to treat this kid with the very best of his ability. He removed the tape and noticed that a solid 99% of the glass in his wounds had been pulled out by the sticky tape. An ingenious tactic. There were only a few more shards that were easily found and removed.
"We should get you to the ER for proper stitches."
"Give me two mirrors, a needle, and some half-decent thread. I can handle the rest."
"There might be some more glass we can't see."
"There isn't. I'd feel it if there were."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I know what glass in a wound feels like. It was a favorite trick of theirs cut me open and throw glass in the wound. They would then give me a roll of duct tape and make me retrieve it. It was a game they would play. If I got every piece out, they'd leave me alone for a day, if I didn't I'd get bricked. So I got good at finding the pieces, and they moved on."
The officers then hauled the now wailing Ikashi out the door. A officer came over to Tyler and he held out his wrists,
"What are you doing?"
"I'm under arrest to right?"
"Why would we arrest you?"
"For assaulting a teacher, destruction of school property, threatening physical harm and death on a school official."
The officer was shocked,
"Look kid, you're not under arrest, you were protecting both yourself and a classmate. I would be shocked if you're not given a reward for bravery."
Tyler seemed genuinely surprised at this news. He had such a look of confusion that the cop was taken aback,
"You seriously thought you would be arrested?"
"Actually I expected to get tazered at least six seven times by now, then arrested."
"Why would we taze you when you haven't done anything?"
"For kicks?"
"What the hell kinda town did you come from?"
The EMT was just numbed by the kids stories, and just finished stitching him up.
"There you're good."
"How much for the service?"
"I'm sorry?"
"i have to pay you right? This level of kindness isn't just given freely, so what three thousand? It'll take awhile but I can pay it in increments-"
"Just stop. This isn't that town. You don't owe a cent kid. How the hell could we charge someone for our help?"
"Because that’s how it works? Why else would you do it?"
"Our job is to help people. It seems no one ever taught you that."
"I was taught that. I also learned that kindness, compassion, and just straight up human decency is only given to those who can pay. the others are left to rot."
The cop and EMT just sat back. The other students had been sent home due to the incident, so it was just the three of them and a few school staff. Tyler moved his arms around, testing their mobility.
"Well, it seems I'm racking up quite a lot of debt today. I'll find a way to pay for this."
"Kid, you don't owe me anything. You don't owe US anything. If anything we owe you."
"For what?"
"Teaching us a very valuable lesson."
"What lesson is that?"
"That there are truly evil places in this world. And that we should be grateful for just how kind ours is. We can call it a fair trade."
"Alright if you're sure. odd that a cop and EMT are accepting something so worthless as payment, but whatever. I need to find a shirt and go check on my friend now. Thanks for the help."
He was about to walk off when the cop handed him a fresh uniform.
"Here a teacher left it."
"Well, that’s convenient."
He walked over to the farthest side of the room to change, all the while keeping one eye on the two near the only exit. He finished changing and wasn't sure what to do with the ruined uniform, but the cop took it.
Tyler then walked out down the hall.
"My heart shattered five times in the space that single conversation."
"I'm gonna go home and hug my kids."
"Me too. That poor soul."
Tyler was humming as he went down to the nurses' office. He knocked and got a response,
"Come in!"
Tyler stepped inside and the nurse dropped her pencil.
"What the hell? Why are you not at the hospital?"
"Because I'm fine?"
"You got beaten with a steel pipe, had a thirty gallon fish shattered on your back and you're fine?"
"yeah. All the glass was taken out, and the idiot with the pipe was so weak he couldn't even bruise me. More importantly, How's Aki?"
"You get hit with a fish tank, and beaten with a metal pipe and she's more important?"
"Well, yeah. She's my friend so why the shock? I've had worse ya know."
"that doesn't make it better!"
"Look, is she okay?"
"Yes, she's fine. She left to go to her locker maybe five minutes ago."
"Sweet thanks."
He spun around and ran off before Sylvia could say another word. She just sighed.
Tyler hurried down the hall. There were only a few people in the halls, as most had gone home for their own safety when Ikashi lost it, not that Takanke had believed the cowardly weasel would get passed Tyler, but had still taken the precaution. Tyler's back felt sore, and the stitches tugged, but he was used to far more intense discomfort. he moved through the halls, until he spotted a familiar Auburn hair color.
"Hey, Aki! Wait up!"
She stopped dead, and turned around with a look of intense shock on her pretty face.
"TYLER? What the hell? I heard you got stitches!"
"Yeah, Turned out Mister Ikashi liked to bully his students, and he made the mistake of insulting my friends to my face. Then he made the worse mistake of making poor Kiria cry, so I made HIM cry. Though he did ruin a perfectly good fish tank on my spine, and waste his time trying to beat me with a pipe. So, yeah, I'm fine. How are you feeling? You got a nasty shock today."
"You get beaten with a pipe, and have a fish tank smashed on you, and you're worried about ME?"
"Ah, yeah. That hard to believe?"
Aki was not sure how to respond. On one hand she was flattered he would think of her even after such a thing, but she was also worried about him, for he'd have had to deny medical treatment to come see her. She was also not sure how to handle the fact he was smiling like that, like SHE was in more danger then he was.
"Kinda. Look, you sure you're alright."
"yeah. The stitches feel weird, but beyond that I'm fine. That fish tank had weird glass, it only formed four long shards, then fragmented like car glass, so the damage was less then anticipated."
"Seriously. Remember, I'm used to it. The fish tank was a rarity though, that I'll admit to."
She just sighed,
"You're insane."
"Well thank heaven for that,"
"Cause otherwise this'd probably never work."
Tyler and Aki started laughing at the sheer ludicrousness of the situation.
"Hey wanna walk home together?"
Tyler smiled,
"Sure, and you good? Bout earlier?"
"Yeah I'm fine now. Thanks for asking."
"Sure thing. Now, I've put some thought into my date this Saturday."
"I'm amazed you still intend to go."
"I got a good three days recovery time. Hell, I'll be nearly normal by tomorrow morning."
"What the hell are you made of?"
"Rust, scrape iron, and a good dose of sarcasm."
They both laughed.
"Well, Takanke?"
"Well what?"
Asuika lit a cigarette as she and Takanke rewatched the footage.
"You're verdict?"
"I think he is dangerous."
"I do too. But I noticed he didn't move from his spot, between Ikashi and Kiria. He used his body as a shield, and never retaliated until AFTER Kiria practically begged him to. And even then all he did was disarm the man and scare him into senselessness. He then redirected all his energy to comforting Kiria, despite being badly hurt himself."
"And his duct tape trick, that was just sad how easy it seemed to be for him. It breaks my heart wondering how many times it took him to master that one."
"The cops and paramedics share our sentiment. What will you do Takanke?"
"I will do nothing. That boy has suffered enough. I may actually owe him a debt of gratitude."
"Yep. We've known for months what that man was like, but he got tenured somehow, so the only way to get rid of him was to get him arrested."
"Or have irrefutable proof of his cruelty."
"Tyler's attitude was more then enough to set him off."
"Yes, Ikashi could not psychologically handle a student seriously challenging his authority, much less be as unafraid of him like Tyler was. The little man's mind just wasn't big enough. Tyler was really our only hope to remove that stain on our school."
"I wish I hadn't had to use him like that. You think he knows?"
"I'd bet money he does. That kid's sharper then any razor. There's only one question you need to ask."
"What's that?"
"Will he hold it against you?"
"I wouldn't blame him if he does. I have already made up my mind to try and help him if I can. He's earned that much. What about the superintendent and Dean?"
"I showed them the video, and they heard from Meld about his scars. They feel even worse then we do, so far as they're concerned, he can do as he pleases. They'll handle any paperwork on their end. We all agree. That boy has suffered enough. The student council has already been informed."

Tyler and Aki were walking along the same route from earlier, happily chatting as they did so.
"So, my grand scheme is to take Melody to an Anime store downtown, maybe raid an arcade, get lost in the mall, that'll be fun. Never been in a mall before, then find a Mcds and introduce her to how an American does fast-food."
Aki was kinda jealous,
"Wow, that actually sounds nice."
"you think? Odds are you were gonna follow us, so you'll get a nice play-by-play."
Aki went a little red in the face,
"How'd you know?"
"Isn't it like girl code or something?"
"Not really, more an unwritten rule."
"Ah. wanna hear an unwritten piece of the bro code?"
"Oh this oughta be good."
"If a bro dies while lifting weights, a fellow bro is to add more weight to his workout."
"Seriously. I've actually seen it happen. Dude had a heart attack in our schools weight room, and as the teacher called an ambulance, the other boys add an extra fifty pounds to his bar. They then proceeded to beat me with an empty weight bar."
"That was funny till that last part."
They walked in silence for a minute. They were passing by a river, near the same intersection Aki was nearly flattened at. The area was quiet now, the river behind them bubbling along. They crossed without incident and were now walking into the busy city downtown. Cars zipped past on the right, while the skyscrapers soared above their heads. On their right was a large concrete wall with a small lawn atop it. The left side of the street had shops of nearly every variety, food shops, crafts, an antique shop next to a hair salon, an arcade, a manga shop, a book store, and what appeared to be a cafe of some kind. Tyler was surprise at the sheer variety of shops on a single street. In his old town, they'd had a single donut shop, a pizza joint, a Chinese place, a chain clothes store, and a single bowling alley, with one actual eat-in restaurant in the whole town. He was amazed at the sheer volume of places. Aki was laughing at his expression,
"Well, country boy. Welcome to the big city."
"Damn city folk, don't even need to walk a single mile for their milk."
"Try not to get lost, now ya cow puncher."
"Aki, stay close."
His voice had dropped to a low, intense whisper. Aki was now on edge,
"What is it?"
Her voice low too,
"Get under my arm, like we're a couple. We got a tail."
She snuggled under his arm. Tyler spotted the three guys following them sigh, and cross the street. He kept Aki under his arm, and led her into a small Fast food joint on their left.
"Okay, lets get some food. I fill you in afterword, okay?"
"Careful, I'm hungry."
"Girl, did I forget to mention. So am I"
They ordered and Aki's eyes went wide at his meal: two whoppers, ten nuggets, a large fry, large drink, two smaller burgers, and a sundae. He then let her place her own order of the whopper, large fry, drink and a sundae. All told, a good 3400 yen on a single meal. They found a seat where Tyler could see the street, while Aki was out of sight. She then asked him what had happened,
"I spotted three guys following us, bout three blocks back. We passed them and when they saw you, they turned right around and started to follow us."
"So you had me get under your arm to make it seem like I was your girlfriend."
"Yep. I'm glad it was that easy. But the restaurant was to further solidify that story. They crossed the street after I put my arm, but I don't take chances."
Aki was amazed he had thought of such a plan on the fly like that.
"I guess they were hoping for an easy date, but my big, scary boyfriend protected me!"
"Hey! I look after my friends. All there is to it. I’m just relieved at how easily they gave up. Hey, look there they go now."
The trio in question were walking on the other side of the street, talking among themselves, before disappearing inside a Doujinshi Manga store. Aki sighed,
"Great, I caught the eye of perverts."
"Well, at least SOMEONE finds you attractive."
"Fuck you!"
"Sorry, I can't. I got a date."
The friends burst out laughing, then Tyler noticed a familiar pair of twin tails.
"Yo, is that Kiria? Hey, over here."
The small girl turned at her name and was shocked to se Tyler waving to her. She had her own little tray as she came over,
"Hey Tyler! Aki! Didn't expect to see you two here. You on a date?"
She sat next to Aki, who promptly took her fry toll for her payment. Aki just laughed.
"Nah, we had to hide cause a trio of idiots were following us."
"Really? That's scary. What'd they want?"
"No clue, Tyler spotted them, so we pretended to be boyfriend/girlfriend to get them off our backs. The stopped following and went into that shop over there."
"Wow, Aki. That's intense. Hey Tyler, is your back okay?"
"I'm fine. That EMT was pretty decent with needle and thread. Are you okay? You were pretty freaked out."
Kiria looked down,
"I'm fine. I'm just sorry you got hurt protecting me, if you'd moved you could've dodged that tank easily."
"I'd be a piss-poor friend if I couldn't protect you when you need it. I'd gladly take a bullet for my friends, never forget that."
The kind hearted girl looked up shyly,
"But still,"
"But nothing. I'll gladly protect my friends with my life if I have to. And I'd do it smiling. All you need to do to repay me is not worry about it and give me a smile."
Aki nudged Kiria,
"Well, looks like we gots ourselves a friend for life. Eh, Kiria?"
the black-haired, twin-tailed girl smiled brightly,
"Looks like it. Let's keep him, okay?"
The girls laughed while Tyler finished his meal. The three then got up and left. They returned to the dorms, Aki went to the third level, Kiria the first.
"See you tomorrow ladies!"
"By Tyler."
"Catchya later. Mind your stitches!"
Tyler went to his forth floor apartment. He unlocked the door and found a stack of letters under the slot. He felt kinda weird, getting mail. He picked up the envelopes and placed them on his desk, set up his laptop to charge, and placed his cell on the charger. He then checked his school E-mail, and it was full of news about the Ikashi incident. The general consensus was Ikashi had lost it on Kiria after Tyler stood up to him for her. The story went that Ikashi had tried to smash Kiria with a fish tank but Tyler had used his own body as a shield to protect the girl from the coward. The story then went on to praise Tyler as a brave young man, putting himself in harms way to protect his friend. Ikashi's fate was to be decided at trial, but he was looking at 25-life for attempt murder. Tyler's phone fired off a tank shot. He'd received a text. He looked and saw it was from Melody.
hey, you okay?"
She seemed o be concerned He smiled as he replied,
I'm fine. got a few stitches tho
I'm glad yr ok
We still on for sat?
Can u handle it?
I'll be fine by mornin
Then yes.
coolio, I thought we could hit a Anime/mange store, raid an arcade, and u can show me round the mall, then a mcds or bks for lunch, sound good?
Sounds lovely. What time?"
how bout 10 at krakura crossing.
the one Aki nearly got hit at?
yeah, it's my only real landmark for the moment.
that’s fine, how is Aki?
Fine now, but she was pretty shaken up by it. If her hair had been any longer the truck caught it
That’s horrible.
Yeah it was way too close, but she's okay now
That’s good
yeah. I'll look after you too, so don't you worry
I know you will, will you visit me in the library tomorrow too?
Would you like me to?
Yes please.
Then sure.
yay, I got homework to do, cya 2morow
kay cya then
Tyler smiled at his next opportunity to see the blue-eyed girl. HE then finished up Ms. Yukino's assignment and was about to spend sometime surfing when a knock was heard on his door. He looked at the clock on his screen, 6:15pm.
He went over and undid the bolt, and opened it with chain attached. It was Rin. He opened the door to admit his new landlady. Rin was in a long strapless dress and small heels. He let her, and closed and rechained the door,
"Nice to see you again, Rin. What’s up?"
The gentle soul smiled as he set a kettle of water on the small stove.
"I heard you had a rough day at school. Wanted to make sure you were alright."
"I'm good. Is hot cocoa okay?"
"In September? Sure, why not!"
"Good, since that’s really all I know how to make."
"You don't really belong at a stove, kinda seems odd."
"Hey! I manage! Barely.."
She laughed, then got to the reason for her visit.
"I heard you got a fish tank smashed on your back."
"yep, gotta say, that’s only like the second time that’s happened."
"I wanted to check your back."
"Sure, but why?"
"I'm a registered nurse as well as your landlady. I wanna make sure you don't drop dead on me."
"Fair enough, give me a second."
He took the boiling tea kettle off and filled a mug of cocoa powder, he stirred and added a few chocolate chips into the drink with a marshmallow. He pulled a can of whipped cream out and made a little cone on top.
"And voila, diabetes in a cup! enjoy!"
"Nice sales pitch. Thank you."
She bit the top of the cone off and got a little cream on her nose.
"If I were your boyfriend, I'd find that kinda cute."
"In your dreams kid."
"keep telling yourself that. I already got a date for this Saturday. What you got?"
THAT got a response, Rin nearly choked on her drink at the news. Tyler slid her a cloth and she gave him a grateful look as she coughed,
"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence."
Rin had recovered enough to start her interrogation of the boy,
"Who is it?"
"A girl called Melody."
"Melody? What's she look like?"
"Bout my chest in height, black hair in a twin braid that connects over her chest, large glasses, fair skin and her eyes."
He trailed off at the memory of her sapphires. Rin saw his mind go blank as he remembered,
"What about her eyes?"
"They are with out a doubt the single most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. You look into her eyes, and it's like they're made from the most brilliant sapphires. They're both extremely beautiful, and terrifyingly haunting. Even now, I'm getting goosebumps from the mere memory."
"Wow. Sounds like love at first sight."
Rin found she was a little jealous at the awe in his voice for this other girl. She cleared her throat.
"Well, as long as you treat her right, don't do anything stupid, and make her happy I won't interfere."
"I'd still go even if you did."
His voice was right back to it's steel-clad rasp that sent shivers up Rin's spine. Then Tyler reminded her of her visit,
"You wanted a look at my back?"
"Oh, er, right. Get your shirt off this won't take long."
He pulled his shirt off and Rin just gasped at his scars. He then turned around for her inspection. Rin's hand was trembling as she traced the long cuts and the large bruise. There were eight cuts, all vertical lines like his spine. The shortest was four inches, and the longest a full eight. He looked like a clawed monster had got him good.
"Jesus. I figured it'd be bad, but this is just awful."
"They don't hurt, if that's what you're worried about."
"They don't?"
"Nope. All I can feel is the stitches themselves. The EMT dude said they'd come out on their own."
"Yeah, and they're water proof. So you can shower with them in."
"If they tore out, I have an extra mirror and a needle and thread so I'd be able to restitch myself without too much trouble."
"If they tear out you come to me and I'll restitch you."
"um, okay. Do you take cash?"
"Jesus kid, not everything has a price tag attached!"
"Human kindness does. That will never change either."
That just left the poor woman speechless. She finished her drink and he took to wash it. Rin just watched him, following the lattice work of scars crisscrossing his body. She knew she'd be spending a good amount of time crying for this poor soul. His back moved and rippled as he worked, prompting Rin to find her voice.
"This place isn't the same as the one you left."
"I know some elements are different, but some are still the same."
"Like what?"
"Being used by faculty for their own agendas."
"Takanke used me to manipulate Ikashi into losing it, so he could fire him."
Rin nearly fell of her stool. Asuika had told her that very thing nearly an hour ago.
"How'd you know?"
"What school official would give a student who'd just nearly put a teacher through a wall the papers firing said teacher and tell him to go give them to him?"
"You knew for that long?"
"Yep. I guessed his plan right from the get go."
"And you still went through with it?"
"Of course. This was a prime opportunity to remove a potential thorn in my side, and protect my friends if they had a class with him. I very nearly killed him when I found him bullying Little Kiria. If she hadn't stepped in, I would've crushed his neck in my fist."
Rin was now shaking very badly, for once again, Asuika had said he'd kill without hesitating to protect his friends. And here she was, in a locked room, with the same boy openly admitting to nearly killing someone as if it was nothing. She now looked for an out, scared as she was.
"Did you need anything else?"
Rin was visibly shaking but was able to reply well enough,
"Ah, no. I'm good."
"Well, I'm gonna show you out. I'm kinda tired."
He was smiling as he said this, and Rin felt very ashamed. Tyler opened hi door and let the woman out,
"Good night Rin, I'll see you later."
"yes, good night."
The door shut and she heard him relock it. She then started down the stairs to her own flat which was next to little Kiria's family. As she walked, Rin felt deeply ashamed for being scared of the boy. He'd shown zero hostility towards her, and yet she still felt he was a threat. She looked at him like a monster waiting for a chance to strike. She sighed as she passed a lit up door.
"Lady Rin?"
She turned to see little Kiria bringing out a trash bag.
"Oh, hi Kiri. How are you?"
"I'm good. What has you out so late?"
"I just visited Tyler."
"Really? You look sad though."
"Can I ask you something?"
Kiria got a concerned look on her cute face.
"Did something happen?"
"No, just. Kiria, What do you think of him?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like are you scared of him, do you like him, is he a good person?"
Kiria got a thoughtful expression on her face,
"Well, he does scare me sometimes. But I know he'd never hurt me. He's kinda like a scary older brother. He looks big and mean but he's nice and gentle. I like him a lot!"
"Do you think he's a good person?"
"hmm, yeah. I think he's a really good person. Scary, but good."
Rin looked into Kiria's smiling face and felt a little better, but was still sad she couldn't feel at ease with the scarred boy.
"Thanks Kiria. You should head inside it's getting dark."
The twin-tailed girl skipped back to her door and vanished inside. Rin looked after her for a moment before heading back inside.
Tyler sighed as he relocked his door, and scared lady left. He'd noticed she was shaking so he threw her a bone. He then went over to do download his Highschool DXD collection to his Laptop. Once that was done he laid out his uniform for the next day, showered and got ready for bed. He was about to climb into bed, when his phone fired another cannon round. This time from little Kiria.
Hey, Tyler u awake?
barely what’s up?
I saw Rin a moment ago she seemed scared something happen?
nah, I think she just got overwhelmed by my scars. She asked to se my back.
oh that makes sense. are you sore or anything?
no, I just took a shower, but they don't hurt or anything.
good I'm glad. be more careful next time, okay? I don't wanna lose my new bestie
yes Ma'am, you can't see, but I'm saluting.
I'm saluting too.
I'll c you in the mornin Kiri.
k, night Tyler
night Kiri

The cannon fire stopped and he laid on his bed. He was on his stomach to give his back a chance to scab up.
"heh, If Aki texts me next I'll have every guys fantasy: three girls texting him in one night."
He got up to take a leak and when he came back, yep mini cannon fire, and you guessed it, Aki.
Yo hero, you awake
just enough to entertain u
ha-ha, just wanna ask you if you wanna walk to school tomorrow.
Sure, I'll be out front by 7:30 sound good
Sounds great. See ya then
He smiled and put his phone down. He had three friends, girls no less texting him, One he'd be taking out on a date on Saturday and eating lunch with tomorrow, one checking up on him, and one to ask him to walk to school tomorrow. He smiled at the sheer irony, as two days ago he was getting beaten with bricks. He laid back down after killing the lights.
"this is a very strange place."

Next morning he woke up, showered, ate breakfast, dressed and was ready to roll out by 7:15. HE had his gear and headed out to wait for Aki. He went down and leaned against the small stone wall on the front of the parking lot. He had his shoulder bag and his earbuds in while patiently waiting. He heard a door open and a woman yelling
"Why you leavin so early? When'd you become a good student?"
"I'm meetin someone!"
"Well catch!"
"Thank mom! Love you!"
He turned to see Aki come running down the stairs, and an older version Of Aki looking over the railing to see who her daughter was meeting. Tyler saw her eyes widen then become thick with concern for the mean-looking boy her daughter was meeting. Aki reached his location and vaulted over the wall. She then started happily chatting with the scary boy. Aki's mother had a very concerned look in her brown eyes as they started walking. The door opened and shut as a man the same age as the woman came up behind her,
"Something wrong?"
"Look who our daughter is walking to school with."
Aki's father did, and he got the same look of concern on his face,
"That boy SCREAMS trouble."
"I know. He caught me looking. And Akimon?"
"Even from here, I could see just how lifeless his eyes were. Like there was nothing there, just emptiness. Aki seems to be unafraid of him, but."
"I'll put in a call to the school. I can ask Takanke about him."
"Would you please?"
"of course."
Tyler watched the woman staring at him, and matched her gaze with his iron one. He knew what she was looking at. Then Aki came vaulting over the stone wall.
"Safe! No point!"
"Prick! That was a clean vault!"
"too bad the vaulter was filthy."
"I'mma smack you. Come on lets go."
Tyler felt the lady gazing at him and then felt another gaze on his back as someone else joined her. He glanced back and saw a man next to her. mother and father, I know where this is going.
"hey those your parents?"
She looked back to see them go back inside,
"Yep, wonder what they were doing?"
"Scoping out the boy their daughter was in such a rush to meet. I'd expect a lecture on keeping such dangerous-looking company, a lecture on boys in general, an interrogation into our relationship, or some combination of the three."
Aki smiled,
"I'm not worried. They're kind and don't really judge people."
"I bet you a drink from that vending machine they do exactly what I just said. I'll even throw in a little something extra."
"I'll add that they call the school to ask about me. If even one thing I say DOES NOT come true, I'll pay for your next meal. Sound fair?"
"And If you win it all?"
"You pay for mine."
"If nothing comes true?"
"I do one thing regardless of what it is you tell me to. How's that for stakes?"
"so let me make sure I understand. If they do a single thing you've predicted, I buy you a drink, if they do all of them I buy you a meal, if they miss al of them you'll do one thing I ask? What about if they miss one thing?"
"I buy you a drink. Sound fair?"
"Oh, you are so on! So when’s the deadline?"
"tomorrow morning."
"You sound pretty confident. You know you'll be on my leash if you're wrong, right?"
"Somehow, I can't see that as a bad thing."
Aki went a little red at that. They passed the small convenience store when Tyler noticed something inside,
"Hey hol up a sec. Be right back."
Tyler went inside and grabbed a pair of ramune sodas for the two. HE handed her one and they popped tops together. They then took deep drinks. Aki came up for air first, letting a loud burp rip. She then squeaked in embarrassment, only for Tyler to let one out that was like a giant bullfrog. They looked at each other and just started laughing at the sounds. They started walking again sipping their sodas as they went,
"Hey, thanks. I love Ramune."
"Really? This is my first one. saw them in anime and always wanted to try it. Gotta say, there is something really satisfying about that first pop."
"I know right? It's weird that it feels good to slap it first."
"well, I think the gun principle applies here."
Aki echoed the odd phrase,
"Gun principle? What’s that?"
"When you load a magazine into a rifle and smack it to make sure it stays put. It kinda reminded me of that."
"Do you have some experience with guns?"
"I'm American remember? We had a gun shop in town, and if the shopkeeper was in a good mood he'd show me how different guns worked, how to shoot them, load them, and clean them. I actually worked for him as a part-timer. It was one of the very few sanctuaries I had in town."
"That’s kinda cool. What guns did you try out?"
"umm, Let's see. I got to fiddle with an M16, a few snipers, a fully automatic shotgun, that thing was gnarly. A bunch of hunting rifles, an AK47, hell, I even got to fire an M60. That damned thing made my arm go numb. The most fun one by far was the M1 Garand I got to shoot. That ping, uhhh, damn it still sends a shiver down my spine."
"Sounds like you had fun"
"You really can't call yourself a proper American if you don't enjoy firing guns. It's kind of an unwritten rule."
Aki was smiling as she finished her soda. She looked around for a can, but Tyler just took it and carried it for her.
"Thanks for that."
"Sure. Hey, look, It's Kiria. Hey, Kiri!"
The small girl was on her box again and smiled at the sight of her friends. She waved,
"Hey Tyler, Aki. Nice to see you're still early. Nice to see you early AT ALL. Keep it up."
"Oh, little miss prissy pants on her high horse!"
Tyler nudged Aki and nodded to her box.
"Little miss prissy pants on her high BOX."
Aki snorted, while little Kiria just stomped her foot in irritation. The motion caused the box to cave a little and the girl lost her footing. She was about to fall, when Tyler, ever on alert, caught her by the arm and helped he get her feet back.
"You good?"
"yeah. That was close."
Aki and Tyler kinda felt but for her near miss.
"Sorry for teasing you."
"Yeah, sorry. You sure you good?"
Kiria smiled as she patted her small podium back into shape.
"It's okay, no harm done. I AM awake now though."
"well, that’s a plus. I gotta go hand in my homework to Ira. Cya in class."
The friends split at the gate and went to their respective lockers. Tyler opened his to find a small stack of letters on top of his shoes. He was confused, so he put them in his bag for later inspection and put his indoor shoes on. He then went to Ira's homeroom. The kindly teacher seemed surprised to have Tyler walk in.
"Hey, Mister Ira. Here's my homework from yesterday."
"Thanks, and it's Ira. Shouldn't you be home resting?"
"You got a fish tank broken on your back yesterday! Anyone else would be in the hospital right now!"
"Eh, it's not that big a deal. I'm fine really."
Ira just slumped into his chair. This kid was something else entirely.
"Alright, if you're sure then take your seat."
"Yes, Mister Ira."
"Listen here you little's Ira!"
"Yes, Mrs. Ira"
"Just sit down."
Tyler walked off chuckling, and Ira just sighing again.
"That’s not going away anytime soon."
Tyler sat down at his desk and took out the five letters from his locker. He opened the first one and a whiff of perfume could be briefly smelled in the in air. He took out the actual letter and opened it. It was written in a neat hand.
Dear Tyler.
We haven't met, but I was in Ikashi's class yesterday and saw you stand up to him. I just wanted to say thank you for finally freeing me from that monster. He'd use any opportunity to feel my breasts or rub my butt. I want to express my gratitude properly, so can we meet behind that large tree by the back fence? I have third period, fifth period and second lunch free. I'll wait there today.
A very grateful girl.
He sat back, kinda shocked. He hadn't expected this little development, and wasn't really sure how to handle it. He placed the letter to the side when he felt a second thin object inside. He took it out and it was a photo of a shyly smiling girl with freckles, brown eyes, and dark hair. He recognized the girl as the one behind Kiria the second time he went in. He placed the photo down and opened the next letter. It was basically a copy and paste of the first, but with slightly different phrasing. Again another photo, this time a girl with braces and light brown hair. The other three leaders all followed the pattern. HE sighed, but resolved to meet the girls, as it was only fair. He then stacked the letters with attached photos in a pile and was about to put them in his bag when he got a hefty slap on his back, or well his shoulder. He turned to see Aki wringing her hand out,
"Jesus, I forgot you're made of stone. Whatcha got there? Fan mail?"
"yeah I guess, here take a look."
He handed the letters over and Aki looked them over. She handed them back with a sigh,
"You gonna go?"
"I was planning to, seems only fair to see if they show up."
Aki sat in her desk in front of him, and leaned back,
"Well, I'll go too. Just to watch from a distance, in case ya know, set up."
Tyler smiled,
"Thanks Aki. Having chick support could be nice."
"Whatever you patronizing jackass."
"Hey, you start reading that story I sent you?"
She jumped a little at the outta the blue question,
"Ah, yeah I started it. I'm sorry it's gonna be awhile before I give a verdict."
"No worries. Just let me know,"
Little Kiria came bouncing in, her twin tails fluttering behind her. She handed her homework in and flitted over to the duo in the back.
"Hey, guys, miss me?"
Tyler and Aki both head patted the rambunctious girl at the same time. Kiria went red as heat flooded her face, and she blushed. The friends then just laughed at her expression,
"She's cute when flustered, eh Tyler?"
"Very. She's like the better version of a teddy bear."
"Stoppit! Stop messing up my hair!"
She pushed their hands away with an indignant little squeal. She was still red-faced and blushing and the friends stopped teasing their smaller friend. Instead Aki filled her in on Tyler's little rendezvous later. She paid rather intense attention to this tasty new information. Tyler was smiling listening to their chatter. He'd put the letters in his binder for school so he wouldn't lose them. He was looking over a few formulas when he heard a small, timid voice beside him,
"Um, Excuse me."
he looked over and there was a rather scared looking girl with big silver eyes and a large nervous blush standing next to his desk.
"Hi, what can I do for you miss..?"
"Asika, Asika mintoro. I was in Ikashi's class yesterday and..."
She trailed off nervously. Tyler smiled and was about to say something when,
"Hey, relax Asika, He only LOOKS scary."
"yeah, Tyler's sweet. So just say it."
Aki and Kiria beat him to it. Asika seemed to draw strength from their words,
"Okay. I just wanted to give you this!"
She held out a small box wrapped in a tiny bow. Tyler was surprised,
"Um thank you, Asika, right? Can I open it?"
She seemed even more nervous now.
"Y-yes sir. I made them yesterday to show my gratitude for helping get rid of that creep."
Tyler opened the box and there were large rice balls inside. His eyes lit up,
"Wow, so THESE are rice balls? I've always wanted to try them."
He took one out and munched on it. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. He swallowed and turned to the still nervous girl,
"Holy. You made these yourself?"
"yes, sir."
"They're delicious. I didn't know rice could taste so good. You my girl have a gift. Thank you."
His gushing, genuine praise made the girl smile and she seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.
"thank you, sir."
"Okay, enough with the sir. My names Tyler. And you can stop thanking me. I'm just glad I could help you."
His voice was still gentle but he had a little more firmness behind it. Asika got a little tense,
"So...Tyler then?"
"Well last I checked it was my name. And yours was Asika. Nice to properly meet you."
She seemed to relax again, and smiled again.
"I'm glad you enjoyed my rice balls. I might have to make some more some time!"
"if you do, I'd be more then grateful if you'd share them with me again."
"I'll have to remember that!"
Aki and Kiria then both cleared their throats, and Asika picked up on the hint.
"I'll make some more for you two as well, don't you worry."
They both smiled widely. Tyler closed the box, intending to have another ball later,
"I'll give this back to you after I empty it. Sound fair?"
"Sure, I'll have another excuse to visit you!"
"Asika, you don't need an excuse to hang out. You wanna come and chill with us, we got plenty of bad jokes and Aki's worse ones to go around."
Aki was smiling as she wacked Tyler on the head, Kiria laughed at the pair. Asika smiled a little too,
"Sure, I'll do that. I gotta get to my class now."
"Kay, thanks again."
Tyler smiled as Asika left the room. Then Aki and Kiria turned on him,
“Okay, then hero pay up.”
“Yep it’s toll time!”
Aki was drooling and little Kiria seemed like a starved wolf. They both made a quick swipe at the small box, but Tyler merely pinned their hands down,
“hey! ya big meanie!”
Tyler released their hands,
“Is that any way to ask for something?”
The girls rubbed their sore hands,
“Can I have one please?”
“Can I have one please?”
There had been five balls originally, so Tyler let them take one. They then devoured them with gusto.
“Ohhh maannn, Asika’s rice balls are the best.”
“I can’t remember the last time I had them!”
Tyler smiled at their contented faces.
“She’s that good?”
“Oh she is the best cook in school!”
“Yeah, she went to a competition in Kyoto a few months back and won first place. She’s amazing!”
He smiled and then Ira began class.
“Alright everyone, pay attention.”
“yes mister Ira!”
he groaned, the class laughed.
Tyler said goodbye to his friends as he headed to Mrs. Yukino’s class. As he did so, Asika came up behind him,
“Hey. I figured those two would probably rob you so here, secret stash!”
She handed him another small box.
“Asika, you’re awesome. If we have some free time at some point, think you could teach me a few things?”
She blushed, blinked and froze.
“You want me to teach you how to cook?”
“yeah. Most I can manage right now is TV dinners and frozen pizzas.”
“Sure, I’d be happy to. I actually have a free period after this, so I can definitely show some things.”
“Sweet, Let’s start tomorrow then. I have a few things to take care of today.”
“Sounds good. well enjoy.”
“Will do, and thanks again! You’re awesome!”
She blushed again and hurried off. Tyler smiled and went into the classroom. he set up in his corner again and turned his laptop on. Melody had not yet arrived. His laptop set off a tank shot.;
“Panzer IV”
The excitable ms. Yukino spoke up from her position behind her desk. She seemed to blush a little from the cannon fire. Tyler was about to fire off another round when Melody swept into the room.
“Mornin Melody. How are you doing today?”
The blue-eyed girl smiled widely at the boy in the corner. she hung her bag on her desk and walked over. Tyler set off the round.
“Tiger I”
“Wrong, Flak 88 antiair.”
“Not fair!”
“Alls fair in love and war.”
Tyler smiled as he pulled one over on Yukino. Melody reached his desk then and she looked over his shoulder,
“How’s your back today?”
Her voice a gentle breath of wind.
“A little stiff, but all-round fine.”
“Good I’m glad. I’m looking forward to lunch today.”
“So am I. I am looking forward to Saturday more though.”
“Whys’ that?”
“Cause I get to spend all day with you.”
She smiled and blushed a little. Tyler also smiled. Melody then went to ask Yukino a question. Tyler opened his notes page and was scrolling when the chair next to him rattled back. He looked and saw Melody place her back down beside him.
“Miss me that much?”
She looked him in the eye,
“If I did?”
“Then get comfy. Cause I missed you too.”
Her smile was blinding. She took a seat beside him and peered at his notes.
“Am I missing anything?”
“Maybe a few from the beginning of the school year.”
“Really? Can I get a copy of yours then please?”
“Sure but It’ll cost you.”
“What’s your price?”
“One of Asika’s rice balls.”
“Done. Here.”
He handed her one of the ones from the fresh unopened box Asika had just given him. Melody then handed him her notebook and he flipped to her first few pages. HE started typing, and soon had all her neatly written notes copied. He went to hand her note book back but she just nodded at it, as if telling him, to look through it. Now curious, he flipped through to the previous days notes. There was an envelope with a lipstick seal. He looked over and she smiled. He took the lightly scented envelope out and opened it. There was a letter with a pair of photos. He looked at the pictures first, and froze. One was Melody beside him, the other was a beautiful, long haired, big breasted goddess. The girl in the second photo had the same black hair as Melody, and the same skin, only this girl was far from the same dumpy looking girl next to him now. This girl was wearing a white sundress, white heels, a sunhat, and was twirling her skirt. Tyler’s jaw dropped. Then he noticed her eyes, and his heart skipped a beat. For the girls eyes were the same exact blue as Melody’s. Tyler took a good few minutes to recover from his shock. He placed the photo down and opened the letter, seeking an explanation as to her hiding her identity.
Dear Tyler.
I’ve zero doubt my photo blew your mind. I only hope to see your reaction first hand. You’re probably wondering why I’m hiding my true form from the students at this school. I feel comfortable telling you because of yesterdays incident, you proved you can truly bear the weight of this responsibility. I’m currently hiding from my former classmates. At my previous school, I walked freely in my true form, and was showered in admiring words, gestures, and actions. I was worshipped as a goddess of beauty. They all meant every word of it too. But it also bothered me. I would get asked out on a date daily, by guys and girls. Have fun with that little piece of info. I rejected them all, they only saw my looks and not my heart. I don’t blame them for it, but I do hate it. Then a particular boy who I will leave nameless lest you break him in half, the most popular boy in school, asked me out. He was in love with me, and confessed as much. He was one of those absolutely convinced of their own righteousness. He was the perfect guy, tall, handsome, kind, strong, outgoing and as friendly as a warm sunbeam. I did not return his feelings and turned him down. He even accepted that well. But he said he’d never give up. He then began to ask me out every week, or every other day at least. Then other girls, ones in love with HIM started to tell me that I should go out with him, that we’d make a good couple, that it was the best match. They were pressing down their own feelings for his happiness at the cost of their own. And he doesn’t notice it. He is the kind of guy that everything just rolls his way without a struggle. So my rejection simply did not compute with his easy life. It got to the point that even a few teachers were starting to say it too. So I transferred here, and donned the form you met me in. Not a single person has been able to see through it, yet you did as soon as you saw me. I’ll admit that scared me, what would you do with this information? You did the one thing I did not expect: nothing, You did nothing at all with it. Even after catching me following you, and with Aki right there, you still said nothing. You were keeping your word that you wouldn’t say anything. Everything you do is as straightforward as an arrow. So I accepted your asking me out. I only request you do not tell anyone about my true form and show no one that photo.
Looking forward to Saturday
Tyler sat back and placed the True form photo into his bag right after reading the letter. Melody then leaned over,
“You understand now?”
“I do. Fully and completely. That school was near Kyoto right?”
“Not exactly. It’s on the other side of this city. So there is a chance we may encounter them on our date.”
“If we do, I’m scary-looking enough that they’ll keep their distance.”
“And if they don’t?”
“Then I will MAKE then back off.”
Melody seemed to go a little paler at his suddenly ice cold tone. She sat back, but before she did she asked a question,
“How did you see through my disguise?”
“I didn’t. I was merely awestruck by your eyes.”
She seemed a little shocked at this revelation
“You mean, my eyes got that extreme of a reaction out of you?”
“Yeah. They are without a doubt, the single most beautiful pair of blue eyes I have ever seen. I was hypnotized by them. But that’s not all.”
Melody seemed a little on guard now,
“What else?”
“Something I saw in them seemed...familiar. Now reading your letter I know what that something was.”
She was now looking at him with a very focused gaze.
“What is it?”
“The same as in mine. You have to hide who you are to escape torment, I did as well. Mine being far worse. We both had to hide, and forge masks just to survive. So I recognized a fellow mask wearer, and saw that desperate plea for someone to come ease the loneliness. If I’m wrong, please let me know.”
Melody seemed to be struggling with something. She then just took a long breath in, and let it out.
“Lets discuss this in the library at lunch, agreed?”
“Agreed. Sorry if I upset you.”
She took another breath and let it out. Tyler heard it shake, ever so slightly but it was there. She seemed about to lose it, so Tyler just left her alone. The rest of the class passed uneventfully and Tyler had his meetings at the tree. He packed up and headed out. Melody having already left. Tyler went to the specified tree, and found one of the girls from the photos waiting. HE came up to the girl,
“Hi, you wanted to meet me?”
The girl seemed shocked he’d actually came.
“Ah, yeah. um I didn’t think you’d actually come.”
“Course I would. I’m curious why you couldn’t just drop by class though.”
The girl shyly shuffled her feet,
“I’m not very brave, and rather timid. That letter and me actually being here is kinda shocking.”
“Well, you seem brave to me. Takes courage to meet a boy scary-looking as I am in such a private place. So what can I do for you?”
She seemed to have a little internal debate, before running up and pecking him on the cheek,
“Thank you for getting rid of Ikashi.”
She then ran off. Tyler just stood there with a bemused expression on his face,
“Well, I did not see that coming.”
Aki was right there on the other side of the tree.
“Neither did I. This could get interesting.”
Aki smiled and headed off to a safe location, while Tyler set up under the tree with a homework assignment from Yukino. He was about half way through when,
“Hey, excuse me.”
He looked up to see another girl, this time the one with freckles, poking her small head around the tree trunk.
“Hi. What can I do for you?”
She blushed and walked over and handed him a small bag of cookies,
"Thank you. I was about to drop out. I made these myself. Please take them.”
He took them and popped one in his mouth. He was once again amazed,
“Damn, Been awhile since I had decent gingerbread. Thank you. I love gingerbread cookies. Wanna share?”
She blushed hard, but stammered a reply
“t-t-thank -y-y-you, but I-I-I-I have to...MEET MY FRIENDS!”
She took off running. her small feet kicking up dirt as she bolted. Tyler was now concerned he’d scared her.
“Maybe I am too scary looking.”
“Eh, that’s just Lily. She’s very shy. I’m amazed she actually came. She’d normally leave the bag here with another letter.”
Aki had come over to fill him in, and swipe a cookie.
“Oi! Who was that other girl?”
“That’s Kie. She’s a member of the chess club. She’s very sweet, and also timid as a mouse.”
“Well, I am glad I could help them.”
Aki retreated to her hideout as another girl came over. This time she was a small blonde with a noticeable bust. She came right up and stood in his vision like she had zero fear.
“I am the great Suzi. I am here to extend my gratitude for your removing of that thorn in my perfect side. Thank you, servant!”
“To be expected, Milady. I exist to serve the great Suzi!”
His response floored the arrogant blonde who blushed hard and walked off with her head doing somersaults. Aki was about to come over when
“Wow, What you do to shut Suzi up?”
The speaker was a tall muscular girl with distinct calluses on the palms of her hands and fingers.
“I Played up the whole loyal servant angle. I think I overdid it.”
“Nice. I’m Tatsi. I’m captain of the spear team. Thanks for dealing with that prick Ikashi.”
“Sure. But I’m sorry if I have a hard time imagining ANYONE pushing you around.”
“Well I couldn’t every well skewer a teacher, plus that weasel played his game very well, he knew I couldn’t touch him, so he used his teacher status to screw with my grades.”
“I see. Well, he ain’t coming back. Hey, here’s a thought, why don’t you print out poster with his picture to use in practice? Might be kinda therapeutic.”
Tatsi threw her head back laughing, her strong voice bouncing off the tree,
“Okay, now I get why Aki likes you so much. I’ll have to do that now. Hey, you ever wanna try spearplay, give a shout alright?”
“Sure, but not sure what you can teach me since I’m a guy, and a spear kinda comes with the package.”
That got a snorting laugh from Tatsi and Aki. Tatsi then held out her fist,
“Okay, you have got to come hang out with my club sometime. Till then cya newbie,”
“Later, spear bender.”
She snorted again as they bro-fisted Tatsi headed of. That made four of the five letters. Aki was heard giggling to herself over his dirty jokes. The last girl was then seen approaching with a distinct look of sheer nerves on her face. she was holding her hands in front of her chest as if in prayer and she started shaking when she saw Tyler notice her. He smiled,
“Hi. Nice to meet you. Want a cookie?”
He held out the small bag of gingerbread cookies as a way to calm her down. She seemed to understand, and walked over a bit more confidently,
“Why I’d love one, thank you.”
She took one and settled down beside the scary boy. They munched on soothing gingerbread before she spoke again, her voice clean, and very warm.
“I’d like to thank you for saving me from Ikashi. I don’t really have anything to give you, but”
“You don’t have to give me anything. I didn’t do it for a reward. I was just protecting my friends.”
Her gentle eyes went wide,
“You got a fish tank smashed over your back, so I feel bad.”
“I appreciate the concern, But I’d happily take a bullet for any of my friends. I wouldn’t even hesitate. Oh, by that way, what’s your name?”
“I’m Kairi. Pleased to meet you.”
“I’m Tyler as you well know. So Kairi, You don’t have to really do anything or give anything. Far as I’m concerned, it was a long overdue intervention.”
Kairi then just hugged the scarred boy tightly,
“Thank you.”
She released him and stood back up, dusting off her skirt as she did so,
“I’m the school’s leading pianist, I’d love to play for you some time.”
“That sounds lovely. Just be aware I know nothing about good piano.”
She smiled,
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”
She left and Tyler started to wrap up as she made five. Five letters, five girls, all unique and all freed from that weasel. Aki came up behind him,
“That’s Kairi Kayga. She’s among the top five pianists in Japan. It’s an absolute privilege to hear her play. I hear she’s played for the Prime minister twice.”
“So she’s a big deal?”
“Yeah, kinda like royalty.”
“Maybe I should have bowed.”
“Jackass. Hey wanna grab lunch?”
“I’m meeting Melody in the library again. She said we have something important to discuss.”
“Fucked up already?”
“Oh, I HOPE not. That’d be friggin record.”
Aki laughed and headed off. Tyler grabbed another pizza and energy drink and went to the Library. He found Melody sitting near a out of the way area of the library. He sat opposite her, and saw the it looked like she’d been crying. A pair of tried tear-stains on her cheek being the evidence.
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry!”
She shook her head, and took of the large glasses and laid them on the table.
“I’m not sad or upset.”
Her Blue eyes were sparkling with another emotion altogether. She was HAPPY. She then took his hand in Her’s
“I was crying for happiness, I’m simply ecstatic right now.”
She trailed off here, her voice shaking with barely contained emotions. Tyler was eating ion silence waiting for her to continue. He then asked her when he finished,
“Is it from, what I said?”
She nodded, and when she looked up, she had even more tears falling. He handed her a cloth from his bag and she gratefully accepted.
“What you said was the absolute truth. You saw my very soul like it was a book laid open just for you. For the very first time, someone saw ME instead of my looks, and even after seeing my true form. I can see your eyes haven’t changed in the slightest. So I’m overwhelmed by that fact.”
“You do realize I saw all that when we first met right?”
She nodded.
“So I bet that the fact I’m taking you out on a date this Saturday must be really mind blowing.”
She smiled with such joy it nearly made Tyler cry.
“yes, it is. I have to confess something.”
“Okay, I’m listening.”
“I have two things, actually. The first: I was going to stand you up on Saturday, to see how you would react with me just up and bailing last minute.”
“Okay, and the second?”
“I love you.”
She blinked, like caught off guard by his response,
“Did you not hear me?”
“I heard you, It’s just outta left field. I mean we literally just met yesterday. Can people really fall in love in just two days?”
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
“I did until my first girlfriend set up with a year long plan to humiliate me in front of our town.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
Melody’s eyes went wide as he told the story.
“Oh my god. That’s just evil. And you asked me out even after that?”
“Sure. Just because I was burned by one evil witch doesn’t mean the next one will be evil too. Least I hope so. 2 for 2 is not good stats.”
Melody sat back in her seat, and then remembered what she’d heard about him. She felt so bad for the tortured soul,
“Well, I still love you Tyler. So what will you do now?”
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
She nearly fell out of her chair at the blunt question.
“I’m sorry, what?”
Tyler was smiling,
“I said, would you like to be my girlfriend?”
“We haven’t even had our first date yet, and you already want jump to the next stage?”
Tyler seemed confused,
“Well, you just said you love me, and I like you. We can build with that.”
“You’re sure?”
“I wouldn’t have asked If I wasn’t.”
“Well, okay then.”
“So, we’re legit?”
“We’re legit. Congratulations you yourself a girlfriend on your second day of school. How do you feel?”
“That my new girlfriend should hang up her mask. I’ll hang mine up too. I don’t think I’ll need mine anymore.”
His statement made the breath catch in her throat. She stared in disbelief,
“You’re willing to give up your mask?”
“Yup. Its main function was to help me endure pain and hide it from the world so they wouldn’t smell blood in the water. I don’t really need something that hardcore anymore. I just need to keep the skills and knowledge I’ve gained in hell. I don’t need to hide here. Neither do you. You have me in your corner now. So, if I were to support and protect you, would you hang your mask up next to mine?”
Melody seemed to delve inward.
“Can I have some time to think about it?”
“As much as you need. I’m not going anywhere. Well, except gym class.”
She smiled as he got up.
“I’ll give you an answer once I have one.”
“Sure thing, I’ll be waiting."
Tyler left the girl in the library and went off to Meld's gym class. He had smile on his face. He had a girlfriend, who he was taking out on a date this Saturday, two other good friends, and as far as he could tell the respect of the school. All on his second day. He arrived at the gym and waved at Aki, and spotted Tatsi as well, who gave him a wave as well. Tyler walked into the locker room and was immediately accosted by the guys,
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"um, changing for gym class?"
The other boys were in disbelief. The guy who had helped Tyler with his stretches, Kouki just sighed,
"Let it go, guys."
The other boys let him change in peace. He had just put his shorts on when another question was heard,
"hey, Tyler. Did you take Aki on a date yesterday?"
The speaker was a tall, thin guy with black hair.
"No, why you'd ask?"
"I saw you at Mcgorgers yesterday round 5, if it wasn't a date then what were you doing there?"
"Some idiots were following us, so we used the place as a hideout. And since we were both hungry, two birds one stone."
"So you're not really dating then?"
"Nope, we're just really good friends."
Another guy stepped forward. He seemed a little more serious
"What about Kiria?"
That caused a bit of a stir, since Everyone loved their Campus Little Sister. All eyes were on Tyler as he answered,
"I'm not Dating her either."
"But you did walk her home did you not?"
"I did. Me and Aki ran into her at the burger joint. So I offered to walk them home. We all live in the same building so it made sense. Also"
Here he stood up, and the other boys got a little nervous as the questioner asked,
"Also what?"
"If I'm standing right next to them, do you think anyone in their right mind would dare approach them?"
There was a unanimous NO,
"That’s the second reason."
There was a universal sigh of relief, for the schools loveable sprite and the respected kendo captain were not in danger. The room relaxed and Tyler went to do his warm-ups, only to be stopped by Meld.
"Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Um, I'm about to do my laps?"
"You're injured! Sit out for the day."
"I'm fine."
"This is not a re-"
"I said, I'm fine. wanna check?"
His voice which had been cheery was now dead and cold. Meld just sighed,
"Alright. Just take it easy. I do not want those cuts reopening on my watch.
"They won't"
Tyler trotted off to the track. Meld just gripped his clipboard tight as he watched the boy run the track like he was fine. Meld was a military veteran who had served through two tours in Iraq, and he had never seen someone, let alone a kid, with that much pure grit. kid gets a fish tank broken over his back yesterday, and today he does gym class like nothing happened? That kids' willpower alone is terrifying. Throw in his pain tolerance, and his heart and that kid becomes a friggin monster.
Tyler had just finished his fourth lap and went to start his stretches. He went right to his back first, and aware of his stitches, goes through them all. His skin had hardened after years of constant torture, and held the stitching in place. He was wrapping up when he heard a voice call out<
"Hey yo, tough guy! Think fast!"
He spun and caught the long practice spear tossed his way. He twirled it and struck a pose with the rubber point down and the spear held in one hand behind him He then saw Tatsi approaching with Aki right behind her.
"Nice pose, you think you JOJO, or what?"
"Well, Aki, JoJo seems right up your alley, since all you're good for is Standing there not really doing anything. Is breathing your only redeeming ability?"
"Ouch, Aki. Two Anime burns in rapid fire. Hey, Tyler, we're doing spear day. Guess you get your lesson early."
"Tatsi, if you wanted to play with my spear that badly, all you had to do was ask!"
Aki snorted as Tatsi took a light jab at Tyler with her own practice spear. His response caught her completely by surprise, he knocked her spearpoint away with his spearbutt, pivoted on his foot, and had his point at her throat in the span of a heartbeat. Aki's snort died in her throat. Tatsi seemed confused. Tyler then withdrew his spear, a smile on his face as he patted her arm.
"I should've mentioned, but in old school, a favorite game of theirs was to find long poles and try to break them over my body. Every now and then I'd be allowed to fight back. If I could fight them off for a period of two hours, I'd get left alone for two days, if I lost, I was then beaten for another 6 hours."
"He smiled as he took up a stance with his spear point held out level. Tatsi was now curious, and eager for a challenge. Aki wisely stepped back, and a wide space cleared itself around the pair.
"Well, Tyler. Looks like you want to challenge me."
"I'm curious what passes for a spear user in this school."
"oh, you're on. Lets dance."
"I'll lead."
Aki clapped her hands and Tyler lunged forward with a straight thrust, Tatsi went to deflect it high with her own point but Tyler merely sidestepped and swung the spear sideways, Tatsi had to hop like a rabbit to avoid the rubber tip. Tyler smiled and planted hi foot, pivoted and pull on his own haft, sending the spearbutt out like a cannon. Tatsi was barely abler to deflect the object, but Tyler had anticipated this and flipped the long wooden pole and jabbed her in the stomach with the rubber tip.
"Hit! Point, Tyler!"
Tatsi took a step back as Tyler retook another stance, this time the spearbutt where the point should've been.
"Okay, best two outta three."
"Sure. This is fun."
"I know right?"
Tatsi opened the dance this time, coming forward with a light jab, meaning to use lighter, faster attacks to keep the wily boy on the defensive. Tyler knew this trick, as he'd used it many times. He waited as he merely danced around her jabs and thrust while he read her intervals and attack chains. Tatsi seemed to be winning, as Tyler avoided the questing spearpoint, which always seemed to be right there. Then Tyler planted his feet, and knocked a slightly more committed thrust aside and poked Tatsi in the left breast with his spearpoint. Aki raised a hand,
"Hit, Victory goes to Tyler!"
Tyler went and extended a hand to the shocked Tatsi.
"You're damn good. Only thing, I noticed that when you use a light attack routine, every third thrust had more power and commitment behind it then either the first or second. Not sure if it's intentional or not."
Tatsi shook his hand amid the murmuring gawkers.
"Funny, my Sensei told me the exact same thing. I've been trying to work on it."
"You use your legs too much. Try working on your arms-only spearplay. If you didn't notice, my arms did most of the heavy lifting, while my legs merely provided stability."
Tatsi smiled,
"I'll give it a try. We should train some time!"
"Hells yeah!"
"Not so fast tough guy. It's my turn to play."
Aki had ran off and returned with a pair of practice katanas. She tossed one to Tyler.
"Let's see your swordplay."
"Sure thing, Aki. But I feel I should warn you."
Here he smiled as he hefted the long wooden blade.
"I prefer swords to spears They always were my favorite weapons."
He then took his favorite stance, swordblade against his cheek as he gazed down it's length toward his enemy. Aki took up a similar stance.
"Best two outta three?"
"Loser buys the drinks."
"Deal. Don't go easy on me, Aki."
Tatsi was ref this time around. As the friends squared off, Meld and Mira watched from a set of nearby bleachers. Mira seemed a little shocked at how easily Tyler had trounced Tatsi's spearplay.
"I'm amazed that guy made beating Tatsi look so easy."
"I'm not."
"Really? He's that good?"
"Not exactly. He's just used to the real thing."
"Real thing?"
"Yep. In his hometown, every single other person would beat that poor kid with anything on hand. He's used to wielding the weapons we use for sport to fight for his life. We're soft compared to his experiences. He has had to use them just to survive, where we use them for play. Watch, He'll beat Aki too."
"The usual?"
the teachers watched as the bout unfolded.
Tatsi clapped her hands together, and Tyler surged forward with a sidelong slash. Aki ducked under the blade and went to strike when the sword seemed to flip and Tyler jabbed her in the stomach with the handle.
"Hit! First point Tyler!"
"Okay, now I'm pissed."
Aki went on the offensive this time, using a mixture of light slashes, heavy slices and fancy foot work to keep Tyler mobile. Tyler was smiling widely as he danced with Aki. He then swung his own blade out and tapped the middle of her sword's long blade and sidestepped in the opposite direction, his blade across his hands. The result was Aki losing balance and falling onto his exposed blade, while her blade went in the opposite direction. She landed on his blade and he held her up,
"Hit! Tyler wins!"
Aki was flabbergasted, she had spent years perfecting her swordplay in her family's dojo. She was even ranked as the third best swordswoman in the their current school level. Yet he'd beat her and made it look soul-crushingly easy. Aki was about to cry until He tapped her shoulder.
"Hey, if you're feeling disheartened, just ask yourself. How did I get my skills?"
She sniffed as she pondered his words,
"I got them from literally fighting for my life, often 15+ to one. You have great skills, never doubt that. But also remember I come from a different world then you. If I lost a fight, I'd get beaten with bricks or whatever. You lose a match, you just get a lecture or advice on the next time. I never got that luxury. Remember that. And be thankful you CAN'T match my skills."
Aki seemed to shiver and then she hugged him, Tatsi too,
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry too."
He hugged them both,
"It's fine. I can teach you a thing or two, if you like."
They laughed as the stepped back,
"I'm afraid anything YOU taught us would get us disqualified."
"Or arrested. You are WAY too hardcore for us."
Meld and Mira were watching from their perch.
"That kid is scary. Still though. I'd love to send him to an actual competition. He'd mop the floor with anyone they sent at him."
"I think that's a very bad idea."
"Why? Just think of how far he could go."
"Think of how much damage he could inflict if he puts even a tenth of his full strength behind his swings. He'd full-blown cripple people. He was merely using his agility there."
"Are you serious?"
"I am. Watch this. Naamani! Front and center!"
Tyler came right over.
"What can I do for you, Meld?"
"You see those sandbags? I need your help in proving a point. Plus I need to see just how strong you actually are for future reference. I want you to take as many of them as you can and bring them here."
"Sure. If I help you, we get a free gym period tomorrow to use how we please, sound good?"
"deal, provided you impress me."
Tyler just smirked. He then headed to the sandbags. They were three feet long, two feet thick and each weighed a good 75 pounds each. Tyler stacked four of them and lifted them onto his shoulders, and carried them over to the now gaping gym teachers. He dropped them at their feet, not a single sign of strain on his face,
"Good enough?"
even Meld was taken aback,
"Ahh, yeah. Well done Tyler. You can get back to the others."
Tyler smiled and ran over to make a bet with Aki. The other students were now throwing shotputs, and Tyler was one-handing the lead balls like baseballs. Mira just sighed.
"Okay, Meld. You're right. If we put him on ANY fighting based team, we run the risk of him accidently killing someone, weather with his insane physical strength, or with his killer instincts. Hell, any CONTACT sport's off the table, since running into him likes ramming a brick wall. It makes zero sense since he's got less muscle mass then my left arm."
"His muscles adapted to his extreme environment by hardening and strengthening with minimal size increase. The same goes for his skin, It is harder and stronger then most other humans. I heard from that EMT that stitched him up, apparently piercing his skin required quite a surprising amount of force on his part with that needle. We really can't use our own students standards when assessing him. He'd just exceed them all by a landslide."
"You make him sound like he's not human anymore."
"Barely. He's a human. But just barely."
Tyler was smiling wide as a group of students set up near a line on the track of a race. They were gonna run a hundred meters, and there were ten other students. Aki and Tatsi were having a little sword vs spear match, with the winner facing Tyler for a rematch. The guy starting the race fired the starting pistol and Tyler took off. He gained an early lead and it just grew. He passed the finish line with a good three second lead. The other students reached the line all huffing and puffing while Tyler had yet to even break a sweat. Tyler then walked over to watch Aki and Tatsi duel. It was quite the thrilling match, going back and forth with Aki making a move, only for Tatsi to counter and make a move of her own. Their dance seeming more like an elegant show then a fight. Tyler sat on the grass nearby to enjoy the show. He watched the athletic ladies going at it when he felt a tap on his shoulder,
"yo, mind if I watch too?"
it was Kouki. The tallish guy was standing beside him.
"Sure. We're fresh outta popcorn though."
"Some racket you got going."
HE joined Tyler and the guys were silent for a moment then,
"Hey, I want to thank you."
"For what?"
"For putting the fear of the devil in that Bastard Ikashi."
"I didn't know you had a class with him."
"I don't but my sister does."
"She a twin?"
"No, adopted. Her parents died in a car accident and we took her in."
"Funny. I've seen quite a few Anime storylines with that exact plot point."
"I'm not gonna ask. Anyway thanks."
"Sure. who's your sister?"
"Oh, she didn't tell you? Kiria."
"Explains the death glare you gave me when that guy asked if we were dating."
"Yeah. Kiria does next to nothing but talk about her new 'scary big brother'. It's both cute and a little annoying."
"Jealous she's not gushing over you?"
Kouki shot a sideways glance at him before looking back at the girls.
"I'm only gonna say this once, Tyler. My sister means the world to me. She seems to prefer you over me, so when the two of you are together, you better protect her or-"
"Or what?"
Kouki's blood ran cold at the scarred boy's tone, but he finished his warning,
"or you will answer to me."
Tyler laughed.
"You got a long way to go before you intimidate anyone. You are far too innocent for threats. But you can put your big brother guns down. Kiria’s safe as long as I'm with her. Now, I'll give you a warning of my own."
Kouki grabbed a handful of grass in front of him to try and stop his trembling,
"I can protect Kiria when I am with her. When I am not, that duty falls to you. If you don't protect her when I’m not around. Then you. will answer. to me. We understand each other?"
Kouki was having a very hard time matching the level of coldness in the boy's voice.
"Yeah we understand each other."
"Coolio. Oh hey, Aki's got Tatsi on the ropes!"
Aki then ducked under Tatsi's crosswise spear guard and as Tatsi leapt back, grabbed the spear and pulled her down, and launched over her falling body. Tatsi went flying and Aki was right there to pin her with a sword point on her back. Tyler came over clapping
"Nice. Against normal people, you're pretty good."
Aki helped Tatsi up, both girls breathing heavily. They patted each other's backs on a well fought fight.
"Nice foot work Aki."
"Yeah same to you. You really handle that pole well."
"Shut up."
"Shut up."
"yes ladies."
The simultaneous retort stopping his joke in it's tracks. They then all burst out laughing. Then Tatsi noticed something over Tyler's shoulder,
"Hello, what his problem?"
Kouki was glaring daggers of hatred at Tyler's back.
"Ignore him. I guess Kiria's brother is experiencing a little jealousy at her having a new favorite."
The girls the exchanged concerned looks,
"Ahh, Tyler? Kiria's an only child."
"Yeah, remember the room she went into? She lives there with her lesbian parents. They got some procedure for an egg to be made into sperm and that’s where she came from. Who told you she had a brother?"
"Ah, he did."
He gave a subtle nod towards the still glaring Kouki. The girls were instantly very concerned.
"Wait, Kouki said that?"
"yeah. HE said that I'm basically all she talks about at home....Oh you have got to be SHITTING me."
"Where is Kiria after this?"
The girls thought for a moment,
"Well, Ikashi's class is a free period for the moment, and she normally goes to the roof during her free. Why?"
"Where is Kouki after this?"
" a free period. Why?"
Tyler glanced over his shoulder and Kouki was walking back to the locker room.
"Aki, you have Kiria's number. Have her go to the library today. Tell her I'll explain when I get there."
"Okay, but first tell me why?"
"Kouki's been stalking her. I'll bet money he even bugged her room or her person."
The girls went into immediate overdrive. Tyler made sure to send a text to Melody.
hey, I'm sorry, but heads up, I'm sending Kiria to hide in the library. She's got a stalker.
Melody's reply was thankfully quick
Understood, I'll be waiting for her.
thanks Melody. I owe you one.
I will be sure to collect.
I'd be insulted if you didn't
Tyler then went to change as well, he was gonna prod Kouki a little. Tyler went in and found the guy next to his locker.
"hey, Kouki. I'm curious."
"bout what?"
"Is Kiria as much of a joy to be around at home as she is at school?"
"Why you wanna know?"
"I've never met anyone like her before. She's so...pure. It's a little blinding at times. I'm just curious is all."
"Well, lets see. She likes cats, and has two. Ones black and the others white. Their very affectionate, and she loves teasing them with a laser pen. It's hours of fun watching her with them."
"Okay, that I'd pay to see. What about her parents?"
"You seem really interested in her. You fishing for an in?"
"Nah, I got me a girlfriend already."
Tyler felt a little thrill at saying that.
"Well aren't you a lucky sonuvabitch. Her parents are really sweet. Their both lesbians and treat their little girl like a descended angel. It sweet to watch them dote on her."
"Do they dote on you the same way?"
"Do they dote on their son the same way they dote on their daughter?"
"oh, nah. She's the clear favorite. I'm just a side character. I get my share of doting too, don't you worry."
"Well that’s good. What’s her hobbies?"
"Okay, what the hells the questioning for?"
"I'm just asking the brother of my friend what his sister likes. Seriously dude. Relax. I got me a girl. I'm just asking to see another side to her."
"You're awfully persistent for mere curiosity."
"Fair enough. I get like that sometimes. Keep digging till you hit bottom and dig some more. I've lost a few friends that way."
"I can see that. No one likes a nosy bastard."
"I heard that. Oh before I forget, and this is the last question I swear."
"What club is she in? I've gotta join one, and I'd prefer one with someone I know in it."
"Why not join Aki's or Tatsi's?"
"Cause I'd run the risk of accidently killing someone."
"I can see that. She does calligraphy."
"Really? I'd had her pegged for flower arrangement or sewing."
"yeah you'd think right? But she as some pretty bad allergies, and is scared of needles. She cried for an hour when we went to get our flu shots last year."
"Yeesh. That’s rough. Well thanks bro. I gotta run."
"Yeah later."
They bro fisted and Tyler left with all the information he needed to confirm his suspicions. He had changed into his uniform and rushed to the library. Melody, Aki, and Tatsi were sitting with little Kiria behind them. Aki spoke up at Tyler's approach,
"As bad as you thought?"
"Worse. FAR worse. That bastard's got either a live video feed in her house, or a nest with clear shots of her bedroom."
The girls all started a little at the news. Tyler went and sat beside Kiria, who was now very scared.
"Okay, kiri. I'm going to need you to be brave. Does the name Kouki mean anything to you?"
She grabbed his arm and leaned against the strong boy,
"I know him, but we've never spent much time together."
"As he ever been inside your house to the best of your knowledge?"
She shook her head.
"Can I see your pencil case?"
She handed him her pink case. Tyler opened it and started taking her pens, mechanical or otherwise apart.
"What are you looking for?"
"Bugs. Like the kind used for spying on people."
"They can fit inside a pen?"
"Some can yes. I've found a live video camera once that size of a pen cap. Okay, these are clean. Is this your only bag?"
Kiria nodded and he asked to see it. He then opened it. It was a small briefcase style bag. It opened with a flap the also served as a handle. It was made from leather and was a chocolate brown. Tyler took all of her items out of the bag, then ran pinching fingers over any and all areas a wire could be placed. He examined her bag with all the thoroughness of a CSI agent. He then placed the bag on the table and examined the bottom. He stopped when he felt something hard inside a small area of repatch.
"Got one. Someone toss me my bag please?"
His bag came over the table. He reached in and pulled a 6inche switchblade out. The girls were shocked,
"Why'd you have that in your school bag?"
"I like having it on me. Plus it helps having something sharp to open stuff when my hands are sweaty."
Kiria went wide eyed as he opened the blade,
"Are you gonna cut it?"
"I'm afraid so. I'll fix it after, or if I can't I'll take you to buy a new one. Okay?"
Her voice was small and scared. Tatsi hugged the small girl. Tyler, using his scarily precise knifework, cut open the small area of repatch.
"Gotcha bitch."
He held a small piece of green and gold tech. It was small, only the size and shape of a 1 yen coin. If you were not looking for it, you would not have found it. The girls were both angry and curious,
"What is it?"
"A tracker. It sends a GPS coordinate to a receiver at all times. That’s not the scary thing here though."
"Then what is?"
"This piece is hand made. Look see how rough that cut on the edge is? And see how look at that sloppy soldering job. It works, but only just. I can make a far better one with far shittier components."
"Not sure you should brag about that to a bunch of girls, Tyler."
"Then I probably shouldn't brag about how I can pick open most door locks with a single bobby pin?"
"That's worse. So what are you gonna do with it?"
"Well for the time being, leave it in."
"I want to catch this bastard in the act. This is just a tracker. I'll keep checking her person though. I found one, so there’s probably another somewhere."
Kiria was shocked at the little green disk. The notion that there might be more terrified her. That is, until Tyler put his arm around her.
"Hey, Kiri. Relax. I got this. You're safe, plus we also got Aki and Tatsi and Melody here to protect you. That bastards not gonna get near you. Okay?"
She gave a brave smile and snuggled into his side,
"Thank you."
"I told you. I protect my friends."
He then continued his search, and declared her bag, pens, and pencils clean.
"Okay, ladies. I need you to do me a solid here."
They all looked concerned.
"I need you to take Kiria into the bathroom to check her clothes."
There was a moment of silence as they processed his request. Them all hell broke loose.
"The hell you mean her clothes?"
"This isn't some bullshit spy movie!"
"You think they're in my clothes too?"
"Okay, I'll take her."
The voices stopped as they all looked at Melody. The only one who'd not flipped her lid. Now with a moment of silence to work with,
"Look, I already found a tracker in her bag. Based off that pricks' description of her family life, which was scarily detailed mind you, I believe there are multiple bugs. I had planned to investigate her house myself, but I also want to make sure she isn't carrying something worse then a tracker."
"Worse like what?"
"A radio transmitter, a live mic, hell you could even rig her shirt with a small camera that passes for a button. I've inspected as much as I can on the surface, but to make sure she's clean I need another lady to search where I can't. Look I'm not doing this because I want to, I've seen what can happen if nothing is done."
The girls all went silent. Kiria was now just barely hanging on, and Tyler didn't know how to comfort her. Then the three spoke up,
"Okay, I trust you. Let’s get this bastard."
"Yeah, what she said."
"You have my undying trust and loyalty."
Tyler patted the now tearing up Kiria on the back,
"See? We got your back. Anyone that fucks with my little sister, gets fucked up. I promise you that."
The three girls took Kiria into the library bathroom for her search, leaving Tyler outside the door. He then got an idea and called up Rin. The landlady picking up after only two rings.
"Hey, Tyler? You're at school why you calling now?"
"Rin, I have some scary news, and I need you to promise me something before I explain."
"Okay, now I'm worried. What’s the promise?"
"That until I confirm everything I think is going on, you do not call the police. Do you think you can do that?"
There was a long pause then,
"Okay. I'll trust you. But Tyler?"
"This had BETTER not be a kind of sick joke."
"I don't play jokes like that."
"Okay, then what’s the problem?"
"I found a tracker bug in Kiria's bag."
"I'm sorry what?"
"Kiria had a GPS bug sewn into her bag. Rin, the girls got a stalker. A very bad stalker. I've spoken to the guy and I believe he either has a live camera bug inside her house or room, or a nest with a clear shot into it."
"Are you sure? And what do you mean you SPOKE to him?"
"His names Kouki, and he tried to intimidate me under the guise of being her brother. His story is she was adopted into his family, after her parents died in a car crash."
"Jesus. That’s not true! Her mothers are alive and well, plus being some of the sweetest people you can know. So how are you sure about a camera?"
"He described how she plays with her two cats for hours, right down to their colors, he then explained how he WATCHED her play all that time. WATCHED. He made it sound like he was in the room with her. He then described how much her parents dote on her, again as if he was there. That, plus the tracker, and how he described her cats, has me convinced."
"So what's your plan?"
"I was gonna go to her house under the guise of a study session, and search the place myself. I want you to do an inspection of the areas with a clear view into her room/house in general. When you do, take a picture and send them to me. I'll walk Kiria home today, actually none of us are leaving her side till I break this guy."
"Alright. I'll trust you this once, for Kiria's sake."
"This is all for her sake. Thanks for your help."
"You better be right about this."
She hung up and Tyler put his phone away. The girls came out then,
Aki held up a small button-like object,
"Great-fuckkk. That’s an open mic. Great ten bucks say he bolts. Or does something Stupid. Where’s Kiria?"
"Come on, you're with me."
"Where we going?"
"To see Takanke. This has the potential to go ballistic. You three come too."
Tyler took Kiria by the hand, and led the small girl down the hall with the other girls right behind him. The period had just ended and so the hallway was crammed. Tyler was shoving people left, right, and center out of his way. The group reached the office without incident and went right in. The receptionist was instantly on edge when Tyler walked in,
"What can I do for you?"
"Is Takanke in there?"
"Yes he is."
"We need to see him now."
"I'll buzz you in."
She rang the buzzer and the group went in. Kiria took a seat in the center, Tatsi leaned against the door, Aki one side of Kiria ad Melody on the other. Tyler placed the bugs on Takanke's desk. The big man instantly knew what they were and what they meant.
"Where did you find these?"
"The tracker in Kiria's bag. That mic was.."
"It was on her bra strap."
"Wait, her bra strap?"
"Fucccck. Takanke, I hope you know what this means."
"Kiria has got a very scary stalker. Any suspects?"
"Guy named Kouki. I've him pegged as the stalker."
"One conversation, his demeanor, and the subject matter of the conversation."
Tyler explained how he interrogated Kouki using his roundabout methods. All the while Tatsi never left her spot by the door. Kiria was holding Aki and Melody's hands.
"That’s the size of it. Once I saw the mic, I realized this could get very ugly very quickly. Specially if he was listening."
"I agree. What do you propose we do?"
"Me and the girls take Kiria home ourselves. You try and stall Kouki. If I can find a video feed, or other such hardware, I can use a computer to trace the signal back. Get in contact with her parents and give them the heads up. Rin, our building manager already knows, -hol up"
His phone fired a canon shot. It was a photo from Rin.
"Jesus, this gets better and better. Takanke get the police on standby."
he then showed them the photo. It was a small hill surrounded by bushes. Completely invisible from the back of the house. There was a small single person tent, a large tripod, dozens and dozens of balled up tissues, and a small duffel bag. Tyler had instructed Rin to not open it.
"Okay, Tyler. This is your area of expertise. Get that girl home safely. all of you. Understood?"
Tyler then took Kiria under his arm and led her out. They would all stop at lockers together, none of them being alone. Takanke called a friend on the force,
"Hey, Charlie. Saddle the horses. We got a major problem."
"What’s wrong hoss?"
"Little Kiria has a nasty stalker that bugged her bag and clothing, hell he even had a nest outside her frigging window."
"Jesus. We can be there in five minutes or less."
"I got that new kid escorting her home, but I want the school swept for bugs. me and him both think she isn't the only one."
"All right, we got units inbound. Who’s the perp?"
"Kouki Yataomo."
"That kid? I know his father. He's gonna be heart broken."
"If he tries to hurt Kiria, Tyler will most likely break his heart with his bare hands."
"That kid is something else. How we handling Kouki?"
"Let Tyler take him down. Then bag and tag. He thinks this could go ballistic, and I agree."
"Potential shooter?"
"In Japan? Doubtful. More likely some other problem."
"All right, Hoss. If this goes well, that kid could end up a local hero."
"Ha. He'd just laugh and say he did it for his friend."

Kiria and her little escort party left the school grounds five minutes later. Tyler had left the bugs in the principle’s office to throw Kouki off the scent. He also had them take an alternate route then the usual one. Tyler had Kiria's hand, Tatsi right behind them, Aki on the side near the road, and Melody next to Tatsi. The plan was to get them to her house, and Tyler would search for bugs, before bringing her to his room. She would stay there until Kouki was caught or killed. They passed the gas station and Tyler ran inside for a moment.
"That trick again?"
"Five bucks say he comes out with a candy bar apiece."
Sure enough he came back out with a bar for each.
"Called it."
Kiria seemed a little confused,
"It'll help to calm your nerves."
They understood then. The group munched on the treat as they arrived at the apartment complex. Kiria's mothers were waiting outside. When Kiria was spotted they went and hugged the bundle of joy. Tyler sized them up as they did so. One lady was quite tall, had long, thick luxurious hair in a single ponytail. Her eyes were a light green, her face a lively, warm image. She had a slender runner's build and a moderate bust. Her other mother was not quite as tall, but had slightly more muscle mass. Her hair was a fiery red, and her eyes a lovely shade of hazel. She had the same runner's physique as her wife, except her bust was far more apparent. Tyler and his friends approached the now angry mothers. The red head spoke first.
"I'm Kira. This is Sonya. Are you Tyler"
"I am, miss."
The woman's gaze soften a little but was still angry.
"And these are?"
"I’m Melody. A pleasure to meet you miss."
"Sup, Kira. Good to see you again."
"I'm Tatsi. Nice to meet you."
"Has Rin and Takanke filled you in?"
"Well, let’s get to work. This won't take long."
"Hold up, hero. I want to make sure of something first."
Sonya then knelt before her daughter, and looked her in the eye.
"Sweetie, can we trust him?"
Kiria's answer was nearly instant, and it made Tyler smile,
"Of course we can. He my scary big brother after all!"
Now satisfied, the ladies allowed access to their home. It was a two bedroom apartment, with a small living area right of the single hallway from the doorway. On the right was the living room with the kitchen behind it, the left a bathroom. Tyler and company removed their shoes and Tyler went straight for the bathroom.
"The hell you doing?"
"Getting the worst possibilities outta my head first."
"How'd the hell would he bug a bathroom?"
"Never underestimate an obsessed stalker. One raped three girls in a single day once back at my old school. They found him in the middle of his fourth. Word on the street was he'd been stalking them for a solid year prior. He'd broken into each of their houses and hidden cameras everywhere. Their bedrooms, showers, above the toilet, the sinks, hell I even heard he rigged their underwear drawer. So I'm gonna check everysin-BINGO, got one."
There was a collective gasp of shock as he pulled a small tube from what appeared to be a crack in the lining between the tub and wall.
"pf, seriously? This is gonna be way too easy."
Kira just started crying, Sonya hugged her as the boy then turned his attention to the overhead vent.
"Can I get a stool or box please?"
Kiria came with one, her little face pale. Tyler stood up and using a small flashlight, found a second camera.
"Seriously? Two? This is gonna suck. Well, at least he's unoriginal."
Aki and Tatsi took the little Kiria to the living room as Tyler continued his search of the bathroom. Sonya had also led Kira to the couch and was stoking her arm. Tyler came back with two more cameras, three mics, and a still-photo camera. The surveillance equipment no larger then triple a batteries. He then went around the living room, and found more mics and cameras. He had found no less then ten different cameras and 15 different mics in the space of two rooms. Every extra invasion of their privacy taking more and more color from the three girls faces. Aki, Tatsi, and Melody were doing there very best to comfort them, but were unsure exactly what to do. Then they heard Tyler grumbling from the mother's rooms.
"Oh for Christ’s sake. How stereotypical can you get? The friggin ac vent, really? I'd like to bug that pricks room, just so he knows how to do it properly. Huh? Gotcha, little fucker, c'mere. Okay, that's a decent trick, I'll admit that."
He came out with another hand full of cameras from the mother’s room. Seven more were laid out,
"Okay, this one here? From that AC vent aiming at your bed. This one was pointed downward just above the ceiling fan, this two were opposite each other behind an altered outlet, that one there and this one here were either side of the big mirror of yours, and this little fucker right here was mounted into the friggin head board. The best part? They're streamers."
The girls echoed the term,
"yep, all of them are connected to a single network. The stream master can see what's happening in full 1080p HD and perfect sound, so if anything interesting were to start to take place, the person can then open it up to the internet as a whole and charge people a premium rate to watch....and record too. I Think you can fill in the blanks from there."
The whole room went silent, and Tyler went back in the room to continue his sweep. The two mothers were on the verge of a full break down when a knock was heard at the door. Tyler reappeared like friggin magic. He went to answer the door for the ladies, when<
"hey, It's Rin. relax, I'm alone"
They were about to breathe a sigh of relief when,
"Fuck, he's got a hostage. Alright, asshole you wanna play dirty, I'mma play dirty. Melody, Aki, Tatsi, take Kiria to her room and close the door. Kira take the couch, Sonya get the door. I'll take the spot where the door stops opening. Oh, and I'm gonna borrow this."
He grabbed a six inch kitchen knife and hid it behind his arm. He took his position and the ladies did too. Sonya opened the door, only for Kouki to barrel it open and, using Rin as a shield, moved Sonya into the living room. Kouki had Rin at gunpoint. The weapon a small Japanese handgun, similar in style to a Colt 1911. Tyler saw the gun and just started laughing. Hard. Like doubled over laughing hard. He shut the door and dropped his knife. The two ladies seemed to go absolutely pale at this. Kouki, however, was not.
"Okay, hero. Give me Kiria, or I'll shoot her!"
"Pfff, go ahead then, shoot her."
Rin's eyes went wide at his laughing tone. Kouki pressed the gun into the terrified woman's head,
"Rin, I'm deeply sorry for this jackass. He actually thinks he's a threat."
"Shut up! Where's Kiria?!"
"You can't have her, and you never will. got a problem with that? Shoot me, I fucking dare you."
"I'm warning you.."
"Well I'm daring you. you gonna just stand there like a little bitch? Come on, right here"
Tyler crossed an X on his forehead,
"Take your best shot." banggggg
The gun went off and hit Tyler in the head. His head flew back, and Kouki turned to face the other now screaming women when...
"Okay, note to self: they make authentic-sounding airsoft guns in Japan. I got to get me a couple."
Tyler was smiling arrogantly as he rubbed a thumb on a small spot on his head. Everyone was speechless, especially Kouki.
"How? I SHOT you!"
Tyler just walked over and Kouki emptied his pistol into his chest, and not even a waver in Tyler's grin. Tyler took the now empty toy gun from the nerveless idiot's grip. He then flipped the guy onto his face and pinned him to the floor. Rin ran to Sonya and Kira and the ladies all hugged each other as Tyler explained his apparently bulletproof body.
"Okay, first off, this is an airsoft gun. It shoots little plastic pellets, not bullets. We got them everywhere back in the states. Some are so well made that you can't tell the difference between the replica and the real steel version. Only way to know for certain is to look down it's barrel. The realistic shot effects were a cool feature I did not know they had. I knew it was a toy when he passed me in the doorway. It friggin says so right here! Look, Tokyo Maui replica gun Inc. Its Tokyo Maui? Your an idiot, but you got good taste. I'm sorry for scaring everyone like that, but I was kinda having fun there. Only thing Rin woulda got from a point blank shot would be a nasty headache later, and maybe some light bleeding. That’s the worst this wimpy ass thing can do at 150fps."
The women all looked at each other,
"I don't know about you ladies, but I kinda wanna beat his ass really bad right now."
"I second that motion."
"I for one want to get hammered."
"We can do that after we toss the trash out."
Kouki was now sobbing under Tyler's knee of stone.
"I'm sorry,"
"Shut up, or I'll gag you."
Kouki went silent. Tyler then smiled as a thought occurred to him,
"Hey, ya know something? I just realized something."
All three ladies looked at each other then back to him,
"What now?"
"If this idiot was recording your...bedroom activities, and little Kiria in the shower, and selling that footage, those transactions can be tracked by the police, since it was illegally obtained footage. Throw Kiria into the mix and you got a child porn distributer. Police love taking you guys down hard. And given just how loved our Campus Little Sister is, this pedo is gonna be fucked for life, by life and a big black guy even scarier than I am."
he then leaned forward to make Kouki feel his breath,
"That’s what YOU have to look forward to now."
Then the door was kicked in and police swarmed the place. Tyler lifted Kouki off the floor and handed him over to the officers. He then explained his bug system,
"I haven't finished my sweep, I'd like to get back to it, if you don't mind."
The officer in charge, the one Takanke had called, gave him the nod,
"You follow him with a bag."
"Make it a large one, I'm betting on a large pile."
Kiria and the other girls were escorted out and given soda. Little Kiria ran to hug one cop,
"Unca Charlie!"
"Hey there Kiki! How's my girl?"
Tatsi was a little confused until Aki filled her in,
"That’s lieutenant Charlie up at the main precinct. Kira's older brother. He's Kiria's favorite uncle, she's his favorite niece."
"That's kinda cute."
"i know right?"
Melody was also smiling at the happy relatives.
"I wonder if he knows just how wrapped around her finger he is."
Kira, Sonya and Rin were all giving statements and explaining what had happened. Kouki was practically thrown into the cop car. His respected military colonel father on his way. The women were just finishing up their statements when Tyler came back out,
"Can we get another bag? Bastard was seriously OCD."
The gallon back was filled to capacity,
"The scary thing? Three quarters came from Kiria's room alone."
Everyone just went silent. Kira and Sonya just started crying. Kiria went very pale, as the police handed Tyler another bag and he disappeared back inside. Kiria was starting to sway back and forth,
"Shit, she's gonna faint! Kiria! Kiria! C'mere, girl!"
Kiria fell over, thankfully Aki was on alert and caught her. The little twin-tailed girl passed out from the stress and shock. Her mother came over, along with her friends. Tyler reappeared with the last bag full of bugs and saw Kiria on the ground.
"What happened?"
"She fainted! Must be the shock and stress."
"Take her to my room, she'll feel safer there."
"Why you think that?"
"Cause I'll be there. Kira, Sonya, Your homes clean."
"Are you sure?"
"I triple checked it myself. My suggestion going forward? Get a room on a higher floor. And I'll do a weekly bug check for you."
Rin spoke up
"I got a room on the fourth floor that’s empty. It's actually the unit next to Tyler's. I can have you moved in by tomorrow night, if you'd like."
The two ladies seemed to just deflate with the size of their breath of relief.
"Okay. We'll take it."
"I'll get the muscle together."
"Ahh, hello, I'm right here!"
Tyler had his arms out wide and a look of exasperation on his face. The women burst out laughing at the sight. Then the ladies had a request for Tyler,
"Hey, Tyler, can We ask you to do something?"
"I'll sweep the room for bugs myself."
"Thank you, but not what we wanted. Can Kiria stay at your place tonight? I don't think she can sleep in that room anymore."
"I understand. Sure, she's welcome for as long as she wants."
The ladies then breathed a sigh of relief. Tyler then noticed a familiar couple standing with Aki. They seemed to be deep in conversation. Tatsi was next to her, and Melody was speaking into her phone. Kiria was still unconscious.
"Hey, it okay if I bring Kiria to my room? It's not right leaving her on the ground like that."
Lieutenant Charlie, along with Rin, Sonya, and Kira nodded and smiled as they saw the horribly scarred boy cradling the smaller, far more delicate girl like she was made of butterfly wings and carry her up the stairs. He went inside and laid her on his bed, and put a blanket over her. He then went back outside to assist as needed. He returned to find Rin discussing the new room with Kiria's mothers, who stopped when they noticed Tyler,
"How is she?"
"Sleeping. I put her in my bed."
"Is she safe in there?"
"Yes. I turned the bolt myself."
"Thank god you showed up here when you did. All of us owe you a great deal for saving our little sprite."
"Hey, I look after my friends. I'm just sorry for letting that bastard hold you as a nonhostage for so long."
"I'll forgive you, only if you keep protecting Kiria."
Tyler then went to check on the other girls, leaving the women to themselves,
"That boy."
"I know right? I see why Kiria likes him some much."
"He still scares me."
"He scares us too, but he has Kiria's whole hearted devotion, so we'll trust him for now."
"So much you're letting your daughter share a room with him? You do know he locks it with both bolt AND chain right?"
"Somehow that doesn't surprise me. Plus, I get the feeling that if he truly WANTED to do something to her, he could and there wouldn't be a damned thing we could do to stop him."
"Kira's right. He has protected Kiria from harm with his own body twice now. I say he's earned some level of both respect and trust."
Tyler walked over to where Aki was still talking with her parents,
"AND I'm saying you don't even know him! He saved me from getting hit by a truck yesterday!"
"And we're saying he's dangerous. Akimara, please, we're just trying to keep you from getting hurt."
"Of course he's dangerous. Just think where he came from! And as for him hurting me? Pff, he's afraid to even shake my hand in case he hurts me. so seriously? Relax."
"Akimara? That’s what Aki id short for?"
Aki jumped at his voice that seemed to come from outta nowhere. She rounded on him and smacked him, and instantly regretted it.
"Yeah? What of it?
Tyler smiled as she wrung her stinging hand out,
"hm? oh, er, nothing. It's kinda cute."
She blushed,
"Listen here playboy,"
"Yes? Speak up I'm having a hard time hearing you down there!"
"I'm gonna kill you, I swear to god."
"Swearing? In front of your parents? My word young lady!"
Aki literally started hopping, mad as she was. A massive smile fighting her irritation. Her parents, while trying to remain stern, were also fighting a chuckle or two at their banter. Tyler then turned to the pair, a smile on his face.
"Hi, you must be Aki's parents. I'm Tyler. Nice to meet you."
He extended his hand. Her father, a man of middle height, balding head, and well muscled build, shook his hand,
"I'm Akimon. Pleasure to meet the boy my little Aki holds in such high regard."
"Nice to meet you."
"I'm Akimoto. A pleasure."
"Same. So Aki, how you holding up?"
She sighed,
"That’s some gnarly sh-oh crap I mean!"
Her parents faces were priceless, Tyler just laughed,
"If you want, I can bug sweep your place. Course we know Aki's the biggest pest in the place!"
"You know I'mma kill you right?"
"ahh, yes officer. This girl right here."
"Hey, mom? Where's my kendo sword?"
The friends started laughing again.
"Alright, well, Kiria's asleep in my room. You should come check on her later. I think it'd make her feel better."
"I'll do that. only..."
"Don't worry, I still have some of Asika's rice balls. And a frozen pizza in the fridge."
"Not what I meant! And I know you can't cook your way out of a box."
"Interesting image."
"Screw you. Mom, Dad, can I check on Kiria later?"
The chuckling parents looked at each other, still a little concerned.
"He lives on the fourth floor, right?"
"Ahh yeah that one there."
"Really? That's his?"
"Ahh, yeah. why something happen there?"
"Ahh, no, it's just so close to our own home. Alright, Aki. You can go visit. As long as you bring your cellphone."
"Yay! I get to see the beasts lair!"
"uh, phrasing"
They laughed and Tyler went over to Tatsi.
"Hey, you good?"
"yeah, I called a taxi."
"You live far?"
"Not really, just a mile or two that way."
"Here. Sorry you got roped into this mess."
he tossed her a 100 yen bill. She smiled as that was her taxi's cost.
"No problem. Kiria's a little sister to everyone at school. We'd all be crushed if she got hurt. Hell, you might get a little fan club after this little stunt. I can see it now. Tyler: the dark Protector of our little Angel! Oh they're gonna have a field day with that."
"Well, I guess you must be my NO.1 fan then?"
"Piss off. Anyway, that’s my Taxi cya tomorrow hero."
"Later fangirl."
They fist bumped and she headed off. Tyler made a mental note of her taxi's license plate as it drove off. He then went over to where Melody was sitting on a bench watching the fiasco wind down.
"Hey. You good? That was intense."
He sat beside the beauty in disguise. She then laid her head against his shoulder and he held her,
"I was scared for a moment there."
"I heard you taunting him, then the gunshot. And then your voice stopped for a moment. My heart stopped too. Then I heard you laughing and felt better. But it was still terrifying."
"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I didn't mean to."
"I know you didn't. It just scared me that I might lose you."
"Never assume I'm dead until after seeing the body. I won't go down that easily."
She snuggled into his embrace mor, kicking her feet up on the bench,
"I know you won't."
"You call a taxi?"
"No, my mother's coming to pick me up. She said she'd be an hour though."
"Wanna come hang out in my room? Kiria might feel better having another girl around."
Melody smiled widely,
"I'd love too."
"Coolio. Fair warning though. I can't cook worth shit."
she gave a mischievous smile,
"Don't worry. I can."
"Well, let’s go-oh on second thought, let’s wait a minute."
"See that SUV? Let’s go watch the fireworks."
The big black SUV parked in an open spot next to a squad car. Tyler took Melody by the hand and led her to a spot where they could easily see the cuffed Kouki and hear every word spoken. A tall, board-shouldered man in a Japanese military jacket decorated in numerous ribbons, medals, and stars was let out of the back seat. He was an imposing man with a very intense aura. The man then approached Lieutenant Charlie, who bowed deeply to the man.
"Lady and me, I present you, tonight’s entertainment: Proud, distinguished, honorable father meets his child porn distributing, stalker, would-be rapist, attempted murderer son in the back of a police car. I am afraid concessions are sold out. So please sit back, relax, and enjoy the karma."
Tyler was whispering directly into Melody's ear. She shivered a little,
"I want you to do that again, but when we are alone next time, or on the phone."
"As you wish, my Melodious One."
"Okay there is such a thing as too smooth."
Tyler chuckled as The tall man went over to the car, which Charlie opened. From their viewing point, Tyler could both see everything, and hear everything.
"Well? Not even gonna look me in the eye?"
The father's voice was hard, firm and level. Tyler assumed it was the same voice he used when dealing with idiot recruits. Kouki then looked up timidly at his father.
"At least you can pretend to be a man when required. You are no longer my son. You are hereby disowned. I will not have a child-porn distributer in my family. You have brought shame to the name Yataomo which once was even had audiences with the emperor, and worse endangered the lives of your friends and classmates, all for your sickening pleasure. As far as the entirety of the family is concerned, you died when we got that phone call."
Not waiting for a response the man slammed the car door shut, and an officer climbed in and took him away, three other cruisers behind. The tall man then went over to Charlie and seemed to ask him a question. Charlie then pointed in Tyler's direction.
"I bet you a second date he's gonna say something along the lines of...our family is deeply ashamed for his behavior, we wish to make amends."
"If your wrong"
"I have to spend every single lunch period in the library with you. Sound good?"
"sounds like a win-win for us both. I'm in"
"Hey, Tyler! Could you come here for a moment?"
"yes sir! I'll be right back."
"I'll be waiting."
He then went over to where Charlie and his imposing friend was waiting. Once he reached the pair Charlie went into introductions.
"Tyler, allow me to present Lieutenant Colonel Otagowa Yataomo. He is currently the commander of the Eastern Japanese Imperial fleet. Sir this is Tyler Naamani."
"A pleasure to meet you sir. Forgive my ignorance, but do I bow or shake your hand?"
A twinkle came into the important man's eyes.
"Either would suffice. I must say it's refreshing seeing a young man with the proper manners."
Tyler offered his hand and the Lt col shook it. The man was both impressed, and surprised at the strength of Tyler's grip.
"You have quiet the grip on you son,"
"I hope I didn't hurt you."
The man laughed,
"This is the boy that intimidated Takanke? He seems more like a lamb then the demon I've heard about."
"Well, I only call the demon when my friends are in danger."
The man then looked Tyler in the eye,
"And If I were to pose a threat?"
"You would not leave here alive."
Every ounce of light had left his eyes, replaced with a cold fury that even the Lt. Col. had a hard time gazing into. Taken aback at his complete 180, Otagowa cleared his throat.
"I'm sorry for provoking you. I merely wanted to see what could intimidate Takanke. I promise you I am no threat to your friends."
"If you ever do, I will remove that threat."
His tone was hard as steel, and cold as ice. Charlie took a step back from the two of them. The Otagowa sighed.
"Let’s discuss the actual reason I wanted to talk to you."
"Alright sure."
The tense atmosphere evaporated nearly instantly. Tyler was back to his cheery self. Otagowa was once again knocked off balance by the kid’s intensity, and his jump from, murderous rage to a cheery demeanor like flipping a light switch.
"I want to extend my family's deepest apologies. To you and miss Kiria. How is the little miss?"
"Sleeping. The shock and stress caused her to faint. She's in my apartment."
"I'll apologize myself when she recovers. I understand my ex-son fired on you with an airsoft gun?"
"He did. I did not know they made them with realistic firing sounds."
"Again I must apologize for his stupidity. Those replicas are new actually. They started making them last year."
"You'd think it would Be America to make a toy gun more realistic first."
Otagowa smiled at this,
"You'd think right? Now, I wish to make amends. Here."
he handed Tyler a golden business card with Otagowa's name and various contact information
"That is my personal contact information. YOU ever need anything, call, and my family will do everything in its power to aid you."
"Thank you sir. But it's not necessary really. I merely protected my friend. Her safety is reward enough."
Otagowa was shocked for a moment as Tyler held the card back to him.
"Why oh why couldn't Kouki have been like you?"
"Sorry, nothing. In that case. Let me say this, you are always welcome in our homes and businesses. We own a fair few. Let me see that card."
He took it and placed it in his pocket ad took out another one. This one was a gold-trimmed black. It said Family Friend in solid gold letters, Otagowa then used a special pen to write Tyler's name in gold lettering on the card. He then handed it back to him.
"Here. This is the very least I can do."
"If possible, could you give one of these to Kiria and her mothers? Plus Rin, Aki, Tatsi and Melody? They helped me."
"You flat out refuse a reward for yourself, but barter for one on their behalf? Seriously, Kouki why couldn't you have been HIM?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Nothing. I will do as you have asked. You're right. They did just as much as you. It's only right they receive one too. These will let you use our hotels, resorts, trains, planes and ships free of charge. Just show them the card or enter this number in the code redemption slot. It's good for life. It signifies that you are a person of extreme importance to our highly respected family. If you have never heard of us, we own roughly a third of all Japans shipping companies, fifteen trains nationwide, run an airline company, and have our own cruise ship company. Next time you visit a mall, or other large shopping district count how many buildings bare our name."
"Thank you sir. Now I think I'll answer your other question."
"My other question?"
"yes, why couldn't Kouki turn out like me? Well, this is why."
Otagowa was confused until Tyler undid his shirt and showed off his scars, he took off his shirt and showed off his entire collection, including the still healing wounds from yesterdays fish tank. Otagowa, and Charlie were appalled. Otagowa was the less appalled though he did have some questions,
"Son, what the hell happened to you?"
"My hometown wasn't very fond on me."
"Wait, you're saying your hometown, the entire town, did this to you?"
"Yep. Daily. Oh, the ones still healing are from yesterday."
"What happened yesterday?"
"A teacher by the name of Ikashi lost it after I stood up to his bullying of his students and smashed a fish tank on my back."
"Jesus kid! No way that’s true. You would not be standing here like this if it were."
"Sir, he's telling the truth. My partner Griff took the call. He said that the boy was bleeding like a stuck hog and was smiling. I got a video to show you from Takanke. Here."
Otagowa watched the video Asuika shot, and then Charlie showed him the footage of the classroom yesterday. Otagowa just looked at him as if he didn't know how to react.
"That first video? That was an easy day. A very easy day. There was a big game day coming up, and they needed their energy."
"How can you just accept their torment?"
"Because if I fought back, for anything without their permission, I would be arrested, beaten some more, sent to some home for troubled youth, forced to listen to a shrink tell me there’s something wrong with me, get more hardcore drugs forced down my throat than a desperate junkie, get beaten some more and then get shipped back. I just stopped fighting after a while. Plus nothing they did hurt after awhile so yeah."
"Good lord."
"Now I understand. I wish I didn't but I do. Kid I'm giving you my contact card and just shut up and take it. Charlie? Can I get copies of those. I have some people who could benefit from a very harsh reality check."
"Yes sir."
Otagowa the bowed to Tyler, who bowed back.
"Once again I'm sorry for the trouble. I will be getting a hotel room so I can give Miss Kiria’s family their cards myself. I will take my leave now."
"A pleasure to meet you sir."
"A pleasure as well, if only under better circumstances."
"There’s always next time."
"Wise lad! Charlie. show that brat no mercy."
"Yes sir."
Otagowa then gave Tyler a card for Melody.
"I think you should be the one to give the miss over there her gift."
Tyler smiled, and stepped back as Otagowa climbed into his SUV, and his driver shut the door. The black vehicle then left the premises. Charlie sighed,
"I'd like to check on Kiria if you don't mind."
"Sure. Hey Melody we're heading up."
The blue-eyed girl smiled and followed him. Aki was waiting for them.
"Bout damn time! Oh hey Melody, checking on Kiria?"
"Yes, and spending some time here until my Mother gets here."
"Ha. Guess you are popular Tyler."
"yeah I guess."
He turned the bolt and the three of them entered. They crept over to find little Kiria reading one of his manga. The small girl had undone her twin tails and now seemed even younger. She looked to see the others and jumped.
"Hey, that’s a Fairytail Manga! Good call."
Tyler and Charlie went over to the blushing girl.
"How you doing Kiki?"
"I'm fine now unca. I guess I'm sleeping here tonight?"
"Yeah. Your moms think I'd be good for you. That reminds me, I gotta get your sleepover stuff. Hey Aki, I'll be right back."
"Nah let me go kid, you've been bustin your ass for Kiki here, let us adults fell a little useful?"
"Okay, but only a little okay? Otherwise I'd be out've a job."
The cop chuckled and headed out, leaving the kids alone. Tyler smiled and went to his small kitchen and pulled a delivery menu. he glanced at the clock, 6:30.
"Hey, I'm gonna order some pizzas, whatcha want? Melody when's your mom coming?
"i just got a text. She can't make it, so she's sending a emergency care package via a hired delivery driver for me to spend the night at a trusted friends house. Three guess's where that is?"
"You're gonna crash here? Your mom cool with you sharing a room with a boy she's never met?"
"My mom said she'll trust my judgement. Plus she knows all about you. She's Asuika."
"Seriously? That makes things a helluva lot easier. You tell her you're crashing here?"
"I doing it now."
"Oh this I gotta watch"
He went and sat beside Melody and watched her hit send, not even five seconds later her phone rang and she answered it.
"Hello? Hello mother, yes...I'm his girlfriend....I trust him......okay here he is."
She was smiling hard as she handed him the phone,
"Hollywood sperm bank, you squeeze'em we freeze'em how may I direct your call?"
"Fuck you."
"Keep talking and I'll shoot your dick off."
"yes Ma'am"
"Better. So how long you been dating my daughter?"
"hmmmm, since lunch."
"....Seriously? The way she talks, its like you've been together for years. Hard to believe,"
"We just met yesterday?"
"Literally! I'm gonna say this once. I trust you and all, but ya know Momma bear. Take care of her, alright? If you don't you will answer to me. Understood?"
"Stuff her with pizza, soda, and break out my ecchi Anime collection! Understood perfectly!"
"She's gonna get diabetes after a night at your place."
"Not one night, two? Definitely. oh, and for the record?"
"She's always welcome at my door. So, if she's ever stranded again, just send her here. I'll look after her."
"Careful, I might take you up on that."
"I'd be insulted if you didn't. Oh! Her Package's here! Here chat with melody!"
he tossed the phone to Melody who caught it and he opened his door to a skinny dude with a large box,
"I got a package for Melody Sakamuji."
"She's in here bro, gimme a sec,"
He closed the door undid the chain ad opened it fully, Melody poked her head around the corner,
"Hey, Ikki. Tyler can take it."
"Sure thing. Here dude, careful it's heavy."
"Thanks, what’s the charge?"
"Asuika paid already."
"Not in Japan, here they pay delivery drivers like actual humans."
"Ah that’s right I forgot. American ya see."
"I'm sorry."
"So am I. Thanks again dude, catchya later."
"Same bro take care of Melody."
They brofisted and Tyler brought the box into the main room. He set it down and let Melody take it from there. He went and placed an order for 8 large pizzas and 2 two litters of soda while the girls all dissected Melody's care package. The there was a knock on the door. Tyler went and opened it to see Charlie with Kiria's sleepover supplies. Tyler undid the chain again and let the cop in.
"Chaining a steel door shut when you have all these girls in here? A good cop might get the wrong idea."
"too bad we don't have a good cop here."
"I walked into that one. Here Kiki, oh and Aki? Your parents sent up a sleepover delivery too."
Aki seemed surprised,
"Really? What made them make that jump?"
"Well, The dean canceled school for tomorrow. It seems the sweeper squad has found literally a thousand bugs throughout the school, so they're having us take tomorrow to go over the entire campus with a fine toothed comb. Hey Tyler you should know something."
"What’s that?"
"You're a local hero now. You and your friends helped our version of the FBI take down a massive child porn ring today. The ring was one of the largest in Japan."
"Kinda funny how things snowball? Only thing I had on my mind was protecting my friend, and I wind up taking an entire child porn ring down in the process? Who was the ringleader?"
"You'll love this. Ikashi."
"But I thought he was in jail?"
"Yep, we only connected the dots maybe ten minutes ago. It seems Ikashi's tenure was a result of that ring, he used Kouki and his family's name to gather material, then would sell it to the highest bidder. Funniest part is, we can get every single bidder that bought something. Kouki had it all on his laptop. So now, Tyler you're officially a local hero and the toast of the town! Not bad for your second day."
"Kinda scared for my third."
"Well, I won't say anything. But you should be prepared for lots and lots of fan mail."
"Um, Charlie? I just got a very bad hunch."
"I'm listening."
"are we sure that Kiria's apartment was the only one that was bugged?"
The room stopped. All that was heard was the ticking clock. Charlie then reached over and pulled his radio.
"Command, this is Charlie."
"What’s up Lt?"
"Our boy just raised a scary question."
"What is it?"
"Are we sure that only Kiria's apartment was bugged?"
"Jesus Christ. Do those girls have a safe place to stay?"
Here Tyler spoke up,
"They do. right here, I checked this place myself when I moved in two days ago. I will check it again, but I locked the deadbolt every time and I saw zero signs of anyone else in my apartment."
"They will stay with Tyler while their apartments are swept."
"Check houses too, If I were you, I'd check literally everywhere, anywhere, and everywhere else in between that students spent any amount of time at. I'll help out too in the morning. But I can say for one hundred percent of my certainty that my room is clean."
"Command, tell the bug team that the entire force just got added to their manpower, if what Tyler says is true then we may have a far bigger catch here then we first thought, and get this to Tokyo. We may have links to other rings here."
"Yes sir."
Charlie then turned to the now silent kids.
"Well, looks like another all nighter for me. If Tyler says this place is safe, then I doubt even a missile could endanger you. So all of you just relax, we'll handle it from here."
Not a word. Charlie sighed and just left. He would first grab a coffee, and then start sweeping rooms immediately.
Tyler then got up and swept his room for bugs. He spent a good ten minutes searching and...nothing. His room was still clean. After coming up with nothing, the girls all visibly relaxed. Little Kiria was shaking again, but then Tyler went over to her and hugged her tightly. He then stroked her long hair soothingly, and she stopped shaking. Aki then got a phone call from Tatsi. She answered and seemed scared, and the others in the room could hear her side of the conversation,
"Hey, Aki, the police are here sweeping for bugs too, what the hell happened?"
"Tyler got a bad hunch. So now they're checking everywhere."
"Holy shit they found one in my bathroom!"
"Jesus. Tatsi, If you need a place to stay, Tyler's room is clean."
"Is it alright?"
"ask him yourself."
Tyler took the phone,
"Hey, Tatsi. I got a spare spot on my floor if you bring a bag. My doors open for you. just knock."
"Are you sure?"
"If you hurry we'll save you some pizza."
"I will be there in ten minutes!"
"Atta girl! Cya in a bit!"
He handed the phone back to Aki and the girls divided up the rather large amount of floor space. Kiria got the bed, Aki took a spot next to the bed, Melody claimed a spot near the wall, and Tyler would sleep in the hallway, as a first line of defense. He didn't have a sleeping bag, but would sleep against the wall. He had a large kitchen knife he was gonna use in case of idiot. He was just digging out platers and cups when a loud bang on his door was heard. he went over and found Charlie at his door again. He opened,
"Whatever it is officer, Aki did it."
"She is a very guilty girl, but not why I'm here. Otagowa somehow found out you didn't have a TV or anything like that so he had be Deliver this to you."
It was a large 50 inch flat screen smart TV, a brand new game station and a 4000 American gift card for the online game store, and another card with another thousand on it for general purpose.
"Okay. I officially owe him big time. Can you help get this in here?"
"Sure kid."
The two men carried everything inside, Tyler just barely set it all down when Tatsi arrived at the same time as the pizzas. Tyler went to pay, but Charlie beat him to it,
"Here kids, on me. Tyler our sweeper squads have come up with several thousand bugs in the time since that order went out. This is the least I can do."
"Well, alright if you insist. Later Charlie."
"Night kids."
The door shut and Tyler rebolted it and rechained it. He then got a text from Rin with the buildings WIFI password. He walked in to find the pizzas untouched and the girls busily unpacking the large TV. Tyler jumped right in to help. Fifteen minutes later, they were all cuddled up on the floor with their sleeping bags, watching a favorite Anime from his Collection, one none of the girls had seen. It was called: STRIKE WITCHES They were shoveling pizza and slurping soda as they unwound from the trying day. Tyler had Melody leaning against his arm, she having undid her braid and her luxurious mane flowed freely. The girls were all thoroughly enjoying his entertainment choice, loving the thrills of the gunshots and the hilarity losing a single pair of panties could cause. They finished the first twelve episodes.
"Well? Am I good or what?"
"Is that it?"
"Yeah! Please tell me there’s more!"
"I got another season and a full movie. The movie comes last in the timeline though. Wanna start the next season?"
"Ahh duh! Fire it up!"
"You got any more like this one?"
"I got one with girls and tanks, its the same thing, only more MOE. It's only twelve episodes and a movie. We can check it out if you'd like."
"Sure, after we burn through this one."
"As you wish miladies!"
"Good boy!"
The friends all laughed, and they watched the next season. As they recovered from the emotional roller-coaster that last season brought, Tyler cleaned up the remains of their feast. The five of them had gone through five of the 8 pizzas and there was only half a two litter left. Kiria had crawled into the bed and passed out, Tatsi and Aki were cuddling together in a single sleeping bag. Tyler stopped the show so they wouldn't miss anything. Only her and Melody were awake. He was putting a plate away when she came up behind him,
"hey, want some help?"
"Its cool, I'm nearly done. You gonna untape your chest?"
Melody smiled at his question.
"I was going to. I usually do it right before bed."
"It doesn't hurt when you do that?"
"No, I got used to the discomfort. I'm sure you understand."
"I do. I usually sleep without a shirt on, so enjoy that."
"I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to see your scars with my own eyes."
Tyler smiled. He set the extra pizzas on the small stove,
"We got a full free day tomorrow."
"Wanna do something?"
Melody smiled,
"Like what?"
"Oh, I'm sure I can come up with something. All else fails, lets get lost."
"Sounds like fun. Only.."
"I doubt it'd be just us."
"yeah fair point. Hey, we could always sneak out!"
"I think you might be a bad influence on me."
"You just realizing this now?"
She snuggled his arm,
"Oh I knew you would defile my purity right from the get go."
"Well, if I defile purity, then you must restore it."
"I don't think even angel could restore your purity."
"Well, you could at least try!"
"You think I'm angel?"
"Well I'm a demon. From down here, you're all angels to me. Except Aki, I get the feeling she's more demented succubus/vampire."
"Careful, she'll hear you."
"Oh I hope she did. Her reaction would be priceless."
"you're evil."
"And your beautiful."
She blushed, and he turned to look at her, a smile of pure joy on his face.
"Hey, lets crash for the night. I got a lot of work to do tomorrow."
"You're gonna help with the bug sweep?"
"Yep. It'll go a lot faster if I do."
"We'll help as much as we can."
"Sounds like an excuse for a group date."
"Oh no, its a hangout session."
"yep. I don't share what’s mine."
"ohhhh, the possessive type, I like it!"
"And what type are you?"
"Me? hmmm, I'm THIS type!"
He pounced on the blue-eyed girl, and hugged her against him, and pressed his head into her hair,
"Like it?"
She wrapped her arms around the bigger guy,
"It's warm."
"You're warmer."
"You're like a statue."
"You're like a teddy bear."
They stood like that for a moment, until Melody yawned.
"Hey, lights out. Come on."
He walked over to her sleeping bag, dodging the other girls forms. They reached her bag, and he went to take his own spot in the hall, when Melody placed a hand on his back,
"You're forgetting something."
"No, just wanted to see if you were serious."
Her eyes said that she was. He pulled his shirt off, and the light from the moon played across the lines on his body. The thin ridges of scar tissue evidence of the hell he grew up in. Melody's brilliant blue eyes went wide as she beheld his past in all it's crisscrossed glory. She extended her hand and traced a particularly long one,
"That one's from the time they tied a knife on a rope and twirled it at me. It hit me here and cut to here."
He took her hand and moved her finger to two points, a good six inches apart.
"I was able to sew my skin back together, and the infection only lasted a week."
Her hand trembled in his, and he turned around to see his back scars. The ones from the fish tank now fully closed, and were healing nicely. They would leave a fresh set of new scars on his back. She placed her hand in the center of his back, right on a rather thick set of lines,
"i can feel your hand there. Been a while since I could feel ANYTHING in that spot. That was a favorite spot to break bricks and cinderblocks."
Melody went and laid her head against his scarred back, and he felt he trace a few more. Then she stepped back.
"Don't turn around till I say, okay?"
He heard the rustling of cloth, and her gasp a little as she took in a relieved breath. He then heard more cloth brushing over skin, another relieved breath, then
"Okay. you can look."
He turned and his mouth dropped. For standing where Melody had been originally, was the blue-eyed, big breasted, long haired goddess in the photo. She had undid her chest tape, and her massive Double-Ds were now free beneath her thin night robe, her hair had been let out of it's braid and was softly flowing with a gentle flow of air, and she had removed her glasses, putting her sapphires on full display. Her slightly pale skin had a soft glow, making her image seem more spirit like then lowly human. She smiled gently at his awestruck expression,
"Was it all you hoped?"
"There are not words to describe how you appear to me right now."
She had changed into a night robe that stopped at her knees, and the soft blue cloth seemed to struggle to contain her glorious melons. The robe was belted with a sash of a softer blue. Tyler was completely mesmerized by the her. Melody was still smiling,
"Well? You should get to sleep."
Her lightly mocking tone brought him back to his senses.
"Would you like me to wake you early so you can get disguised again?"
She was a little surprised he would offer, but then face settled into a look of gratitude.
"Would you please? I'm not ready to walk freely just yet."
"I understand. Goodnight Melody."
"Goodnight Tyler. Where are you gonna sleep?"
"In the hall."
"I don't have a sleeping bag, plus anyone dumb enough to break in has to first get passed me."
Tyler went and sat in the hall, and set his back against the wall. He then was about to start to nod off, when,
"You can share my bag if you want."
Melody was slightly blushing as she said this. She had her head turned to the side and her hair was covering her right side.
"Are you sure? It'd be a tight squeeze."
"Do you not want to?"
"I'd be lying if I said I didn't. I want to make sure that you're sure."
She turned to face him,
"I am."
"Well, alright then."
HE got off the floor and went over to her. She took her spot in the sleeping bag, and he squeezed in beside her. He instantly felt her large breasts pressing against his chest as he climbed in beside her. He made it in and looked to see her with outstretched arms,
"Embracing might help with the crampedness."
"Sounds comfy."
He wrapped his longer arms around her, and she did the same. Hugging her was like hugging a warm pillow, soft as her skin was. He laid his head on the pillow next to her head, and they gazed into each other’s eyes.
"Goodnight Melody,"
"Goodnight Tyler."
Tyler drifted off into the deepest, warmest, most peaceful sleep he had ever known.
Tyler's phone vibrated in his ear and he woke right up. He found his face buried in Melody's massive bust, and his hands around her body. He could feel her breath on the top of his head. At some point last night, he'd buried his face into her soft bosom, and she had cradled his head like a mother. It felt nice. Tyler then started to extract himself from her warm embrace. He got a hand free and started gently shaking the girl. She opened her eyes and smiled as she looked into his own,
"Morning, time to put your face on."
"Morning to you too, my love"
Tyler's heart skipped a beat. The pair then extracted themselves from the warm cocoon. Tyler was once again entranced by Melody's radiance, and her morning look as breathtaking as it was last night. She noticed him staring, and smiled, as she gathered her stuff for a shower,
"I hope you don't spend too much time staring at my photo."
"Photos do not do you justice. I'd much rather stare at the real thing."
She blushed a little, and went into the bathroom,
"Try not to miss me my too much."
"If you have that kinda separation anxiety, then lets shower together."
She blushed hard at that one, and she had to look away as she responded,
"Let’s wait until our second week of our relationship for that kinda thing."
"I'd wait for you forever."
She shut the door then, as any longer and her heart might literally stop. Tyler smiled as he went and checked on the other girls. Kiria was hugging a small plush rabbit, still fast asleep in his bed. Aki and Tatsi were wrapped in each other's arms like lifelong lovers, and Tyler noticed that Aki's robe had come undone at some point, and her cleavage was on full display. Her bust was respectable, and her nipples large. Tyler smiled was he tossed one of his shirts over her front. He then went to start making breakfast for the sure to be hungry ladies. He was making the only thing he had any real talent in making, pancakes, bacon, sausages, and some eggs if they wanted them. He could hear the shower going, and for the first time, felt the temptation to peek. Only thing that stopped him? He did not want to die just yet. He finished the first round of the large breakfast when he heard a low groan,
"oohh. What time is it?"
Little Kiria came walking over sleepily with her little bunny in her hands. Her long night shirt making her already small frame seem even smaller.
"Morning, fuzzhead. Foods nearly ready. Melody's in the shower, and the other two are still out cold. Look, they're cute like that aren't they?"
Kiria looked over and giggled a little at the sight of the still-asleep pair.
"They look like they had little fun last night! Hey, where's my phone? I gotta get a pic!"
Tyler tossed her small pink phone over to her,
"heads up, I had all your phones charging here last night. If you move that shirt, you'll get the natural state she was in when I woke up."
She moved the shirt and giggled quietly as she then took a photo of the lover-like sleepers. She replaced the covering. She then went and sat at the small counter. She was sniggering as she reviewed the image.
"Cute, eh?"
She showed her photo, near topless Aki and all to Tyler.
"Wow, Kiria, you seem like an innocent little angel, but you're a dirty little girl, aren't you?"
She gave such a sweet smile as she replied,
"Oh, you have no idea! Hehe!"
that explains why her room had so many bugs in it. A girl as cute as her, with a perverted mindset? Jesus, I'm surprised she hasn't been kidnapped by now.
Tyler then set the next round of pancakes and other food to ready up.
"Wait for the others, young lady. Or you get cold cereal and milk."
Kiria withdrew her hand from trying to sneak an early piece of bacon. Tyler hadn't even turned around as he issued his warning. Kiria then sighed and hopped off her stool to get ready for a shower. Melody then came out and Kiria went in, tagging the girl as she did so. Melody had donned her disguise, her melons were taped back down, her hair in it's braid, and she was wearing her glasses. She was wearing a light shirt and jeans as she took a stool at the counter. She smiled as Tyler set more bacon to fry. They could hear little Kiria singing softly in the shower, her voice cute and high. Tyler had just taken off the next finished batch when his phone rattled off some machinegun fire. He picked it up.
"Hello? Tyler speaking."
"hey, son."
It was his mother. He tensed right up like he'd just been tazered.
"What's up, mom?"
"Just checking in on you. It's been what three days? How you doing?"
"Well, I haven't been beaten with a brick yet so that's a plus."
"Pff, People don't do that anyway. Make any friends?"
"A few."
"Well, that’s great. I'd like to meet them sometime. Meet any girls?"
"A few."
"Well, looks like you're moving up in the world! I heard the school closed for today. What happened?"
"Some problems with the school computers."
"tch, they should just have you fix it. God knows you could."
"Anything else you needed? I got the stove going."
"Making your specialty?"
"Yep, had a little sleepover, so my friends get to be spoiled."
"I'm jealous. Wanna tell me bout the sleepover?"
"No not really."
"You're always like this, what do you think can happen?"
"Well, I don't have to worry about getting beaten with pipes or cinderblocks by the students here, so not much."
"they didn't do that here either! Stop making up stories!"
"Please don't call me again, okay? You never saw the truth then and you won't see it now. I gotta go, I got a stove going."
"Whatever, just remember I could have you pulled from that school anytime-"
"I will never go back. I won't go, and you can't make me. Never call me again."
he hung up, then called Asuika. It only rung three times.
"Hey Tyler, mornin how was your night?"
"Hey, I need you to know something."
"What happened?"
"I got a call from my mother just now."
"she threatened to bring me back, to pull me from this school."
"Jesus. What kinda mother would willingly drag her son back to hell?"
"The kind that refused to see what she didn't want to. She turned a blind eye so she wouldn't have to do anything. I just want to make you aware. And to make something as crystal clear as I can."
"What’s that?"
"I will die before I go back."
"What do you need?"
"Make sure she can't pull me back there. I can't fight this battle, so I'm turning to someone who I think can. So, can you help me?"
Asuika was speechless for a moment, but she replied with a vicious determination,
"Okay. Tyler, I want you to know something yourself."
"Thanks to your actions these last few days, you have gained both tremendous respect, and immense gratitude from the city, and a few very well-connected individuals. Namely Takanke, Myself, Otagowa, and a few more. I will promise you this: We will not let them drag you back to hell. Now if you will excuse me, I have a few phone calls to make."
"I'm trusting you on this, Asuika. Do not let me down."
"You've suffered enough. We got this."
She hung up her phone and immediately dialed the number for a friend.
"Hey, Otagowa. How are you today?"
The important man was heard laughing on the line,
"I'm doing good this morning, Suika, what makes you call this early in the morning?"
"I just got a call from Tyler."
"What did the young man want?"
"ota, it was a plea for help. His mother just threatened to have him pulled from the school."
"Jesus. You mean she called him to just threaten him?"
"It gets worse. She then threatened to bring him back."
"Good lord. What did he ask for?"
"He wants to stay. His exact words were: I will die before I go back. Ota, we can't let him go back, not when he's just finally starting to find happiness."
"What do you need, Asuika? Everything the Yataomo family has is at your disposal."
Tyler took in a massive shuddering breath as he hung up. The die has been cast. Do not fuck this up, Asuika
He then felt a hand on his shoulder. He placed his own over it and turned to see Melody giving him a look of concern.
"Are you okay?"
Tyler let his breath out, and it sounded like he was nearly about to cry,
"No. No I am not."
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
He didn't respond and just hugged her tightly, and buried his head in her hair. He clung to her like a drowning man clings to a rock. Melody said nothing and merely hugged him back just as tightly.
"I'm scared."
Her breath caught as he shared his feelings with her. She then remembered a conversation they had yesterday in the library,
"I only forged my mask so the world wouldn't smell blood in the water. I don't need that here. So I'll hang it up. If I hung mine up, would you hang yours beside mine?"
She then realized he'd already hung up his mask, and understood just how terrifying having to put it back on must seem to him. How terrifying, and just how painful it must be to finally escape the darkness, only for that last tendril to still try to drag you back to the bottom.
"I am too. But have faith in my mother. She'll take care of it."
"I'll tell you exactly what I told her."
"What was that?"
"I will die before I go back."
"You won't have to. Trust her, trust ME."
He pulled back, and gazed deep into her eyes. He then let out a massive breath, and when he blinked he his usual good-natured twinkle in his eyes.
"Okay. I'll trust her. I already trust you. Now, lets get more bacon frying!"
Melody smiled and then went over to the door. She had her phone and called her mother,
"Hey, Melody. I'm kinda busy at the moment."
"I know, but I think you need to know something."
"You know?"
"He just told me."
"I see. What do I need to know."
"If you fail, I will hate you for the rest of my life."
Asuika went quiet at this ultimatum.
"You care for him quite deeply, don't you?"
"I love him. If I lose him, you WILL lose your daughter too, for I will go with him. Wherever he goes. Is that understood?"
"You've gotten stronger. It seems I owe him now too. Don't worry Melody. I won't let them have him back. I promise."
"So you know, he is prepared to kill himself if you fail."
"It will not come to that. I swear it."
Melody hung up, and rejoined Tyler at the counter. Kiria came out of the bathroom, her hair in it's trademark twin-tails. She was wearing a pink shirt and shorts. Aki and Tatsi were still asleep. Tyler smiled as he looked over at them,
"Shall I? Or Shall you?"
Kiria giggled evilly as she volunteered to wake the girls. Melody and Tyler watched as she crept over and lifted the shirt covering the exposed breasts of Aki. Little Kiria had a wicked smile as she exposed Aki's busty melons,
"OH, I've always wanted to do this!"
She then started fondling Aki's orbs quite intensely. Aki's reaction was priceless. Her coming wide awake as her lovely rack was spoiled by Kiria's greedy hands.
"Eeeekkk! Tyler get off! I'll kill you-Kiria?"
Aki had a look of such confusion as she saw it was little Kiria molesting her that Tyler and Melody just started laughing. Tatsi also woke up too, and saw a bemused Aki still getting felt up by a now-breathing heavy Kiria. Aki was absolutely floored by this attack. Tatsi the started laughing
"Well, little Kiria, I AM surprised. But come here, mine are much bigger!"
It was true, Tatsi's rack was easily twice Aki's. Little Kiria was drooling at the open invitation. Now free of Kiria's greedy fingers, Aki was able to finally cover her now raw nipples.
Tyler leaned in to whisper into Melody's ear,
"Imagine Kiria's face if she ever saw yours. They'd blow her perverted little mind."
Melody's eyes were sparkling as she leaned in as well,
"And imagine the look on YOUR face if I let her play with them?"
"I don't have to imagine. I'd be starstruck."
She then smiled mischievously,
"Play your cards right, and who knows how that game could turn out?"
Tyler smiled, as Aki walked over yawning,
"Mornin you two. What’s for breakfast?"
"Take a look. But shower first."
Aki groaned and turned around only to stop dead as she took in the sight before her. Tatsi had full blown taken her shirt off, and given little Kiria full access to her melons. And Little Kiria was in heaven as she felt, rubbed, squeezed, even sucked a little on the titular flesh. She was having an absolute field day with Tatsi's marvelous orbs. Tatsi was also thoroughly enjoying her attention, as she would give a little gasping moan every now and then, and would stroke Kiria's head tenderly. She also had a light flush on her face. Aki and the two watching where blown away at the erotic scene. Aki most of all, as she had known little Kiria the longest and never took her to be a demented boob addict. Tyler was then heard making a comment,
"I kinda feel like I should pay for a show of such high quality."
Little Kiria squeaked into Tatsi's cleavage, as if remembering there were other people in the room. Tatsi just started laughing at poor embarrassed Kiria,
"Relax. You seemed to be enjoying yourself there. You ever wanna play with them again, you're more then welcome!"
Kiria then hid her face in a pillow, and started to cry, the thought of her friends seeing her secret fondness for massive breasts too much for her to handle. Tyler was about to go over to comfort her when the other girls all raised a hand.
"We got this one hero,"
"Yeah, just get the damn food ready!"
"I like my eggs scrambled please."
"Yes Ma'ams!"
Tyler then left Kiria in their capable hands. He had just finished his last stack of pancakes when the girls all came over to the counter, Kiria in tow. The little Sprite seemed a bit sheepish as she addressed Tyler,
"Um, Tyler? Can I ask a favor?"
"Sure, what is it?"
She seemed really nervous,
"Could you please promise to NOT tell anyone about what you saw me do? Please?"
"Sure. What happens in my apartment stays in the apartment."
He held out his pinky
"Pinky promise!"
Kiria locked pinkies, as the other girls all commented,
"Wow, a pinky promise? That’s a secret to the grave!"
"This just got serious! You don't break a pinky!"
"He'll never tell a soul. Though, he is most likely gonna tease you silly."
Kiria blushed at that one. Tyler was heard chuckling,
"I also pinky promise to not tease you too much, okay?"
She had such a look of cute embarrassment that everyone just went
Tyler then started loading plates, as Aki hopped into the shower. Tatsi was about to grab a plate, but Tyler rapped her hand with tongs,
"OI! We can eat after you shower. Understood?"
"Ouch! Jesus, you're like an old man. Have you showered?"
"Not yet, I'm going after you. So Melody? Make sure these greedy ladies don't sneak anything, okay?"
"Roger that!"
Aki came out, and Tatsi went in. Aki had a tank top and denim shorts on. She took a seat at the end of the counter next to Kiria. Tyler was checking the coffee pot when his phone rang. It was Ausika. He looked to Melody,
"Hey, keep an eye on the circus. I gotta take this."
"Do what you must."
Tyler went into the far corner of the living room, while Aki and Kiria were looking concernedly at Melody, who just shook her head. Tyler then picked up.
"Hey, Asuika. How bad is it?"
"Well, I've got good news, and bad news. What do you wanna here first?"
"Bad news?"
"Your mother has pulled you out of the school, and you are scheduled on the next flight to Manchester. I'm sorry."
"What’s the good news?"
"She lost her rights as your mother. This stunt gave Otagowa's people in America everything they needed to get her rights pulled and you will never guess who picked them up."
"I wanna here you say it."
"Well, Tyler YATAOMO. You are now officially Otagowa's new adoptive son and heir apparent. I expect that he'll be paying a visit to your apartment personally, shortly. So yeah, you legally can't go back to Berlin now, least not without parental permission. So now do you feel?"
"Thank you."
He heard her choke up at his most heartfelt show of gratitude.
"Just keep looking after Melody like you have been and I'll call it. She's still virgin, right?"
"For now."
"Not something a mother wants to hear the boyfriend of her daughter say. Word to the wise."
"You opened the door, don't be shocked by what walks through."
"Fair enough. Well, I'll let you go. Welcome home!"
"Hey, Asuika?"
"Seriously? Thank you. I owe you for this."
"Seriously, Tyler. You know my price."
She hung up. He then walked over to the girls at the counter, the look of a crushed soul on his face. Melody's face sunk too, and so the other girls, Tatsi having finished her shower. Melody was the first to break the silence,
"How bad is it?"
His voice shook with emotion,
"Its bad. Very bad."
He trailed off, and looked away. Melody had explained the situation,
"How long?"
"How long till you leave?"
"That’s just it. I.."
The girls were now on the verge of crying,
Tyler then looked up, a grin of pure joy on his face,
"I'm home."
There was a moment of silence, then Melody walked over,
"Does that Mean what I think it does?"
Her voice full of hope.
"It means. I'm not going anywhere."
He hugged her, and tears started to fall from his eyes,
"I'm not going back. I...I'm free at last!"
He just collapsed, taking Melody with him, as he cried into her shoulder. The long nightmare finely over, and he had woken. The other girls all came and embraced him in between them as he finally hung his mask up for good. He recovered quickly, eager to spend more time smiling then crying. He looked at his friends,
"Okay, I really need a shower. And whoever smells like cotton candy, I like it."
They all laughed as he jumped into the shower. He was washing up when a loud knock was heard at the door. Melody went to answer, and she gave a little squeak of surprise. Tyler finished his shower and came to find Otagowa in his hallway.
"Good morning, sir. I got a few extra eggs and bacon if you'd like to join us for breakfast."
HE smiled at the kind offer.
"I appreciate it, but I already ate. You can to as we discuss your future."
Tyler had picked out a black t-shirt and denim jeans. He went behind the counter and served the ladies as Otagowa inspected his living quarters. He noticed his desk and bed setup, plus took note of all the positions of the girl's sleeping bags, as if reconstructing last nights party. He spotted the five empty pizza boxes, and the three full ones on the counter. He then nodded approvingly at his TV set up.
"I see you made good use of my gifts."
"yes sir. I really cannot thank you enough. I'll pay that back, I promise."
"Not at all. This city owes you a great debt."
Otagowa then went and leaned against the wall,
"Take a wild guess at how many places were bugged."
"All of them?"
"Sadly so. People have been staying at hotels until the mess is cleaned up."
"Our plan was to help out. Having someone like me on the sweep team could only be a benefit."
"Kid, don't you think you've done enough?"
"Well, no. I opened this can of worms, least I can do is help clean it up."
Otagowa seemed pleased.
"That is a very noble sentiment. Just as I would expect from my adoptive son."
"I really hope you don't expect me to call you father or dad or stuff like that."
"Well, lets compromise. I have a reputation to uphold, after all."
"I can work with sir. Sound good?"
"That’s better then what I was expecting. Agreed."
The girls were now mind-blown. Kiria then poked him with a fork,
"Um, he adopted you?"
"I guess so. Pearntly my mother trying to force me back into hell ruffled a few feathers in some high places. And Mr. Otagowa here picked up the slack. That reminds me."
"What’s the catch?"
Otagowa's eyes narrowed as Tyler fixed him with a piercing stare.
"Well, you will be expected to carry yourself as a proper son of the Yataomo name. Look after your friends, stay out of trouble, serve as an example to those around you. Basically? Everything you have already been doing."
"Why do I feel like there something you're not telling me?"
Tyler now switched to his steel voice and frozen gaze. Otagowa tried his best, but found he could not hold the young mans gaze for more then a few minutes. He then cleared his throat,
"As a member of our distinguished family, you may be called upon to preform certain duties."
"I choose who I marry, understood? AND who I date, associate with. Clear?"
Otagowa seemed taken aback at that statement.
"Jesus kid, relax. I don't operate like that. I will never question who you choose to spend your time with, as long as you don't do something stupid."
"Well, I think our versions of stupid differ wildly sir."
"Okay, what do you classify as stupid."
"Buy a bunch of fireworks and drive down the street shooting them from the sunroof."
"You've done that?"
"Once. I'm American, remember? Most bouts of stupidity usually involve things going boom, some form of fistfight, hot naked chicks, booze, or some combo of the former. What did you have in mind?"
"Well, ditching school? Dropping out of school, getting a girl pregnant, getting drunk and stealing a car?"
"Jesus, did Kouki really set the bar that low?"
Otagowa seemed sad,
"That boy had the world at his fingertips, and look what he did with it."
"Well, I don't think you have to worry bout me. Most of my stupid ideas mainly revolve around dumb pranks on my friends. So be warned ladies."
"dude thinks he's a prankster!"
"Shall we teach him some manners?"
"I'm all for it ladies!"
"You gon git it now boi!"
They all started laughing. Tyler too, only he had a bit of an ominous warning,
"Careful, Ladies. Just remember who you start a prank war with."
Otagowa was then heard chuckling as the ladies went silent at his wicked grin. Tyler then had a question,
"So, you said duties. What exactly did you mean by that?"
"Well, If we have a family gathering or important meeting to go to, I would expect you to attend. As a full member of our family, you will be expected to be both courteous and friendly."
"You want me to humble some spoiled pricks with my scars and stories."
Otagowa sighed,
"Nothing ever escapes you, does it? That is something I would like you to do, yes. But that is not all. Sometimes I may have to rely on you to make decisions for the family in my place."
"What kinds of decisions?"
"Well, for example, my niece is getting engaged. Your job would be to either approve of her engagement and give the head of the family's blessing, or not, and advise her appropriately."
"What would make you disapprove of her union?"
"Well, If something felt off, or if I didn't think he would treat her well."
"If I were to ask to marry your daughter, and you had never met me before, what would your verdict be?"
Otagowa was shocked for a moment, but responded honestly,
"I would disapprove, but trust my daughter's judgement, until that is I've had time to get to know you myself. If I felt you a threat, I would try to get my daughter to see it. If she didn't, then I would support her with everything I have. So If what I think your asking me is right, then no matter who she chose, I would not kick her out of the family, nor would I interfere in any harmful way unless she was in actual danger. Does that answer your question?"
"It does. So that I'm clear on hierarchy, you're the titular head of the family, correct?"
"Yes. I decide everything from business deals, to offering blessings for marriage, to handling troublesome affairs."
"I see, then I have a rather disturbing thought for you, sir."
"Oh? Lets hear it."
"If what you just said is true, and Kouki was also handling these matters, given his...predilections, I think you have a serious internal affairs problem on your hands."
Otagowa went deathly pale as he did the math.
"Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul. I need to make a few phone calls, can I borrow your bathroom?"
"For as long as you need."
Otagowa disappeared inside and they heard him start talking to someone. Tyler and the ladies finished their meal, and Tyler started on the dishes. Aki was tickling Kiria, while Tatsi did some pushups on the floor, Melody was still at the counter, just watching Tyler do his thing.
"Hey, Tyler,"
"Sup, Aki?"
"So, does this mean you're rich now?"
"I guess so. But, sorry, Aki, I'm already spoken for."
"Pff, you wish. So are you okay with it?"
"What being in his family? Sure why not? Long as he doesn't start trying to dictate what I can and cannot do, we'll be fine. Oh, and He can't say a word bout my friends, or girlfriend."
"Wow, she's a lucky girl. Ain't she, melody?"
"She's very lucky. Very lucky indeed."
"And as lucky as she thinks she is, that unworthy bastard dating her is the real winner in this game."
"As long as you remember that, I'm sure we'll be together for a very long time."
"As long as I can Look into your eyes Melody, We'll be together forever."
"Wait, you two went legit? When the hell did that happen?"
"Yesterday at lunch."
"Is that the 'important' thing you had to discuss with her?"
"You really are a ladykiller. The rest of us should watch out!"
Tyler and Melody both chuckled, Kiria squealed as Aki found a particular sweet spot. Tatsi had switched to sit ups now.
"hey, Melody,"
"You okay with me joining his family?"
She sighed a little,
"It's you, so I don't mind."
"Have you had dealings with the family before?"
"I have. Remember the letter?"
"You mean?"
"Some members were there, that one was a different family."
"I see. well, no matter. I'll protect you from heaven and hell."
"I know you will."
"Okay, okay, get a room you two."
"Well, we're in mine. Wanna..?"
"I fear we'll make them jealous!"
"That's part of the charm!"
Aki had gone red in the face at their little discussion
"Jesus, at least wait till we leave!"
"We were discussing heading out for an early date."
"Yes, what did you think we meant?"
"I hate you both, sooooo much right now."
The pair laughed at the angry girl. The Otagowa reappeared from the bathroom, a tired look on his face. Tyler poured him a cup of coffee.
"Thank you. it looks like I owe you even more."
"How bad was it?"
"Well, my family has lost a good fifteen members, and we now have leads to at least fifteen dozen more criminal rings. Ranging from human trafficking, and smuggling to drugs and more child porn."
"Are you ruined?"
"No, since a member of the family figured this out, and help expose the ones behind it, we're getting treated like victims here, since it was our family name that got everything through customs. I laid all credit at your feet, Tyler, you picked the first loose thread, and ended up completely unraveling a criminal empire."
"was Kouki seriously the organizations single lynchpin?"
"It would seem so. From what I gathered, the group had so much blackmail material that even if Kouki had tried to play turncoat, he really couldn't given his mindset. You, on the other hand.
"I would burn the world to the ground if I thought it would keep my friends safe."
"exactly. Honestly? I kinda wanna see what would happen if those people tried to approach YOU with that deal. I feel like it either be really hilarious, or a bloodbath."
"I get the feeling someone will eventually come to me with a deal like that. Long as they don't threaten my friends, most they'll get is a very warm fuck off. So just how bad is the overall damage?"
"Surprisingly minimal for us. The guilty family members have been excommunicated and cut off, the rest of the family, including it's branches, are all mostly intact."
"Is there any infighting between branches? Like power struggles, plots, or just simple bad blood?"
"Sharp kid. Our branch is the main one, and the seat of power for the other branches. The side branches all want our favor, and seek our approval. There are petty power schemes all the time, but I have zero doubt that, given your skills, will see them coming even before I do."
"I can see that. Now I understand you’re a fleet commander for Japan."
"That is correct, why?"
"Am I expected to enlist?"
"Only if you want. It is true our family has a deep-rooted military history, but a point we all very proud of is that every single member of our family that served, volunteered of their own free will. So we never pressure our children into joining."
"Will I have to attend Military functions?"
"On very rare occasion."
"You do realize I can't speak Japanese at all, right? Nor have sufficient knowledge of their customs for respect?"
"I do. I will hire a tutor to teach our language. As for the customs for respect..."
Here he smiled,
"I think having a brash, rude, straightforward American in the family will be a good jolt to their systems."
"If I get any flak for being American from the rest from the rest of the family?"
"All I will say is this: Don't make a mess."
"Hey, if the mess is of their own creation, well, I'm off the hook right?"
"This is gonna be interesting."
"Let's see. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"
"Well, As I sure you remember, our family has resources worldwide. You can now access them at will. Just ask if you need a train pass or a flight somewhere, or a cruise. Other the those, which I need a heads up in order to arrange for, just show this to whatever venue you wish to enter."
"Anime cons?"
Otagowa froze for a moment at that one.
"Yeah, I should warn you. I'm a proud Otaku and Weeb. So ya know, heads up."
"Well, I guess as long as you have fun, then sure?"
"Have fun telling that one."
"Do you have any other hobbies I should be aware of?"
"Well, lets see. The only other thing I can really think of is I might hit a few School idol shows."
"School idols?"
Every voice in the room spoke the term aloud at the same time. Tyler just shrugged,
"I just said I'm an otaku right? I have like four School Idol Anime shows in my collection, so I wanna see one for myself. Why, is that weird?"
Otagowa just laughed at his explanation, while the girls just chuckled,
"Kid, you are full of surprises. You want to see a school idol show, just because of Anime? Ha, why not? I was afraid you were gonna say something like being a porn junkie or something."
"I am, but I can get that for free."
Silence. Otagowa froze mid laugh at his revelation, but then Tyler started chuckling,
"Relax. I'm not that bad. I was just messing with you."
Otagowa just sighed.
"This friggin kid. This is gonna be a roller-coaster. here, you new ID."
Otagowa handed him a gold hued card with black background. Tyler smiled as he took out his old one and put into his wallet. he then seemed to get a burst of inspiration,
"Okay, I just had a thought."
"Oh? This outta be good."
"You're in the military, right?"
"So, you have access to like tanks, and guns, right?"
"Now I'm worried,"
"Can I drive one?""
"You want to drive....a TANK?"
"Yep. Preferably from WWII, but hey take what I can get."
"Do I dare ask why?"
"I saw an anime with cute girls driving tanks and wanna try it."
"Girls und Panzer?"
"Yep. Surprised you know it."
Otagowa sighed deeply,
"The guy who wrote it is a member of my family."
"Wait, seriously?"
"Yep. Seriously. He is going to get a kick outta you kid."
"If possible, I'd love to tour an aircraft carrier or battleship."
"At last! A normal request! That's easily arranged. Any particular ships you wanna see?"
"Well, I don't really know anything about the Japanese fleet. So I let you be the judge on that end."
"Well, then I got a treat in Tokyo bay. Her names the Yamato. A WWII battleship. She was a fierce tiger in her day,"
"Well, with 17 centimeter cannons she ain't no kitten, that’s for sure."
"I thought you didn't know anything about our fleet?"
"Today? Not a thing. Back in WWII? I know a thing here and there."
"Idiot, you ripped that one off strike witches!"
"Wait, how'd you know?"
"Jackass! We watched that episode last night!"
Otagowa just held his head.
"I think I better go before you give me an ulcer."
"Alright. We're gonna bounce too. We gotta meet up with Charlie and get buggin."
"Oh yeah, that reminds me. If you'd like. I can hire a personal driver for you."
"Um, thanks. I'm afraid they wouldn't get much work, since I walk to school, and nearly everything is in a fifteen minute walking distance."
"Personal maid?"
"I'm listening."
"I'm sorry, Otagowa, my girlfriend would not be happy with me if I got one."
"Good boy."
"I see. Well, here."
He handed Tyler a small credit card looking thing. Tyler inspected it as Otagowa explained,
"That’s your new cash card. It directly accesses our bank account, you can set a PIN at your laptop. It can be used as an ATM card as well, if you prefer cold hard cash. Oh, and Your cellphone is now under our plan, so don't worry about that, your rent is also taken care of, you can buy food as you please, um lets see is their anything else?"
"Under our plan, dental too. I doubt you'll need it, since you took a fish tank to the spine not two days ago and have yet to show a single grimace."
"Kinda wanna scare a doctor with my scars."
"That'd be an evil prank. But, I get it. I gotta go put some more fires out. Give Charlie my regards. And make those people on the bug team feel inferior."
"Yes sir!"
"Good lad. All that’s left is this."
Otagowa held out his hand and Tyler took it,
"Welcome to the family, son."
"Thank you, Otagowa sir."
The man left, and Tyler let out a shaky breath as he went over to his laptop. He set a PIN and got immediate Confirmation of approval. He slid the card into his wallet and turned to his friends. Melody was standing in the center, Aki and Tatsi either side of her, and Little Kiria was in front of Melody,
"Lets go raise some hell."
Tyler and his crew found Charlie walking out of a room on the ground floor, a large shopping bag of bugs. He saw the approaching kids and greeted them,
"Mornin everyone. What can I do for you?"
Tyler smiled,
"We wanna help clean up the mess we found. The girls can handle sorting and paperwork while I help with the sweep."
Charlie was shaking his head, a smile on his face,
"Why do you wanna help?"
"Well, its only right I help clean up the yarn I unraveled"
"Nice image. Lets see. Ah I know where to put you. The school. Apparently, they found a bug in a 'clean' zone. Go show em how it's done. Here lemme give you authorization."
Charlie handed off his haul to a deputy and radioed command.
"Hey, Charlie to base."
"Watcha got?"
"Looks like our boy ain't done making us look bad. He and his friends are headed to the school to assist the sweep team."
"Thank god. Its a mess up there. Apparently no one knows how to do a proper bug sweep."
"Ha. Tyler's gonna make them feel stupid."
"He and his have full authorization and execute authority."
Tyler was smiling as he heard the conversation.
"Alright, go light a fire under their asses. Here"
He tossed Tyler a radio, and he hooked it to his belt. Tyler was back in his T-shirt and Denim jeans with his work boots. He said a farewell, and he and the girls all headed out. Charlie just sighed as he went into a fresh room, a deputy saw and was a little concerned,
"What wrong, Charlie?"
"Well, Max, It's just that kid has made our entire police force look incompetent. We had one of the single largest sources and distribution centers of child porn in Japan in our backyard, right under our very noses, and we had zero clue. That kid rolls into town, and in just three days disassembles the entire operation because his friend was threatened. Makes you wonder what else he's capable of."

Tyler and his friends reached the school after fifteen minutes walking. They were then greeted by the officer in charge. A captain Marilla. The uniformed woman halted them at the front gate.
"Stop here. Sorry kids, the school grounds are off limits so students for now."
"It's okay Ma'am. My name is Tyler. These are Melody, Kiria, Aki and Tatsi. We're here to help."
The lady's eyes widened.
"Your Pardon sir, I meant no disrespect. I am Captain Marilla. Here let me open the gate."
She pushed the heavy gate open and the party entered. She then led them to the command center for the sweep, a series of long tents in the courtyard in the front of the school. She led them to a map of the building and was about to start briefing the group when Tyler started to ask questions.
"Okay, Captain. What do this X'ed out rooms mean?"
"Those were declared clean. We started on the ground floor and are working upward, sir."
"Please call me Tyler. Okay, we'll start there. Where to we bring bug we find?"
"We'll give you each a bag, and when you fill it, write down where the bugs came from and bring them here."
"Okay. Lets see, Aki, Tatsi you're on bug duty with me. Melody, can I ask you to handle writing the locations we find them down? And Kiria? You can be our cute runner. Sound good?"
The ladies all smiled at his easy directions,
"Wow, will ya look at that, he's bossing us around like he owned us."
"Ha, I know right?"
"You think I'm cute?"
"I'd love to help anyway I can."
"Sweet. Thanks guys. Captain, what's the radio channel for the tent?"
"Coolzies. Hey can you give one to the girls? I just got a bad hunch."
"Sure. What’s your hunch this time?"
"Possible inside man on the force looking for payback before we get him."
"How can you think like that?"
"Because it makes sense. So heads up ladies. And, Kiria, change of plans, if you have to leave the room, Either myself, Tatsi, or Aki will accompany you, that goes the same for you Melody. Aki, Tatsi, lets hit the gym so you can grab a sword and spear. I'm not taking a chance here."
The girls trusted his hunches enough to just nod now. The gym was crossed off with an X, so they would resweep the building themselves. Marilla seemed a little offended,
"Hey, we search that building already."
"So you assure us it's clean?"
"Then we'll fill this bag twice."
He then just walked off, his crew around him. Little Kiria was pulling a small wagon behind her. Marilla was now angry at the boy’s attitude. But she had no choice but to tolerate it as the boy had the chief on his side. She just grumbled and did her job. Tyler and the girls entered the large building and Aki and Tatsi went right for their weapons of choice. Aki taking a long kendo sword, while Tatsi twirled a spear. This one having a legitimate tip. Melody had a clipboard and would write where a full bag came from before adding them to the wagon Kiria was in charge of. Tyler looked up at the ceiling.
"Alright. We're gonna need a ladder, or man lift. Hey, Captain Marilia."
"We got access to a man lift? I gotta check the ceiling of the gym."
She was silent for a moment then exploded,
"What the hell do you mean the ceiling? Who the hell do you think you are?"
"Tyler, This is Takanke, we got a manlift en route to you."
"Oh, hey Takanke. Thanks. Um, does the guy bringing it know how to use it?"
"He does, just ask and he'll teach you."
"Thanks. Oh and did ya hear the news?"
"What news?"
"I'm Tyler Yataomo now. Otagowa adopted me. Guess that owl hasn't landed yet."
"Really? That’s great news! The Yataomo are a very respected family. I'm happy for you."
"Thanks. Hey the dude with the lift's here."
Tyler went over to the lanky guy on the lift.
"Why did you countermand me like that?"
"Because Marilla, he would have just drove it there himself if you had stonewalled him any further."
"Than why?"
"Watch. I'd stake my reputation on him finding more bugs in the clean zones then your whole team find in the unsearched ones."

Tyler shook the lift operators hand. The lanky guy's name was Carl.
"Alright then, Carl, care to give me the crash course?"
"Sure thing kid, that one makes it move forward, this one raises the lift, that one lowers it, this puts it in reverse, and that one's to turn it. Simple enough?"
"Seems like it. Thanks dude. Alright, time to get high!"
Carl laughed as he left, and Tyler motioned to Aki to lock the door after him. Tyler then drove the gas lift to a spot near the front and went up. He raised the lift till he could reach the ceiling with ease...and BINGO. There were like 8 cameras facing the court. He radioed to the ladies on the ground,
"Got 8 live feeds here, I'll bag em up here. Melody, got that?"
"8 live feeds. Got it, I'll tally it up once you clear the room."
"Hey what can we do?"
"Stay in sight and check outlets, I want Tatsi or Aki with Kiria at all times, Melody, stay where I can see you. Shit goes south, run for help. Kay?"
"Roger roger."
Takanke sighed as they listened to Tyler's radio traffic. Marilla was speechless,
"We searched that building twice! For hours! He's in there less then ten minutes and has 8 lives feeds? Seriously what the hell?"
"That’s the difference between us and him. If we think something is bad, he sees it as a mere joke."

Tyler continued his search of the roof, and found a rather odd discrepancy.
"Huh. That’s odd."
"What’s up?"
"Hey, Takanke, I got like four different styles of camera up here."
"Different styles? Like live feed or still-photo?"
"Yes, but not what I meant. Like different build styles, I got one that looks like a mere solid black line, one that could pass for a battery, one that's shaped like a flashlight, and one made from solid metal. It's weird that they vary so wildly. Usually, a bugger would use similar components...fuuuuucccckkk!"
"What just clicked?"
"I think that this school's been bugged for a long time, either that, or we got multiple creeps. That would explain the sheer number of bugs in one place."
"Are you saying, that we either have many people bugging houses, or multiple generations of bugs?"
"Maybe both."
"Jesus, just how far does this rabbit hole go?"
"Careful, Takanke. I've heard that some rabbit holes go for miles. And hundreds of meters deep."
"Get them all out of my school. Okay?"
"Oh, none can escape my net sir."
Tyler went back to work with gusto.

Marilla just sat down in a chair as the conversation between Tyler and Takanke wrapped up. Her fair face now extra pale,
"Just who is this kid?"
Takanke sighed as he started to dial Otagowa's number.
"Someone I do not want as my enemy. That boy was raised in a hell that likes neither of us can fully imagine. Ask him to show you his scars, then you'll understand."
"I see, now who're you calling?"
"An old friend. We need some extra manpower down here, and some positive press if we're to still have a school after this."

Tyler had finished maybe a fourth of the ceiling, coming up with several hundred more feeds and even a central hub. The small black box used to send the recorded videos to a main server. Tyler then lowered the lift to drop off his first haul. Kiria came over with her wagon and Tyler made his deposit. Melody the attached a note with the find locations and Handed him another bag. Tyler swung off the lift, the hub being a very important find. He radioed Marilla
"Hey, Captain. I got something here I think your boys can use."
"Whatcha got?"
"I got a main transfer hub. If you got any good tech guys, they can see how far the transfers go back, and who was both operating and receiving the data."
"Looks like you got a big fish there son."
"Oh, hey Otagowa, sir. I didn't know you were apart of this circus."
"I got a call from Takanke, seems they needed more hands on deck. So I called in a few buddies of mine. They're under your command. Show them how it's done."
"Yes, Commander."
Then a group of Yataomo security personal entered the room. There were about twenty men in suits, and all carrying guns. A tall, board shouldered man approached Tyler and bowed,
"Akiri, I am Yozora. I am honored to serve you."
Tyler bowed back, then started to give directions,
"I am honored to have you with me. Okay, I need this box brought to captain Marilla. It's delicate so be careful. Next lets, see, I want four with Kiria there. I just have a very bad feeling something's off about this who fiasco. Next, Have men start checking behind everything from cabinets, outlets, and shelves to cracks in the walls. Anything found is to be recorded and passed to Melody. Aki, Tatsi, take a few and keep any curious idiots out. Yozora, I'd like you to help Melody with recording find locations. Sound good everyone?"
Yozora bowed and issued his directions to his people in Japanese. Tyler spotted they all wore inner ear intercoms. Yozora then held one out to him,
"here Akiri. This will help us stay in contact."
"Good man! I'll head back up now. One thing to pay attention to, I think there are multiple buggers in play, so if you get several different build styles in the same hole give a holler."
"Yes, Akiri."
Tyler then climbed back into the lift, and picked up right where he left off. Back at the tent, Otagowa was listening to Tyler give his calm, clear orders to his underlings with evident approval. He then got a radio from Yozora,
"Good ahead, Yozora."
"The kid is exactly as you said he would be. If I wasn't there to witness Kouki's birth myself, I'd say Tyler was more your son then he is."
"What is your opinion of him?"
"His orders were clear, concise, and covered everyone's blind spots. He assigned most of us to guard his friends."
"Did he give a reason?"
"He says something feels very wrong about this, what that something is, I'm afraid I know not, Akiri."
"So, even after all this, something is still off? I'll ask him myself. And Yozora?"
"Yes, Akiri?"
"His hunches have been more accurate thus far then most lasers, guard those girls with your lives, for if you fail and they get hurt, not even I can protect you from that boys wrath."
"Yes, Akiri."
At that precise moment, Tyler was fighting with a particularly stubborn camera.
"C'mere you little shit! Jesus fuck, you really don't wanna let go!"
"Yeesh, that’s some choice language."
"Hey, Otagowa, Sorry, Can you give me a sec? This one's pissin me off."
"Sure take your time."
After a few more minutes of intense cursing, bad jokes, and rapidly getting frustrated, Tyler had to call a temporary retreat.
"Shit, Bastards must frigging super glued that thing. Hey, can you send a hammer and chisel? I'm gonna need it."
Otagowa could be heard laughing as he sent the runner with a bag of tools.
"Alright, now care to explain your bad feeling?"
"Yeah sure. Checked in with Yozora?"
"Of course you knew about that."
"Kinda obvious. My initial bad feeling came from a thought I had."
"Care to elaborate?"
"Okay. what if they had a man on the force, a mole so to speak? If they do, having me here would be a perfect opportunity for a suicide revenge play. You follow?"
"I do. Their ship is sinking due to sabotage, so take out the saboteur, right?"
"A big hurray for the French for distrustful tactics."
Otagowa snorted,
"Okay, I gotta tell my buddy in the French navy that one."
"Careful, he just might surrender to your verbal attack."
Otagowa was now laughing out loud now.
"Oh, you're gonna a have a field day when the French navy visits."
"Pff, It's too easy to shit on the French. Now I got a second bad feeling too."
"Okay, what is it?"
"I found four different cameras with four distinctly different build styles. So I'm either thinking multiple generations using the same holes or.."
"Multiple buggers. Yeah I see your concern. I'll have my tech crew look them over. That transfer hub arrived."
"Kid, that was an ingenious call. We got thousands of uploads to thousands more receivers across the planet."
"Going how far back?"
"Well, that’s the scary part. They go back a good ten years."
"Wait, ten years?"
"Sadly. The first entry was made just before my niece graduated from that school."
"Shit. Oh! The tool bags here gimme a sec."
Tyler dropped the lift and retrieved the bag of tools.
"Thanks man."
He went back up, and continued his conversation,
"Okay, that rat bastard is so mine. Mind if I work and talk?"
"Sure. Now we have a decent timeframe for when this started."
"Not really. All you have is a single ten year span for a single building. I'd be willing to bet I find at least two more for the locker rooms."
"You think this goes back further?"
"An operation this involved? Has to. Gotcha bitch! Jesus, they freakin WELDED the thing in place. How the hell they get the tools up here?"
"they welded it?"
"Yeah, that’s just not fair. I had to hit that thing with a hammer to get it loose. Hey, just a thought, but have The school staff looked at as potential buggers."
"Think it was more then Ikashi?"
"Has to be. He got tenured right? My understanding is it needs support from other staff to make it happen."
"You're right. Takanke has been working that angle since Kouki got arrested."
"Really? Kinda glad I don't have to do ALL the thinking round here."
"We're all deeply ashamed that we have to have a kid teach us how to do our jobs properly."
"Eh, sounds like rock bottom. But hey, you know what the best part of rock bottom is?"
"Ain't got anywhere to go but up."
"A very wise sentiment."
Tyler worked in silence for a while until he filled his current bag,
"Melody, got a full bag, headed down."
Tyler lowered the lift, and noticed it moving slower. He checked the gauge and saw it was on a low charge. He sighed as he swung off. He handed the bag to Melody, and saw that the wagon was nearly full. Yozora's men were nearly as good as Tyler at spotting bugs, and they were just as thorough. He saw Aki and Tatsi each with their respective squads checking doorways and hallways. Kiria was handing our empty bags to those who needed them. Tyler then radioed to the tent,
"Hey, that lifts nearly outta juice, can we get a cable or something?"
"Wait what? That thing was on the charger all night. It has a full three day battery life!"
Tyler's blood ran ice cold.
Everybody bolted, the suits leading the girls out, and the school was evacuated as the city bomb squad were called in. Tyler was the very last to leave, and he peered into the under carriage of the lift, sure enough, there was a large brick of some explosive compound hooked to the underside of the lift. Once the last person was outside did Tyler bolt. He had just reached the tent when the bomb squad arrived. The leader went straight to Tyler who was the only one who had seen the thing,
"Okay, stay calm an tel-"
"Large, green brick rigged to the under side of the lift, multiple wires connected to battery, possibly rigged to blow when the charge runs out."
The EOD was taken aback by his exacting description, then he got his marbles back and his team went in. Tyler was breathing hard from the shock of nearly getting blown to high hell. Tyler then remembered he could not afford to lose his marbles just yet. he slapped his head in his hands a time or two to clear it. He then went straight to captain Marilla. The lady was busy trying to get control of the now nervously murmuring crowd. Tyler tapped her on her shoulder, but she had her hands full. He then just sighed, put his fingers to his lips and blew a single piercing whistle. Every head turned to face them.
"Is everyone accounted for?"
A cop with a large V on his shoulder came forward,
"Yes, the girls are with Otagowa and his security detail."
"Our guy to look for is named Carl, whether that's his real name or not I don't know. Tall, about my height, lanky, black hair, light brown eyes, wearing white shirt, black pants, with black boots. He was the one that brought the lift to me. Any questions?"
"What do we do in the mean time?"
"Surround the place. set up shop and wait for the bomb squad to give an all clear. The we get back to it. Anything else?"
"Good. Break!"
The group scattered to their tasks. Captain Marilla seemed in shock that the kid had just did her job for her, and with far more efficiency. He then turned to go check on the girls when she grabbed his arm,
"What did you need?"
"I already did it."
He then ran to the girls. Marilla just sank onto her knees as he left her there. In the space of a few hours, he'd completely usurped her command of the situation, and the force had listened to him with a respect that far surpassed what they had shown her. Tyler reached the panting girls and went straight to checking on them,
"You alright?"
"Yeah, just winded."
"Pff, I must be going soft."
"That was scary."
"I'm fine."
Tyler then went over to Otagowa and Yozora, who were discussing him as he approached.
"That was a little scary."
They turned to him, a new look of respect on both their faces.
"Yozora, no injuries in the scramble I take it?"
The Yataomo head of Security bowed deeply as he replied,
"No, Akiri, all my man made it out safely."
"OUR men. OUR. Otagowa here said you were under my command, and I look after my own. Now then, Otagowa. I do believe those idiots have overextended. I think you follow my line of thinking."
The military commander knew exactly were he was going,
"Yes indeed. Bugging a city is one thing, but a bomb? That’s terrorist territory."
"And tracing bomb materials is FAR easier then tracing mic and cameras, wouldn't you agree?"
"I would indeed. They should be here anytime now.
"The Special defense force. They are Japan's finest. They'll take over from the local police, and most likely I'll be given command since I'm currently the highest ranking officer here."
"Well, they can handle the idiot bomb makers, I can get back to exterminating. Dealing with terrorists is outside my wheelhouse."
"Ha! Sounds like a plan. So Yozora, what you think? Is he Yataomo material?"
Yozora pulled a katana Tyler had not seen him carrying earlier and bowed as he presented it to Tyler,
"Akiri. This belonged to your predecessor, it's name is lionheart. It is my honor to present it to you, as is your right as a son of the honorable Yataomo family."
Tyler reached out and grasped the sheathed weapon and held it up, he then drew the long sleek blade and took up a stance with it. Everyone cleared away, as a wide smile broke across his face. He then began moving through some of his favorite attacks, counters, and motions. A happy smile as he made the lethal samurai steel sing. He finished his little showing off segment and sheathed the weapon reverently. He then held the sheathed up in front of his face as he admired the scabbards design.
"Lionheart is an admirable name. But I have my own name for this blade."
Otagowa stepped forward to hear the blade's new name.
"What is it's name, my son?"
"Oathkeeper. I don't think I have to explain why I chose that name."
Otagowa understood perfectly, and gave an order to have the name be etched into the blade. Tyler laid his weapon into the hands of a waiting courier. Who then spirited the status symbol away for etching. At that moment the bomb squad leader came back, his team right behind him. The armored man saluted Otagowa, and then made his report.
"The bombs disarmed. Kid was right, about nearly everything."
"What I miss?"
"It wasn't connected to the battery, but the hydraulic system. It was using the charge level as a timer, and was set to blow once it died. If it did, the whole gym woulda went."
"What was the main charge?"
The man seemed hesitant to reveal that information, but a nod from Otagowa was enough to convince him.
"Thirty kilos of military grade C4 explosive."
"You can't make that in a garage, can you?"
"No, not this shit. This was professional grade. Kid, you have made some scary enemies."
"Pff, I may have scary enemies, but they have a downright terrifying one."
Every person in attendance’s blood went ice cold at his tone, and at the look in his eyes
The group was silent, until a large black SUV pulled up, and even more men in black arrived on the scene. They then went right over to Otagowa and a man saluted him,
"Special agent Yake. Lt.col. Otagowa, a pleasure to meet you. We represent the Internal Affairs bureau. Where might we find the on known as Naamani?"
Otagowa had evident pride in his voice as he introduced Tyler,
"His name as of this morning, is Tyler Yataomo."
The agent then approached Tyler.
"Okay, your Tyler?"
"I am."
"I am authorized to give this to you, in recognition of your efforts in the defense of Japan. The emperor would normally give this to you himself, but is unfortunately unwell at the moment. He is ashamed that this is the best he can do at the moment."
The man held out a long narrow box. It was between three and four feet long, and maybe a foot in width. Tyler held out his hands, and another Agent opened the box, to reveal a long gold katana, with a gold hilt. Yet another Agent went and lifted the ornate weapon from the box, he then went and laid the weapon in Tyler's reverent hands.
"On behalf of Emperor Hirotiro. We are honored to present the Gold Katana. The highest honor given to a Japanese citizen. The Child Porn ring uncovered here had far more ties to other rings and organizations then you know. We now have the means to dismantle over half the criminal underground in the Kanto region alone. Thanks to the foiled bomb attempt, we now have an open lead right to a local terrorist cell. You have been recognized as a person of strength, integrity, honor, and above all, bravery. It is an honor to stand before you."
Tyler grasped the blade in his hands, and lifted it with the due gravity, even if he had zero clue what the hell just happened. He then drew the blade several inches from it's scabbard, revealing several inches of gleaming steel. Tyler was just starting to get that smile again when Otagowa stepped in,
"Ah, so you know, that one is not for swinging."
His disappointed sighed getting a laugh from his friends. The Agent had a small grin too, before asking a question,
"How do you respond to this honor?"
Tyler's response was instantaneous,
"I did not do anything special. I was just protecting my friends. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Do you have a message for those you would do harm to them?"
"If anyone, or anything means harm to my friends. I. will. break. you."
He did his ice voice, and it even had an effect on the Agents. Their hands instinctively went to concealed firearms. Tyler then started to look over the golden blade.
"Sooo, what do I do with this?"
Otagowa just laughed,
"It's a medal, basically. So find a good place to mount it."
"So, compared to the American medal of honor, what am I holding?"
"Oh, nothing really, just the single highest award given to a Japanese citizen outside of the military. Its just our equivalent to the medal of honor."
"Huh, okay. I am honored to receive this, even if I have no idea just what this means."
"It means you’re a hero, jackass."
"Oh, well, why didn't you say so in the first place?"
There were as many laughs as sighs. Another currier came and took the blade to be properly stored. Tyler then asked the Agent a question,
"Special Agent, Yake, was it? I have a question."
The black suited man turned his attention from directing his men to the newly crowned 'hero'
"What is it?"
"Soo, you guys can handle the terrorist aspect of this mess, right?"
"Of course we can. we have already removed the bomb and are raiding the place it came from as we speak."
"Soo, I can get back to sweeping for bugs?"
Otagowa stepped forward and explained the story. Once he Finished, the Agent's eyes went wide as they could go,
"You're telling me, that this kid, who, mind you, has caught the eyes of the emperor himself, and uncovered the single biggest net of the underbelly of our country, and he did it all off hunches? And he did it all in three days? Okay, kid just what black ops team trained you?"
"Tyler shrugged as he pulled his shirt off,
"Oh, this one."
The Agent's eyes widened as he saw his scars.
"Jesus. you've got more scars then a Vietnam POW. What camp were you in?"
Again, Otagowa explained his upbringing, as Tyler put his shirt back on. The Agent was saddened when he heard the full story.
"Okay. I understand. You were raised like this. Well, the building is clear of explosives, so by all means get back to it. We'll handle the terrorists and other big fish."
"Sweet! Alright ladies, back to it!"
He got smacked by Aki as they all walked back the gym,
"Hey, Otagowa! We need another lift! And can we get this one bomb free please?"
"One's on it's way!"
"Thanks pops!"
Tyler then got ragged on by his friends for that one. Aki jumped on him and started rubbing his hair, only for him to display his unreal strength and pick the girl up and plant her on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. All of them were laughing. Agent Yake and Otagowa watched them go, Yozora and his men escorting them. Otagowa then spoke to the Agent,
"Okay, Yake. What’s with the Sword?"
"It's a transmitter. We're concerned at just how easily he uncovered this ring here. We've been after this fish for years, and yet he busts it open in three days flat? No way."
"You think he's a spy or something?"
"Those scars tell a dark tale. But there is not a soul on this planet that can be as fine as he is after being raised like that."
"You do realize he knows it's a bugged sword, right?"
"Pff. Impossible. I watched them make myself. It's flawless."
"I will bet my family name he knows. Watch this."
He then had an agent fetch him a fresh radio, inspect it, and he then called Tyler on it.
"Hey, kid got a question for you."
"You wanna know if I know if that swords bugged, or not right? Pff, oldest trick in the book. Make a fake award, practice it, rehearse the show for it, and dope the target into taking it."
The agent's face went pale, and he was about to speak when,
"Hey, Yake. I know you can hear me, in case you’re wondering how I figured it out, well. It makes sense. New kid rolls into town and completely uproots an entire criminal empire in three days? Either he's a foreign agent, or some other kind of sleeper. I also bet you and your people knew about this web for years, but for some reason or another couldn't crack it. Then I rolled in and started cutting threads, and the whole thing unraveled. Stop me if I'm wrong."
The agent was about to order an immediate arrest when Tyler spoke up again,
"I can prove I'm not a sleeper or other threat."
"Why would a sleeper or any foreign agent draw such obvious and blatant attention to himself? Why expose a potentially valuable asset for information, and other important resources? If I am such a sleeper, I already blew my cover the second I got in Ikashi's face. So what idiot of a foreign operative would deliberately do that?"
The agent just sighed,
"Okay, kid. I get you point We sent agent to your old town, and now they are on personal leave, since everything you say happened to you happened. We'll drop our investigation on you."
"But you'll still be watching me like a hawk since you're still suspicious?"
"get outta my head. How do you do that?"
"eh, it makes sense."
The agent knew he was beaten, and called his people back. Otagowa had a particularly satisfied look on his face. The agent then just grumbled,
"You have a terrifying heir here Otagowa."
"I know I do."
"He's on the right path for now, but he just made the top of our potential threat list. If he goes dark, not a soul on the planet could stop him."
"I know, and he knows. Right now, those girls are the most precious thing in his life. If he loses even one, he will go as dark as someone can go. So for the sake of the worlds safety, keep future testers of his patience out of his path."
"We will. We have to. He saw right through our plans the moment we pulled that sword out, hell maybe even earlier."
The agent then climbed into the SUV and they left, leaving Otagowa, a shaken Marilla, and Takanke. The big man pulled a thick cigar and lit it,
"Well, Otagowa, you heard him. We have a potential relief supervillain in our school and your family."
Marilla was shaking badly.
"we should just kill him. He's dangerous."
Otagowa and Takanke both snorted,
"We'd never get close. Even if we used a sniper, the man's ill intent would reach him first, and tip him off. Worse if he misses and hit one of those girls, it would send him into a rage filled quest for vengeance. And no one could stop him. How do you stop someone who can predict your every move?"
"So we do nothing?"
"No, not nothing. We protect him. And those girls. And we fill his life with other precious things. The more he has to protect, the more he'll fight to do so."
"That's it?"
"That's all we can do."

Tyler and the girls worked for the next several hours clearing bugs from the gym roof. All of Tyler's bed feelings at dissipated, so the girls walked around more freely, but with armed guards with them. The lift had proven invaluable, and when the clock struck noon, Tyler declared the ceiling clear. then came the walls, but that had to wait until after lunch. Tyler had sent for takeout for everyone, including Yozora's crew. Tyler was sitting with his friends stuffing their faces with pizza when a voice called out to them from the door,
"Hey, Tyler! Want some help?"
It was none other then Kairi, and the entire school. The elegant Pianist then led a group of about five individuals forward through the group of students. Kairi then introduced the new important seeming students.
"This is our student council. This is Satski Kiryon, the president."
Satsuki was a tall girl with sharp features, black eyes, long straight black hair, a slender build and a rather intense aura. Tyler stood up to greet the lady,
"A pleasure to meet you miss Satsuki. I'm Tyler. I'd shake your hand but you know pizza grease."
She looked down her nose at him,
"Meaningless drivel. Where to you want our assistance peasant?"
"Okay, fuck you too. I don't need nor want what meager help a bitch like you could provide. Now get lost. Now who are you?"
He then completely ignored the incensed Satsuki and turned to a tall muscular girl in a leather jacket and shorts. She was laughing at Satuski's face. Her voice harder and stronger than most.
"Nice. See, Satsuki? This what happens when you try to bitch the wrong person around. You clearly didn't listen."
The punk rocker then turned her lively gaze to The boy, extending a clenched fist,
"Sup, bro. I'm Ryoku. I been hearing some crazy shit about you. Let's go a few rounds sometime."
Tyler took an immediate liking to the streetchick. They bro fisted,
"What up, Ryoku. Nice to know ya. You wanna rumble, I'm always up to beat yo tight ass."
"I think we're gonna get along just fine."
"In between attempts to kill each other, you mean."
Ryuko was a strong, independent spirit, with short messy black hair with a curious red stripe on one side, her arms and legs were toned, and she had the calluses of a bare knuckle fighter on her hands. The next person came forward, this time a dude, an evident body builder from the muscles. He had a intense look on his face, like he was trying way too hard to be fierce.
"My name is Inoskue. I'm the disciplinary chairman. A pleasure."
The next member of the council was a interesting character, she was short, only reaching Tyler's waist, wore a white conductors hat, had bright pink hair, large green eyes, slight cleavage, and wore a white jacket uniform.
"Nice to meetcha, I'm NoNo Kirirgowa, I oversee the nonathletic department."
"Same here, NoNo."
The last person to introduce themselves, got Tyler's eye in a very bad way. He was tall, thin, pale, and wore a black suit like uniform. He had black hair, dark brown eyes, and those eyes seemed to lock onto Melody, who shivered and hid behind Tyler. The dude actually licked his lips. Tyler had seen enough.
"Hey, pencil. eyes off my girlfriend."
He looked into Tyler's angry eyes, and Tyler instantly identified a snake in their midst. When the man spoke, it was like a rasping snake.
"Girlfriend? That’s in violation of school rul-"
Tyler moved like lightning, pinning the guy that had set off a full alert in his mind, backward on the ground. His eyes were now less then an inch from the now terrified creep.
"I warned you once. I will not do so again."
He leaned even closer.
"Get out."
He released the snake of a man who slithered to his feet, and went to grovel at Satuski's feet.
"Lady Satuski, did you see what that brute did to me? Have your father expel him! He bullied me! Satuski!"
"Oh you have GOT to be shitting me."
Tyler was watching the display with a look of disgust on his face. He then looked to Melody for an explanation.
"That's our chairman of computer sciences."
"You don't say? Computer sciences?"
"Yeah. He also loves to toy with other peoples' minds. And he's been caught recording girls in the locker rooms before."
"That's a lie! Watch how you speak about me or I-"
"You'll what?"
Tyler's voice was a brittle, frozen, rumble. His eyes had become flaming pits of anger. Tyler's friends knew that look,
"Ah, Takanke, sir?"
"Yes, Aki? What is it?"
"Um, Seyiake, just threatened front of Tyler. Sooo we're gonna need a body bag in a moment."
"He did what now?"
"Yeahhh. Tyler's pissed, soooo."
Seyiake was now as white as a ghost as Tyler accosted him,
"I'm sorry. I must have misheard you. Did your pasty little bitchass just THREATEN my GIRLFRIEND?"
Seyiake was now full-blown hiding behind The student council president. Using Satsuki as a shield, the coward was whining hideously as Tyler was circling the pair like an angry tiger looking for an opening.
"Satsuki! Save me! I'm your boyfriend, help me! Keep that ugly creature away from me! Kick that cow out too!"
Every single person in the room went deathly quiet, with those standing nearby backing right up as the coward stupidly called Melody a cow. A single vein bulged on Tyler's forehead, and he held out his hand toward Aki.
"Aki, may I borrow your kendo sword for a little bit?"
Tyler's voice was terrifyingly calm, and quiet. Aki was now trembling, but she tossed her wooden sword to Tyler, who caught it. His hand went white as he gripped the wood, and a audible crack was heard in his hand as the wooden handle cracked. Tyler then looked at Satuski,
"Two choices, move or be broken."
"I will not allow you-"
Tyler surged forward like a thunderbolt, swinging the wooden weapon with every ounce of his terrifying strength, his eyes lit with the desire to kill. Satsuki did not move, however. Tyler brought that weapon to bear at her neck, when someone screamed.
It was Kiria, tears in her eyes as she knew that if that weapon made even the slightest impact, it would kill Satuski outright. But thankfully, her voice reached him, and he halted the blade just has it touched her. There was a fierce gust of wind that followed, so strong was his swing. Tyler then looked over at Tatsi curiously,
"Seriously, Tatsi? She's your sister?"
The spear wielder sighed as she buried her face in her hand,
"Yep. She's my bitch of a sister. So, please could you not kill her?"
"Eh, sure."
Tyler then turned and buried his fist just under her rib cage with a force that lifted her off her feet.
"I won't kill her, just put the fear of the Devil in her. Its that little pencil there I want to snap anyway."
Satsuki lost all her breath as he dropped her to the floor. She could not breathe, and every attempt a mouth full of razor blades. Tatsi sighed with relief, and went to crouch by her coughing relative.
"Well, Satsi. That's Tyler. I hope you understand that wasn't even a tenth of his full strength. If Kiria hadn't spoken up when she did, and I wasn't going to mind you, he would've beheaded you with a wooden sword."
Satsuki recovered enough to finally speak,
"I will have him expelled for that."
"Yeah, good luck with that. You really think you can get the guy that singlehandedly uncovered the bug network, has been tirelessly working to clean out the school of the bugs, stopped a bomb detonation in our gym, got Ikashi fired, and did all this after getting a fish tank smashed on his back three days ago? Yeah, have fun with that. Plus he's an Yataomo now. You can't touch him, but he can touch you. Remember that next time."
Tyler had the pencil by the throat and was shaking him like a ragdoll. The wannabe snake was several inches off the ground, and sobbing in fear. His 'invincible' protection had meant absolutely nothing to the scarred boy now throttling hm. Tyler had a smile on his face, like a kid with a new toy. Tyler then stopped toying with him,
"Alright, you gonna apologize?"
"You're gonna apologize to Melody, and call her beautiful, oh and you have to mean it!"
"Why would I apologize to a mere heffer?"
"You know something? I REALLY want to kill you. Hey, Kiria! Can I kill this one?!"
The twin tailed girl had recovered from the harrowing surprise. She was now indignant,
"NO! If you kill him, we lose you forever!"
"Okay, I can't kill him. Can I hurt him?"
"That I have no problem with. Knock yourself out."
"Kay, thanks Kiria! Love you!"
Kiria went tomato red in the face, as Melody went and nudged her,
"Well, looks like I got me a challenger!"
Kiria did adorable, red-faced double takes from Tyler, and a smirking Melody. Seyiake, however was now screaming for help as Tyler flipped him over in the air and grabbed his leg. He smiled as he squeezed and their was a loud creak as the pencil's lower leg was splintered by Tyler's grip alone. Seyake's scream was loud and piercing, but he did not lose consciousness, surprisingly.
"That’s one. You've insulted Melody, what three times? We still got two more!"
Tyler then grabbed his right arm, crushed it as well, then he seemed to be lost in thought for a moment.
"Umm, what to shatter next? Hey, Melody, got a preference?"
The disguised beauty, had a rather nefarious idea,
"Well, every girl in the school knows he's a pervert, so, bust his balls?"
"Hey, Melody?"
"If I've ever done anything to piss you off, I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven. But you do owe me now."
"Okay. I am officially terrified."
Melody smiled sweetly as she gazed at him. Some of the other girls chuckled while others just awww'd. Tyler, now having a target in mind, was considering how best to achieve the desired outcome. All the while ignoring Sayiake's pleas and begs. Tyler was dragging the helpless idiot by his broken leg around the gym as he searched for an appropriate instrument for nutcracking, when he remembered a rather simple method,
"You know what? Screw getting fancy. Hey! Someone toss me a sledgehammer!"
A ten pound sledgehammer came flying out of the crowd.
"Thanks! I owe you a drink later!"
Ryuko's voice was heard in the crowd,
"Sounds like date!"
"Already spoken for! But thanks!"
"Well, SHIT!"
The gathered students laughed at her evident disappointment. Tyler then dragged Seyiake over to the wall. He then wedged hi in such a way he'd have a perfect shot at his groin. Tyler then hefted the blunt object and made a great showing of doing practice swings with it. Tyler then took a more serious grip and his eyes narrowed as he concentrated. He brought the hammer back and was about to swing it with all his might but once again got interrupted.
"Hey, son wait a second!"
It was Otagowa. The important man came rushing over. Tyler lowered the hammer and leaned on it,
"Hey, what’s up?"
"I'm sorry. I can't let you continue this."
"We finished tracing back that transfer hub's maintenance guy. Three guesses who."
"No shit? Well, I guess I musta missed it for being a little too obvious!"
Otagowa seemed weirdly relieved for some reason.
"So, you're saying we beat you to this one?"
"Well, I can't find what I'm not looking for. I had considered him as the main master, but it seemed a little too perfect a match, ya know?"
"I see. Well, I guess just remember the lesson here."
"Yep, sometimes the obvious choice is the correct one. So, why'd you stop the neutering?"
"Broken bones can be explained away, but a deballing can't."
"Ah. Hey, just a minute. Satuski! Got a question for ya, hol up a sec!"
Tyler walked over to where Satuski was sitting, trying not to move too much as her stomach hurt like hell. Tyler went and crouched before the pained girl.
"What the hell do you want?"
Her formerly imperious voice now an agonized moan.
"You knew what he was doing, didn't you?"
Her eyes widened for a split second,...with terror?
"Oh, so that’s how it is. He was blackmailing you into being his girlfriend, and using your position as council president to gain access to more prime bug spots. Well, he can't get you now."
Tatsi was shocked at this revelation,
"Satsi, is this true?"
The once imposing girl started to shake, then she began to cry. She then buried her face into her sister's warm chest.
"Tatsi, he said if I didn't do what he said, he'd broadcast the livestream in our room to the world. I couldn't say anything because there were cameras everywhere and mics everywhere else."
Tatsi's eyes went wide at the horrors her sister had to endure. She then looked to Tyler for aid, as surviving evil was his specialty. He took the hint and took off his shirt.
"Hey, Satsuki. Look."
Tatsi turned her sister so she could see Tyler's scars. Her eyes went wide. And her sobs caught in her throat.
"I heard the stories, but seeing them first hand."
Tyler then smiled as he took her hand in his,
"Look at me and tell us want he made you do. Own your pain, your shame. Then you can mold it into something more."
"Like what?"
"Well, I molded mine into a mask to help me survive more horrors then you can imagine. I know one girl who molded hers into a means of escape. I bet you'll mold it into a means for strength. Now what did he make you do?"
"I'm still a virgin, if you're worried about that."
Tyler did breathe a heavy sigh of relief.
"I keep forgetting, this is a world of light. Not the bowels of hell."
"He had me support Ikashi's tenure. He would then fondle my body at will, and he stole my first kiss. He also made me give him addresses and keys to the buildings. He would then watch specific livestreams and force me to watch with him watch while he played, either with me or himself."
Her voice was shaking as she recalled the evil of the pencil. Tatsi's eyes were growing wet as her sister went on,
"He would even have me wear specific things, or go without specific things. If I were to refuse he would say he would leak a recording of me and my sister to the web."
Tatsi's face went pale, and Tyler immediately guessed exactly what that video was. He looked over to Otagowa.
"Find that recording, and make it disappear."
Otagowa nodded without a word and hurried off. Tyler then turned back to the girls. He was about to say something when he got a thought.
"Hold up, if we're still dealing with a perfect stereotype."
Tyler went over to the now cuffed Seyiake and started to pat him down. The cops looked at each other a little worriedly, then Tyler patted a spot on his thigh. He tore open the fabric of the bastard's pants and sure enough, he had a set of three thumb drives belted to his thigh. As he held them up Seyiake laughed insanely,
"You'll never guess the password on them! I'll die before giving it to you! But if you were-Hey!"
Tyler just ignored him and walked away. He went over to where he'd set up his own laptop. He plugged them in without hesitating and entered the password: SEYIAKEFUCKEROFWOMEN and bingo, he was in. He then closed his laptop. Now was not the time. He radioed Otagowa.
"Hey. Found it. Remember that old stereotype of keeping precious items on your person? That idiots a living personification of them. I'm holding 3 16gb thumb drives. I'll deal with them myself. First image was Satsuki topless."
"I understand. If you get anything we can use,"
"You will have it."
Tyler went over to a still sobbing Satuski and Tatsi, and took a seat. The other students had all been assigned rooms to sweep for bugs. So it was just Tyler, his friends, Yozora and his men, and four police with the cuffed Seyiake. Tyler patted Satuski's head,
"You can relax. I have everything. He can't leak anything now."
Satsuki looked up at him,
"You saw?"
"No, I can get into his files at will now. I was going to look through the files in my apartment. I can erase them at will."
Tatsi spoke up this time,
"Why do you want to look?"
"I want to know what he had on you. If it's what I think it is, then I can keep a secret. I just want to help my friends shoulder their burdens."
Satsuki hung her head, while Tatsi smiled, and comforted her sister,
"It's okay Satsi. I know how he thinks by now. He'll see it, and find a way for us to weaponize it."
She seemed confused by this,
"Yes. He'll find a way to turn our weaknesses into strength. Even after he sees, he will not think less of us. That I promise you."
"Okay, Tats."
"Gotta problem?"
"No need for tit for tat now."
"I hate you right now."
Tyler smiled at her. Then Yozora came forward,
"What up?"
"Shall we get back to the sweep?"
"Sure. Tatsi, you can take your sister and rest for a while. Get your marbles back."
Tyler sighed as he swung back into the man lift. Seyiake had been dragged away by the cops. Tyler went back up the wall he had been working on. He checked his watch. it was only 12:45pm. He sighed as he tore a yet another camera from the wall. The students worked for the next several hours, pulling cameras and mics from buildings Tyler declared the walls clear, and moved to the floor. This took far less time, and was also declared clean. HE then set his attention to the locker rooms. He was about to head into the girls locker room when,
"Ahh, what the hell?"
"Aki had come back from escorting Kiria on a drop off.
"I'm checking for bugs?"
"Boys aren't allowed in there."
"Is there anyone inside, miss Aki?"
"No, Takanke."
"Then hang a sign over the door, saying Tyler's in there."
"It'll be a helluva lot faster this way."
"Okay, fair enough."
"Yo, hotshot. Mind if I help you out this time around?"
Ryuko had come back.
"Hells yeah. Grab a few bags and a wagon. I got a feeling that one's plastered."
The punk rock chick smiled as she nodded to a large agon and bags.
"Gotcha covered tough guy."
They went in together and Tyler went straight for the row of showers in the back. Ryuko went with him.
"Where to want me?"
"Take that wall."
"Any special way to do this?"
"Come here, I'll show you my way."
"A lesson from the master? Must be my lucky day."
"Pff, didn't take you for a kissass."
"No comment."
The tough chick went to stand by Tyler as he explained his bug process.
"Okay, Ryuko, see that crack? Seems like an ordinary crack right? Well it is, but if you were to reach into it, boom, another streamer. Here, look straight up, see that vent? Bingo got another feed. Now see this lip here at the top? Reach up and another camera. What do these all have in common?"
"Yes. But more importantly, angles. This one here got a full frontal of the goods, this one the side this one the back. If you find one, look at it's field of view. If it has a poor view, like the back or side, you're missing a frontal camera. See my point?"
"Way you talk, it's like you've done this before."
"I've searched for bugs many times. I've been in a few group homes where my room got bugged."
"For real?"
"Yep. One time My room got bugged by a hot staff member. I found it out when I saw her sneak into my room after lights out to adjust a camera. I told her it was better a little more to the right."
"How'd she react?"
"Oh she went pale! We then worked out a little deal."
"Oh this should be good,
"I'd keep quiet, if she'd visit me when she was working,"
"And ?"
"I get to feel her massive melons."
"ha, why does that not surprise me?"
"hey, they were big!"
"Were they soft?"
"Like fleshy pillows."
"Kinda had you pegged for a boob guy."
"Never denied it!"
They laughed, and continued their search. The room took less time then Tyler would have thought it would, but he declared it clean. Tyler left and started on the boys locker room. It was 4PM by the time Tyler gave the gym the all clear. He then went to move into the first classroom but got a radio from Takanke,
"Hey, Tyler. Girls found something odd, care to take a look?"
"Sure where they at?"
"Science lab on the ground floor."
"On it."
Tyler took off at a light jog through the halls, passing students and townsfolk who came to help out, the city having been cleared two hours ago. They were now rechecking everything according to Tyler's personal checklist. So far, with his guidelines, the entire operation was proceeding smoothly and efficiently. Tyler found the Aki, Melody, and little Kiria waiting for him around a center table.
"Hey, ladies, watchya find?"
Tyler went and hugged Melody around her waist as he took a seat, getting a smile from her.
"We're not sure."
Tyler looked at the piece of tech they had found. It was a small black box, about the size of a book, had a large speaker, and a bunch of switches. Tyler Id'd the item right away,
"Well, how bout that? We got ourselves a geophone. A rather small one at that."
" A geophone?"
"Yeah, used for ghost hunting. Wait, I wonder."
He radioed Takanke,
"Hey, Takanke, got a question for you."
"Okay, shoot."
"Have you ever heard of the school being haunted?"
"Well, yes actually. We have stories going back decades. Why?"
"Any ghost hunting clubs pop up?"
"Ahh, yeah, we get one like once a year, why?"
"Have they ever gotten permission to set up cameras?"
"I'd have to check records to be sure, why?"
"Because if they did, then it might account for some of the bugs."
"Yeah, if you get a rather, thorough ghost hunter club, then finding several dozen forgotten hidden cameras in places isn't that odd."
"Where'd you pull that rabbit from?"
"Found an old geophone. So it got me thinking. Could be that some bugs were there for rather innocent reasons, and would explain the sheer number. It would also explain that one stubborn jackass that was welded to a beam."
"Wait, WELDED?"
"Yeah. I had to hit the thing with a hammer."
"Oh thank god. Okay, I can confirm that theory. We actually have an active ghost hunter club currently at the school."
"I'd like to see their records. We can put minds at ease if we can say that SOME bugs were for ill intent, instead of ALL. You follow me?"
"I do."
"Plus, it would also explain the different build styles I found."
"Okay, the club president is Akio Taki. She is currently in home ec room 2."
"I'll pay her a visit."
He then turned to his friends, rubbing Melody's back as he did so,
"Well, ladies, good find. We may be able to eliminate a good portion of our bugger list with this find."
They smiled,
"Well, good luck with Akio."
"Yeah she's kinda out there."
"I can handle out there. I've dabbled in ghost hunting myself."
This got a gust of sighs and a chuckle from a happy Melody. Tyler didn't bother asking and gave Melody a farewell pat as he took off. He walked along the bustling halls, getting hollered at by people he'd never met.
"Hey, Tyler, check this haul!"
"Nice, where you score?"
"Marine bio 2"
"Keep it up!"
"Hey, Ty, look here!"
"Nice find! That’s a thermal. Wait a thermal? I can rule that one out myself. good catch. Add it the pile!"
"Hey, I found this by myself!"
"Expected nothing less from the great Suzi!"
"Hey, look what we found!"
"Well done, Lily! Same to you Kie."
"Hey, I found these."
"Good eyes, Kairi. These are all thermal cameras."
"Yeah they see heat instead of what we see."
"Seems odd."
"Not if your spying on ghosts."
"Yeah on my way to see Akio."
He waved at the pretty pianist as he found the Ec room. He walked in the find a mousey girl fiddling with a rather high up camera, with a single foot on a unsettlingly wobbly footstool. Tyler walked over and caught the girl when she inevitably fell. She squeaked just like a mouse at finding herself in Tyler's strong arms.
"Woah, careful."
She looked up as he set her on her feet. Akio was a shorter girl, with messy black hair and long bangs, her eyes were a nice hazel, and her chest small. She reminded Tyler of another skinned Kiria. She seemed to go red in the face as she realized who had saved her,
"Oh ah, thank you sir for catching me!"
"No biggee. I'm Tyler. Are you Akio?"
She seemed surprised he knew her name.
"Ah, yes sir. I am."
"Seriously, call me Tyler."
She blushed even harder,
"Um, okay, Tyler. What can I do for you?"
"I understand you're the president of the ghost hunter club here?"
Her eyes became very guarded as he said this, and her voice was instantly suspicious.
"I am. What can my club do for you?"
"Put your vacuum down. I just want to see your club records."
"I know a thermal camera trap when I see it. Plus that geophone clued me in as to why there so many friggin cameras here."
Her expression went to one of awe,
"You know a geophone?"
"Yep. I also ID'd that infrared still camera you nearly died trying to grab."
"The spirits have led you to me! Oh bless the goddess!"
"Which goddess?"
"Yoko, the lady of foxes."
"Ah, I see, A shrine priestess. I recall that Japan believes that the world of the living and the spirit realm exist side by side."
"You're not gonna make fun of me for it are you?"
"Just keep the nine tails sealed away, okay?"
She snorted at that one.
"Okay, I've never heard that one."
"I guess you haven't watched naruto."
"Ugh a weeb."
"Ugh, a nightcrawler."
They just started laughing. Then Akio led Tyler to the Ghost hunter's club room. A small closet on the right wing. She opened the door and the walls were lined with famous shots from within the school Right away Tyler knew that he could discredit a good ninety percent of the roof bugs in the gym, and a good thirty percent of the photos on the walls. He walked over to one, a large white mist-like apparition near the far wall.
"That's one of our best daytime shots."
"It's a reflection off a nearby window, bouncing off a shiny basketball backboard and then hitting that rather opaque wall."
"I never keep evidence I myself can recreate. I'll so you how once this mess is cleaned up."
"If you can, I'll go out with you."
"I appreciate the thought, but I already have a girlfriend."
"Of course you do."
Her response was extremely sad, like her soul was just crushed. Tyler sighed, but as he turned to look at her, his eye caught sight of a large, horned shadow framed on a wall.
"Akio? How long ago was this taken?"
She looked up at his now serious tone, and saw the object of his attention,
"Three months ago,"
"Clear, just after a thunderstorm,"
"The 6th,"
"Okay, its September. 3 months ago was june, and the year is 2006. Please tell me you see the scary lineup there?"
"Yeah it reads, 6/6/06...oh my god."
"We need to get this bug mess cleaned up soon."
He then turned to gaze at the now far more ominous photo,
"For we might have something far more evil prowling these halls. One not even I can intimidate."
Akio then pulled out the clubs records. The volumes going back decades, and contained ever photo ever taken inside the school. Tyler flipped through and matched up different shots to the corresponding bugs he'd pulled himself or other students had. HE finished his inspection of the records and radioed Takenke,
"Well good news."
"What you got?"
"We can easily discount 99% of the bugs we found. They belong to the multi-generational efforts of the ghost hunting club. They set up so many camera traps, and forgot the locations of so many more. MY guess is the porn makers merely hijacked the already in place camera grid left over after by students. It would explain the sheer numbers."
"So you're saying that most of these are from a single club?"
"A very enthusiastic club with a rather vibrant history. I'm in their clubroom now and I got to say, they got a serious collection here. But there is one photo that has me very, very worried."
He took down the photo,
"Akio, I'm taking this."
Takanke was now worried,
"What photo?"
"A photo of a horned shadow. on a wall. I'm going to try debunking it. If I can't we need a priest in here asap. I can't hit something I can't touch."
"Tyler, if this came from anyone else,"
"I know. I really, REALLY want to be wrong for once."
Tyler took the photo to where it was taken. A section of hallway with a row of lockers, a window to his left, a hanging light, and some fliers for a few clubs. Tyler held the picture up until he matched it up to the wall. It was a section with a white background, and with the large window behind it. The shadow was 8 feet tall, and was three feet across. Tyler then set about trying to recreate the horned aspect. Musing as he did so,
"Okay, lets see here. Just after a thunderstorm, so there was water on the window. It's a daytime shot, so I wonder if a weird combination of light on water could do this? That window is ten feet off the ground, so unless this club is more desperate for hard evidence then I think, I can rule out an elaborate hoax. I hope. Okay, this looks promising. That hanging light, plus rain drops, plus...oh thank god."
Tyler had recreated the image perfectly using the wires holding the fluorescent light panel, splashing water on the window, and watching the light play a trick. The would-be demon was merely an elaborate hoax by mother nature herself.
"Well played Mother nature. Well played."
He sighed with relief, for fighting an actual demon required a far different skill set then what Tyler possessed. He radioed ahead,
"Okay, I got good news and bad news what you wanna hear first?"
"Bad news."
"I recreated that photo perfectly, and can recreate it on demand. It's a combination of water on a window, a hanging light, and the light refracted through the water and bouncing off the light."
"The good news?"
"I'm still the only demon in the school!"
"I don't think that constitutes good news."
Tyler chuckled as he left the now vacant hall. He never noticed, but an hour after he left, the horned shadow now alone on the wall, detached from the wall, and moved down into the school basement, where it had existed long before the school had been built over its ancient home.

Tyler was smiling with relief as he returned to the Ghost room. He held it back out to the very saddened girl,
"Here. I'm not sorry I debunked it. I am sorry your crown jewel was a false positive."
Akio took the now debunked photo and hugged it against her chest. She seemed about to cry,
"Are any of them legit?"
"Well, this one is."
He took down a framed photo of a mist-like substance taken from within the auditorium.
"How can you tell at a glance like that?"
"Because the negative is right there, and I've seen that spot myself. I know for a fact there is nothing there that can cast such a white mist like anomaly like that. But since I didn't take it myself, I can ask questions like did they hang a bag or something. And Aki found that camera, so I know where the taker was positioned. I call this a legit apparition. I can't explain it, I can't come up with an easy way to replicate it, so it's legit."
Akio took the photo and gaped at it, if Tyler had called it legit, then it must be so. He smiled as he tossed the horned photo into a trash can. He then took the photo out of the awestruck girl's hands and hung it in the center.
"When I have a spare day, I'll help you go through these. I'm willing to bet you got a few decent gems hidden in here."
Her eyes lit up with stars,
"I promise. I've dabbled in ghost hunting myself. And here's a little taste of my experiences. Ever heard of a little place called Salem Massachusetts?"
Her eyes went wide at the legendary location,
"You've been there?"
"Quite a few times. I'm from new Hampshire."
Her eyes how had full blown hero worship in their hazel depths.
"Will you tell me about it?"
Her voice was filled with the kind of awe normally reserved for meeting a lifelong hero, or the one person you idolize above all others. Tyler smiled as he head patted the fangirl,
"Sure, I'll bring some of my own evidence I myself have gathered."
She seemed about to faint but Tyler smacked her side,
"OI! No fainting! You faint you get CPR! Understood?"
"Um, Tyler, you do realize your PRESSING THE TALK BUTTON RIGHT?"
"Uhhh, I do now?"
Melody's quiet voice came over the radio then,
"Tyler, I think we need to have a little chat."
Her voice was nice and sweet. Akio, was giggling as she took the radio this time,
"You guys? He just went paler then a sheet."
"Hey, Akio?"
"Um, I like that camera here."
"Okay, why say that?"
"Because, since Melody is going to KILL me, I thought you'd like to know which camera I preferred to be photographed with, since ya know, I'm gonna be a ghost soon."
Everyone lost it, and the radio channel exploded with laughter at his predicament. Tyler took the radio and went to his fate.
"Later Akio, I gotta pay the piper."
"Nice knowing ya!"
Tyler gulped as he went to the last place he saw Melody. He remembered how possessive she had said she was, and was kinda worried. He found the beauty in disguise alone in a empty classroom He tapped the door, and she turned to see him there. He then switched off the radio, then went to stand beside her, the room having been declared clean half an hour ago.
"Hey, Melody."
"Hey, Tyler."
"Are you okay? You seemed...secretly upset there."
"I'm fine. I know you were just teasing her."
"Are you? I'm sorry, if my joke upset you in anyway."
"I feel better. Wanna know why?"
She hugged him and laid her head in his chest,
"Because you came straight here to check on me. That’s why,"
He hugged her back, placing a hand on the top of her head,
"Of course I did. I kinda went a little overboard with ordering you around today. I'm sorry for that."
She snuggled deeper into his embrace,
"It's fine. It was kinda fun watching you boss everyone around like that. I'm just glad you're okay."
"That bomb?"
"Yeah. That was scary, knowing you were standing on that for as long as you were, and we being so close and not even knowing."
She gripped him tighter, and he did too,
"It scared me more knowing you were right next to it. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
Melody leaned back and took off her glasses, and peered into his eye with her breathtakingly beautiful eyes.
"If you go, I'll follow."
"And if you go, I'll follow."
They stared into each other's eyes, then they started to move closer, bringing their faces closer together. Tyler could smell her sweet breath, and she could feel his, their lips were just about to touch..
"Hey! There you are!"
Little Kiria burst into the room, ruining the romantic moment for them. She ran right over to the exasperated couple, and threw herself into a flying hug at Tyler's waist. Tyler had to release his hold on Melody in order to catch the exuberant little sprite. She then went right into a full hug, squealing as she did so,
"We finished clearing the school! And the town was declared clean too! We're done and school is back on for tomorrow!"
Tyler sighed as he flipped the scamp and slung her over his shoulder like a sack and faced Melody, who had put her glasses back on,
"Well, the moment's ruined."
She seemed a little sad as she replied,
"Yes, it would appear so."
"Typical. But hey, lets make the next one truly special, whatcha say?"
Melody smiled as she looked into his eyes,
"Will there BE a next one?"
He cupped her cheek in his hand,
"I promise you, there will be many."
She placed her hand over his,
"Then lets hope we don't get interrupted next time."
"I'll lock the friggin door."
"I will hold you to it."
"Great. But one thing you should know,"
"What’s that?"
"I HATE waiting."
She chuckled as she started to tickle the exposed under legs of the trapped Kiria,
"What a coincidence, Because so do I."
"Well, lets torture this little mood killer here! It'll help pass the time."
"Oh I wholeheartedly agree. C'mere cutie!"
"Nooooo! Put me downnnnn!!! Helppppp!"
The couple laughed as they mercilessly tickled their favorite little sister. Their revenge could only last so long before Kiria's rescue came in the form of Aki and A recovered Tatsi. They came to check on the adorable scamp, and went on the tickle offensive when they saw the unfair numbers advantage,
"Hey! Two on one in a tickle fight? Not cool! Hang on Kiria, we're coming!"
"Aki! Helpppp! ss-s-sssstopp--pppp!"
Tatsi went after Tyler, who still had the smaller girl on his shoulder while Aki squared off with Melody. Tatsi had a hard time getting past Tyler's excellent defense, even a one handed defense. Meanwhile Melody had Aki on the floor tickling her under arms like a mad women.
"I got this one, love, get her friend!"
"Yes Ma'am!"
Tyler shot forward, careful of his precious passenger on his shoulder, who was searching for a tickle-based vengeance of her own. The friends dueled for a rousing five minutes, with neither side getting the advantage. They stopped, all breathless and laughing.
"Agreed, if you return the girl."
Tyler knelt and placed Kiria on the floor like she was made from gold. She then patted the Scarred boy like he was a dog.
"Good horsy!"
That sent the girls to the floor laughing both at Kiria' cuteness, and his reaction to being her horse. The friends recovered and then Tyler went for a confirmation.
"Hey, Takanke, it true we're done?"
"Yep. The teams are doing the last of their triple checks. But it looks like the mess is cleaned up."
"That took a helluva lot less time then I thought it would."
"Yeah same here. We have you to thank for that. That checklist you came up with basically rewrote how we search for bugs now."
"I'm glad it worked. How many we end up collecting?"
"You're gonna get a kick outta this. We collected over 5000 cameras, 4000 mics, 3500 still photography cameras, 1000 main transfer hubs and one boom mic."
"It's gonna suck checking every single link."
"Believe it or not, we're already done."
"We're not entirely useless! You were right again. All but maybe 2000 units were from the ghost hunting club. We're discussing what to do with them."
"Well, how setting them back up?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Yeah. Set them back again, this time with a proper security system and a web master we can trust. Your school has some decent ghost activity. I can oversee their placement myself. We can then set up a school network so that every student can tune in and watch for ghosts. Bathrooms, locker rooms and the like off limits of course. Hell, do it right and if a student gets sick-
"Stop right there!"
Tyler turned to see four very angry young ladies all holding various blunt instruments.
"On second thought, forget the whole getting sick thing. Just open the network up after the building closes for the night and shut it down when there are people in the building."
The girls all smiled sweetly at his redirect, aware of the cold sweat dripping from his face at his near beating. Takanke had a very good idea whet had made him drop that train of thought.
"Okay. But how do we guarantee this won't happen again?"
"Well, conduct monthly camera checks, have a main data base record everything anytime a camera goes live, and periodically scan for foreign signals. If you want to get fancy, once the network is operational, we can livestream basketball or other sports games from the gym for a fee."
"I see your point. Okay, I can ask Otagowa to have Yataomo tech specialist set up the network securely this time. How do I explain this to families?"
"We can explain the sheer amount of bugs to a long running overly enthusiastic club. Hell, we can even cry foul saying a completely harmless and legit club activity was hijacked by the ring. So it makes us look like the victims too."
"Okay. I don't like just how easily you came up with a way to spin this to our advantage on the fly like that."
"I'm American. Marketing ourselves to make us look better to save our asses is kinda a national sport."
Otagowa was heard laughing over his radio. Takanke just sighed.
"Well, no matter. The schools clean. You kids get home, you got classes in the morning."
"Yes sir."
Tyler and his friends left out the main gate, Tyler had Melody under his arm and were walking together. Tatsi was ragging on Aki and Kiria was bouncing along. Otagowa just breathed a sigh that the job was done at last. Yozora and his detail were standing by, and Takanke lit up another cigar.
"Well. We're done. The school and city is bug free."
"That it is."
"Hard to believe it's entirely thanks to that one young man."
"He is truly formidable, Akiri."
"He is indeed. So do you think I made the right choice, taking him into the family?"
"With full access to your resources, I'm a little frightened by what he could come up with."
"He will either bring great honor to the family, or destroy it with his bare hands."
"Let's wait and see what it will be."

Tyler had gone silent as the small group had walked. He then broached a topic that had been bugging him,
"How's Satuski?"
Tatsi sighed,
"She went home, said she needed a nap."
"I'm gonna look over those drives. I was wondering if she wanted to be there when I did."
"I can ask her."
"It would be better for her if she was."
Tatsi flipped her phone open and called her sister. Tyler heard them talk and Tatsi hung up.
"She'll be at your place in fifteen. I'll be there too."
"Fancy another slumber party?"
"I can't. My mother wants a full debrief on our last one."
"I can't either. I have to unpack in my new room."
"If I understand the building's lay out, than Kiria, your bedroom, is just behind that bit of open wall in the back. Near where Aki and Tatsi slept."
"Don't go getting any ideas. I have a slingshot."
Melody seemed sad. Tyler hugged her tightly for a moment,
"Don't get sad. We can text or talk on the phone for a while if you want."
"I 'd love it very much if we could."
"You got it."
A large black SuV rolled up at that moment and the window rolled down and Asuika's face was seen,
"Ahhh, everyone run! An evil witch!"
"Oh ha ha, how original. Hey Melody, I'm here to get you."
"Kay, mother. Good night. Tyler."
Tyler took her in a full-bodied hug and whispered in her ear,
"I'll be in the library for lunch tomorrow."
She smiled and climbed into her moms SUV. Asuika was smiling,
"Don't worry, she doesn't have diabetes yet, and I kept the partial nudity to a minimum."
"I fear you gonna corrupt my angelic daughter."
"Well if I corrupt her angel, maybe she'll purify my demon."
"Okay that was slick. Cya later kids."
She drove off and Tyler sighed as he led the other girls to his Apartment. Aki left then to go to her own unit, and they waved good bye. Satuski was waiting outside his room. She had swapped her white student council president uniform for a light dress and sandals. Kiria skipped over to her new room, her twin-tails flopping like narrow bunny ears. She opened the door and bade them a cheery good night as she shut the door. Chuckling, Tyler unlocked his own lair and let the ladies in,
"Sorry for the mess Satsuki. We kinda had a party last night and I haven't had a chance-nobody move. Tatsi, Satsuki, stay outside."
He shoved the girls outside and slammed the door, and locked it with chain and bolt. Outside Tatsi and Satuski were now on edge. Satuski was about to call the police but Tatsi stopped her,
"Wait, trust him."
Tyler had felt a presence in the room. He reached into his bag and pulled his switchblade, opening it inside the bag, and placed the bag down with his back turned to the main room. He heard a soft click, and then and only then, made his move. The room was dark, as he had closed the heavy curtains, and the sun was now on the other side of the building. It cloaked the room in a soft darkness that Tyler was very familiar with. As he had set his bag down, and heard the click of a gun, Tyler flicked his wrist, sending the knife into the wrist of the hidden gunmen and forcing him to drop his weapon. The assailant grunted in pain and Tyler was on him like a ravening wolf. The man was smaller then Tyler, and more muscular, plus being a highly trained assassin to boot. But that meant nothing in the face of Tyler. The hell he grew up in far harsher then any training regiment, the people around him more evil then an assassin's trainers. Tyler smashed his fist into the near invisible man's face with everything Tyler had in his body, and the smaller framed man went flying into the back of the room with a massive crash. Tyler then flipped the light switch and illuminated the attempted assassin. The single shot had shattered the mans jaw and sent him plummeting into unconsciousness. Tyler shoved his hand in the ruined jaw of his attacker and removed a large cyanide capsule from his molar.
"Tch, amateur."
He then went to his now shaking door. He unlocked it to find Tatsi, Satsuki, Kira, Sonya, and Kiria, holding hammers. He held up his hand,
"Relax. Had a surprise guest. He's taking a nap over there."
The women were shocked at the surprise intruder, and Tyler just picked up his phone,
"Oh, hello Tyler, what is it this time?"
"An assassination attempt."
"I'm sorry what?"
"I need someone to come collect an out cold assassin. Found him in my apartment."
"I'll be there in five."
"Thanks Charlie!"
Tyler hung up and went back inside to see the man starting to stir.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't have you escaping just yet."
Tyler planted a foot on his chest, and pinned the man in place. The ladies were all relieved he was alright, but Kira and Sonya did have a few words for him,
"I'm glad your alright and everything, but if you knew he was in here, why didn't you just call Charlie in the first place?"
"Because I could take him down myself."
"But why put yourself at risk?"
"Because if it's me, then any risk is minimalized."
"That doesn't make it okay to just throw yourself into danger! What if you got hurt?"
"Well, I'd put myself back together again. Like I usually do."
Charlie and a small swat team arrived then and Tyler waited till they cuffed the man, before removing his foot. Tyler then explained what happened,
"I walked in and noticed my school shoes had been moved to the side. I set that trap before I shut my door this morning. They're in a place that if you come in you will kick them aside without noticing. I turned that deadbolt myself, so I know my door was locked, and Rin would call before doing a room visit. so I had the girls wait outside as I went to properly greet my guest. He had a silenced pistol, but I had my knife. In the dark, with my knife in my room? He had zero chance, I disarmed him with my knife and hit him once with my fist, and That was all she wrote. He had this cyanide cap in his teeth, so a professional jackass. Here."
Charlie looked at the man's ruined jaw. It was shattered beyond hope.
"You did that much damage with a single punch?"
"Ahh, yeah."
He shook his head. Tyler then began searching his apartment.
"What you looking for now?"
"A backup plan. Ah, here we go."
Tyler came up with a brick of C4. Charlie's eyes went wide at the military explosive. He was about to radio back the bomb squad when Tyler grabbed a pair of scissors and cut a small green wire on the brick and the lights died. Charlie just sighed,
"And where did you learn that trick?"
"Yep. This one is a simple timer based one. According to a website I found once, it said to always go for the second wire on the left of the main countdown."
"I'm just gonna smile and nod. I don't get paid enough for this bullshit."
"You and me both brother. Here think fast."
Tyler handed the brick over and went back to searching his room, and came up with a few mics and cameras. He flipped each camera off as he found them. He gave a comment to each mic as he found them too,
"Tch, child's play."
"Get some new ideas jackasses!"
"Seriously? Watch some other spy movies."
"Okay, that’s just stupid."
Tyler finished his sweep and handed them off to Charlie.
"Here, some souvenirs."
"Yay, more paperwork."
Tyler was about to make another comment when his phone rang, it was Otagowa.
"Hey, big man. What's up?"
"I heard you had a visitor."
"Yep. Some wanna-be agent 47. I dropped him, and disarmed his halfassed brick bomb. You know him?"
"You what now? You disarmed a bomb?"
"Yep. This one matched a schematic I found once on the internet."
"Why were you looking up bomb schematics?"
"I was bored."
"Okay, just gonna smile and nod. As to your other question, yes. This was an attempt by a disgraced family member. We already have him."
"I guess I misworded an earlier question."
"I don't follow."
"Remember when I asked about infighting and power struggles?"
"I see. This is a separate issue. Our power struggles always involved humiliation, not murders."
"Even between families?"
"Jesus, we're aren't the mafia. Most you need to watch out for is an idiot with a camera at the wrong time."
"Did I ever tell about my extreme hatred for the paparazzi?"
"Believe me I understand. Now this would-be assassin was hired by a family member I kicked out and had arrested for his involvement with the rings. As we speak, Yozora and his men are setting up posts where they can watch your apartment when you leave."
"Tell him thanks for me, if I don't see him first. I like this place. I don't wanna move if I don't have to."
"I agree. Don't worry. This is what Yozora and his people are paid for. They're the best there is at this."
"Coolio. So your aware, I may or may not have left a huge hole in my room's dry wall."
"I'll have it fixed before you get home from school tomorrow."
"Coolio. Is there anything else I need to know about?"
"Well, actually, I have a request."
"Do you have anything planned for this Saturday?"
"I'm taking Melody out on our first date."
"I see. What about Sunday?"
"Sunday's free. Why, what's up?"
"I want you to meet the other immediate family members, namely my wife, and my two daughters."
"ohhhhh, so that's why my daughter scenario hit you like that. Sure, sounds like fun. But, are you sure?"
"You're part of the family now."
"I guess. Fair warning though, I don't really do fancy. Most I got is a new pair of jeans and a fresh T-shirt, and a clean pair of work boots."
"Not to worry. I want you in your element."
"To show the world of difference between our worlds?"
"Exactly. Well, I'll let you get back to it."
"Sure, catchya later."
Tyler then turned to Tatsi and Satuski,
"You two still wanna come in? I got day old pizza and a fresh two liter."
Satuski smiled as Tatsi chuckled,
"Wow, you sure know how to sweet talk a girl."
They went inside and Tyler rechained and rebolted the door. Satuski was immediately nervous at being locked in with such a dangerous boy. But Tatsi reassured her,
"Pff, relax, Satsi. He won't hurt us. He did the same thing when I slept here."
"he did?"
"yep, it was a fun night."
"And an even more fun morning surprise, eh Tatsi?"
"Oh, very fun. I haven't gotten that kinda fun in a while."
"Hey, just wait till next time, cause you know there will be."
"Ohhh, I can't wait!"
"Uhhhh, what happened?"
"Don't worry bout it."
"Yeah there are lots a things you don't need to know."
"uhhh, I'm scared now."
Tyler and Tatsi exchanged a knowing look and smirked at the memory. Then Tyler went over and setup his laptop. Satuski and Tatsi came and sat beside him as he opened the topless Satuski file and started scrolling,
"Alright, lets see what passes for blackmail in this world."
HE scrolled passed numerous pictures of Satuski in various states of undress, in different poses, with different objects against herself.
"Well, so far no penetration of any kind, so that’s a plus. That’s the first file. Kinda tame really."
Satuski had a small voice had his verdict as he went to the next folder of pictures,
"Yeah. From what I can tell, you just look like a softcore model or something. This is very tame and vanilla compared to what I was expecting."
"Just what the hell were to expecting?"
"Well, before she said her virginity was intact, I thought he had flat out raped her. After I expected various objects in her butt, or mouth, but so far nothing."
Satuski horrified at the notion, and Tatsi comforted her sister. Tyler blew through two of the thumb drives and was nearing the end of the third when he found the video folder,
"Okay, lets see what he was watching."
He doubled clicked the first clip and it was four hours long and it opened with a shot of Tatsi and Satuski's bedroom.
"hmm, nice angle, decent view of the bed, plus a rather good shot of the rest of the room itself. altogether camera place is a solid B in my book."
Tatsi slapped him. HE chuckled as Satuski appeared in the field of view, and Tatsi was right behind her. The onscreen sisters then stripped naked and went about their activities in the nude. Satuski was shamefully hanging her head while Tatsi again comforted her sister. Tyler then skipped ahead by twenty minutes, and the girls on screen were joined by a equally naked mother bringing in some snacks. The older woman leaves, then their naked father came in the help the girls with homework. Tyler skipped ahead again and this time the girls were reading in the nude. Skipped ahead again, nude video games, skip, nude chats about boys,
"Okay, we got the good stuff now!"
"Yeah, if you don't skip ahead like right now, I'll cut you balls off."
"Yes Ma'am."
He skipped ahead, and the girls climbed into the single bed naked and covered up with blankets for the night. The rest of the video was just the sister's sleeping peacefully. Tyler sighed as he moved to the next one, the same thing, once home the girls would strip naked and then go about the rest of their daily lives. There were eight videos, and he got through all of them until the last one. Right before going to bed, Tatsi was complaining about a sore back from a rather intense spear bout. The Satuski went about giving a full-bodied massage in the nude. Tatsi's massage lasted a full hour and then they went to sleep in each other's arms like the previous videos. Fade to black. Tyler sat back and rubbed his eyes, he then just sighed. Looking over he saw that Satuski was waiting with baited breath, while Tatsi tried to hide her anxiety. Tyler had been expecting something far, far different.
"So, you're nudists."
Tatsi answered his questions.
"What do you mean by nudist?"
"You'd rather just be naked then wear clothes."
"Only at home. We have a open family. So no secrets, and we're not ashamed of our bodies."
"Okay. I was expecting something else entirely. But this is just daily family life. Although without the proper context that massage could be seen as incestuous lesbian play."
Satuski's eyes went wide at his instant acceptance of their family’s ways.
"You mean it doesn't bother you?"
"Why would it? This is just a family's way of life. I once met a family that made everyone wear the same outfit, boys and girls both had to wear shirts and pants. I had a neighboring family that would raise chickens and ducks. If they were having duck or chicken for a meal, they would have either the son or daughter depending on who was home, cull and prepare the animal right there in the driveway of their house. Seriously, your family's quirk doesn't faze me in the slightest. Gotta say Tatsi, you got a really nice family."
Satuski and Tatsi's breaths of relief were massive. Then Tatsi hugged Tyler tightly, and Satuski did too. He then turned to Satuski and placed a hand on her shoulder,
"If anyone ever tries to blackmail you with this again, just laugh at them. They have nothing, and they know it. You have wonderful family and a hot sister. Be proud of that. Now then Satsuki, what would you like me to do with all this?"
Tatsi hugged her sister as she gave her response,
"Delete it, please."
He hit a key and formatted the drives. He then handed them to Satuski,
"Here, clean as the day they were bought."
"Thank you. This is more of a relief then you will ever know. This might not be very strange to you, but again without the proper context..."
"Yeah, especially when your dad came into the shot. I've heard enough horror stories to get a little nervous."
"He wouldn't."
"Yeah, He sees mom naked all the time and zero reaction and she’s hotter than we are."
"Eh, matter of perspective."
"So, I can reheat some pizza and throw some MOE anime eyebleach on if you like."
The girls laughed,
"Sure, We need to clean our eyes and minds."
"And what better way then junk food and cute anime girls?"
"Nice. Hey, Satuski."
The black haired girl turned to see Tyler holding out a fist,
"Sorry, for near crushing your ribcage and cussing you out earlier, oh and nearly killing you."
She bumped knuckles as she apologized too,
"Sorry for being such a royal bitch."
"We cool?"
"We cool"
Tatsi smiled as she called her mom to tell her they were eating dinner at his place. Tyler fired up one of his favorite relaxer Anime, a very chill show called Lucky star. He and the girls took seats in front of the TV and munched on pizza and chuckled along with the onscreen girls. Satuski and Tatsi were leaning against each other eating pizza while Tyler was all on his lonesome, really missing Melody's cuddles. The girls ate their fill, and both yawned. Their mom was coming to pick them up and was supposed to be there any minute. Tyler cleared away the remnants of their meal and was putting the half empty two litter away when Satuski tugged his shirt. He turned to have her throw herself into a full hug,
"Thank you. I can't thank you enough for saving me."
He held her in the small kitchen as Tatsi looked on,
"Anytime. And don't worry. What happens in my apartment stay in the apartment."
she pulled back and kissed him on the cheek before going back to sit by her sister. HE smiled as he watched the siblings embrace each other and continue watching the show. He was about to join them when a loud knock was heard on his steel door. He went and opened it with the chain. There was a tall, beautiful woman standing there in a thick fur coat.
Are you Tatsi, and Satuski's mom?"
"I am, You must be Tyler."
"Yes Ma'am. Gimme a sec,"
He shut the door and removed the chain to open it fully. The older version of Tatsi walked in and Tyler shut the door and rechained it. The lady noticed,
"You must've grown up in a rough neighborhood."
Tyler chuckled as he led the lady into his lair,
"Miss, you have no idea."
Tatsi and Satuski were getting ready to leave as Tyler hit pause on the episode they’re were watching.
"Hey, we can keep watching this next time. Hey, Satuski, you know where I live. You ever need anything or wanna hang you have my name and number."
Their mother smiled had his kind offer,
"It seems my Daughters have solid judgement for a good friend. My name is Mako. A pleasure to put a face to the name of the boy Tatsi holds in such high regards."
"Pleasure to meet you Miss, Mako. They're welcome here anytime. Later you two."
"Cya at school tomorrow."
"Yes, and remember that I am your student council president."
"Sure thing prez."
Satuski sighed and the family left with a chuckle. Tyler shut his door and resecured it. He then was about to shoot a text to Melody when his phone rang. It was Yozora.
"Hey, Yozora. Got a problem?"
"No, I just wanted you to be aware. Your nighttime security detail is on site. We'll watch over that building while you sleep. Rest easy, Akiri."
"Thanks a lot Yozora. Anything happens give a holler, alright? I don't leave my own when they're in a pinch."
"You honor us with your concern, Akiri. I will inform you of any threats."
"Thanks again."
The security officer hung up. And Tyler noticed his battery was nearly drained but he had an outlet near his bed and two chargers. HE plugged in and sent a text to Melody.
"hey, you still awake?"
she responded like she had been waiting.
"are we alone?"
"I was watching an anime and was thinking of you,
"oh? Missed cuddling?"
"Yeah, and just missed you in general."
"Wow, separation anxiety?"
"Well, my gorgeous girlfriend is possessive."
"Fair enough, just don't get clingy."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Hey, guess what?"
"I'm in my true form."
"I wish I could see that."
His phone pinged and a new message appeared. He opened it and was immediately hypnotized, for Melody was indeed in her true form. Her large breasts were untaped, and her hair was down. She held the large frame glasses in her teeth as she gave a puppy dog eyed look at the camera. Her beautiful blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight. He then noticed her bed robe had been let a little lower, exposing a single, large nipple. He sighed at her breathtaking beauty.
"I want to say something, but I'll wait for the proper moment."
"Then I'll say mine. I love you."
"I hope you know how much you mean to me. Melody."
"I want you to tell me, face to face."
"I promise you I will."
"I look forward to it. only...."
"Only what?"
"I want you to do it right."
"I will do it to the very best of my ability. This is still new territory for me, but I'll do my very best to make you happy."
"And I'll do my best to make you happy."
"I don't deserve a girlfriend as amazing as you are Melody."
"I don't deserve a boyfriend as awesome as you are Tyler."
"Well, then lets make sure to show just how much we enjoy our undeserved happiness!"
" Yes Lets do it together!"
"Oh, I got a story for you!"
"It about Satuski?"
"No, I promised her I wouldn't tell anyone."
"I understand. So what happened?"
"Some jackass tried to assassinate me when I got back home today."
"Are you okay?"
"Of course. The fuckwad tried to jump me in the dark."
"You can't hurt a denizen of the dark if you were raised in the light."
"wow, it's almost like you know me or something. So yeah, now Otagowa has to fix a section of the drywall I put the idiot through. According to him he was hired by a former family member to get revenge for getting him kicked out of the family. Go figure, amIright?"
"Well, As long as you're okay."
"I'm fine. He even set up a bomb under my bed."
"Yeah, but I knew this one so I disarmed it."
"Do I even want to know the story about how you learned to disarm bomb?"
"That’s a lot lamer then the norm."
"Not everything I know came from torture!"
"LOL. Well, I need to get to sleep. I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"Some am I. Good night, Melody."
"Good night, Tyler. I love you."

His phone went silent and Tyler sighed as he set on his desk charger. He then took off his shirt and readied for bed. He set his uniform on it's hook, his school supplies on the counter and laid out his shower supplies. He then laid in his bed. It was faint, but he could smell, little Kiria's scent in his blankets. It smelled of cotton candy and peaches. He found his room surprisingly empty without his friends nearby. He was also surprised at just how lonely he felt now. But it passed as he remembered that Little Kiria was just on the other side of the wall. That thought brought a smile to his face as he started to drift off.
"I'm finally home."


Tyler's air raid siren went off and he was right awake. He was showered, dressed, and fed in under fifteen minutes as per the usual. He was out the door no later then 7:16. He found Aki waiting for him by the stone wall. He vaulted it this morning like a cat, and landed as silently as a mouse. Aki jumped as he suddenly appeared. Then smacked him,
"Jackass. How you doing this Friday?"
"Well, I just got smacked. How you think?"
"You deserved it. C'mon lets go."
"Yes Ma'am."
They walked away and Tyler spotted Yozora's detail in a blind across the street. The Leader gave a small nod as Tyler's eyes found his. Tyler nodded back and went back to looking ahead.
"What’s up?"
"Nothing much, just saying hi to my shadow."
"Your my friend. That makes you just as weird."
"Yeah, why are we friends again?"
"Cause you love me!"
She elbowed the smartass in the ribs for that one. He smiled as her arm effectively went numb. She sighed as she rubbed her poor arm,
"Hey, you think your skin will ever soften like a normal persons?"
"No. It probably hasn't even reached peak hardness either. My muscles either. If I had to guess, my body was forced to adapt extremely rapidly in order to survive. So, since I'm still only 14, my skin will probably only get harder and tougher, my muscles too. I think the changes to my body are permanent."
"Gee, that kinda sucks."
"Not really. I don't want my time in hell to have been for nothing. My skills and this body are proof of my strength."
"Woah. It is too early in the morning for this kinda bullshit."
"Agreed. Hey, there's Kiria. Hey, there Squirt!"
The class representative tapped her foot to his remark.
Call, me squirt again and I'll mark you tardy Mister!"
"Yes Ma'am. Sorry, Ma'am!"
The twin-tailed scamp had to fight the urge to beat him with her clipboard. She then just waved him and Aki along. The friends chuckling as they went.
"You know she's gonna hit you one of these days."
"Most likely."
"Well, long as you know."
Tyler chuckle lasted until he opened his locker and found a thick stack of letters on his shoes.
"Seriously? Again?"
Aki came over to see the large stack,
"Whaddya expect? Your kinda a celebrity now, hell, you already were overly looked up to for that Ikashi thing, now though I bet you have a literal fan club somewhere in here. Have fun!"
Tyler sighed as he pulled his hoes on and went to Ira's home room. He walked in and found the math teacher in his chair with a newspaper. Tyler took his seat and went to open his first letter when the man lowered his paper,
"Well, Tyler Yataomo. You my lad work fast."
"Well, kinda half to when my friends' on the line."
"Fair enough. Hey, looks like you got quite the following there."
"Yep. Not sure how I'm gonna handle it this time."
"New territory?"
"Yep. Out of everything I've ever experienced, popularity was never one of them."
"I hear that. Well have fun!"
"Sure thing Mister Ira."
"You won't let that one go, will you?"
Ira sighed and Tyler opened his first letter. It was a letter of pure admiration, the writer was a girl, and she seemed to be grateful for his uncovering of the bug network. The next few were more or less the same. He then opened one and it had a recipe for a kind of rice ball. Tyler smiled as he saw it was from Asika. He then remembered his promise to learn how to actually cook something under her during his next free period. He looked through his fan mail, then he opened the last one, only for his smile to die and his eyes to go cold with fury. It was a single line.
I know who Melody is. Meet me at that tree after first period, or I will reveal it to the class.
Tyler immediately took a photo of the letter and sent it to Melody with the message asking if she recognized the hand writing. He then reached down and pulled out his switchblade, and began sharpening it on a small whetstone as he waited for a reply. Ira looked up at the scrapping sound and his eyes went wide at the sheer fury in Tyler's face. He considered what he should do, but made the choice to just let it be. Tyler looked like he was going to kill someone. Tyler's phone then beeped and it was Melody.
I do recognize it.
his name is Klain.
where is he?
in front of me
What class
bio 1
Demon inbound.

"Ira. I have a matter I need to attend to. I'll be back soon."
Ira knew he would go with or without his permission. So he just nodded. He then buzzed Takanke.
"Hey Ira what is it so early in the morning?"
"Hey, Takee Someone pissed Off Tyler this morning, he just left to deal with it."
"Already? Do we know anything?"
"He got a bunch of fan mail, looks like someone wasn't a fan."
"I have the staff on alert. Lets just hope this isn't another mile long rabbit hole."

Tyler found the room in question and Spotted Melody, and the tall, over weight whale sitting on her desk, and trying to peer down her shirt. Tyler went to the second door and used his ghosting skills to move through the room. As he did he heard pigman bragging,
"Well then babe, you're gonna be mine to play with now."
"Tyler will take you apart, and not a single soul will help you."
Piggy held up his phone,
"Not unless you want your true identity posted on every notice board in town-hey give that back!"
"Klain, the demon has arrived."
Tyler had come right up behind the lard barrel and plucked his phone right out of his hand. The pig squealed in indignation as he turned around, only to nearly faint when he saw Tyler's enraged face...and the six inch Switchblade in his hand. Tyler then opened his phone and went right to the pictures in question. He then flicked a finger for Melody to have a look. She did and the couple looked at each other and just burst out laughing. Tyler closed his knife as he Hugged Melody, then confronted the now scared pigman.
"Next time you wanna try to blackmail a demon with a photo of his Girlfriend, get the right freakin girl ya Lardass."
Tyler then searched his entire phone and came up with nothing. He then just sighed as he held out the photo to be used as blackmail material. It was a similar looking girl leaving the back door of a strip club. If you only glanced at it quickly it seemed to be Melody, but if you truly knew her true form, as Tyler and Melody did, the world of difference was unmissable. He then just looked at Melody.
"How you want me to handle this? He's just some pissant with a crush on a girl outta his league."
"I'll let you decide."
"By the way, is that a new perfume?"
"It is, you like it?"
"Yeah, I do actually. Smells like cotton candy, and peaches. Now then piggy, how am I going to make you squeal for wasting my time?"
The pigman had fallen off Melody's desk and was crawling backward across the floor as students just moved out of his way. Tyler then had a thought,
"Well, I guess it wasn't a complete waste. I now know I have more then enough time to visit Melody in the morning before class and her Library duties. Okay, Piggie. this is you punishment"
Tyler crushed the pigs phone into pieces with his barehand and tossed to his feet. He then held up his hand to show a lack of even a scratch.
"If you ever bother either of us again, it will be your fat neck I crush, understood, piggy?"
"Yes sir!"
Tyler wiped his hand on a disinfectant wipe he spotted as he said bye to Melody. He returned just before first bell to Ira's class. The math teacher seemed a little surprised to see him back so soon.
"Solve another crisis?"
"Pff, just some little pissant tried to blackmail me with a photo of my girl, problem was it wasn't even the right friggin girl!"
"How bad you hurt him?"
"Tch didn't have to. Just crushed his phone in my bare hand and showed him how the thing didn't even scratch me. He got the message, if the puddle was anything to go by."
"So, no new conspiracy?"
"Not yet, but give it time, the days still young!"
Tyler sat down and tore the pig man's letter up, he was planning to visit the tree to cover any loose ends. HE then filed away his actual fan mail into his bag. He had made a point of saving his letter for some reason. Ira's class went by without incident, and Tyler went to the tree. He stayed there for a few minutes, and found nothing and was met by no one. Satisfied he headed to ms. Yukino’s class. He found the eccentric teacher concentrating on a model of a P-51 mustang. She was trying to get a piece of the propeller in place when she moved a little too fast and it broke. She sat up heartbroken and Tyler knew that pain So he went over to help the saddened teacher,
"Hey, mind if I give it a try?"
Yukino smiled at his kindness.
"Sure, if you can fix it, no homework for the class."
"It will be done, Commander!"
Tyler then took a seat in her chair and took the small broken pieces and took out his knife. He then laid the tiny parts on a flat surface and using the small knife tip placed model glue on each piece and pushed them together. After a moment the pieces were whole again and Tyler placed the component into it's designated spot.
"And voila."
Yukino smiled widely at the competent boy and his knifework.
"That was impressive. Thank you. I'll keep my word."
"So what kind of pain did you have to endure to learn that little trick?"
"Only the kind a fellow model builder can understand. I broke many before I mastered it."
"Very much so."
Tyler then went and sat back at his desk and was about to set up his laptop when he saw Yukino placing her new plane on a shelf. He waited for her to place it and step away before firing off a cannon shot.
"Panzer IV!"
"Panzer Vor!"
"Well said!"
Tyler smiled as Melody entered the room. She took her seat beside him, and he could smell her new perfume wafting in his direction.
"How'd pigman behave after I left?"
"HE was called to the principle's office and hasn't returned. Maybe Satuski will know more."
"Perhaps. Hey, who's that?"
A girl had poked her head around the door and was looking around, as if searching for someone. She then saw Tyler in the back and went a little red, but came in regardless. She was small-framed and rather bland. She walked up to Tyler who smiled at his visitor,
"Hi, what can I do for you?"
She blushed as she handed him a letter.
She then turned and ran out. Tyler took the letter, a look of mixed feelings on his face. HE opened the thing and read it. He sighed as he finished it,
"Love letter?"
"Half love letter, half hero worship."
"She ask to meet?"
"No, guess words gotten around that we're an item. So she just expressed her gratitude."
"Well, mister popular what will you do with it?"
"The letter? I have a drawer for them. I'm gonna get a cabinet or something to keep them."
"What, don't want to lose potential vital information?"
"I don't want to lose the memories."
Melody smiled as she understood then. Yukino was about to bring the class to session when the door slid open and Ryuko walked in. Yukino seemed a little flustered at the student council member's appearance. Ryuko was still wearing her leather jacket and shorts as she walked in.
"Um miss Ryuko, what can I do for you?"
The rowdy streetchick smiled as she replied,
"I got something for our local hero there. Yo what up bro."
She walked over and bro fisted the still seated boy.
"What up Ryuko? Whatcya got for me?"
The rowdy girl tossed an envelope on his desk
"I'm flattered, Ryuko. Really, but I already got a girl."
"Yessh, shot down twice now. Must be serious. It's not from me it's from Satuski."
"NOW I'm concerned."
Ryuko laughed. The two knuckle bumped as she had to get back to work
"Like you actually work at all."
"Bite me."
"Nah, get Satuski to."
"I’mma kick your ass."
"I'mma beat yours. Later Ryuko."
"Later, Hero."
She walked out whistling as Tyler opened the letter.
"Well, how bout them apples?"
"What’s it say?"
"Satuski has invited me to join the student council."
"What's your title?"
"oh you'll love this: To solve and deal with any and all unseen problems in our school."
"When do they meet?"
"Lunch periods, and free periods."
"Oh, that’s a shame."
"Yeah, for them. My lunch periods already been claimed."
"You're turning her down?"
"Yep. I ain't giving up my time with you to chase down more rabbit holes."
"You could do a lot of good."
"I could, but I have to lose out on hanging with you. Sorry, but you're far more precious to me."
Melody smiled, and ducked into her thick braid.
"Are you sure?"
Yukino cleared her throat,
"If you two lovebirds are quite finished."
"We're done for now."
"Agh, youthful romance."
"Agh, a singl-you know what I'm not gonna finish that thought."
Yukino smiled with a sweet maliciousness, before opening the class. She started the lesson and went over her items for the day. It was about have way through when she then made an announcement,
"Okay, class. I want you to partner up. You're all gonna make a presentation on a period in Japans history. You will have the rest of class, all weekend, and the class on Monday to complete it. Alright? Break!"
Tyler merely looked over to Melody.
"Guess you now have a legitimate excuse to hang at my place."
She had a rather special gleam in her beautiful blue eyes.
"It would seem so. And you have an excuse to come to mine."
"Well, looks like this weekend is gonna be awesome. But I have to cut Sunday short. Otagowa wants to introduce me to his wife and daughters. After though I am all yours."
"Well, I guess I can share, just this once."
"I don't like it either, because to tell the truth?"
He leaned over and she did too so he could whisper in her ear,
"I'd much rather be with you all weekend."
She seemed to quiver a little. and she leaned back smiling.
"That's it. next weekend, All of it, we're together, understood?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
She smiled at that, and Then the partners went to Yukino to solidify the partnership. She just waved them off,
"Oh come on, I already have you as a team. Wouldn't be anyone else amIright?"
"Fair enough."
"So what period you doing?"
The couple looked at each other,
"What do you think?"
"Whatever we choose we'll knock out the park."
"So true. So how about, WWII? Gives me an excuse to shoot off tank rounds and planes engines in class."
"Sounds like fun."
Yukino was smiling at his selection and was drooling slightly.
"I'll put you down for WWII. I can't wait to see what you come up with."
Tyler gave the tank-loving teacher a suggestive smile as he turned to head back to his seat. Tyler sat down and opened his computer and yet another shot rang out,
The class laughed at their little way of student teacher bonding. Tyler pulled up his favorite tank sits and then just sat back as Melody moved her desk closer,
"Something wrong?"
"Nah, just too many ideas with too little time."
"Well, lets break it into smaller pieces."
"You're the boss. I'm think either focusing on either tank evolution during the war, or maybe how the Japanese war machine was better then Hitlers."
"hmm, I was thinking of looking at Japanese navel power at that time."
"You know what? I like it. If i recall, Otagowa said there was a WWII battleship in Tokyo bay. Plus I don't know a whole lot about warships in general."
"Well, lets do that. It's more fun to learn something new in the process., anyway."
"Well alright we got a topic. So what kinda presentation we doing?"
"I'm thinking either power point or maybe a live presentation."
"Hmm, I wonder if I can ask Otagowa for some spent shells from the era, actually I don't think I should bother him for such a trivial thing."
"It might be a nice change of pace from just calling him when a crisis hits."
"Fair point. Ah what the hell, sure gimme a sec."
He dialed up the important man, who answered after two rings,
"Hey, son what’s the new rabbit hole this time?"
"Actually I got a normal, noncrisis related request this time."
"OH? Let's here it."
"Me an Melody are doing a project on WWII Japanese warships, and I was wondering if I could get my hands on some spent shells from the ships in that era."
"Is that it? No new problems that need police involvement? Or a bomb defusing?"
"Funny, Ira said much the same thing this morning when a fatass tried to blackmail me through my girlfriend with a photo of the wrong girl. Hey, if you really want me to, I'm sure I can dig up a money laundering scheme somewhere."
Otagowa laughed,
"Nah, I'm good. It's kinda refreshing to have a normal Junior high school-based request. Lets see, shells right? Any in particular?"
"hmm, I'm thinking either some antiair flak rounds from the Akagi, or maybe a round from the Yamato. I can't go around with a 1000 pound shell. Oh, and this is my own request. Think you could snag a tiger Shell? It'll look sick next to my desk."
"Just when I was getting worried you only saw me as a fire extinguisher."
"Hey, give it time, the days still young. If my pattern holds, the shit won't rehit the fan until gym class."
"Oh that’s reassuring. Okay, I can have a few armor piercing rounds from the Akagi's antiair batteries, a round from the Yamato's secondary cannons, a Tiger I HE round, and some rounds from the Zero and Zeke from the Carrier Amagi at your apartment by the time you get home, sound good?"
"Sure, I'll finally be a proper American again, going to school with bullets in my bag!"
"You got a very weird sense of humor there."
"Thanks a lot. Oh, just a thought, but if I need something like this again, who do I go to? I can't keep bothering you with this crap."
"Oh, I forgot. When we meet the family, I'll introduce you to our steward. He'll be our go-between for stuff like this."
"Yeah, he's served us for nearly forty years. His name's Saito."
"Um, Otagowa? My spider sense just went off"
"About Saito? I'll vouch for him myself. Look just meet him and then make a call, okay?"
"Sure. I only have a name to go off, so I'll see his face before I open another can of worms. Just whatever you do, don't tell him I'm suspicious."
"Certainly. Well, I have to get back to work."
"Same here, thanks for the help."
Otagowa hung up and Tyler sighed as he started to look over a schematic for the Yamato. Melody leaned in close to him,
"What's bothering you now?"
"Just an old saying about serving staff like maids, butlers and stewards."
"How's it go?"
"The house master once lost his keys to his car. So he asked his butler if he knew where they were."
"Did he?"
"The butler found the keys in ten seconds, and when the master asked how he did that the Butler responded by say: Sir I have served you for thirty years, I know how often you use the bathroom, where you keep your keys, where you lose them, when he wake in the morn, when you sleep, I can tell when to have an extra pot of coffee ready for you in the day, or when to bring the aspirin, I can even tell you when you're likely to have your next bout of the morning runs."
"Yep, so the master asked him how he knew all that, again the butler responded: If I did not keep track of everything in this house, I would have been fired years ago. Moral of the story? The servant staff know everything that goes on in a household, which why a good butler is literally worth his weight in gold, and why they get paid so well. Do you see why my Spidey sense tingled?"
"Yep, it means that the servant staff knew what Kouki was doing."
"Yep, there's no way they didn't. Only question that still bothers me, is why didn't they say anything to Otagowa?"
"Okay, that is a worrisome thought."
"Yeah, I see a few possibilities: One: They simply were not interfering due to household courtesy, you know house secrets, which I totally understand. Two: Kouki ordered them under pain of either death, dishonor, or something else not to speak of it, again that I understand. Three: they were getting hush money: Four: Blackmail, Five: They were in on it too, and were actively aiding their master, which also I get, since a good servant does as requested, Case in point Batman's Alfred. Six: they were in on it for their own pleasure, like Kouki. Seven: some combination of the bunch. I'll know more when I have faces to names."
Melody smiled as she hugged him,
"Well, whatever the truth is, I know You will get to the bottom of it."
"Damn straight."
They back to the project. Tyler having fun working alongside Melody. The remainder of Yukino's class passed quickly and it was time for Tyler's free period. Melody had to go to work in the library, so Tyler had some alone time. He went and found the same table he'd once caught Melody following him at, and sat down to bang out his math homework and jot down some more ideas for their project. He was just wrapping up his math when his phone rang, he looked and saw it was Otagowa,
"Hey, what’s up?"
"Your Spidey sense going off is bothering me. I'd like to know why."
"Sure. Okay so get this."
Tyler explained his servant saying, and Otagowa breathed a hefty sigh of relief.
"Okay. I can put that one to rest for you."
"Yes, remember those phone calls I made yesterday? Well it turns out that nearly all the servants were being blackmailed while those who weren't were ordered to keep quiet. Only a select few were actually aiding Kouki in his endeavors, and they were removed and replaced."
"I guess no one really understands a good servants true worth or access to information then the ones they serve."
"I am glad you understand that as well, we Yataomo's treat our servants like family. I am both glad I don't have to teach you that, and impressed you understood their importance. You keep surprising me."
"Mostly good, but with a nerve-racking amount of bad right?"
"Exactly. I have your own personal maid lined up too."
"Ah, we talked about this. Melody will be very angry with me if I get a personal maid."
"Well what if she's a lesbian?"
"Well, well, nice loophole. You will have to clear it with her. I don't want to die just yet."
Otagowa laughed, as he understood all too well what having a fierce lover was like.
"Oh, very well. I'll speak to the young lady to get permission for her lover to get a maid."
"Sounds weird when you say it out loud, right?"
"Super weird. But it shows you're considerate. Not many men could turn down a personal maid, let alone boys your age."
"Fair point. Oh, hey, there goes Kiria, I'mma go surprise her. Catchya later, big man"
"Later, son,"
Tyler hung up and snuck up behind the little Twin tailed girl only to hear her crying quietly. He then dropped his prank immediately,
"Hey, Kiria, what’s wrong?"
She turned and hugged the strong boy around his waist as he guided her to his spot. She sniffed a few times as Tyler grabbed a cold Iced tea out of a vending machine. He gave the sweet drink to the sweeter girl and she drank deep. She then just sat there looking at it as she explained,
"I got set up."
"For what?"
"A boy gave me a letter saying he was in love with me and told me to meet him by that big tree. But when I got there, he and a few of his friends popped out and started calling me a lost middle schooler, and pulled my twin tails saying only kids wore them. It hurt a lot."
"Alright, time for the scary big brother to bust some heads. Where can I find these idiots?"
Kiria then looked up at him with a sad look on her cute face,
"What do you think of my tails?"
He smiled as he patted her head,
"I like them. They're really cute and make you look even prettier. Never you doubt that."
she got a look of hope on her small face,
"Really? You mean that? You really like them?"
"Of course I do! Actually, they're kinda one of my favorite things about you. Ya know?"
She smiled sweetly, her confidence restored by the scarred boy's kind words. Tyler hugged his cute little sister. HE then got a serious look on his face,
"Now lets go scare the hell outta the idiots that made you cry."
She got just as fierce as he did, and nodded. She then hopped down and led the tall boy through the halls to a classroom on the ground floor. The teacher was about to get the class under way when Kiria opened the door.
"Sorry, Miss Lokil. But Someone wants a word with Mato, Ryuk, Lyik, and Sietio."
The older teacher's eyes went wide as Tyler stepped into view. She then saw clear tear stains on Kiria's face and instantly stepped aside.
"Well, very well. They sit there."
The four boys were now shaking as Tyler walked over and stood in front of them, a look of very intense anger on his face. Tatsi was also in the same class and Kiria went over and filled her in on what happened. The spear captain hugged the smaller girl, and just sat back to watch the Scarred boy do his thing. Tyler grabbed the first boy, Mato, and lifted him clear out of his seat. The boy was only a few inches taller then Kiria herself, so he was left dangling a good foot or so in the air as Tyler lifted the ringleader to eye level
"Did you make her cry?"
The boy made the foolish choice to lie,
"No! I wouldn't dare! She's lying!"
"Wrong answer."
Tyler then walked over to a wall that had a spike used for ring gauging and placed the boys' face just above it,
"Answer wrong again, and that is going up your ass."
"Oaky! Okay! Yes I did it! I made Kiria cry! Don't hurt me! I'm sorry!"
"They were in on it too, right?"
"No! Just me!"
Tyler positioned him for a rather hard anal probing and has just starting to bring him down when he broke,
"Hey, don't put that in my butt! Okay, Okay we set it all up! The letter, the meeting, everything!"
"Time for an anal probe."
"NO! Okay! I'll talk! Ryuk has a crush on her."
"So you thought the best way to introduce them, was by making her cry?"
"NO! The plan was for us to scare her and then he'd play the heroic knight to come to her aid, but, I guess we over did it and she ran away crying before he could get there."
Tyler put the kid back on the floor. He then just sighed as he smacked the ringleader,
"Idiots. You're all a bunch of idiots. You do know who she is, right? Kiria, the single sweetest girl in the school, remember? Ryuk, front and center."
A taller, white faced boy left his chair and came to stand before Tyler. Tyler sized him up. HE was a full head taller than Kiria, so he reached Tyler's chest, he had gentle brown eyes and light brown hair. HE gulped under Tyler's inspection. He then just sighed as he addressed the boy,
"So, is this true?"
"Yes sir. I'm sorry for the mess. I was too embarrassed and nervous to come out and say it."
"Hey, don't apologize to me, Kiria is the one you and your friends hurt, not me."
The boy reared up and walked over to Kiria, how was getting a warm hug from Tatsi. The boy then got down on his hands and knees and placed his forehead on the floor as he apologized for his mistake,
"Miss Kiria, I am truly sorry for those things my friends and I both said and did. I wish for forgiveness."
His friends all took the same pose, and repeated the same thing. Kiria giggled as she replied,
"I want to hear you complement my twin tails and apologize for pulling them.
Tyler and Tatsi looked at each other and just laughed and their cute dictator of a little sister. Kiria's twin tailed black hair twitched at their chuckles. Ryuk and his friends gulped as they obeyed the mistress,
"I'm sorry for pulling your twin tails. They're really cute!"
"I'm sorry too. I like them."
And so it went. Once the last boy did his piece Kiria giggled again and was about to issue another order when Tatsi cut her little power trip short,
"Alright, Kiria, you've played long enough. Let ‘em off the hook."
"ahhh, I was having fun! Alright. I forgive you, but if you do it again, well, I'm sure I can find some other things you can do to amuse me. I've always wanted servants."
Tyler and Tatsi then looked at each other, a little concerned at Kiria's revelation. The boys sighed with relief as they got off the floor. Ryuk then seemed to have something on his mind. Tyler nudged the boy and he made up his mind,
"Um, Kiria, I'd like to ask a question."
"Go ahead."
He seemed to falter, but an encouraging nudge from Tyler gave him the courage he needed. He bowed as he asked his crush,
"Would you please go out with me?!"
Kiria squeaked, and then wriggled free of Tatsi's embrace to pat the taller boy's head,
"Sure! But just remember, I got me a pet Demon watching over me."
Here she gave a little wink as she looked at the now nervous boy,
"So treat me well, or I'll have him treat you, okay? Teehee!"
She giggled at the now scared boy whose request for a date she'd just accepted. Ryuk then looked to Tyler for help and Tyler threw up his hands,
"Sorry bro. You on yo own now. Just remember her warning, kay? Have fun!"
Tyler left the room as Ryuk realized just who he'd asked out and who'd accepted his proposal. The class then started laughing at his fiercely sweating face as he sank onto his knees with a very cheery Kiria twirling around her new toy. Tatsi was also laughing as she brofisted the exiting Tyler,
"Well, guess our little sister got herself a pet Demon."
"Yep. Well, every angel needs a demon's protection."
"Have fun stalking their date!"
"Like you won't be?"
They laughed and Tyler headed off to lunch. He entered the lunchroom and got in line when he got a hefty slap on his back. Then a gasp of pain too immediately after.
"You'd think you'd learn the first dozen times Aki."
The brown haired, big breasted kendo captain was ringing out her hand as she replied to the walking statue,
"Well, I can't help you being so slappabe. You hanging with Melody for lunch today too?"
"Seems like that girl gets the better deal."
"Hey, you wanna join, ask her. I'm fine either way."
"Yeah, right. She just wants to monopolize your time. Greedy girl."
"Ahhh, are you jealous?"
Her face went a little red as she looked away as she replied,
"I AM NOT. I just wanna hang sometime, just us. You know like before."
"Oh, is that all? I'm sure we can fit that in sometime."
"Sure, why not? Oh, hey I got news!"
She perked up at that."
"So, spill?"
"Oh, you're gonna get a kick outta this."
Aki was laughing uproariously at the tale of Kiria's romance.
"Seriously? That's friggin funny."
"I know right? Though I'm not sure what to make of Kiria's little power trip."
"Pff, let her play. The real question is this: What will that wanna be Romeo do to make our cute Juliet's first date special?"
"Well, we'll get to see."
"We gonna follow them?"
"Fuck yeah! You in?"
"All the way bro, all THE WAY."
"Thank god for Quagmire."
Tyler smiled at their banter. He got his usual pizza and energy drink and went to the library. He found Melody cleaning her glasses at a corner table. He went right over to the undercover beauty and sat down next to her. She smiled as he did so.
"Hey, how’s it going?"
"Just got so much better."
"Glad to be of service Ma'am."
"I heard there was a little commotion earlier."
"Yep. Our little Kiria has herself a date."
"We gonna keep an eye on her?"
"Yep. Like I told her, anyone fucks with my little sister gets fucked up."
"What a good big brother you are to her."
He smiled warmly as he hugged her, feeling her taped chest through her uniform,
"Hey. I have news too."
"They got bigger."
"Yep. Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm only 14 as well."
"I like where this is going."
"I thought you would. My birthday is in December."
"Well what a coinkidink. So's mine."
"What day?"
"The 4th, yours?"
"The 25th."
"Well, I got my Christmas gift early."
"Really? What was it?"
He pulled her against him,
"You in my arms"
"Hopeless flirt."
"Your honor, guilty as charged."
They stayed cuddled like that for a moment, then Tyler pulled out his laptop,
"Hey, wanna see my new home screen?"
She smiled,
He logged in and the picture from her letter appeared under his icons. She smiled at the image,
"And watch this."
He double clicked and the image transformed into a naked Rias Gremory with her arms held out to the user and giving an full frontal of her glistening body. Her devil wings were outstretched behind her too. Melody smiled at his sneaky way to see her true form and hide it at the same time.
"I see your picture every time I log in, and once I double click anything or anywhere it vanishes and won't reappear until I relog in."
"Sneaky. But just remember to make sure no else sees that. I'm still not ready to hang up my mask like you."
"Okay. I'll change it."
"Are you sure?"
"I will not risk you."
She smiled as he set the image to another girl from that anime. He then pulled up his progress on their project. They worked on until lunch ended. He then hugged her goodbye before heading off to gym class. His stitches from the fish tank had healed nicely, leaving a new set of lines in his collection. He waved to Meld as he went into the locker room. The other boys were joking and laughing as they changed. The overall atmosphere of youthful joy. Tyler was changed and headed out to the track. He went through his warm ups and was starting on his stretches when Ryuko came waltzing over. The student council badass had swapped her leather jacket and shorts for the same light grey shirt and red short shorts of gym class. Tyler then noticed her own decent bust. He high-fived his favorite member of the council,
"Hey, Ryuko, nice to confirm you really are a girl."
"Pff, fuck you,"
"Sorry, I got a girlfriend. I think I already told you that too. Persistent much?"
"Ha, whatever."
"What brings you here? I didn't know you had the same gym period as me and Aki."
"Nah, I'm here on council business. The boys and girls gym classes will be doing a 10k fun run through the city so we have student council members running too to help the teachers not lose anyone."
"Well, you look a little flabby. Guess you could use the exercise."
"Okay listen here you little shit."
"I'm listening?"
Ryuko smacked him as Aki came running up.
"Hey Aki, guess we're going for a fun run today. Wanna run together?"
His best friend smiled as he said this,
"Sure. It'll be like your first day."
"Just try not to get plastered by a truck this time around, okay?"
Aki smiled as she retorted,
"Well, I got you to watch out for me, so what’s to worry about?"
"Fair enough."
Ryuko was also laughing,
"Well, if everyone didn't know he was dating Melody, this'd be the part where I say you two make a cute couple."
"Shut up!"
"Shut up!"
They then all laughed at the simultaneous response. Then Meld and Mira were heard giving the whistle. The classes all gathered around a set of bleachers so that the teachers could lay out the route.
"Okay listen up. You will be required to pair up for this run. We have a location in the city for you to reach. What route you will take is up to you. We have maps available if you want them. Accompanying us are a few members of the student council. Step forward please. Ryuko, Satuski, and Inoskue appeared. Tyler had to fight a chuckle at seeing Satuski in a gym outfit. Aki nudged him,
"What’s so funny?"
"Check out Satuski in a gym outfit! Seems like a mismatch right?"
"She looks sexy! You are just an ass."
Tatsi had come over to smack the idiot. Tyler rubbed his head as he still chuckled,
"Well, you know best, eh sis?"
"I’mma kick you in the balls if you keep talking."
"Yes Ma'am."
"Good boy!"
Tyler then saw Satuski glaring at him. as if having heard what he said. Tatsi smiled as she patted the dead man walking.
"Well nice knowing ya!"
"Same to you!"
Meld then explained their destination.
"Your target to reach is KaraKonia Central shopping mall. If you reach it in enough time, you can wander around for a few minutes before we have to return. Any questions?"
A student asked for a map and they were handed out. Tyler and Aki then looked at the info.
"Okay, this here's a straight shot. If we take it we'll have to fight both our school traffic and pedestrians too."
"Okay, then lets take this one here. It parallels the main route and once we hit here it's just a simple right. Watcha think?"
"I like it. Plus I got my wallet and phone in case of any problems."
"Sweet so do I."
"Oh, come to think of it, I owe you a drink don't I?"
Aki's eyes went wide as she too remembered the bet.
"Wow, can't believe you remembered. I even forgot."
"Well, I'll make good on that when we get there."
"Sounds good. Hey, looks like the circus is getting ready to roll out."
"Oh I hope the first idiots don't trip."
The student council members were scattered around the students, along with Meld, Maria, and a few other faculty. They gave the signal and the runners took off. Tyler and Aki broke free of the crowd nearly immediately, heading off to the left. They then picked up their pace so they were now running at a solid clip. They were breathing evenly and their rhythm stable. Tyler's eyes were watching the way ahead for any problems as Aki ran beside him. He then noticed a familiar car sitting on the side of their route. The runner's passed and Tyler saw that it was one of Yozora's crew in the driver's seat. The guard nodded at Tyler has he passed. Tyler just nodded back.
"Another shadow?"
"Should I be worried?"
"Then I'm not."
They ran for ten minutes and found that they had made it nearly a quarter of the way to the mall. They were still breathing lightly and had yet to break even a sweat.
"Wanna take a breath at the halfway mark?"
"Sounds good."
They passed a few Ramon shops, a gas station, several skyscrapers, and numerous other shops and stores. Tyler was enjoying the relaxing run, since the bug mess was cleaned up and his friends were safe for the time being. He was sure he'd find another rabbit hole soon enough, but for the time being he'd just relax. They passed a large shop with guns in the window and it caught Tyler's eye. Aki chuckled as he rubber necked the shop.
"That's Tokyo Marui outlet store."
"Okay, I am soooo checking that out later."
"Pff, Americans and Their guns."
"Pfff, Japanese and Their ramon."
"Oi! them's fightin words!"
"Careful or I'll beat you with a wet noodle!"
"You racist bastard."
"Silieeence! I kewllll you!"
That sent them into another laughing fit. They reached the halfway point after another five six minutes and stopped for a breath. Tyler then spotted an alley lined from end to end with vending machines. He gave a low whistle of appreciation.
"Land of the rising sun, my ass. Land of the rising vending Machine."
Tyler went over to one and found it contained underwear. Everything from briefs to several styles of panties. He then found a drink machine and pulled his wallet,
"Well, what’s your poison?"
Aki smiled as she pointed to a can of pepsi.
"Coming right up Ma'am."
The drink dropped and Tyler took it out and handed it to her like a butler,
"As requested, Madam. Now may I interest you in a fresh pair of vending machine panties?"
She took the drink and snorted as she blushed a little,
"Pff, no I'm good. I don't need them."
"Cause you don't wear panties?" smackkk!
She hit him hard for that one. Tyler had a cocky grin on his face at her red-flushed face. HE then just fell over laughing at her expression of enraged embarrassment. She seemed somewhere between murder and humiliation. She instead settled on just kicking the perverted idiot a few times. Once the joke at died She drank her soda while Tyler still chuckled. HE made a show of rubbing his face.
"Okay. I'm sorry for the panty joke. That kinda hurt."
"Alright, just no more underhanded jokes like that okay?"
"Sure. Still kinda surprised they actually have underwear in a vending machine. Always thought that was a sort of urban legend."
She finished her drink and tossed it into a trash can.
"Nope, cold hard reality. We have even weirder things in vending machines then that."
"Hmm, that be a rather interesting date idea."
"What, vending machine hopping?"
"Yeah, you know bar hopping right? well, same thing, go to a bunch of vending machines in town and see what you can find."
"You know that could actually be fun."
"Right? Now I kinda wanna do that with Melody sometime."
Here Aki got a little sad. She went quiet as they started running again.
"Hey, you okay?"
She sighed as he looked at her concerned.
"Nah, I'm fine. Just kinda lonely for some reason. Not entirely sure why."
"I'm sorry. Hey, if you wanna hang out more, say so."
She looked over at him.
"What about Melody?"
"Well, I may be hopelessly wrapped around her finger, but you're my friend too. So, you wanna chill sometime give a holler, alright?"
"You mean it?"
"Course I do."
He patted her back smiling. She blushed a little,
"Ya know something?"
"I don't feel so lonely anymore."
"Glad to be of service."
She smiled as they ran. Tyler then looked up and spotted the upcoming mall.
"That it?"
"Jesus it's friggin huge!"
"Well yah, it's got like 8 floors above ground, and three below. It's one of the largest malls in Japan."
"Spoiled city folk. We got ourselves a walmart and we don't complain! ......often"
"Well, ya country bumpkin welcome to the big city! Make sure to get the manure of your boots, we got standards here!"
"And you fail to meet everyone!"
"Fuck you!"
"Sorry! Already spoken for!"
"I'mma kill you!"
"Don't break a nail now city girl!"
Aki went red with anger at that one. Tyler knew he fucked up and just started running, the enraged Aki chasing him, yelling as she did so,
"You are a dead man! I'mm beat yo bitchass so bad not even Melody'll recognize you!"
Tyler ran for his life, his best friend right behind him.
As the friends ran by, another of Yozora's details radioed to his commander about the strange sight.
"YoYo. Tyler's being chased by a girl threatening to kill him."
"Tallish, brown hair, large breasts, brown eyes, long hair. Same gym uniform."
"I wonder what he did this time? Let them play. They're just really good friends."

Tyler and Aki were the first to reach the mall. Tyler ran to a large pillar and ducked behind it as a panting Aki tried to reach him. They ran in circles a few times until Aki dropped, panting like a hot dog. Tyler grabbed a water from yet another vending machine and offered it to the overheated girl,
She took the water and drank deep, giving a huge gasp for air after,
"Truce. I still hate you."
"I still love you. So we're even!"
He helped her to her feet, and Tyler pulled his phone to give an update to Meld.
"Hey, Meld we made it to the mall."
"Kinda surprised you two made it that quickly."
"I kinda made Aki mad, so running for my life helped."
"Not gonna ask. Okay, the rest of us are a solid twenty minutes behind you so try not to get too lost."
"No promises."
He hung up to see that Aki had regained her breath. She was waiting for him by a main entrance.
"So, how long we got?"
"They said they're like twenty minutes behind us."
"That long? Cool I can show you my favorite shops."
"Sweet. I'll stay close to my hot guide."
"Flattery is appreciated, but it won't help you."
He smiled as they went inside. The KaraKonia Central shopping mall was an imposing building. Eight solid stories of shops, restaurants, arcades, and other service related amenities. Once below ground you even could find an indoor aquarium. Tyler was blown away by the sights and sounds of the city. HE was even more impressed when a small rollar-coaster went by on a track ten feet above his head.
"Wait a friggin indoor amusement park?"
Aki laughed at his dumbfounded expression.
"Yep. Look you can see it there.
Sure enough, there it was. KaraKonia funland indoor amusement park. Complete with mini golf course, full rollarcoaster, small Ferris wheel, large food court, and several other rides and games. Tyler walked into an open area and looked straight up. From the ground looking up, he saw though a web of escalators between floors, dozens of elevators, a massive number of people going about their lives and a huge glass roof.
"Feel bad for the poor bastard that has to shovel show off that roof in the winter."
"Actually, it's heated and fitted with an antifreeze system."
"Same system."
"Kinda wanna see just how big they could get in the winter here."
"Well, they tried it out one year."
"Yeah, our city tired to make our city a winter tourist trap, so they thought a massive icicle would do the trick."
"I can see the logic there. We had a town in new hampshire get national news for a large snowman."
"Well, icicles and snowmen are different beasts."
"What happened?"
"The icicle was about twenty feet long and a good 8 feet thick. We got a surprise thaw, and a nasty wind storm the same day. You do the math."
"Anyone die?"
"Thankfully no. But we ended up with a twenty foot ice spike sticking out of the sidewalk until mid june."
"Well, that kinda cool too, in it's own way."
"yeah, I guess. we now can't have Icicles on our houses anymore cause of it."
"Well, that’s fair. every year some idiot dies from Icicle impalement back in town."
Aki shuddered at that one, and the took him over to an escalator.
"Hey, I wanna show you a favorite store of mine."
"Right behind you."
Tyler followed his friend onto the escalator and rode it with her as he gazed out over the massive collection of stores. It still blew his mind as he looked. HE spotted a large gaming store with a manga store right next door. He marked it for future inspection. They landed at the designated floor and Tyler followed Aki's confident lead through the crowd. She then pulled Tyler into a kendo shop. As soon as Aki crossed the threshold, she was hailed by the cashier, a tall, well built woman with muscled arms and callused hands. The woman had long black hair and it was in a neat pony. She walked right up and her and Aki clasped hands,
"Well, if it ain't little Akimara!"
"Hey, Satatsi, looks like you're doing nothing of value as usual."
"That any way to talk to your hot as hell sensei?"
"Too bad I'm the hotter one here."
The two ladies laughed as Tyler stepped forward smiling. Satatsi's smile became smug as she eyed the boy accompanying Aki.
"Well, aren't you a handsome lad! You Aki's boyfriend?"
Tyler chuckled as he introduced himself,
"I'm afraid not miss. I'm just a good friend. Name's Tyler. Pleasure to meet you."
Satatsi took his hand and applied the squeeze, only to have her hand nearly crushed by his retaliation. The swordswoman wrung her hand out as she winced,
"Damn! That's some iron grip you got there. So, just a friend then eh? Well, any friend o hers is a friend o mine! I'm Satatsi. I taught her how to halfassed wield a sword."
"Ohhhh, so you're the one who trained her? Well, her footwork and stamina are pretty decent. Her biggest weakness is she commits too much to each attack."
Satatsi was taken aback by his assessment. She looked to see a sheepish Aki sighing as she explained,
"He whooped my ass twice in a row in under 90 seconds."
Satatsi then turned to give the boy a proper look over as he took a heavy Daikatana down from a peg. That was when she noticed his scars. She then sighed as she needed to see him in action.
"Hey, kid. I'll make a bet with you."
Tyler replaced the samurai steel on its peg.
"You had my curiosity, now you have my attention."
"Nice line. If you can beat me in a kendo match, I'll let Aki walk out of here with any single item she pleases."
Aki's eyes lit up like lights. Tyler watched her gaze fly over to a well-made naginata hanging from a peg. The price tag was 400,000 yen.
"Even that?"
Satatsi didn't flinch as she nodded.
"Well, you got a ring?"
"Out back."
"Hey, Aki, come on. This won't take long."
Tyler was smiling with confidence. Satatsi then led them into the back of her shop where a small kendo lesson was underway. The lesson moved to the side as Tyler and Satatsi took up kendo swords. Tyler struck his favorite stance and Satatsi took hers. Aki was refereeing the two outta three bout. Her hand was high. Tyler took a deep breath in and closed his eyes as he did so. He let it out as he hardened his senses into a razor blade. HE reopened his eyes and they were ice cold computer screens, calculating the best possible approaches and attacks. Then he smiled. Aki's hand dropped and Tyler exploded into motion, his blade low, and facing Satatsi, who tried to sidestep, but Tyler sidestepped in the opposite direction and swung his own weapon in the same direction, exposing his back for a split second, and Satatsi made him pay for it, only as she swung her own blade Tyler simply wasn't there. He'd kept all his weight on his toes and avoided her thrust like it was standing still. HE tapped her wrist as she passed and jumped to a new stance.
"Hit! First point Tyler!"
Satatsi was beside herself impressed. She was regarded as one of the very best in Japan and yet this kid just made her look like a stupid novice. He was already comfortably in his next stance: Sword resting lightly in his hands as he leaned forward. The same smile on his face as Satatsi readied her next attack. She would launch her attack first this time. She had been long known for the speed of her lunging thrust, which was rumored to be nearly unblockable or unavoidable. Aki was smiling too, she knew who would win this bout. She dropped her hand and Satatsi unleashed her trump card. Using the strength in her string legs, she bum rushed the still smiling boy with a terrifying speed. She swung the wooden sword with all the momentum behind it, and cleaved the air with a piercing whistle. Tyler just kept smiling as he ducked under the blade and nudged it downward, and the momentum of the charge carried the woman with it. Tyler tapped her three times in the space of 3 seconds, one to the wrist, the stomach and then the back of her knee. The result had her flat on her back wit his wooden sword tip on her throat.
"Hit! Hit! Hit! Tyler wins!"
Tyler then offered her his hand. He lifted the lady to her feet like she weighed no more then his wooden sword. He then just laughed,
"Seriously? Sequcti? You do remember that the one greatest weakness of the 'reduced earth' lunge is the sheer momentum behind it, right? If your opponent can merely redirect that kinetic energy, you're fucked. That move is only good for rapid closure, try and use for any attacks and you basically open up a huge hole for a nasty counter. Otherwise not bad. You'd last an hour in one of my matches."
Satatsi was now just scared. The students and their sensei had just watched one of the top three best swordsmen in Japan get made to look absolutely stupid by this kid. Aki came over and threw herself into a massive hug and swung her around a time or two as she squealed with delight,
"Thank you sooooo much! I knew you'd win that Naginata for me! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!"
Tyler just laughed at the gushing girl.
"No problem, Aki. Am I off your shit list yet?"
"hmmmm, nope!"
"Ahh come on!"
"Nope, never gonna let you either!"
"Why not?"
"Cause you give me things when you're on it!"
"You evil, evil little extortionist."
She hugged the boy tightly as he just laughed. The Satatsi sighed.
"Okay, kids, I made a bet, now I pay for it. That thing was to be scrapped anyway. Hey, Tyler, if you ever were to enter a legit tournament. There is not a soul who could beat you."
He looked over at the swordswoman,
"I know. But I won't enter."
He held the happily purring Aki as he responded,
"Cause I got all the fame and respect here with my friends and my girlfriend. Don't need anything other then that."
Satatsi smiled at his answer. She then went and handed the long pole arm to an ecstatic Aki. Satatsi had stored the Naginata in a large metal carrying case and Tyler shouldered it for his friend. They left the shop, with Aki fairly bouncing beside her friend. Then the Sensei that had been teaching the class came over,
"So, that’s the one they call Demon?"
Satatsi looked at where the pair had disappeared into the crowd,
"Yep. That kid is downright terrifying. He didn't use an ounce of actual strength in that match."
"Yep. It was all just his agility and using my own strength against me. He saw right through my Sequchi, and that’s a rare skillset even if you know it exists. He knew and even knew now to counter it."
"From our perspective, it looked like a master giving a novice apprentice his first hard sit down."
"That’s what it felt like. I can't beat that kid with me serious and him just playing!"
"Lets hope he never comes to be a threat to our sweet Aki."

Tyler smiled as Aki was just beaming with happiness at her new weapon.
"Hey, Aki?"
"What's so special bout this Naginata?"
She sighed dreamily as she explained,
"I have always wanted one, and Satatsi's shop was the only one that had one."
"Yep, plus an Anime hero I like wielded one, so ya know there’s that."
"Ah, okay I understand. Hey, Aki?"
He adjusted the large metal case on his back,
"Happy birthday! I got your gift right here!"
"awww, you shouldn't have! Hey, guess what?"
"Chicken butt"
"No, but Today really IS my birthday!"
Tyler was a little startled at this,
"Nope, it's in November. Just wanted to mess with you!"
"November? Well, I guess I got time to wrap this."
"nonononono, I'm sorry!"
"Good girl. I’ll carry this home for you."
She hugged him tightly,
"Thanks Tyler, you're the best!"
He smiled at her joy. Happy he could make her happy. They walked around a little while Tyler picked out shops to bring Melody for their date tomorrow. He was enjoying hearing Aki's happy hums when his phone went off. It was Meld
"Hey, you two. Meet up at the main entrance."
"Sure, time to go?"
"No, something happened."
Tyler became serious. He taped the still Aki,
"Hey, rein it in. Meld just called."
"What's up?"
"We're to meet at the main entrance, guess something happened."
Tyler and Aki hopped the nearest escalator down. As they went Tyler called up Tatsi. She picked up quick,
"What’s the sitch?"
Tatsi just sighed,
"A girl got accosted by a couple guys."
"She okay?"
"Yeah, all they got was a grip of her chest before security arrived."
"Do I know this girl?"
"ummm, I don't think so. Her name's Kie."
"Small, timid girl, chess player?"
"Ah, well guess you do know her."
"Please tell me they got the bastards?"
"Oh, they did not get far. Meld's calling our little fieldtrip here so we can get her someplace safe."
"If possible I'd like a word with these fine upstanding gentlemen."
"I figured you would, and so did Charlie."
"He's here?"
"Yep. He took the call."
Tyler reached the ground and walked over to a still-shaking Kie. Her eyes went big when he sat next to her,
"Hey, Kie. You doing okay?"
Her shock was increased tenfold when she saw he remembered her name.
"Ah, yes sir. I'm not hurt or anything. Just a little shaken."
"Well, you're a very brave and strong girl. Get your marbles back, I wanna play a round of chess some time."
Hey eyes went wide as he said this. Then she smiled and nodded. Satisfied, Tyler spotted Charlie talking to Meld. He walked over to the officer,
"Hey, Charlie! We really gotta stop meeting like this."
The kindly officer smiled as Tyler and Aki approached.
"Well, if it isn't my least favorite Firestarter! Oh, and hello Aki."
"Hello Charlie."
"So, where can i introduce myself to those examples of manhood?"
"Nice. They're over there."
Tyler looked over and saw the three guys cuffed on the ground. He then nudged Aki,
"Hey, they seem familiar or is it just me?"
She recognized the trio too.
"Pff, seriously? They're those idiots that tried following us the other day."
"Yep, bunch of jackasses. I'll introduce myself. Here, hold this Aki."
He put her case down and she leaned on it. Tyler walked over to the three punks on the curb. They looked up at him and one went to spit at him, but Tyler just sighed as he grabbed to largest boy, who was easily twice the size of the other two combined and lifted him into the air like a squealing pig. Tyler had a very bored expression on his face as he did so,
"Okay, listen up fuckwads. Stay the hell away from anyone in our school uniforms okay? I really don't have the time or the patience for your bullshit."
He dropped the lardass and just left the now scared trio trembling on the floor. HE walked over to where Charlie was just shaking his head,
"Three sentences and you probably scared them more then our uniformed officers did. Tyler shrugged as he swung Aki's case onto his back again.
"Well, I did just hamhandle piggee there."
"Okay, I'm keeping that one. 'hamhandle'? Where do you come up with this shit?"
"Were do you cops put the coffee and donuts?"
Realizing he didn't get his cop joke Tyler smiled as he explained,
"In America, the stereotype for cops is they care more about their donuts and coffee then their jobs. You would understand it if I started oinking? Right?"
Charlie just started laughing at this kid,
"Yeah, I get the pig jokes. The donut thing must be an American thing."
"Fair enough."
Meld gave the word and Tyler and Aki said goodbye and left to start the run back. Tyler and Aki spilt from the pack again and went down a set of side streets, moving at their own comfortable pace. Tyler had set the strap on Aki's Naginata so it didn't move or bump into his back as he ran. Tyler and Aki were the first back and they went laid on some grass as the waited for Meld and the rest of the pack. Tyler listened to Aki pant as he still was breathing lightly. He then remembered something randomly,
"Hey, Aki? I got a question?"
"Oh, what's up?"
"When Kiria woke you up that morning, why did you yell my name first?"
Aki was now red with embarrassment, and covered her face with the case as she replied,
"Well, I had you pegged for that kinda stunt."
"You seemed a little disappointed I didn't."
She then dropped her voice to a small whisper,
"Hey, can you let it go? I don't wanna talk about it anymore."
"Sure. Sorry if I upset you."
They lay there in silence for a moment, when Tyler remembered something else,
"Hey, what anime had a Naginata wielding hero?"
"It was a fate arc, I can't remember which one though."
"Fate? That's the series that can't make up its mind about its timeline right?"
"Heehah, Yeah, pretty much."
"I saw fate/stay night. After that I just gave up."
"Too convoluted?"
"If I ever get curious about what it's like being senile, then I'll check it out."
The two friends just started laughing at their impassioned weeb calls. They then just laid there on the grass, watching clouds float on by.
"Hey, Tyler?"
"Thanks for being my friend."
"Thanks for being mine."
He tilted his head and saw her looking at him. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. Then they heard voices from the road.
"Well, better not give them any room for rumors."
"Yeah, imagine how Melody would react if her Boyfriend was caught laying down next to another girl."
Tyler shivered. The friends sat up to see Satuski and Tatsi racing toward the school. The sisters clearly competing.
"Wonder what the stakes are?"
Aki smiled,
"With those two? I bet the winner gets a massage from the loser."
Tyler was suddenly reminded of the recorded stream he had seen, and found himself kinda jealous of both of them. He looked back as Satuski won, and Tatsi just flopped down in defeat. Tyler got up and went over to the sisters,|
"Well, I guess Satuski not student council president because of her good looks."
Satuski turned on the smiling boy approaching,
"Any leader must set an example."
"Ha, Fair enough."
"Have you thought over my offer?"
"I have."
Satuski just sighed, and then smiled ruefully,
"So, I guess we won't be working together, then?"
"Well, not on the student council, no. But if you ever need or want my help, you know where to find me."
He extended his hand to the severe beauty and she shook it,
"Nice to make a new friend, Satuski."
She smiled kindly,
"Indeed it is."
"Hey, a little help here? I'm kinda dead!"
Tyler and Satuski both looked at each other and just laughed at Tatsi's laziness. Tyler gripped the speargirl's hand and pulled onto her feet.
"Thanks, you're amazing!"
"yep, that’s what they tell me."
"Arrogant prick."
"Awwww, how cute, the sisters are friends again! ouch!"
Both ladies had wacked him for being a jackass. The Aki came over,
"Hey! like this!"
She then wacked him too, and Tyler now had three lumps on his head. He rubbed his now sore head,
"Wow, I have some very violent lady friends."
That got a few laughs from the girls. Tyler had to go change for his next period. He left Aki's case with her, and went into the locker room. The other boys were already there. Tyler changed and came out to find Kiria waiting for him The little twin-tailed sprite was getting a warm hug from Tatsi, secretly loving her massive rack. Tyler went over the secret boob addict.
"Hey Kiria, what brings you out this way?"
She giggled as she hugged her scary big brother.
"We got next period together, so I wanna spend with you!"
"Well alright!"
Aki, Satuski and Tatsi all laughed. Tyler and Kiria walked off together, her head barely passing his stomach, and his hand on head.
"Hey, Kiria, this is still a free period, right?"
"Nope, they got a new marine bio teacher."
"Well, lets go introduce ourselves."
They walked to Ikashi’s' former classroom, and went inside to find none other than Marilla behind the desk. Tyler was surprised to see the police captain teaching a marine bio class.
"Ah, hey, Captain Marilla, you the new Marine bio teacher?"
The cop looked up and was a little shocked to be have Tyler as a student. In the place of her police uniform Marilla had opted for a black suit and red tie. Her long black hair in a very neat ponytail, and the front of her suit was clearly fighting to contain her cleavage, her light hazel eyes seemed more lively then the last time she'd seen Tyler. She got over her shock and replied in her warm voice,
"Yes I am. I have a PhD in marine biology. The bug incident was more than I could handle, so I got transferred here as the school's new Marine bio teacher."
"So, is it still Marilla?"
"Yes, I'd prefer it if you would use my name."
Tyler smiled kindly as he offered his hand,
"Well, welcome to hell, Marilla."
She smiled as she shook his hand,
"Nice welcome. I hope I do well,"
"Hey, if all else fails, give that top button a break, I'm sure your popularity would skyrocket!"
She seemed confused at that one, and Tyler was content to just let her figure it out. Kiria had understood exactly what he meant and was quietly sniggering. Tyler and Kiria then took their seats. Tyler setup shop next Kiria. He then checked his phone and found a text from Melody. He then remembered he set his phone to Silent for gym class.
"Hey, I have a question.
Sorry, phone was on silent in gym, what’s up?"
"It's okay. For our project, I was wondering if I could come over to work on it together?"
"Sure, we can walk together. Asuika give the okay?"
"Yep, she even said I could stay the night if I wanted."
"you and me alone in my locked apartment for several hours? I like where this is going."
"I like it too, but I want to be clear about something."
"Yeah, what?"
"No sex until our third week of dating, okay?"
"As you wish. Let me know when you're ready, and we'll go from there."
"Thank you. But flirting is encouraged, and displays of affection."
"Oh, I got PLENTY of that."
"I'll see you later."
"Great, now I'm impatient"
"So am I"
He smiled as he slid his phone into his pocket and opened his laptop. Kiria was smiling as he did so, having sneaked a peek at his messages,
"Looks like a fun night for you both."
He rubbed her head affectionately,
"Well, this is the first time I have her all to myself."
"Go easy on her, remember, she's not as strong as you!"
"You must really want a hug! C'mere!"
He hugged the little scamp, getting a few smirks from the arriving students. He even spotted Kairi among the group. He smiled as the pretty pianist sat beside him,
"Hey, Kairi, I didn't know we had class together."
She smiled as she opened her own laptop,
"Well, to be fair, this is you first time in this room for longer than ten minutes."
"Fair point. This gonna be kinda fun, a cutie pie for my left number, and a high level pianist on my right. Makes a guy feel special."
"Awww, he called me cute!"
"Remember, I promised to play for you sometime."
"I haven't forgotten. I heard some good things about those fingers from Aki. So now I'm curious."
Kairi laughed quietly at his dirty joke. Tyler then got a proper look at the piano master. Kairi was tall, her head reaching Tyler's chin, her hair was a sleek black curtain that shimmered when she moved, her skin was like porcelain, and her eyes a light blue. Her complexion was clear and her features delicate, and her bust was nice, big, and added to her form. She was quite an elegant beauty in her own right. She then smiled, having caught him checking her out,
"uh-oh, busted looking at another girl? What will Melody think?"
"I'll tell her she's more beautiful."
"Yep, no comparison."
"Good boy."
Marilla brought the class to attention by clapping, and introduced herself. She then started going over the plans for the rest of the semester. Tyler leaned back in his seat, listening to her explain that she would finish Ikashi's lesson before starting her own. Tyler paid the former cop little attention as he waited for her to start up for real. The class then became a catchup session for the teacher to get a feel for her new students. Kiria was paying rapt attention, as she was class rep, she had an example to set. Tyler smiled as he watched her. He would be meeting Asika after this class for a cooking lesson. He had had to set the one earlier back because of Kiria's little crisis. So he resolved to be at this one. Kairi was also paying close attention, but Tyler caught her flipping between her notes and a messenger app. He gave her a subtle nudge. She looked over curious and he just smiled and showed his download for the same app. She gave a secret smile and send her username in the app. Tyler was still smiling when Marilla called him to explain something she had just said, only for Tyler to just quote everything she had said back to her. She sighed with defeat and just went back to work. The class went and Tyler stretched a little as the bell rang. Kairi was chuckling as she went off to her next period, while Kiria had to drop something off to the student council,
"Hey, Kiria."
"Give Ryuko a nice backslap. Tell her I sent it"
Kiria giggled as she liked messing with the punkrock goddess too. Tyler then headed for the Home ec room Asika said she would be in. He found her Poking at a bowl of some broth, He smiled as he went over to her. Asika was a girl of middle height, slender build, moderate bust size, silver eyes and long shiny brown hair. She had an apron over her uniform and was happily humming as she made whatever culinary masterpiece she had in her bowl.
"Hey, Asika. Sorry I had to push our little session back."
She looked up, smiling shyly at the scary boy.
"It's fine. Nothing too serious I hope?"
"Kiria got crushed on by a boy with idiots for friends. Get this load of bullshit."
After he told the story Asika was having a hard time out laughing,
"Wow, that’s kinda cute and kinda stupid."
"I know right? I guess my way is too straightforward for most."
"That reminds me. How did you and Melody get together, anyway?"
"I caught her following me and made her tell me why. She then told me she had a crush on me and I asked her out there and then. Her face was priceless."
"Wow, I'm amazed you had the courage to come out and just go for it."
"Well, remember I come from a different world. What you denizens of light call a problem I call an inconvenience."
"Yeah, I guess that’s true. So what do you wanna learn first?"
"Well, lets start off with cooking for idiots, and go from there."
She smiled at that one. They then spent the next 45 minutes happily working together. Tyler learned to make a few basic dishes like some decent spaghetti and good meatballs, along with a from-scratch cake. He felt a strange sense of anxiety when his mentor taste-tested his first attempt.
"Not bad rookie, pretty decent for a first attempt."
"Well, alright then, that settles it,"
Asika looked at him confused,
"It settles what?"
"Well, I will spend one period a day learning under you, until you say I make something actually good. Sound good?"
She smiled and chuckled at his eagerness. She then picked up a wooden spoon and started tapping it on her hand,
"Well, since you have asked so nicely, I guess I can teach you a few things."
"Thanks Asika, you're awesome!"
She blushed a faint red at that, but smiled nonetheless. Tyler then helped clean up the mess, and put away the pots. Once the room was clear Tyler and Asika wrapped the leftovers up for transport. Tyler would take them since he really didn't have much for home cooked meals. He said goodbye to Asika and then dropped the meal off at his locker, and found another small stack of letters. He took them and put his dinner inside. He went to his last class of the day. A Japanese language class. HE walked in to find Melody and Satuski sitting next to each other. He taped Melody on her shoulder, getting a little jump out of her. She happily surprised to see him again.
"Miss me that much?"
He set his back on the desk nest to hers,
"I always miss you."
She was then happy that they had two classes together. Satuski also seemed pleased by this development. Tyler then set his laptop up and laid his next stack of letters on his pulsating keyboard.
"More letters?"
"yep, I dropped by my locker for a sec, and found these. I'm gonna need a bigger drawer."
Satuski was a little shocked by this revelation.
"More? How many have you gotten so far?"
"Well, the first stack this morning was, what twice this size?"
Tyler flipped through the letters of hero worship, and gratitude. He then found one that had a small thumb drive with a password. It merely said enjoy. He plugged it in and on it was a bunch of sound files. He played on and it was a piano. The player was playing a heartbreakingly haunting melody on the keys. He smiled as he then placed the drive into his bag for a more proper examination later. The last letter was stranger. It was a like a love confession, but at the same time a confession of...something. Tyler didn't quite understand so he farmed it to Satuski and Melody for expert analysis. The girls looked it over and then looked at each other before nodding,
"Well, Tyler, looks like YOU have a stalker."
"you have a stalker now. And if I think I recognize this handwriting, I know who it is."
"Anyone I know?"
"well, does the name Lily, mean anything to you?"
"Small, timid girl, cute?"
"Yep, that’s her. It seems like she wants to be friends, but is lacking courage to ask you face to face, so she has resorted to just stalking you. It's kinda cute, kinda romantic, and mostly just sad. Lily is such a scared little girl, and she is also just as sweet as Kiria."
Tyler kinda felt bad for the timid girl.
"I'll talk to her. I think If I say I want to be friends, it'll do wonders for her confidence."
Satuski sighed at his idea,
"It would make her feel better knowing you want to be around her. Not many do."
"Why's that?"
"She's a lewd artist."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"She does illustrations for manga authors, lewd ones, very sexual ones too. I think the word for it is doujhinist."
"Okay, it's official. I REALLY wanna be friends with this girl."
Melody chuckled, as Satuski sighed,
"Well, you can find her in the art room after this. I believe it's room 7 in the basement."
"Melody, you mind if we make a little detour to brighten a lonely girls' day?"
She smiled,
"Of course."
The plan settled on, Tyler and his friends sat through the class, and when the last bell rang, Tyler and Melody set off for the basement. Tyler held Melody's hand as they walked. They just reached the basement and were walking to the classroom in question when They heard voices,
"Hey, pervert, whatcha making now?"
"Hey, look at the tits now her! If only girls HAD tits like that!"
"Hey, give that back!"
Tyler tore the door open to find several older students waving a drawing in the air, way above Lily's outstretched hands. Tyler moved with anger, grabbing the boy by the neck, freeing the drawing and passing it back to Lily while he dragged the now terrified boy and slammed him against a wall,
"Get the fuck away from Lily. Go near her again and I. Will. break. You. now get out."
He then tossed the bully across the room, he and his friends beat a hasty retreat. Tyler sighed and went over to where Melody was stroking Lily's hair. she was about Kiria's size, had long red hair, freckles, and light brown eyes. Tyler crouched so he could look her in the eye,
"Are you okay?"
The small girl had tears in her eyes,
"Yeah, I'm used to it."
"Well, get used to being my new friend."
Her head jerked back at that shock. Her mouth formed a large O as her sweet mind struggled to comprehend his statement. The drawing in her hands fell and Tyler caught it. He held it up for inspection and Lily blushed hard. She then tried to take it back,
"Pleasepleaseplease don'tlookdon"tlook!"
Tyler looked anyway. His eyes went wide at the erotic scene. One big breasted lady was sucking tenderly on the large nipple of another girl. The drawing was beautifully detailed, and drawn with evident skill. Tyler was blown away that such a small, cute girl had such talent. Tyler then noticed something rather...familiar about her art style.
"No freakin way."
He had a rather starstruck tone in his voice as he looked back at the now beat-red Lily.
"Hey, Lily, does the name Goreleech mean anything to you?"
She seemed a little confused, but answered truthfully,
"Ah, yeah, Goreleech is a smalltime fanfiction writer kinda known for his dark hero tales. Like a demon crawls up from the bowels of hell to take part in a story."
"What do you think of the guys work?"
"He's commissioned a few drawings from me, and his stories are always entertaining to read. Why?"
"Last question, does the name LilyFlowerottica mean anything to you?"
Her embarrassment tripled at the name, while Melody guessed where he was going and smiled.
"hey, Lily come here a sec, I want you opinion on a few drawings I had commissioned way back when."
Glad that he had stopped interrogating her on her drawings she came over and was immediately stricken with shock, for her drawings were on screen. They were lesbians going at it. She then looked at the name on the account: Goreleech. she looked to see Tyler laughing. He then patted the skilled artist as he explained,
"Hey, Lily, nice to put a face with the art. I'm that bullshit fanficer. Nice to meetcha."
She leaned against a table,
"How long have you known?"
"All of five minutes."
"Why did you come to see me then?"
"Well, I got this letter, here"
He held up the letter, and her face went red again,
"It seemed like a poor girl wanted to be friends but had shyness problems, so I figured I'd come to her. I also heard that said girl was a doujhinist, so I wanted to se her work myself."
"You're not gonna make fun of me are you?"
"Pff, girl, I'm a loud and proud otaku and weeb. Okay? I've browsed a few hentais in my day, so believe me, you are on my favorite person list now. Never you doubt that."
Lily seemed very shocked by this information. She then looked to Melody for confirmation. The beauty in disguise smiled at her look of disbelief,
"He's telling you the truth, and I'll let you in on something. All of his friends are weebs too. Some are even more perverted then you are. So you're in good company."
"Even you?"
Melody smiled,
"Oh, I am very much a perverted weeb."
"But you're gorgeous!"
Tyler and Melody looked at each other, and Lily explained,
"I used to go to your old school. I know why you walk around like that. Which is why I'm kinda finding it hard to believe that some as beautiful as you are is a proud perverted weeb."
Tyler came and hugged Melody and felt her trembling, he then fixed Lily with a very intense stare that made the smaller girl squeaked with fear,
"Okay, Lily. You are going to promise something here and now, understood?"
The now scared girl nodded her eyes wide with fear,
"You will NEVER tell anyone the truth about Melody, is that understood?"
"Is that understood?"
His voice was now full of venom, all aimed at the terrified girl,
"Yes sir, I won't tell! I promise!"
"If you break this one will save you from me."
"I won't tell anyone, I promise!"
"Well, okay then. Now, as long as we understand each other, I have a girl I'd like you to meet."
Poor Lily was still scared, but was relieved he wasn't angry at him. Melody was trembling still but had recovered enough to speak in a level tone,
"Who you calling?"
Melody smiled as she understood his plan, Kiria's smile had melted his heart of stone, so it was sure to reach Lily's lonely one. Tyler dialed the bundle of joy and she picked up after two rings,
"Hey, Tyler, what’s up?"
"Hey, Kiria, you still at school?"
"Yeah, I was just gonna head out, why?"
"Could you come to art room 7 in the basement please? I need a favor."
"Be right there."
Tyler smiled as he hung up. He then turned a warm smile at the trembling Lily,
"Kiria's on her way. You two will be like sisters by Monday. I promise."
Lily seemed to liven up, and was even a little excited, by the prospect of a sisterly bond, but was replaced with near immediate insecurity,
"Will she like my drawings?"
"Can you do big breasted love scenes? Like a small girl playing with a large rack?"
She snorted,
"I can make it so detailed, you'd think a camera took it."
"Oh, Kiria is going to freakin love you."
Just then the secret boob-addict came flying into the room and did a flying hug at Tyler, who caught her and hugged her was she squealed,
"eeeeeee! I'm here! Whatcya need?"
"Take a look at this, I want your opinion"
He handed the erotic drawing to Kiria, who instantly got a hungry look in her eyes as she gazed at the picture. She then looked up with a very lusty grin on her cute face,
"it's hot. And VERY well drawn, who did it?"
"She did."
Tyler then pointed out the artist. Kiria went a cute shade of red as she saw that she has seen her aroused reaction. Tyler walked the two girls together and introduce them,
"Lily, this is Kiria, the sweetest little sister on campus. She's also a weeb. Kiria, this is the lewd artist extraordinaire Lily, She's shy and because of her skillset doesn't have many friends and gets picked on a lot. I figured you would like her and her art."
Kiria walked over to the now nervous girl. She held out the drawing,
"Did you draw this?"
"Yeah, I'm not done yet, and it's just a doodle."
"Wait, this is just a doodle?"
"Ahh, yeah?"
"Well, Now I want to see what you can do when serious."
Lily's eyes went wide, and Kiria smiled her sweetest smile, blinding the lonely artist.
"If I make them for you, will you be my friend?"
Kiria laughed and hugged the small girl,
"I'd be your friend for free, and cause I like you."
"But if you be my friend, you'll get bullied to,"
"Pff, if anyone picks on me or you from now on, that scary lump over there will throw them down the nearest set of stairs. I promise."
Tyler spoke up,
"really, any friend of Kiria's is a friend of mine. Everyone in this school knows Kiria is like my little sister, so no one fucks with her, or they know I'll fuck them up."
Lily started to cry at the show of friendship. She hugged her new twin tailed friend tightly. Tyler smiled,
"Hey, Kiria, can we leave the rest to you?"
Kiria was also smiling at her new friend.
"Sure, I'll take good care of her. You two go play with each other."
Tyler and Melody looked at each other and just smiled as they left Lily in Kiria's warm hug. They walked back to their lockers hand in hand.
"Well, that’s a job well done."
"Yes, I agree. Lily is the perfect friend for Kiria, and vice versa."
"Hey, Melody."
He gave her soft hand a little squeeze,
"Are you okay? You seemed a little shaken by her saying she went to your old school."
"Can we discuss this in your apartment?"
"Sure. Hey, is that Asuika?"
It was. Melody's mother was waiting in her SUV in the building's parking lot. She was looking at a paper in her hand when Tyler knocked on her window. She jumped, and rolled down the glass,
"Prick. I brought a change of clothes and some other stuff for Melody, since I left the door open she would crash here again."
"Thank you, mother. I appreciate it."
"Just don't have TOO much fun, I'm too young to be a grandmother."
Tyler opened his mouth to say something but Melody smacked him,
"My luggage, porter,"
"Yes Ma'am."
Tyler took the large suitcase out of the SUV's trunk. He carried it over to the side of the car just in time to se Asuika hand a small box to Melody in a vain attempt to be subtle. Tyler smiled at Melody's response,
"Mother, I appreciate your concern, but we agreed no sex until at least our third week of dating. So, please, relax, okay?"
Asuika was about to say something when she saw Tyler's smirking face in her mirror. She went red and reversed out of the parking lot with squealing tires. she looked back to see Tyler hopping on one foot, a pained expression on his face, she turned around to make sure she didn't run him over, only for him to just start laughing. She was now very near the verge of actually running the smartass over, but just settled flipping him off. Tyler then hefted a laughing Melody's bag and carried it up to his apartment. He turned the bolt and stepped inside, the girl right behind him. He closed the door and locked it with deadbolt and chain. His room was dark and cool. They removed shoes and went inside. Tyler put her bag next his bed, and found the requested shells sitting in his living room with a note. HE opened it to find it from Otagowa
Here's everything you asked for. I threw in a decommissioned torpedo from a Zero. The drywall was also repaired. You need anything else give me a call.
Tyler smiled as he tossed the note onto his desk. Melody was looking through her bag, seeing what her mother had packed her. Tyler then placed his Tiger tank round against his desk. He then picked up the torpedo and set it against his wall near the tank round. He then took out his laptop and logged on and opened his files for notes. He then felt Melody's soft arms wrap around his neck and her lay her head against his,
"These the shells?"
He kissed her arm, and the action raised goosebumps on her skin,
"Yep, looks like the ship cannon round was smaller then I thought. Hey, you smell nice."
She smiled as she sat beside him,
"Thanks, it's my new body wash."
"I like it. If you wanna shower, you know where it is."
She hugged him tightly,
"I'll take you up on that. No peeking, okay?"
He smiled as he rubbed her soft leg,
"Yes Ma'am."
Melody got up grabbed a few things from her bag and went into the shower. Tyler smiled as he laid out the notes for their project. Just then his phone rang, it was Otagowa,
"hey, Otagowa, thanks for the shells. That torpedoes’ gnarly."
"You're very much welcome. So I have a favor to ask you."
"Go ahead."
"I know you're on a date tomorrow."
"We are."
"Where were you planning to go?"
"We were gonna hit some anime shops, raid an arcade or two, get lost in that mall, and hit a fast food joint, why?"
"I have...let's call it a thorn in my side."
"Another family member?"
"Another family altogether. Their son has been harassing my oldest daughter for a date for about a year now. I can't get him to leave her alone and she's starting to dread leaving the house."
"So, you want me to scare the living fuck out of him in the way only I can. Is that right?"
"I'm sorry to lay this at your feet, especially while on your date tomorrow, but she came home crying today. If you can't help, I'll have no choice but to have Yozora pay a visit."
"Can I speak to your daughter for a sec?"
"Ahh, sure why?"
"Wanna clear something up."
"Huh, okay, hey! Lillica! Your new brother wants a word about Chad!"
Tyler waited for the girl to pick up and flipped through a few more ship data sheets. He then heard a rather nervous, light breath of a voice speak on the other end,
"Um, hello?"
"hiya, I'm Tyler. Nice to meetcha."
She seemed to relax at his overly cheery greeting,
"So your the family's new demon?"
"That’s about the size of it, miss, what’s your name?"
"Lillica. I understand you might be able to help me?"
"Scaring people into wetting themselves is kinda my thing. So tell me bout the asshole that made you cry."
"Hey, Tyler who's on the phone?"
He looked to see Melody in her true form, and it took his breath away in an audible gasp that even Lillica heard, Melody smiled as she snapped her fingers to bring him back to earth,
"Hey, Tyler, ya got a phone call."
"Oh, shit sorry, Lillica, my girlfriend just got outta the shower., Gimme a sec,"
"Melody could you look over this for a bit? Otagowa needs a demon to get a overly persistent prick that made his daughter cry get the idea she doesn't wanna date him."
"Of course. Are we still on for tomorrow?"
"Pff of course, this is just gonna be a form of mid-date entertainment."
"Then drag that stupid bastard to the depths of hell, my love."
Tyler chuckled as he now turned his full attention to Lillica,
"Sorry bout that. Now then tell me about this Chad jackass."
The girl on the other end seemed to have just been laughing,
"Okay, I think I'm gonna like you. Okay, Chad is a popular boy at my school. You know the type I've no doubt. Tall, handsome, strong, the usual every-girls-teen-dreamboy type. Well, I'm not that bad looking myself"
"ohh, arrogant narcissism. I like you already."
She snorted,
"No wonder my dad adopted you, you're hilarious. Anyway, After the last girl Chad was head over heels for transferred schools, he was left without his dream queen. So he turned to me. I've shot him down more times then I can count but it just isn't getting through. I've been as nasty and hurtful as I can be but it just doesn't process."
"He the kinda guy that everything just rolls his way?"
"YES! Exactly that! I HATE people like that, you know those who never have to put any real effort into anything?"
"Testify sister. Relax though. I get a special form of satisfaction out of breaking the spirits of people like that. Okay, now what did he do today that made you cry?"
"He had everyone he could start telling me to go out with him, boys girls, students, teachers, literally everyone that would listen was all saying it."
"Hol up, you're telling me he is that kinda desperate jackass, that he is now using OTHER people to ORDER you to go out with him?"
"Yep, that is exactly what I'm telling you."
"And you're saying his name is Chad?"
"Did you know, In America, we have a stereotype of guy called 'CHAD'?"
"In have heard the term but didn't fully understand it,"
"Welp, basically everything you just told me is the characteristics of a chronic chad."
"A dose of the harshest reality check a person can receive is the only real cure. I may have to bare scar."
"I heard about your past."
"Eh, don't worry bout it Angel,"
"Yep, from the bowels of hell, everyone above seems as angels."
"Well, I can send a photo of Chad so you can have a face."
"Coolio. So where can I find him tomorrow?"
"He hangs at the mall with his entourage."
"Alrighty. You gonna come watch the fireworks?"
"I am. I want to see the fear in his eyes at the Yataomo's new demon."
"Ohhh, a vengeful nature too? My opinion of you is increasing all the time."
"Glad I could impress my new demonic brother. I look forward to seeing you work."
"Well, it only makes sense for the Angel to watch the Demon to the things she can't"
"Okay, that was kinda smooth."
"Hey, send me your number, we're family now, I think."
"Sure. Why not? Kay, my dad wants a word with you."
"Hey, son, so? You think you can help?"
"Won't even take fifteen minutes. I know exactly how to deal with this."
"I'm glad you can do something about this."
"Never send an Angel to do a Demon's job"
"Wisdom, will you need anything?"
"What I need to do is shatter the guy's world view. So if I have to, I'll throw him over the railing of the mall floors, so I'd like you to put in a call to Charlie, tell him the situation and have the cops at the mall be ready to back ME instead of HIM, you follow me?"
"I do, he'll think the world has turned against him. That with the shock of someone like you doing that to him, without repercussions on top of it, will be far too much for his mind to process, and it'll break. An evil plan but most effective."
"Like I said, Demon's work."
"Lillica wants to watch, so keep an eye on her until it's done okay?"
"Yes, Commander."
"That's what I like to hear! I'll leave it to you."
"Tomorrow is gonna be interesting."
"That it is."
Otagowa hung up and Tyler's phone fired off a round as Lillica's picture came through with her number. Tyler programmed it into his phone and the looked over the picture. Melody was sitting across from Tyler, wearing a light robe in her true form. Tyler patted her hand only to find it trembling. He dropped his phone to go comfort the distressed beauty.
"Melody? What's wrong?"
Her lovely face was pale as a sheet of paper. Tyler hugged her tightly and kept calling her name.
"Melody, Melody, hey, Melody!"
She finally responded, jumping at his near shout. She looked around as if confused then remembered where she was and who was holding her. She started to cry, and buried her head into his shoulder, and hugging him with a desperate fear. Tyler knew this reaction. He'd nearly sank into it when his mother tried to drag him back to hell. He knew what to do. He pulled her into his embrace and sat against a wall, pulling her into his chest and just held her like a child. She was crying hard, and he just held her, not saying anything, just giving her the warmth of his body, and the strength of his arms. She cried for over an hour, before she finally started to calm down enough for Tyler's words to reach her.
"Hey, I'm here. You're safe. Tyler's got you. You're safe,"
She went silent, then just rested her head in his chest as he started to stroke her long hair, she was sniffing when his phone buzzed. He flicked it over with his foot, and saw it was Kiria,
"Hey, the hell's going on in there?"
"Just got a phone call from Otagowa, guess my new adoptive sister has a problem with a jackass from Melody's past. She didn't take the shock well."
"Anything we can do?"
"I'm gonna break this guy tomorrow. I want the wagons circled. I am very, VERY angry right now."
"Understood. So, who's the dead man walking?"
"Melody seems ready to talk now, I'll give you the details later. She needs my full attention."
She hung up and Tyler looked to see Melody reaching for her glasses. He got them first, and held them up,
"Why do you want these?"
"I need to put my face on."
"You're wearing your face right now."
She froze, and looked up at his face. She then realized what he meant. And she curled into a small ball. Tyler was not going to let sink further into darkness.
She peaked her head around to look him in the eye,
"I promised I would wait forever for you to hang your mask beside mine. You said you would think about it, but I see now I forgot to ask a crucial question."
Her voice was small and very weak,
"What is it?"
"Do you even WANT to give up your mask, if you could, would you?"
Her eyes widened. She then tucked her head into her knees, and scrunched up even further in her ball. Tyler went and sat by her, as she considered his question. He held her glasses, her shield from a nasty predator. Tyler didn't have to wait long for an answer.
"I would give it up. But.."
She rolled around to face him, still in ball mode,
"I can't do it alone."
"You are NOT alone. Not anymore."
He scooped her up, ball and all and held her tightly as he dared,
"i am with you, now and forever."
He then pulled her around until his mouth was right over her ear,
"I love you."
He felt her shiver in his arms. She then extended out of ball form and looked into his eyes,
"Say it again."
"I love you."
He did not hesitate, and, she shivered again. She then stood up. Tyler stood too and held out her glasses. She looked at them in his hand and back up at him. Tyler had an expressionless look on his face as he opened his hand leaving the glasses out to her. All she had to do was take them and don them, and she would be disguised again. She reached out her hand to take them. Tyler did not move. she was about to take them, but she hesitated, as thoughts of him, and the hell he'd endured, and just how readily he'd given up his mask, and now he was offering her the same opportunity. She then took a dep steadying breath and closed his hand over her mask.
"Are you sure?"
She looked up at him and spoke, her voice full of pure certainty.
"I am. I do not need to hide any longer."
"What do I do with it?"
Her voice quivered a little as she replied,
"Destroy it. and yes I am sure."
he hesitated no longer and applied his full strength into his hand. There was a sound of glass breaking and when he opened his hand again the glasses were crushed beyond repair. He the deposited them into the trash bin. He then went and held her tightly.
"I Love you, Melody."
"I love you to, Tyler."
She then embraced her new source of strength, and breathed out a sigh of relief.
"I'm free."
"No. Not yet."
she stepped back to see his eyes were like steel.
"You still have one tendril on your ankle tugging you into the darkness. Until it is severed, you will never be free."
"Tell me everything."
She shivered again, but nodded as she told him why she had reacted like she did.
"Remember the letter?"
"Chad was his name. He did to me exactly what he is doing to Lillica right now. I actually know Lillica. She's a taller version of Kiria. Only more beautiful then cute, but just as sweet. You're gonna love her. She was a good friend of mine back in the dark. Chad is everything she said, but I know something she doesn't."
"Like what?"
"Chad is delusional. He truly believes in his own righteousness. I doubt even you could crack that shell."
"What is his main delusion?"
"That he is the perfect guy. He believes he is what every girl should strive to date. So the idea of someone like me or Lillica rejecting him...”
“It just doesn’t register. So what if You and I were to oh say, kiss in front of him? You looking your very best, and me being me?”
Her eyes went wide at the thought.
“It would literally make his brain explode. But...”
“But what?”
“I want our first kiss to be a precious memory, not a weaponized moment of revenge.”
“I understand. I feel the same way, but I now know what I have to do to shatter his mindset.”
“Please, help that poor girl.”
“Oh, I’m gonna ruin that guy. He made you wear a mask, now he will NEED a bag.”
she hugged her scary lover.
“Please do. I won’t wear a mask ever again.”
“We will never let anyone take our light from us again. Now, you hungry?”
She laughed,
“The lets get our grub on and watch some Anime eyebleach!”
“What’s our eyebleach of the night?”
“Teasing master Takagi!”
“Awww, I love that one!”
Melody was in her free form now. Her massive melons now bouncing freely, and her long black hair allowed to flow. Her gorgeous blue sapphire eyes allowed to entrance any soul unlucky enough to peer into their depths. Together Tyler and Melody cuddled up in front of the TV, downing the food Tyler and made with Asika, which had gotten a reaction from Melody,
“You’re getting cooking lessons from Asika?”
“So I can take proper care of my beautiful girlfriend when she stays over.”
She snuggled into him.
“Hey, Melody, I just thought of something.”
“Kiria is gonna freakin lose it when she sees how awesome your melons are.”
“I’m kinda looking forward to her inspection.”
“I love you so much, you know that, right?”
She hugged him tightly,
“I love you too.”
The lovers burned through the Anime eyebleach and then Tyler cleaned up. Once done he came back to find Melody in his bed with the blankets thrown back,
“Care to join me? I’m kinda cold.”
Tyler dropped his shirt and jumped right next to his sexy girlfriend. They feel asleep in each other’s arms, happy that they can finally move into the light.

The next morning Tyler woke to find Melody gone and a note on his desk,
Tyler, sorry for sneaking out, but you said my very best. So my very best you will get.
I love you,
Tyler smiled, and went got to work to look his very himself. HE just finished his shower when his phone rang and Asuika on the other end,
"What the hell happened last night?"
"xcuse me?"
"My daughter calls me up first thing this morning, begging me to help her look her very best, saying that she wants to blow your friggin mind, and when I pick her up, she looks better soulwise then I have seen her in years."
"Yes! My girl had always shone like a star, but that glow only came from her surface. I pick her up this morning and she is shining like a star from her very soul, I could barely look at her. What did you do?"
"I helped her hang up her mask beside mine."
"You mean?"
"Yep, and today, we're gonna sever that last tendril of darkness."
"Okay. If you need anything, well, you know the drill."
"Sure thing, future-mother-in-law."
Asuika hung up, and Tyler finished his morning routine. He looked at the clock. 9 sharp. He then called up Lillica,
"Mornin toots."
"Ready to shatter a heart?"
"yes please."
"I brought my girlfriend."
"I understand you were to be on a date today. I'm sorry."
"Pff, don't worry, Chad's pulled this same crap on her. So three birds, one very angry demon."
"Wait, you don't mean?"
"Don't ruin the shock. Cya there."
He hung up and got a text from Aki, the ladies were all in position. Tyler then headed down to where Yozora was waiting,
"We good to go?"
"yes, Akiri. All arrangements have been made."
"Well, lets open the ball."
He climbed into the SUV, and was driven to the meeting place. Tyler hopped out and went o stand against a large stone ball ornament. He then started flipping his switchblade absentmindedly in his hands. He was wearing a leather Jacket, a white undershirt, blue denim jeans, and a new pair of timberland work boots. He SCREAMED danger. As he waited he spotted several vehicles belonging to Yozora's crew around the area. He then spotted his target entering the mall. The guy was nearly as tall as Tyler, far more muscular, had blonde hair, blue eyes and was wearing fancy designer brands. HE had a good fifteen girls around him, not even one of them anywhere near even as good looking as any of Tyler's crew. Tyler smirked as he stared the guy down. The Chad had noticed Tyler leaning against the ball, flipping his knife, clearly waiting for someone. The chad went a little pale as Tyler intimidated him just by looking at him. Tyler then looked away as a car pulled up and Lillica stepped out. Tyler was impressed by her beauty. She was tall enough to not have to tilt her head to look him in the eye, had long flame red hair, clear green eyes, pale skin, and modest cleavage. She had chosen a long white gown and flower decorated hat. The white making her fiery hair really pop. She spotted the dangerous boy and walked over to him without fear. Her high heels clicking on the cement. When she reached him he flipped his blade with an extra fancy twirl before closing it in a flourish.
"I take it you're Tyler?"
Her voice had a ring like a morning songbird,
"I take it you're Lillica? heh, not bad."
Her eyes took in his image.
"Wow, you really do scream danger."
"And you scream angel."
"And what do i scream?"
They turned and Tyler's jaw dropped. Melody had arrived on the scene. Her long black tresses had been brushed to a sleek straightness that made it look like she had a piece of the night on her skull, her cheeks at the slightest bit of color, her blue sapphires were on full display. She was wearing a light blue dress that gave extra emphasis to her massive bust, and made her light skin shine. The dress was belted with a sash of blood red, and the clashing colors were reflected in her sapphire eyes. On her delicate feet were a pair of red heels that clicked with every step Tyler had only one word to describe his girlfriend:
Lillica was shocked too, but for a different reason.
"Meli? It's you! I missed you!"
"Hey, Lili, I missed you too."
The reunited friends spent a few seconds catching up before Tyler took Melody's arm,
"Lets go crush a soul."

Chad at that moment was on the second level. Which was only ten feet off the floor. He was looking at a new Rolex, since the one he had on was now a week old. His entourage were desperate to get into his good graces. One girl came up, a look of disbelief on her face,
"Hey, Chad, you're not gonna belief this."
She pointed and he Saw Tyler, with Melody under his arm, chatting with Lillica like lifelong friends. Tyler would every now and then say or do something and Lillica would flush a deep crimson and he would throw his head back laughing at her embarrassment. He would then rub a dolled up Melody on her arm. It was more then the poor womanizer could handle, since Tyler's mere gaze had scared him silly outside.
"Who is that?"
"His names Tyler. Word is he's a monster. He beat up a teacher, and got him fired."
"Wait Did you say Tyler?"
Satuski, who had also dolled herself up, with her long straight black hair brushed into a shining slice of midnight. She was wearing a pair of capri jeans and a white shirt. She came over to give her own two cents,
"You were just talking about Tyler, right?"
"yeah, you are?"
"His student council president. Here have a look at what he does to those who piss him off."
She lifted her shirt to show the massive bruise he'd left on her stomach,
"I made the mistake of trying to protect the wrong person and he did this. Don't fuck with him. Or his girls, or he'll lay you out like he did me."
Chad looked back to she Tyler walking his way, Melody securely under his arm. Lillica was right beside him chatting withe couple. Then a chick in a similar leather jacket comes up and smacks him on his ass, and he responds with a smack to her head. The new chick just starts laughing, rubbing her head. She had a kind of dangerous sexiness to her, and Tyler's sheer familiarity with yet another sexy girl irked the simp. Then Satuski walked out and greeted the boy on a date,
"Hey, fancy meeting you here, Tyler."
"Pff, well, I guess even pencils can be sexy if they try. What up Satuski?"
The student council president smiled nervously as she joined his still growing entourage. Then a pair of squeals were heard, as both Lily and Kiria arrived on the scene. Kiria in a cute little sundress, and Lily in a shirt and jeans. Kiria went and jumped into Tyler's arms and he hugged the smaller girl tightly then he hugged a shy Lily too. He patted them and went on their way. Chad now had a vein bulging, for this thug, had not even half as many girls as he did, and yet the ones he DID have were easily a hundred times hotter. Then Aki and Tatsi arrived, both in crop tops and short shorts. The athletic babes were now also flirting with him and he just smiled and while at the same time flirting with every girl while seeming to ignore Melody under his arm. The last straw was when Kairi, in a flowing red dress, blue hat and sandals came over and hugged the boy. Tyler was laughing as his friends were gathering around him, when
"Hey, bro!"
"Showtime ladies."
Tyler turned around, a look of bored indifference on his face as Chad and his crew came forward to get in Tyler's face. The polo wearing boy was beside himself at the sight of so many beauties hanging on such a dangerous boy's arm. Tyler just sighed as he looked at the prep school exec,
"What, pretty boy? We're busy."
His tone was flat and hard. Chad seemed to lose confidence but then a groupie hugged his arm and he seemed to recharge.
"I don't like how you're treating these ladies."
"What ladies? I just see my hotter then holy fucking hell girlfriend here and my friends"
That got a few gasps at his language, Chad seemed like he was about to burst, then he saw Melody's face and seemed unable to process what he was seeing,
"Is, that you Melody?"
"You're dating this guy?"
"You mean Tyler?"
"I love him."
Tyler didn't miss a beat,
"I love you too Melody."
"Fuck all yall!"
That got the girls laughing hard, But Chad's crew were not laughing. The poor pathetic simp was now disgusted by his language
"How can you swear like that in front of delicate ladies?"
"Hey, Ryuko, go fuck yourself."
"Only if you fuck me first!"
"Oi! I get first fuck!"
"You know what? I've always wanted to give an orgy a go!"
"Lets all get fucked!"
"I can get behind that!"
"well, as long as I get the most fucks, I'm in!"
"Oh, Melody, I'll fuck you the hardest the longest."
"I can't wait."
"I'mm kill yall real soon!"
Chad was now appalled at this display, and his entourage were too,
"Chad, kick his ass!"
At that one, Tyler took his arm off Melody's shoulders, and stepped forward.
"So, you lookin for a fight?"
Tyler was smiling wickedly and Chad was now a little intimidated.
"I hear you've been giving my sister here problems."
Chad then saw Lillica behind him,
"I love her. We need to be together."
"You will stay the fuck away from her, or I will fuck you up."
"No you won't touch me."
"Oh? Why not?"
"Because people don't fight over girls like caveman-hey! Wha-"
Tyler had walked over and grabbed the boy by his collar and lifted him into the air, leaving him dangling a good few inches in the air. Chad then did what any spoiled rich kid did in a pinch, called his parents. Tyler made no move to stop him. Merely held him in the air without any effort.
"Help mommy, daddy, I'm being assaulted by a thug!"
Tyler then just took the phone out of the pissant boys hands,
"Hello? IS this Chad's parents?"
"Yes, who are you?"
"My name is Tyler, you may have heard of me."
"Tyler? The Hero?"
"Try Demon, but yes."
"What did our son do to draw the Demon's gaze?"
"He made both my girlfriend and my sister cry. I'm sure you understand the consequences of his actions."
"We do, you do as you see fit."
"Break the news to him yourselves."
He handed the phone back and watched the phone to the still dangling boy. All color vanished from the boys face when his parent condemned for drawing the eyes of the Demon. Tyler then crushed his phone in his bare hands, Then a police officer walked by, and Chad called out to him,
"officer help me!"
The cop walked over and saw the situation,
"Well, this is quite serious my boy."
"Arrest him, he destroyed my property! He hurt me!"
"Tyler, what did this one do?"
"Made Melody cry, and my new-found sister came to me for help. You know how it be."
"I do indeed. Well, make sure he learns his place."
"Will do! Take care."
Then the cop just walked off, leaving Chad to his fate. Tyler then just started to laugh at the tears welling up in the abandoned boy's eyes,
"no one will help you. I could kill you right here and not a soul will lift a finger to help you."
"They'll help me."
"My friends"
"What friends?"
Tyler turned him around to show him that his entire entourage had up and left, rather then draw the eyes themselves.
"You're all alone. Now, Stay away from Lillica and if you even look in Melody's direction, I'll remove the eyes from your head."
Chad still did not get the picture,
"You won't hurt me,"
"Why not?"
"Cause you're a good person."
Tyler then threw him over the railing of the mall. Sending him then feet to the ground with a thud. He screamed in pain as something broke. He tried to crawl away, only to see Tyler vault the railing and drop like captain America to the floor below. Chad had the whites of his eyes visible as he screamed for the surrounding people to save him. But as soon as Tyler was spotted walking around the fallen boy, the people got very angry with the fallen boy.
"What did you do to make him angry?"
"Stupid, you made our hero angry?"
"Tyler, what you got this time?"
"He made Melody cry."
"Ooof, he a dead man."
"Yep, hey kid, you fucked up now."
"He gon git it."
The entire crowd started jeering at the fallen Chad, who tried to curl up in a ball, but Tyler wasn't having it.
"Come on, you got another flight lesson."
"Don't please it'll kill me!"
"Pff, no it won't"
"How do you know?"
"Because it's ten feet exactly, my first flight was a good twenty, and I walked away."
"That’s not true!"
Tyler dragged him up the escalator and retook his position by the wall, and then removed his jacket and shirt to show off his scars. Chads eyes went wide at the sight,
"No way, those are fake!"
Tyler grabbed the boys hand and pressed it into a thicker patch of scars,
"Think I could fake that?"
"Where the hell did you come from?"
"I was raised the bowels of hell, you worthless bastard. I came from the dark."
He threw him over the railing again and vaulted after him. He then planted a foot on his chest.
"So, you gonna leave my girls alone?"
Weather from lack of brain cells, or stubbornness, Chad still clung to his ideals,
"I love her. I will never give up!"
"Coolio, been a while since I got to play."
Tyler was about to drag him back up when Lillica called out to Tyler,
"Hey, I wanna talk to him!"
Tyler dragged the boy up the escalator and dropped him at Lillica's feet. Chad looked up her, a look of relief on his face,
"I knew you would stop him. I knew you were just playing hard to get."
She then got a disgusted look on her face,
"Ugh, I forgot how ugly he was. Continue."
"Hey, just a thought."
"You told me he's good at sports. Right?"
"Ahh, yeah why?"
"Well, how important is his sports ability to him?"
"Well, next to his good looks, the most important think in his life."
"I can take his looks from him easily enough, what sport does he do?"
"Umm, water polo, basketball, he also does baseball on the side."
Tyler got a wicked grin.
"Hey, some toss me a baseball bat!"
"Heads up!"
Tyler caught the metal bat as it came over the group's heads,
"Thanks Ryuko! I love Melody!"
Tyler then dragged the metal bat along the cement floor, creating an unnerving scraping sound.
"So, lets see. Water polo? I think the leg, baseball the arm, and basketball, the arm as well?"
Chad was now trembling worse then ever as Tyler listed of body parts.
"Wait no! Please! If I can't play sports, I won't get girls! I'll never get into college, I'll never get laid!"
"Well, what a coinkidink. That's what I want."
Tyler brought the blunt object on his right knee, shattering it hopelessly. Chad screamed but was able to remain conscience. Tyler was laughing,
"Well, he's a screamer! This is kinda fun! Already, next is the wrist! No musical skills for you!" whangggg
Chad screamed with despair as his wrist was flattened, and his prized dribbling skills destroyed, and his guitar skills too. Chad looked at the laughing scarred boy.
"Please stop. Please"
"Leave my girls alone and apologize for being a jackass."
"I can't Lillica belongs with me!"
Tyler then brought the bat on his right ankle and it was splintered. Chad now had zero future as any form of athlete. The only thing he had left was...
"Now then, where's my switchblade....ahh here it is!"
He flipped it open in mid air.
"Lets do something about that complexion, shall we?"
Melody was curious,
"What can you do about that face, doctor?"
"I'm thinking removing a few teeth, maybe some jaw restructuring. Maybe a vision correction. Any requests?"
As the crowds laughed at his joke, Chad was throbbing with agonizing pain. HE painfully crawled to the railing, when Tyler just got a thought,
"Hey, before the complexion, Hey, Lillica? Got a weird question."
"He ever brag about his length or bedroom prowess?"
Chad froze. He looked over to see Lillica and Melody look at each other and get wickedly happy grins as they saw where this was going,
"Now that I think about it, yeah, he brags bout being a ten incher, and how he lasts all night hourly at school."
"I remember that. I was kinda disgusted. In all the time I've been around Tyler, he's never once mentioned his groin."
"Well, given just how touchy feelie you two are, he doesn't have to!"
"True that!"
Everyone laughed, including Melody. She then gave Tyler a rather fierce set of bed eyes,
"Um, I think I can hear my bed pleading for mercy somewhere."
Melody was enjoying the dirty flirting and licked her lips seductively,
"Well, lets put it out of it's misery."
"Words cannot express how spectacularly erect I am right now."
"Hey, I love you."
"I love you too."
"The rest of you, except for Kiria, I hate!"
More laughter. Tyler then flipped his knife decisively.
"Now then, lets fix this pig!"
Chad was trying to cover his groin, but it was a difficult challenge with a shattered knee and mush arm. Tyler walked over and Aki handed him a sledgehammer. He winked at Satuski, who smiled at he memory of their first meeting. The most the former boy teen dream could manage was rolling onto his side. But Lillica and Melody wanted their pound of flesh too. They each grabbed a leg and forced them apart, extracting another scream from the boy as his traumatized knee was abused further Tyler took up the hammer, and made another show of practice swings.
"You gonna leave them alone? And apologize for being a dick?"
"I can't! I love Lillica. Besides, you wouldn't really crush another mans balls."
"Really, and whys that?"
"Because it'd be gay of you!"
Chad practically screamed this, and Tyler set the hammer on its head as he considered this angle. HE then sighed,
"Okay, you've a point there. Normally I don't really give a fuck what other people think of me, but I got Melody to consider. I can't have people start getting the wrong idea. Alright then I won't hit you with a hammer."
Chad seemed to shudder a moment before bursting out laughing,
"See? You're no demon! The most you can take from me is my music and sports! I knew you weren't evil, you have no right to criticizes me!"
"Hey, Melody, you want the honors? You've suffered most in this mess."
The blue-eyed beauty smiled sweetly,
"Oh, do you mean it?"
"Of course I do. This pigfucker cut into our datetime. Think of it as a first date gift."
"Aww, you so good to me!"
"And we're just getting started."
She smiled as she took the hammer, she tried to lift it, but seemed to struggle a little, Tyler frowned,
"Want some help?"
She smiled gratefully, but she had a different idea,
"I love you. But I have a better idea."
"Well, by all means. This is your finale."
"Hey Lillica, this hammer is heavy, wanna help?"
The flaming beauty smiled,
"Aww, I'm touched, thank you Melly!"
"Don't use that nickname."
"Yes, love."
"Good boy."
"I'll at least hold the door open."
Tyler swapped places with the girls and held the dudes legs nice and wide for their grand finale. Chad watched as the two ladies each took a grip on the hammer and started winding up now with ease. He was white as a ghost, but was snug inside Tyler's iron grip.
"I not gonna ask you anymore to stay away from them. This will make sure you do, whether you want to or no. Girls don't like eunuchs."
"Please don't! Melody, Lillica you're too kind for this. You wouldn't be able to live with yourselves! Don't!" whackkkkkk, thudddddd, whack, thud, whack thud
The ladies were laughing hard as they smashed the hammer into Chads groin no fewer then six times. Chad's manhood would later have to be surgically removed, for fear of complications. HE would never bother any girl ever again. He was no longer able to even be called a HE. Chad was last heard from as the former everything transferred to some monastery in England. The girls dropped the hammer with a clang and Tyler then felt he had to say something,
"Um, Melody? If I've ever done anything to piss you off, I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven."
"Okay, now I'm scared. Come on, lets leave the trash and hit another floor."
Tyler and his friends went up a floor and took up an area of the food court while the mess downstairs was cleaned up. Tyler plopped into a chair with evident relief.
"Well, that was a hassle."
"Only took ten minutes!"
"Yeah, but the mental drain of a person like that makes it feel easily twice that!"
Lillica was laughing as she sat across from her new scary brother.
"Well, I have to say, swinging that hammer felt really good."
"It did didn’t it? I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed it myself."
"Well, course you did. Nothing beats solving a problem with your own two hands. Am I right?"
Hey, Tyler we're gonna bounce."
Tyler looked up at Satuski and the other girls.
"Sure, gonna have a group playdate or something?"
The girls laughed,
"Nah, just a regular group date!"
"Thanks for your help. I owe ya one."
"Oh we're gonna collect."
"I'd be insulted if you didn't. Later!"
The group left leaving Tyler, Melody and Lillica alone in the court. Melody seemed to be quivering with some emotion, while Lillica just seemed to be relieved. Tyler patted Melody on her back, causing her to jump.
"Feels good, don't it?"
She looked over confused.
"You're free now."
She gasped at his words. She then laid her head on his shoulder. He wrapped her with his jacket as she teared up quietly. Lillica was smiling fondly at the couple.
"Well, you two seem more in love then mom and dad."
Tyler chuckled when his phone went off, it was Otagowa.
"How'd it go?"
"Pff, dude isn't a dude anymore."
"I think the less I know about the specifics the better. Is she safe?"
"Yep, safe and laughing. That bastard will never bother her or any girl again. You have my word on that."
The relief in his voice was plain to hear,
"I knew you were the right man for the job."
"Like I said. Never send an Angel to do a Demon's work."
"I understand. She there?"
"Yep, think fast toots."
He tossed his phone to her, and she caught it deftly. Tyler then listened to her end of the conversation
"Hi, Daddy....he was......worked like a charm....Are you familiar with the concept of eunuchs?..uh-huh....uhu-huh....I like him, he's funny.....yep....I understand. Love you! Bye! Heads up hero!"
She tossed the phone and Tyler got it with a smile,
"Demon for hire, who do I drag to hell today?"
"Nice business pitch. Lillica is going to spend the day at the mall, and you're carrying on with your date?"
"Well, have fun. I have all the other issues under control. You will get zero ramifications for a forceful neuter."
"ugh, hump-happy pigs are the worst."
"I agree. I'd like you to call me when you get back to your apartment.."
"Well, I'll leave you to it."
"Catchya later."
Otagowa hung up, and Melody had recovered. Lillica smiled at the beautiful girl emerging from her warm cocoon. Her hair was a little messy now though.
"Hey, Melody, lets go to the girls room, I can help fix your hair."
She smiled at the ploy to talk boy.
"Sure, Lillica. Thanks."
Tyler had also caught on,
"If anyone looks at you, scream."
"I'll be back soon."
Tyler smiled as the girls walked off. He then just sighed. The ordeal with Chad having left him tired. Not physically, but spiritually and mentally. Dealing with people like that had always drained his spirit. Tyler spotted a vending machine nearby, and grabbed a hard energy drink. He just finished shotgunning it when he spotted a medium demon teddy with long arms, obviously made to hug people. He smiled as he saw it. He walked in and bought the bear. He then went and sat back down. Melody and Lillica came back five minutes later. Melody's hair was back to it's shimmering glory, and her eyes were radiating joy, giving her beautiful blues an extra bit of pop. Tyler then placed the demonic teddy on the table as she sat next to him,
"Hey, I found my demonic minion."
"He is very intimidating."
"He'll watch over you when I'm not there."
"I feel very safe in his warm gaze."
She took the bear and hugged it tightly.
"try not to set this one on fire, okay?"
"Only with my body heat."
"Okay, I am officially jealous of a teddy."
HE then looked into the plushie's beady eyes,
"Remember, pal, that’s MY girl, not yours!"
Lillica was laughing at the flirting couple.
"You two are so cute. Well, I'll get on with my shopping. See you tomorrow brother."
"Yeah, try not to buy the whole mall."
"Kinda too late for that."
"Our family owns the mall, and the company behind it."
"Of course we do. Well, have fun with redundancy!"
She laughed as she walked off. Tyler watched Melody snuggling the stuffed animal,
"You like him?"
"Love him!"
He smiled, and hugged her.
"Well, wanna show off your favorite shops?"
"Sure, come on!"
They left the court hand in hand. Melody was glowing as she led Tyler to a large manage shop. They spent a couple hours flipping through different volumes, when Tyler smiled as he held up one in particular.
"Hey, Melody, check this one out."
"The big breasted beauty came over.
"Oresuki? Are you the only one who loves me?"
"Yeah, take a look at this hottie here, she look familiar?"
The main character was a girl in glasses, a twin braid that met on her chest, and had sparkling blue eyes. Tyler then flipped to another full-color picture and the same girl was now a big breasted, long haired goddess. Melody blushed as she saw her transformation>
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"You sure? You're kinda cute when you blush, I ever tell you that?"
"I didn't base my look off an anime character!"
"Funny, I didn't say you did. But to be clear."
HE leaned in close to her ear,
"I think you're far more beautiful."
She released a very shaky breath as she recovered from that attack. She hugged the teddy even Tighter. Tyler smiled as he put the manga back, and spotted a rather curious one.
"Hello, what have we here?"
Now out of the teasing crosshairs, Melody came over to look at the light novel he'd picked up. It had a kneeling blonde-haired red-eyed girl in a frilly outfit on the cover.
"Arifureta? From commonplace to worlds strongest? Have you read that one?"
He flipped it over to read the back,
"No, I haven't but I kinda wanna check it out. Says here they made an anime outta it too."
Melody smiled as a thought occurred to her,
"Hey, if they have the dvds here, wanna get them and watch it together?"
Tyler smiled as he hugged her tightly,
"I love that idea! I'll grab the light novels too, never read a light novel for an anime before."
"I will too."
"Yay, our first couple's anime series!"
Tyler found the dvd set nearby and picked up all 8 novels. He also got a full set for Melody too. He paid and looked for her, only to find her looking at another series.
"What's ya find?"
She jumped, and the book went flying. Tyler caught it and looked at the cover,
"Monster musume? Everyday life with monster girls?"
She blushed, and seemed kinda embarrassed to have her boyfriend catch her looking at a very Ecchi manga.
"Yeah, it's a ecchi about a poor idiot with a harem of monster girls."
"Well, do you have this one yet?"
"Coolio. be right back."
She watched him walk back to the counter, pay, and bring it back.
"Here. Never be embarrassed to show me your Anime or manga tastes, okay? I'll never judge you."
"I once watched a hentai were a girl got plowed by a horse man."
"That one was....hellknight....something right?"
she went a little red in the face as she realized he knew the one,
"Okay, you've made your point. I'm sorry."
"Pff, relax. If you're ever worried about something or wanna know if I'd like something ask. I'll never hold anything against you."
She pressed her head into his chest,
"I guess I'm kinda used to getting judged as a weeb."
"My weeb judgements are more....archaic."
"Have you seen the helpful fox senko-san?"
"I have not."
"Pure eyebleach. Ahh, fuck it. Our second date is a shut the door lock the door, all day anime binge. You in?"
"All the way."
They laughed as Melody led him to another favorite shop, a small animal shop. They walked and Tyler froze. There was a freakin small mountain lion just chilling on the counter. Melody just walked right up and started to pet the big cat on it's head. She then saw Tyler's hesitation and chuckled,
"Come say hi to Cinnamon. She's friendly."
"Well, alright."
HE walked over and offered his hand to the big cat. The cougar gave a low rumbling growl as she rubbed her furry head into his hand.
"Wow, kinda like a extra thick carpet."
"Right? This an exotic animal shop. Only people with special licenses can open them. Hey, look over there."
"Tyler looked and his eyes went wide as a full grown white wolf was staring him down. Tyler went over to the massive canine and crouched down just beyond it's reach. The animal was on a heavy chain behind a set of bars. The beast was easily twice the size of the average retriever, and had a pair of yellow eyes. The animal got to it's feet and approached the bars of it's home and gazed into the boys face. Tyler then held out his hand and the pack animal licked it before allowing Tyler to pet it's head.
"Wow, you have a gift there, m'boy. Ol' Ghost don't let anyone touch her, let alone her go to them."
Tyler looked over his shoulder to see a tall, muscular man with a large scar on his arm smiling at him with respect.
"Thing about wolves, they chose to become man's friend. They don't need our help. And they know it."
Tyler continued petting the animal's white fur and felt a familiar web of lines beneath the sleek white fur.
"Plus, we understand each other's pain."
Melody came over and the wolf growled at the beauty. Tyler grabbed a handful of the wolf's fur on her neck and with minimal effort, pinned the animal to the floor, then he growled himself. The wolf's threat became a whine. Tyler realized his hold and pulled his hand back. Ghost got to her feet, and allowed Melody to touch her fur. The man was now stunned,
"Okay, what just happened?"
"I showed her who the alpha was."
"What's you name kid?"
Tyler stood up, and held his hand out, leaving Melody to pet the animal.
"My name's Tyler, sir, pleasure to meet you."
The man sighed sadly as he recognized the name,
"Tyler eh? That explains it. Makes sense you and the ol' gal would bond. She was abused too. I rescued her and been trying to find her a good home."
"Sadly I don't know the first thing about caring for a dog, let alone a wolf. Plus, I don't think my building manager would appreciate me bringing a full-blown wolf into her building."
Ghost was heard growling, and Melody withdrew her hand. Ghost went and sat in the dark again. Tyler knew what that said, and he didn't like it. He turned to the man.
"Let me make a few calls."
Tyler walked out and Melody followed,
"You wanna take her?"
"Yeah, and she wants to come with me. I can't leave her like that. I'll help her."
Melody smiled,
"I thought you were a cat person?"
"Pfff, I am. But I do have a soft spot for wolves, too."
He chuckled as he called Otagowa,
"Hey, what weird request have you got this time?"
"In Japan, if I wanted to get an exotic animal for a pet, do I need a special license or something?"
Otagowa was silent for a second,
"What kind of animal did you have in mind?"
"A white wolf."
"Somehow, I find that strangely fitting for you. Well, since you're an Yataomo now, you won't need an exotic animal license since our family has an umbrella one. If you do get a pet, we'll take care of food, vet bills, and most other expenses."
"Coolio, I just gotta clear it with Rin. This should be fun."
"Nice knowing ya."
Tyler hung up and dialed Rin. The kind building manager picked up with her usual cheeriness,
"Hey, Tyler what can i do for ya?"
"Hey, Rin, just curious on the building's policy for pets."
"oh, well, you do keep the surprises coming don't you? Well, as long as you take care of the animal, no problems on my end."
"Okay, even if my pet is a large white wolf?"
"I'm sorry, what?"
"A white wolf."
"Ummmm, well, I should've expected some kinda bullshittery, this is you after all!"
"Thanks for the complement!"
"Jackass. As long as the animal doesn't hurt anyone, I have no problem. OH, and please make sure it doesn't eat any other pets? Please?"
"That shouldn't be a problem. So it's okay?"
"Yeah, it's okay."
"Thanks Rin, you're awesome!"
She snorted as he hung up. He then looked to Melody,
"You good with another girl sharing my apartment?"
"She smiled as she snuggled against him,
"As long as I still get the best attention, I won't mind."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Tyler then went back inside, and stood by Ghost's cage again.
"OI, c'mere."
The wolf growled at him,
"You want out, or not?"
The shewolf got up and walked right over to him and sat, her head tilted to the side, as if saying I'm listening,
"You better listen to me, the first time, or you come back here, understood?"
The wolf gave a loud bark,
"Good girl. I get the feeling you understand me pretty well, so here’s the deal, no eating anything I do not give you, understand?"
"No attacking people, unless I say so, my home is threatened, or my friends are in danger"
"Last thing,"
He nodded to Melody,
"She's number one, understood?"
A less enthusiastic bark.
"Well, Ghost, gimme a sec. Hey bro, I'll take her."
The man seemed taken aback.
"Ahh, I'll need to see some ID."
"Sure, here."
Tyler laid his gold Yataomo ID card on the counter. The man's eyes went wide, then he just smiled.
"Yataomo, eh? Well, I guess it fits. I can send any paperwork to the big man himself. Now then, I am legally obligated to inform you that Ghost has killed a man before. So,"
"I figured she has."
"Just a hunch."
"Pff, whatever. Here, her leash, a list of her last round of shots, her rabies screen, and a list of wolf-approved foods. Anything else?"
"I'll unlock her cage myself."
"Fair enough. Here,"
Tyler took the key, and walked over to the cage. He opened it and Ghost sat still as he unlocked the chain on her collar. He then tossed the key to the guy behind the counter. Tyler then led Ghost out of the cage where she sat and let out a beautiful howl at her newfound freedom. Tyler smiled as the other animals lost it. Cinnamon came over, and the mountain lion gave the free wolf an affectionate head nudge.
"I guess they're friends."
"Yep, Cinny there and Ghost are tight."
"Well, we'll visit from time to time. How then, Melody, why don't we call it here? We can head to my place, get some pizzas and checkout our new anime series."
The blue eyed beauty smiled,
"Sure, that sounds lovely. Plus little Kiria can meet her new neighbor."
"Oh this is gonna be good."
Tyler went to attach the leash to Ghosts' collar, but she just growled at him,
"Okay. I'll trust you, but If you do anything,"
He left the threat there, and the newly formed trio left the store. Tyler was carrying their purchases, while Melody carried the teddy. Ghost trotted happily by his side, drawing quite a few looks of concern at the large wolf. The escalator was funny, as Ghost sat on a step and just rode down like she owned the thing.
"Wow, Tyler, I didn't take you as an impulse animal buyer."
"I'm surprised myself, actually, getting a hot girlfriend is one thing, but a pet wolf? Yeah that’s a little more out there."
"Well, I think she's a beautiful wolf. And a great new friend for you. I actually have a confession to make."
"Speak, my daughter, that your sins maybe heard, and cleansed by almighty god."
"Don't ever call me your daughter again."
"Agreed, that felt weird for me too."
"I've been kinda worried about you."
"Really, why?"
"Well, I saw your apartment, and how...empty it was. I felt bed you spent so much time alone. So I worried."
"Wow, you really are perfect, aren't you?"
She smiled as he hugged her. They were now walking down the main street to his apartment complex, And Ghost was still right next to him,
"Well, I do love you. So now I'm glad you won't be entirely alone all the time."
"Hey, if you're that worried about me, wanna move in together?"
She froze, for she hadn't thought of that possibility. Tyler turned and Ghost seemed to be grinning at the stunned girl. Melody's face was a mixture of a happy grin, with a look of embarrassment.
"Well, I'd love to, but.."
"Let’s wait until our second month, okay?"
"As you wish."
Ghost barked triumphantly at her words. The lovers laughed at the smug beast. Then Tyler got a thought,
"Okay, Ghost. I just want you to understand something."
The wolf tilted her head,
"Melody gets my full attention when she's at my apartment, so it's in your best interest to not ruin any of our moments, understood?"
"I said, Understood?"
A unhappy bark.
"Good girl."
Melody chuckled,
"Aww, is someone jealous?"
The wolf actually stuck her snout in the air in a huff. Tyler was laughing when the walked on the building property. There was a loud squeal, and Kiria came sprinting over
Ghost looked to Tyler, as if asking who the squealing ray of sunshine was. He merely shrugged,
"Brace for the warmest hugs you'll ever get."
Ghost seemed confused until Kiria locked her arms around the shewolf's neck in a hug. Ghost was a large wolf, and was easily big enough to reach Kiria's upper waist when she sat down. However Kiria's ray of light was blinding, even for the wolf. So she just accepted her hug. Kiria was now in fur heaven, as Ghost's white coat was both fluffy and soft. She was giggling happily until a loud yell from a balcony scared her.
"Kiria! Get away from that thing, it's a wolf! Not a dog!"
Kira came racing over, only for Ghost to step between mother and child, wrapping the loveable girl with a bushy tail, and growled at the approaching woman. Kira was now scared for her daughter, until she spotted a failing to keep a straight face Tyler and Melody nearby. Kira was now just angry,
"Okay, what the hell?"
"Ghost is my new friend."
"Jesus, kid, ain't a cat good enough?"
"Well I already got me a prim-"
"You got what?"
"A beautiful girlfriend I do not deserve."
"Good boy."
Kiria went back to cuddling the large white wolf, and Ghost had wrapped her body around the affectionate girl, and Kiria was loving it. Tyler smiled was he patted his small classmate,
"Ghost, this little scamp is Kiria. She's like a little sister to me, so you take good care of her."
Kira was now just shaking her head, Tyler smiled,
"Relax, Kira. Has ANYTHING been able to resist that smile?"
The relieved mother just sighed,
"If she could melt your glacier of a heart, I really need to stop worrying about her. Specially with you around."
"And you."
"Come on Ghost, lets head up."
"She lives next door."
Together the strange group went upstairs. Tyler opened his door and collected his mail. As of late, he'd been getting more and more fanmail. It still made him feel weird, but a good weird. Ghost trotted in to inspect her new home. Kiria was now sad her new fluff toy was gone, but Tyler reassured her,
"Don't worry, Kiria, I'm only like ten feet from your door. You wanna play with Ghost, come knockin. Plus if I have to go somewhere and can't bring her with me, I'll count on you for wolf-watching."
"Why the long face, Melody? If I have to go somewhere for longer then a day, did you really think I'd leave you behind?"
"You mean?"
"Of course I'd bring you with me. Wherever I go."
she hugged him to a loud awwwww. Tyler then turned to Kiria,
"So, if I can't take a wolf with me, can I count on you?"
Kiria's eyes went wide.
"You can count on me!"
"Good girl!"
Kiria said goodbye and Tyler shut and locked the door, The he and Melody walk into the main room to find Ghost had found a spare pillow and was asleep in a corner. Tyler smiled at his new friend. He then looked at the clock, 12:45.
"Well, I'll get us a delivery on the way."
"Okay, I'll freshen up."
Tyler placed his call to the pizza joint and Melody climbed into the shower.
"She gets more use outta that thing then I do."
"I heard that."
"Wanna move in then?"
"Already talked about that!"
"Just checkin!"
Tyler smiled as he heard Melody laughing. He then got a call from Asuika,
"Hey, loverboy."
"Hey FUTURE-MOTHER-IN-LAW. What’s up?"
"I heard you made a new friend."
"Yep. A white wolf named Ghost."
".....a WOLF?"
"Jesus, ain't a regular dog good enough for you?"
"I'll ignore the joke you just set me up for"
"Jackass. Seriously, a wolf?"
"Yep. She's been through a rough patch."
"That so?"
"I could feel her own scars."
"I see. Well, is she safe?"
"Well, she loves Kiria, so what do you think?"
"I think that’s a good sign. Anything else?"
"She is very clearly jealous of Melody."
"Of course you find a tsundere wolf."
"Nice half-assed attempt at weeb speech."
"Whatever. Is Melody there?"
"She's in the shower."
"No peeking, okay?"
"As nearly indestructible as I am, I don't think I survive that carnage."
"Great, I'm caught between two women. On a scale of 1 to fucked, how fucked am I?"
"Oh, I'd say very fucked."
"Oh, hey Melody, you're mom's on the phone."
"Hey, lemme chat with Melody."
He handed the phone to Melody who took it. He long hair was in thick ropes from washing, and she was wearing a light shirt and short shorts. Tyler smiled when a knock sounded at the door. He brought his wallet and paid the pizza guy,
"Thanks Mika."
"No problem, you're becoming quite the regular."
"Hey, can't top good pizza, Am I right?"
"Totally, later bro."
He placed the boxes on the counter and saw Ghost trotting over.
"Ha, course. Here, pizza's not good for wolves. But a good hunk of deer jerky should keep you happy."
He tossed a solid two pound of deer jerky to the large wolf, who promptly went back to her pillow and began wolfing it down. Tyler smiled as he watched his new friend. He then went over to his laptop, and put an order in for an extra thick dog bed, another 20 pounds of jerky, and a dog comb. The delivery was set for an hour. He walked over to the feeding wolf and ruffled her ears,
"Got something special for ya. Give it an hour or so."
The wolf's ear flicked, but she was more engrossed by the deer jerky. Tyler chuckled as he set up the anime series for himself and Melody. HE then changed into a light shirt and sweatpants and got some plates for the pair. He was about to check on Melody when another knock was heard on his door, this time Rin and Aki.
"Hey Aki, I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"Pff, prick. I wanna meet my new tenant."
"Fair enough."
He opened the door and the ladies entered. Melody was in the bathroom still talking to her mom and Ghost had just finished her jerky. Rin was instantly nervous when she saw the large animal. Ghost looked at her, fixing the nervous lady with a golden gaze. The wolf then yawned, showing off her teeth before laying her head on her paws and ignoring the woman.
"She's a lot bigger than I expected."
"There's a dirty joke in there somewhere but I'll leave it alone. Yeah, Ghost is quite impressive isn't she? Even if she's a bit of a showoff. Yeah I know your game!"
Aki walked over and offered her hand. The wolf snapped at her, causing Aki to jump back, and nearly give Rin a heart attack, before seeming to grin at them both with her tongue out the side of her muzzle. The next time Aki went to pet the wolf, Ghost jumped up and licked her face before she could react. Tyler was now laughing hard at the wolf teasing Aki, who now had the taste of wolf slobber in her mouth,
"Well, Aki, how was you first kiss?"
Aki calmly grabbed a few paper towels from a roll, wiped her face, then took the whole roll and smacked Tyler with it. He was still laughing as Ghost came over and whined at Aki, like she wanted to apologize for being mean, only to lick her face again when she crouched to pet her. The wolf then had a very pleased with herself look on her face as she trotted back to her pillow. Tyler then went to rub a n ow Irate Ai's shoulders
"Breathe Aki, Breathe. She's just a wolf. A wolf that has gotten you twice with the same joke. Breathe."
Aki then took her frustrations out on him by smacking him in the face a good 7 times. Melody came back to see Aki beating him up,
"Great, what he do this time?"
"Hey! It wasn't me this time!"
"His new wolf has inherited his smartassery."
"I see. Proceed."
Tyler got wacked a few more times, before Aki was finally allowed to pet Ghost's soft white fur. Rin was just sitting on a stool, her head in her hands. Melody rubbed the exasperated woman's back
"What's wrong Rin?"
"You're all batshit insane. All of you."
"Your honor, guilty as charged."
"I'm gonna go get wasted with Sonya and Kira."
"Tell Sonya I said hi!"
"Yeah, yeah."
Rin let herself out. Aki was now happily stroking Ghost's flank, while Tyler and Melody ate lunch. They heard a little squeal of surprise and looked over to see that Ghost had bowled Aki over and was now rubbing her head in Aki's large bosom, clearly enjoying the girls rack.
"Wow, her and Kiria have more in common the I woulda thought."
"Yeah, kinda wanna show off mine now."
"By the way, did you see the look on Kiria's face when she saw you rack, Melody?"
"I can't wait for our next sleepover. I think it will be a very stimulating evening."
"Seriously stop. I can only get soooo erect."
"Well, I wonder how her and Lily are getting along."
Aki had wiggled free enough from Ghost's rubbing to answer,
"Oh, they're close as sister's now. Kiria now has a new favorite person. It's cute as hell watching them."
"Nice, I'm glad Lily's made a friend."
"Yeah, she's such a sweet girl."
"Ahhh, hey guys?"
"What’s up?"
Can you get this perverted wolf of me please? It's starting to tickle!"
Ghost whined sadly as she had to leave Aki's soft melon's be. Tyler smiled,
"It's okay, Ghost. I'll introduce you to Tatsi, hers are twice as big and she loves it when they get played with."
"Yeah, Tatsi's gonna love her,"
Aki now had white wolf fur in her clothes. Tyler smiled as she smacked him again.
"Great, perverted owner, perverted pet. Later guys, OOOF!"
Melody had planted a hefty slap on Aki's inviting ass.
"And don't forget perverted girlfriend!"
Now rubbing her poor ass, Aki left the apartment with a raised finger. Tyler then relocked his door, and he and Melody went to watch their show together. But before he hit play, he felt the need to ask,
"Hey, are you okay?"
"About earlier?"
"Yeah, bout that jackass?"
She snuggled into his warm embrace and he held her,
"I'm fine. More then that, I had fun. It felt really good to finally be seen for myself by that creep. Not just as a status symbol or another conquest. That hammer bit was a nice touch, though."
"Well, he was starting to frustrate me. I mean, I threw him over a railing for a ten foot fall, a good what? Three? Four times? And he still didn't get the message? That's not delusional, that’s a masochist."
"Well, from what I heard, he did have a odd penchant for wanting a girl to hit him with a whip."
"Yeesh. I don't judge, but damn. Wanna know something funny?"
"If he was seeking a dom to beat him, I know a whole town that'd love to oblige."
"How kind."
"I know right? But, Are you sure you're okay?"
She laid her head on his chest,
"I am. My mask is broken and I won't make another. I'm kind sad yours is hanging alone though."
"Well, I take it down every now and then to remind myself of where I came from, and what I now seek to protect. I'll never put it back on, but I'll watch it collect dust."
"I'll watch too. Now lets start the show."
HE smiled and hit play. They then spent the next few hours entranced by Hajime's journey through hell. Once the show ended, Melody laid her head in his lap and he stroked her cheek,
"So, whatchya think?"
She rolled over and looked up at him,
"You and Hajime have a lot in common."
Tyler stroked her cheek, admiring her soft skin,
"I was thinking the same thing. Betrayed by those closest to him, tortured, then he hardened himself into a badass with something precious to protect. You and Yue have a lot in common too."
"Yeah, betrayal, imprisonment, a rescue by a monster and then the princess and monster fall deeply in love. We're just like them,"
"We are. Except you're far more beautiful. And have a rack."
"And you're far more dangerous, and have both arms."
He then took those arms and hugged her tightly.
"I found my princess."
"I found my monster."
They stayed like that, Melody's head in his lap, and him staring into her eyes. He would gently stroke her hair every so often and she would give a happy purr. Then Tyler's phone rang, and Otagowa was on the other end.
"Hey, I guess you forgot to call me."
"Sorry, got lost in a pair of sapphires. What’s up?"
"heh, I understand, make sure you hold her as tight as you can as often as you can."
"Yes sir."
"Now, about tomorrow."
"I'm to meet the family, right?"
"Yes. You'll be meeting my wife, seeing Lillica again, meeting our steward, your other sister and seeing the room in our main home."
"Can I bring Melody?"
"I don't see why not. If she wants to go, that is."
He looked down and she was smiling happily.
"That's a solid yes on her end. Can I bring Ghost?"
"the wolf?"
"As long as you keep her under control."
"Hear that girl?"
"Anything else I should know?"
"Yozora will be driving you to our home. Lets see, oh I know. You'll like this. Lillica hasn't stopped gushing about her new dangerous brother. It would seem that you made quite the impression."
"Throw a dude over a railing ten feet in the air and pull a captain America and your bound to leave an impression."
"Yeah, I saw the security camera. I gotta say."
"That was badassery on an entirely other level. Even I was impressed."
"Glad she enjoyed the show. Plus that bastard won't be bothering her or any girl again for that matter."
"Yes. Thank you again. She hasn’t laughed like that for so long, let alone smiled with such life."
"Well, glad I could do something to repay you for all you've done for me. Piss poor as it were."
"I'm just glad I made that phone call. Well, I won't keep you from her any longer."
"Cya tomorrow."
Tyler then hung up and went back to stroking Melody's hair. She was still smiling.
"So...I already get to meet the folks"
"I already met your mother. So ya know fair's fair."
"I'm excited."
"I'm glad I get to keep you to myself for a little longer."
"You're so greedy."
"Good thing you're so generous."
She then placed her hand on his face and he placed his on hers. She smiled and sat up. She then sat with her back against his shoulder. He smiled and then felt a weight on his leg. Ghost rested her head on his lap, and he patted his wolf friend. Melody took his arm and placed it around her waist and snuggled closer. He then laid his head on hers,
"Hey, Melody."
"How was your first date?"
She giggled,
"It was nice. Can't wait for the second. Or the third."
"Or every other after."
Tyler looked at his phone, 4:45. He was about to set another show when someone knocked at the door. He got up to irritated grumbles for both Melody and Ghost and collected the delivery for Ghost. He then set the dog bed in the corner, and put the jerky in a high cupboard and placed the comb on his desk. Ghost was trying out her new bed and seemed to like it. Melody seemed a bit miffed at this,
"Awww, here hug devilbear."
He handed her the teddy and she hugged it tightly. Now happy again. Tyler then realized something about his apartment.
"Hey, I just noticed something."
"What’s that?"
"I don't have a decent couch or even a loveseat."
"Yeah, you're right."
He then sat at his desk, and pulled up a furniture site. Melody sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around her. He pulled up a couple sectionals,
"What do you think?"
"Why you asking me?"
"Cause since we'll spend most of the time we're here together on this, I figured you should get a say too."
"Well, then how about this?"
She scrolled to a sectional that had a recliner either side of a pullout bed. The size was small enough that it would fit in his apartment. He smiled as she chose the fabric. A soft down-like plush. The cushions were memory foam and so was the bed. She even chose the color. A solid black. He hugged her quite tightly as he saw her handiwork,
"I like your taste. I'll grab it."
He used the card Otagowa had given him and set the delivery day for the next week. He then sat back,
"Anything else this place could use?"
She thought for a moment, and peered around the room. she saw his dresser and smiled as she opened one and found it empty.
"Well, I'll fill this one. Since I'll most likely be here a lot."
"Sounds fair. Oh hey!."
" I just got a great idea!"
"Oh? Do share!"
"Let's take a couple's photo!"
Her eyes lit up at the idea.
" I love that idea!"
He pulled out his phone and set it on a timer. He and Melody then posed together their heads next to each other and hugging. The phone clicked and Tyler handed it to her,
"Well, verdict?"
She smiled as she texted her own phone. He watched as she set it to her new background. He happily did the same. She then hugged him tightly and they stood there for a moment just enjoying the warmth of the other. Then Tyler's phone rang and Otagowa had a question
"Did you just buy a couch?"
"Yeah, the floors nice and all, but since Melody's gonna be here so friggin much I figured time to up my living game."
"Well, I know that feeling. She moving in then?"
"Not yet. She said to wait till our second month of dating."
"Wise lady. Well, I got nervous seeing you actually use your card for something."
"Hey, I'll use it if I need it. I got enough petty cash in here to last a while."
"Well, alright."
Tyler smiled as he hung up and put his phone on the charger. He then looked around the room, seeing how he could improve it for Melody. She then glanced at the bed.
"Too small?"
"No, it's perfect. Just thinking."
"Kay. I guess We don't really need much."
"are we cheap or just easily pleased?"
"hmmm, there's really nothing wrong with either."
"I guess. Only things i can think of are things like blankets or better pillows."
"True. Hey, you wanna call your mom to tell her you'll be spending the day with me again tomorrow?"
"Sure. Gimme a minute."
She took her phone into the bathroom and Tyler went back to work on their project. He had already blown through a solid 70% of it. All they really needed to do was set up the live presentation. He was just finishing the written report when he felt her hug him from behind.
"All set."
"She complain?"
"Actually, she said she hasn't had the house to herself this much since I was born."
"Well, win-win for us both then."
"Yep. This our project?"
"Yep. Nearly done. Just need to get our plans for the presentation set."
"I can do that. Now, lets enjoy the floor some more."
"As you wish."
They laid on the floor and Tyler set up the helpful fox senko-san. He hit play and they spent the next couple hours wishing they had a demigod fox girl maid. The last episode came and Tyler was getting up to ready another show when Melody's phone rang. She took it into the bathroom and he search through his collection, looking for one that was entertaining. He then remembered one of his absolute favorites. He set up the show and readied the play button as Melody came back out,
"Everything good?"
"yeah, my mom's coming with another bag."
"You get to crash here again?"
"Yeah, she wants me to stay here for the next few days. Guess she got an emergency meeting up in the Mejio region."
"Where's that?"
"Up past Tokyo. I guess the school up there's having problems."
"Well, at this point I guess get comfy."
She went and hugged him,
"Oh I most certainly will."
"I like this."
Tyler then noticed his garbage was kinda piling up.
"Be right back."
She smiled and laid in his bed, a longing smile on her pretty face. He packed up the empty pizza boxes, and brought all his trash down to the larger dumpster. HE was on the way back up when Yozora came up behind him,
"Oh hey Yozora. How you been?"
"I'm good. I'd like to meet Ghost."
"Ah, yeah might be a good idea. C'mon."
He led the man up and introduced him to Ghost. Once the wolf was familiar Yozora bid farewell, and Tyler stepped inside properly. He heard a low moan, and snuck over to find Melody had fallen asleep in his bed with the teddy in her arms. He smiled and covered her with his blanket. He then went to his computer to look over more stuff for his apartment, and do a little research on caring for wolves. HE spent a good couple hours searching around, before a knock on his door got his attention. He walked over and let Asuika in and she had a massive duffel bag in her arms.
"Hey, guess it's official."
Asuika smiled as she handed him the bag,
"She likes this place better then her own home."
"Well, thank you for leaving the bar down there."
"Jackass. Hey, what’s that?"
He looked to see Ghost walking over. Tyler smiled as he introduced his wolf friend."
"This is Ghost. I got her today. Ghost this is Asuika, Melody's mother."
"She's kinda jealous of Melody.."
"Where is my lovely daughter?"
"I drugged her with pizza and anime, so she's asleep in my bed."
Asuika walked in smacking the smartass. Melody was actually just sitting up rubbing her eyes as her mother came in. Melody smiled as her mother sat beside her. Tyler went and checked his fridge.
"Hey, I'm nearly outta soda and milk. I'll run to the store. Be right back. Ghost? Keep em safe."
Tyler grabbed his wallet and keys and left the ladies in his apartment for a little mother-daughter chat. He spotted Yozora's crew watching and they split the detail, since they knew Tyler would order them to anyway. He headed to the small convenience store down the street and grabbed tow gallons of milk and an a few two liters. He was whistling as he walked. HE then noticed someone following him, and the person did not belong to Yozora's detail. He sighed.
"Seriously? Well, I got the time, lets have some fun."
He took a left down a small alley, and set his groceries down. He then pulled his knife and waited. The person came hurrying around the corner and Tyler came out behind them, and grabbed the would-be stalker and pinned them against the stone wall, with his switchblade on their throat. The person following him was a girl, and a very pretty one at that. She had long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, a large bust he could feel with his pinning arm, even through her thick sweater. She was of average height and was now terrified. He sighed, but did not release her,
"Seriously? Again? All right, what-"
She hit in the stomach with a taser. The electric defense weapon sparking, and Tyler went ridged as the electricity jolted through his body. She then pulled the thing away and...
"Thanks I needed a good jolt."
She was now bone white, as he took the taser from her and tossed it across the alleyway, He looked down at the two neat little holes in his shirt, and smiled at the girl.
"Okay, toots. start talking. You ruined a favorite shirt of mine. Now TALK."
She started to cry as she spoke,
"I'm sorry! I'm Sally! Chad's sister!"
"Okay, good, keep going, toots. Why are you following me and how did you know this is my hood?"
She was now full blown sobbing in fear at his anger,
"I'm sorry! I just really wanted to meet you!"
"Excuse me?"
He stepped back, and she collapsed to the ground. She was genuinely scared as she explained
"I watched you destroy my brother. An I wanted to thank you. But I felt you wouldn't want anything to do with me or the rest of my family, so I was looking for an opportune moment. I'm sorry for tasing you! Don't hurt me!"
Tyler sighed and went to comfort the girl,
"Look, I'm sorry for jumping you like that."
She was still crying and was now rolled into a ball, Tyler patted her on the side in a comforting manner,
"Look, I'm sorry. I've been jumped before in a similar manner. sorry for jump-ARGHHHH!"
The girl now had plunged a long knife into Tyler's shoulder, using his attempt at comfort as an opening. she tried to take off running except she had made a very tragic mistake: she just pissed him off.
She had turned to run, but felt her leg get incased in cement. She looked and Saw Tyler had grabbed her ankle and wasn't letting go. She tugged but she was being held by a stone fisted grip. Tyler then looked up and she screamed in absolute terror. His shoulder was bleeding rather profusely, and she had left the knife in his body. He gave a vicious squeeze and her ankle was left in splinters. Then Yozora's crew arrived on the scene and the lady was held at gunpoint. Tyler stood up, and without breaking eye contact, tore the knife from his shoulder with his teeth. he spat on the ground and planted a foot on her chest. Yozora came up and saw his bleeding shoulder.
"Are the girls safe?"
"We have armed guards outside their doors."
"Good. Can't BELIEVE I fell for that trick. Oldest one in the friggin book. Well, thanks toots. I needed this kick in the ass. Yozora!"
"Who is she?"
"Chad's sister, her name's Kittia. Average across the board student. Her family are respected."
"I was under the impression that his parents had left the matter of their son to me."
"They did not sanction this hit Akiri. It would seem she's acting on her own."
"I see. Do we have contact with her parents?"
"I can have them on the line in five, Akiri."
"Do it, I feel it only proper they learn they have now lost a daughter."
Yozora pulled a phone and started yelling at someone on the other end. He then handed the phone to Tyler.
"So, this is the second Time I have to punish a child of your family. They're not very smart, are they?"
"We are sorry for her. Which child is it this time?"
The name sent the parents into immediate panic mode.
"Kittia?! Please, have mercy! Don't hurt her! We'll do anything! Please! Don't hurt our angel!"
"She tased me and stabbed me. I must be going soft."
"Please, just forgive her! Don't take her from us too! Please! We're begging you!"
Tyler sighed as he set the phone to speaker, and handed it to Yozora.
"I'm gonna have a chat with the little miss. Something's not adding up here."
The girl was cuffed and on her back on the ground as he approached. Her eyes went wide as he crouched by her head, knife in his hand.
"Okay, Kittia? Heh, cute name. You do realize who you stabbed right? You do realize what I could do to you, right?"
She spit at him, hatred in her voice and her eyes,
"You took my lover away from me! I'll kill you! I'll kill you and those whores near you!" smack!!
"You really aren't smart are you? So I took your brother from you, and your pathetic attempt at revenge failed."
"That blade was poisoned! You'll die in an hour!"
"No I won't"
"Yes you will it's-"
"You drenched the knife in Lysol and bleach. Seriously, you suck."
He eyes bulged out of her head in fury,
"You won't survive that! I killed the Demon! I also threw in some rattlesnake venom from the petshop I work at!"
"Really? What rattlesnake?"
"A timber wood rattler! There is no antivenom!"
"Yeah there is, it's my blood."
"You lying fucker!"
"Toots, I got poisoned weekly back at the last place. All your bitch as did was give me a wake up call. Seriously, you've done less then your brother. Oh, and did I tell you he isn't a he anymore? That hammer was a neat trick right?"
She went berserk. She tried to bite him but me just moved his foot, and she tried to get of the ground, but was unable to put her splintered ankle under her. She was ranting the whole time,f
"I'll kill you! I'll fucking kill you! I'll slit the throats of every one of those whores you love so much! You took my lover away from me!"
"That’s twice you said that. Who was your lover? I only took your brother."
She laid back and smiled proudly she replied,
"My brother, my lover! We were madly in love and we would fuck every night! We were gonna get married! He said so! We'd fucked every night and I'd fuck daddy everyday while he'd fuck mommy!"
"He'd fuck your mother?"
The girl was beyond reason with her rage.
"everyday before school, everyday after school! He'd fuck me too! I didn't want it the first time, and neither did mommy! But we love it now!"
"And you fuck your dad?"
"He fucked me first! I didn't want to! But now I love it! We fuck all the time!"
"interesting. So, you all have sex all the time,"
"Yes! Even if we don't want to! We still do!"
"You getting all this Charlie?"
The cop had snuck up unawares to the still ranting girl. He was just shaking his head,
"I figured you'd find another rabbit hole soon."
"Nah, just a very incestuous, very rapey family. They from alabama?"
"Don't know and Don't wanna either."
"Fair enough. You taking it from here?"
"Yep. How's you shoulder?"
"Pff, fine. A mere flesh wound."
"She said she poisoned it."
"If she did, I'll be fine. My body's developed antibody's from mostly anything, hell even rat poison. I just need to stitch it up."
"I got an ambulance ready and waiting."
"Thanks but no thanks. I got cocky, and now I need to pay the price. I'll heal it my way."
"Fair enough. Have a good night."
"You too, Charlie!"
The cops dragged the screaming girl, then Yozora dropped to a knee,
"Akiri I-"
"Don't bother, Yozora. This one's on me. This is my fuck up."
"But Akiri-"
"Pff, relax. No need for seppuku just yet. Like I told Charlie, I got cocky. Are my friends safe?"
"Yes Akiri. They will have armed guards on site for a few days."
"Good. I'm not getting any extra bad feelings here. So just a pissed off chick. Not the first time I got duped by a crying pretty face, and somehow I doubt it'll be the last. I'mma out, I got go calm Melody."
Tyler then just retrieved his groceries and walked back to his Apartment. He walked and found Ghost laying in front of the door. She looked up and whined at the smell of blood. Ausika and Melody were waiting in the living room. Their eyes went wide when they saw him bleeding. He held up a hand,|
"I'm fine. Just got a little cocky and paid for it."
Melody just sighed and went to grab a first aide kit, while Asuika got the details. She then just laughed a little as he explained how a crying girl had gotten the drop on him like that. She watched as he pulled his shirt off and then her face went pale when she saw a light bubbling in the wound.
"Huh, okay, so it was JUST bleach. Pfff, amateur."
"She drenched the knife in bleach, then stabbed me. I'm good. Not the first time I’ve been bleached. Now then If I remember correctly, it will bubble for about 15 more seconds, then just hiss and then I'm good."
Sure enough the wound bubbled for 15 seconds then gave a disturbing hiss and then just bled.
"And that’s all the effect bleach in my wounds will have on me. It kinda tickles and feels really, REALLY weird."
Asuika looked like she was gonna hurl,
"You can go now. I got this. Plus I need to comfort Melody."
She got up and went to leave, leaving him with a final request,
"Protect her."
"With my life."
She left and Ghost rumbled as she passed,
"you too."
Melody came out then with a first aide kit and Tyler smiled as he started cleaning his latest wound.
"Are you really okay?"
"Not to worry. The taser had more off an effect."
He explained what had happened, leaving nothing out. Melody just sighed,
"So, you're saying the almighty demon got suckered by a crying girl with a pretty face, not once but twice?"
"Hey, that's kinda my one and only weakness. Near the end there that was really the only thing they could do to get the drop on me. Problem was they had to keep using different girls, cause it only works once."
Melody just started laughing as he stitched his shoulder up.
"Here, let me do that."
"I love you, but I need this. I fucked up, and now I gotta pay the price."
He was highly irritated, and a little frustrated by his lapse. Melody was a little concerned,
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just really pissed at myself."
"For getting suckered?"
"Yep. The taser I wrote off as a frightened girl. Hell, I'm surprised more girls in this town haven't tazed my ass. That second time, let me tell you, fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me."
"i get it. It's kinda funny, but I get it."
"Yeah yeah. Ain't gonna happen again. I don't make the same mistake twice."
"I should've been on alert for some kinda payback for dropping that prick. I let my guard down WAAAAAYY too soon. Actually, come to think it."
He got up and swept his room for bugs. Melody was now very concerned,
"You've put your mask back on."
He stopped and looked at her, and she saw how wrong she was. He hadn't put his mask back on, but something else entirely. She then saw the hurt in his eyes, which was quickly replaced by understanding.
"It does look that way doesn't it?"
She then got up and hugged him as tightly as she could,
"I'm sorry. That wasn't fair."
"No it was fair. I'm checking my room for bugs after getting duped twice by some random chick. I’d think the same thing."
she buried her face in his chest. Saddened she had had so little faith in his strength and resolve. She merely patted her head.
"Hey, we're just hungry and tired. Let’s get fed and then we can talk, okay?"
She looked up at him,
Tyler finished his sweep and came up empty. His shoulder was stitched up tight and wasn't a problem. He warmed up some pizza and they sat at the counter together. Ghost was still in front of the door, and Tyler tossed her another piece of jerky. They finished their meal and Tyler cleaned up as usual. After he went and sat against the wall, and Melody joined him. He was smiling as he explained,
"I have not put my mask back on. I promise you that. At this point, I can't even if I wanted to."
She sat beside him and held his hand
"Because it scares me. I remember what it was like, feeling dead inside. Imagine you an empty jar with legs."
"That’s terrifying"
"Right? Now imagine that jar getting filled with a warm glowing light,"
"That sounds nice."
"Okay, now imagine having to empty that light back out for the emptiness."
"Okay, I understand."
"I knew you would. What i put on there wasn't my mask, but something else entirely."
"My glasses. The mask helps endure pain. The glasses help predict it and see past it. Think of it as a form of concentration. When I'm looking for something I find it right?"
"Right, you are the sharpest person I know."
"Exactly. But if I'm not looking I won't see it. Follow me?"
"I do."
She sighed and crawled up next to him and snuggled under his arm.
"This is gonna he a lot more fun with a couch."
She didn't answer and instead looked him in the eye,
"I'm sorry. I was ready to believe you had put your mask back on. I-"
He put a finger to her lips,
"I love you."
That was all he said, and all he had to say, she smiled and took his hand in hers, and pressed his hand into her large chest.
"You have been granted fondling rights. Congrats."
Tyler just smiled and pulled her against him and sat her between his legs, her back against his chest as he held her. He hugged her like that and just rocked side to side with her. She was happy, although,
"Not gonna cop a feel?"
He pressed his mouth close to her ear,
"If I start touching you now, I won't be able to stop. And remember what we agreed on."
She was shivering,
"What was that?"
He blew on her ear, driving her wild,
"No sex until our third week of dating."
She shivered hard as he breathed right on her ear, and her voice a husky whisper,
"Okay, I'll look forward to it. Only.."
"Only what?"
She looked him in the eye,
"My little kittycat is KILLING me!"
"He laughed as he held his sexy girlfriend. She was shivering in his embrace, then he pulled her against him even more, and she gasped as she felt something poking her in the back.
"Hey, where's your knife?"
He leaned into whisper into her ear,
"That is most definitely NOT my knife you are feeling, but something else."
She was now having difficulty keeping her voice level,
"What is it?"
He dropped his tone and got even closer to her ear,
"My dick"
She was panting now,
"Stop! It really hurts right now!"
"Well, show me."
She looked up in shock,
"I don't trust myself to touch, but I have enough self control to look. Will that help?"
She shivered,
"I fear the bed tonight will be a bit...action packed,"
"we can't touch each other, but ourselves, now that is another matter."
She sighed with longing,
"You're an evil boy. Tormenting a poor girls kitty like that."
"Well, you making a flagstaff stand to attention for hours is not fun either."
She then seemed to get a grip on herself,
"You...really want to see?"
He held her tightly as he answered.
"I want to see YOU."
She gave a shuddering sigh, then nodded.
"Okay, I'll show you, but.."
"Don't tell anyone."
"Yes, my love."
"And show me yours after."
"Yes, my lover."
"Okay, can we wait until after dark?"
"I'd wait for you as long as it took."
"Okay, It's 7 now. If you can be patient, I'll show you everything in four hours, okay?"
"Okay. Now just what in the blue hell we gonna do to kill the time?"
She was very flushed in the skin, and her face was red, she also was panting slightly,
Hey, Melody."
Her voice was a strained whisper,
"No masturbating until we're both in the bed tonight."
"Ahhhh! It hurts now!"
"Imagine how good it'll feel then."
"I love you, but right now I hate you."
"Well I still love you."
She then shakily went and laid on her back on the bed. Tyler smiled as he went to look something up on the internet. She would reach down every now and then and rub her sweet spot, and then snatch her hand back with a frustrated moan. Tyler chuckled at his very sexy, and very horny girlfriend. He found the card game he was looking for and ordered it. The his phone rang and it was Otagowa. Tyler took the call in the hall to keep the man from hearing his moaning girlfriend.
"hey, heard there was a bit of excitement earlier."
"Yep, I got cocky and paid for it."
"Yozora was a little upset you got hurt on his watch."
"I'm fine, it was my fuck up. Get this, "
He told the story, and Otagowa laughed too,
"Yeah, you were just asking for it! watch out for a crying woman, they're more dangerous then a soldier in the trenches!"
"I heard that! To tell the truth, I kinda needed that kick in the ass."
"I've had nothing but minor irritants since Friday morning. That jackass was fun and all, but no rush ya know?"
"Careful, you sound like a soldier returning from war, now looking for something to get his blood pumping. That's dangerous territory."
"hmmm, I see your point. I think I'll just settle for blissful awareness. If I want a rush or something, I'm sure I can find a plane or something to jump off."
"I'll trust you on that. Now I'll let you go and I'll see you tomorrow."
he hung up and Tyler went back to find Melody scratching her inner thigh,
"I thought we had a deal?"
"You're mean! My kitty wants to play!"
"Well, my spear wants polishing and it kinda hurts too,"
"I can polish it for you, if you play with my kitty!"
"You are a very sexy girl, but wait until we go to bed!"
She actually pouted at that one, then she glanced at the clock, it was 10:45. Her eyes went wide as she saw that their deal was in 15 minutes.
"do you still want to see?"
Tyler took her hand and placed it against his chest. she then could feel his heart racing.
"It's been like that ever since we made that deal. I want to see you, all of you."
She now seemed very nervous, and her hand started trembling,
"Do you still want to show me?"
She looked at him, and he had a look of concern,
"If you don't I will not hold it against you. I promise. I will never make you do something you don't want to. And never feel like you are obligated to do something for me. Okay?"
She smiled and stood up and hugged him, her voice a shy whisper,
"Thank you. I do want to show you. I'm just nervous."
"I am too."
she rubbed her head in his chest. The clock struck 11.
"Okay, can you get those lights?"
He turned off the hall lights and the kitchen lights. The only light left was a small one on his desk. After Melody took his hand and guided him to a spot by the wall and made him sit. She then walked to the center of the room, standing fully in the pool of light from his desk. Melody was wearing a light blue night robe belted with a soft red sash. The robe dropped to her knees, and she was bare foot. She was now very nervous, and was shuffling her feet, as she raised her hands to the knot of her sash. She took the end of her sash and looked at him,
she gulped and tugged on the sashes ends and it came undone. The red cloth fell to the flor and she took the now loose flaps of her robe, and slowly opened it, until it passed her shoulders and fell to the floor in a soft rustle of cloth. She then stood there for his inspection. Tyler's breath caught in his throat at her beautiful sight. Her skin was a soft white color, and silky smooth. She had zero blemishes, and no marks on her flawless body. Her large breasts were on fully display, as she wore no bra. Her nipples large and erect at the sudden exposure. She had a soft blush on her beautiful face at her state of undress, and Tyler was awestruck at her beauty. She was wearing nothing but a small pair of light pink panties. Her legs were toned and strong and her feet delicate. She then looked him in the eye,
"You are beautiful. Words have failed me."
"Are you ready for the last piece?"
"Are you?"
She blushed hard at his concern for her own well being over his own wants. she smiled warmly,
"I am. I want to show you."
He didn't respond, and just let her do it at her own pace. Melody took a large steading breath in and let it out. She then slid her fingers in to the waistband of her panties and, in a single fluid motion, dropped them to the floor, and kicked them away. she then stood in all her glory. His eyes were as wide as they could go as he drank her in. Her thighs were a creamy white, and her center a clean slit. her groin was bare and neat, and glistening moistly in the light of the desk, she seemed to tremble as his gaze lingered on her sweet spot. He then looked up to see her now blushing,
"You are the first to see. I love you."
"I will never tell a soul. Now let me show you. I love you too."
She shivered as they switched places, her sitting on the floor and him in the light. HE waited for her to get comfortable, and at her nod, stripped with a lot more confidence. She had seen his chest and back scars, now he showed her his spear. Her eyes went wide as she saw his full glory. Her eyes drawn to his favorite knife, which was an inch longer then his switchblade, and the back to his face. He smiled as she inspected his scarred body,
"I want you. I love you."
"I love you too. I think we should sleep like this for tonight."
"Can we show that kind of restraint?"
"Well, can we compromise?"
"I'll pet your cat, if you polish my rod. Fair?"
she shivered,
"I think we can make that work, just."
"It's sensitive, so be gentle."
He smiled as he shut off the light and they climbed into the bed naked together. She climbed in first and he joined her. He laid on his back, and she did as well. She then touched his thigh, as he touched Her’s,
She placed her hand on his handle and he gasped at the first foreign hand on his sword, while he placed a light finger on her button and she squeaked in shocked at his probe. They then looked at each other before continuing. She moving her hand along his length, while he massaged her spot with his fingers. The room was then filled with moans and gasps of pleasure. Melody finishing him off first, getting her hand wet in the process, and feeling him go soft. She withdrew her sticky hand from the blankets, and looked him the eye as she licked it, seeming to enjoy the taste. He smiled as he turned his full attention to her, and mere moments after she was bucking and squirming, leaving a sticky liquid in his hands too. He then withdrew it and tasted it as well.
"it's salty."
"Yeah so's yours"
"I want more."
"I do too. But we wait."
"we should shower"
"Lets do it together."
The lovers climbed out of the bed and rinsed off their small couple's masturbation session before returning to bed. Still naked. Tyler laid on his back and Melody laid her head on his chest. He stroked her damp hair,
"So, Melody."
"Did you like it?"
"Yes, you were very gentle. You?"
"I loved your hand. We have to do this again."
"I agree. Now I have a question."
"How often do you usually sharpen your spear?"
"Daily. It's kinda high maintenance. How much do you play with your cat?"
"two to three times daily. More if you tease me."
"We're gonna need more sheets."
"And quite a few boxes."
Here Tyler sighed.
"No we won't."
"I don't want to get pregnant."
"You can't. Due to me getting poisoned as many times as I have, my shots are ineffective,"
She raised herself up to look him in the eye.
"You mean?"
"Yep. I got the document somewhere. One of the few times I was allowed to go to a hospital, they made me give a sample and when they found out I could reproduce they forced a liquid down my throat. I can still shoot shots, but they're already dead. Here let me get it."
He got up and dug in a file for a moment before finding the one he searched for. he handed it to her. She was very sad to see that he'd been declared sterile. He could still shoot, but zero live ones in the shot. She handed him the document and he put it away. She laid beside her, and they cuddled again. She was tearing up,
"So, even if we wanted to, we can't make a baby."
"Fraid not. They took that from us. But they can't take us from each other. For now that’s good enough for me. did you want kids?"
She sniffed and laid her head on his chest.
"Down the line, I'd thought I'd like to. If I loved the man I was with and we were happily married. But we can't even fantasize about it."
"Hey, if it comes to it, I’m sure we'll figure something out. If you want it, I'll find a way."
She looked at him with hope in her eyes,
"You promise?"
"I swear it. When that time comes. But for now, lets just enjoy our youth while we can."
She smiled as she nodded her hope for the future restored.
"And for now, we have a hidden benefit."
"Oh? What’s that Melody?"
"we can go barebacking for a while!"
"I love my beautifully perverted girlfriend."
"I love my scarred horndog boyfriend."
They were about to fall asleep, when Ghost hoped onto the bed and laid on their legs,
"We love our wolf too."
Ghost panted happily and together they all fell asleep.
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