Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > The Lost Adventure

The Lost Adventure

by cherry_x_anime 0 reviews

This story is about a little girl who has the name Francly she has gone through a lot and it was a big adventure for her but it caused her to lose a lot of things in her life and has one big dark s...

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2021-11-21 - 319 words

Chapter 1
SO there once was a girl named Francly she was kidnapped by an old couple that abuse her she was the lonely kid at school and gets bullied
so she did something no one could have done she fought back at 10 years old she ran away with her stuff and headed to school people were asking her ''why do you have
your bags packed?'' she did not reply, a boy came up to her and said ''ANSWER US YOU DITCH'' she said no thank you, it's not your problem and walked away. After that, she found a huge place she climbed over the fence and started to think someone was approaching her, she quickly got up and tried to run but she was so tired she could not move her leg it hurt her so bag she almost scream from the top of her lungs it was not broken, but just has a lot of pain and suffering, but it was to late the guy that was approaching her stood still in front of her she got the shivers she was scared she never had her heart race before, she spoke up and said, ''DONT HURT ME PLEASE!'' as she almost cried the guy said ''hi I am Draken why are you so scared? Why are your bags packed?'' she told him the story she said, '' when I was a little girl I was getting bullied by my brother his name was Ceil and was bullied at school, but then one day I was kidnapped by an old couple they abused me that's why I have so many bruises but this time I fought back and ran away this is why I have my bags packed I ran away today I don't have a place to stay I don't know were to go.'' But this was just the start of her new life.
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