Categories > Anime/Manga > Sword Art Online > The Demon's Journey

The Demon's Journey Part 2

by Goreleech 0 reviews

The Knights of the Bloodoath have reached Dunkrick....I sure hope that's a good thing.

Category: Sword Art Online - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2021-12-09 - 105149 words

DAY 22.
GOLD: 11,185

Tyler woke alone in his tent with a sore arm from the uncomfortable bedroll. He got up with a groan and yawned from a fitful slumber and went to the Table where the groaning and rubbing sore necks Leaders were waiting. Asuna looked at him.
"We can't use those bedrolls again Tyler. The entire force is sore and slept like shit."
"We'll reach the city by noon then."
"Good. We'll put rhe pelts into our bedrolls and see about some high quality gear. We tried washing some of our pans and nearly snapped em in half. Our equipment is on it's last legs as a whole."
"We'll do a mass upgrade for the Bloodoath in the city. It's supposed to be a DWARVEN city so we can expect some VERY good quality."
Victoria smiled.
"Dunkrick is a mountain city so try not to fall off a walkway. And since it's a major city, you'll be given your own room like in the capital. So enjoy."
"Ha. Alright. let's get fed and get moving."
They nodded and the Bloodoath broke camp and got to riding. Asuna was rubbing a crick in her neck and Tyler smiled sympathically.
"Careful or you'll snap something."
She smiled as her neck clicked and shivered.
"That felt good. I'll be careful."
They were riding downhill now with the forest either side of them giving way to sheer cliffs and rather worrying overhangs. Strand smiled as Tyler looked at them for the millionth time in ten minutes.
"They're dwarven carved."
He sighed with relief at this news and focused on the road ahead.
"Thanks Strand."
She chuckled as they passed through a cave carved through part of the mountain and the horses' hooves clipclopped on the stone.
"everyone has the same reaction when they come through the first time."
That got a chuckle before he smirked in the cave and Asuna saw it.
"NO pranks in the dark you sadistic bastard."
He chuckled at that shutdown.
She sighed at that one as they left the tunnel and were faced by the dwarven city of Dunkrick. The city was built easily two miles above the ground on teh side of a mountain that seemed to have been CARVED into chape. The city had a curious slanted appearance from their road as it stretched up the side of the mountain surrounded on all sides by other towering peaks with a spattering of sky overhead. The bottom of the city was the widest with a rising wall not unlike a pinball machine's catchers but on a far grander scale. The city itself was made into a series of caves and external structures not unlike fungus growing on trees while the caves gave the impression of brickworks with the bricks eroded away. Tyler whistled at the imposing sight and pulled his photo crystal. The rest of the heroes did the same at the unique city as Strand smiled.
"Dunkrick. The Mountain city of the dwarves. There's not another city like it in the Queendom."
Mina smiled as she looked at the city.
"I'm not in Karlaland anymore. That's for damn sure."
Tyler chuckled at that one.
"No one here is afraid a hieghts, right?"
They chuckled at that one before they followed the road along the sheer cliff face. Dunkrick had a single road in or out of the city and that was a massive nearly 20 mile wide bridge spanning a full 10 football fields from the sheer cliff face to the city's impressive front gate. Tyler felt a VERY intense sense of anxiety as they crossed the solid stone bridge and Mina noticed.
"You okay?"
HE smiled nervously.
"Yeah not really. Seen WAAAY too many movies about the idiots getting stuck on a bridge like this."
Rias came up with a smile.
"Kinda. Bridges make me nervous. WAAAAY too many ways they can go wrong and most em end with you dead."
"Ha. Gaspy's like that with tunnels. i get it."
"Yeah. even if this one completely baseless."
Asuna chuckled as the 128 man strong Bloodoath filed into the traffic entering the city.
"Kirito was like that with boats. Guess he nearly drowned once."
Tyler looked ahead as the lines of merchants, travelers, and other such riffraff were moving into the city with a steady speed. On the far left was the outbound traffic and most were wagoneers, soldiers on patrol, and a few travelers. Tyler noting the soldiers were not exclusively dwarven but had a good spattering of races while their mounts were surprising. Instead of horses they were riding a spieces of raptor nearly 7 feet tall and 15 long. he whistled at this and looked at Strand.
"It takes balls of steel to ride a Utahraptor."
Strand chuckled as a patrol of ten went by with chattering raptors in full chainmail and harnesses.
"The single breed of Forest Wolf that has been tamed enough for such use. They're called Dunns and are exclusively breeded, raised, trained, and owned by the city of Dunkrick."
"That's kinda cool."
The line progressed and Tyler noted not a soul had recognized the heroes or himself. He smiled as he looked at Victoria.
"THIS is mildly refreshing."
She chuckled.
"Give it a minute. MOST don't look behind them."
He looked ahead as a man in the wagon ahead of them leaned out of his cart to adjust something on the canvas....only to go BONE WHITE as he saw Tyler in his signiture black coat and the rest of the heroes sitting behind him in line to get in! Tyler smiled in a friendly manner and waved cheerily as it say hiya! The man vanished into his wagon and two small girls appeared from the back of the wagon wide eyed at the chance to see the legendary heroes. They gasped as Tyler wa sseen and the warrior chuckled.
"Well. We've been spotted."
Strand adjusted her own long brown hair with a smile as the two girls gaped at the Bloodoath Knights.
"Brace. we're about to get very popular."
Tyler looked to the two girls and smiled.
"I got an idea I kinda like."
Rias smiled warmly as he rode up to the wagon.
"Now THIS kinda flexing I like."
Tyler rode up to the wagon and the man tipped is hat nervously.
"An honor Lord Berserker."
"Nice to meetchya. I'm Tyler."
"Hank, Milord."
"Ha. Hey Hank."
Tyler pulled the photo crystal out.
"Humor me for a moment."
The man smiled with joy as Tyler sat his twon tiny girls, who couldn't have been older then 6, on his horse for a surprise photo. The poor girls were on the verge of FREAKING OUT at being on a HERO'S horse WITH HIM as the shot was taken. Tyler passed the man two copies of the enchanred image and Hank smiled with pride at the tale his famiyl would now get to tell.
"Thankee kindly Lord Berserker. They have a treasure now."
"Sure. Was kinda fun for me too."
The girls were squealing at each other over their photos as Tyler dropped back to his group and Mina smiled.
"Just to give them something to brag about."
Tyler smiled as he settled into place.
"Everyone deserves to have something to brag about or tell that they got to do. THOSE now have a tale to tell for years."
Rias smiled warmly at this as she rode up.
"And here I was just thinking you couldn't surprise me anymore. You go ahead an do THAT."
"It only cost me 5 minutes. And it'll last them a lifetime."
"Like kids."
Hank's mildly exasperated tone made them ALL bust up laughing at the age old gripe. Tyler had to wipe a tear as the imposing solid steel gates of Dunkrick opened to allow a line of heavily armed dwarven knights to exit in full parade formation on gleaming Dunns. Tyler smiled as he patted the two small girls.
"I'm Tyler."
"Nice meeting you two cuties. We gotta go make a scene."
The girls watched with hude blue eyes as the dwarven escorts rode up in black armor on their indimidating steeds. Their leader, a 3 foot tall dwarf with blood red hair and beard approached Tyler in the front. The dwarf's voice a hearty bark.
"Welcome to Dunkrick Heroes. Ya be a bit late to the party!"
Tyler chuckled.
"We had some issues to deal with on the road."
"Ah. Lord Vaeric will wish to hear this. I am Stonebreaker Olric. What word of Drikin?"
"Some good, some bad. we'll talk to the lord."
"Ah. There be a saying about curiosity and cats. Come on ya sorry bunch."
"Oi. I was BORN like this."
The jovial dwarf laughed at that one as the Bloodoath filed into the center of the mass of armoured dwarves for the ride into the slanting city. Olric was beside Tyler as they walked their mounts and Shadow wasn't phased by the raptor beside him as the redheaded dwarf spoke.
"Lord Vaeric is expecting your leaders in his palace on the Tip."
Tyler nodded.
"what's he like, Olric?"
"He's a dwarven blacksmith and a mastery of IRON of all things. His full name is Vaeric Ironfucker. What do think he's like?"
"An asshole?"
"HA. Far from it. Just a dwarf at a forge with a bigger hammer then most."
"Does he REALLY fuck iron?"
"Ask em yaself! If ya the stones for it."
"It'll the very first thing I ask him."
Asuna sighed.
"Great. There goes our good reputation."
"Asuna. We're a SHITSHOW. We never HAD a reputation to begin with."
She groaned at this as the went through the gate and into the city. The walls wre immense. easily 500 yards tall and close to 1,000 thick while the immediate interior was mostly military garrisons and barracks. Olric explained with a twinkle in his blue eyes.
"Dunkrick be built into the mountain itself like an old mine. The places CLOSEST to the holes ya see are for military ONLY. As we're not the only things living up here and it be a dwarven tenet to defend those that can't defend themselves. Behind the military is the commerce sections. The further in you go, the safer it gets for most folk. The HIGHER YOU GO, the richer the folks become and the more powerful too. The Tip is where the city leader lives and the royals when they visit."
Tyler nodded as he sank in this caste style layout.
"We'll be visiting a fair few shops once we've met with Vaeric."
"I can see a fit bit of wear here an there laddee. There be a tale in you to tell and we needs hear it."
"We'll tell it with the lord. No offense meant."
Olric slapped him approvingly on the back and Tyler was again glad he wore armor.
"Aye I completely understand laddee. No stone good sense in causing undo stress on the people."
Tyler chuckled as he flet his second dwarven greeting throb slightly under his coat.
"It be quite the tale too."
"NOW I be excited."
The group moved from the outside section into the first gaping hole that had been gouged into the stone and Tyler noted the opening was two miles by two miles and stretched inwards farther then he could see. Olric pointed out a large selection of elevators with room for the entire Bloodoath at once.
"Them uns be the lifts. A city courtesy for all that do not like stairs."
"What's this I keep hearing about a dungeon Olric?"
The dwarf smirked now as they climbed onto the platform.
"THAT is near the middle of the third layer. And the entire reason the city was founded. The Great Cocus Dungeon. It's rumored to be the last resting place of the first human to ever slay a god in single combat and LIVE to tell the tale. Monsters of every variety spawn in there and it decends for no fewer then 400 floors below the surface of the ground. Gold, power, fame and glory are all found when raiding the Cocus dungeon. So long as you LIVE."
Tyler chuckled as the lift rose from the ground.
"We're here to check it out."
Orlic chuckled approvingly at that news.
"As heroes should."
Victoria smirked as she took a spot beside the Berserker.
"Remember you're still in training MAGGOTS."
Tyler chuckled.
"Sure thing Vicky."
"I will make you ALL run froom the TIP to the BASEMENT and BACK twice on the stairs. DO NOT call me that again."
He chuckled at her fury as the lift reached the Tip. The lord's keep more ornate fortress with ribs of granite extending like ribs into the ground while the fortress itself was built like a cathedreal for a church with sweeping towers and arches all over the thing. Olric smiled as he led the heroes to the stables where their horses were snuggly berthed and their wagon secured. Belfast placed their Bloodoath safe inside her pack and they headed inside the keep up the grand sweeping steps CLEARLY meant for dwarven frames due to the smaller size. Tyler opened the door to the main hall where they were faced by a dwarf working an immense forge at the rear of the hall surrounded by various ores and projects in various states of completion. The front of the hall was lined by bleachers for those wishing to watch the dwarven court or the smith at work. The dwarf at the forge was using a massive one handed hammer to pound a thick wedge of glowing iron into shape on a collassal anvvil two hundred feet long strapped to a boulder 500 feet wide. Tyler watched as the glowing metal was hammered with unerring percision into a vicious spearpoint and slotted into an organ style forge before he looked to his visitors. His voice a hefty rumble.
"Well, the mighty 'heroes' finally elect to ARRIVE. Took your sweet time now didn't ya?"
Tyler shrugged at this condescendation.
"Sorry. We only had a FOREST Giant in the way and had to help secure Drikin village from a DRAKEN's attack."
The dwarf at the forge lifted an eyebrow at this turnaround.
"A FOREST GIANT ya say. and a Draken. I see there IS a reason. And I see you took losses. Not such an allpowerful hero are you?"
"Never said I was. I THINK,"
TYler's eyes started turning the SLIGHTEST hint of red as he smiled.
"I THINK, I said I was that which you ALL will fear behind my fiance's throne of light. Is there an issue here that needs to be RESOLVED?"
The dwarf smirked as he hefted a warhammer now fewer then 6 feet long...only for Tyler's greatsword to appeared under his chin over his heart.
"Choose. WISELY."
His eyes were ice cold and his sword was lightly resting over the dwarf's heart. The smaller ma smiled disarmngly now.
"Alright. You win this pissing contest."
"I wouldn't recommend a repeat."
"I will not do so. Dwarven pissing contests are intense."
Tyler hung his sword on his back and the warhammer was hung on a peg before the dwarf introduced himself.
"My apologies for the provacation. We need WARRIORS of iron and fire. NOT softspined cowards. I be Vaeric Ironfucker."
"How the hell do you get known as the IRONFUCKER?"
Olric laughed as Vaeric chuckled.
"Me mother was the Steelwhore and my father the steelfucker. Iron's the tougher to fuck as ya gotta heat it differently and it be MIIIIIGHTY tricky."
"Workin the metal or fuckin it?"
"Ha. But for real now."
"Eh. I picked it."
Kirito let out a HEFTY breath or relief at this and Vaeric smirked.
"Me mother fucked her works."
"I don't want to know this!"
The heroes chuckled and groaned in equal measure as Tyler looked at the dwarven leader. Vaeric was 4 feet tall with a long black beard and messy grey hair. His frame was corded and built like a brick from hours beating iron into submission while his skin was brown. His attire was a forge apron and metal boots with wrisrt cuffs on and that's it. The warrior then nodded.
"So Drikin."
Vaeric nodded.
"Is the road secure?"
"It is. Mylissia has more soldiers guarding it following a close one up there."
Tyler retold the tale and the dwarven leader sighed one it ended.
"You rookies did good work up there. Never you doubt that. Me brother Ingot be a bastard. But the good kind. Now. You're chambers are ready and BE NICE TO THE MAIDS. ME FORGE LIKES FUEL."
Tyler smiled.
"We've some resupplying to do before we relax, Vaeric."
"Ah. Work before fun?"
"Oh absolutely. Specially in MY crew. No work no food."
"Ya shoulda been a dwarf! Olric here'll guide you since it is VERY easy to get HOPELESSLY lost in Dunkrick. You, Lord Berserker, I have words for you."
"Sure. Asuna."
"I got em."
The Bloodoath headed to their resupply as Vaeric retreived the spear from the forge.
"I got word from Mylissia. Seems a certain sweetheart arranged something for you in your chamber."
Tyler smiled excitedly.
"I'll go have a look."
A slender dwarven maid in full uniform appeared from a shadow. She was Vaeric's height with bright amber hair and slender build. Her bust was large on her frame and she spoke in a sot soprano.
"Lord Berserker. I am Luster. I will be your maid for the time you are with us. Allow me to show you the way."
HE smiled as he followed her.
"Thanks Luster."
She smiled as her shoes clicked. They climbed a few sets of stairs before they arrived at a single chamber door where she bowed.
"These are your royal chambers Milord. If you have need, use the rope by the bed."
"Thanks Luster."
He walked inside....and Seria pounced on him for a hug.
He had his beloved princess up and swinging in his hug as she nearly strangled him in her own.
"I wanted to surprise you and Mother agreed! I got to use the royal airship!"
Tyler smiled happily as he held her.
"I love you, Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."
He set her down as he looked around at the chamber now. Only to smile fondly as it was a mirror of Seria's chamber in Berun but with less panties strewn about the place. Seria herself was giggly in her tight fitting blouse and jeans that made her look ULTRA sexy.
"I like looking like Rias!"
He smiled as he ran a soft hand through her blue hair.
"You're beautiful Seria."
She smiled and he held her again.
"I was only able to convince mother of two days togather. She doesn't want me away from her for too long what with the war and everything."
"We'll have plenty of time together once we return."
"I know. I'm just greedy."
"You? Never."
She smiled at this as he held her tighter.
"I missed you, Seria."
"I missed you too, Tyler. I love you."
"I love you too."
She smiled happily as he set her down and the blue haired Princess rested her head on his chest.
"I missed you too."
He smiled at that as he ran his hands over her narrow back before the pair moved to the bath. Seria gasped as she saw the new mass of scars on Tyler's body as he stripped. He smiled reaussringly as he joined his wife in the pool-style tub.
"I'm fine. And they don't hurt."
Seria had a small smile as she ran a soft finger along one particularly long line and he shivered.
"THAT one was from the giant. Flicked me with a finger."
"You lived."
"I live for you."
She shivered and smiled at him as they relaxed in the reddening water. The pool turned blood red from the encrusted blood on Tyler's frame and the princess watched in awe as it filtered clear again and went to blood again.
"Yeah i work hard."
"Me too! The Mistress likes my lessons too!"
HE smirked.
"Should I be concerned?"
She smiled sweetly.
"Nope! My lessons for ladies are complete and I like both! So we'll have fun!"
He held her to him as the water stopped turning red and she smiled.....before he dove under the water and it turned red from the blood in his hair. Seria had a look of exasperation as he came up and the pool cycled again.
"I will have to get used to this."
"Love you too, Seria."
She smiled and he pulled her over for her hair. The princess got her hair done by her adoring lover before she was laid on the immense bed for her massage.
"I missed this."
He kissed the top of her spine and she squeaked at the tingle.
"Hey! Easy up there! Save it for the wedding night!"
"Yes Seria."
"I want to as well."
He smiled as he pressed into her back.
"How do you cope?"
She smiled with a blush.
"Well. The mistress helps a lot. She loves touching me."
"And yet I'm your husband."
"Hey! We'll do stuff tonight."
"I love you too, Seria."
She smiled excitedly.
"I love you too, Tyler. And...we can do a FEW things tonight."
He smiled as he worked her large and marvelous breasts over now.
"I'll look forward to you."
she smiled as he let her foot go and rested beside her. Seria rested her head on his chet and he stroked her long blue hair soothingly and she smiled.
"Sooo don't you have work to do, Tyler?"
He chuckled at that dry ask.
"don't you?"
"Oh I'll be practicing with my mistress. WHILE you're at work."
"Damn. No shows?"
"Nope! Sorry! I asked and the mistress said you'd have to take part and....the wedding night."
She blushed and he chuckled.
"Alright. I'll head out so you can play with the girls."
"Yay! I'll have a new recording waiting!"
"My GODS do I love you."
"I love you too."
TYler got dressed and she smiled as he put the shirt that had her hair sewn into it on.
"I like the colors, Tyler."
He smiled at her.
"I love your everything."
She smiled as she lounged naked on the bed with a sexy leer as her fiance pulled hs coat on. He smiled....and snagged a photo of his sexy fiance with his crystal. Seria squeaked at the click.
"Hey! THAT doesn't exist!"
"Oh of course not."
He hugged her and she smiled.
"I'll see you tonight."
"Have fun with the girls."
"You too!"
"We've been over this."
"I know! It's fun!"
He chuckled at that as he took his starlite greatsword and the silveria greatsword. Then he walked out to return to the mainhall. Vaeric was still at his forge as the warrior walked in and the dwarf smiled as he did.
"You're a lucky man Tyler the Berserker."
"You have no idea. I love that girl."
The older man chuckled at that as the warrior walkd over.
"Good for ya. So, I see two hilts."
"One's starlite and the other's silveria. I'm looking to get the silveria repurposed into scalemail and chainmail since mine's kinda had it."
The smith smirked.
"I'm the best smith in the city, laddee."
"Ha. Upfront or on completion?"
"HA! It's a 75,000 gold job for the pair."
Tyler nodded.
"I figured. we'll be doing some serious grinding in the dungeon for the next week or so. Where's the rest?"
"They be at the marketplace on level four. When ya got the gold come see me."
"Will do. I got a hunk of starlite too. 150 pounds."
Vaeric nodded.
"Starlite be a right bitch to work. What to you have in mind?"
"A better lance, bow, arrows, and gauntlets from it."
"All told you're looking at a 250,000 gold job with about 5 days work for me."
"Makes sense. Quality ain't cheap. Thanks Vaeric."
Olric appeared for his role as guide through the city and he chuckled as they headed for the Bloodoath.
"Ya got fire laddee. Askin the LORD hisself to work your metal. ha."
"I know quality when I see it."
The pair rode the lift down to level four that was situated near a military garrison by a hole. TYler smiled as he spotted Asuna's unmistakable red hair leaving a general store and Orlic chuckled.
"I'll be around if ya need me."
"Thanks Orlic."
The warrior walked over to the redheaded second and she smiled as she saw him.
"Musta been something nice. Okay. we've got full replacements on ALL our tents, bedrolls, cookware, the lot. And upgraded to the best we could with our current material. Your tent and roll too."
"Thanks Asuna. How much?"
"We spent about 15,000 for the lot. Belfast is out shopping for foodstuffs now while Mina has Strand, Yoshkia and Wendy pickng up healing."
"Here's a thought. why don't we have our best healers sign on with one of the healing goddesses?"
Asuna blinked at this.
"We'll discuss that one with the Leaders later. AND the healers. An interesting idea though. Kirito wants to discuss weapon upgrades coming from the Oath coin until we do a sizable raid in the dungeon."
"THAT we kinda need to talk on as I see where he's coming from. ALL our gear is underleveled for us right now and we've kinda broke."
She sighed.
"We are. We spent a lot of gold on our abilities and spells. They paid OFF, but we haven't any opportunities to MAKE MONEY yet."
"I'll see about a fight in an alley. Might be able to score a few gold there. But we'll have to raid that dungeon hard."
"VERY hard. All I had."
"Thanks Asuna."
Tyler walked off down the marketplace seeking a backalley. The warrior passing numerous members of the Bloodoath as he went when he found a suitable alley and turned down it. A begger chuckled as the entrance was lost to sight.
"Broke this time."
"Ha. Lord Berserker."
A group of twenty appeared and Tyler smiled as he drew his starlite greatsword.
"I appreciate your contribution to my wallet."
The dwarven fighters chuckled at that as they rushed with daggers and shortswords. Tyler rushed with his sword in a wide arc and the first dwarf was beheaded mid lunge as Tyler spun a halfcircle to bring the sword down on the next head. Four rushed him from behind and the warrior was ready with a pivot that had the howling blue blade whip across their throats.
"Twin fang!"
Tyler used the speed enhancer to dodge the dagger user's stab and the pounce of two more before he swung his sword in another sweep that had three take it in the throat. Then he flicked the sword around with a groin to crown slash on one more.
"Rapid lunge."
He darted forward with the sword a living entity in his fists. The remainder of the dwarves fell to his blade and Tyler smiled as he stood tall.
"Was fun gentledwarves."
He got to looting and found their coin purses. He walked away with an extra 23,543 gold. An amount that made him smile. All told now I have 34,728. He looked at his Status Plate and found he'd not gained much experience. he was maybe a tenth of the way to level 7. He sighed at this and considered raiding the dungeon himself. That just opens a door. Plus Asuna'd have a cow. Belfast would go off on me about valuing my life, and if I leveled up again the force would get VERY irritated and try it themselves. He dismissed the idea for the time being and instead went to see Belfast for her checkin. The warrior smiled as he found the food stalls and her eyecatching silver hair near the one for spices. Belfast smiled as he approached.
"I have procured a suitable amount of our lost stores, Tyler."
"Alright. How's it looking?"
"I spent maybe 25,000. Spices are expensive."
"Makes sense. In some places spices are a sign of wealth. Anything of note?"
"I will be looking into a second wagon for the Bloodoath. But from initial prices they are quite expensive. The smallest was a two person cart and hovered at 75,000."
"MAkes sense. We'll be in town for a week or so, so no real rush."
"That is a relief."
Tyler left the capable lady to her work as he looked for Strand and the healers next. which didn't take long for him to spot Wendy's also eyecatching blue hair in a window. He walked in and Strand was adding some ginseng to a pouch. The elf smiled as the warrior walked in.
"We're doing well. But the prices are high. Roughly 100,000 spent on healing herbs and potions."
"YIKES. Okay we'll need to be careful not to blow all our coin in one day."
Asia smiled from her spot by some mushrooms.
"Asuna split the Bloodoath funds in half for our budget."
"SMART. Alright. I'll see what else needs doing."
Strand chuckled as she noted something.
"I see you already said hi."
"Yup. They're a very obliging bunch."
Tyler walked out as his rally whistle hummed and tugged him towards the front of the immense cave they sat in. He headed toward it and found Asuna with Belfast looking at their numbers and contributions. Asuna passed him a paper as he appeared.
"We're set on equipment and camping upgrades. Foodstuffs too."
He looked.
"Good. Strand's nearly done with the healing resupply. That's in the ballpark of 100k though."
They sighed at this news and Asuna frowned.
"We'll need to ready for some heavy dungeon raids then. We need the coin."
Tyler nodded.
"I considered raiding alone, but remembered who I was dealing with."
Asuna chuckled and so did Belfast.
"NO solo raids in the dungeon until we've seen how it is."
"What she said."
Tyler chuckled at that one before Strand walked up with her detachment.
"We're fully stocked on healing and mana potions plus ingrediants. 125k spent."
Belfast added her own numbers.
"27k for my purchases."
Asuna sighed.
"20k all told."
Tyler nodded.
"We blew roughly a third of the entire Bloodoath funds on one upgrade and resupply spree. Okay, we need a coin run and we need it now."
Asuna nodded as she looked at him.
"We'll meet up at the hall."
The leaders were convened in the mainhall of the Tip Keep. Tyler looked at Victoria now as they settled. Vaeric had set aside one of the many meeting rooms in the keep aside for their uses and it came furnished with a circular table surrounded by chairs.
"The dungeon. What exactly are we walking into?"
The purple haired captain smiled.
"You walk through a stone door and fight monsters that spawn in. Think the mainhall and creatures scaled to the level you're on appear to attack you. Every kill results in loot drops. These drops are always utterly unpredicatable and can range from coins to cloth to bones to food. There is a legend about a baby girl being a drop from a monster kill and she grew to become a queen of her country during a period of war. NO it was NOT Mylissia."
They chuckled at that one and Tyler nodded.
"Alright. Asuna. We'll take a squad down. Me, you, Kirito, Bell, Strand, and Asia."
She nodded and Rias frowned.
"Why YOU?"
"We've the most experience in such areas. I'd take Sora and Shiro, but they're not yet ready for active combat."
She sighed with a smile and Asuna nodded.
"Alright. I'll give the word. We'll pick up packs for loot."
"Good. Bloodoath let's move."
The warriors were summoned and they followed Strand through the city as Tyler looked at Asuna.
"I;m up front and you are flankers with Kirito. Asia is center of the pocket with Bell guarding her while Strand floats."
She nodded with a smirk.
"I saw the exact same strategy."
"We'll look loot after we leave and this first run is a Bloodoath fundrun. ALL gold gets funneled into the safe."
Strand smiled as they stepped off the last lift and approached a long mass of people moving into a grandhall like cavern.
"The Great Cocus Dungeon."
Tyler chuckled as they followed the mass through the cavern. The raiders were then faced with a hallway seeming thing wirh grups of adventurers battling monsters ranging from taller goblins and some minor forest wolves to a rather imposing Alpine bear. Tyler noting the groups were seperate in the cavern as his party moved through the rather well lit corridor of dirt and stone with Strand pointing to a turn.
"That's the true entrance to the dungeon. These are for the PURE rookies."
"Makes sense."
They turned the corridor and were faced with a wide chamber that had a smaller group of adventurers battling it out with shadowy beings with red eyes, some wolves on two legs, and a few goblinkin as well. Tyler looked around as a hulking shadow creature appered before him swinging razor sharp limbs at him. The warrior ducked under the wide sweep attack and pivoted for a slash of his own with his greatsword. The shadow shattered into fragments and a pouch was left where it'd been standing. Tyler took the pouch and smiled at the clink of coins.
"About 30."
Asuna put it in her pack as another group of the shadow things rushed them. Tyler swung his sword, Asuna danced with he rapier, Kirito slashed with his twin swords, Asia watched with a smile and Bell and Strand chuckled as the three cut down ten monsters in ten seconds. They all dropped more coin pouches of 30 coins and Tyler sighed.
"Come on. These are fodder."
The friends moved deeper into the dungeon where a group of creatures made of stone came rolling at them. The things were basically boulders on stubby legs whose only attacks were to roll at them. Bell stabbed one in the crease between stones o0n it's body and it shattered to rubble. Asia put her own boulder thing down with a spell and Strand explained as she killed hers.
"These are Rock Golems. Very common in mountainous areas."
Asuna smiled as she saw a glittering stone in the rubble.
"I got a gem."
She lifted it and Tyler chuckled.
"That's a Red Topaz Asuna. Not bad for a secondary gem. It's worth maybe.....500 gold? That sounds right."
Kirito chuckled as he lifted three more such gems from the rubble of the golems.
"And you know that WHY?"
"I know more about rocks and minerals then I do plants. I know the worth cuase a mah plans."
"Ah. Keepin it?"
They got moving again as more of the rock golems attacked them and they dropped more secondary gems. Tyler claiming a rather brillantly shining bit of opal and Asuna smiled.
"No this one's for me actually. Kinda like how it looks."
She chuckled at that as they went. Tyler looked at his Status Plate and noted he'd made it to a quarter of the way to level 7 and Kirito smirked.
"Halfway to 5."
"Ha. I'll get serious then."
"NO going off on your own."
"Yes Asuna."
Tyler chuckled at her irritation as they came around the corner to be faced by a girl weeping into her hands on her knees. Tyler held his sword up to prevent Asia from rushing over with a hug.
"That is NOT a person."
She looked at him wide eyed as Strand nodded without taking her eyes off the thing.
"It's a Weeping Ghost. A form of undead that usually hunat sites were jilted lovers died. Say a girl was left at the altar on her wedding day and died there, she'd haunt the site until she was killed again."
Tylr nodded as he hefted his greatsword.
"I got her."
Strand smiled.
"Holy spells hurt more."
"Divine Slicer."
His sword glowed from the spell as he approached the weeping girl.
"Hey. You dead?"
The thing rounded on him wielding a dagger made from jet and the holy infused greatsword slashed her across the chest. She screamed in pain before bursting into pure white flames and fading out leaving the dagger, her gown, and a necklace. Strand loked at the loot before nodding.
"They are not cursed. And are safe."
Tyler lifted the dagger and the elf explained.
"That is a Dark Dagger. It's made entirely of the gem jet and is quite valuable as loot. The gown was a wedding gown and it frequently used as such. And that necklace is enchanted with Adamantium Skin. Adds an extra 100 points to defense."
Tyler smiled as he took the gown.
"I'LL take this."
They smiled at that as Asuna passed him the defense necklace.
"YOU need it as the frontline tank."
"MY defense is still solid. we'll give that to Wendy. Boost the defenses of our healers."
"Better. The dagger we'll sell."
They were moving and Kirito chuckled.
"So you'll even design her wedding dress for her."
"i got the entire thing planned to a T. I just need the right pieces."
The next thing they encountered was a large chamber with an indented floor like a coliseum. Tyler chuckled as he saw this.
They nodded and Strand smiled.
"Mana doesn't regenerate in the dungeon. Stamina DOES however."
Tyler walked into the ring with the raiders behind him and a low roar was heard before a 20 foot tall old man of the forest appeared from a cave. Tyler smirked at this coincidence.
"I'll be sure to kill you PROPERLY this time."
The massive ape thing roared at them before charging with it's two foot thick arms swinging a stone club. Tyler smirked as he dodged it,
He slashed the tree trunk like leg of the beast and grey blood flowed from the wound as the warrior dashed passed. Asuna appeared from the left now as the towering ape thing turned to attack the berserker and her rapier glowed,
"Flaming Jab!"
Her needle-like rapier burst into flames as she poked the beasts with it ten times in 4 seconds. The flames caught and a good section of the Old man's back fur started to burn. The thing roared in fury and pain while swinging an arm the size of a tree at the agile girl while Kirito took the wide opening from the rear with his twin blades.
"Tempest! Ghost cut! CRIMSON SLASH!"
HIS blades were bathed in flame as well as the warrior cut a myriad of lines into the blazing back of the ape and it staggered from the devestating blow while Bell came in with his knives.
"Flurry! Double Cut! Ghost Cut!"
Bell targeted the leg of the beast Tyler had hit and his rapid slashes were nearly unseeable from the speed. Asia smiled sweetly as she hefted her diamond tipped staff.
"The light betrays you! Sun FLASH!"
Her spell made the light in the target's eyes suddenly explode like blinding sunlight and the result had the beast roaring in shock while covering it's white eyes in panic. Tyler smiled as he saw this as he hefted his greatsword.
"Bring it down! DARK SACRALANT!"
The four heavy melee fighters smashed home their Proficencies' potent abilities. Tyler's Soulkiller sliced the leg clean off the beast and it fell flat on it's back where Kirito was there with twin glowing swords.
His swordstyle's unique ultimate move was reinforced by Asia's haste spell, which doubled movement speed for a single routine while Bell and Asia shared the same skill and they were a mere blurr from the speed. The old man of the forest died from the overwhelming force of the five and it shattered into shards once it did. Tyler landed his leap and smiled at the panting others.
"Good kill everyone! Recover and loot up."
They smiled and then frowned as they saw Tyler was the only one NOT weak from exhaustion OR panting. This served as yet another reminder of the level gap between them and Kirito looked at his plate.
"Level five. Nearly there."
Tyler looked at his.
"Wow. Three quarters of the way to 7. Hurry up Kirito."
Bell chuckled.
"I'm had 4. We'll get there."
Asia beamed.
"I hit four! And stopped."
She got a pat as Asuna smiled.
"I'm at four. We made some LEAPS here today. Now the payout."
Tyler looked and noted a large sack in the hole the beast had fallen in.
"Odds are that's it."
He opened the thing.
"Gold, some gems, a few weapons, some pieces of armor, and a spell or two. Alright. We'll split it topside."
Strand smiled as she walked over.
"You work well together."
"Oh hey Strand. Where ya been?"
"I was firing arrows from the edge. didn't even need a third shaft."
The raiders headed for the exit and Kirito flexed a hand.
"Not as bad as the giant. But I can't use my abilities for the rest of the day."
Tyler chuckled as they passed the other adventurers as they trained on their own monsters.
"We'll hit it once a day. ON TOP of whatever else we'll be doing."
Asuna nodded.
"We're here for a week, right?"
"Yup. I'll send Mina and a crew down there next."
"Captain and their squad?"
"Yup. If I go down there too, I take command. if not, captain's in charge."
She nodded.
"I'll get the word out."
"Thanks Asuna."
They left the dungeon behind and reconvenved with the Bloodoath in the meeting room at the Tip Keep. Tyler set the sack of loot on the table as the captains sat in their chairs. Victoria smirked as she saw the bag.
"A medium floor one loot sack on your first visit? Not bad."
Tyler smirked as he dumped everything out.
"There was some monster loot on the way down that the raiders already claimed. Now."
He looked at the pile of gold coins.
"We have a total. In that one pile we have 453,650. That is ALL getting added to the Bloodoath funds."
Asuna nodded at this.
"The Bloodoath is hurting for cash right now. So we'll need two more full raids down there before we can relax enough for individual shares. Mina, take your squad and head down."
"Roger. Victoria?"
"I'll be happy to lend experience."
Tyler looked at Akeno.
"When Mina returns, you take yours and head down. Reach the first floor boss and defeat it. Then return. DO NOT go ANY further."
She nodded and Rias frowned.
"MY squad?"
"You and Strand's squads are tomorrow's raiders. i want two full squads at the ready at all times and them be realitively fresh too."
She nodded at this and Mina looked at the Berserker.
"All loot we divvy as Leaders?"
"Yup. Gold is to be poured into the Bloodoath coffer until we reach....I'll slap a million on it. Then we can see about splitting for raiders."
Belfast looked up now from the adding of the new numbers.
"We have 1,138,364 gold in the Bloodoath funds Tyler."
He blinked.
The silver haired Quartermaster chuckled.
"We had close to 850,000 before we entered the city."
"Huh. Okay. 1.5 mil on it then. We hit that we can split stuff between raiders."
They chuckled and Asuna smiled.
"No change in loot sharing at the moment. Once we're happy with our buffer we'll go from there."
They nodded and the weapons were laid out. Tyler shrugged as he looked them over.
"I'm not seeing anything jumping at me. Nor the armor."
The raiders nodded and Mina smiled.
"We'll offer them to the Knights later. The spells?"
Tyler set the four spell cards before him to read off.
"First one is called Water Surge. Conjures a wall of water based on magic skill that rushes a single target. Damage is realitive to the target's Magical Defense and the caster's magic skill. I suggest we give this to Juvia."
Rias frowned at this.
"Your reasoning?"
"In her world she was a renowned water mage and was MADE from water."
"wow. Her magic is impressive and she has a special affinity for water magics. She's in my squad, I'll give it to her."
The next one made him smirk.
"I'll take this one. It's called Incite. Projects an aura of challange from the caster that draws hostility towards him. Pair that with MY battlestrategy?"
Kirito chuckled.
"A pure tank spell. Sure."
Belfast sighed as he added it.
"Now he has an EXCUSE to use suicidal schemes."
"It's why they WORK."
"Oh dear."
They chuckled at that as he slid the next.
"Oh hello. Soothing Rain. It's a Rain spell that sends minor cleansing spells raining over a set area. It's a healing spell, and a rather cool one too."
Akeno smiled.
"I'll claim that one. I can use it for a rather potent misdirect."
"Use a HEALING spell on US that gets THE ENEMY wet, and then you drop the battery. I LIKE it."
Akeno got her spell and the last one was slid over.
"This one's mean. Hellish inferno. Conjures a foiling black flame tornado made from DARK ELEMENT magic. Rias? This one's for you."
The blood redhead chuckled as she got the spell.
"I AM a Dark Fire mage."
"So a diabolically hot mess? Ha. I LOVE it."
She smirked at that one.
"There was so many layers to that to sift through you dick, I'mma just say fuck you."
He chuckled at that and looked at the armor next. This was sent to the Knights for divvy. Mina nodded.
"Anything else we need talk about?"
Tyler sat back.
"I had the idea of getting our more powerful healers, Wendy, Asia, and Yoshkia, connected to a healing temple and goddess."
Rias frowned HARD at this proposal.
"Asia is a devil."
"I don't think it matters. ONE reason is it's ASIA."
"Ha. Okay. I don't want to have ANNNNYTHING to do with religious sects OR their deities. It always ends badly for some poor bastard."
Akeno nodded as she added her own input.
"A wily idea, but the risks just aren't worth it."
Mina frowned as she looked at them.
"They'd be devoted to healing, Rias, Akeno. How is that a risk?"
Rias sighed.
"Because of the potential fine print. Maybe the joining ritual is a lay. willing or not. And maybe by that point you CAN'T back out. We're devils. In our world religion was the source of endless strife and problems for our kind."
Asuna crossed her arms.
"Want to table this one and do some research on the ground everyone?"
Rias and Akeno smiled at the compromise with the redhead saying it.
"Yes. That works perfectly. We'll get an idea of just WHAT this world's religions are like before we go anywhere."
Tyler smiled.
"That was the last one. My dark Sacralant is used up for today. So I'll probably do some lighter grinding somewhere."
They nodded and the group split. Mina gathered her squad and headed into the dungeon for their raid while the rest went to their own devices. Tyler headed up to his chamber and smiled as he foudn Seria asleep on their bed. The lue haired princess comfortably snuggled up with her pillow and he leaned over her ear.
"I love you, my wife."
She woke with a shiver and smile.
"I love you too, my husband. How was the dungeon?"
"Fun and we made a few coins."
"Were you hurt?"
"Not a scratch. We'll hit it daily or so."
She smiled and settled back down.
"Be careful."
"Cute. So what have you been doing up here?"
"My lessons were concluded for the day and I'm resting now. But it though. Oh. The crystal is on the shelf love."
He added it to the other and found it merged to create one object.
"Neat trick."
She smiled as her sapphire eyes closed.
"I know a few things."
He stroked her soft blue hair until she fell asleep again and smiled as he locked their door on his way out.
"I love that girl so freakin much."
He headed back to the dungeon for his own solo raid and smirked as he ran into Kirito at the entrance.
"Asuna is going to be pissed."
The pair chuckled as they teamed up and headed into the dungeon cavern. Kirito cracked his neck.
"We're down our best tricks, no healer and only a few potions."
"And yet we'll be just fine."
The pair walked along the corridor away from the training area and were nearly instantly charged by a ten foot tall minotaur. Tyler ran at the thing as Kirito leapt up, jumped off the wall in a twirling slash from his twin swords while Tyler slammed his starlite greatsword into the beast's neck from his side. The beast was beheaded and dropped a horn in a matte grey color. Tyler took the thing and tilted his head.
"It's like steel. We'll see if it's crafting mats."
"Most likely is."
They got moving as a giant worm with jagged teeth came hurtling down the passage towards them. tyler smirked as the thing rushed.
Frozen Wastes."
The floor and some of the walls were coated in a layer of ice and the loss of purchase imobilized the worm for Kirito's slash on the thing's neck. it shattered and the Black swordsman smirked with a bow.
"Ha. Not bad for a beaterboy."
Tyler looked at the remains of the worm and lifted a small sack.
"Small loot sack. Mainly gold."
The pair kept moving and Kirito looked at him.
"Soooo, Sachi."
"Wasn't your fault."
"You think there's a chance she'll come too?"
"Probably. Zekken too."
"I HOPE she does."
"I wanna meet Alice."
"HA. PoH?"
"If HE appears, it'd be on THEIR side. and them the game begins."
Kirito sighed at that dark excitement.
"Alright I'll leave him to you."
The pair walked out into a small strium and Tyler looked at the slick marble area.
A massive and sand colored Alpine Bear dropped from the ceiling with a roar.
The pair rushed from two sides and the Alpine bear swung a club at the Berserker as the Black Swordsman scored several hits from the right and Tyler smirked.
"Tempest! Ghost Cut! MIGHTY BLOW!"
His sword glowed neon blue from the stacked abilities and he slammed his greatsword into the chest of the beast as it turned ti hit Kirito and it SLICED it CLEAN in half! Kirito grumbled at this one hit kill as the beast shattered.
"overpowered level thief."
"Ha. Get good."
"I hate you."
They got moving again as Tyler tossed the loot sack into his pack. A few minutes later they came out into a larger chamber and they nodded.
"FLOOR boss."
A 15 foot tall minotaur in golden armor came charging from the rear whirling a GIGANTIC greataxe in their direction. Tyler smirked as the experienced warriors split in two directions. The minoking roared at them as it swung it's immense head to and fro trying to decide who to attack as Kirito cast a spell.
His black lightning spell hit the golden armor with a hum and the beast was stunned momentarily,
Tyler slammed his greatsword into the back of the minoking's knee and it buckled. The beast dropped to a knee with a deep low that rattled their chests as the pair appeared over the back of it's neck.
They slashed the back of it's neck from both sides and the beast died instantly. the warriors landed in ready stances as the minoking shattered and Tyler chuckled.
"Don't fuck with the Black Swordsmen."
Kirito chuckled as his own black coat flapped.
"DAMN dude. BE a badass."
The pair went to the loot and Tyler smiled as he added the second medium sack to his pack.
"Not bad. We're done."
"Absolutely. You level?"
He looked and smiled.
"Level 7. You?"
"6. Gettin there."
"7 was a bitch."
"Makes sense"
They headed to the entrance now. Kirito flexed a hand.
"No more raiding for me today. I got 50 points to place. You?"
"Hmm, same."
"That was kinda fun raiding like you do. AND mildly intimidating."
"Ha. Keep up rookie."
"fuck you man."
The friends chuckled as they walked out of the cavern......only to be faced by a foot tapping Asuna, Belfast, and Rias. All three ladies wearing exasperated smirks and Tyler chuckled.
"Oh shit we're in trouble with Moms."
The three ladies shuddered! Kirito chuckled whle ALSO sweatin bullets under Asuna's knowing gaze. Tyler chuckled as Belfast looked at him.
"We were having FUN Belfast."
"And the RISK?"
"Lady. I'm the highest level in the party. AND the Berserker. THAT'S kirito. The hero of SAO and the Black Swordsman. SECOND highest level in the party. THAT was day at the office for us."
Rias chuckled at that flat brag.
"And the LOOT?"
"We'll split in like we usually do. Oh. Level 7. He's at 6."
They nodded and Asuna sighed.
"They ENCOURAGE each other. PERFECT. Come on. Mina reported in."
The group headed up to the Tip and reconvened in the meeting hall. Mina smirked as she saw the second pile of loot and Asuna's mild irritation.
"Seems even YOU go off orders."
"How do ya think i made level 7? ya gotta push yourself."
She chuckled at that one and Belfast retook her place at the table.
"We knew when you weren't the first one here. Now. Her gold total is another 245,560 gold. She had 26 raiders."
Tyler nodded.
"That into the Bloodoath nets us 1,383,924. ONE more good raid like that, and splits'll happen again."
Rias nodded.
"Akeno is down there now."
"Good. Kirito and I's raid was individual. NOT a Bloodoath raid. we'll split our haul in two as well."
Kirito nodded and Asuna smiled.
"Very fair. Alright. They brought back some crafting mats too. Animal hide, a few bones from bigger beasts, and the like."
Tyler smiled.
"Pour all crafting mats from Bloodoath raids into the supplybase. We'll use them for the entire party."
They nodded and the rest was given to the raiders to split. Next was Tyler and Kirito's raid spoils. The gold from their sacks was dumped out and Belfast got the total.
"In that pile, there is 354,758 gold."
Tyler nodded.
"That by two nets us 177,379. That by two again is 88,689 with one extra coin we'll toss to party."
Kirito nodded.
"I'm agreed."
The shares were split and Belfast added the new wealth up.
"For the Bloodoath we now have 1,561,303. We've broken your 1.5 million limit."
Tyler smiled at this.
"Akeno's party can split their loot among themselves. And we'll keep the half rule."
They nodded and Tyler looked at his own new total now.
"Okay. I have 123,417. I need 250k for my upgrade."
The minotaur's horn was placed and Strand smiled.
"That is a good bit of Minotaur ivory. Used in carvings, hilts, and other decorations. It's a purely decorative material and this amount would get 75,000 at the market."
Tyler smiled and looked at Kirito.
"Sure. We need the gold anyway."
Next was the minoking's golden armor and greataxe. Strand smiled.
"Golden armor and Axe. Sell it to Vaeric as they be repurposed into gold items. My estimate is an extra 450,000."
They whistled at that one and the sell pile was set aside. That was it for the loot and Tyler headed to see the dwarven lord about the sale. The Berserker found the dwarven blacksmith putting the finishing touches to the spear as he walked up. Vaeric smirked as he looked at the Berserker.
"This should be good. What need have ya?"
"found some stuff in the dungeon ya might like."
The golden armor and axe was laid out along with the minotaur horn. Vaeric chuckled as he looked it over.
"You be a WORKER hero too. We have hope yet. And oddly enough I been needing some good minohorn for a bow I had in mind. How's 525,000 sound?"
"Great. Thanks Vaeric. When we find more we'll come see ya."
The dwarf laughed as Tyler got his gold and returned to the Leaders. Kirito smiled as Tyler set the laden sack down.
"How much?"
"Oh yeah. That by 2 nets us 262,500. that by 2 is 131,250. Alright."
The split was made as Akeno walked in with her raiders dragging their own pile of loot. Tyler smiled as she dumped a fresh pile of gold out.
"How'd it go Akeno?"
"I reached level 3 and so did Koneko. Most are on the cusp of three as well."
Tyler nodded and looked at Asuna.
"We'll hit the dungeon until everyone is level 5 or above."
"Agreed. Then what?"
Victoria smirked.
"Then the next trip."
Tyler chuckled at thar vagueness as Belfast got the total for the new haul.
"In this pile we have 435,678 gold."
"That by 2 is 217,839. That by 26 is 8,378 with 11 coins leftover. Those we'll add to Bloodoath."
Akeno smiled as her crew got their shares and they divvyed the rest of the loot up.
"We're done for the day. Most of our special abilities are spent."
Tyler looked at Belfast as she dd their funds. It didn't take long.
"Our new total is 2,041,642."
Tyler nodded at this and looked at Asuna.
"Tomorrow we'll put in for weapon and armor upgrades. We'll use the Bloodoath coin for the first high tier set to make SURE it's good."
She smiled.
"2 mill."
"With the way WE grind? We'll make four in three days. Alright. I'll put the orders in. YOU?"
"I have enough to pay from my own purse. So I will. Once we're set on gear we'll do a mass upgrade on our spells and abilities again."
They nodded and Tyler smiled.
"I'll go see a dwarf about some metal. Break."
The group headed to their tasks and Tyler retrieved his ore and metal from the wagon. Vaeric smirked as he walked up.
"HAve ya an ORDER?"
"Yeah what we discussed. Here."
Tyler gave the pouch over and Vaeric chuckled.
"You work hard kid. An that's coming from ME. I'll get on it."
"Thanks Vaeric."
The warrior headed to his chambers now and smiled as he found Seria in the bath. The princess smiled as he stripped to join her.
"Was the dungeon tough, Love?"
"Nope. Me an Kirito are used to this shit."
She chuckled at that...and sighed as he got in and turned the water red again.
"OOoof course."
"I AM a Berserker."
"Ugh. I love you too."
The pair cleaned up hard in the water with Tyler doing her hair again, making her smile, and the pair relaxed on the couch. Seria wrapped up in a very comfy seeming robe while tyler had her on his chest. Luster their maid walked in with their dinner and left without a word as the pair enjoyed a quiet meal together. Seria yawned and Tyler carried his princess to the bed where they snuggled together. Seria smiled as he held her.
"I love you Tyler. Good night."
"I love you too, Seria. Good night."

DAY 23.
GOLD: 4,667.

Tyler woke in the early morning with a most unsettling realization, HE COULDN'T MOVE. Seria was asleep in his bed beside him and she was facing him with her eyes closed. But the quiver of her eyelids meant she was awake and could also not move. Okay. we were poisoned with a paralytitic last night. by Luster or SOMEONE else. UGH. Tropes. he reached for his magic and found he couldn't move his mouth, so no casting. He sighed internally and thought to what he knew of paralyetics. Since we woke up like this, we can assume it's broken by willpower. Since MINE is so well know and extreme, we can assume it's extremely potent. Ha. Alright. A sound of someone moving through the room was heard before a Draken man in black robes appeared behind Seria with a dark smirk on his face.
"Well now, the lovely princess, SLAIN in her sleep by her beloved Berserker. Such a TRAGIC tale indeed."
The man then noted she was naked under the blankets and smiled wickedly.
"And AFTER being raped by him too-"
Tyler's eyes turned BLOOD. RED. On a DIME. There was a sound of shattering glass as the OUT of his mind with RAGE Berserker pounced on the surprised assassin TEETH FIRST! A poisoned dagger was plunged into Tyler's bare chest as he took the Dark elf to the floor with his teeth in his throat and the Berserker planted his foot to TEAR the entire throat region COMPLETELY off the dying man's frame! It looked like when a wolf take an animal to the ground. Seria was freed of the spell and sat up in relief as Tylr reared before her.
"I KNEW you'd save me."
"Snake Purge."
His voice was still steel clad as the antidote spell took effect to purge their bodies of gthe paralyteic. Tyler's eyes turend back to light brown and Seria smiled sweetly as he hugged her.
"I'm fine. I love you too."
He smiled at her before looking at the dead Draken.
"VAERIC has some QUESTIONS he needs to answer."

Asuna was waiting in the meeting hall for Tyler to arrive and Rias chuckled across from her.
"Seria's up there. So it'll be a while."
The friends smiled at that one as Mina frowned.
"Anyone else on edge all of a sudden?"
They blinked at that and Belfast frowned.
"Yes I feel it too. Like when you set sail and FEEL a thunderstorm in the air."
Rias looked at Asuna now and the two redheads had a disturbing thought.
"Where's Tyler?"
The group got up then and headed to check on their absent leader....when the door to the hall was thrown open and a dead Draken was thrown to Vaeric's feet. The throat of the dead darf elf torn out by the roots and the dwarven lord had a look of outrage at this.
"HOW did a damn darkie get into MY keep?"
"Yeah that's MY fuckin question pal."
A geared p Tyler and resplendant Seria stepped into the room. Asuna blinked as she saw the blood still encrusting his face.
"Oh damn."
Belfast nodded when she noted a detail.
"His eyes are still brown."
Seria approached the angry dwarven leader with clicking heels as her blue gown swirled around her.
"So it seems even the Legendarily safe Dunkrick has opened its gates to the enemy."
Vaeric slapped his bare chest in tribute to the angry princess before he answered.
"I know not why this RAT is in my HOUSE, but I WILL find out dammit."
Tyler walked up behind the princess with a halfsmirk.
"Here;s a BETTER ONE. HOW, did THAT RAT get into position to POISON us? The BOTH OF US. With a PARALYETIC?"
A mass of horrified gasps went up from the dwarven court and Tyler smiled.
"We're missing one more."
He tossed the orb out and Vaeric GULPED as Mylissia appeared with a smirk...only to blink at the blood on Tyler's mouth and the dead Draken at his feet.
"What happened?"
"Some-freakin-how, that RAT was able to POISON the BOTH OF US in our BED last night. We're fine. She's fine. PISSED though."
Mylissia was then witnessed to start GLOWING a DEEP RED in color with her own rage and Tyler whistled as her sapphire blue eyes turned purple from her BERSERKER rage.
He looked at Seria.
"if I've ever done anything to piss you off, I'm sorry."
She smiled sweetly.
"You're forgiven. But you do owe me now."
Mylissia chuckled at the exchange along with a fair few of the court ladies. The moment eased her rage and she spoke to the kneeling Vaeric in a tone of razors.
"Vaeric Ironfucker. You stand accused of negligence and suspected contiribution to te enemy at our gates. How do you plead?"
The dwarf had a look of iron in his eyes as he replied.
"I have no defense for the negligence. The CONTRIBUTION I deny on my hammer."
Mylissia nodded.
"Your Grace."
Vaeric rose to his feet and looked at the anvil.
"Arise. Iron Mistress."
The anvil glowed a moment before a tiny glowing being not even Tyler's hand's height appeared from the metal to flit about teh dwarf.
"Now what the bloody ell have you fucked up tis time Ironfucker?"
The sprite's voice was like the sund when hammers hit iron and her frame was tiny. her entire being was grey like iron and she was grey. Vaeric sighed as he explained and the Sprite rubbed her eyes tiredly.
"Fuckin ell. I leave you for TEN fuckin minutes and you nearly get the princess killed? UGH. YOU are going to OWE me BIG fuckin time for this BAILOUT."
Tyler looked at Seria and she explained with a smile.
"She's an Iron Sprite. Sprites are elemental spirits that hold IMMENSE power over their element. Like the forest Spirit, but she's iron."
"Huh. Thanks Seria."
She beamed and the sprite sighed.
"Oh get a room you two. oh that's right. I'll be right back."
Mylissia nodded as the sprite winked out.
"Sprites know EVERYTHING that go on in their homes. And since her element is iron and its a DWARVEN CITY no less, her power is only increased."
The Sprite returned with Luster the maid in hand.
"Got her. Tryin to poison the horses. I cured them."
The Sprite looked at Tyler now.
"YOU scare the FUCK out of me."
"Ha. Appreicate the complement."
The Iron Sprite shivered and Tyler chuckled again before she returned to the task at hand.
"So yah. Here yer traitor."
Luster was unharmed but unable to move from the sprite controlling the iroj in her blood. Vaeric looked at Mylissia and the queen nodded.
"GET me the answers I NEED."
"At once."
Tyler looked at the sprite now as Luster was dragged to the glowing forge.
"So what's your name?"
The sprite smirked as she sat on the anvil.
"Guess smartass."
"BINGO. And since you GUESSED so EASILY, YOOOU get a perk!"
Tyler touched her hand and looked at his Status Plate.
"Iron's Friend. A permenant boost to my skill forging iron anything. Kinda cool getting a perk from a Sprite."
"HA. Don't be weird."
"Sure thing, Metalica."
Seria smiled sweetly now and Metalica smirked at her.
"Oh it's like THAT? Ha. Poor bastard's missing out."
The princess' smile turned sweeter and Tyler was conspiciously silent. The room looked at him and he was busy looking through his Status Plate and Seria's smile turned to him.
"I have you, Seria. I don't NEED anyone else."
She smiled warmer and hugged him.
"I love you too."
He held her tightly as Metalica sighed.
"Okay. We have WORK to do you lovebirds."
Tyler smiled as Seria merely turned around in her hug to lean against the bigger man. Vaeric returned with a VERY badly burned and whimpering Luster on a chain melted into her leg. Mylissia nodded.
"What was learned?"
VAeric sighed.
"She was a member of their Deep Hand divison your Grace. But, due to her lack of successes with her subterfuge, was cut off just the last week. Seems the mess up in Drikin is connected as she was to be the handler for the Draken up there. The snake killed by the Berserker was her last remaining pawn as the rest had been recalled."
Mylissia nodded.
"The Deep Hand. I hate those insurgents. Was that all?"
"Aye. The poison was a mere paralyzer and Lord Berserker's vitality was more then enough to snap it."
"She is condemned."
Luster was flung screeching into the forge's open door and the thing slammed shut. Vaeric nodded as the screeching died a few seconds later.
"The forge be burning hotter now."
Mylissia looked at the dwarven leader.
"You are in repence, Vaeric Ironfucker."
Tyler looked at Metalica and the sprite smirked.
"Where do ya think he got his name from?"
Mylissia continued.
"You are to redeem yourself as a DWARF in my eyes. Are we clear?"
"Yes Milady. I will atone."
She nodded and looked at Tyler.
"YOU clean that mouth."
"Ha. Sure think Mylissia."
Seria smiled as they went back to their room and did indeed clean up from the morning's excitement. She rested her head on his chest once the blood was gone.
"Thank you."
"I'll keep you safe, Seria."
She smiled at this vow before the pair got dressed and Tyler left her to the resecured room. He met the rest of the leaders in the meeting hall and Asuna smiled as he sat down.
He chuckled at that one before he looked at her.
"Anything from you guys?"
She shook her head.
"Nope. You're the Berserker."
"Makes sense. Alright. Rias and Strand, you're on raider duty today. Mina and Akeno on rest. I'll head down with your crew Rias."
She smiled.
"Sure. AND you'll go down again alone?"
"Or with one to two for heavier leveling."
"Alright. We're set."
The crew headed down to the dungeon where they were attacked by foret wolves this time. Tyler chuckled at the memory as the screeching things were cut down without issue.
"We'll be dealing with a tyrant or smething."
Rias smiled as she came up beside the powerful warrior.
"Most likely. And how is she?"
"fine. Unharmed and smiling."
"Good. We felt something was off, but too late."
"You'll get there, Rias."
She smiled at this as she slammed her staff into the head of a raptor.
"I HOPE I do. Someday."
"We've been over this."
"I'm too stubborn."
"Okay fair enough."
"Why do I feel so insulted?"
He chuckled at her newly miffed tone but said nothing more, further adding to her irritation. They found the floor boss after a few hours and sure enough. Another tyrant. This one was 10 feet tall and an Allosaurus. The beast was bought down in mere minutes with Wendy getting the kill. She was all smiles at this and leveled up to 3. Tyler blinked as he saw this.
"Oh yeah I still gotta do my points. Eh I'll do it after."
They chuckled at that as they retured to the meeting hall. Vaeric was at his forge with a new ferocity and the hall echoed from his hammerblows as Asuna smiled.
"No issues?"
The sack was emptied and Belfast got the total.
"In this we have 478,986 gold."
Tyler nodded.
"THAT by 2 is 239,493. That by 26 is 9,211 with 7 coins leftover. Those we'll put in the coffer."
Belfast smiled.
"With our latest spending, we ow have 281,142."
Tyler nodded as Asuna smiled.
"The orders were put in and we're looking at five days for everything."
"That's the same as my order as well. Good. Strand?"
"I will head down now."
The elven ranger headed out with her squad for a raid. Tyler had no interest int he rest of the loot and watched as it was split. He looked at Asuna now.
"The next big purchase is an extra wagon for our trips."
"Belfast has been looking into that one. We'll have a selection by the end of the grinding."
"I'll go see Seria."
He headed up to their chamber and found the blue haired princess snuggled on the couch with a pillow rewatching the battle with the giant. Tyler smiled as he sat beside her and she wasted no time in spinning around to put her head in his lap stillwatching the show. He patted her bally and she smiled as he opened his Status Plate.
"Okay. I have 50 points to place. I have 100 Strength, 238 defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 45 Agility, 45 Mana, 45 Dexterity, 45 Magical Defense, 500 Intelligence and 45 Magic. Alright. I'll put the usual five into Agility, Mana, MAgic, MAgical Defense and Dexterity. So 50 Agility, 50 Dexterity, 50 Mana, 50 Magic and 50 Magical defense. That last 25 I'll slap into strength. 125 Strength."
He closed his Plate and Seria smiled as he got the kill in her video.
"Never fails to make me smile, seeing you fell such a large foe."
He hugged her tightly.
"You never fail to make ME smile Seria. I love you."
"I love you too."
He held her tightly for a moment before she yawned.
"Yes dear."
She smiled and bundled herself into his coat.
"MUCH better."
He smiled and they fell asleep like that. Her happy snuggled into his coat and him wrapping her in his arms.

Tyler woke a few hours later to see Seria asleep in his arms and smiled. He stroked her long blue hair and she woke with a smile.
"I love you too."
Tyler smiled at that before his whistle vibrated and he sighed.
"I know. You have work."
"I'll be back soon enouh."
"I'll be heading back to the capital in the morning."
"I have our spell."
She smiled and he held her warmly before they split. Tyler went to the meeting hall and found Strand with her sack of loot being dumped on the floor. Asuna smiled as they settled.
"No issues or levels. But plenty of experience gained."
Tyler smiled.
"Good enough. How's it looking Belfast?"
"The total for the gold is 500,000 even. No other material collected."
"Makes sense. that by 2 is 250,000. That by 26 is 9,615 with 10 extra gold to Bloodoath."
The new totals were drawn up and Belfast smiled.
"We now have 531,142 in Bloodoath funds."
Tyler nodded.
"Alright. I'm bored and will head down now. I'll take Bell, Yoshkia, Barkhorn, and....Belfast."
The silver haired quartermaster nodded and the names pulled. Tyler gathered his crew and they headed for the dungeon. Bell flexed his wrist as they walked in.
"I'll catch up, Tyler."
"I hope so."
Barkhorn cracked her neck with a smirk.
"I'll hit level three with another good run. So let's MAKE it a good one."
Tyler smiled as he hefted his greatsword and they headed on their raid. The monsters this time around were based off rocks again with rock golems attacking them in packs. But they fell n droves before the powerful party. Then they reached the first miniboss and it was a spider's torso on stone legs that swung them at the heroes like clubs. Yoshkia brought the bizarre creature down with a potent thunderbolt that eletrocuted it where it stood. The witch was all smiles at this kill as she hit level 3 and earned a fair few pats too. Then they were on their way. Tyler smirked as the floor boss was a 15 foot tall old man of the mountain with silver armor and a greatsword in it's gorilla like hand. The beast put up a solid fight, but fell to Bell's knife following a joint assault. Belfast hit level 4, Barkohrn 3, Bell reached 5. Tyler smiled at this as they headed back up.
"Not bad people."
They smiled at this and they unloaded their newest mass of loot. Belfast smiled as she did the totals.
"This run we have made 585,455 gold."
Tyler smiled.
"That by 2 is 292,727 with one extra coin to Bloodoath. Me, Bell, Yoshkia, Barkhorn, and Belfast. That by 5 is 58,545 with 2 extra coins leftover to Bloodoath."
Belfast nodded as the shares were taken.
"The new funds in Bloodaoth is 823,869."
Tyler smiled as he added his own wealth up.
"I have 72.423. We're doing well for coin and leveling. Tomorrow is Mina and Akeno's crews back down."
They nodded and the Berserker headed up to his chamber for Seria. The princess was reading a book in a gown and she smiled as he walked in.
"Hello y love."
She got a warm hug from her fiance before they cleaned up in the tub together. Once Tyler stopped turning the water red the pair ate dinner brought n by Metalicana herself. The Iron Sprite chuckled as she set the tray down.
"Since I be the most tursted creature in the fuckin place."
She got a pat from Tyler and it pissed her RIGHT the fuck off.
"Oi ya fuckin twit. Piss ME OFF, and you'll never fuckin be able to move agin."
"Ha. I HAD to."
"Yya fuckin twit."
She winked out and Seria giggled.
"She's cute!"
Tyler chuckled as they had dinner.
"I kinda wanna call her Tinkerbell to her face. But I feel like it'd be suicide."
That got a chuckle before the pair snuggled in his immense bed. Seria smiled as she rested her head on his chest.
"I'm to head back to Mother tomorrow."
"I'll miss you."
"Me too. And we have our spell."
He smiled as he hugged her.
"I'll use it alot."
"I'll look forward to it."

DAY 24.
GOLD: 73,423.

Tyler woke to see Seria on his chest and his arms around her. The blue haired princess had climbed up ontop of him and he smiled at his warm, blue haired blanket. He hugged her and she woke with a smile.
"Good morning to you too, my Husband."
"Good morning my wife."
She shivered at that and smiled as he carried her out of the bed.
"I'll be heading back to Berun after you leave the room. Special teleport."
"I'll get stronger."
"I'll be waiting for you."
The pair cleaned up in the pool and got dressed. Tyler sharpened his starlite greatsword with a holy spell before he hugged his precious Seria. She resplendant in a tight fitting blouse and jeans with a VERY long zipper that went all the way around her curvaceous ass. Tyler chuckled at this before he headed out s she glowed blue. The Berserker met the leaders in the meeting hall as Vaeric was still hammering at the forge while giving barked orders to all and sundry outside the heroes. Asuna smiled as Tyler sat in his chair.
"Ready for more."
"Alright. I'll join Akeno's raiders. Same gimmick as yesterday people."
The raid went off without a hitch and they met back up to split loot. Belfast looked up from the nubers.
"The current total is 453,780 Tyler."
"That by two is 226,890. That by 26 is 8,726 with 14 more coins to Bloodoath."
Akeno smiled.
"Most have reached level 3 and a few are on the cusp of level 4."
"Alright. Mina, you're up."
The witch nodded and headed out as Tyler looked at Victoria.
"So what WAS our training supposed to be here?"
The knight captain chuckled.
"Raiding he dungeon. But you're doing it better. I be here if ya need me."
"Alright. Asuna, pick a crew and head down."
"On it. YOU?"
"I'll do the same."
Belfast smiled and he looked at her curiously.
"Say it."
"Do not go overboard dear."
"Ha. I'm the leader for a reason."
"Ah. Do be careful."
Tyler built a five man raider crew from the Knights and hit the dungeon as well. His boss turning out to be a cave troll 17 feet tall and with stone for skin. They won the fight by using the ice to make it trip and in turn crack it's skin enough for a sword to be thrust between the plates. Tyler smiled as they returned and found Asuna and Mina also returning. Belfast had a magical device now for the figures as Mina's sack was emptied first.
"The total for your raid is 543,700. That by 2 is 271,850. That by 26 is 10,455 with 20 coins leftover for the oath."
The shares were taken and Mina reported the levels.
"I hit level 4 and Sakamoto is level 4 as well. The remainder are halfway to 4."
They nodded and Asuna was up next. Belfast had a rather cute pair of half glasses on her face that Tyler was tempted to steal a picture of,
"I see that urge, Tyler dear."
"Sorry Belfast. Those glasses just WORK for you."
She smiled as she looked over the top of the things at him now and he whistled.
She chuckled at that one as Akeno chuckled.
"She DOES make a sexy teacher Tyler!"
"Okay. I am getting flashbacks to MANNNNNY different things in many more different places. Let's move on."
Rias smirked at that one.
"Should we be concerned?"
"Okay no."
"Can we refocus please?"
Asuna's irritated sigh was the bone that got their attention. Her party emptied out their sacks and Belfast smiled knowingly over her glasses as she did the math.
"Your raid has garnered 505,470 gold. That by two is 252,735. That by 5 is 50,547."
The shares were taken and Tyler looked at her.
"How we lookin fro party coin Belfast?"
She looked.
"We currently have 1,575,371."
He whistled.
"In two days we're NEARLY at what we had."
They chuckled as he presented his sakc now and Belfast smiled.
"YOUR party offers 654,574. that by 2 is 327,287. That by five is 65,457 with 2 extra coins to Bloodoath. Our new total is 1,902,658."
Tyler nodded and smiled.
"Alright. We're done for the days' raiding. Tomorrow is Rias and Strand's squads."
They smiled and headed to rest as Tyler looked at his funds. I have 138,880. I'll go poke around the magic shop. See about a cut enhancer ability. The Berserker smiled as he headed for the marketplace. He found the magic shop without issue and the dwarf running it chuckled.
"I wunneref when you'd be in here Lord Berserker. Lookin for some new tricks?"
"Always. I'm looking for a Slayer ability that doubles cutting power."
"You want Diamond Cutter. is a Stackable ability that doubles the cutting power of a single stroke. Also works on greatswords. 5,000."
"Alright. I'd like one that adds force to a blow."
"Ah. You want HAmmershot. Adds force based on strength and swing. 5,000."
Tyler thought for a moment before he smirked.
"A paralyze spell."
The dwarf chuckled.
"THOSE are rare in the extreme. And alas one I don't have."
"Ahh that'd be too easy. A poison ability. Adds a touch of toxin to a cut."
"Scary. Poisonfang. Coats the weapon in th last toxin handled by your hands. 7,500."
Tyler smiled as he added the abilities and spells to his arsenal.
"Come again."
The Berserker headed back up to his chamber for a bath and settled on the couch for a breather. Weird. When not on the trail there's sudden't not a lot for me to do. I could go back into the dungeon, but that's a LITTLE risky for mere boredom. Seria's on her way home and the rest are busy. I could go hang out with Rias, but that just opens another door. He settled for a nap then and dozed for a while before he woke to see Metalica bring in his dinner. The iron sprite smirked as he sat up with a groan.
"wow you suck."
"Thanks for pointing that out Tink."
She glared at him and her gause like wings fluttered.
"I know what that means ya fuckin twit."
"I hate you."
He chuckled and the tiny sprite sighed as she fluttered around.
"Ugh. idiot."
Once fed the Berserker cleaned up in the pool and laid in his surprisingly lonely bed missing the feel of Seria beside him. He smiled as he remembered the spell. The lone Berserker relaxed and drifted ff to sleep.

DAY 25.
GOLD: 121,280.

Tyler woke the next morning with a yawn and chuckled at the odd feeling of sleeping alone.
"Still a weird feeling."
He cleaned up in the bath and had a good breakfast of eggs, bacon and coffee before he headed to the leaders. Asuna smiled as he sat done.
"Mornin. Rias and her crew are ready."
"Good. I'll go with em. We got two more days in the city before we head out again."
Victoria nodded as she unrolled the map of Macedona. She tapped Dunkrick.
"The next trip you're to take is to return to the capital from here, going THIS WAY."
She traced a long line from the mountain city to the coast, along the coast, and then back up through Wilder Forest to the capital.
"It's a solid two week trip by horse. Barring any incidents. There are a number of villages, towns, and a city or two we'll pass through. We're to return to the capital and by that point, you'll be ready to be sent on sorties for the war."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the vast distances involved.
"Asuna, Belfast, we'll need a third and a fourth wagon for this kinda trip."
They nodded gravely and Belfast looked at him.
"I will preuse their selection after the day's grinding. Points of interest?"
"Durability, cargo space, cost, and ease of maintain."
"I will be most critical."
"Alright. Rias? Let's go kill stuff."
The redhead chuckled as they headed out.
"I'd like a game."
"Sure. Shiro?"
"Oh she an I are BITTER rivals over the chessboard. I've beaten hear a few times. She's not happy."
"I can imagine."
They invaded the dungeon and were attacked by zombies. Rias smiled as the holy magic flew thick and fast.
"Nobody's seen Issei in days. Popular opinion is he was killed on the road."
"I'm okay. And i feel better."
"I'm glad."
She smiled warmly at that as they reached the floor boss and found it to be an undead Alpine bear. the thing fell to Tyler's holy magic attacks and he smiled as he leveled up.
"level 8."
"Come on."
The group reported to the leaders and Asuna slumped as he broke the news.
"Level 8."
"We're three days grind in the hole. I get it. How many points?"
"About 50 this time. I know what I'll do with em too."
Belfast smiled as she looked up from the numbers.
"This raid you brought back 754,340 Tyler. That by 2 is 377,170. That by 26 is 14,506 with 14 coins left to party."
He nodded and looked at Asuna.
"Who's the lowest level in the Knights?"
she looked.
"That would's a group of four. Shiro, Sora, Gasper, and a boy named Hiro. They're level 3s though."
"Strand, take them on your raid."
"I'll have a full 30 warriors, Tyler."
"I know. I want them level four."
"I will get to it."
Rias chuckled.
"Gaspy's working hard. Problem is his skills aren't really frontline warrior."
"He'll be fine Rias. I'm level 8. I want everyone four or higher before we ride out again."
They nodded and he smiled.
"I'll go do my numbers. Asuna, build a 6 man party of high levels and hit the dungeon."
"On it."
Tyler went to his chamber for his Stats. He sighed as he opened his Status Plate.
"Alright. I have 50 points to place. My stats are 125 Strength, 238 defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 50 Agility, 50 Mana, 50 Dexterity, 50 Magical Defense, 500 Intelligence and 50 Magic. Alright. I'll dump the points into agility, mana, magic, magical defense, and dexterity. 60 each. I have 125 Strength, 238 Defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 60 MAgic, 60 Agility, 60 Magical defense, 60 Dexterity, 500 intelligence. Not bad for a former couch potatoe."
The Berserker headed back to the table and was just in time to meet Strand's returning party. The elven ranger smiled as they sat down.
"ALL four leveled to 4 Tyler. And we made a good amount too."
He nodded as the pile was dumped.
"Alright. Belfast?"
She smiled.
"Lady Strand's total is 756,549 gold. that by 2 is 378,274 with one extra coin to party. That by 30 is 12,609 with four leftover coins."
Tyler smiled.
"Alright. Asuna, two parties of the lowest levels and we'll hit it again."
"On it."
Mina perked up.
"I have an idea."
"Funny. We make a squad of the lowest levels and have them hit the dungeon twice in one day. with the way they work, they'll hit the needed levels in one day."
Asuna thought it over before nodding.
"We'll do that for tomorrow's raiding Mina. Good call."
Tyler and Asuna went on their seperate raids and came back with loot. The Berserker smiled as he unloaded first.
"We're at floor 7 in the dungeon now. Not bad people."
They chuckled at that as Belfast did the math.
"You brought back 758,950 gold. That by 2 is 379,475. That by 5 is 75,895."
Tyler got his share as Asuna poured hers out.
"The amount this time is 765,890. That by 2 is 382,945. That by five is 76,589."
Tyler whistled at the numbers as he looked at Victoria.
"Are payouts like that normal?"
She chuckled.
"Yup. A SINGLE high paying raid can make millionaire of you. One a the reasons the dungeon is hit so hard and so desperately."
Belfast smiled.
"I have our new numbers."
They looked at her and she smiled.
"As of these raids, we have 3,420,522 gold. The safe holds 5,000,000."
Tyler nodded.
"When you need to upgrade the safe let us know and we'll go with you."
"I will. And our equipment from Vaeric is ahead of schedule due to his new fire. It will be ready for use in the morning."
"Alright. Good work today everyone."
The warrior went up to his chamber and passed a mirror on his way in and smiled at the stubble around his face and the mess his hair had become.
"That time already."
He sat in front of the enchanted mirror with the enchanted scissors and a razor to clean up properly. His trimmings being incinerated by a spell and when he was finished, his hair was back to it's usual short cut style while his face was smooth. He looked years younger and he was only fifteen! Happy with his image he cleaned up in the pool while doing his own funds and abilities up.
"Gold I have 211,681. Spells I have I have firebolt, Firestorm, Thunderfield, Iced Wall, Hallowed Ground, Healing Tough, MAgical Rebuff, Snake Purge, Purify, Frozen Wastes, Divine Slicer, and Sunburn. Ghost cut, Dark Sacralant, Shatter Shaft, mighty Blow, Sense Presence, and Adamantium Skin, Diamond Cutter, Poisonfang, Hammershot for abilities. Not bad for the first few weeks."
He laid on the couch and Metalica appeared with a futter of wings to lay on his chest. The hand sized sprite having the appearance of a busty woman with longer then she was tall slate grey hair and grey skin and eyes. Her attire was an iron gown perfectly molded to her tiny frame and as she got comfoy on his rising chest, Tyler felt an immense warmth spread through him from that spot.
"Well, hello there."
Metalica chuckled in her tiny soprano.
"I'm bored and you're fun to be around."
"eh go with it."
She settled on his back and he just shrugged. The berserker relaxed with the tiny sprite asleep on his chest for a few hours until she woke with a squeaky yawn. Tyler smiled at her and she sat up.
"I'll be right back."
Her grey glow vanished and when she returned she had a tray of food for them. He miled.
"Thanks for being the maid Metalica."
She chuckled as the tiny sprite glowed and grew into a 5 foot tall girl. She was exactly the same in appearance, just the size of a normal person.
"No sweat. Sides. I like how your heart an soul feels. It feels.....relaxing."
He patted her and the sprite smiled as they ate together. Metalica smiled warmly now as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I think I'll stick by you."
"I have Seria. You'd have no shot."
"I know. I don't WANT a shot with you. I just want to keep near you. Your soul is very relaxing to me. And I like it."
He smiled at this.
"Like a familar?"
"Close but not exactly. I'd be your Astral. Which is similar to a familar but instead of a contract in blood we sign a contract in trade. I get something and you get something."
"So what eactly do you want?"
"Well, I want to live inside your soul like I did that anvil. You'd get boosted Vitality, mana, Magic, magical defense, and I'd get a home that feels nice."
He smiled at this.
"Would you be trapped?"
"Oh not at all. Moble home is the better term. And I'd be able to come an go at will. You'd get a permenant snuggle sprite too and so would the princess."
"Ha. I'd need to clear that with her first."
He chuckled as he looked outside and noted the darkness.
"Night's Longing."
Seria rose from the floor all smiles/
"I KNEW you'd call em today!"
Tyler hugged her tightly as Metalica watched with a smile. The Berserker smiled warmly.
"Metalica has a request."
Seria smirked.
"Oh? This will be amusing."
The two ladies went into a sphere for their chat as Tyler sat on the couc waiting for them. Fifteen minutes later te sphere dropped and Seria smiled as she snuggled her fiance.
"I'll allow it. Sprites commonly reside in souls of those they find suitable and it's actually seen as a sign of worth. Since she's an Iron Sprite, it'll just add to your reputation."
Metalica smiled as Tyler looked at her.
"Alright Metalica. Whar;s it take?"
She took his finger and bit him to the point he bled into her mouth. She glowed and a blaze of warmth flooded Tyler's center and she smiled.
"There. All moved in."
"THIS feels weird."
"Your soul is ice cold when not around Seria. You'll grt used to it."
"Alright. Welcome to the Kinghts of the Bloodoath Metalica."
The iron sprite smiled as she shrank down to tiny fairy to settle on his shoulder.
"I'll pull my weight. I'm a master blacksmith and craftsman with the Make Proficency. BAsically it means I'm highly skilled at making things."
"We have a camp blacksmith and craftsmen now. Alright."
Seria smiled as she looked at him.
"She'll live in my soul too. Seems I'm really sweet to her."
"You're sweet to EVERYONE Seria."
She giggled and he hugged her tightly and Metalica smiled as she wedged herself between them for a theft of a hug. Then the trio went to the bed where Metalica snuggled on his chest in her fairy form and Seria took her spot in Tyler's right arm. The Berserker smiled as he relaxed.
"Good night, Seria. I love you."
"Good night, Tyler. I love you too. Night Metalica!"
"Night Metalica"
"Night you two."

DAY 26.
GOLD: 211,681.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 3,420,522.

Tyler woke to the sight of a tiny grey sprite asleep on his forehead with her incredibly soft grey hair over his eyes and Seria asleep on his chest. He blinked at this oddly cute perch and Seria smiled.
"She sure does like you."
Her blue eyes opened and Tyler smiled as Metalica woke with a squeaking yawn.
"Morning ladies. Metalica? Nifty place to sleep."
The iron sprite chuckled as she sat above his nose dangling her little legs over his face.
"Can I say? You're that kinda comfy."
"Okay. I love you, Seria."
She smiled at his as Metalica fluttered off his face for their breakfast. Seria smiled as they got out of bed.
"She's cute."
"She is. You okay?"
"Oh I am fine. Having a sprite choose your soul to live in is just something people want since it makes them kinda important."
He hugged her as Metalica returned with their breakfast. the three ate together before Seria faded out and the Berserker looked at Metalica.
"We'll be busy today."
She chuckled and shrank down to her fairy size before zipping into his chest.
I'll be NIIIICE and cozy in here.
He chuckled at the warmth coursing through him and the voice in his head now as he geared up.
"I hear voices in my head, they comfort me, they understand."
The iron sprite chuckled at this reference as the Berserker headed to meet with the rest. Asuna smiled as he sat down.
"Morning Tyler."
"Morning Asuna. Alright. I got news."
She nodded.
"ME too. You first."
Metalica appeared on his shoulder and Rias blinked at this appearance as Tyler explained.
"Metalica joined our merry band of idiots. Seems she likes my soul ad lives in there now."
Rias chuckled at this.
"Of course she does and did. We-"
"I still owe you a game."
"I forgot too. I'll be up later. We'll keep her entertained."
Metalica snorted.
"I'm a master blacksmith, big red, okay? I got tricks."
Asuna smiled.
"We have a Bloodoath craftsman now. we'll keep her supplied."
Belfast smiled as she looked at the tiny sprite.
"I will have a seperate budget for your materials, Metalica."
"Thanks Silver Queen. I got all my tools inside my moble home."
"Ugh. explains the heat in myt chest."
A few shivered at the images given by Tyler's halfhearted grumble and Metalica smiled.
"You're fine. My forge feeds off your soul's intensity and the fumes are extra mana and magic for ya. ya got a title from it."
He looked at his Status Plate.
"Sprite's Iron Home. Granted for agreeing to be an iron sprite's moble home and her WILLINGLY agree to inhabit my soul. Boosts magic, mana, and magical defense by 150. THAT is a BIG boost. I have 210 per."
Rias whistled.
"I have 200 mana. YOU got more an I do now."
He smiled.
"I'm pretty well balanced now with a few more holes I gotta fill. Once that's done, I'll be able to branch out a bit more."
Asuna chuckled.
"Kirito's strategy for SAO."
"With my own flair."
Tyler then looked at Asuna.
"what do you have?"
"Our orders were completed last night. ALL of them including yours."
The Berserker replaced his rusting and badly torn scalemail and chainmail with the tinsel like silveria chainmail and scalemail shirts. Then his older equipment was replaced with the higher quality starlite. His image now black and blue with silver underneath. Asuna smiled as she buckled her new starlite breastplate on.
"NOW we have properly leveled gear, we can hit the dungeon a little harder."
"It's Mina and Akeno's turn. You know the drill ladies. I'll join your party Akeno."
She nodded with a smile and the riaders headed out. The raid went off without a hitch and they returned to the meeting hall where Belfast did the math.
"This raid we garnered 856,435 gold. That by two is 428,217 with one extra coin to party. That by 26 is 16,469 with 23 coins left over."
The shares were taken and Tyler nodded for Mina's squad. The strike witch headed out and Tyler looked at his Status Plate.
"Halfway to level 9 already."
Asuna smiled.
"The Knights are all hovering at 5 haflway to 6 with a few above. Kirito and Bell reached level 7 and a few are level 6. We're closing the gap. I think."
Tyler chuckled at that optimisim before he looked at Belfast.
"You find any wagons?"
She nodded.
"I did. Lady Strand aided in the decision."
A pair of photos of two pioneer style carts were slid over and the elven Ranger explained.
"Overlanders. These are the usual models taken by long haul merchants. It set the Bloodoath back 250,000 for the pair but the price is worth it. I'd suggest trading in out other wagon too as it's a mere Roamer. It'll do the job and do it well, but there be better options."
Tyler smiled.
"We'll keep it for a bait wagon. when we make camp we'll make it seem like that's where the safe is."
They chuckled at this and Rias perked up.
"Issei hasn't been seen since the banishment. His horse made it to Drikin, but not Issei. Right now no one knows where he is. Or if he's even alive."
Asuna shrugged.
"Odds are another zombie got em."
Tyler smirked at the dar possibility and Rias smiled.
"I'm okay. MILDLY curious, but okay."
Tyler shrugged at that before he looked at Asuna.
"We have one more day in the city. Then we;re heading out for the coast."
She nodded.
"Tomorrow we'll rebuild ur supplies with the two extra wagons. Belfast?"
"I have the list ready."
Tyler smiled and he looked at Victoria.
"We ride the morning of the third day."
She nodded with a smile.
"We'll be ready. The escort knights will remain in Dunkrick and I'll go with you."
He nodded and smiled.
"Asuna, you know the drill."
The pair built small raidng crews and hit the dungeon. They reconvened at the end of the raids with Mina's squad and Tyler smirked.
"ONE more good raid and I'm level nine."
They chuckled at that as the first sack was emptied. Tyler did the math this time.
"We got 875,342 this time. That by 2 is 473,671. That by 26 nets us 16,833 with 13 coins left over. Not bad."
The shares were taken and his sack was emptied.
"My crew brought up 985,245. That by 2 is 492,622 with one extra coin to party. That by 5 is 98,524 with 4 coins leftover."
He got his share and Asuna dumped her sack.
"We brought up 1,237,242. Hit THREE minibosses. ALL of us leveled up. I'm 6 nearly to seven, Kirito and Bell are 7 and the rest are JUST on the cusp of 6."
Tyler smiled.
"We'll rest the rest a the day. Okay. That by 2 is 618,621. That by 5 is 123,724 with 4 extra coins. All told in the Bloodoath we have 5,183,653."
Belfast nodded.
"we will need a higher quality safe."
Metalica appeared on his shoulder with a soft pop.
"Te shop is on the Tip level and the cost of a safe that holds 10,000,000 is 300,000."
Tyler smiled.
We'll see to that one now."
The friends headed up to the Tip level with the iron sprite their guide. The shop was found without issue and the safe was a mere breadbox with enchanted interior. 300,000 gold later they were back in the meeting hall divvying up the keys to the safe. Tyler smiled as he hung his around his neck.
"Alright. Tomorrow we're building for the trip out. Morning after we;re riding out."
They nodded and the Berserker headed to his chamber for some rest after two full raids. Metalica appeared in her larger fairy form and snuggled RIGHT up against him as he laid on the couch. He patted the snuggly sprite and she smiled.
"This is nice too."
The door opened and Rias walked in with the chessboard. Tyler chuckled as he sat up.
"I was wondering when you'd barge in."
The redhead chuckled as Metalica returned to tiny fairy to snuggle into his collarbone.
"Only place I THINK i can escape Shiro's demands for a rematch."
They pressed the buttons and their pieces appeared. Seria was still Tyler's queen while on Rias' board he was still her king and she was the queen. He smiled at this reminder and Rias smiled too. The game progressed with Rias winning and Tyler smirking. The friends went quite a few round with neither able to gain a solid lead over the other. Metalica was sound asleep on his collarbone and had nothing to really offer besides that as Rias lost again and sighed.
"Always nice, Rias."
He sighed.
"I don't bite."
"You grew up with AKENO and your mother."
"Okay fair enough."
They ate together and Rias smiled as she snuggled with the tall berserker in his bed.
"You've lost weight."
He looked at her curiously and she smiled.
"Your belly's a lot smaller and your cheeks have less puff."
He smiled at that as he stroked her blood red hair.
"You look the exact same."
"Thanks. I...miss this."
He held her tightly.
"I haven;t forgotten you, I promise."
Rias smiled at this as Metalica poked her head out with a mild look of confusion.
"Hi. Question."
They looked at her curiously.
"Yeah. WHY is SERIA the one you're marrying, when being around HER sets your soul FIRE like it is RIGHT NOW?"
They blinked and GTyler had a look of visible confusion and Metalica blinked.
"Ummm, no?"
"Oh for fuck's sake. Ugh."
Rias had a wide eyed look on her face as she looked at e Sprite.
"Um, hi, what are you talking about?"
"The REASON he loves Seria so freakin much is he can FEEL her effect on his soul. YOURS he CAN'T. I am sitting on a VOLCANO right now. When SERIA is around, I sit on a GLACIER."
Tyler tilted his head.
"In idiot terms?"
"Your HEART loves Seria with everything it is. Your SOUL, however, WORSHIPS THE GROUND THAT REDHEAD WALKS ON. To the POINT OF FIRE. Since you're a smouldering person to begin with, you can't feel it. But DAMN DUDE."
Tyler sighed at this new revelation and Rias was quick.
"I just want to cuddle like we did in the room. THAT'S ALL."
He smiled at that and she et out a sigh of relief.
"Oh. I don't want to be alone in my bed again. ALL my friends got snagged by their friends and even ASIA'S booked."
Tyler stroked her blood red hair soothingly.
"I got room for a cuddler, Rias."
"Thanks, Tyler. And...maybe?"
"Been over this."
"I know."

DAY 27.
GOLD: 326,674

Tyler woke to the feel of rias clinging to his side with both her arms around him with an almost desperate feel to it and her face was buried into his chest. He smiled at this as he stroked her soft hair.
"Morign Rias."
She smiled as her blue eyed opened.
"Good morning. I needed this."
He sighed and hugged her tightly.
"You matter."
Metalica woke then with a yawn.
"Morning you two. Tyler? DO SOMETHING with that heat okay? it;s freakin SWELTERING in there."
He looked at the sprite curiously and she sighed.
"Your SOUL is like a VOLCANO for that girl. Get over yourself, and let it blow for fuck's sake."
"Ugh. We've been over this, Metalica. I love Seria. NOT her-"
"Say her name dammit."
"NOT RIAS. I love Seria. NOT RIAS."
The sprite winced then.
"Damn. The volcano just scorched me."
Rias had a serene expression on her face as she looked at Metalica.
"IS there hope?"
"Oh absolutely. THIS idiot has a plan. Problem is, well, seems he's TRYING to make an impact."
Rias was visibly confused by this revelation...before she gasped
Tyler let out a heavy sigh now and Metalica looked at him exasperated.
"Don't you give me that shit. Did you REALLY THINK leading her along like that until the wedding, WHENEVER the fuck it will be, was NOT CRUEL OR EVIL? Come on. You know better then that."
Rias had a new smile of hope on her face as she pieced something together.
"He;ll give her the wedding of her dreams...and go from there. Okay."
Tyler glared at her VICIOUSLY and she held his gaze with a smile.
"I SWEAR I won't say a thing."
He sighed with relief before laying flat.
"Well. Kinda."
"I'll let it go."
"Thanks Rias. Like I said. You DO mean something to me."
"I get it. I'm not the primary."
He sighed at that and Metalica just patted him.
"It would have come out sooner or later Tyler. And I AM your bonded Sprite. Soooo kinda like a guide to your soul."
"Ya coulda tol me that at the get go, Metalica."
"I THOUGHT it;d be kinda of obvious when hey, I AM LIVING INSIDE YOUR SOUL."
The trio got out bed and had breakfast together and Rias rested her head on his shoulder.
"Can...we keep cuddling Tyler? Please?"
"Ugh. Fine."
She deflated from relief and smiled.
"I hate being alone."
"You are NOT alone."
"I needed that."
The trio headed to the meeting hall and Asuna smiled as they took their seats.
"morning. we the Knights loading up on food and supplies for the trip. Belfast has Javelin helping her with the figures."
Tyler nodded as he unrolled the map and Strand tapped the road from Dunkrick.
"We'll head back the way we came until this spot here."
She tapped the snow covered section before tracing the second path at the fork.
"Then take this one down the mountain. It'll put us up there for three days in the cold. But we'll have fresh equipment and it is VERY high quality. we should be fine."
"Plus we have the mountaineers to help. Mina, have Sanya dust off her Orussian snow skills."
"Already did."
Strand smiled before tracing a finger along a road running along the edgre of a grand canyon.
"This is the Border between Macedona and the Draken controlled country of Hangilt. Its a desert country with sandstorms reputed to be able to tear the flesh from your very bones. Thankfully we'll be on the safe side of the canyon. That will be a slog due to the desert's heat."
"We;ll travel at night then."
"That be the only way to pass without killing yourself. And ice spells. PLENTY of ice spells."
Tyler chuckled.
"four per person. Got it."
"and see about ice enchanted blankets or something like it for the girls with thicker hair."
"OOOH clever! Will do."
Strand chuckled before she ran her finger to the coast.
"The Pharn Coast. it runs along the eastern edge of the Queendom and end at the western. There be a number of fishing villages, towns, port cities, and the like we'll be passing through. The climate is termperate with sea weather. So be ready for random thunderstorms and occasional hurricanes."
Tyler chuckled at that before the road curved up to reach Berun.
"We'll swing north to return to Berun. All told without any issues is two weeks on the trail."
"We'll need fresh shoes on the horses too."
Asuna chuckled.
"They were replaced when we got here."
"Alright. Today is a build day. Tomorrow morning we ride."
They nodded and the Berserker smiled.
The friends scattered to their tasks and Tyler smiled as he saw the three wagons filled with the Knight's supplies.
"It'll be nice to be on the road again."
Belfast came over to him then.
"You were off schedule this morning."
He sighed and they went to a corner out of the way where he explained what happened. The silver haired quartermaster sighed as she heard of his soul from Metalica.
"I see. The Lady Seria should be informed."
"She should. AFTER the wedding."
"I understand your reason. yet to drag this out like you intend to is EVIL AND CRUEL. That girl loves you. Rias I am talking about. She loves you to the point she has forsaken EVERYONE else. either you contact Lady Seria and inform her of this development, or I will."
Tyler just sighed as he leaned on a wall.
"I DON'T love Rias, Belfast. I've told you this, I' ve told HER THIS, I DON'T WANT HER. I have Seria."
Metalica sighed as she appeared.
"You're aying that because you can;t feel your own soul. YES you DO want her. And it HURTS when you say otherwise. Dude. ADMIT IT. It won't kill you."
He sighed.
"Oh for god's sakes ENOUGH. I have nothing to admit. I love Seria. NOT Rias. We're not going to keep arguing about this."
Belfast looked him in the eye.
"Break it off with Rias then."
That reminder made her sigh.
"You have and I was there for it. Several times now. But she PINES."
"I am not doing this. No. I told her RIGHT at the get go she had no chance. I don't want her. SERIA doesn't want this either. I am engaged to Seria. I love Seria. I am WITH SERIA. Rias is just gonna have to get over it and accept this. Okay Rias?"
The redhead came over with a saddened expression and faced the unflinching Berserker.
"Okay. I'll....try to move on."
"I hate that I have to go this far, but enough is enough."
Rias hung her head as a single tear fell.
"I'm sorry I fell in love with you, Tyler."
He sighed at that piteous mew.
"I'm flattered and touched that you did. But I am in love with another girl, I can;t give you what you seek."
Rias shivered at this reminder and looked at him with small tears in her eyes.
"We're still friends, right?"
"The very best."
She smiled through her tears.
"I...can live with that."
Metalica leaned in Belfast's ear.
"His soul is BAWLING right now. Like I'M about to cry right now."
"His heart?"
"Has steeled itself to do what he has to. His heart BURNS for Seria, his soul has Rias on a freakin pedestal like a goddess and him her most devote worshipper."
"Oh my. He cannot feel his soul?"
"No. If he DID, this entire scenario would be reversed."
"Do you love me, Tyler?"
Rias' tiny, heartfelt mew made them all look at her and she had tears of nerves in her blue eyes as she asked the question. Tyler looked her in the eye.
"I do love you, Rias. As my very best friend, most cherished icon, example on what a leader is supposed to be, and my closest friend."
She smiled at this revelation and hugged him.
"I love you too. As a lover, BEST FRIEND, and someone I can depend for ANYTHING."
He smiled at that and patted her on the shoulder.
"Come on."
She sniffed and let him go. Metalica shivered.
Belfast looked at her and she shivered.
"His soul just cracked. Like a piece broke off and went with HER. His heart's just fine."
Tyler sighed.
"Are we done here?"
Rias wiped her eyes nodding.
"Yeah. I'm okay."
Belfast nodded and Metalica looked at him.
"I hope you're happy, Tyler. You just turned your back on your soul."
"I AM happy, Metalica. I have Seria."
"Romantic aside, you don't have to clamshell the hell out of everything you know."
He sighed and just walked out of the nook. Rias watched him go and Belfast came to her.
"I am here."
"I used my power to touch his soul, Belfast."
"And how did it feel?"
Rias smiled as she brushed her hair out of her face.
"Amazing. He loves me with all his soul while his heart is fixated on Seria. Like i said. I'm not the primary. But I AM the favorite. There is no way in hell it doesn't surface sooner or later. Not with THAT soulburn. I'm patient. I'll wait my turn."

Tyler sighed as he walked from the nook. Why is it that every damn time me an Rias spend FIVE FUCKING MINUTES together drama ensues? Seriously! Waifu or not I have TOLD HER I DON'T WANT HER and she STILL keeps trying. stubborn, I'll give her that.
"Oh. Dear."
Belfast came hurrying over and smiled sweetly.
"I STILL expect you to inform the LAdy Seria of this development. OR I WILL."
He sighed ad she walked away before he could reply.
"Gods DAMMIT."
The mentally exhausted warrior walked away and grabbed a flask of whiskey from a nearby shop for 30 gold and took a HUGE relaxing swig.
"Oh crap."
Asuna walked over as he put the top on and he looked at her curiously.
"Ugh. Go easy on the relaxer, okay? Some bad memories there."
"Oh damn. Sure. Sorry Asuna."
She smiled at that geninueness.
"I guess I knew something YOU didn't. And there's a baggie of mints there in case you go overboard with the smell."
"Ha. I see you been there too."
"Yeah. Mother likes her red wine."
"Yeesh. How we lookin?"
"We're set. Just quality of life at this point."
The pair walked along the stalls now seeking holes as Tyler slid the flask into his coat.
"Hey Asuna,"
"I ask you somethng?"
She looked at him curiously now.
"In my world, SAO is listed under harem anime as well as isekai,"
She smirked at this.
"Interesting. He DOES have a following. Yet I am his WIFE for a REASON."
"HOW did you get them to GIVE UP?"
She blinked at this before she sighed.
"Well. I really didn't. I more or less just tolerated them. Kirito made it VERY CLEAR he was not interested and all accepted it. Well. Sinon was difficult due to her past tramua and Kirito's everything. I dunno what the show showed, but we'd get into LITERAL screaming matches in the middle of school or the street or a resturante once when she went too far. That last one broke the camel's back and Kirito went off on her. Kinda BADLY too. She ran out in tears and that was the last time she ever TRULY flirted with him. I felt bad for her, but she was getting desperate. Kirito and I are in love. He had no interest in her, and he made it perfectly clear on NUMEROUS occasions. After a point, it was HER FAULT for still trying."
Tyler sighed as he got them some fried raptor on a stick for 40 gold.
"Thank you."
"Sure Asuna. Reason I ask is Rias is more or less Sinon right now."
"I'm aware. I'm not blind. YOU like her."
"Course I do. Rias was MY waifu back in teh other world. Here I have Seria as my fiance. And Rias wants in."
Asuna nodded as they wandered through the stalls now munching on their snack.
"I've HEARD YOU telling her off and how COLD you were to Shiro when she stepped over a line. I get she means a lot to you, but, and this is just my take. She;s gone WAAAAY too far. She is WAY too comfortable with her position and the fact you haven;t ACTUALLY responded in kind. Sinon tried to steal a hug from Kirito in public and that set it off. SHE will just POP IN and hug you and cuddle and you know. I think, it's time you cut her off entirely and make her STAY away from you."
He sighed at that as the sticks were tossed in cans.
"I WANT TO, but at the same time, i DON'T want to."
"Kirito said the same thing. She means a lot to you."
He smiled at this.
"Yeah. She does."
"There is NOTHING wrong with that. So long as you SET A LINE and make sure she DOESN'T cross it."
He smiled at this as he made a choice in his heart.
"A clear line. Thanks Asuna."
The redheaded wife smiled warmly at the berserker.
"Your're welcome, Tyler. Kinda cool having YOU come to ME for advice."
"try it from my end. I just had to ask the wife of my other best friend for ADVICE in keeping overlyaggressive chicks at bay."
"You win."
The pair laughed at the absurdity as Kirito walked out of a show and saw them walking.
"If I were insecure, I'd say you were out on a date Asuna."
The redhead chuckled as she hugged her husband.
"If you WEREN'T insecure, Kirito, you'dda not said that."
Tyler chuckled.
"Thanks a lot Asuna. Yo Kirito."
"I know."
"She's a keeper."
The pair brofisted and Tyler headed off for the Tip with a refreshed heart. Rias pulls this again, I'll tell her flatout either drop it, or be kicked from the Knights. Tyler sighed at the choice he now had to make for the sake of the peace of the Knights, and his engagement to Seria. As he walked by a sweets' shop,
Asia appeared with a pounce for a hug and he chuckled at this sweethearted surprise.
"Oh hey Asia. Raiding the sweetshop?"
She smiled.
"Uh-huh! They have chocolate up here!"
He patted his adorable friend.
"You're too damn cute sometimes Asia."
"Ugh. Okay. You have your crown of Queen of cute back."
"Yay! Shiro's fun."
"Ha. So what's up?"
Asia hugged him hard.
"Seria's sweet and she loves you too! Having many people that love you isn't a bad thing. Having many people that love you and you try to push them away is. Be happy you have so many people now that LOVE THE FUCK OUT OF YOU, and, this is just my advice, try to open up to them a little more instead of shutting everyone else out for ONE PERSON. Okay?"
He chuckled at this.
"Her name was Hestia right?"
Asia squeaked.
"How'd ya know?"
"She has a habit of sticking her nose in. and this one is kinda her sermon."
"Huh. She said you needed some SERIOUS advice and to repeat those words exactly. I got a blessing from her for doing it too."
"Thanks Asia. I guess.....I just need to talk to Seria."
"Yup! Don't worry. I'm not that into you."
He slid her an extra 500 gold.
"Go crazy."
She had a new look of excitement and ran back into the sweetshop where Shiro, Unicorn, Koneko and Xenovia were waiting. Tyler walked for the lift with a chuckle.
"The cuteness brigade. Thanks Hestia."
The Berserker headed to his chambers where he took the orb out and Mylissia appeared with a smirk.
"I know that look. Do I need to get a spike?"
"Nah. The spell only works at night."
"Ah. Sweetie!"
Seria bounced into view and Tyler smiled at her.
"Hey Seria."
She chuckled....and stepped OUT OF THE HOLOGRAM AS AN ACTUAL PERSON to hug him.
He just hugged her.
"This point nothing can surprise me."
She giggled before sitting beside him on the couch.
"So what happened?"
He explained everything. Metalica, Rias, Asuna's advice, Hestia's interference, and his own ultimatium. Seria rested her head on his leg as she digested the news.
"So you're going to tell Rias either to drop the harem thing, or be kicked from the Bloodoath."
"That's the size of it."
"And yet, you REALLY don't want to. Either kick her out OR even PUT her in that position. She means a lot you."
He nodded with a look of strain on his face.
"Yeah. Before I met you, if you asked me, I'dda said SHE was the one I loved most."
Seria smiled.
"Are yuo after my PERMISSION or my SUPPORT?"
"I don;t even know. What I DO KNOW, is I am TIRED of the drama. She once called me out for AVOIDING her, and yet nearly every time we hang out, some shitshow starts. and yet when I DISTANCE myself from her, I'M teh bad guy. Asuna is the only one that seems ti see it as it is thank gods."
Seria chuckled as she took her fiance's hand.
"What does your HEART say Tyler?"
He sighed.
"Give her the ultimatium with a spiked door."
"Your mind?"
"Keep her in the party for her POTENT magic. She is an EXTREMELY powerful mage and is a HIGHLY skilled leader. We NEED her in the Knights."
"And your Soul?"
"It wants to fuck the LIFE outta her with a RING on her finger."
"Yeah. Yet YOU'RE the one I fell in love with AND COMMITTED TO."
Seria smiled.
"THAT. That right there is your issue. YOU'VE MADE A COMMITMENT. And since you NEVER go back on your word and am a VERY honorable man in your own extreme way, anything outside that commitement is just not an option."
He blinked at this epphiany and sighed as the pieces fit...and a knot in his head relaxed from the clicking.
"Okay. So I don't want to break my commitment to you, Seria. Where do we go from here?"
He felt a weight lift off his shoulders and the princess smiled.
"NOW what to you want with RIAS?"
He sighed.
"Part a me wants to have YOU and HER in the same bed. The OTHER wants to stay loyal to you."
"If I were to give you my permission?"
"it still wouldn't sit right with me."
"THAT'S your old world talking. You're in OUR world."
He looked her in the eye.
"What do YOU want from this?"
She blinked. Then smiled.
"I want YOU to MYSELF. And NO ONE ELSE. But, YOU have your own desires too. Part of a relationship is COMPROMISE."
"Your lessons ARE progressing. I can hear your teacher saying that."
"Mother taught me well!"
He chuckled and Seria regained her train of thought.
"Would I be happy with you just picking up random ladies for your harem? Absolutely not. I HATE those types of collectors and ladytakers. BUT, if it's a situation like RIAS that is so in love with you she's been pining for you for WEEKS now? I'd be happy to snuggle her too. Because I know she loves you EVERY BIT AS MUCH AS I DO."
Tyler sighed.
"I don't want a harem."
"A HAREM is 4 to five PLUS. If it's JUST RIAS? It's just a threeway."
He sighed at this and Seria smiled.
"whatever you choose, I'll be here. I love you, Tyler."
"I love you too, Seria."
He settled down on the couch searching his soul as the pair relaxed.
"Oh for god's sake just SAY IT JACKASS."
Metalica appeared out of his chest in exasperation and he looked at her.
"How long have yuo been there?"
"Idiot I never left. YOU'RE MY HOUSE, remember?"
"Oh yeah."
"Ugh. Just do it."
He sighed deeply and looked at Seria a little nervously now.
"I' to include Rias."
Seria smiled sweetly and hugged him.
"Okay. YOU'RE MY husband. NO MARRYING anybody else. Until I say so."
He deflated from utter relief as he felt her love in her hug and he held her tightly.
"I love you, Seria."
she smiled.
"I love you too, Tyler."
when he loosened his grip she looked into his eyes and he smiled at her. She blushed as she saw his idea.
"Remember. we can't go TOO far!"
He chuckled as they leaned in.
"I'll be sure to remember that, my WIFE."
She closed her eyes with a smile.
"I'll keep reminding you, my HUSBAND."
Their lips made contact for their first kiss and a bolt of electricity tore through them both from one heart to the other. Seria's lips were soft, lucious, and loving while his were kind and daring. Their first kiss lasted for hurs or but a moment before they pulled bac breathless from the sheer intensity of the moment and Tyler smiled.
"I love you, Seria."
She smiled proudly.
"I love you too, Tyler. I get another?"
He laughed as he kissed her again and they got into a REALLY intense makeout session that saw the princess pinned to the couch.
He lifted up off her with a smile and she deflated from relief.
"Phew. The Mistress always says a true keeper is the one that LISTENS when you say stop."
"Love you too."
"I'm okay with it. Really."
He laid beside her.
"Yeah. I'll be your First Wife. She'll just be there."
"Ha. Metalica went to find her."
There was a knock on the door and Rias poked her head in.
Seria smiled as she sat up.
"Rias. WE need to CHAT."
The redhead looked RIGHT at Tyler with a new glare and he shrugged.
"I don't keep secrets from my wife."
Rias sighed at that before she went into the Silent Sphere for their discussion/negotiatiom/Rias' surrender. Tyler just laid on the couch as Metalica appeared on his chest.
"The volcano?"
"Is letting off steam. I got my own sauna now."
The sphere dropped and Rias sat beside him on the couch with Seria.
The redhead's voice was full of unknown emotion.
"NOW you decide to allow me into your relationship? AFTER all the bickering, drama and heartache? NOW you decide to flipflop?"
He sighed.
"I made a commitment to Seria. I was TRYING TO KEEP IT."
Rias shivered at this.
"What the hell changed?"
Seria smiled
"He doesn't want to hurt you. OR LOSE YOU."
"ME or my power?"
She looked at him as he answered.
"BOTH? Not one or the other?"
"Nope. All a you, or nothing."
That made her chuckle.
"Nice pickup line."
Then she looked at him with nervous hope.
"'s happening?"
He smiled as he hugged her.
"It's happening. We'll be together too, Rias."
She deflated from relief and Seria smirked.
"remember Rias, dear. He is MINE. YOU get the remains."
Ruas had tears of joy in her eyes as she smiled at her.
"I can live with that."
Tyler smiled as Seria hugged him too and he was pinned between the most beautiful colors of red and blue. Rias settled on his chest beside Seria and the blue haired princess smirked.
"Mother is going to be impressed."
Tyler stroked her hair soothingly.
"The OTHERS are gonna be PISSED."
Metalica shrugged from her spot on his neck.
"Nah. It was KINDA obvious you'd agree."
"And how so?"
"Since you'd fold like dead bark whenever she cried."
"Oh dammit."
He sighed at this and Seria smiled.
"It';s part of the culture here."
"Yeah you've told me that already."
Rias chuckled.
"Don't worry. I know my place."
Tyler smiled.
"And this is a secret. Until AFTER."
They nodded vehemently. Seria looked at Rias.
"Break this, and be put to death."
"I will not break this oath. I swear on my House."
The princess nodded and rested her head back on his chest and Tyler kissed her.
"I love you, Seria."
She smiled and Rias smiled happily.
"I love you Tyler."
He looked at the redhead....
" you too....Rias."
She smiled happily and Seria nodded encouragingly. Metalica whistled.
"Damn. That volcano erupted. Annnd now his heart's on fire. with BOTH OF YOU locked inside it."
The ladies smiled at this and Tyler sighed as he held them tightly to his chest.
"We'll make it work."
They smiled and Rias looked at him.
"Sorry. For a lot."
"It's fine. Like I said. That first one SUCKS."
"Yeah. it does. The SECOND, is where it's at."
Seria smiled.
"I'll be gone most of the time, Rias. Don;t you DARE go annnny farther then I have. Are we clear?"
"Perfectly. I want to enjoy this."
Tyler smiled at that wish.
"Me too."
The trio relaxed with their sprite friend for a while before Seria squeaked.
"Oh yeah. I need to get back. I have lessons in an hour."
They chuckled and Tyler kissed her lovingly.
"I'll see you soon, my wife. I love you."
"I love you too, my husband. NO ONE ELSE."
"I have a few little sisters i want you to meet."
she returned to the orb and Rias smiled happily at the warrior as he held her.
"Thank you."
"I'm still not sure if this was a good idea or not, Rias. But for now? you're welcome."
She smiled.
"I'll just say Seria reamed me."
"She did."
The pair cuddled a little longer on the couch before Metalica smiled.
"Soooo, it's dinnertime. And Asuna has a report."
The pair chuckled and they headed to the meeting room. Asuna smiled as Akeno and Belfast took Rias aside for a VERY indepth report.
"Looks like a choice was made."
"Yeah. I have no idea if it was the right one or not. so for the time being, the matter's dead."
"Alright. I'm here too."
"I appreciate it, Asuna."
He sat at the table and Asuna slid a paper over.
"we're ready for the trip tomorrow. we spent an extra 150k on extra supplies. The wagons were refitted with better wheels and suspensions for 300k and the horses' tack uograded for an extra 250k. All told we spent 700k."
He nodded.
"That from the Bloodoath leaves us with?"
Belfast returned wirh her report.
"We have 4,183,653. ALl supplies are secure in the wagons."
"Alright. Levels?"
Asuna looked at her paper.
"Across the board for the rank and file is level 5. We have some level 6s. A few level 7s and you're the only level nine. Kirito and Bell hit 7 while we were shopping."
"Good. we ride once we're fed and people."
They nodded and Mina looked at him.
"We'll go carefully. We're still nearly 2 miles off the ground you know."
She chuckled at that fact and Akeno looked at him.
"I'm glad you figured something out."
"ME too Sparky."
"I hate you."
He chuckled at that that one as Rias smiled. Then the Berserker nodded.
"This next leg will take us through the wintery mountain. Watch your temperature. If you need to warm up say so and we will light a fire. If you LOSE FEELING, same answer. Let's no one lose a toe."
They chuckled at that one and he smiled.
"Day's yours fo rest and once overs. Break."
The friends split and Belfast took him aside.
"An arrangement was made."
He looked at her.
"It doesn't exist."
"NO it does NOT. Was it mutual?"
"I'm still not sure I made the right call here. But it was."
"Very well. I will keep watch."
He nodded and headed up to his chambers. Metalica smiled as she popped out when the door shut.
"Your soul's really comfy now. Like that perfect sweetspot between hot and cool. I like it."
He patted the tiny sprite and she glared at him.
He flopped on the couch and the sprite grew to human size for a snuggle. he stroked her iron colored hair admiringly and she smiled.
"Vaeric knows I'm going with you."
"Any issues?"
"Nah. I roam a lot too so."
"That's a relief. Any new threads in the city?"
"None that concern you. Mostly stuff like murders, court plots, and the usual trade wars."
"Glad that one idiot was one idiot."
He smiled as their dinner appeared....and Rias walked in sheepishly.
"I join?"
She smiled in mild relief as she sat beside him and they enjoyed a quiet meal together before they settled onto the bed. Rias naked as was her way and Metalica snuggled on his other side in her human form. Tyler sighed with a smile as Rias rested her head on his chest.
"Not so bad now, is it?"
"The cuddles is nice, having you for my best friend is great, the threeway relationship I'm not so sure about yet,"
"Give it a chance, please?"
"I am, Rias. Just nervous."
"I get it. Good night Tyler. I love you."
"Good night, Rias. you too. Night Metalica."
"Night yuo two idiots."

DAY 28.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke to see he'd cradled Rias into his chest with arms around her head and her arms clutching at his back. Metalica was asleep in her tiny form on her hair and he found that oddly cute. And as mildly jealous for some strange reason. He let it go as he looked at the sleeping girl in his arms and smiled as he felt her warmth seep into him. I guess this isn's so bad. he looked at the sleeping redhead and hugged her.
"Morning Rias."
She smiled and opened her shining blue eyes.
"Morning Tyler. This is nice."
He smiled at this and she snuggled closer to him.
"And...I want this."
He held her tightly.
"I said I'll give it a chance. So long as it never leaves a tent or the doors."
They got out of bed and cleaned up in the pool with Metalica drifting by on her grey moth wings.
"Her hair's really comfy to sleep in. I think I';ll keep doing it."
Tyler shrugged.
"I'm wierdly jealous and am NOT entirely sure why."
The3y chuckled at that one before they had breakfast and headed to meet with the rest of the Bloodoath. Asuna was in her usual traveling attire of her armor and a cloak as she slid the map over.
"We're ready. Wagons are loaded, horses brushed and bored, all hands ready to ride out."
Tyler nodded.
"We left nothing behind or overlooked?"
"We've been doing go overs since yesterday. If we missed it, it can't be that useful."
"Storm weathering equipment?"
"Full set."
"Alright I got nothing. Knights. MOUNT UP."
The 127 man force went for their horses and Tyler smiled as Shadow nudged him.
"Hey big guy. enjoy your vacation?"
The morbol gave a loud whinny and Tyler patted him as he saddled the massive animal with his jet black tack.
"ME too. Let's get the fuck outta here."
He mounted the horse and the Berserker walked Shadow out of the stables where the stableboy for an extra 1,500 gold. A ploy that made him tip his hat as the Berserker took his position at the front of the Bloodoath knights. Tyler smiled as Strand brought her wolf, Fenrir, up beside him.
"All present and correct. Give the order."
Tyler smiled as he waved his greatsword.
"Knights of the Bloodoath...MOVE OUT!"
His words triggered a mass of rein snaps and nickers as people all gathered to watch the heroes depart. Olric appeared from the crowd on a Dunn with a smirk.
"Ole VAeric said you be welcome in his city any time. And next time he WILL redeem himself for allowing them rats to reach you."
"Thanks Olric. See ya next time."
The dwarf chuckled and was gone as the immense city gates were opened...and they were faced with a bright sunny day. Perfect for riding out on a new journey. Asuna came up beside him on her unicorn and smiled as they clipclopped across the two mile bridge.
"MUCH better."
"Yeah that city got small two days in."
"we ALL felt it. The dungeon helped, but when you see nothing but the same stone walls everyday it gets tiring."
Tyler chuckled as he looked out over the landscape from the bridge. he snagged a photo for the collection as he talked.
"I was starting a little claustrophopic too. Levels and gold are all well an good. But give the open road any day."
Strand smiled at that.
"NOW you're starting to talk like a Ranger."
The Knights rode along the bridge and into the tunnel that would take them up into the snowy area of the mountain. The slight incline making them move at a canter at best while behind them Dunkrick smeared itself up the side of the mountain. Asuna looked ahead as they climbed and Tyler chuckled.
"Least this time we got proper bedrolls."
A few chuckled at that mercy as they went.
A few hours later they arriaved at the same campsite they'd stayed at on the way to Dunkrick and Tyler smiled as he set his tent by the front of the slab of stone.
"MUCH better."
His tnet was now black like his coat and made from old man of the forest fur while the bedroll was high quality bear fur and tiger. The thing had room for ten and was like a small house as Tyler relaxed outside it. The Berserker smiled as he took a swig from his flask looking out at the rising peaks over head.
"I love this world."
"You partake of spirits?"
Belfast had been walking by when he pulled the flask out and he looked at her curiously.
"Um, sometimes."
She looked at the 10 ounce flask in his hand.
"Oh dear. IS this a byproduct?"
He blinked at that one before sighing. The kindly quartermaster sat beside him as he put the flask back in his coat.
"KInda. That last one I REEAALLLY needed a drink."
"Does the Lady Seria know?"
"I don't THINK so. I just got it yesterday so."
He shrugged and Belfast smiled.
"It is not easy dealing with the hearts of those you love. Were you clear when you made the choice?"
"As a bell. Takes more an a single swig to get ME tipsy."
"Do be very mindful with this. In case you go down a slope."
"I'll do that."
"As will I."
She left and he sighed once she was out of sight. Greeeeat. NOW they're gonna start bothering me on my relaxer. PERRFECT. Shiro appeared then and plopped herself on his lap like an affectionate cat. Her long silver hair her blanket and Tyler chuckled at this cute intruder.
"Well. Hello there."
She purred like an ACTUAL CAT and he petted her like one as she relaxed.
"Was bored. CAme to bother YOU."
He chuckled at that one as he petted the gamergirl.
She smiled and her red eyes glowed. Asia appeared then with a giggle.
"SHARE Shiro!"
"Oh fine."
TYler just sighed with a smile as Asia rested her head on his other leg.
"Great. NOW I'm a pillow."
The girls chuckled at that one as Asia smiled.
"You're relaxing to be around."
"Ha. Says the hot blonde."
She had a smugness to her at that praise and Shiro pouted.
"I'll find me a blonde spell."
"Ha. You got silver."
"Still not gold."
"I guess."
The three relaxed by the fire and Tyler roasted some leftover raptor meat for them and Shiro fell asleep on his lap while Asia looked at her Status plate. Tyler found himself enjoying the girls' company and smiled as he did so. When the fire burned down Shiro was carried off by her brother and Asia invaded his tent. Tyler just chuckled as he laid beside her.
"So what's up?"
She giggled as the sweethearted blonde rested her head on his chest.
"Oh nothing. Just wanted to bother you."
He held her close as they settled for the night.
"Good night Asia."
"Good night, Tyler."

DAY 29.
GOLD: 326,104.

Tyler woke to see he'd cradled Asia into the curve of his body like a body pillow and had his arm under her head and around her narrow waist. Her golden hair was incredibly soft and REALLY freakin warm too. He smiled at this this as he rubbed her belly.
"Heey! That tickles!"
She woke with a giggle and Tyler chuckled at the sound as he tickled her again.
"You're fun."
She hugged hi warmly and they left the tent. Their campsite was enshrouded in thick fog again but nowhere near as bad at the last time. They'd be able to ride so long as they were careful. Tyler and Asia had breakfast of deer and some high impact coffee before the Berserker went to the Table. Asuna was there already with Strand and the redheaded second in command smiled as he walked over.
"Morning Tyler. Night's Watch was all quiet."
"We'll need to go sow cause a the fog."
Strand nodded.
"It will burn itself away by noon. But agreed."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the map.
"We'll be getting into the snow today."
They nodded and Asuna smiled.
"We got enchanted blankets this time around and hats too."
"Neat trick."
The friends chuckled at that one and Tyler looked at them.
"Alright. Let's get fed and break camp."
They nodded and the Bloodoath broke camp half and hour later. Tyler was in the lead as they walked up the inclined road through the fog. Strand smiled as they found they could see 50 yards ahead.
"We will be out of the fog in an hour."
"Alright. Once we're up in the snow we're up there for three days?"
"That is the usual length of time for such trips."
"I remember the creatures said to live up there."
"We'll do some grinding after we make camp."
"Like we;ve done this before."
She chuckled at that one as they moved. Tyler looked ahead at the road while the Bloodoath followed behind. Rias' bloodred hair was seen beside Akeno's dark purple tresses and the Berserker smiled iwardly at the new glow in Rias' eyes. Glad she's feeling better. The friends made good time as they climbed out of the fog and entered the snowier region of the mountain. Tyler clicked his jacket closed as the rest donned cloaks, coats, blankets and hats. TYler smiled as he pulled his hood up.
"I STILL didn't miss this."
They chuckled at that one as the snowy alpine area stretched around them. Tyler looked around as they came to the fork in the road and Strand pointed to the right.
"That one."
Tyler smiled as they moved with the crunch of froze dirt underneath the horses' hooves. Shadow's black hide stuck out like a sore thumb with the snowy landscape while Tyler's dark image was visible like a mast at sea. Tyler looked at the still towering peaks above them also covered in white along with the oddly narrow sky above. The trees around them were hardy conifers and the occasional balsam fir christmas tree. Tyler then looked ahead,
"Hey, there's tracks in the road Strand."
The ranger looked while bundled in her thick brown coat as they reached the impressions.
"White bear. And a BIG ONE. My guess is 1,900 pounds."
"These fresh?"
"Very. They fill in faster up here due to the snow. I'd say five minutes."
"So a polar bear went by 5 minutes ago. Alright. Asuna!"
"I heard! We're on alert!"
"Let's get to it."
The friends moved through the clear landsape with heads on a swivel in case the immense predator paid a visit. The tracks followed the road without diviation for half an hour before a low growl was heard ahead. Tyler pulled his greatsword and hopped off Shadow to confront the predator. A hulking shape lumbered towards him as he walked over and the near 10 foot tall white bear roared at him with a sound like an avalanche. It charged and Tyler sidestepped the thig before stabbing it in the shoulder with his starlite sword. The bear dropped to the ground with a thud and Tyler tugged his blade free.
"Now we got polar fur. Get to it everyone."
The Bloodoath got to work skinning the immense animal and Tyler smiled once the pelt was collected.
"THe fur is INCREDIBLY soft. We'll use it for something."
The carcass was pulled off the road and they got moving. Tyler looked at the clear sky as a light and frigid breeze kicked up.
"There's snow in the forecast."
Strand nodded as she puled her hood up.
"I felt it too. We'll need to hunker down as snowstorms up here are blinding."
"We'll make an extra large bonfire then."
She chuckled at that one as Metalica appeared on his shoulder in her little coat and he found it SUUUUPER adorable.
"Hey Metalica."
"Hi. I'm bored."
"Ha. We're not the most exciting crew in the world."
"Clearly. Kill something."
He patted her with a finger.
"We'll go on a rampage soon enough, Metalica."
"I will snap that finger."
She had a look of thunder now at this patronization. He chuckled.
"Are you not entertained?"
"I hate you."
She returned to his soul and Strand smiled.
"How does it feel, having another living being living inside you?"
"Eh. I'm just going with it."
"Her body DOES functions as ours do. So...where does she go when she has needs?"
"I'm already full a shit, Strand. A little more won't make a difference."
"Damn. I was CERTAIN that one would make you cringe."
"Hey Strand."
"Your skeleton is wet."
She looked at him quizzically.
"Hey Strand."
"How's it feel knowing you're a puppet controlled by your brain inside a bone house?"
"That is weird."
He chuckled at her mild shiver.
"There are insects LIVING on your skin...and you can't see them."
"err. Okay you win."
"My world loves disturbing people."
She chuckled at that....while rubbing her arm.
"Clearly. I feel unclean now."
"We can also splash you with something."
The day's ride passed uneventfully and they made camp beside the road in a bowl Tyler used firestorm to carve out from the snow. Then the rim was reinforced with some ice spells to create a rather cozy inverted igloo that had one entrance. The ground was hit with numerous firespells to dry it out and warm the dirt while trees were felled for the camp's HIGHLY depended on fires. Within a few hours the camp had a small cloud of steam rising from it due to the cozy heat it was giving off. Tyler was at the Table with the other leaders as a few flecks of snow started to fall from the grey overcast sky. The Berserker sighed as he saw them.
"Depending on how bad the snowfall is tomorrow morning dictates whether we go anywhere or not."
Mina nodded.
"I get the impression it'll be a minor blizzard. So I think we should wait until it passes."
Asuna nodded.
"It's not worth the risk of forcing it. We're not in any hurry so let's be careful."
TYler smiled.
"Alright. We'll send grinding crews though and have regular snow fighters. If we get overwhelmed, have the fire mages set off a volcano."
Rias smiled.
"I here an offended naturist yelling cheat."
"Those are nudists, Rias. The one you mean is Natrualists."
"Ha. Alright. I also want us overstocked on wood."
Strand nodded.
"I'll take a squad and do some foraging. There's a few fauna spiecies that can only be found up here."
"Take Yoshkia."
"Will do."
"Any questions?"
He got crickets.
"Good. Break."
The Knights got to work on their different tasks while Tyler used his powerful fire spell to warm the dirt around his tent before laying a thick bear pelt mat by the fire. Tyler smiled as he settled by his fire with a winter landscape around him.
"I'll call Seria later. She'd make a cute snowangel."
A woman's giggle was heard behind him and he looked curiously as his tent was situated by the rimwall of the camp...and a near perfect image of Seria was seen looking down at him from the top. The apparition even had her blues mirrored to perfection and Tyler chuckled as he rose.
"A Snow Spirit. Classic."
He blew the whistle and Asuna came running with a fe warriors.
"what happened?"
"A snow spirit wants a word with me. Be right back."
Tyler went up to where the spirit was smiling invitingly at him and the thing spoke in an also near perfect mirror on Seria's soft, breathy squeak.
"I've missed you my Hero."
"Ha. Divine Slicer."
The greatsword flashed and the creature screamed as he cut it at the chest. It exploded into snow flakes and left behind a solid blue flower made from crystal and a very soft gown not unlike a wedding dress. he smiled at these pieces as he returned to the group and Asuna had a look of wonder at the blue rose.
"That flower is BEAUTIFUL Tyler!"
"I'll use it for the pieces."
Metalica chuckled as she appeared on his shoulder.
"Wow. So THAT'S your soul when offended. Cute."
"Whatever. What is this?"
She looked at the rose and chuckled.
"A Blue Crystal Rose. EXTRADINARILY rare as they're dropped by Snow Spirits after a painless and merciful kill. It's a gift from the released spirit for not causing more pain then you absolutely had to, and that is rare due to their high levels. The weakest is usually a level 8."
"I'm a level 9. Makes sense."
"Plus the holy spell. That's for the wedding?"
"Yup. As her crown."
"That poor girl will be showered in the most rare and hard to find gifts this world has to offer."
"I love her. I have to make it epic don't I?"
"You do, indeed."
Tyler chuckled as he put the foot tall rose inside his pack he used for the pieces before he had a thought and produced the orb. Mylissia appeared and she smirked as she saw his thoughtful expression.
"Oh this oughta be good."
"Yeeeah. So I've found a few pieces, and traveling with them is a bad idea."
The queen smiled.
"Pass them through the orb and I will put them to work."
He passed the gowns through and she blinked at this.
"Oh my."
And then the rose came through and Mylissia smiled warmly at the blue sparkle.
"I am jealous of her wedding already. And we're not even setting a DATE yet!"
"I love her. I gotta make it epic somehow."
"You do, indeed. Not a word."
"Have her informed I'm kidnapping her tonight....and we're in the mountains.....with snow."
"You evil bastard. I will!"
The image faded out and Tyler laid on his mat with a smile looking at the sky. Metalica rested on his chet and he patted the incredibly war Iron Sprite, making her smile.
"THIS patting feels nice."
He smiled as he relaxed.
"Hunters are back, Tyler."
Asuna came over and he looked at her without rising.
"Anything interesting?"
"A few more white bears, some mule deer, a rather large moose, and a few satchels of mountain herbs. Strand's teaching Yoshkia how to work them."
"Alright. The foragers too?"
"Same. We got a few good cord of wood now. We should be able to hold out for a few days up here efore we need to get more."
"Good. We'll hunker down for the time being then."
She nodded ad headed off before Tyler settled. His coat keeping him nice and toasty while his fire just made it the better. Metalica appeared on his chest and laid on her back like he was, hands under her head looking at the sky.
"This is nice."
Tyler smiled.
"Give me the road anyday. City living's nice an all, but I'd rather be out here seeing what's over there."
"The life of a lowly adventurer."
He smiled at that as the sprite yawned and fell asleep on his chest. The Berserker enjoyed the feeling of the warm sprite on his chest as the day wound down. The snow picked up in volume and soon it was hard to see. Tyler pressed Metalica into his chst and the still slumbering sprite reentered his soul as he looked at the blanket.
"Night's Longing."
Seria rose from the ground bundled up in thick furs.
He chuckled at her cuteness as he kissed her.
"I love you too."
"Wow. Toasty in here."
"I reun a degree or two warmer then most."
He just kissed her again as they enjoyed a dinner of bear and some good warm cocoa. Tyler smiled and Seria rested her head on his chest....and felt something.
"Tyler. What is that?"
He pulled the flask out at her sweetly voiced question. She nodded as she saw the flask.
"I smell anything, or QUESTION if you're sober, I'm leaving. No drunken cuddles."
"Yes Seria."
"I'm serious."
"So am I."
"GOOD. And you BETTER not have been drunk when you agreed to Rias joining."
He sighed at that as he settled down.
"I wasn't."
He sighed again as she rested her head on his chest. Not this shit again.

DAY 30.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke to the feel of Seria asleep beside him. He smiled at her as she snuggled into his chest and the tent had slight steam coming off it from the warm bodies inside it. He kissed her awake and she squeaked at this attack.
"Good morning!"
"Good morning my wife. I love you."
She smiled at this wih a twinkle in her eyes.
"I love you too, my husband. Sorry for snapping at you about the drink thing."
He smiled.
"It's okay."
"Mother is VERY strict about that as father...well. There's a reason the queendom is a queendom."
"Makes sense. More got it for the novelty and look where I keep it."
He slid it into his coat and when he closed his coat, Seria laughed.
"Over your heart?"
"Seen it in enough movies to warrent having it. Some idiot gets lucky with an arrow or a spear or whatever and his beloved flask saves him."
"Okay NOW it's kinda cute. And nearly empty."
"Probably fill it with cocoa or something and fuck with people."
She smiled at that and hugged him.
"Don't develope a habit. Please."
"I won't. I promise."
"Phew. All better!"
"You are too damn cute. I love it."
She giggled and he kissed her.
"Come on Princess of cute."
"NOT the queen?"
"KINDA gave that to Asia already."
"Ah. Fine."
"It's ASIA for fucks sake."
"So true."
He hugged her and she smiled.
"I'll head back now. See ya later! I love you!"
"I love you too, Seria. Hey, take some snow, and drop it on Mylissa's rack by ACCIDENT. Say i said hi."
She looked at him like he was hurt.
"Who hurt you?"
She faded he did the EXACT thing to her and she squealed at the freezing cold snow on her lovely nips.
"I will GET YOU!"
"Love you!"
She faded out laughing and Metalica appeared with a smirk.
"Okay that was kinda cute."
"Been planning THAT ONE since the LAST time we came through."
She chuckled at that and the Berserker poked his head outside....and ssaw the snow covered camp with the Knights fighting it with shovels. Tyler chuckled as he walked out.
"Great. Shoveling rhe sidewalk before breakfast. Ugh."
He grabbed a shovel from a smiling knowingly Belfast at a wagon.
"I see she made a rule."
"Some bad experiences."
"Good for her. The rule not the experience."
"Let's not lose Unicorn in the snow today."
Tyler went to his tent and got to work tossing the snow out of the camp with the rest of the heroes until the entire camp was bare dirt again. Then he had a hot meal of meat and cider to properly wake him up. Then he reported in at the table where Strand sighed.
"We're not going anywhere till the storm passes. To try is just inviting an accident."
Mina nodded.
"Absolutely. No sense in risking the horses when we're secure as we are."
Tyler smiled.
"We'll do some more hunting in the area then. see if anything is worth looking into. if not, we got a snowday."
They chuckled at that and Asuna smirked.
"There's Asuna for the buzzkill."
"I wanted to white wash somebody."
A series of disappointed boos were heard as Asuna's eddict spread and the redheaded wife slumped.
"Idiots. You're all a bunch of IDIOTS. Kirito. NO."
"Oh come on Asuna. I don't have a deathwish."
Tyler chuckled at that one as he returned to his tent and settled on the mat by his own fire. Metalica appeared wih a smirk.
"Wanna learn to smith?"
"Sure. I got the tin an copper here."
The Iron sprite produced a mass of tools from his soul and he didn't think too much on it as the ore was removed from his pack. Metalica smiled as she showed him how to properly heat the metals in the fire before melting them into bronze bars. Ther Berserker learned quickly and by the end of a few hours had forged a passeble bronze dagger. Metalica chuckled as he got to work on the next project.
"You find any other ore lemme know. Be more an happy to teach ya."
"Thanks Metalica."
She smiled warmly and relaxed on his shoulder as he worked more brone daggers with bone hilts. Once the ore was gone he set the daggers aside and Metalica took them.
"I'll add them to a pile for sale in my workshop."
"Still not gonna think about it."
She chuckled at that one as the iron sprite returned to his soul. The day passed for the Knights in comparative ease as the snowfall wasn't that heavy and the routine shovel brigades helped keep it under control. Tht night Tyler settled into his tent alone and found even his singular bodyheat was enough to warm the interior to comfortable levels. Metalica appeared in her huma form with a smile and snuggled under the blanket.
"Night Tyler."
"Night Metalica."

DAY 31.
GOLD: 326,104.

Tyler woke to see Metalica asleep beside him in his bedroll. The sprite was curled into a ball with her longer then she was tall slate grey hair covering them both like a grey blanket. He smiled at that feeling and hugged her awake.
"Morning Metalica."
She yawned before returning to his soul. Tyler chuckled as he had his breakfast before checking in at the Table. Asuna smiled as he walked over.
"Sky's clear and the road's clear. We're ready to ride out."
"Alright. Break camp."
The Knights were riding down the road on the softly snow coated road at a light trot. The sky was clear with not a cloud in sight while the ground itself had a sparkling effect from the fresh snow covering it. Tyler chuckled as they negotiated a steep turn and decline.
"Now the glittering is kinda cool."
BElfast chuckled from her spot in the leader's column.
"It is quite pretty. I rather like it."
They made good progress with no real issues as they dropped a few thousand feet in elevation from the steady decline. Tyler had the map open and Strand pointed the next run out.
"We'll reach it in another full day's ride. After that we'll be out of the snow and by the sand. Two full days by the edge of the great desert and canyon. Afterwards we'll be on the coast for the remainder of the journey."
Tyler nodded as the map was put up.
"We'll reach our first village on the coast. Be kinda cool hanging in a fishing village."
They chuckled at that as they went. The day had nothing of import and Tyler settled in his tent at the end of it.

DAY 32.
GOLD: 326,104.

Tyler woke the next morning alone in his tent and chuckled at the oddity. The rest of the camp was going abuot their tasks as he had his breakfast of some peanut butter on toasted bread and some coffee. The place they'd camped in being a slight dip in the snowy area beside the road that had clearly been blown into shape by some great blast. Asuna smiled as he approached her at the table.
"We'll be out of the cold today and into the sand tomorrow. Nothing of interest on the watch."
"Alright. Let's get moving."
Half an hour later they were on the road. Tyler smied as they saw less and less snow and more and more trees during their nonstop descent.
"I hate winter."
Mina chuckled as she came up beside him on her stallion.
"Sanya agrees with you."
He smiled at that one as they turned a corner and were faced with a village situated on the road and Strand blinked at this.
"This is new."
They stopped at the unexpected apparition and Tyler noted the make of the front gate and the skull over it.
"A hunter village? Up here? That don't make any sense."
Strand frowned hard as she looked at the map.
"That village is not marked on this map, Tyler. And it's an enchanted map too."
"Possibly. Caution."
They rode their horses towards the gate and Tyler noted the gate was locked from the inside, blocking off access to the Knights.
"I'll open the gate. Be ready for a mass spell barrage."
They nodded and Tyler dismounted Shadow to approach the ten foot wide and 15 foot tall door. He wound up and booted the wooden timbers with a feelable force. There was a metalic snapping sound as chains shattered before the doors swung open with a slam. As soon as they stopped moving and Strand got a look at the layout of the 20 buildings she frowned.
"This is a bandit village alright. They do this every now and then on lucrative roads. But this one is abandoned."
The Knights entered the village and Tyler looked at the dirt with the Ranger.
"Looks like they just packed up and left."
"That also happens when the road goes dry. Yet this is one of the more populated roads through the mountains Tyler. A dry spell here is a mere week. Unless these are idiots, they'd know that."
"Keep moving or check it out."
"Check it out. There might be a reason."
He nodded as an EARSPLITTING scream echoed from higher up the mountain. The cry setting the horses to whinnying nervously and Strand's wolf growled as well. Tyler shivered from the fear rising inside him at the sound of the shriek and he glared at the snowy forest it was coming from.
The scream came again with more intense fear reactions and Tyler sighed as he looked at Shadow, the big morbol pawwing at the dirt in CLEAR fear.
"Jesus. Grow some freakin balls ya fearful donkey. Are you a MORBOL or NOT?"
The horse reared with a scream of rage and the rest of the Knights' mounts calmed RIGHT DOWN att THAT show of domiance. The scream came again and Tyler looked at Strand.
"Indeed. A mountain banshee. I hate these things. We will need ear protection to kill it."
"Yup. What are they like here?"
The scream came again as the heroes moved into the former longhut of the bandit camp for their hunt planning. Mina had a slight paleness to her as Strand explained while the banshee kept screaming every five minutes on the dot.
"The banshees up here are undead like the rest of their ilk. But the MOUNTAIN BANSHEE is male. A rarity in the species as most are female. This breed likes to drive their prey insane with their shrieks and are surprisingly strong in a fight. Their levels range from 10 to 15. A level 15 mountain banshee can split stone with it's scream. I would put this one at level 11."
Tyler nodded.
"Holy magics and heart pierce. They're just a more annoyig undead. And they are NOT cowards. If you go to challenge it, it WILL take a piece a you."
"Good. It's den?"
"An old cave and they like shiny things too. The closer you get to their den, the louder it screams. So it'll guide us right to it."
"Alright then. I'll take you, Asia, Xenovia, Kirito, annnnnd,"
He reviewed the force before he looked at Akeno.
She smiled.
"My thunder is HALF holy magic."
"Exactly. We'll use custom made earmuffs for this."
They nodded and the hunter party geared up. Metalica appeared with the custom made fur earmuffs that would cancel out the banshee's shriek and Asuna smiled as they stacked up by the forest.
"I got them."
"Alright Asuna. we'll be back."
The forest ran upm a steep incline around the village as the hunters headed out. Strand in the led with Tyler as the shrieking continued. Asia had a smile on her face as she bopped beside Xenovia.
"This is fun!"
The friends chuckled at her never ceasing sweetness as the shrieks turned angrier and more intense. The berserker looked at the forest floor as they climbed and noted something.
"The bandits tried to kill it themselves."
THere was a large number of horrifically mutilated bodies laying around and Strand nodded as she looked at the wounds.
"Missing members, heads, and right arms. A banshee's preferred diet. Why those specific body parts no one knows. And they prey exclusively on human men too for just that reason. If we had been a women only party, we would never had known it was there."
"Female banshees to the same with women. And they feed on the vagina, breasts, hair and the left arm. We have no idea why."
"Huh. Put a male and female banshee in the same area?"
"They engage in FEROCIOUS sexual acts with utterly DEPRAVED acts. No young are produced and they litterally fuck themselves to death. All the while their screams deafen anything that hear them. Legend goes a Banshee Wedding deafened a high dragon passing by."
Kirito shuddered at the imagery.
"I don't want to think about this."
They chuckled at that one as a particularly POTENT shriek came from directly ahead. Tyler had his greatsword up as they came out of the forest and into a small clearing littered with dozens upon dozens of mutilated bodies of men while standing in front of a alrge cave was the creature i question. It being the same height as Kirito with a pale complexion and elongated jaw as it screamed at them. It's frame was rotted while it's eyes were pale green. The thing screamed at them again and a set of bone claws grew from it's ruined hands and a set of fangs grew from it's mouth before it leapt at Tyler. The Berserker smirked.
"Divine Slicer."
He slashed the creature and Akeno had her lance up sparking from her own potent magic.
"Unhoyl THUNDER!"
She stabbed it in the heart and the thing shrieked in pain before exploding into dust leaving nothing behind. Strand chuckled as they relaxed.
"Banshees are more kill practice then loot monster. Lets loot the cave though."
Asia giggled as she hefted her staff.
"Purify! There! ALL clean!"
They chuckled as Tyler lit a torch and in they went. The cave was smeared in dried blood and just inside was a pile of severed members that would have served as snacks for the dead banshee. The warriors moved deeper into the cave where they found the end and a 4 foot pile of gold coins, a few weapons, some armor, and a few other things. Tyler chuckled.
"We got another trove here. Let's load up."
The raiders got to work collecting the valuables in a sack as Tyler used prospect on the wall. He got no hits and the chamber was stripped bare. Tyler carried the sack back to the village where Asuna and the rest had looks of relief at the blessed ceasure of the earsplitting screams. The sack was emptied on the floor in the longhut of the village and Tyler smiled.
"My count is there's 157,453 gold in there."
Asuna nodded.
"It's not really a trove. OR worth splitting. I say we add it entirely to the Bloodoath. Since we'd only get like 2 coins anyway."
The gold was added to the Bloodoath coffer and the rest was laid out. Tyler spotted a gleaming ring in the pile and took the ruby accessory and Strand smiled.
"THAT is enchanted with Force. Adds extra force to a swing. either fists or weapon."
"I'll take it then. We need more enchanted gear."
He donned the ring and Rias smirked.
"Seria'll be fun to watch when she sees THAT."
He shivered at the future interrogation and the group chuckled. The loot was gone over until it was gone. Tyler smiled once it was.
"The village cough up anything interesting Asuna?"
She shook her head.
"Nope. The bandits numbered about 300, but that's the most we were able to get."
"Makes sense. Alright. Destroy the gates and we'll head out."
The front and rear gates of the village were taken off their hinges t prevent an accidental roadblock and the Knights mounted up riding out. Tyler smiled as he was in the lead o their decent again.
"Well that was new."
Akeno smiled from her spot.
"I got the kill. Nearly level 6."
"Alright. You'll get there."
She smiled at that encouragement as Tyler looked ahead.
"Those bandits, Strand."
"They'll have left the mountain."
"Think we can track them?"
"Most likely. A company of that size will leave sign. You want to destroy them."
"I do. 300 bandits isn't a company. It's a small army. And a force like that can cause a bloodbath nearly anywhere."
"True. I'll keep an eye out."
Tyler odded as he looked out over the road as they left the snow behind. The area they were in now resembling a cliffside road with a sheer drop on their right and a veritcal wall of moss on their left. The road itself was maybe three wagons end to end wide and was beaten smooth with soft dirt underhoof. Tyler noting this as the sun started going down.
"We'll need to find a large enough area for a campsite. Moving through this type of area at night is just not an option."
Strand nodded.
"Absolutely. There is a gap in the wall a little ways up the trail we could use."
"If the bandits have claimed it, we'll need to clear em out."
She nodded as they moved around a bend in the road. A glow of firelight was seen in the distance were the remains of an old waterfall was seen. A sound of laughter, screams, and clashing steel was heard and Strand nodded as she pulled her shortsword.
"The bandits."
Tyler smirked as he dismounted Shadow.
"I'll go say hi. when the firestorm appears, roll in."
Asuna chuckled.
Tyler walked along the road whistling a merry tune with his greatsword in hands reach towards the indent in the wall. he turned into the light and was faced with a 400 man bandit camp celebrating the silencing of the banshee screams. Tyler looked around at the mess when he spotted several women tied to posts with the camp playing with them and his eyes turned red.

The bandits were caught COMPLETELY with their pants down as a roiling tornado of flame appeared over a dense section of them before a Berserker slammed into them wielding a bright blue greatsword.
Asuna came charging in with the rest of the heroes in set squads following their leaders. Rias and Akeno broke off as soon as the captives were spotted for their rescue and defense while Mina, Asuna, and Strand lead their squads into the rout of the bandit company. Tyler was carving through men with single slashes as he sought the champions and the leader. A 7 foot tall man with a greatsword of his own reared up before him and the bandits cheered.
"Mansplitter! Mansplitter! mansplitter!"
"Mighty Blow, Double Cut, Ghost cut. Force."
Tyler leapt into the air with the greatsword glowing from his stacked abilities and the smirking man no less then twice his size held his steel greatsword crosswise over his head...and Tyler's starlite greatsword SPLIT the man like a knife through butter. The Berserker stepped over the pieces of the man as the bandits lost heart. They tried to flee but ran straight into the ice walls of the mages with thunder overhead. Tyler walked towards a lanky man with a longsword in hand that was chuckling at the carnage behind the berserker.
"So the legendary Lord Berserker has come to pay a visit. How cute-"
"Magical Rebuff."
The antimagic field took effect and the mass of sneaking assassins' stealth spells were negated. Ten men appeared like shadows and the man with the longsword smirked.
"So yuo TRULY wish to fight-"
"Hallowed Ground."
This spell kept track of the movements of hostiles around them and burned them with holy magic. Tyler was still approaching the lanky man with a slow, methodical pace. Like a tiger stalking a wounded rival it KNEW it would take down. The bandit leader sighed with a condescending feel.
"Lads. Take him."
The ten wraiths lunged en mass.
Only for Kirito and Bell to appear from Tyler's shadow to attack the caught by surprise dagger wielders and in seconds were cut to pieces. The Berserker smirked as he approached the now backing away a step bandit leader.
"There is no escape. Die like a man. Or die in pieces. I don't care. Just GET OVER HERE!"
The grapple gauntlet was fired and the bandit leader screamed as he tried to dodge...only for the hook to take him in the thigh and DRAG him like a landed fish to Tyler's sword. The warrior flicked his blade and the head of the bandit leader was taken clean off as the last bandit was put down. Tyler swung the blood off his sword and hung it in the same movement while turning to face hia Knights.
"Don't fuck with the Bloodoath. Or it'll be YOUR blood that is SPILT."
Kirito chuckled as he swung the blood off his blades with a twirling flourish and sheathed them in the same movement.
"Nice one."
Bell had his own smile as he spun his knives and sheathed them too.
"That wasn't so bad."
Tyler chuckled.
"We caught them with their pants down. Come on. Let's check on the captives."
The trio went to where Asuna was handing out potions to the 40 or so rescued women while Asia, Wendy, and Yoshkia heaped healing spells on their battered bodies. Belfast and a few of the ladies were passing out cloaks and blankets to them as well. Asuna smiled as the trio returned.
"A few minor wounds and a broken bone here an there. No dead. We rescued close to 40 as well."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the group of sobbing in relief women.
"Someone find the one that's been with these bastards the longest. See if they can point out more camps on a map."
Belfast nodded.
"I can do that. their fate?"
"We'll take them with us to the nearest village and go from there."
Strand came over with the map. She pointed to another village at the base of the mountain.
"Troakin village. Its a hunter village with 1,000 residents. We'd need to leave our current path to reach it and it'd tack on an extra 5 days to our trip, but that is the closest."
"When can we reach it?"
"It's a 5 day trip from here."
He looked at the road and noted how it cut through the forests at the base of the mountains.
"We'll follow that road to the coast then."
"Agreed. An extra five days and we'll be inside dedicous flatland forest for most of it."
"We'll get these poor souls to the village. and hunf bandits on the way."
She nodded and Tyler looked at Asuna.
"Change of direction."
"I heard. We'll keep them safe."
"We have the space in the tents?"
"Absolutely. ALL of our tents are made for ten. we put ONE person to EACH TENT."
Belfast smiled.
"There is an extra pair of wagon teams in the remains. We shall take them."
"So we have five wagons in the pocket. Alright. Heads on a swivel as we;re also hunting bandits now. I got a hunch on this."
The leaders nodded and they reconvened by Shadow with his map. Tyler tapped the abandoned bandit village.
"A bandit crew does NOT just decide to construct a village o the side of a cliff like that. NOT without some EXTREME promise of easy pickings, payment, or something else. There's more to this one then we think."
The leaders frowned at this and Strand sighed.
"When said I see it too. Bandits RARELY stay in one place for so long that they require permenant lodging. when thry make enough of a nusience, the nearest garrison uses them practice."
Her eyes flashed with somethign clicking and Tyler looked at her curiously.
"What clicked?"
"The nearest garrison is Morag. That village by Drikin."
He blinked.
"The one that got wiped out by the forest giant?"
"Teh same."
He placed the orb on the table and the queen appeared. Mylissia had a smirk on her face as she looked at Tyler.
"So. YOU finally made a move on my DAUGHTER-"
"we'll talk that one later. What was the result of the investigation into Morag, Mylissia?"
She switched from mother of his fiance to Queen like flipping a coin.
"It was dead to the last man and signs a Forest giant had attacked with forest wolves. The same giant you brought down. What have you found?"
He placed the map in view.
"A bandit village. A LEGIT VILLAGE, on this road here."
She frowned.
"Where did they get THOSE kinda balls? Dunkrick is a STONE'S THROW THAT WAY."
Tyler smirked now.
"They had a MAN ON THE INSIDE, remember?"
The group gasped and Mina looked at the region in shock.
"Use a small yet powerful unit to take out the outlaying garrison, plant a high ranking mole on the inside, ready a misdirection strategy on the KNOWN SUPPLYLINE, jesus. they have the pieces for a full scale campaign up here."
Tyler nodded.
"There's annother army out here. One that was to march on Dunkrick. And have the DOOR be left open. Mylissia, we need scouts in that sky."
The Queen nodded with a fire in her eyes.
"Absolutely. I have Sky Rangers outbound. They use airships to scout new terrain before Ground Rangers move in. we will an answer by tomorrow morning."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the map of the region.
"I'll try to figure it out on this end. An army on the march ALWAYS leaves sign that can be seen at a distance."
Strand nodded.
"Plus the force needed to secure Dunkrick, even WITH an open door, would need to number in the thousands. Get Vaeric ready for an immediate assault."
Tyler sighed now and looked at a frowning Sora.
"This doesn't make any sense."
The NEET former king of Imanty nodded with a very confused expression.
"It makes absolutely no sense. The pieces don't add up. All it means is some idiot has no idea what they're doing. Taking out a military garrison, drawing IMMENSE attention with the forest giant and it's army, that one jackass with the goblins, and the village? it's a shotgun blast od plans around around a set area. With not ONE complmenting the other."
Tyler looked at rhe image he took of Dunkrick on the way in.
"And with the way the city is BUILT, a direct assault is suicide. That bridge gets taken out, they'll NEVER take that city. Unless the use dropships. But in a mountain pass like that a simple light breeze is next to a hurricane and they're utterly unpredicatable."
Sora nodded.
"PLus the SHEER numbers involved in the slaughter? NO COUNTRY on an active war can just THROW that many lives so EASILY.....wait."
Sora's eyes flashed as he remembered a detail.
"Tyler? WHY did they summon us again?"
The Berserker frowned.
"we were summoned because humanity was backed into a corner."
"HOW did they get backed into a corner?"
"The Drakens learned Oh my fucking god."
The queen had a new look of horror as she too realized.
"A monster invasion of Dunkirck. They didn't NEED an army."
Tyler nodded.
"The worms could do the damage for them. explains why they were BORROWING every freakin where. it was a TEST to see if they COULD. Metalica."
The sprite sighed.
"I can't teleport that kinda distance. Sorry."
"That'd be too easy. Get in touch with Vaeric. Let's at least TRY to do something."
The queen nodded and was gone. Tyler rubbed his eyes as Sora nodded.
"Yeah. I feel it too."
"An assault by monster worms. Strand, how big can them things get?"
The ranger sighed.
"The largest can be the size of Dunkirck's surface area on teh mountain. They're called Canyon Diggers. And they're next to impossible to kill due to their extreme size. The ONLY WAY on record currently, to kill one is to pay a HIGH DRAGON and PRAY it can find it."
"How common are they? Tghe worms?"
"About as rare as finding a diamond in a random hole in the ground from an airship at the top of that peak. They're out there. But they are rare in the EXTREME."
"Hmm. A high dragon?"
"They're kinda common actually. If near godlike with their power. Teh WEAKEST is level 150."
"Yeah. They are the GODS of that sky."
Sora looked at the ranger.
"What about a mass of goblins and the like?"
"They'd need literal MILLIONS to take the city. And such a force would have the ENTIRE MOUNTAIN eaten barren."
Sora let out a deep sigh now as he reached for his Proficency's ability, Future Sight. The ability granted it's user a keyhole glimpse at the future they seek. But at a cost. Once used, the ability locks them in place until the vision passes and it drains them of their mana for three full days. and the vision could last for anywhere from 5 seconds, to a year. Tyler smirked.
"That ability in his hands is nothing short of overpowered. And he's level 5 too."
Asuna chuckled as she looked at the meditating Strategist.
"And here I thought he was a loser."
"Ha. More his abilities are narrow and irreplaceable."
Shiro appeared then to sit on Tyler's lap and he patted the silver haired cutie. she smiled smugly, before hopping down and sitting in Sora's lap like a cat and him the evil genius. The Berserker shrugged at this weirdness.
"It's Shiro. GO with it."
Sora opened his eyes after about thirty minutes and sighed.
"Dunkirck is lost."
The Queen returned to the orb now with a tired expression.
"The city is under attack. Vaeric was assassinated by Olric. Seems he was a deep plant by the Black Guard of Fangorn. The city is lost."
Tyler sighed as he heard this.
"What do we do?"
"ride for the capital. You are NOT READY to face an army of Orcs like that."
Metalica appeared and Tyler looked at her.
"You okay?"
She sighed.
"Not the first time my anvil has been destroyed. I'm more or less bound to you now until it's reforged."
"We'll figure something out."
The queen nodded.
"Dunkrick was supposed to be UNTAKEABLE. And they took it an afternoon."
"Is the bridge intact?"
"It is. They need for their supplies.....DON'T."
Tyler smirked now as he looked at the map.
"We can't retake the city. But we can at LEAST seal it off."
The Leaders had shock on their faces at this suggestion before Sora smirked.
"Be amazed how ban an avalanche can be."
Metalica nodded with her own smirk.
"And since I AM an iron Sprite, I ca set that mountain off with ease. I mean, it was MY MAGIC keeping it semisecure."
Mylissia looked at the Berserker.
"What is your plan?"
Tyler used the image of Dunkrick as his template.
"The civilians are all dead right?"
"They were able to evacuate successfully. The attack came from above and went from the Tip downwards. Orcs are mountain monkeys and so can make such climbs with ease."
"They eat their captives and each other. Any that were taken are dead already."
"So Dunkrick is entirely EMPTY of ANY friendly life?"
"On my crown it is. WHY am I so scared?"
Tyler tapped a spot above the city.
"We'll use the natural erosion of the mountain to BURY IT."
Asuna blinked.
"BURY the CITY?"
"It's the city's achilles heel. Think about it. They BURROWED into the side of that mountain Asuna. It happens to miners ALL the time."
Mina shuddered.
"We're going to BURY those creatures."
"And their leaders too. This will a STEALTH op in it's entirety. Metalica can set the mountain off so long as we get her into the right position."
Mylissia sighed.
"We'd lose the entire city for generations, Tyler."
"No not really. We get a good crew of dwarven diggers in there they'd be able to dig it out. I mean, they GOUGED that city into being in the first place."
"The faith in their race you have with fuel their pride like nothing else. And their arms."
"Ha. This will be a job for the higher levels in the party. The rest?"
He tapped the bridge.
"Mount a false assault on the bridge. Make it seem like you're trying to retake the city. All the while we'll be GLIDING from peak to peak. Metalica, I'll give you some designs. Think you can handle it?"
The sprite smirked.
"fuck yeah."
"Atta Sprite."
He drew up a set of designs for grapple launched hang gliders and Asuna laughed as he showed them to the group.
"You're insane! They'll NEVER see it coming!"
"Which is why it will work. They think they know unorthodx and BATSHIT ideas? HA!"
Mylissia chuckled as she saw the EXTREMELY dangerous plan in it's entirety now.
"You're out of your mind Tyler the Berserker. And we LOVE you for it. Make those monster pay."
"we need pick up for 40 captives rescued from the bandits."
"My Sky Rangers can do THAT MUCH. Tehy'll be landing shortly."
"Alright. We launch this suicide attack in the morning. They'll expect a night time assault, and we'll go in broad daylight. Olric is to die by Metalica's hands."
The iron sprite smiled.
"I'll miss that forge. I get close enough, I CAN detonate it."
"Ha. That'll be your other task."
"Yay. I like things that go BOOM."
Tyler fistbumped her for that one and Asuna smirked.
"So how many?"
"five. Me, Kirito, Bell, Strand...and Asia."
They blinked at that ad Rias looked at him.
"Highest level healer in the party."
Mina nodded.
"She is. But take Yoshkia. She has experience in such high tier ops. AND has actually done something similar to this before."
"Good call. Plus she'll love being able to fly again."
They chuckled and Rias seemed a little crushed she hadn't been chosen. Tyler then slid a photo of the front gate over.
"Now there is a SECONDARY objective to the bridge assault. Rias, pick a crew and decend to this pylon here. I'm sure Metalica has some explosive material in her fuel for her forge you can use to rig it. Get clear, and blow the bridge. The ENTIRE goal of this raid is to ISOLATE that city and CUT OFF it's monsters from resupply."
She smiled at this.
"I'll get it done."
"Asuna, Mina, and Victoria. You take the rest on the assault. make as much noise and booms as you can. MY Rally is the trigger. If we do this right, it'll be over in half an hour."
The knight captain smiled.
"And the backup plan?"
"The army retreats to the snow area where we'll hide our horses. Once in the snow, use fire and lightning to turn the very air you breathe into a DEATH SENTENCE. Rias and her sappers will do the same. If we get backed into a corner, my crew will set off the forge in the city. from the look of it, it's a freakin tac nuke and will deal EXTREME damage to the point I THINK half the mountain will go. When it does, then you bail. we'll link up with you down the trail. THAT part I'm not sure yet, but we'll figure it out."
They nodded and Sora smirked.
"In my vision? I saw Dunkrick SLIDE off that mountain whiel pushed by a grey flood. NOW I know why."
"We'll get this done. Any questions?"
They shook their heads and Tyler nodded.
"Alright. Metalica."
"Set. The glider things are ready and I already know their measurements. And yes I have lots of explosive powder in my fuel storage. I need a SET DESIGN."
Tyler spent the next few minutes drawing up demo charges powered by explosive powder that would be set off by a hit from a fireball. The iron sprite smiled wickedly as she got to work.
"I like those."
Tyler smiled and Rias perked up.
"This pylon here. Near the center. With one of those gliders, I can reach it and rig some charges for a backup plan."
"I will not."
He nodded and a sound of humming was heard overhead. They looked to see a floating craft made from blued steel and taut tarp landing on the road with an open drophatch. Strand smiled.
"The Falcon. The Sky Ranger captain's personal ship. She's here for the captives."
"You heard the elf. Knights, LOAD EM UP."
The weeping in relief captives were loaded onto the Osprey dropship style craft and once the ramp was retracted it flew off without a sound. Tyler returned to the table.
"Give the orders. Tonight is full battle prep and tomorrow we show these what happens when they piss us off."
They nodded.
The camp went to work with a will to prepare for their mission in the morning. Tyler gathered his squad and showed them the hang gliders. Kirito smirked as he saw them.
"I love the way you think."
"You say that now. Yoshkia."
The witch looked over from her glider.
"I'll be honest with you. I pegged Asia for this op. She's higher level, does not go off on her own, and KNOWS when to keep her head down. Mina suggested you for this. I am trusting her judgement on you. DO NOT LET HER DOWN."
Yoshkia had a FIRE light in her eyes now.
"I will NOT SIR!"
"Good. You're on heals. I'm counting on you."
She nodded wirh blazing eyes and Tyler looked to Bell. The white haired warrior was looking his glider over with shaking hands.
The guy gulped at the intense look in the Berserker's eyes.
"Tomorrow is the day you prove your goddess was right for taking you in. fail, and she WASTED her time on you. How far are you willing to go to prove her faith in you was NOT for nothing?"
Bell stopped shaking as his own fiery will reared.
"I'll do whatever I have to."
"And remember. Ais might be coming. Will you be able to look her in the eye if you FAIL tomorrow?"
THAT one put a fire in his heart.
"I will NOT FAIL."
Strand smirked.
"I LIVE for these."
"GOOD. Kirito."
The black swordsman smirked as Tylr looked at him.
"My WIFE is GOING TO BE DOWN ON THAT BRIDGE. if I fail, she gets hurt. NOT AN OPTION."
The Berserker nodded at that and he smiled.
"They won't know what hit em."
The Knights worked hard that night prepping weapons and spells for the coming assault while Tyler drilled his sappers on the use of the gliders and the grapple gauntlets that would launch them into the air and KEEP them n the air. They had a hearty meal of fried tyrant steak and some vanilla sweet to wash it down. Tyler went to his tent.
"Night's Longing."
Seria rose from the ground with a smile and he hugged her.
"I'm not worried. I have faith in you."
"I love you too. You have a spell?"
"Yup! Put on a show for me!"
"Hey outta curiosity."
"It works with your eyes."
"Cool. I'll be sure to use that somehow."
"NO weirdness."
"Yes Seria."
She beamed smugly at that and he kissed her lovingly before they settled down for the night. Tyler held her tightly as she smiled at him in the dark.
"You'll be fine. I believe in you."
"I love you, Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."

DAY 33.
GOLD: 326,104
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke the morning of the assault with a strange bolt of excitement tearing through him. He looked beside him and saw Seria asleep beside him in his bedroll and smiled as he kissed her awake. she woke with a proud smile.
"I love you too."
"I WILL see you again."
"I WILL be waiting. Now go send them to hell."
"For you, my Princess wife."
He kissed her and she faded out. The Berserker walked out and found the camp already torn down and the forces ready to move out. He chuckled and tapped his tent. The thing dropped into a pile to be folded and they chuckled at that proof. Tyler then climbed up onto a wagon where they could see him.
"Well. We got a biggee ahead of us this time."
The leaders of the Bloodoath were standing in frot with Asuna head of them. Mina, Strand, Akeno, Rias, and Victoria behind the redheaded second in command with their respective squads of 26 fighters behind them. The force had grim yet excited expression son their faces and Tyler sighed.
"We all lost someone we know in Dunkrick. Maybe a friend or two. Well. Now we're gonna go hurt them MORE. You're heard the plan. Slept on it. And now we're doing it. If this goes sideways, we're all gonna die in HORRIFIC ways. So, let's get this done. The only way the KNIGHTS OF THE BLOODOATH CAN! Those bastards think they know what hell is? HELL IS WHEN YOU PISS US OFF! WE WILL NOT FAIL! WE WILL NOT LET OUR FRIENDS FALL! WE WILL MAKE THEM PAY!"
A shiver of feeling went through the force at that POWER Tyler packed into the words and he looked at them.
"We are all from different worlds. We all have friends and family we left behind to come here. Can you look in the eye as a WARRIOR again if we fail here?"
A mass of grimaces was seen and Tyler smiled wryly.
"I guess we better not fail then. Today. we PROVE to those people back where we came from that THEIR FAITH IN US WASN'T FOR NOTHING! WE WILL PROVE THEM RIGHT! We are NOT worthless! we are NOT rookies anymore! We are HEROES! So let's go fuckin prove it."
They roared at that and the Berserker leapt off the wagon and mounted Shadow. The black morbol reared with flailing hooves.
The camp mounted their steeds with a roar and they thundered up the trail for the higher elevation for the gliders and Asuna smiled with exileration in her eyes as she rode beside the Berserker.
"YOU are a better Inspirier, then SHIRO and it'a her JOB!"
He smiled at that as they tore through the bandit village.
"Add to the fact I BULLSHIT my way through that?"
"Ha. Damn dude. YOU missed your calling."
The warriors tore along the road at a breakneck pace until they were back in the snowy landscape at the fork. There they hid their horses in a grove of trees by Strand with their wagons. Tyler strapped into his glider that had the grapples attached to a set of trees for a quadraplegic lunge designed to catapult rhem into flight speed. The gliders were exactly like your usual hang glider but with better lift generating wing and more precise controls. Tyler smiled as he gripped the bar.
Kirito and Bell smiled from their harnesses.
"This si WEIRD but set."
Yoshkia nodded as she buckled her belt.
"ready to launch."
"Alright. Asuna, we'll head off first. Once we're in the air make your descent."
"Sir. we are ready to move out."
"Got your crystals?"
"Fuck YEAH."
Tyler nodded and let out a sigh as he banished all other thoughts and feelings from his mind save for an image of Seria that made him grip the bar with all his strength.
He hit the button on the bar that set the grapples of and he was flung like a slingshot into the sky. Kirito, Bell, and Yoshkia launched behind him and the grapples retracted into their gliders successfully as they were flung through the low hanging clouds into a clear blue pen sky. Then they dove into the clouds to find themselves MILES above the ground yet far below the peaks they drifted through. Yoshkia had a wide smile on her face as they glided towards Dunkrick mountain.
"I missed flying."
Tyler chuckled as he plied the bar through the updrafts and thermals of the altitude.
"Steady you three."
Bell had taken to hang gliding like he did it on the daily and had a wild smile on his face as he looked at the sea of green below them.
"The Goddess is never going to believe this, Tyler!"
"Why do ya think I had you put a crystal on?"
Kirito had a smile as he drifted his black glider beside Tyler's.
"You're insane but I love this."
Metalica was sitting on Tyler's shoulder as they wove around the mountains.
"Hang left and hold. Dunkrick is on the other side of this peak."
They nodded and held formation as they soared over the forests and landscape below. Tyler sniffed the breeze and sighed.
"The city burned. I can smell it already."
A scent of burning wood, piss, burning flesh and blood was HANGING in the air even at 15,000 feet. They made it around the mountain and got their first look at the aftermath of the city. They were far too high to see any details, but the various caves of the once impregnable city were belching thick plumes of smoke while swarms of grey creatures swathed the city in moving scales while the bridge was stained red even from that height. Tyler nodded as he spotted the tip and the fact it was ALSO painted red that they could see at a distance.
"Nothing we can do for em side from the mission. Target marked."
He used a magical beam in his bar to mark a target for landing above the Tip by several thousand yards. The heads nodded and they drifted silently towards the spot. The operatives found the spot to be decorated in smaller caves and tiny ledges. PERFECT for landing a hang glider. They landed in the same tunnel and Tyler was first detached.
"Alright. Metalica, how long do you need?"
"I need fifteen minutes."
"Get to it. Ready for immediate bail!"
The gliders were turned around with Yoshkia's first and Tyler's at the rear. As he was the highest level in the party he would launch last. Metalica had merged with the mountain and Tyler smiled as he went to the edge with a spyglass to scout the bridge.
"The orcs haven't even mounted a wall guard. They're STILL in sack mode. Alright. Give it ten minutes and we'll have them go in."
Kirito nodded.
"And us?"
"Rig demo charges on any wall that looks important."
"On it."
Yoshkia had a satchel loaded with the thumb sized bombs that could take out a 2 story apartment and they were scattered throughout the honeycombed rock face as Tyler used the recording spyglass to scout the bridge.
"They have a pair of hobgoblins guarding the far end of the bridge. Alright. The time is ripe."
He blew his whistle and there was a near INSTANT barrage of poweful spells from the line that was the road. Tyler chuckled as the hobgoblins were killed instantly as a streak of blood redhair was seen gliding to the middle pylon.
"Don't do anything stupid Rias."
A horde of orcs eager for more blood poured out of the burning city gates to dash across the blood painted bridge towards the PULTRY 123 warrior hero force that had REFUSED to access the bridge. The natural bottleneck provided a funnel for easy kills and Tyler chuckled at the ice walls and thunderfields.
"They'll hold for a few minutes. Then drop back fifty feet and HOLD again."
Kirito nodded without taking his eyes off the battle.
"A classic. Hey they got fliers."
A mass of flying creatures was seen and Tyler pulled his bow with a chuckle.
"Target practice anyone?"
They fitted arrows and Tyler smiled.
"Shattershot, penetrate."
He fired and the shaft turned into thirty. The passing mass of flying monsters took every shaft in the face and they all turned en mass to assault the snipers as Yoshkia channeled her mana.
Her signiture shield spell exploded into being. The circular shield spanning an easy 200 meters and was visible from the bridge where Mina smiled while carving through orcs with ease.
"Yoshkia Myafuji. Her rally is intense as well."
Tyler, Bell, and Kirito were picking off fliers by the dozen as they just could not get through Yoshkia's powerful shield. The berserker chuckled as he dropped a large bird he thought was a roc.
"Yoshkia may only be the second best healer I ever heard of, but she is without a doubt the single BEST DEFENSE mage I have EVER seen. In ANY medium."
Kirito chuckled as he dropped an undead vulture.
"How you holdin Yosh?"
"Still strong. These things are easy compared to a Neroui beam."
Bell's voice was heard then.
"we got spiders coming up the mountain Tyler! Thousand of em!"
The Berserker looked and sure enough, a black mass of THOUSANDS of truck sized spiders were surging up the near vertical walls.
"Metalica! Time!"
The walls were heard in her voice.
"I need five more minutes! the mountain's fighting me!"
"Alright. Bell, Yoshkia, in the cave. You three keep the fliers off my ass."
"On it!"
"Yes Sir!"
"I got em."
Tyler leapt to a low ledge that jutted out over the immense chasm below and smirked as he saw corpses riding he spiders.
"Undead spider jockeys. That's new. Alright. HALLOWED GROUND."
His powerful antiundead spell flared to life and a fair few undead riders panicked and fell off their spider mounts. Tyler chuckled as he saw this.
"Idiots. BLIZZARD."
This spell conjured a hail of razor sharp snow flakes to fly at a mass and he did so now with a smile. The white pierced the closing black mass of spiders and their riders like a knife as they surged over the ledge....only to find he'd backed into the cave.
"Divine Slicer."
He used his holy spell to SLICE the ledge clean off the mountain and the resulting rockslide took out a mass of spiders and their riders from the chainreaction.
Tyler nodded as he was faced with a cave full of spiders all clamoring to get at him.
"How's the sky?"
Kirito's voice was heard.
"Empty! They flew off during the rockslide!"
"Bail! Regroup with the ground force!"
"Got it! You?"
"I'll set the caves off."
The gliders took off and the spiders' riders turned to look curiously at the odd sound and Tyler used the moment,
To bulldoze a path through the many legged bloackage to the outside where he leapt up to the glider cave. He took the plunger of the bombs as a DEEP rumble was heard in the mountain behind him. Metalica appeared in his shoulder.
"The mountains' goin! Do it!"
He strapped into his glider and threw the lever. The explosions sent him HURTLING into the air while the caves all collapsed on themselves from the bombs. Tyler smiled as he saw the Bridge collapse and it take hundreds of thousands of monsters with it while his forces were gathered higherf up the road fighting a retreating battle.
"Drop the mountain."

Asuna was smiling as she saw the bridge go down and the caves explode.
"Brace! This is gonna be big!"
Kirito, Bell, and Yoshkia landed their gliders in the Knights and the rapier user was quick to ask.
"Where's Tyler?"
"Still up there. He shoulda launched by now."
Rias looked up.
"Oh my hell. LOOK!"
They did.
Metalica's efforts to cause a massive landslide bore fruit. Roughly a mile above the city, an immense crack was heard that hit everyone present in the chest as a line appeared around an entire face of the mountain. A section roughly the size of Manhatten island detached from the wall with a sound like grinding rock and stone but a BILLION times deeper. The groun d was shaking violently as the heroes dropped to a knee to watch as the slab of mountain hit other sections of the same mountain in a collassal chain reaction. The resulting pile of dirt, rock, and debris hurtled down the sheer fall with all the fury of a god while a series of explosions lower on the mountain merely ADDED to it's force. The helpless monster city of Dunkrick watched in forzen horror was the mass slamemd into it. a dull bang was heard on the first impact before the many caves and openings that made up the city were utterly filled in by the devestating collapse. A dust cloud twice as thick as the fog from up the mountain flooded the entire valley while the bridge was destroyed entirely. Asuna watched all this in utter awe as the cloud didn't reach them due to their height. The mountainside was utterly obscured by the cloud and Rias blinked.
"Um, Tyler's still not back yet."
The force blinked at this revelation and they looked around nervousy before Kirito looked up.
"Oh. There he is."
They looked uo just in time to see the Berserker himself pull out of his dive and land like iron man before them. His glider had numerous holes blown into it by the explosion and he had a few cuts but was otherwise unharmed.
Tyler chuckled as he unstrapped from the glider and faced his force.
"Sorry I'm late. The blast kinda flung me a little higher an I thought."
They chuckled at that as the cloud started to settle and they got a look at the result. The Berserker whistled as he saw it.
A an entirely new slab of mountain had been revealed from the slide while Dunkrick was nowhere to be seen. In it's place was rubble, trees, and an entire new mountain face. It was almost like the mountain had extended a pice of itself to cover the holes in it's frame before settling into the new position. Tyler looked down the road where the surviving orcs were gaping at the event in horror. The things were merely grey chimpanzies the size of the average man with grey fur and larger fangs. They wielded battered weapons and Tyler smiled as he hefted his greatsword.
"Let;s clean em up."
The monkey things were routed with ease and the Berserker smiled.
Metalica appeared from his chest utterly exhausted.
"I'll be dormant for a few days. Kinda blew all my strength on that."
"Thanks Metalica. You okay?"
She smiled tiredly.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just SPENT. I'll take the gliders too."
She returned to his soul with the gliders and Asuna smiled.
"A few injuries and a few levels. Nothing life threatening and all in all, an easy detail. You?"
Kirito smiled.
"I hit level 8. Them bird things were GREAT target practice."
Bell chuckled.
"7. That was fun."
Yoshkia shrugged.
"my shield leveled up. Bout it though."
Tyler chuckled.
"Let;s get outta here. NOW we disappear. Cover tracks and flood the trail after."
Strand appeared with a smile.
"I'll use MY Ranger ability of Ghost to do so."
The friends left the redecorated valley behind as the dust cloud rose into the sky with a distinct mushroom shape.
They found their horses and wagons untouched in the snow and the friends mounted up. Tyler smiled as they headed down the road towards their predetermined destination.
"Don't relax just yet. Times like this are when-"
An arrow cam flying out of nowhere to impact him in the chest. He grunted and fell off his horse the next instant. He did not get back up.
The entire heroes force looked at him in utter shock at this and Asuna blinked a few times at the suddenness of it all....then a dark red puddle started pouring from the spot around the Berserker's chest to pool on the ground. As the fact he was dead was starting to sink in, the 126 man force was surrounded by another force of 300 bandits led by another Draken and Olric the dwarven traitor. The dark elf chuckled as he looked at the dead Berserker.
"THAT was the legendary Lord Berserker we've been hearing so much about?"
Olric shrugged. A VERY confused look on his face.
"I...did not expect that to work, milord. Like it was so FREAKIN obvious we'd go for him in the lead FIRST you'd THINK he'd have an arrow ward. Huh. Cocky idiot."
The heroes force looked at each other, then to the bandit army around them, and a DARK LIGHT appeared in their eyes that made them ALL take a step back. the Draken smirked.
"I wouldn't. Perhaps we can BARGAIN. Or you'll die here."
Rias had a dark smile on her face as she started glowing.
"You pooor, pitiful fool. You have no idea who I am. Do you?"
Olric licked his lips.
"YOU are MY prize lassie."
Olric laughed at this....when a greatsword suddenly grew from his chest and a grapple pierce the Draken's shoulder.
The traitor dwarf looked down and saw the bright blue greatsword piercing his torso and looked up to see the Berserker smiling cockily at him from his spot on the ground.
"I'm the Berserker bitch."
Olric died and the screaminf Draken taken off his horse to be pinned under the boot of the alive and well Tyler the Berserker. The dark elf looked at the still present arrow and blood pouring from the wound and went white.
"Welcome to my world, asshole. You're about to get FUCKED. TAKE EM DOWN!"
The heroes force went to battle with a VENGANCE. Tyler kept the Draken pinned under boot as the 300 man strong bandit army was routed to the last by the nearly of their minds with rage heroes as Tyler smiled at the captive still bleeding from his heart with an arrow impaling him. Once the last bandit fell, Tyler tore the arrow from his breast with flecks of flesh still attached and tossed it aside without even a flinch.
"Now then. YOU are going to answer so many questions."
The draken merely smiled.
"Loyalty till death. I welcome thee."
He burst into fire from invoking the loyalty spell...
"MAgical rebuff."
ONly for Tyler's antimagic field to negate the flames and them go out. The draken whimpered now as ALL his loyalty and suicide spells were destroyed.
Tyler chuckled at this.
"Idiot. HOW many people have asked you for that same thing? And you have no idea who you're dealing with."
He jabbed a thumb at Rias. The redhead was still wearing her glow from her rage mode.
"She is the Princess of DEMONS you jackass. if she gets a little too pissed, ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. literally."
He then jabbed a tumb at Bell.
"HE is the VASSAL and CHERISHED familia member of the PRINCESS OF THE GODS. GODS. okay? And he shares blood with her. As a DESCENDENT. If HE goes apeshit, SHE GOES APESHIT."
Then Tyler nodded at Belfast.
"SHE is a WARSHIP ina maid's frame. I KNOW she still has her cannons. ONE barrage from HER, and the capital burns. There are FIVE MORE LIKE HER in my force."
Tyler smiled wickedly now at the Dark Elf.
"And then there's THAT GUY."
HE nodded at Sora.
"A former king and godfighting badass. HE has command of battleangels. and SHE is a GODKILLER."
He nodded at a silver haired lady by Rias.
"A valkery. Raswesia. A WAR ANGEL. That's literally what her name means. and then there's me. THEIR COMMANDER. I wonder why that is?"
Tyler smiled his dark smile at the gibbering in terror Dark Elf as his eyes started to redden.
"I have former kings, queens, DEMONIC PRINCESSES, an angry cat, and a FORMER DRAGONSLAYER RAISED BY DRAGONS TO KILL THEM, in my force. And yet? I AM THEIR LEADER. Did you seriously never stp to consider why that is? I'll tell you."
Tyler leaned in the terrified elf's ear.
"I come from a world of war. I have looked gods in the eye as I CUT THEM DOWN. I have led legions of HORRORS into battle against entire planets...and won. I am, was, and alwasy will be the most FEARED, ABHORRED, AND REVILED MONSTER IN ALL OF CREATION. To you. To them? I am the BERSERKER. And I WIN!"
The man fainted from his terror and Tyler chuckled as he closed the sight sharing eyes of the unconscious elf.
"Worked like a charm."
He got poked an d looked to see asuna with her rapier up.
He took his meat and skin packed flask he'd packed with blood taken from a dead monster and tossed it to her. There was a small hole where the arrow had punched into it.
"I've seen this trick in enough movies to wanna try it myself."
The redhead just looked at the flask like she wasn't sure how to react. Sora looked at shiro.
"It me, or is this reminding you of that game with Izuru?"
The silver haired girl nodded wide eyed.
"Only without Steph getting the shot. Wow."
Tyler chuckled as he cleaned his coat.
Rias walked over to him and looked DIRECTLY INTO HIS EYES.
"And WHY did you not tell us this?"
He smiled.
"Shock value. If YOU didn't see it coming, MY closest friends, there is NO WAY they would."
Belfast smiled.
"Seria knew."
"Course she did. I don't keep secrets from my wife."
Rias slugged him at that with a smile on her face.
"Suicidally GENIUS jackass! I love you and I want to hit you and I want to FUCK YOU!"
He chuckled at that pile of information.
"I'll reset it and see if they go for it again."
They laughed and Tyler took the flask.
"Alright. Loot em we'll take this idiot with us. He's gotta lotta explaining to do."
The force smiled and went to ther tasks with a will. Shadow nudged him with his head and Tyler patted the morbol.
"Thanks for playin along Shadow. and NOT bumrushing them."
The horse nickered and Tyler hopped up onto his back with the now hogtied Draken on the back.
"Let;s move out."
They left the pile of corpses for the scavangers and headed down the mountain.
"Oh yeah. Snake purge."
The force groaned in pain as Tyler purged a poison from his veins. Belfast sighed to the girl beside her.
"That boy was a GENIUS until that EXACT MOMENT! Oh I need a drink."

The force returned to the abandoned bandit village where Tyler tossed the orb onto the center of the chieftain's floor. Mylissia appeared and Tyler tossed her the trembling in fear Draken.
"One Draken, served on a plate."
The queen blinked at this and Seria appeared beside her. Tyler smiled.
"It worked like a charm."
She smiled proudly.
"I will tell her after. And try NOT to let me see that again?"
"Sorry. I KINDA forgot you were watching."
"forgiven. The recording is amazing."
Mylissia smiled.
"You have earned a perk from me Tyler the Berserker. You and ALL OF YOUR FORCES. we saw that dust cloud from the PALACE."
"Dunkrick is lost. And UTTERLY sealed."
"The dwarves will retake it. Seems this is not the first time the city has been buried."
"Explains the number of caves. And WHY Metalica's anvil was so freakin huge."
They chuckled at that one and Tyler nudged the shaking captive on the floor.
"What about him?"
Mylissia smiled.
"We will enjoy his company in the capital. Place the carcass in the orb."
Tyler lifted the weeping silenty elf with a smile.
"See ya later jackass!"
The elf was thrown into the orb and the queen smiled as he was dragged away by Wraiths.
"We will have MANY answers from him. Now. Your perk. Tyler. You're first."
Tyler smiled.
"Sooo how's this work?"
"You may select from a number of perks I am able to bestow and they will be added to your Status Plate. The greater the feat you preform in my eyes, the greater the power of the perk."
Tyler placed his hand through the beam and an interface opened to reveal a selection of ten perks. He smiled as he saw one with an emblem of a wall being cut in half.
"wallshatter. Increases strength by 75 when entering battle and lasts for 60 seconds."
He then saw one that made him smirk. An emblem of a charging bull.
"Charging Bull. Increases speed of movement by 50% in battle. Stack THAT on my TEMPEST."
There were a few whistles and Kirito smiled.
"I want that for Starburst stream."
Tyler picked Charging Bull and the queen kissed the top of his head.
"You are named MY Champion, Tyler the Berserker. As proof of your new appointment, you are granted one perk from my power. And a free level."
"I love you too, Seria."
The princess smiled at the shoutout and she kissed him.
"You already are my husband, Tyler the Berserk Champion, but now I name you MY Champion. Sadly I do not have the power to grant perks. But I'm sure we can figure something out."
"We'll put a pin in that until I return to the captial."
Tyler smiled at that as he stepped to the side as the rest of the force got their own perk. The Berserker looked at his Status Plate and smiled as he saw his level.
"Level ten. with one hundred points to place. Alright."
Kirito smirked as he walked over.
"Level 9."
"I'll be sure to get serious again."
"Ha. I'll catch ya soon enough."
The force got their perks and Mylissia smiled warmly at them once she finished.
"I look forward to what you crazy bastards do next."
The orb went out and Tyler smiled as he looked at his force.
"Well done. We took out a lotta creatures today and made it look easy. we've been marked now. But hey. Not like we're not used to it."
They nodded and Tyler smiled.
"Alright. It SHOULD be quiet for the next five minutes. Sad to say the party has to wait till we're back in the capital. So, let's do go do more stuff worth celebrating."
They banged fists on armor and the Berserker smiled fondly.
"Knights of the Bloodoath, take five."
They laughed and went to ready the village for the night's rest. Tyler took the orb and the leaders to the back of the longhut for the next leg. Asuna smiled as he placed the bait flask back in his pocket in his coat.
"Classic hollywood scheme."
Tyler chuckled as he unrolled the map.
"It works cause it's a classic. Alright, next gimmick."
Strand nodded.
"We can assume the border between Macedona and Hangilt is not stable enough for us tom go near now. And we're to return to the capital."
Victoria traced a path from the base of the mountain to the coast.
"Here. The Road Lest. It's far enough away from the border we'll not really need to worry about Draken armies. But we'll be able to complete our circuit as intended."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the route.
"That was the route we were going to take with the captives."
They nodded and Strand smiled.
"It'll add five days to our schedule. But that's all."
"Maybe we'll encounter another forest giant."
They chuckled at that one and the Berserker smiled.
"Alright. we'll head out in the morning. For now we rest and recover."
Asuna smiled.
"Thst looked BADASS from my angle."
The meeting ended and the Berserker headed to his room in the longhut where he pulled his Status Plate.
"Alright. I have one hundred points to place. I had 125 Strength, 238 Defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 210 MAgic, 60 Agility, 210 Magical defense, 60 Dexterity, 500 intelligence, 210 Mana. I have 100 points. I'll slap forty into Agility, and Dexterity. Those are 100 even now. The remaining twenty I'll put into strength. 145 Strength, 238 defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 210 Magic, 100 Agility, 210 Magical Defense, 100 Dexterity, 500 Intelligence, 210 Mana. Alright. Level 10."
He smiled as he looked at the floor
"Night's Longing."
Seria rose from the floor all smiles.
"YOU are a BADASS!"
He kissed her lovingly as she pounced on him.
"I love you too, Seria."
She giggled as he planted her on the bed and kissed her again.
"You were so cool! and the glide was amazing!"
He chuckled as they laid together on the bed and she rested her head on his chest.
"I love you, Tyler."
"I love you too, Seria."
"I haven't seen Rias anywhere."
He chuckled at that.
"She's doing her own thing."
"Kay. So long as she keeps it."
"She don't she dies."
The pair snuggled under the blanket and Tyler smiled as he held her tightly.
"I love you, Seria. Good night."
"I love you too, Tyler. Good night."

DAY 34.
GOLD: 326,104.

Tyler woke to see seria asleep beside him in the bed and she had her legs wrapped around him along with her arms. He smiled at this as he kissed her awake.
"I love you Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."
Her sapphire blue eyes were shining with joy as they got into an intense makeout session before she smiled.
He let her go and the princess smiled.
"I want to. But you know."
"Yeah I know."
She smiled and they got up. Tyler stretched and the princess giggled as she traced his spine with a finger.
"You're getting stronger!"
He chuckled around the shiver her delicate finger got from the stroke.
"You're even more beautiful then before, Seria"
She smiled smugly.
"Yup! I'm HOT!"
He laughed at that truth as he kissed her lovingly and she went back to the palace. The Berserker walked out to see Asuna and the rest at the table. Mina smiled as he walked over.
"Morning Tyler. we're set to move out."
"Alrighty. Anything from the watch?"
Asuna shook her head.
"Not a peep."
"Move out."
The force mounted up and rode out of the village heading for the coast. Tyler was in the lead as they trotted along the now familar road with Strand pointing the way. The force was in fine spirits as they decended the mountain passed the spot they routed the bandits from and Tyler looked at Asuna as they did.
"What'd the loot give us?"
She shrugged.
"Just some gold. About 500k all told. we added it to the Bloodoath funds."
They made good progress that day when the made camp in an overhang by the road with a rather impressive view of the Dunkrick valley. Only without the city to see as there was now a pile of rubble in it's place. Tyler chuckled as hre took a photo.
"Nice to get a before and after."
They laughed at that one before they made camp. Tyler had his tent near the road with the back pressed against the stone and Rias was walking by o her way to the fire,
"Hey Rias."
She looked at him curiously and he slid the chessboard into view. She smiled at the silent offer and sat beside him.
The pair hit the buttons and Seria was still Tyler's queen with Rias his right hand bishop. That made her smile as her king was till Tyler and she was the queen.
"I can live with this."
He smiled at this as the war started. The deathmatch lasting 45 minutes before Tyler won with a rook in the right place. Rias sighed at this defeat.
"Dammit. I'll snuggle you on a lost bet."
"ha. See ya later Rias."
She smiled and headed out. The berserker laid on his back by his own fire with a yawn and Asia appeared with a smile.
He chuckled as she laid against him.
"Yup! I'll barge in too!"
"Ugh FINE."
He just patted the ray of sunshine that was Asia, well aware she won. Rias returned and smiled as she saw Asia snuggled up with the berserker.
"It's Asia. Just go with it."
Rias settled beside them and Asia smiled as she got a pat from the busty redhead.
"That's nice Rias!"
The friends chuckled at Asia's cute before they hd dinner of roasted bear meat and some strawberry juice to wash it down. Tyler smiled as he and Rias played a few more round son the chessboard and they dragged Asia into the tent with them. Much to her amusement. Tyler smiled as he snuggled with the blonde on his chest and the redhead on his left.
"Night Rias, night Asia."
"Night Tyler."

DAY 35.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,183,653.

Tyler woke to see Asia's sleeping face over his own. That made him blink before he realized the snuggly blonde had moved in her sleep to DRAP herself across him and Rias like a blanket of cute. Her long golden hair mixed with Rias' blood red lockes to create a rather beautiful fire like kaleadascope of color. He smiled and patted the sleeping blonde and she woke with a squeak.
"Morning! Oh."
She blinked as she saw her bed and Rias smirked as the blonde's slit was over her face.
"Asia. I love you. I really do. But COME ON."
"Sorry! You're comfy!"
They chuckled at that as the naked blonde got off them and Rias sighed.
"So that explains the Asia themed dream i had last night."
Asia blushed as she realized the facial she'd subjected Rias to.
"You're cute, Asia."
"Asia. Camp Glowball."
They chuckled at her irritation before getting dressed and out of the tent. Tyler relit their fire and Rias stretched in a way her massive melons bunced under her tunic. Asia having already bopped off to jump Shiro for a hug. Tyler smiled as he passed Rias a coffee.
"Sure. This morning never happened."
"So a DREAM huh?"
"Shut up. And...thanks."
"You are not forgotten."
She smiled at that and hugged him for a moment.
"Thanks. For a lot."
"I count on you more then you know."
She smiled warmly and they headed to the table. The morning had a thin layer of mist about it that Tyler found kinda cool as they walked up to the rest. Asuna smiled as he joined them.
"Nothing to report from the Night's Watch. Aside from it's YOUR TURN on first watch."
"Ha. Sure thing Asuna. Alright. We set?"
They nodded.
"Let;s ride."
The friends mounted up and headed out. Mina was beside him on her stallion with a smile on her face as they navigated the mountain road.
"So we'll be back in the forest, Tyler."
"We'll still hunt bandits. I still feel like there's somethin there worth lookin into."
Asuna frowned as she joined the conversation.
"You think there's a loose end?"
"Always. But for this? Think about it. That Draken had 300 men. ALL BANDITS. Counting the idiots at the Village, we're looking at a force of 600. Forces like that don't grow on trees."
They frowned at that and Mina looked at the road.
"Agreed. Plus the logisitics too. Food, water, shelter, transport, MORALE, pay. It takes a lot for an army like that on the march. It's been two days. See if the prisoner broke."
He pulled the orb and Mylissia appeared.
"YOU have a SCARY time sense."
"The prisoner break?"
"He did. what do you need to know first?"
"Where did he come up with 600 idiots?"
"Ah. It'll worry you he only came up[ with 300. He had NO IDEA of the village's existence until we asked him. Seems he came from the north and the village is on the EASTERN road."
Tyler frowned.
"Okay. Same question."
"Eh. The north be prime bandit country. Last count there were a thousand known bands of between ten 500. They have become FAR m ore common during the recent century."
"Makes sense. So how many of the threads intersect?"
She sighed.
"Oddly enough? None of em. A Deep Hand squad was disowned by the country. The Forest Giant, Luster and her idiot, THIS GUY, were all disowned for failure to produce results in a timely manner. Fangorn is HUGE on productive worth. If you fail to meet their demands, you're cut off. And then it's up to you to EARN your way back in."
"Hmm. Soooo they just stuck around in the same area of about a hundred miles?"
"Pretty much. He's still be interogated but for the time being that's the truth."
"Anything of Issei?"
She blinked.
"Yes. There is. He was picked up by the Drakens and sent back to their country for training. How'd you guess?"
"eh fit the trope. Have THEY made a summon?"
"It appears so. A summon took place at the same time as we summoned you. They've been intensely trained as you have. Though, from this one idiot, it seems YOU, Tyler, LORD BERSERKER, are the strongest of BOTH CAMPS. HOW, I am not sure. But the entire country of Fangorn has your FACE on a wall with a BOUNTY of 500,000,000 gold coins. DEAD. Yeah they hate you."
The Berserker chuckled at this news.
"Half a billion gold coins for MAH head on a plate. Ha. I appreciate the complement. Who's the hero leader on their end?"
"Well. They just call him Po."
Tyler smirked at this news.
"Po as in P O. Or po as in P OH?"
"P O H? You know him."
"He's from kirito's world. and was a FEARED manslayer."
Asuna sighed.
"The leader of Laughing Coffin. Prince of Hell."
Rias' offended voice made them chuckle and Tyler looked at her.
"It's his gamertag. POH. Prince Of Hell. He thinks he's a demon of death and death incarnate. He ran a murder guild in SAO."
Kirito sighed.
"I got em."
"Thanks bro."
"Ha. PoH will meet the Berserker. Piss me off enough, and I'll introduce him to the DEMON."
even RIAS shuddered from the darkness in his eyes and voice.
"Damn dude."
Mylissia smiled at this as he looked to her again.
"Well. I'll leave the dealing of PoH to you, Tyler. If you find anymore Draken, try to take them alive it possible."
"Will do. Seria?"
"was last seen in her temple with the Mistress. Seems she likes it there."
"Sexy. Tell her not to wear herself out."
"I will you dirty bastard."
She left and the orb was put up. Tyler nodded as he looked at Mina.
"PoH is a soldier too. American Black Ops. Liberia in your world."
"So he has the attitude and the training."
"Yup. Plus an absolutely TWISTED mindset. And a raging racist too. Guy's a monster."
Kirito nodded with a grim expression in his eyes.
"His favorite sport is killing people. He's nearly gotten us a couple a times."
"I got em."
"You know him inside and out."
"Weird image but okay."
They chuckled at the shudder and Tyler looked ahead as they dropped below 2,500 feet in elevation for the first time in nearly three weeks.
"Okay. So the village."
Asuna nodded.
"A bandit leader?"
"I'm thinking so. Which makes sense since we're in a time of war in a RATHER isolated region. Bandits always multiply in a time of war. Okay. Strand."
The Ranger smiled.
"what do you need?"
"Where's the nearest Ranger Station in that forest?"
"It's not that far from the hunter village. I'll check in."
"Please do. They'll have an idea of what's going on in the forest. Or at the very least point us in a direction."
Rias perked up now.
"So Issei DID defect?"
Tyler sighed.
"I figured he would. And if he's in the same group as POH, he'll be FORCED to grow up. That guy's a monster. But he DOES how to train a squad. whether they want to or not."
"We'll have to fight him."
"I know. I'll drop him."
"Thanks Tyler."
He nodded with a smile before they continued on their ride. The group rode on in silence safe for the thudding of the hooves and Tyler chuckled as they stepped off the inclined road at the base of the mountain onto level ground for the first time in nearly three weeks.
"So THIS what level ground feels like? I'd quite forgotten."
They chuckled at that odd feeling and he looked at Belfast as they waited for the Bloodoath to level out.
"How are we for supplies Belfast?"
The silver haired Quartermaster smiled.
"We are well supplied with four of the five wagons untouched."
"Good. Make sure nothing in the untouched goes bad."
"I will do so."
The landscape on that side of the Black Mountains they were in was like the Wilder forest but with more gigancit trees close to forty yards across and thousands of feet tall. Tyler smiled as they moved at a steady clip through the oddly soothing oak trees and pines.
"MUCH better. Mountainnering is not for me."
They chuckled at that one and Strand smiled as she looked around at the various squrriels and chipmunks going about their day.
"This is a healthy forest indeed."
Tyler chuckled at that....when he frowned as he felt something on his mind.
"Strand, focus."
The Ranger blinked and did so....only to grit her teeth.
"A Spirit."
Tyler nodded as he looked around now.
"What KIND though? The forest feels light yet inviting."
The Ranger let out a long, slow breath as she concentrated on the feeling while the rest of the Knights also focused to fight off the mental influence. Strand's ears twitched after a few minutes.
"A Woodland Sprite."
"Like Metalica?"
"Yes. But the evil type. And nowhere NEAR as powerful. They share a kinship by blood, but a Woodland Sprite is a monster through and through."
"What am I looking for?"
"A tree. A tree with a fairy craving in it."
He chuckled at THAT impossible task.
"Okay. CAaaaan you narrow it down?"
The Ranger chuckled.
"YThe strongest woodland sprite ever discovered could only effect 30 yards."
"Oh. Okay."
The force dismounted to hunt the creature down and Tyler went with Strand.
"So what ARE Woodland Sprites?"
"They're an evil race of Sprite that inhabit woodlands like this. they feed o the lifeforce of those around them and store their catches like squirrels inside of trees that keep them alive for decades. And you fully conscious the entire time until you litteraly ROT to death. Nothing can be done for them either as the Sprite ties their souls to the tree. The only thing you CAN do is grant them release."
"Any particular prey?"
"The strong."
"So me. MAkes sense."
They walked around a tree and were faced by an Elder oak tree with a ten foot fairy carving embedded in the wood and Strand smiled as she pulled a woodaxe.
"There it is. Just topple the tree."
"Set it on fire?"
"That works too. But the wood is valuable."
He took his own woodaxe and blew the whistle. Strand walked over to the unmoving tree and hefted her axe.
"It won't fight back. They hunt with illusions."
"And of the trees here catches?"
"Most likely. If we kill the sprite, they'll die instantly and be absorbed into the tree as nourishment."
"Alright. Might Blow. Ghost cut. Triple force."
Strand imbued her own axe with the same and they slammed their axes into the tree. The thing was cut clean in half by the high powered impact and dropped with a crash of timbers. Strand smiled as she put her axe down.
"This method is ONLY ALLOWED FOR MONSTERS. Are we clear?"
The rest of the force arrived and chuckled as they saw the 76 meter tall tree the pair had taken down. Asuna sighed with a smile as the oddly cheery feeling enveloping them vanished.
"Alright. Load up people."
The sprite tree was collected and loaded into the half empty fifth wagon before they got moving again. Strand smiled as she examined a branch.
"This sprite had JUST arrived Tyler. So will have had ONE capture. Since we got here so soon, they'll have been set free."
Asuna smiled.
"we were walking by a tree when this woman was shit out of a tree. we felt really weird. But she's okay and with Asia and Unicorn."
"She say anything?"
"She's a roaming hermit. Wants NOTHING TO DO with people and will take off once she regains her strength."
The friends road along the far more welcoming forest now until Tyler spotted a river cutting a path across the road.
"We'll camp by the river everyone."
Strand nodded with a light in her brown eyes.
"There's a nive spot not too far downstream."
They followed her direction to a large circle of stone that seemed to have been cut smooth beside the river. The thing was perfectly cicular and Tyler looked at the Ranger and she chuckled at his quizzical expression.
"It's an ancient impact site for a dragon's breath."
The site was 300 meters across with soft moss growing on 75% of it. The part closest the river even had a semicircle of stone walls raised to create a rather cozy little alcove. Tyler miled as they pitched camp in the hole.
"Alright. we'll be able to do some fishing and clean up a bit."
They chuckled at that one as the ladies smirked with Asuna pawing her rapier.
"What? You're not helpless are you?"
She sighed at that solid point and they went to set a more PRIVATE bathing area up for the women. Tyler had the men of the camp collecting firewood and readying fishing poles. Kirito came over with an armful of logs.
"Found a good sized poplar Tyler. We got Hiro collecting the herbs."
"Good find Kirito. Anything we need worry bout in them trees?"
"Kyba found a set of wolf tracks the size of coffee cans, but that's about it. Probably Direwolves."
"Most likely. we'll keep an eye out for em tonight."
"We'll also refill canteens from the river. water's clear."
"Alright. Looks like the ladies figured it out."
A wall of ice had risen from a section further down and Tyler chuckled as he pointed out a tree.
"They didn't notice, but that tree overhangs a small, crystal clear pond."
"Ha. Classic."
Tyler chuckled as he built their camp bonfire as Bell returned with a tall blonde haired boy carrying a massive wolf between them. The blonde haired boy was Tyler's height with short cut golden hair and bright blue eyes. her frame was well muscled yet slender from their rigorous lifestyle and his attire was a tanktop and jeans. His armor was scalemail with a chainmail vest underneath and a longsword on his hip. He spoke in a soft yet polite voice.
"we found the direwolf, Lord Berserker. No injuries and easy experience points."
"Thanks Kyba."
Tyler set the nearly 15 foot long wolf on the stone as Bell got his knife out.
"I get this one, Tyler? Kinda love the fur."
"Sure Bell."
The men skinned the immense predator before Tyler took the carcass outside their camp to a open clearing and left it. He returned to find the MUCH refreshed women aiding in the camp activites. Strand was inspecting the direwolf's fur and she looked up as Tyler approached.
"Anything interesting?"
"This wolf is out of place."
"How so?"
"They live up in the mountains. Up by Dunkrick."
"Ah. That avalanche."
She nodded.
"Has mostly driven a few species into the lowlands. There are going to be a few Ranger PRETTY pissed at you, Tyler."
"Ooookay. Are YOU okay?"
"I already made my appeasement to the forest with an offering. I HIGHLY suggest you do so as well."
"OOokay. I will do so....ONCE I got something to offer."
She chuckled at that as he went to the river with his pole. The Berserker smiled as he baited his hook and cast the line into the gently bubbling river. Shiro appeared like magic and he chuckled.
"Don;t get comfy. I might catch somethin big."
She shrugged and he noted she was bare foot and in a thin T-shirt and shorts.
"Cute yet sexy too. I like it."
The silver haired cutie smiled with a slight blush.
"Thanks. I usually looked like this when not showing off."
"Nice flex."
She giggled at that as she settled on her back with her head on his lap. Tyler patted her and she smiled before looking at the turning orange sky through the trees.
"I don't want to go back to disboard."
"Makes sense. Here you can do literally ANYTHING."
"And there's no games to play to get there. It's harsh, yet fair. And sides. YOU do everything."
He sighed at that solid point. His rod dipped and he pulled a good sized greyling from the river.
"Oh nice."
Strand smirked from her spot by the fire.
"15 fish per person in this river, TYLER."
"Yes Strand."
"Good boy."
Shiro chuckled as he set the fish on his chain of hooks for later transport. Tyler smiled as he flicked the rod back into the water.
"This is nice."
Shiro nodded with closed eyes.
"Yeah. it is."
"You okay?"
"I'm fine. Sucks not being the queen anymore."
"I can ask a favor. Maaake you a Princess."
"Ha. i'll think about it."
He patted her and she smiled before watching the sky go by while he fished. Tyler pulled three more greylings from the river and set them onto his chain before Shiro stretched langoriously and got up brushing her long hair.
"You're REALLY relaxing to be around Tyler. Like you're just THERE. And it feels nice."
He smiled as she hugged him.
"I gotchyer back Shiro."
"I'll TRY to get yours."
She walked off to the fire and Tyler was left alone by the river enjoying the change of pace. All we been doing the last few weeks is fight, travel to fight, prepare to fight, or recover from fighting. That's not good. He looked at the Knights and noted their relaxed smiles and easy chatter and smiled as he looked back to his line. Looks like it hasn't gotten to them yet. That's a relief. I'll need to cooridinate with Asuna to prevent burnout in the troops. I need to prevent in myself. Belfast is where....? He looked around for the burnout specialist and spotted her relaxing with Javelin by the fire. The fishing Berserker caught his friend's eye and she smiled as she joined him. Tyler smiled as he pulled a 5 foot pike from the river as Belfast sat down in shorts and a tanktop while bare foot as well.
"Did you need something, dear?"
"Just had a thought."
He sat down once the pike was on the chain and set the line back in the water.
"I just realized we've done nothing but fight, prepare to fight, TRAVEL TO FIGHT, and recover from fighting for close to three weeks now."
Belfast blinked at this.
"You fear burnout."
"Exactly. Hell, I'm startin to do it myself."
"Your symptoms?"
"You people are startin to irritate me. Like with the bath thing as an example."
"I see. I am RELIEVED you picked up on it THIS SOON. when did you first start noticing your irritation?"
"About two days ago? Yeah that sounds right. I JUST laid down and relaxed....annnd Asuna came up with a report. I was smiling outside, inside I was like get the fuck away from me. I just chalked it to me JUST getting comfy. Pet peeve of mine you see."
Belfast smiled as she looked at the gently flowng river.
"And the Lady Seria?"
"Helps a LOT. I don't THINK she's noticed anything but that could just be my eyes."
"We need to take a day to relax then."
"We do. Problem is, we're OUTSIDE the capital. I'm worried we won't really be ABLE to relax like that until we're back in the capital."
"A valid worry. yet the burnout."
"I'm more worried about the WARRIORS then myself here. I can go for a VERY long time as I'm kinda used to heavy workloads. But we have some VERY volitile personalities here. When i dropped I saw it."
Belfast nodded.
"A VERY wily ploy. And you scared the hell outta me."
"Again. A VERY impressive gambit. You sneaky sonuvabitch."
"WOW. Never thought I'd hear THOSE words outta your mouth, Belfast."
"Do not forget. I too, am a soldier."
"Ha. Fair enough."
Belfast smiled as she looked at him.
"So we need to rest the Warriors. And YOU need a rest as well."
"And since YOU'RE the best when it comes to burnout, figured I'd turn to you."
"I apprecieate the faith. and I'd say we take a day here at the riverbank. No orders, no GRINDING, and"
"Okay. Purify."
She chuckled as he hit her with an anticurse spell.
"I too am learning."
"SHit I really am a bad influence."
"Oh the worst."
He chuckled at that and looked over to where Asuna was looking at the map.
"Hey yo asuna."
The redhead walked over with a smile and she crouched by the pair.
"We're takin an extra day here. We need to break up the fighting and prepping for the fighting with SOMETHING before we wind up killing each other."
Asuna smiled at this idea.
"I completely agree. And THANK GOD you picked up on it FIRST. I'll give the word."
"Thanks Asuna."
The capable second went to give the word and Tyler tore a water moccasin from the river.
"Oh hello. Hey Strand, I got a viper here."
The Ranger chuckled as he removed the hook from the snake.
"What do ya got in mind?"
"We can milk the venom for our own uses."
"OOOH. A Ranger trick. I know mt method, let's see yours."
Tyler pulled a mason jar over and used some twine to secure a section of thin paper over the rim. He then exposed the snake's fangs and pierced the material. Instantly the snake started dripping venom. Strand blinked at this and sat beside him now to pay EXACTING attention.
"Your method doesn't kill them. I will learn this as MINE does."
"sure Strand. And it works on ALL speicies of viper."
"Does it?"
"Yup. I'd need a second as this guy's dry."
"repeated milkings from the same snake. This is a new technique, Tyler."
"I'll be more an happy to teach ya Strand. Something else I need?"
"Just to record this method in the Ranger Annuals as the First Teacher. And teach three more Ranger MAsters so it is not lost."
"Sure. It's kinda fun milking snakes."
He returned the snake to the water and it slithered off downstream and Strand nodded.
"I will return with more Vipers."
"How do you catch em?"
"I use a branch to pin them in place."
"Ah the same one I use."
"I will ask to see this."
He pulled the fishing line in and Belfast smiled.
"I see you have a creature."
"Yeah I've always been into reptiles....oh. The method works with anything that has a fang OR A STINGER. we find a scorpion I can show you how to milk THAT too."
The elven ranger smiled as she led him into the forest.
"A most VERSITILE method indeed. How well versed are you in it?"
"Snakes are straight forward. SPIDERS I'm have never done it myself."
"I see. We shall learn it well together then."
"The best way. Oh!"
He grabbed her arm as she was about to step on a 6 foot lone Gaboon viper and she looked at him.
He pointed the snake out and she blinked.
"HOW are you able to see a Forest VIPER SO EASILY?"
"Ha. That;s nothing. In my world, we got people the size of BJORN that can be RIGHT NEXT TO YOU in a forest like this....and you not know a damn thing."
"My EAR."
"Yeah my world's not nice. I got em."
Tyler traced the length of the snake's head with his eyes before he moved to a spot by it's unmoving head and poised over it's head bare handed......and lunged. He had the snake by the back of the neck and it hissed as it lifted it from the dirt.
Strand smiled.
"You know serpents. Not even i would DARE to attempt a bare handed capture."
"Snakes react to motion and can sense heat. if you're CALM, it's calm."
He produced another milking jar and made the snake open it's lethal jaws to extend the two inch fangs.
"This thing is STILL damn intimidating."
He pierced the paper with the snake's fangs and it poured the venom into the thing with Strand watching with a crystal recording the entire procedure. Once the snake was empty Tyler gripped the tail and straighten the reptile out as he set if on the ground. he let the tail go first before the head. The snake bunched up and took aim...but he was already out of reach by the time it had aimed properly. Strand nodded as she closed the crystal.
"Sure. Not ENTIRELY sure what we'll do with this much venom, but we'll do something."
She chuckled as they moved through the forest. Tyler looking around at the trees and ground with the Ranger beside him when he smiled.
"I got a python up on that branch."
She looked and just saw a vine.
"Snakes blend in well. But, the pattern is often off by a SLIGHT degree. See?"
He ran a finger along the scales of a reticulated pyton and the Ranger smiled as she saw the rest of the snake.
"So that's how it works. See the PATTERN, NOT the animal."
"Yup. some animals like tigers for example, break up their outline to make them harder to see. Look for the pattern of their fur, and you're fine."
"I have a milksnake here, Tyler."
"Are they really?"
"Yup. YOU are thinking of the Coral Snake. See how that one has Red band on black?"
"I do."
"Red on Black, friend of Jack. The red bands touch the black. Red on yellow, kill a fellow. Red touches yellow."
"Ah. I see. I will pass this new knowledge at the Station. I see you had a fascination."
He chuckled as he snagged another viper from the forest.
"GOTCHYA. Reptiles were cool to me for a while. Like for example, that BRIGHT purple frog there."
"I see it."
"It's EXTREMELY toxic. A SINGLE dart dipped in the poison it secrets, will PARALYZE a fully grown bison. 3 doses are lethal."
He milked the snake and the jar was halfway full as he released it.
"Nature has her warning system. more brightly colored it is, rule is the more toxic it is."
"We have long known of the toxins of the forest, but due to their nature have been unable to TRULY test them. And yet YOU are teaching ME, a near 4,000 year old elven RANGER how to harness the most LETHAL of nature's weapons. Truly humbling."
"My world is more scientific. And you have to roast the frog of a fire wedged in a stick to get the poison."
"ah. Hellish fate for hellish intent."
"It's used as hunting aid."
"NOW it is fair."
Tyler milked four more gaboon vipers to fill their 36 ounce mason before they returned to the camp. Asuna smiled as they approached.
"we got a rest day. You have luck?"
"Yup. Spread the word to be careful with these. They're PURE snake venom. Gaboon viper and a few other snakes."
"I will give that warning myself. What's the bigt plan for em?"
"Hmm. THAT I DON'T know yet."
Strand nodded as she took the jars.
"I will tend to them Tyler. I have special jars for such things."
"Sure thing Strand. Maybe I ca convince some Draken idiot its the elixer of life."
They laughed at that as he went to the river and cleaned his hands off in the water. strand looked at him in horror and he chuckled.
"Venom's neutrilized in water."
"Oh thank the ear."
He chuckled at that before he returned to te river bank without his iconic jacket to lay on a pad of tiger fur in some sun. He was shirtless for once and he relaxed in the warm light.
"Oh my."
"SOMEONE'S been making gains."
"Ha. So THAT'S him when he shows off."
"Annnd there's the next set of issues. PEEEERfect."
Tyler chuckled to himself as a few girls' voices were heard from the camp as he rested his head on his hands. Hilarious ladies. The warrior dozed for a while by the riverbank when he felt a presence beside him and heard the sultry breathing of Akeno beside him as the tall beauty got comfy.
"Wha's up Akeno?"
She chuckled as he didn't open his eyes.
"Oh just relaxing."
He opened an eye and chucked as she was in a stringy bikini of white and blue.
"Ha. OOOOf course."
"We ALL have one."
"Oh my! NOT interested?"
She giggled at that exasperation before she smiled.
"I'm just comfy."
"Alright. Watch the sparkiness."
"I'll zap the dickness out of you."
He chuckled at that as the lightning mage beside him dozed herself now. Tyler grew antsy a little later and sat up with a stretch to see Akeno had fallen full asleep beside him on his tiger fur pelt. She having rolled on her belly with her head on her arms and a small hole zapped into the stone for her massive breasts. Tyler smiled at how pretty she was before he looked around at the force. Most were laid flat out on pelts in bikinis or trunks while some were working on some side project. A few were missing but their tent flaps were closed. Tyler walked over to his own tent and smiled as he found Asia and Shiro snuggled up with his coat inside.
They smiled in their sleep as he took his sword out. he hefted the bright blue weapon and noted the amount of scratches on it's length. So he used an ice spell to make a brick of ice to sharpen the magical metal. When it was back to gleaming he set it aside. The camp bonfire was crackling happily and his own was too. The berserker roasted himself some deer jerky before walking around the camp munching. Though he smiled as he passed Asuna's tent and her muffled moaning with Kirito's grunts inside. Nice to see SOMEONE'S getting action. Asuna was heard moaning a little EXTRA loudly as Tyler walked away and he chuckled at the sure to be an orgasmic sound. Atta boy. Though he smirked as he heard the same sound coming from BELFAST'S tent and saw no sign of intruder on the outside material. The wandering man found himself by the table they kept their maps on and looked at the thing while munching.
"I know that feeling."
Mina came over in a tanktop and pants with a flushed smile. Tyler chuckled as he saw her.
"Lookin at the road ahead."
"restless or bored?"
"Bored. YOU look like you're having fun."
She smirked knowingly.
"I was."
"Yup. How far did the show go?"
"Remember that one time she got tanked off wine?"
"I do."
"other then the hints, that was the most on the nose."
"GOOD. Keep it that way."
He chuckled.
"I HAVE always suspected the Strike Witches had a unit perkiness."
MIna smirked knowingly as they looked at the map.
"we had our fun never you worry. It WAS a VERY exclusive fighter wing."
"explains gthe ulterior motive for the fratnerization rule."
"I am a VERY selfish commander."
"Clearly. Must be nice to have had Yoshkia all to yourself."
"I WISH. She was claimed by Perrine. DAY ONE."
"Perrine here?"
"She's snuggling with Unicorn. She is a VERY potent lightning mage here."
Tyler chuckled at the inside conversation before he looked at the map for the route ahead.
"Least it's flatland this time."
"That's nice. We'll be well rested the morning of day three."
"As much as I hate the loss of time, we NEEDED THIS."
"We did indeed. I was worried about it to be honest. when were YOU going to reach the end of your rope? I am GLAD you reached out before you found it."
He smiled as he looked up from te map.
"I'll be sure to keep it in sight this time."
Mina chuckled at that as he wandered off. Tyler looked at the sky and noted the sun was going down so he smiled and went to summon Seria. Asia and Shiro were still snuggled up with his coat as he looked at the floor.
"Night's Longing."
Seria rose from the floor with a smile.
"I missed you too."
"we're takin a day tomorrow."
"Me too! I work hard too!"
He hugged her.
"I love you to, Seria."
She smiled happily and he turned her around.
"And boo."
She gasped at the adorable sight of Asia and Shiro with his coat.
"Aww! That's soooo CUTE! where's my crystal?"
She got a photo and Tyler passed her some fried raptor burgers and they fed well looking at the river.
"I love you, Tyler."
"I love you too, Seria. We'll be able to take a day soon enough."
"I know. I'm waiting."
She laid in his tent as he took first watch. he did his statue of armor impression by the river and kirito fistbumped him on the switch. Seria was securely snuggled with Shiro and Asia either side of her and the blue haired beauty chuckled sheepishly as her fiance walked in.
"Sorry, love. They're cute."
He laid beside Shiro and she smiled in her sleep...only to squeak as he lifted her up and deposited her on his chest as he laid beside Seria.
"You're in my spot."
"Asshole. Oh. Comfy."
Seria giggled as Shiro curled up like a cat and fell back asleep on his chest. Tyler kissed his fiance and she smiled.
"Good night, Tyler. I love you."
"Good night, Seria. I love you too."

DAY 36.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,138,653.

Tyler woke to the feeling of Seria asleep in his arm and a VERY warm and fuzzy weight on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Shiro asleep on his chest like a cat while Seria was in his right arm. On HER other side was Asia with her face pressed into Seria's massive bosom. Seria was naked and the blonde was as well. Shiro was in a cute little night gown and Tyler chuckled at the warmth in the tent. He leaned in Seria's ear.
She woke with a shiver and a smile and he kissed her.
"I love you too Tyler."
"Seems you got a friend."
"Asia is so cute. and REALLY warm."
Tyler smiled as Seria stroked the blonde's hair lovingly.
"She;s sweet. And is another little sister."
"Oh absolutely. I love her."
Asia blushed at that as she opened her green eyes with a smile.
"I love you too Seria!"
Shiro woke with a yawn as Seria hugged the adorable Asia tightly. The silver haired Shiro looked at the naked hug and blinked.
"Wow. Complications."
Both girls blushed at this and Tyler chuckled.
"Don't mind me. Sexy."
They laughed at that before Seria smirked and cradled a squeaking Asia into her bust.
"I DID learn on ladies too!"
"words cannot express just how spectualularly erect I am right now. Come on you sexy minx."
The princess smiled as she got dressed, much to Asia's disappointment.
"Ooooh I LIKED how that felt."
Seria patted her with a smile.
"we can explore that together sometime, Asia."
"Yay! I like your boobs!"
Tyler just sighed with a smile.
"I'll go warn somebody."
Seria smiled as she faded out.
"Choose WISELY!"
She was gone and Tyler whistled.
"THAT wasn't ominous or anything."
Shiro laid back down.
"I'm tired."
He chuckled and went to warn Belfast about Asia's new curiosity. He found the diligent quartermaster at one of the supply wagons looking their stores over with a clipboard. She smiled as Tyler walked over.
"Good morning, dear."
"Morning Belfast. Fair warning."
He leaned in her.
"Seria gave Asia a hug...and she liked it."
"Oh dear."
"Yeah. Seria has an INSTRUCTOR for this. Asia?"
"we shall see to her."
"Thanks Belfast."
She smiled as Tyler walked over to the Table where Asuna was looking at reports from the night prior.
"Anything I should be aware of?"
She had a flushed face as she smiled tiredly at him.
"Nothing really."
"Alright. Thank god we got an extra day to recover eh?"
"I will beat you with a MEAT MALLET YOU PRICK!"
He chuckled as he left her good an pissed off while ALSO nursing a rather INTENSE morning after. The warrior went to the river bank again and laid on his tiger pelt for the day. Rias appeared in her own stringy bikini for a cuddle and he sighed with a smile as she got comfy.
"I guess I can this one slide."
She chuckled at THAT grace.
"Oh come on. Everyone loves a snuggledevil."
"I know. it;s why we have Asia."
She smiled at that truth as she relaxed and Tyler smiled as he dozed off.
He woke a few hours later to find Rias had been joined in her snuggle by Yoshkia. The friendly witch had her head on Tyler's chest and he had an arm around her narrow waist as she slumbered. He smiled at this as he stroked her soft brown hair.
"Wow. She's warm."
Rias smiled as she opened her eyes to see Yoshkia asleep on his chest.
"She looks at you like a hero too."
"I'm no hero."
"To HER you are."
He smiled at that and hugged the witch warmly.
"I can live with that, Yoshkia."
She smiled with a blush.
"I want to be as strong as you are."
She had a warm smile in her hazel eyes and he hugged her warmly. she smiled warmly at the affection and the Berserker held her for a moment before he looked around at the relaxing camp. Yoshkia smiled as she played informant.
"Everyone's either asleep, playing some game, hunting in the forest, fucking around in their tents alone or with somebody, or some combo of the bunch."
"Ha. YOUR big plans?"
She shrugged.
"eh. Probably take a dip in the river. Haven't decided yet."
He the noted she was in a two piece suit that accuented her growing curves.
She blushed at that and he hugged her again before she ran off for whatever. Rias smiled as he relaxed again.
"She's sweet."
"She's Yoshkia."
"Nuff said!"
He chuckled at that as they dozed again. When he came to again, Rias was gone and he felt stiff for laying in literally the same spot all day. His back cracked in several places and he groaned at the feeling before he looked around. A few were sitting by the fire enjoying the flames with food on sticks and he walked over. Sanya the silver haired Scry Witch smiled shyly as he sat beside her.
"Hey Sanya."
"Hey Tyler. Hungry?"
She passed him his own roasting stick.
She smiled nervously as he stuck a hotdog made from some dinosaur on the end.
"Oh. we have ketchup right?"
The friends laughed and groaned in equal measure as Asuna slid him a jar.
"We got plenty. TRUST me."
"I see you are also a lady of culture."
Kirito sighed as he fed on his burger.
"Great. HE loves ketchup as much as she does."
Tyler chuckled as he fistbumped Asuna.
"Kirito can't take the heat."
"Yet he married YOU."
"I know right? i'm HOT!"
"And a SPICY one too!"
She laughed at that one as Akeno smirked.
"Oh my. Asuna? Is that an invitation?"
"Not for THAT."
"Ohhh BOO."
Belfast smiled coyly.
"Now, now, dear. we agreed NOT in PUBLIC."
"Double boo! I wanna have some FUN!"
Rias smirked as she bit into her fish sandwich.
"NO spin the bottle, NO TRUTH OR DARE, NO PRANKS."
A fair few groaned at this shoot down and Tyler smirked.
"In der open. I, sadly, will not participate. WITHOUT Seria present."
They chuckled at that one and Asuna smiled as she drank from a bottle.
"I think we can save THAT set of idears for a LONGER term vacation."
They chuckled at that promise and Tyler smiled as he roasted a hotdog on a stick in a fantasy world surrounded by his anime icons he now led in a war. The friends enjoyed a well earned break from the struggles that be to bask in the ease and joys of being alive. Tyler smiled as the fire burned down and he went back to his tent to find Yoshkia waiting for him. She smiled shyly as he blinked.
"Um, Asia brags?"
He chuckled as he laid beside the witch.
"Sure thing Yoshkia."
She sighed in relief before snuggling up beside him and he drapped an arm around the tiny girl.
"Wow Yoshkia. You're toasty."
She smiled at that priase as they got comfy.
"Thanks. Night, Tyler."
"Night Yoshkia."

DAY 37
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,138,653.

Tyler woke to the feeling of Yoshkia curled into a tight ball in his body curve and him holding her in a protective coccoon. her head head under his chin and he smiled at how warm she was. He stroked her back and she woke with a squeak.
"Morning Yoshkia. You're a warm one aren'tchya?"
She smiled at that as he stroked her back affectionately.
"Thanks. Um, that feels nice."
He stopped and she smiled shyly.
"Again sometime?"
"Sure, Yoshkia. Come on."
She smiled and they geared up for returning to active warriors. Tyler hung his greatsword on his back and smiled at the clank of metal.
"MUCH better."
She chuckled at that as she buckled her staff on.
"You remind me so much of Barkhorn it's scary."
He chuckled as the coat was drapped over his shoulders.
"She's a tough girl."
The Berserker went to the table where the rest of the leaders were waiting. Asuna had a refreshed smile on her face as he walked up.
"Okay. We needed that."
He chuckled.
"A LOT. Alright so where we at?"
Mina nodded and she tapped the next village.
"We'll reach the village by noon."
"Alright. Break camp."
The warriors moved with the speed of practice to break camp before they mounted up and hit the road. Tyler smiled as they left the river behind and looked at Strand beside him.
"You master the snake milking yet?"
She smiled.
"I did. And not a single snake injured."
"We'll turn it in to the Station."
"I appreciate it. We Rangers are constantly striving to better live with the forests we care for. So any new method discovered is cherished."
"I'll keep an eye out for anything else that might help."
She nodded with a smile as the force moved at a light gallop. The party tore through the forest wih ease and came upon the village after a mere few hours ride.....only to slow to a near instant halrt by the sight awaiting them.
The village gates had been broke open and there as blood smeared all over them.

Tyler sighed as he saw this.
"why am I not surprised? Sack up! We're looking in an aftermath!"
The force nodded and weapons were unsheathed as the Berserker cautiously led the way to the door. Strand sighed as she saw the blood up close.
"It's a week old."
Tyler nodded as he used his greatsword to push the gate open.....and revealed a pile of horrifically mutilated bodies of men, women, and children all heaped in the village square. The bodies were all impaled on sticks with signs of torture, rape, birth, eating, and other forms of torment. Tyler sighed as he saw the pile.
"All of them are rotting. This village was sacked by monsters."
Strand nodded as she looked at the damage done to the village and the tracks in the dirt.
"Orcs too. The force that took Dunkirck?"
"I doubt it. Those monkeys would have eaten them to the bone if it had been."
"True. So we're looking at another band. The Station will know more."
"If they heard everything and did NOTHING?"
"Then I step as MAster of Rangers. We may not be FOND of civilization, but we have a DUTY dammit to the PEOPLE that live in it."
Tyler nodded as his horrified force rode in behind him.
"Heads on a swivel. We may not be the only ones here. Rias, take your squad and make a pyre. We can at LEAST get them off their spikes."
Mina shuddered as she saw infants had also been impaled.
"To think. I am GRATEFUL all we had were neroui."
"True monsters do that to you. Why it's up to US to KILL THEM ALL."
They nodded and the force got to work investigating the sacking and searching for anything of use. Tyler took a photo of the pile of dead and Strand looked at him.
"Never forget?"
"And shock treatment for any other recruits we get."
"Ah. The queen will need to be informed."
He took the orb out and Mylissia appeared.
"Back at it?"
He nodded to the pile and she gasped.
"And already found a mess."
Mylissia had tears of grief appear in her eyes as she saw the pile.
"No. Not Martoc. I LOVED that village. I had FRIENDS there. FIND THE ONES THAT DID THIS and send them to hell."
Tyler nodded as he looked at the pile....and noted something.
"What the? Hey Strand look at that shadow."
The ranger looked at the shadow of one of the lances impaling an infant...
"What the hell? That shadow is COMPLETELY out of place. It should be HERE at this timw of day."
Tyler frowned and flicked a rock at the pile.....only for it to go RIGHT THROUGH it.
"A hologram?"
Rias frowned as she looked over from the blood on a house.
"This blood is FAKE. what the hell is this?"
Tyler looked at Strand.
"Okay. This village. Does it have any WIERD customs that you know of?"
The elven ranger thought for a moment.
"Well. Once a year they reenact the founding of their village. It started with.....a massecre. And they found it.....and built the village to honor the ones that were lost before.....did we stumble on a village festival?"
Tyler looked at the ALSO confused queen.
"Any a this ring a bell?"
She nodded with wide blue eyes.
"Yes. I've attended a fair few in my day. And they use THAT EXACT spell to conjure a pile of bodies. WHY I didn't see that at first is irritating me."
"I wonder."
He looked at the pile.
"Magical Rebuff."
The pile and a good portion of the blood on the ground vanished.
"what the hell did you do that for?"
A woman poked her head out of a window with indignation on her face. She too was covered in blood and Tyler just looked at her.
"Sooo NOW we get your attention?"
The woman blinked as she got a good look at him.
"Lord Berserker?"
"In the flesh."
"Oh. MY sincerest apologies. that's how we defend our village."
EVERYONE'S eyes flashed at this and Tyler chuckled at the also impressed queen.
"THAT is an INGENIUS trick."
She nodded with a smile.
"No one looks at a sacked village twice. even IF they happen every day."
The mess of the village vanished and Tyler chuckled as the 500 or so strong village all came out wearing sheepish expressions at the deception. A slender woman with purple hair and pink eyes strode from the crowd. She was Tyler's height with long, foot length purple hair and bright pink eyes while her skin was pale. Her bust was massive in her smock while her frame was slender. She spoke in a soft breath as she approached the Berserker.
"My apologies Lord Berserker. We did not recognize your force and merely thought it another bandit brigade. I am Barron Melodoia. Please, call me Melody."
"I'm Tyler. This is Asuna, second in command. Rias the red head, Akeno, your twin, Strand a ranger, Victoria, the knight captain I guess, and Mina. The Strike Witch. Captains."
Melody smiled as Akeno was MILDLY taken aback by their mirror appearnaces.
"You and your Knights are most welcome here, Lord Berserker. So long as you do not destroy our village."
"My MOTHER IN LAW would kill me."
Mylissia smirked.
"I MIGHT anyway ya royal prick."
Akeno was spotted then and Melody smiled.
"Oh my. Who are you my dear?"
"Akeno. Akeno Himejima. Nice to meet you."
Melody smiled warmly.
"Perhaps we share a parent. I have NEVER met ANYONE that looks so much as I do. Please, what was your mother's name?"
"Akira. Akira Himejima......Bartrand."
"I know Akira. She was MY mother as well. I know not Bartrand."
Tyler smiled as he walked over.
"So are you a fallen angel?"
Meody nodded and a pair of jet black bird wings exploded out of her back. The wings spanned 20 feet from her back with flying feathers from the things with none appearing to have been lost. Akeno smiled as she had a pair of wings appeared from her back now. One a beautiful black bird wing the same length as Melody's while the OTHER was a jet black skeletal wing of a devil. Melody blinked as she saw this and smiled.
"Your life has been HARD Sister. But fear not. for you are BEAUTIFUL."
Akeno sniffed and Belfast smiled adoringly.
"That she is. Akeno dear, I MUCH prefer this look for you."
Tyler chuckled.
"Half heaven. Half hell. One beautiful girl. Sometimes being of two worlds can give you a strength the likes of which you have NEVER known."
Akeno hugged Melody with tears of utter relief on her face as her newfound sister enveloped her in a wing hug.
"There's TWO?"
"Oh crap."
The rest of the village slumped at this and Tyler looked at them curiously.
One of the ladies smiled sheepishly.
"Melody is.....a handful."
"So isn't Akeno. She's a thunder goddess."
A MASS GULP was seen and Akeno smiled as she let her new sister go.
"Oh my. I MIGHT enjoy myself."
Melody chuckled as she looked at her.
"Me as well. So long as you clean your mess."
"Older sister or younger sister?"
"IN your years I am 25. In OURS I am 2,000."
"Older, Onee-san."
Tyler whistled a LONG and approving whistle.
"DAMN Akeno."
She smiled teasingly.
"Okay you can stop that, Queen of sexiness. I get it. You're a seductress."
"Help me, Onee-chan!"
"Okay you keep that up I am GOING to attack you with all the force an otaku can. ENOUGH WITH THE TEASE."
Akeno licked her lips and made her massive rack bounce.
"Okay Sparky."
Melody giggled into her hand as Akeno went from seductive tease to PISSED on a dime.
"Sparky? I like it!"
"I hate you."
Rias and the rest of the heroes were just sighing.
"Idiots. They're all a bunch of IDIOTS."
Tyler chuckled before he looked at Melody.
"So you said something about ANOTHER group of bandits?"
She nodded.
"I did. I will tell you what I know."
The village was laid out in a circle with the buildings near flush with the palisade walls defending it. The center was home to an immense open area the village used for recreation and their festivals. Melody led the Leaders into her Chieftain's hall that was made like a tavern with plenty of benches and warm hearths. The fallen angel not having put her wings away as she sat at a round table.
"Not even four nights prior, a band of 300 bandit raiders tore through the village. We engaged the illusion before the saw the gate thank the gods and they were VERY disappointed."
She placed a crystal recording on the table. Tyler smiled as he saw the men ride in.
"YOU are a smart fallen angel, Melody."
"Thank you. We are not a fighting village by any means. But we ARE highly skilled illusion mages."
"I could tell. Next time rotate the entire illusion five clicks to the right. Shadows didn't line up."
"Ah. I will do so. Now. This is the interesting piece."
The leader of the bandits, a man in bright red scalemail armor was heard speaking.
"Ugh. Someone beat us to it. Okay. Saddle up! We're heading to the meeting with the King! This goes well, we'll be able to deal with the Berserker before we can actually take a city!"
Tyler smirked at that arrogance.
"A Bandit King thinks he can take ME on. Amusing."
He set the orb on the table and Mylissia smirked as she appeared.
"So is there crisis this time?"
"Akeno's Melody's sister."
She blinked.
Akeno smiled with pride.
"Same mother!"
"wow. Akira was YOUR mother?"
"Yup! You knew her?"
"Knew her? She's MY grandmother! HER blood is ROYAL blood! I'M your niece!"
Akeno just sat there with a dumbfounded expression and Tyler pokd her in the nose.
Asia giggled.
Akeno's fired brain restarted.
"I have family."
She smiled so widely Tyler was half afraid her face would crack. The berserker smiled as he looked at the queen.
"So Seria has an aunt."
"And she will ADORE her! Oh. YOU'RE marrying into HER family. In terms of hierarchy, Tyler? SHE is the head of MY FAMILY! As a direct descendent of Akira and a HERO to boot. Melody is also of royalty. She does not wish to rule though."
Akeno smiled as she looked at Tyler.
"'d be my adopted NEPHEW?"
"I guess. I'd be happy at best friend."
"RIAS is MY best friend. YOU get brother."
He hugged her hard.
"I have a SISTER worth something. I am PROUD to call you family Akeno."
She smiled as she hugged him back.
"Me too."
"We're an Addams family, but part a the charm."
Mylissia smiled happily as she looked at Akeno.
"We'll discuss your role in the court on your return, Akeno. Do you have any siblings you know of?"
"Know of no, and Mother has been dead for years."
That made them blink. Melody looked at her.
"I am sure you have reason to believe this, but she was just here not six months prior."
Akeno started shaking at this and Tyler slapped her on the back with enough force she jumped.
"Thanks Tyler."
"I gotcyer back sis."
She smiled at that.
"we'll find her."
"Bitch please. She'll find US. I mean, she IS your mother, Akeno."
"Thanks Tyler."
Rias sighed.
"I'd say something too, Akeno, but that BASTARD kept stealing my lines. As I THOUGHT OF THEM."
They chuckled and Tyler chuckled as he looked at asuna.
"We show up to a random village....and find out our thunder goddess is related not only to THAT Fallen beauty but the queen and MY fiance for fuck's sake? Whoever built this world has no idea what pacing is."
That made the redhead sigh as Akeno smiled.
"I'd like to borrow the orb for the night, Tyler."
"Thank you."
He smiled before they switched to the real reason they called. Mylissia was given the recording and she nodded once she saw the scene in question.
"A bandit king huh? Great. ANOTHER one."
"HAve there been any whispers in teh dark?"
"Plenty and more. Nothing abut a bandit king so this guy must be new or VERY clever. The RAnger Station should know more if a large gathering is underway."
"We'll check it out ourselves."
A woman came bursting into the hall.
"A bandit company approaching from the south! 400 men!"
Tyler and the leaders were RACING into action.
The Knights smiled wickedly as they threw themselves to the tasks as Melody pulled Tyler aside.
"we are not fighters, Tyler."
"we got this. We can kill 400 bandits without a scratch and the element of surprise. Plus I want that leader alive."
"ooh do be careful."
"You'll get to see WHY Akeno is a captain in MY army."
Melody smiled.
"NOw I admit to excitement!"
He chuckled as the village illusion was erected and the wagons hidden along with the horses. The rest of the Knights took up positions inside the houses with Tyler also taking part in the illusion. Namely, he was INSIDE THE THING. the pile of bdies was easily 20 feet tall. Plenty of room for the highest level warriors in the Knights of the Bloodoath to stage an ambush. Kirito smiled as they found that from inside the illusion, there WAS no illusion.
"NOw this is gonna take balls a steel."
Tyler chuckled as he planted his sword in the dirt with his hands resting on the sapphire pommel.
"THIS is gonna be FUN."
The ten or so smiled as they waited for Tyler's nod as a thunder of hooves was heard before a wall or armed and screaming in excitement men came tearing into the village....only to see the hellish image of the dead pile.
"BElay! BELAY! The village was already sacked!"
A mass groan went up from the bandits as they gathered around the pile without seeing thre warriors staged inside it. A taller man with silver armor approached the pile astride a SKELETAL horse and Tyler smirked as he saw this.
"A SHADALLION. Shadow Stallion. I want it."
The man on the skeletal horse sighed as he saw the pile.
"That be a cryin shame lads. I hear this village be home to a Fallen Angel. They FUCK like you would not believe. Ugh. come on."
The man went to ride away....when all hell broke loose.
Tyler and his ten warrior came surging out of the Illusion and the leader was taken to the ground the next instant.
The Knights opened up with enchanted arrows as the caught COMPLETELY by surprise bandits slipped on the fifty yards of ice with falling horses and screaming. Tyler smiled at the now TERRIFIED leader pinned under his sword and patted his face cheerily.
"Don't worry. That Fallen Angel is a THUNDER GODDESS."
Akeno was seen gliding on her mismatched wings raining electricity from the sky with a smile and a flush. The 400 man army was wiped out in MINUTES and Tyler chuckled as he looked at Asuna.
"Some heavy wounds taken and a fair few need potions. NO dead or anything we can't heal. FOUR levels gained by those that need them."
Kirito smiled.
"Level 10."
Bell nodded.
"Level 9. We're getting closer."
Tyler chuckled as he looked at the white faced lone survivor.
"Come on. we're gonna a word with you. Bloodoath, loot and clean the mess. MIRROR that pile to the LAST inch."
Melody smiled with awe in her eyes as the warriors returned.
"Mighty Heroes indeed. And my sister is MOST impressive."
"I trust her so freakin much for a reason. Come on. THIS idiot has some questions to answer."
Mylissia smiled with Seria beside her as they returned to the table.
"We saw. YOU are a WILY bastard indeed."
Seria smiled.
"I recorded it as you just HAVE to see what it looked like when you launched from inside that pile. So awesome! Oh. AUNTIE!"
Akeno smiled proudly at that squeal.
"We'll need to talk about that, Seria. I'm only 17."
ALL the natives, the bandit leader excluded, looked at her in shock. Akeno smiled sheepishly.
"Yeah. How old did you think I was?"
Mylissia smiled.
"I had you placed at EASILY 24 or more with that HEAVENLY bust. I admit to envy."
Akeno smiled with a blush and Tyler chuckled.
"Never seen a blush on THOSE cheeks before Akeno. And we can talk family all we want with the orb."
"I'll remember."
She had pride on her face at this as Tyler looked at Mylissia.
"So i got a present."
She smiled sweetly.
"PAss the idiot through."
Tyler tossed the pleading bandit leader through the orb and he was dragged away. Seria smiled.
"We'll have answers in fifteen minutes. Tyler? I have a favor to ask."
"Sure. I'll summon you for Akeno."
"wow. YOU were going to ASK ME weren't you?""
Akeno smiled at this.
"I will OWE YOU-"
"JAck shit. You're one the ones I COUNT on the MOST Akeno. You need or want something just ask. I gotcher back."
She hugged him hard.
"Thank you."
He smiled and held her tightly for a moment. Then he pushed her away with a spin like tey wre dancing.
"Take a seat Aunt-in-law."
She laughed as she did just that.
"I'll be a FUN in-law."
"Course you will. It's YOU we're talking about here. Always just GREAT to be around."
Seria cleared her throat now. And Tyler looked RIGHT at her, sweating bullets.
"Um. She's an icon from my world too?"
Seria smiled knowingly.
"Like RIAS icon?"
"Same place kinda."
"Huh. Interesting. Should I be concerned?"
"WHO am I marrying?"
"That is a very good point. CAREFUL WITH THE GUSHING IN FRONT OF ME."
"Yes Seria."
She smiled sweetly as her mother patted her proudly.
"THAT is how you do it, sweetie. WELL DONE."
Tyler just smiled helplessly.
"She's my wife. So I lose by default."
The women laughed at that as the men nodded sagely at this truth. A Wraith returned and presented the queen with a pile of papers.
"I have answers."
Tyler nodded as he switched from fawning grovel, to War Party leader on a dime.
"What am I looking at?"
Mylissia passed him a copy.
"A number of bandit lords have come together under a Draken to harry our cities and strain our armies just that much more. Right now we are looking at several thousand men and that number is climbing daily."
Tyler nodded.
"The Draken. Is it the Deep HAnd?"
"Doubtful. They don't launch dual operations like that. This is another branch entirely. And one with DIRECT SUPPORT from their homeland. So we're in for a rough patch."
"You said a few thousand. A SET NUMBER?"
"5,000 at the last rumor."
Tyler nodded and Asuna sighed.
"Tyler. No. There is NO WAY we can take on an army of that size alone."
"In a straight shitfight no. But. Remember Sparta."
"THAT is a very good point."
The Macedonains were confused so he smiled.
"Sparta is an ancient tale in our worlds. A culture of warriors raised from BIRTH to be soldiers. In their heyday they were the best in the world. Another country, Persia, invaded from the north. King Leonidas took 300 of his best men and wedged themselves in a coastal mountain pass. In our worlds magic doesn't exist so keep that in mind. Persia, led by Godking Xerxes, had an army of 1,500,000 men. For three days and nights the Spartans made the Perisan army pay so deeply in blood they lost all will to fight. A betrayal did for them. But their kills numbered in teh HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS. 300 men. Stopped a MILLION MAN ARMY dead in it's tracks. WITHOUT magic."
The queen had respect in her voice as she spoke now.
"These warriors, were you trained by them Tyler?"
"Directly? No. They are a long dead culture. But we have their teachings, their records and their methods."
"This is what we hoped for in a hero. Do you have a plan?"
"I have PIECES of a plan. Strand says there is a Ranger Station in the forest."
The elf nodded.
"And it's a full 50 Rangers. Led by MY sister. Her name is Dryft. And she is a FERAL elf indeed. Her favorite prey is mountain lions she hunts with her BARE HANDS AND SHARPENED TEETH."
Tyler chuckled.
"I love this elf an I don't even know her."
"I love Seria more."
The queen laughed at the sweet smile on her daughter's face.
"YOU are going to be JUUUST fine with THAT kinda leash on him Sweetie!"
Seria smiled.
"It's fun watching him squirm."
His noise made HER gulp now! Tyler smiled at his beloved princess.
"Love you too, Blueberry."
"Heeey! Mean!"
"Not cool!"
He chuckled and Mylissia sighed with a smile.
"Oh dear. Sweetie? Don't you have lessons right now?"
Seria looked at her confused.
"I do...but my husband is making a war strategy. I want to watch for once."
"Oooh fine."
Tyler smiled at that as he looked at the map. Rias smirked.
"Good answer."
"Not my game, not my table."
They nodded sagely at that and TYler frowned.
"Okay. we have an army of 5,000 or more on the march. WHERE are they?"
Strand frowned as well as she looked at the map.
"An army of that size would leave a mark we could see from the mountain. And we saw nothing."
"An illusion spell?"
"If so, we need to see the Station. It is not far from here. Maybe 15 minutes."
"We'll go check it out. Bell, Asia, Rias, Barkhorn, annnnd.....Xenovia. Rest a you on defense. Village is homebase for the time being. If another group of bandits come through, same bait and ambush. Take the leader alive. Asuna's Knights."
The redhead nodded. Tyler looked at Strand.
"Let's move."
She nodded and the named took off from the village into the forest. Xenovia smiled as she came up beside him.
"I;m only a level 5. Why'd you pikc me?"
"You rounded out the formation I wanted. You're a spellsword."
"Ah. Thanks."
"Sure think Xeneria."
"Awww I like it!"
Rias smirked.
"YOU are VERY flirty outta nowhere."
He glowed and the light shattered and he shrugged.
"No hits. Guess I'm just in a good mood."
Metalica appeared on his shoulder with a pop.
"And BOO! I know you missed me!"
They smiled at the return of their sprite friend and Tyler patted her.
"Glad you have you back Metalica. How are you feeling?"
"Refreshed and REAALLY fuckin bored."
"we'll bring you up to speed later."
"I was watching from my living room. Which is your eyes."
"Oh. So we're on the same page."
"I was also watching your memories like a movie. I gotta say, I LOVE your stories."
Rias smirked.
"You can read them."
"I can make them into books since I kinda AM him in here."
"WE will work out a deal."
"Sure thing Demon Queen."
Tyler chuckled att hat.
"Seria gets her own copies."
The iron sprite stretched and vanished back into his body as Strand nodded to a large tree.
"That's the Station."
Tyler smiled.
"Not a word."
"You remember."
The tree was easily 200 meters across and towered a thousand feet into the air. Strand smiled as she saw the pristine state of the door hiddin in the wood.
"Already an improvement over the last one."
"Open the door BEFORE yoy say that."
She did and the friends were faced with a group of fifty armed Ranchers aiming arrows at them. Strand tugged her ear.
"Hold Brothers and Sisters. We come with news. Dyft. Are you here Sister?"
A strong chuckle was heard from the side of the mass.
"Must be somethin BIG if ya brought Lord BERSERKER with you sister."
A ferally beautiful elf stepped into view and Tyler whistled. She was Asia's height with a slender frame and large bust on her chest. Her hair was long and hung to her bare feet....and was blood red. even DEEPER red then Rias' crimson mane. The elf's skin was also blood red along with her eyes, teeth, and fingernails. Which along with her toenails were long and razor sharp points. Her red eyes blazed with a ferocious fire and her attire was a mere ragged croptop and cut off shorts. Tyler smiled as he saw her.
"An elven blood dancer merged with a rage demon. I LIKE you."
The red elf smirked and displayed razor sharp rangs for teeth as her strong yet feminine voice came.
"YOU knew on SIGHT. An impressive feat for an UNBLOODED HUMAN. YOU intrigue me."
"We'll have our deathmatch later. For now we need a report on the forest."
She nodded as Strand faced her.
"Sister. it was a RAGE demon?"
"It was a lesser, Strand."
The brown haired elf looked at Tyler in mild surprise.
"How can you be so sure?"
He jabbed a thumb at the color of Dryft's skin.
"Her skin is the giveaway and the fact she's stil here. Doesn't matter how strog you are, when it comes to demonic possession adn merging, if the HOST can't handle the power and corruption of the DEMON, the host dies a melting death. So, NOTHING above a lesser can preform the merge or possesion. Not even if it's willing."
Dryft nodded.
"You know demons. He speaks truth. I dominated the demon's will and it serves me now."
"NO. It's just biding it's time. It LET you win since it'll live longer then you. Here. SHE'LL make it bow to you."
Rias smiled and dryft shuddered as she looked her in the eye.
"My princess? HEre?"
Strand looked at Tyler for an explanation and he smiled.
"Rias is the Princess of hell."
"By my EAR."
"I thought we told you that."
"You might have. It's been a while."
Rias smiled as she made Dryft glow.
"There. He;s yours now."
Dryft had a brighter glow in her red eyes now as she smiled.
"I feel a THOUSAND times lighter. Thank you."
Tyler chuckled.
"Sure thing Blood Elf. we're looking at an army of 5,000 bandits."
"I see. There have been sightings of a mass of armed troops to the west. We have been keeping tabs on their movement but did not get any specific details on them. NOW we will. Ghost, Shadow, go."
Two rangers nodded before vanishing into the forest. Tyler smiled.
"Can we count on you, dryft?"
The elf slapped her arm into his with a smile.
"Absolutely. I be MIGHTY curious to see how Lord Berserker fights."
"We'll regroup at Melody's village. Cast an illusion spell and make it seem the Station was sacked. With sign only another Ranger can follow to the village."
Strand chuckled.
"YOU learned from Ingot's mess."
"Yup. Ghost and Shadow'll meet up with us at the village."
They nodded and the rest of the Rangers followed as Dryft made the Station seem already sacked. then they headed off at a light trot through the forest with the red elf bounding on all fours like a deer. Tyler chuckled as he watched this feral beauty move. Rias smirked as she saw this.
They returned to the village and regrouped with the leaders. Asuna chuckled as Dryft perched in the chair like a cat and Tyler shrugged as he sat by the redhead.
"She's a blood dancer."
"Makes sense. So what do we have?"
"She has scouts out now and we'll have answers in an hour. Now we just need a suitable funnel or a place we can take away their advantage of numbers. Strand? Dryft?"
The red elf looked at the map with her sister elf before they tapped one place.
"Hanger's Gulch. An old gorge. Sheer cliffs either side and like a valley leading through that part of the forest."
Tyler nodded as he looked at it.
"How many ways in?"
"Two. Opposite ends."
"Alright. We'll lead the bandits in to the gorge and have grapple hooks in the center for escape once we get pushed back in far enough. Once IN far enough, we'll use some demo charges from Metalica's forge to drop the gorge ontop of them."
They looked at him ike he was nuts.
Dryft looked ather sister.
"He's crazier an I am!"
Strand smiled.
"And his brillance is unblemished because of it. Sister. WE destroyed Dunkrick with a similar gambit."
That got a whistle of respect from the red elf.
"Oh. So he's THAT type a crazy bastard? I'm in. But we'll need a LOT of charges to make that old gorge go."
Tyler smiled.
"what's the main stone in the gorge, Dryft?"
"Weird ask but okay. The gorge is made of sandstone, granite, some shale, and dirt.....why are you grinning?"
"We drill 3 inch hole into the top of the cliffs along a distance of about.....100 yards either side of the gorge. Then we fill the holes with the explosive compounds Metalica uses. Do this right, and you SPLIT the stone like a log."
Strand smiled as her sister just sat back in her chair.
"See, Sister? He sees the world differently."
"Yeah. DIFFERENTLY. That's the word. Tyler."
"You're insane."
"Well, thank HEAVEN for that then. Cause otherwise this'd probably never work."
She laughed at that.
"I love the way you think! my RAngers are in."
Ghost an Shadow returned and the pair tugged ears.
"We have sight."
The taller Ghost laid her map out.
"The army numbers 10,435 men with mages, cavalery, seige engines, and even captured beasts as warbeasts. They are currently camped out in this valley."
She tapped a pocket in the mountains.
"With more companies pouring in on the hour. By this time next week they could number one hundred thousand at the least."
TYler nodded.
"We don't have time to wait. Alright. Dryft."
Metalica appeared with buckets of the minibomblets.
"Take these and get to the site. We'll go incite the horde to follow us into the gorge."
She nodded and 30 rangers ran out with the material.
"We have animal friends in the area, Tyler. We'll have them come in as well."
"Alright. You have 50 Rangers. I have 127 warriors. We have a force of 177 fighters. And we WILL send these bandits to hell. Knights. Our plan is simple. Funnel and meat grinder. we'll split into two forces plugging both sides of the gorge. Thbey won't bother climbing it as they'd have to LITERALLY go all the way around and by that point we'll have enraged them like a bull. Taunts, jabs, insults, anything you can do to get under their skin do so. Once we are in the gorge form three ranks with arrows and spells. One rank fires and dropps back with rank fire firing. They drop back as the third comes up for their shots and repeat."
Asuna smiled.
"We used a similar strategy on the floor boss on 55."
Tyler tapped the center of the gorge.
"We'll have grapples on the walls here for every man in the Knights. We'll attach and zip up. The hooks will retract into belts so once on the top get away from the edge and ready to set off the demo charges. The bandits will be far too commited by that point to really escape and we'll bury them alive. The ENTIRE army should be in that gorge with a token force escaping."
Mina smiled.
"Backup plan?"
"We get stuck back to back and flip. Then we use surge spells to PUSH them back."
"Alright. It'll be a meat grinder in the extreme. But we'll get it done."
Tyler smiled.
"We'll head out in a few hours. For now it's full battleprep. Melody,"
"We will go into lockdown."
"Good. We'll deal with this. YOU just keep your heads down."
The heads nodded and Tyler smiled.
"See to your tasks. Break."
The force went to their tasks with a passion as Mylissia smiled from the orb.
"Tyler, if possible, try to take the leader alive. I would have words with him."
"We'll TRY TO, but no promises"
"I understand. And i will be watching from your eyes with Seria this time. See how YOU approach a fight."
Tyler smirked as he sharpened his greatsword. Kirito came over with a fresh quiver of arrows.
"I hit level ten, Tyler."
"So we're on the same level, i THAT you think?"
Kirito smirked as he looked at the berserker.
"I want my rematch."
"Ha. We'll kill each other later, Kirito."
Asuna sighed as she walked over.
"Great. A dick measuring contest between men."
Rias smiled sympathically at the redheaded wife.
"They're men, Asuna. They're never satisifed until they figure who wields the bigger knife."
Tyler chuckled at that as he and Kirito worked their swords over. Metalica appeared on his shoulder with a smirk.
"I got enough demo charges leftover for a few more big ones, Tyler. Then I'll need to buy some more material."
"Make a list and we'll run it down."
"On it."
She winked out as the red elf Dryft appeared with a report.
"The holes are made and filled. We were able to make a line either side of the gorge ALL THE WAY along rhe gorge. You're outta your mind."
He chuckled at that one as Asia came bouncing up with a bone.
"Hi! I found this in that prick's dead horse! It;s cold."
Dryft chuckled as she explained.
"It's Shadallion Bone. Feed it to a steed of Shadowmare blood and it'll gain the ability Dullahan Aspect. You'll be able to ride a Skeletal horse."
Tyler took the bone with a smirk.
"I know exactly who to give it to."
He went to the stable where Shadow, his Morbol, was stabed with evident boredom.
"hey big guy. I got a present for ya."
Shadow looked only to scream as he saw the bone. Tyler patted him as he fed the 6 inch bone to the animal and it glowed an eerie black before he reared in his stall with black fire exploding from his hooves and engulfing him. The result was the noble black horse loosing ALL the flesh on it's body to stand there in a skeletal horse form with fire for mane, eyes, and tail. The flames were neon blue while on the horse's head was a 3 foot jagged spike of black metal and his screams were unsettlingl three toned sounds. Tyler patted him and the horse nuzzled him gratefully for such power.
"YOU look TERRIFYING. I love it."
Tyler pulled his Status Plate and saw the Ability Dullahan Aspect as a toggleable option. Shadow was returned to his usual appearance and tossed his head with a new smugness.
"yeah, yeah you're a badass. I know."
Tyler then left him to his rest to check in with Asuna at the table.
"How are we looking?"
"We're ready. HOW exactly are we going to incite a ARMY to chase us?"
He smirked.
"My head is worth half a billion gold, Asuna. If we LAUNCH a frontal assault with cavalery and SWING around hurling jabs an taunts while KILLING everyone in sight, then FLEE? They'd be so pissed they'd chase us to hell an back."
"I THINK I've seen this in a movie somewhere. Alright. Broad daylight?"
"Broad Daylight."
"We'll get this done."
Tyler smiled.
"Knights, mount up."
The 177 man force mounted up and Tyler chuckled as he sat astride Shadow.
"Alright people. We got another suicide mission. This time we're charging into the enemy camp and killing everything that looks nice. Then we swing OUT of the enemy camp and piss in their cheerios. We do this right, we'll have 10,000 idiots chasing us. we'll lead them into the gorge and make them BLEED for every inch. Once they're in deep enough we'll attach grapple lines for the vertical pull out. That's when we set the charges in the holes off. The gorge collaspes, and we bury them ALIVE. Like we did at Dunkrick but a lot smaller. Any questions?"
He got crickets.
"Alright. Knights of the Bloodoath...MOVE OUT!"
The force thundered out of the village as they activated their massecre illusion during the campaign. Tyler was riding Shadow in his usual appearance and Rias smirked as she rode behind him.
"So now tou have a Reaper Horse?"
"Pretty much. Shadow's got a new cosmetic. And it's make an impact."
Kirito chuckled.
"I want one now."
"Startin to think you like riding my coat tails, Kirito."
"Coming form teh guy that ripped off MY coat."
"Coming from the guy that ripped off MY spell arsenal."
"Coming from the guy that is LITERALLY living this world like I lived SAO....and BRAGS about it."
Asuna sighed in pain as the two warriors bantered.
"Coming from the wife of one you two idiots, SHUT UP. My head hurts."
They chuckled at that as Tyler looked to where Dryft was riding a blood red mare beside him.
"Where's their camp?"
"Half an hour ride then veer right."
"I hope those fangs an claws aren't just for show, Dryft."
She smirked with a wicked excitement.
"I'll be sure to show you."
Rias smirked.
"Is that an ATTACHMENT I detect?"
"More feral amusement."
"Ha. You do know she can hear you right?"
"I know."
"Okay. YOU are ASKING for the couch."
He chuckled at that as the force moved through the forest. A half hour later the force veer into the forest and one of the rangers used a skill to hide their dust cloud and sound of their hooves in the forest. Tyler nodded at Asuna and she had then force slow down so Tyler would seem to be launching a suicide charge on an entire enemy army. Which given his well known ego was ENTIRELY plausible. Tyler smirked as the sound of a mass of screaming, yelling, clashing steel, and the scent of human habitation was detected ahead. He drew his greatsword with one hand as Shadow screamed in excitement and dug his hooves in harder. Tyler breasted a hill and was faced with the ragtag encampment of the Bandits and smiled as a few guards jumped as his trademark black coat, blue sword, and black horse were seen.
Tyler smiled as he swung his sword,
The bandits had camped inside a massive valley betwee two peaks with their leader all the way at the rear. From his perspective, the front ranks simplay exploded as the blue flaming tornado arose from the masses and the black rider was seen twirling his greatsword into the packs of STUNNED bandits scoring several kills. The leader smiled widely at this and the army raced to regroup from the sudden and utterly foolhardy assault. Tyler smiled as shadow trampled people, tents, fires, and food with impunity.
"Frozen Wastes."
His spell left a hole in the bandit camp as a mass of pikemen leapt into formation and Shadow slid to a stop. Tyler chuckled as he saw the line of smirking pikemen.
"Bout time ya remembered your balls."
A deep, baritone belly laugh was heard from deeper in the horde.
"Welcome to your grave Berserker! Ya got balls a steel to raid the camp of the Renegade King!"
Tyler smirked as the hole he'd made in the force closed up.
"Thanks for the shoutout to my balls, RK. Seems THAT'S why a fair few a these guys be walkin funny."
The laugh came again.
"Yer taunts mean nothing to me! I could snap a wee twig that you without effort-"
"Is THAT yo MOMMA said ro ya? Yeesh. Did you at least PAY HER after?"
There was a moment of silence and Tyler blinked.
"You DIDN'T pay her? So she fucked ya for free? WOW. makes sense. Standards are pretty cheap these days. I mean, even yo hand turn you down sometimes."
There was a low growl of anger now from someone and Tyler smirked.
"At least I don't look like that! MY wife is the PRINCESS, I am the BERSERKER, yo ass belong to yo daddy and yo momma likes to take her turn! YOU SUCK!"
There was a bellow of UTTER RAGE as a near 9 foot foot tall am was seen waving a monstorous sword and shield at the smiling warrior on his black horse.
"Well hurry up if ya dare! I got more important things to do then babysit YOU!"
The bandit army leapt to obey the order of their out of his mind leader while Tyler merely snapped his fingers.
A line of powerful firespells exploded along the frontline as the rest of the Knights charged the lines. Asuna had her rapier darting into eyes as the 156 force all roared taunts at the caught AGAIN by surprise army.
"Yo momma's bigger then you are!"
"How's it feel knowing you're just troll spew?"
"The mirror makes you pay it, don't it?"
The bandits were possessed of a near BLIND RAGE at the inflammetory remarks as Tyler and Shadow tore into motion.
The conflicting elements carved a path through the camp and allowed Tyler to regroup with the Knights while the entire bandit army dropped what they were doing to chase them EN MASS. Tyler chuckled as he retook the lead with Asuna.
"Works like a charm EVERY time. Move to step 2."
"On it. The horses will be taken by the rangers to a safe space and they'll attack from above."
"Leader is a BIIIG muthafucka. Mylissia wants us to try to take him alive."
They nodded at this and Tyler smiled as the bandit horde bellowed behind them.
The gorge in question was 15 feet wide and soared 300 feet high. It formed a large and wide C shape with both ends unable to be seen from the entrance. Tyler smiled as he and the Knights bailed off their horses and their mounts were taken by a few rangers to safety. Then the Knights wedged themselves in the entrances in staggered ranks of five. They'd split the army in half with 75 at the front and 75 at the rear. Tyler was out in front with his hands on his greatsword waiting for the bandits wih a smile in his face. The first wave of charging bandits saw the lone Berserker and RAN EVEN FASTER! Their hate for the man overriding their good sense and they PAID for it.
"Iced wall."
A ten foot tall wall of ice 30 feet long appeared just intime for the front runners to SLAM into it. They hit with such force the ones at the front were crushed FLAT by the ones behind them and Tyler chuckled as he watched the tidal wave hit his unmovable wall.
The wall started cracking from the force of the now EXTREMELY confused bandit army fought with itself to get off the ice.
"Frozen wastes."
Only for the ground to turn to slippery ice and make everything ten times worse. Tyler and the Knights were laughing heartedly at the sight of the bandits fighting t stand....and NOT GET CRUSHED as their comrades that hadn't seen the ice wall were still running full tilt. Asuna looked at her husband with tears of humor in her eye at the mess.
"THAT'S why it's important to have staggered charges. So some idiot with a decent wall can fuck you over like this."
Kirito chuckled as he watched Tyler wave at the bandit leader.
"That guy. he can make a rock fly into a blind rage."
The bandit leader was ROARING at his men to get off the wall while the smarter warriors were FINALLY threading themselves around the 30 foot section of ice and Tyler looked at them.
"Oh. hi. I didn't you expect you figure out HOW to go around. Um. Okay. THUNDERFIELD."
He targeted the water the melting ice created and the result was a mass electrocution of several dozen men.
"Water Surge."
A ten foot wall of water hit the thunder spell and just made everything worse. Tyler waved at the FUMING bandit king cheerily.
"Some RENEGADE KING! I'm only one man! Come on. Don't be shy now!"
The man smirked as he waved and the rest of his 10,000 man army split off to attack the Knights in the gorge.
"Let's see how cocky you when CUT OFF from your forces!"
"Like how yo momma cut your balls off thinking you were a girl?"
OOOH that sent into a towering rage and Tyler looked at him curiously.
"What? You'd make a decent chick. I think there's a ogre out there that'd be happy to fuck ya. I mean. SOMETHING has to, right? I know you made a troll puke with that thing you call a face, but maybe a muck monster is more your speed? Or a banshee."
The giant of a man lost it ENTIRELY now as his rage bubbled over. He charged through his ranks of men as the Knights threw off the mindless assault of the bandit army. The Renegade King tore out of his army in a mindless rage to HURT the Berserker and Tyler smiled as the nearly 7 foot long one handed sword was swung at him. Tyler threw himself into a sideways flip as the sword came down...and slashed the Renegade King in the shoulder right between the breastplate and the rest of his gauntlet. His sword xut clean through and he lost his arm and the shield. Tyler chuckled as the wanna be Renegade King roared in pain.
"Take five bitch."
The berserker slammed him in the face with a knee and the blow knocked him spark out. Tyler then dragged the mountain of a man back to his force as the bandit army looked at each other in shock at the easy defeat of their king. Once the prisoner was securely behind allied lines, Tyler looked at the rest of the bandits.
"So? ya coming or what?"
They charged at the order of their various chiefs and Tyler smiled as he took his place beside Asuna with his shield and lance. The redheaded wife chuckled as she stabbed bandits two at a time.
"Works like a charm EVERY time."
"Yup. Asia reattached his arm and has him under a sleep spell now. Mylissia will make good use of the gift."
The bandit army kept pouring into the meat grinder that was the Knights of the Bloodoath's line until Tyler found the piles of dead were taller then he was.
The force retreated with ice behind the wall as the bandits used a linebreaker beast in the for of a triceratops to charge them. The dinosaur broke through the pile of bodies...only to slip on the ice and die on hitting the ground. The bandits charged into the hole and Tyler chuckled as they again banged their heads off their shields. The bandits were AGAIN stacked up like cord wood from the meatgrinder that was the Knights as arrows, spells, and lances all accounted for hundreds of bandits at once. Tyler looked beahind them and noted the gorge was still clear and asuna smiled.
"Rias is in charge of the rearguard."
"Good. How are we holding?"
Belfast chuckled from her place behind them firing her powerful spells.
"We are oversupplied with arrows for the moment. And I must say these men are idiots."
Tyler chuckled as they dropped back another 50 feet.
"Their leaders just see my bounty and you beauties. That is MORE then enough to justify the meatgrinder. Asuna, two more drops and we'll be in the right place."
Bell smiled from further down the line.
"I hit level 10."
Tyler smirked.
"I hit level 11."
A few groans were heard at that and Kirito smirked.
"I'm a few kills FROM eleven."
"Is that a CHALLENGE I hear?"
"If it IS?"
Tyler rushed into the mass of bandits with his greatsword glowing and scythed close to 15 men down ina single swing. He carried the blow over his head and the bandits rushed the Berserker headon...only for the return slash to split them in half as well.
Roiling edge of water appeared on his sword that aided in cutting power. Another fifteen men were cut down and Kirito smirked.
The black swordsmen vanished from view and a line of men dropped from his powerful swings. Bell smiled.
"I'm not getting left out! ARGONAUT!"
A beam of white holy magic exploded from his hand to impact the bandits and a mass dropped.
"Oh. You wanna play hardball, I'll play hardball."
Tyler took a position in front of a large number of bandits,
His soulkiller flared with a vengance and close to 300 men dropped from the assault and Tyler smirked.
"Frozen floor."
The 150 around him slipped.
And a whirling blizzard of razor sharp snowflakes tore into their flesh.
And his superheated flames hit the ice cold snowflakes. The result was a minor explosion that roasted a good number of men and Tyler walked back to Kirito and Bell with a flourishing bow.
"Level 12 gentlemen."
Kirito and Bell grumbled as the nearest mass of bandits were all mush.
"Dammit. I BARELY 11."
"I hit 11 too. Uuugh. NEXT TIME."
Asuna slumped as the three juggernauts returned to the line.
"GREEEAT. Ya just blew all your best abilities. FUCKING IDIOTS!"
Tyler patted her with a smile.
"Dark Sacralant leveled up to level 2. I can use it one more time TODAY."
"If you got blood in my hair, you sonuvabitch, I will GUT YOU with a SPOON."
He chuckled at her instant FURY as the next wave of bandits came racing over the mush of their comrades.
"How is it at the rear?"
Strand appeared with a smile.
"Dryft and Rias have pulled the line back again. They are five lengths behind us."
"Good. One more push, then we vanish."
They nodded as the friends went to their battle with a fury. Tyler, Bell, and Kirito didn't go on another aggressive rampage as they dropped back again. Then a firestorm was mixed with a blizard to create another explosion. The resulting blindness allowed the Knights the chance to cut and run. And run they did. They ran down the soft sand floored gorge until they met with Rias' force in the center of the gorge out of sight of the bandits. They clipped onto the grappling hooks and ascended to the top of the gorge long before the bandits came charging around the curve...and met the charge from the OPPOSITE side. A mass loss of life occured from the two tidal wave slamming into each other and Tyler chuckled at the confusion as he looked at a blood smeared Dryft.
"We set?"
se smiled and there were flecks of fleshn in her teeth.
"we are."
"Set it off."
All the bandits in the gorge heard was a series of deep rumblings...before the gorge they stood in collapsed on top of them. A mass of screams were heard that were swiftly smothered by teh gorge's inplosion. The result saw the gorge rim thirty feet wider and a new bed of dirt that could be padded down for a rather decent road. Out of the near 11,000 men the Renegade king had in his camp, only 200 had not been caught in the gorge collapse. These men were rounded up by the Bloodoath and killed in a pitched battle. Tyler chuckled as he looked at his tired yet smiling warriors.
"Alright. Return to the village and we'll give an update."
They nodded and Asuna smiled as she mounted her unicorn.
"Some wounding, a few close calls, and another mass of levels. We're okay."
"I hit 12. And have 80 points to place."
"That was a stupid charge. But hey. It worked."
He chuckled at that as they returned to Melody's village....just in time to see a fresh bandit company investigating the illusion spell. This one having about 150 men. Tyler chuckled as they fell upon them.
"This is a popular village."
Once the latest company was routed and the dead added to the pile, the leaders regrouped in Melody's hall. Akeno getting a hug from her new older sister as Mylissia appeared on the orb.
"Another success for the Bloodoath I see."
Tyler tossed the hulking renegade king through the orb.
"One Renegade King, served up on a plate."
Mylissia chuckled as the massive manw as dragged away screaming.
"Well done. Sadly you haven't earned any rewards beyond my praise."
Seria popped up with a smile.
He laughed at that sweetly voiced demand.
"I love you too, Seria"
"Piss me off and you sleep outside. WHEN I GO TO VISIT."
"Yes Seria."
"I hate you."
"Well I love you."
She giggled and smiled as Mylissia sighed.
"FOCUS you two."
"Yes Mother,"
"Yes Mother-in-law."
Tyler chuckled and so did Seria. Then the Berserker refocused.
"Okay. So we'll recover in the village and head out tomorrow?"
Asuna nodded.
"We've screwed around enough the last few days. we kinda need to make up for lost time."
Akeno looked at Melody and the fallen angel smiled.
"Here, Akeno."
The thunder mage was gifted a feather from Melody's wing.
"It'll allow me to teleport to you for a few hours each day. We will have ample opportunity to know each other."
Tyler smiled.
"I haven;t forgotten either Akeno."
She smiled in relief and the Berserker patted her fondly before he looked at the queen.
"We'll crash for the night. KINDA had a long day."
She chuckled understandingly.
"Agreed. I will have a report for you when you return to the living."
Seria smiled.
"Akeno? MInd crashing with me tonight? I don't want Seria out of my sight when here."
The thunder mage smiled gratefully.
"I don't mind. Thank you."
"Sure thing Akeno."
Seria smiled warmly and the pair went to set his tent up. As the village inn was used by the wounded of the battle, the rest of the force had to make due. Tyler pitched his tent between two houses and Akeno smiled as they went in.
"So THIS is the legendary snugglefest tent? I'm honored!"
He chuckled at her teasing purr.
"Night's Longing."
Seria arose from the ground with a smile.
"I love you too."
Tyler smiled as he cleaned up in a hogshead of water outside the tent while the ladies had their chat. Once the blood was off his frame he walked in to see Seria envelopeed in a wing hug from Akeno. The Berserker laid beside them and Akeno let her go to clean up herself. Seria wasted no time in snuggling her husband and he kissed her.
"I love you, Seria."
She smiled.
"I love you too, Tyler. So mind explaining what the hell all the flirting was about today?"
"dunno. Guess I was in a good mood."
"Royal Purify."
He glowed blue and when it shattered, Seria shrugged.
"No hits. Don't keep doing it."
"I won't. I promise."
Metalica appeared from his chest with a chuckle.
"I think that mighta been my fault. I woke up this morning and was KINDA enjoying myself."
Seria chuckled.
"Oh that's right. I forgot Sprites influence their hosts sometimes. So what were you doing?"
"Well, I woke up SUUUPER horny and was watching some of HIS choicier material. YOU know good content mah man."
"What genre?"
"Hmm, yuri, big tittied Onee-san."
"NIIIICE. Title?"
She smirked.
"Azur Lane. The Hentai."
"Don't tell Belfast."
"Ooooh no. I LOVED her arc in that one."
"It's a favorite and you're trying to get me killed."
"Tyler, dear."
Seria's sweetly voice callout made him gulp.
"My world their characters in stories....with pictures."
"OWWIE! My head!"
"And that's a reason why I didn't tell you. it makes MY head hurt."
Seria had her now throbbing head in both hands.
"Owwie! NOW I have a headache!"
Tyler chuckled as he took her head in his hands to rub her temples with soft thumbs. She sighed as the pain receded.
"Love you too, Seria. Hey, Metalica."
"177013. Check it out."
The iron Sprite smiled.
"I'll be right back."
She vanished into his soul as Akeno walked in.
"Did you just do what I think you just did?"
"Yup. We'll have an answer in a few minutes."
She laughed as she laid beside the now cuddling pair. Seria smiled as she kissed her husband.
"I'll allow it."
"I love you too, Seria."
She beamed as Metalica reappeared wirh a thousand stare at the Beserker. Tyler chuckled.
She just sat on his shoulder with the look of HORROR on her face.
"I will never get that poor girl out of my head. ooooh what is WRONG with you?"
Akeno laughed and fistbumped the Berserker.
"The classic!"
Tyler chuckled as seria looked at him.
"It's a dark one. And a classic prank."
She shrugged and Metalica shuddered as she now had to figure out how to get the things she'd seen out of her head. Tyler smiled as he stroked Seria's long blue hair while her and Akeno talked their newfound kinship and stories of Akira. Metalica was shivering as she went to sleep on his collarbone and after a few more hours Akeno snuggled up beside the princess in his tent.
"Good night, Seria. I love you."
"Good night, Tyler. I love you too."
"Night sis!"
"Night Onee-chan!"
Metalica surged awake with a shiver.
"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN. I am like SUUUUUPER horny now!"
They chuckled at that as they drifted off.

DAY 38.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 4,638,653.

Tyler woke to the feel of a tall, warm body on his chest with incredibly large breasts pressed into his chest while beside him was Seria's familar frame. He opened his eyes to see Akeno had drapped herself across him like a blanket with her massive melons pressed into his chest and hr arm around seria's waist. Tyler smiled at this as he stroked her long purple hair soothingly.
"Oh my. I seem to have mounted my brother!"
He chuckled at her purr as her pink eyes opened.
"Morning Akeno. How are you feeling?"
She smiled at this and hugged him.
"Better then I have in years. Mother is alive somewhere and I have family again. It' know."
"Rias is gonna be pissed she got demoted."
She chuckled and the half fallen angel half devil rested her cheek on his chest.
"I'll relax her later. Thank you."
"I gotchyer back, Akeno."
Seria woke then with a smile.
"Morning Tyler."
She got a loving kiss.
"Morning Seria. I love you."
"I love you too Tyler."
The Berserker smiled and Akeno got her own hug off her neice.
"I'll see you soon Seria."
"Look out for each other, okay?"
"We will"
Seria faded out and Tyler smiled as Akeno shivered.
"Come on."
She smiled at this and they geared up for the day. Tyler went to the mainhall while Akeno went with Rias for more hugs and processing. The Berserker smiled as he saw Melody at the table with the rest of the leaders.
"See Akeno before we head out please, Melody."
"I will do so."
He smiled and looked at Asuna."
"How we holding this morning?"
She smiled.
"Wounds healed, and the looted gold we're gifting the village for their defenses. Mylissia has a battalion of knights en route to better secure her kin's home due to just HOW many bandit brigades have come through in the last three days alone."
"Smart. Dryft?"
The red feral elf smirked from her seat.
"My Rangers will aid in defending the village as well. Prevent that illusion from becoming real."
"Thanks Dryft. Sad to say I didn;t get to see you work your fangs, but hey. Always next time."
That made the red elf smirk.
"I have a request."
"Come with?"
"I wish to indeed, come with. Sister Strand had painted QUITE the glowing picture of your travels thus far."
Strand smiled as Tyler looked to her now.
"Dryft is utterly dependable. She's MY sister for gods' sake."
"Ha. Welcome to the Knights of the Bloodoath, Dryft."
She smiled.
"I will earn my way."
"Alright. we're now a 129 warrior unit. Asuna."
"We're ready to move out any time."
"Knights, MOUNT up."
The warriors mounted their steeds and loaded the wagons. Belfast approached the Berserker with a list.
"We will need resupply arrows at the next city, Tyler."
"We will do so from the remains of the bandit camp. They left a lot behind."
She nodded and Strand chuckled.
"We'll be at the next village in three days. after that is two days to the coast."
"We're making progress."
The Knights rode out of Melody's village and the illusion of bodies appeared as soon as they did. Rias smiled as she caught up.
"Akeno got her goodbye hug."
"That's the most important thing before we left."
"NOW I'm curious about MY family."
"Ha. We'll run into em sooner or later."
"Most likely."
Tyler chuckled at that as they headed for the abandoned army camp. The place now littered in the bandits' left behind gear. The scavangers looted a full resupply on arrows and potions while Tyler and Strand discovered the king's warchest in his tent. That yielded an astounding 1,500,000 gold for the force. Tyler frowned at the sum as they got moving.
"I'll ask Mylissia if that idiot broke yet. Sums like that don't just appear."
He pulled the orb and the queen appeared.
"He broke."
"He say who his benefactor was?"
"Fangorn. Another ploy from a Draken."
Tyler frowned.
"With a warchest of 1,500,000?"
The blue queen nodded.
"The plan was to have every bandit company in the region band together to assault a major city alongside the takng of Dunkrick. Problem was Dunkrick doesn't exist anymore and the occupyig force lost to the last man. Fangorn is trying HARD to avoid having to send it's own countrymen to die in our invasion as they view their lives as more valuable then ours. And so we aren't WORTH fighting directly."
"And the odds for us to launch a COUNTEROFFENSIVE?"
Mylissia sighed tiredly.
"When the Knights of the Bloodoath are level 30 across the board can we attempt another campaign. My armies are training night and day as we speak to increase power as the last wars we fought were devastating enough WITHOUT the monster control."
"I figured. Can WE launch our own sortie?"
She smiled.
"Certainly. AFTER you complete your circuit of the country. You'll return, I'll christen you as a seperate divison of the my military, and you can basically do as you please with your efforts for the war."
"Coolio. This idiot give up his handler?"
"He did. But all we know is it's just another Draken. I don't have a location for you."
"Makes sense. I'd station some knights around the valley to ambush and bandits that DO arrive late."
Mylissia chuckled.
"I will do so. they'll enjoy some blood practice."
Tyler looked ahead as they rode.
"We'll keep at it."
"As will I."
The orb was replaced and the Knights rode on.
The forest shifted from dense dedicous woodland to more open pine forests after a few hours and Tyler smiled as they made camp beside another river. This one with a deep and powerful current and some large fish leaping around. The Berserker pitched his tent in the hollow by the river while the rest of the force made a circle. HAppy with his setup he went to the river with rod in hand. Strand appeared beside him with a smirk.
"I'll ask you teach dryft how to milk a viper before relaxing."
He chuckled at that.
"Sure thing, Strand."
Dryft came over with a smirk and a live Russel's Viper in her hand.
"Let's see this MARVOLOUS new techinque of yours, Berserker."
Tyler produced a milking jar and set the serpent's fangs through the thin paper. Dryft blinked as the venom was extracted.
"This IS new. and EXTREME efficent. I will teach this to my Rangers when I have a SPARE TEN MINUTES."
Tyler smiled as he released the aggressive serpent on the other side of the river.
"It works on spiders, scorpions, and even some species of ant. Long as the fang or stinger is large enough to see that is."
Strand smiled as her sister was taught the new method.
"See, Sister? His insanity know no bounds."
"Clearly. Next he'll tell us we can extract an egg's yoke without breaking the shell."
They looked at him and he smiled.
"It's TRICKY in the EXTREME and you'd an aparatus to do it, but you CAN do it. You'd have to poke a hole, but the majority of the shell would remain."
dryft just looked at her sister now.
"Sister Strand."
"Sister Dryft."
"I am beginning to suspect we know nothing about our world."
"I have been suspecting this since he knew the difference between an old man of the forest, and an old man of the mountain's fur on SIGHT. And him not even seeing the animal."
TYler chuckled at that one as he flicked his line in the water.
"My world put people on their moon. And brought em back."
The Rangers looked up at the many moons of Macedona with wonder in their eyes.
"To see another world with your own eyes."
"We can bring back extinct creatures from a sliver of their bone."
Strand smiled as she sat beside the man.
"An entirely different world. I wish to have seen it."
"You don't. You'd have a mental breakdown. I'll put this in perpective."
He unrolled his map and tapped a river MILES from any people.
"In m world, a river like that has NEVER seen a person is NEARLY lethal from the contaminants in the world. Here. BOTTLED. WATER."
Dryft looked at him strangely.
"why would you bottle water?"
"It's the only varity that is safe to drink. we LITTERALLY have to run ever drop of water we use through EXTREME filtration due to how polluted it is. if you DON'T, it will SERIOUSLY fuck you up, and ruin your offspring on a mental and developmental level."
"NO more stories please. I shuddered already."
Strand shivered and Dryft sighed.
"They forgot where they came from."
"Humans aren't animals. Since we're able to REASON, we are superior. So we don't have to worry."
"NOW I have a headache."
"THAT is what is taught in schools."
They groaned at that and Tyler chuckled when his rod dipped and he tugged. The water thrashed and he smirked as he got into a fight with the fish.
"come here you FISH."
Dryft and Strand watched with amusement as the war was waged between Berserker and Fish. The war raged for an hour before the massive fish was close enough for Tyler to grab it with a hand and he TORE a near te foot long shark looking thing from the river. He slammed it on the ground and Strand applauded the catch.
"Well done. To haul a River Wolf of this size is impressive."
Tyler chuckled as he looked the thing over. It resembled a great white shark on a smaller scale with muddy brown skin and a horizontal tail for whatever reason like a whale's.
"Thanks Strand. Now how I flay it?"
"Allow me."
The brown haired elven Ranger taught the Berserker how to butcher the near 150 pound animal with minimal ease. Once the predator was stored in the wagon Strand smiled.
"River Wolf is a Noble delicacy due to just how tender and tasty trhe flesh is. AND how much of a battle catching one is. There is enough there for a few meals so enjoy."
"I will. I wanna catch another."
Strand chuckled.
"Don't get your hopes up. River Wolves are extremely cunning and once one is taken from a river the rest of the population vanishes. And DON'T reappear for a week."
"MAkes sense."
The camp fed well that night and Tyler returned to his tent to find it empty. He shrugged at this and set his stuff down when he smiled and slid the chessboard into view of the tent flap. Like he called her name, Rias poked her head in.
He chuckled at this magical summoning as he and the redhead enjoyed a few games.
"I was starting to worry."
"Go on."
"I couldn't think of a way to be subtle."
She sighed at this.
"MY tent is over THERE. In PLAIN view."
"I just got a NASTY idea."
She smirked at this as she lost the latest game.
"Do NOT let me look over and see you jerkin it you sick fuck."
"HA. Classic."
Rias sighed with a smile as the board was spun.
"Not that I wouldn't ENJOY seeing that."
"Ha. After Seria."
"I know. I'm not the primary. I know."
The games went on before Rias called it after a win and the pair snuggled together in his tent. She smiled as she pressed into his frame.
"I missed this."
He sighed and rubbed her belly in soothing circles.
"I still don't know whether to like it or not. But, I'll try to warm up a little."
She smiled and he held her tightly.
"Good night, Rias."
"Good night, Tyler."

DAY 39.
GOLD: 326,104.

Tyler woke to see Rias beside him in his tent and her hand firmly grasped in his. He had her pinned to his body curve and her blood red mane was their divider and he found he kinda liked how it felt to hold her in his arms like that. I's okay. I's RIAS for fuck's sake. He smiled and leaned in her ear.
"I love you too, Rias."
She woke with a shiver and a happy smile.
"I love you too, Tyler. Is that what she feels when you do that?"
"She shivers every time."
" it."
"I kinda do too."
She smiled with happiness at this and he hugged her tightly to him.
"This.....isn't so bad. I guess."
she smiled at that acceptence as he stroked her long blood red hair admiringly.
"Akeno's glowing now."
"She was always glowing, Rias. It's AKENO for god's sake."
"well. MORE SO now."
"I'll call her Sparkles. THAT'LL rein her in."
She chuckled at that ploy before pressing her head into his hardening chest.
"This feels so nice. Like I'm snuggling with some god and nothing can reach me."
"Funny. everyone says that."
She chuckled at that and he patted her.
"Come on, Rias. we can just lay in here all day."
"Hey we work for a living. Kinda sorta."
She chuckled at that technicality before the left the tent for the day. Asuna looked at him as he walked up.
"We're set."
"Same drill as last time."
The Knights rode out with Tyler in the lead. Tyler had the map out as they went and Strand looked at him curiously.
"Miss something?"
"Nah. Passing the time."
The force rode well for that day and made camp inside a ring of massive oaks with a stone floor. Tyler sumoned Seria for their night and the princess smiled as he held her.
"I see fresh red hairs in here."
"I guess it's not so bad having Rias in here."
"I'm glad you're allowing a chance."
He kissed her lovingly.
"She's not you though."
"Nope! I'm your wife!"
He chuckled as they settled for the night.
"I love you too, Seria. Good night."
"I love you too, Tyler. Good night."

DAY 40
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.

Tyler woke the next morning with Seria in his arms. The princess happily snuggled to his chest and he smiled as he kissed her awake.
Her soft, breath-like voice was full of early morning cheer as they got into a makeout session.
"I love you Seria."
She sighed as he let her breathless.
"I love you too, Tyler. Soon."
He held her tightly as she faded back to the capital. he sighed at this but smiled as he got dressed. The he noticed the mass of red and blue hairs from the two girls and found he liked the color splash. He met up with Asuna and the leaders at the table and the redheaded second in command smiled.
"Nothing to report. Though a few are asking when you'll take your turn on watch."
"I'll take it tonight. I said that last time didn't I?"
"You did."
"Come on."
They mounted up and got moving. Strand looked at from astride her wolf.
"We'll reach the next village tomorrow. This one is another hunting village like Bjorn's but smaller."
He nodded.
"We'll do a minor resupply on food there before we make for the coast. we'll need to be on the watch for pirate raiders too."
Victoria chuckled.
"Pirate hunting be a lot of fun and good source of coin."
"We'll be sure to try it out when we got the time. For now we'll focus on returning to the capital."
Asuna looked at him.
"Have you thought of our plan for AFTER we return?"
He shook his head.
"Not yet. I'll look at our options once we get close. Victoria?"
"I'll return to my duties as knight captain as I never TRULY joined the Bloodoath."
"So we'll have to replace a captain. And Dryft's too green in our dynamic for me to trust her with a squad yet."
The red elf nodded.
"I completely understand. And do not blame you in the slighest."
Tyler looked at Asuna as they rode.
"Do we have anyone you'd recommend, Asuna?"
She smiled.
"He works better as a frontline warrior then a captain. He's the second higheslt level in the party an all, but too much the line champion."
"I completely agree. I'll look our forces over."
He nodded as they moved through a more open section of forest now as a grey furred orc appeared before them on the road. The friends looked at this odd apparation curiously and it pointed a spear at them while speaking in a nasally squeak.
"Yer WOMEN. Leave em. They be 10,000 a wes in these trees!"
Tyler looked at Strand and the ranger shrugged.
"They're idiots. They do this."
"Well. Alright then."
Tyler slashed the orc with his sword and the thing died with a squeal. A band of fifteen orcs took off running but were picked off with arrows. The Berserker shrugged along with the rest of the Bloodoath at the oddity as they got moving. Then he blinked.
"Oh yeah. I have points to place."
He pulled his Status Plate out and opened it.
"Okay. i got 80 to put. And I had 145 Strength, 238 defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 210 Magic, 100 Agility, 210 Magical Defense, 100 Dexterity, 500 Intelligence, 210 Mana. I'll slap 40 into Agility, and the other 40 into Dexterity. That'll bring them to 140 apiece and have my movement attributes all within five points of each other. After that it's just reaching the same numbers as my intelligence."
He closed his plate and Kirito smirked.
"Only 2."
"Ya BEEN at 2."
"I WILL catch you."
"Hurry up."
He chuckled and Bell smiled.
"I WILL catch up as well."
"Atta boy."
"Why does he get encouragement an I get a taunt?"
"Cause. He LIVES for catching up to people. YOU are a beater."
"I hate you so freakin much."
Asuna chuckled at the rivalry.
"At least they're not fightin over ME."
Tyler chuckled.
"Don't you DARE."
"Hey she went there first, pal. Don't look at me."
"What? Come on, Kirito. How long as it been since I seen you squirm?"
Kirito slumped and the friends chuckled at his latest loss as Tyler looked ahead....
"What the?"
And spotted a large section of burned forest. The force stopped and the two Rangers frowned as they saw the burn. Easily fifteen acres of good woodland had been badly burned by fire with the scent of smoke and ash still in the air. Tyler looked at the ash on the ground,
"This is a RECENT burn. My guess is three days."
Strand nodded as she inspected an oak.
"Yet we saw or scented NOTHING."
"We wouldn't. We've had the scent of blood and battle in ur noses near constantly."
Dryft frowned.
"That explains YOUR missing it, but I am fresh and this is MY neck of the woods, Tyler. This burn is NEW like you said."
The Berserker noted a tree on the very edge of the burn.
"That tree is half burnt. That way is the source."
They nodded and the force moved along the scorched road cautiously. Strand and Dryft had crystals equipped for their records and to review their findings later. Tyler was in the lead with Shadow and the horse tossed his head as the scent of ash reached him.
"Relax tough guy."
And he did. The soot underhoof was soft and the rancid stench of drenched charcoal wafted from the trees. That was when tyler noted something in the ash.
"Look. It's got drifts like in a snow bank. There was a force behind whatever hit."
The elves nodded as they saw the near two inch thick pile.
"A blast perhaps?"
Tyler looked along the road.
"Is there a camp site up ahead?"
Strand nodded.
"There is. A rather pretty one too."
"Let's check it out."
They picked up speed until they came to a large oak enclosed glade with a dirt bottom. As soon as they saw it properly, Tyler groaned.
"fuck me. A DEMON circle."
Sure enough, burned into the dirt as if with a laser, a set of lines and runes in the shape of a circle was een in the glade. Tyler looked at Rias as she came abreast him.
"Think you can read the language?"
She looked at the circle closely.
"Maybe. It's Old Daemonic though and I'm not fluent. Akeno is."
"Over here."
The purple haired beauty came over on her black roan to inspect the circle.
"It's a Black Circle. Used to summon a demon unwillingly. The sacrifice is a virginal girl to an abomination. Or a woman with a dick and her become pregnant from the rape. The birth is the demon entering the plane and it kills the girl. Looks like....a demon of rage was the target."
Tyler nodded as a few shuddered at the imagery.
"Was it successful?"
"THAT I CAN'T tell. But these are skilled pracitioners. Skilled. NOT masters. There are VERY slight flaws in the design in some key areas."
"Hmm. There a name?"
"It's a random summoning. If we encounter the demon itself, we'd be able to figure it out."
"Rias is it's princess so makes sense."
The redhead smiled at that before she looked at Akeno.
"Was there a missfire?"
"I don't think so. If anything I'd call the ritual a success and the AFTERMATH was what the fire."
Strand nodded as she looked at the site.
"When a rage demon enters the mortal plane it's with an explosion. The fire only burns so long as the demon is in the area. It leaves, the fire goes out. No matter what fuel is around it."
Dryft nodded as she looked at Tyler.
"We will need track it. Some how."
The Berserker smiled.
"For now we'll let it be. We'll continue on our current path. If I know our luck like I think I do, we'll LITERALLY find it in a basement. from something completely unrelated."
They nodded and Victoria frowned.
"How do we deal with the circle without a priest?"
Tyler smiled.
The thunder mage chuckle as her wings appeared.
"I AM the Priestess of Thunder!"
"Still a thunder goddess to me."
She smiled at that and Rias smirked.
"No flirting with your sister, Tyler."
"I'm not flirting with her. I'm inflating her already overblown ego. When she pops we'll laugh."
He got hit with a minor thunderbolt for that myriad of images.
"I hate what I am seeing in my head right now."
"Love you too, Akeno."
She groaned at that as she aimed a powerful thunderblast at the circle. The holy lighting destroyed the circle with a hum of electricity and Tyler nodded as he looked at the rangers.
"Mark this spot down and we'll keep it close. THIS burn we'll blame on a lightining strike during a thunderstorm."
They nodded and Dryft smiled.
"Those fires happen all the time."
They got moving from the sight and Akeno smiled at him.
"Purify yourselves please. Always a solid bet when dealing with unknown demons."
The friends took the sound advice and a mass of purifies went along the party as they left the area of burn behind and entered a more lush section of forest. Tyler sighed as he looked at the silent trees.
"ALL the game for MILES will been driven away by the summoning. PERFECT."
Strand nodded.
"We'll need to check on the village, Tyler. They're a hunter village and not warriors."
"Odds are they fed them to the demon. I can see that being a thing."
The natives sighed at this as they rode on. The sun went down and they made camp in a small bowl by the road out of easy sight and Tyler smiled as he took his watch at the top of the bowl. I KINDA been slacking on my chores round camp. Gotta watch that. He did his statue of armor impression for a few hours until Bell relieved him. The white haired kid chuckled nervously as Tyler turned to face him.
"I get what Kirito was saying. Freaky."
"Ha. Have fun Bell."
The Berserker walked into his tent and found it empty. He settled on the bedroll with a groan and smiled as he missed Seria.....and found himself tempted to ask Rias to join him.

DAY 41.
GOLD: 326,104
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.

Tyler woke alone i his tent and sat up with a groan before getting dressed and heading to the table. Asuna had the map open and she tapped the village.
"We'll reach it in an hour's ride."
He nodded and ran a finger from the village to the coast.
"From there to the coast is 3 more days. Then the first major port city. Sardona."
Strand smiled as she provided insight.
"A shipping port for the queendom's exports."
"I thought the Queendom was the last free human country in the world?"
"It is. But there are more countries in the world then Macedona and Fangorn. And there be more humans too. Macedona is the human capital of the world and she had numerous lands in her heyday the Draken have thus since conquered. Humanity as a whole, is in danger if Macedona falls."
"I get it. So we'll spend a day in Sardona and move on. The next city in the line is this one here. Nard. One day there, and we ride for Berun. A 7 day ride from Nard."
They nodded and Strand smiled.
"Berun will seem very small to to when we return."
"That'll be an inneresting feeling. we left as rookies. We're RETURN as warriors. Annnd a mess. Mostly warriors."
They chuckled at that as the broke camp. Tyler climbed astride Shadow and he tossed his head as they got moving at a light canter. Asuna smiled as she ran a comb through her lock flaming lockes.
"It'll be nice to be a major city again."
"So long as it doesn't get CAPTURED the next day."
"Yeah that would suck."
Victoria chuckled.
"Sardona and Nard are military garrisons as well. They have a million men between em and with the way they were BUILT? Taking them would be a meatgrinder."
"So wasn't Dunkrick."
She sighed at that reminder as they went. Tyler looked ahead as they entered a lane of weeping willow trees with their dangling leaves adding a rather CREEPY ambience to the ride. Asuna had a new look of nerves on her face as she looked around at the silent forest.
Tyler's sudden noise made the poor redhead nearly JUMP out of her skin! Tyler was LAUGHING uproarishly as Asuna squeaked and then had to FIGHT not to murder him as the rest of the force just smiled. Kirito? He gulped and looked at Kyba beside him.
"THAT guy has a DEATHWISH.
he blonde haired Kyba smiled knowingly as Asuna sheathed her rapier inch by inch.
"He DOES seem to WANT somebody to BEAT him to death."

Tyler chuckled as he patted the VERY pissed off redhead.
"Relax Asuna. Try not to blow a fuse."
Her voice was a grated scrape if WRATH.
"Words cannot express just how much I want to BEAT ya to death with a CHAIR you sick sonuvabitch."
She lost it. Like full on LOST it! The now OUT OF HER MIND WITH RAGE asuna had her scabbard up as she proceeded to BEAT the idiot with it in a fit of blind rage and him laughing like a madman with his shield up blocking the hits. Kirito whistled as his wife wnt BERSERK.
"Wow. He made her lose it. I'd say that's impressive, but she has a TERRIFYING temper."
Asuna litterally pounded on his shield for FIFTEEN minutes before her rage subsided and she hunched over panting with exertion from the blackout. Tyler smiled as he passed her a stamina potion.
"Here. Seems ya need this."
She looked up and her expression would have stopped the heart of a lesser man. Rias had to come to rescue or watch her friend commit murder.
"Okay, Tyler. She is going to hurt herself if you keep pissing her off."
Tyler chuckled as he instead cast a light ice spell on Asuna's neck as she recovered. The ice soothed the now RAGING migraine going off behind her amber eyes.
"I hate you."
"You're so fun to fuck with. I'm done."
She sighed and he rubbed her temples like he did Akeno and Asuna smiled in relief as her headache vanished.
"I get some spare time I'll teach kirito how to do the real deal."
She smiled at the apology.
"Thanks Tyler."
"You're my friend too Asuna."
She smiled as they moved on and he noted her scabbard wasn't even scratched.
"Huh. Should use that as an offhand."
"I WOULD, but I've been looking for a decent rapier to match with mine so."
She shrugged.
"So you wanna be a bloody dancer?"
"Hey-oh. Huh. I kinda like that."
He chuckled at her now thoughtful expression.
"That dinkleberry dualwields. Why can't you?"
"THAT is a very good point. Dinkleberry."
"Now you're trying to piss ME off, Tyler? if you WANT somebody to BEAT ya to death, just ASK!"
Tyler chuckled at Kirito's irritation as they came around the corner to the village.....and found that it too was covered in blood. The force sighed at this and Tyler rubbed his eyes.
"Boy who cried wolf much? Come on."
The force approached the blood smeared gate of the village and Tyler pushed it open with his greatsword. This village was laid out in a similar style to Melody's home but with the center area a rather pretyy carpet of grass. There was puddles of blood everywhere but not a sign of any bodies. Tyler looked at the blood and noted the slight crusting on the edges.
"This blood's about 4 days old."
Strand nodded as they entered the village.
"And NOT an illusion. I checked."
Tyler looked at the puddles as if visualizing the people making them.
"The pools all have drag marks leading to that longhall there."
The hall in question was painted with blood. Tyler and the force dismounted and approached the place cautiously. The Berserker noting the steps were covered in tried blood as well as he reached the main door. He booted them open with a slam and were an empty hall.
"It's a trap."
Tyler's three words summed it up perfectly. The force nodded and the Berserker smiled,
"Let's check it out."
They smirked and he walked through the door....only for it to slam shut and lock him inside while ALSO cutting him off from the rest of the army. Rias sighed as she saw this.
"SERIOUSLY? Get a new trope."
Inside the hall Tyler just rubbed his eyes as the door locked behind him.
"I guess we found the demon."
A dark chuckle was heard from further inside the hall and Tyler smirked.
"Get yo bitchass up here ya aftermath of a fire dragon blowjob."
INSTANTLY the building burst into flame and a ten foot tall molten pile of slag TORE itself up from the basement to tower over the Berserker. Tyler hefted his greatsword curiously.
"So THAT'S what fire dragon cum looks like? Ugh. Get back in the ass you spewed in ya PIECE OF SHIT!"
The demon turned WHITE from how enraged is was and threw itself into a bodyslam.
"Dark Sacralant."
Tyler slashed it with his Soulkiller ability and the demon screamed in agony as it's fell soul was indeed slain. It's body went from white hot to stone cold in a split second before crumbling to dust with a 3 foot thick sphere of glowing magma to bounce on the floor. The door unlocked and Kirito booted it open just in time to see Tyler kick the orb up and spin it on a finger.
"Class, dismissed."
The Black Swordsman slumped.
"Okay. YOU are TOO badass for your own good. You get em?"
"Yup. Rage demon. It came uo from the basement."
Strand walked over with Dryft.
"We'll take posession of the core for the time being Tyler. We have a special container for it to prevent it's influence from escaping."
"I used my Soulkiller on it."
Dryft chuckled.
"So you destroyed it utterly. it didn't even return to hell. Good."
Kirito was looking into the burnt hole the demon had torn in the floor.
"I found the cultists. AND the remains of the villagers. Nothing but bone."
Victoria sighed.
"We'll inform the queen and have the village consecrated."
Tyler looked at his plate.
"Halfway to level 13. I guess it WAS just a lesser."
The ord was taken out and Mylissia appeared.
"You find an issue every three days on the dime. What happened?"
They explained the demon and the queen sighed.
"Like i said. Villages are sacked every day. I have a priestess convoy flying to the site. At least the beast is dead. That is a good thing."
Tyler smiled.
"I killed it."
She smirked.
"I watched with Seria. Fire dragon blowjob? REALLY?"
"It pissed it off, didn't it?"
"Ugh. It did."
He chuckled at that as the orb went out. Then the Berserker looked at Asuna.
"Loot the village and see if we can use anything."
"On it."
The second in command took two squads on a door to door search as the orb was put away. Belfast came over with a frown as the looters went around.
"Is this really proper, Tyler? looting the houses of the dead like that?"
He smiled at her.
"They don't need their stuff anymore. And besides. Asuna won't take anything personal like gold or jewels. She'll take stuff like food or blankets or stuff of that nature."
The Quartermaster looked at the mainhall.
"and the bodies? We are just going to leave them?"
"If we tried to bury them, Belfast, they'd just rise as undead as we're not undertakers. the best thing we can do for them is let them be and leave it to the professionals."
She sighed at that and looked to where Asuna had a group carrying useful items from houses to the wagons.
"I suppose you are correct. An d we DID slay the beast that killed them. I can take comfort in that."
Tyler smiled understandingly at her as another girl came up with a report. Tyler recognized her as Javelin. One of Belfast's friends. She was a VERY pretty girl with long, purple hair that shimmered with health and life. her skin was smooth and pale while her eyes were a shining blue. She was very slender and a head shorter then Tyler with a moderate bust on her chest. Her attire was a white unitard with no sleeves and a miniskirt. Her armor was a shirt of chainmail under her unitard and a set of gauntlets on her arms. On her back was a long trident with four prongs and on her feet were a pair of white cowgirl boots. She smiled as she reached the berserker and spoke in a soft, airy breath.
"We have the intial resupply numbers, Lord Berserker."
"Thanks Javelin. What level are you again?"
she smiled.
"I am level 7, Lord Berserker. One of the elites."
"Tough girl. Get to it."
She smiled and ran off. Tyler smiled as she went and looked at an also smiling Belfast.
"I am introducing her to Seria. She would LOVE HER."
"She would indeed. Javelin is something of a camp gem."
He chuckled.
"Enterprise here?"
"She is aiding Lady Rias in her search of a house."
"Alas, she did not. Nor did Prince of Wales. Only myself, Unicorn, Illustrious, Javelin, and Enterprise came from my world."
"Odds are they'll appear next time."
She smiled at that.
"I will keep hope then."
Tyler chuckled at that as a bout of yelling broke out from further down the village between a pair of the boys. The Berserker and Belfast blinked at this and so walked over to investigate. There they found a slender blonde boy in the face of another slender boy with black hair with raised voices. Tyler recognized Gasper, one of Rias' friends, as the blonde boy. He was a tiny thing not even Tyler's chest in height witj shot cut blonde hair and red eyes that denoted his heritage as a vampire. His skin was browned while his attire was a tight fitting tanktop and jeans with scalemail for armor. His weapon was a kodachi shieldsword, or a smaller katana. There was anger in his eyes as he snapped at the other boy in a soft yet firm voice.
"Call me a LEECH one more time and they'll bury you in pieces, Max. I am NOT going to take that from you."
The other boy was also slender with short hiar but his was black. He had blue eyes and pale skin. His attire was a t-shirt and jeans with chainmail armor and a warhammer in his size on his back. He spoke in a sneer.
"Oh that's real BIG fuckin talk comin from the crybaby that got his ASS handed to him during that fight with the ORCS! FANGER LEECH!"
Gasper slugged the other boy in the FACE and ir DROPPED him.
"I am a level 7 you cocky prick. YOU are still at 5. I am considered an ELITE in TYLER'S force and YOU don't even contribute to the fire. This is your last warning. Try to bully the people in the squad again, and I will PERSONALLY drain you dry."
Max rubbed his jaw with a smirk.
"That all you got, LEECHER?"
"Okay enough you little shit."
BOTH boys jumped at Tyler's mildly irritated voice. max rounded and was faced with the Berserker looking right at him.
"That BLOODSUCKER hit me! I did nothing-"
"Shove it. Gaspy?"
The blonde vampire smiled as Tyler looked at him.
"Nice to meet you properly, Tyler."
"Same here, Gaspy. A kodachi?"
He shrugged with a smile.
"I can wield it and when I use my Vampire Glare, the idiots just stand there."
"How's your time magic?"
"I lost most of it save for one spell that locks a target in place for 5 seconds. Akeno doesn't let me use it a lot though."
"Smart. Just make sure to get SOME practice in with it otherwise you'll be overpowered, but your ace in the hole will be useless."
"Will do. Somehow. I gotta keep direct eye contact or it breaks early."
"Huh. We'll do some raidin together then an see how best we can use it. Oh. Ya got a decent right, Gaspy."
The blonde vampire smiled proudly as Max snorted.
"Decent RIGHT? He didn't even BRUISE me."
Tyler looked at Max now with a lifted eyebrow.
"Gasper, who is this runt?"
The blonde boy sighed.
"His name's Max. He's another Pleasurer like Issei with half the balls to go for it. He's a level five that thinks he's level 100. HE will LITTERALLY follow me around for HOURS calling me bloodsucker, fanger, LEECH, you get the idea. Always shuts up when one of the officers wakes by, and starts RIGHT back up once they're gone."
Tyler nodded at this and then he looked at Akeno, their squad leader. She sighed.
"I've been hearing complaints. Was trying to catch him in the act."
"Little BITCHES are good at it. Max."
The black haired boy balked.
"what? You're gonna take the word of a VAMPIRE over a FELLOW HUMAN? wow you have issues."
Tyler slammed a fist into his stomach with a ferocious force.
"Okay. YOU'RE just a narrow minded rascist."
Max spit up blood from the vicious shot and Tyler cracked his neck.
"I do SO love BEATIN the crap outta people like you!"
And he did. The smiling Berserker beat the living tar out of the racist for a solid 45 minutes until he grew bored and tossed the whimpering carcass to Gasper's feet.
Max spit at the Berserker.
"I'd rather DIE then apologise to an UNDEAD LEECH."
Tyler chuckled.
"Okay. That's fine."
He produced the orb and Mylissia appeared with a smile.
"What now?"
"See that beaten runt over there? He is cast out of the Knights for being a HATEFUL racist. He would rather DIE then admit his mistake."
Mylissia nodded as she faced the bruised and beaten Max.
"I see. And the vampire in question?"
Gasper walked over and bowed.
"It is I Milady. I am Gasper."
The queen smiled.
"Awww. You're soo cute! And with proper manners? How refreshing. Are you a true vampire Gasper? I ask as I have had many dealings with the fangs and you don't resemble them."
The boy chuckled.
"I am a half vampire your grace. Half vampire, half devil. I am frm Rias' world you see."
"Ah. Her world is simply fascinating."
Tyler chuckled as he patted Asia.
"Asia here's half devil half angel."
"Hey! No I'm not!"
"You sure?"
Asia looked at Rias now, now doubting her own past. Rias patted her as well.
"You're too sweet to just be a devil Asia."
Mylissia chuckled at Asia's ever present sweetness.
"I love that airheaded blonde."
"everyone does, Mylissia. It's ASIA for fuck's sake!"
They chuckled at that truth before they returned to the matter at hand and Mylissia smiled at Gasper.
"You are an interesting lad indeed. And a kind one too. I know of you and your fondess for visiting local orphanages to spend time with the children."
Tyler looked up sharply now at the word orphanages and Mylissia saw it.
"You....look like you've seen a ghost."
"Yeeeah just a BAD TROPE from my world for orphanages."
Gasper smiled.
"I beat ya to it, Tyler. I WAS an orphan, remember?"
"Ah. Your verdict?"
"well. I showed up as a lost kid at every single one and the kids told me I shoulda gone to a different orphanage due to them serving this for food or that. They said it was the best in the city. They are NOT dens of evil. I PROMISE this."
"Atta boy, Gasper. THAT is you take intiative."
He smiled with pride at that and Mylissia smiled.
"A VERY sharp boy too. I should have you know the Den for the Hopeful was recently purchased by the crown as a direct venture. Seems Seria foudn one of the girls there ADORABLE."
"Oh crap."
Tyler's mild gulp made the queen laugh.
"She is NOT ready to be a mother YET, Tyler dear. Loves the children s she does. She loves little sisters."
"OH THANK GOD. Yeah I haven't THOUGHT o a that one yet, Mylissia."
"That is OKAY. I expect yuo two to have MANY years together before the family is discussed. There is NO RUSH on that. Okay?"
He smiled.
"Thanks Mylissia. I'll admit it. That one scares the hell out of me. And I never wanted any of my own."
"We shall discuss this in the room together at a later date, Tyler. I appreciate the honesty. Now. The issue."
Mylissia looked at Max as he got groggily to his feet.
"I have heard YOUR NAME too Max. YOU have been thrown out of THREE brothels for how cruel you were to your dove. when she herself was NOT into such play, you refused to heed her words and continued. And NOW I hear of you being a HATEFUL RASCIST? This is not okay. Tyler, you were planning to exile him, were you not?"
"I was. while ALSO stripping him of everything he's gained minus 100 gold and basic equipment. He wants to go through life as a narrow minded racist, he LIVES LIKE ONE."
Max sputtered in rage at this.
"I busted my ASS for you, TYLER! WHILE I WAS OUT THERE NEARLY DYING ON THE FRONTLINE, YOU WERE FLYING OVERHEAD LIKE A BIRD ON THE SAFEST PART OF THE ENTIRE OP! I HAVE NEARLY DIED THREE TIMES IN THREE WEEKS! YOU haven't gotten CLOSE to death as every time you do, one a those broads saves your life. THEY lead this army more then YOU DO. anda HI? Yo claim to be in love with the princess so freakin much....yeeet you SLEPT with that REDHEAD last night? Some HERO."
Tyler chuckled at that one and Mylissia looked right at Rias and she shrugged, utterly confused.
"Hey MAx."
"Here's a tip? If you're gonna follow somebody, follow the right damn person. I was alone last night. KIRITO was with a redhead last night. RIAS, the ONLY OTHER REDHEAD IN THE PARTY, had a snugglefest with Asia, Unicorn, Yoshkia and Shiro."
Max smirked.
"Okay. Metalica?"
The iron sprite appeared with a pop from inside his soul and Max blinked.
"What the fuck is that thing?"
The iron sprite chuckled as she sat on Tyler's shoulder.
"I'm Metalica. The IRON SPRITE? The floating ball of light that's been FOLLOWING this idiot AROUND for the last two weeks? ANY a this ring a bell?"
Asuna chuckled as she looked at her.
"MAx is one of the biggest slackers in the camp. First asleep, last awake, first to the food and loot, bickers when selected for guard duty, BITCHES when it's his turn for the chores. I've been meaning to deal with him but we've been busy."
"What the hell could a firecunt like you know about hard work? Only work YOU do is on your BACK for THAT guy."
Max's venom filled sneer was met by Kirito and Asuna drawing swords and about to SKEWER him when Tyler chuckled.
"Kirito. Asuna. Hold."
The pair looked at him curiously and the Berserker smiled. They SHUDDERED. Kirito sheathed his sword with a smile.
"Alright. He's not worth it anyway."
Tyler walked over to Max whistling a VERY cherry tune, grabbed hum by the hair, and DRAGGED him behind a house.
"We're gonna have a chat. MONSTER, to BARKING DOG."
Once they were out of sight, the screamign started. Mylissia smiled with approval as the sounds of vile and sadistic torture wafted from behind the house.
"THAT is how you handle evil hearted little babies like that. The sealing of the levels will also be inflicted."
Asuna chuckled sheepishly as she looked at Gasper.
"Sorry I didn't get to it sooner."
The blonde boy shrugged as the screaming turned to agonized whimpering.
"It's okay Asuna. Was either gonna be you or Tyler that stepped in. My hope? was Tyler got him."
Akeno smiled with a vivid blush at the screaming and was squirming with a telltale wiggle in her hips.
"Oh my."
Mylissia looked at her with a lifted eyebrow.
"Rias, dear, should I be concerned by her evident arrousal?"
Rias chuckled.
"Akeno is WAAAAAY into S&M. She brings the pain....and LIKES it."
"Oh dear."
Rias chuckled at the concern.
"She gets the nod before getting kinky."
Belfast smiled knowingly at the beauty with the purple hair.
"And that is a beautiful thing."
The screaming cut off and Tyler returned without any blood on him and a tramtized Max being dragged by the hair. The Berserker tossed him into the dirt and the orb was placed on his back for the brand as he curled into the fetal position.
"I'll be good, daddy. Not more belt please. No more. I'll listen, i swear!"
The camp shuddered at the broken boy's babbling and Tyler's refreshed smile.
"Alright. We're back to 127 warriors. Let's go. Leave the trash."
The Knights nodded and mounted their horses with one extra as Max had lost the claim to the mare. the force rode out and left the still trembling boy to his new tramua.
Tyler was out in front as they left the village behind and Asuna looked at him.
"Thanks for stepping in."
"Have issues like that been croping up?"
"A few times. Mainly about guard duty though."
"Grumbling is fine. I do it myself. DO NOT, try to bully people in MY ARMY. You do, I'll bully you. using tricks from MY world and MY tormentors."
A mass shiver went through the army at those implications and Belfast looked at Rias in alarm.
"did he do what I think he did?"
Rias gulped.
"If he DID, he has a VILE revenge streak."
"It was a pole."
They BOTH shivered at the imagery and Belfast gagged a little.
"I do not wish to know."
Rias nodded with a little greenness around the gills. The reactions of the two ladies MORE then enough to instill a new set of nerves in the fighting force when it came to making the one called Berserker angry.
The friends rode for another few hours until they came to a rather lush clearing of moss beside a bridge crossing a river. There they made camp and Tyler pitched his tent near the road by an old oak. Metalica appeared from his soul, looked him in the eye, and shuddered.
"I'll hide in someone else's soul when yoy do stuff like that now."
"What'd it feel like?"
"Dude. Your soul DIED for a while and your heart turned to ash. It was like I merged with an undead lich instead of a person. Scared the HELL outta me too."
"Yeah. Don't TRULY piss me off."
The grey iron sprite snorted.
"CLEARLY. You REALLY didn;t like that guy. That's fine."
She lounged on his shoulder now and he smiled.
"Glad you're back in action Metalica."
"Me too. And you're NEVER alone. I'm with you. Always."
She smiled at that as they had dinner together and he summoned Seria for their night's snuggle. The princess smiled as she got comfy.
"Mother says I gave you a near heart attack today. Mind explaining, METALICA?"
The Sprite chuckled as she poked her head out of his chest.
"He heard you had visited an orphanage and fallen in love with one of the girls there. Guess kids is a fear a his. His heart stopped."
Tyler chuckled as Seria looked at him knowingly.
"I see. Tyler. WHY have we NOT had this conversation already?"
"It never came up."
"Fair. Know I AM NOT looking to become a mother anytime in the forseeable future. And by forseeable future, I mean the next several decades. And even THEN we'll negotiate."
HE smiled.
"I never wanted kids to begin with."
"We'll discuss this in the future."
"Alright. I love you, Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."
They kissed and settled down for the night.

DAY 42.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.

Tyler woke the next morning with Seria asleep on his arm and Metalica in her human form on top of him with her wide and soft moth-like wings their blankets. And it was INCREDIBLY warm. He smiled at this as he kissed his wife awake. Seria smiled.
"Mornign to you too, my Love."
"And you, my Beloved princess."
She sighed and snuggled her face in his arm.
"Metalica's SUPER CUTE!"
"Thanks Princess."
They chuckled at her mild tone as the sprite rose with a stretch that slapped Tyler in the face with her massive breasts.
"oh. Sorry. I knoe you liked that."
Seria chuckled at that one as she hugged the sprite from behind.
"Me too!"
Tyler just watched with a smile as his wife felt the sprite's bust up with a sexy inquistiveness. It was so sexy he snuck a photo with his crystal. Which made the models smirk and Seria said it.
"Do NOT let that get seen."
"Oh this is for my collection. RIGHT, METALICA?"
She shuddered as she remembered.
"And there goes my horniness. Ugh."
"Should I be worried?"
"Nah, Seria. Just some stuff from his world."
"I see."
The trio got dressed and Tyler kissed his wife hard as she faded out.
"I'll see you soon, my love."
she smiled and was gone. Metalica smiled as she pulled her gown of grey over her flopping rack.
"I'll head home too."
He picked the now in fairy size sprite up and pressed her to his heart.
"Your FREE RIDE milady."
"Idiot! I-oh. Oh I hear that song. Huh. I kinda like it."
"Slow ride. Foghat. Take it easy."
Tyler smiled as he headed to the table and met up with the leaders. As he walked up he sniffed the breeze and grimaced.
"Yup. We're near saltwater."
Asuna looked at him curiously.
"don't like the ocean?"
"Ocean's fine, but the scent it has when you're on that sweet spot of salty air and FOREST AIR is kinda nasty to me."
Strand smiled sheepishly.
"So it is NOT just me that thinks that. I feel relieved."
"I get it. Like when you go to a resturante and pour half the bottle of ketchup on your fries....and everyone looks like you like you killed somebody....but for the redheaded girl behind you to nod and do the same thing."
Asuna chuckled at the sideways shoutout.
"I have done this. I admit."
"The redstuff is great."
"Yes it IS."
"Wanna grab a pizza at the next city? And utterly RUIN the other diner's day?"
She smiled at that offer.
"If we were back in our world, I'd call that an attempt at a date. HERE? I call it being good friends. Sure."
Kirito was heard chuckling.
"Don;t get TOO friendly with my gorgeous wife, Tyler."
"So long as you don't get cozy with MINE Kirito."
Asuna chuckled at that before smiling warmly.
"We'll hang out in the capital. Seria can join us then."
"Ha. She'll love you."
Mina smiled from her spot at the table.
"We're ready to roll out."
"Alright. Bloodoath, MOUNT up."
They rode out and Mina smiled as the scent of saltwater increased.
"Never get the smell out of your hair after two tours in Brittiania."
"Ha. Where's Lyn?"
"She's back with Yoshkia. She's a level 5 and struggles as her Proficency is Sniper. She hasn't had much opportunity to gain levels as she has to hang back from the fiht."
"I'll pair her up with Strand then. She's an elven Ranger and by default is the best sniper in the army. Lyn might be a crackshot, but she needs a little more practice."
Strand smiled.
"I know the girl and have been instructing her, Tyler. She is VERY shy and timid. Yet has more courage then I think I do."
"Lynnete Bishop. Looks and plays the part of the good looking yet timid mouse. Then when you figured her out, she steps up and reminds you of WHY she was the Strike Witches' best shot. even IF her rifle was a piece of crap."
Mina looked at him curiously.
"It did it's job and well mind you."
"True. But the Boys Antitank rifle is GODS AWEFUL. Those rechambers take FULL SECONDS. She'd been better off with a reloadable rocket launcher then that thing."
She chuckled at that as the trees thinned ahead.
"I suppose your world is more advanced then our own. And I see where you're coming from."
The force left the trees a few minutes later to find themselves on the edge of a great ocean. As far as the eye could see was nothing but waves of blue green water with not a cloud in the sky. Belfast smiled as she smelt the breeze and heard the cawwing of the gulls.
"I missed this scent. And that sight."
Tyler smiled at that as he took a photo of the horizon for Seria and looked up the road.
"Come on people we can gawk later."
They chuckled and got moving along the shore heading toward Sardona. Tyler flipped one of the seagulls beside them off as they went though.
"Get the fuck away from me ya flyin rat."
The gull sqwacked in offense at him and winged away. Asuna laughed.
"What the hell did that bird do?"
"I was at a boardwalk once and them freakin bastids robbed me of my hotdog. NEVER forget the flying bastids."
She and a good few of the heroes chuckled at that one. The waves had a gentle rumble to them as they lapped shyly at the shore while the friends rode on the road. Tyler looked out the sea everyfew minutes and Mina looked at him curiously.
"looking for something?"
"Making sure a pirate ship doesn't sneak up on us."
"Yeah we wouldn't be able to reach even WITH our spells."
Belfast smiled.
"I am on watch Dear."
"Thanks Belfast."
She smiled as the friends continued on their way. Strand looked at him as they went.
"Sardona is two days up the breach. we'll see her middle of day two as she's kinda big."
"Alright. We'll spend a night in the city and continue on. Sad to say we don't really have a lot of time for touristy shit."
Victoria nodded.
"I am afraid not. we were expected to arrive two days from today in the capital. But many factors waylaid us. I am happy with the results however. so this was a successful excursion."
Tyler chuckled at that as they broke into a full gallop along the level ground.
"Took out a forest giant's army of forest wolves, destroyed Dunkrick, took out like 15,000 bandits, discovered we have a PRINCESS in our midst, and I have a sprite living inside me. Full few weeks."
They chuckled at that truth as Akeno smiled.
"And we only lost 25 members of a 158 man force. Gained two back."
Tyler smiled as they thundered along the road.
"I think I like this world."
The friends rode for the day and came to a solid stretch of woodland for a campsite. Tyler looked out to sea.
"Strand, put a spell on the camp bonfire that makes it unable to be seen from a distance please."
She nodded.
"I will. Pirates?"
"would see that beacon for MILES."
She nodded gravely and did just that as the fire that kept insects at bay was lit. The Berserker lifted his nose to the breeze as it picked up and smiled.
"Clear skies and following seas in the morning."
Dryft looked at him curiously.
"You know the ocean?"
"It's one of the few things I'm truly nervous around. I can't win that fight and it knows it."
She smiled.
"I understand. I felt the same way when I saw my first high dragon. Like it KNEW I was ALLOWED to see it."
Tyler went to his task as company cook that night and he smirked as he took some beef-like meat.
"I got an idea."
Belfast appeared like MAGIC as he started mincing the meat.
"Tyler. what are you attempting to create?"
"Em? oh. Beef patties."
"I see. Yet those are TYRANT."
"Closest in consistancy we have."
"Now that mention we don't HAVE beef. So a replacement. Very well. Yoshkia dear!"
The little strike witch came over all smiles.
"what's up?"
"HE is making something new."
Yoshkia tapped a wooden spoon on her hand with a smile.
"IS he? I'll be the judge of it's GOOD or NOT. we clear?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Wow so THAT'S what that feels like?"
She shrugged and watched Tyler closely as he worked.
"So you got made company cook, Yoshkia?"
She smiled at that.
"Yup! Me, Asuna, Akeno, Javelin, Gasper, and Kyba got made company cooks. I'm just the best of them so I'm in charge of the kitchen."
"Oh that's kinda cool. explains the quality."
She smiled with pride at that as he formed a set of minced patties and set them on a grate over the flames with a battering of butter. Yoshkia watched this with hawklike intensity....until the wafting aromua hit her.
"Oh my god."
He added some diced onions and the familar sizzile had more then a few heads look over longingly. Rias being one of them.
"Hmmm, WHEN was the last time I had a real burger?"
Akeno nodded longingly.
"Or an ACTUAL pizza?"
Kirito sighed.
"I MISS pizza."
Tyler chuckled at the now rumbling stomachs as the memories came back.
"we'll talk to a few people. The pieces are here, we just put em together."
The first set of patties were readied and topped with soem pickles, ketchup and mustard before he slid the thing to Yoshikia.
"Have a taste."
She took a fearless bite and her eyes lit up like light.
Tyler chuckled as he passed out more plates.
"I DID work as a frycook at a few places Yoshkia."
Belfast smiled as she got her own.
"I see we have ANOTHER company chef."
Rias smirked as she dug into hers.
"Seria is going to be so jealous we got a meal made for us by her husband! BEFORE HER!"
"She gets massages."
The entire women faction of the army bellowed at him in furious shock and he chuckled as he flipped the next patty.
"Sorry ladies! Ya gotta be my wife for THAT kinda spoil!"
They grumbled at that as Rias and Belfast smiled knowingly. Once the meal was gone Tyler made a few more pattie batches for more meals he then instafroze with an ice spell for the wagon. Belfast smiled as he filled a small chest enchanted to keep them cold.
"I apologise for the misfaith."
"I get it."
He went for his watch by the ocean and the camp powered down. Tyler smiled as he did his statue of armor impersonation for a few hours until Gasper relieved him.
"I thought you got hit with a time spell."
He patted the vampire and went to his tent. The Berserker walked in and found the thing empty and Metalica appeared with a smile.
"Yes! I FINALLY get you allll you myself!"
He chuckled as he laid down and she snuggled up beside him.
"Night Metalica."
"Night Tyler."

DAY 43.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.

Tyler woke the next morning to find he'd snuggled into Metalica's massive chest. He'd literally shoved his head in her breasts and she'd wrapped him up in them too. Well. I GUESS this is nice. He smiled and Metalica chuckled as she opened her grey eyes above him.
"Guess you wanted to snuggle."
He chuckled as he got out of his sprite friend's soft bust.
"Guess so. I like em, Metalica."
"Me too. And we'll not tell Seria. Until you do it to her too that is."
"Sure thing. I think she'd laugh."
They got dressed and Tyler went to the table with the rest of the captains. Asuna smiled as she walked up a LITTLE wobbly and smirked as she saw tyler note this.
"Don't say it."
"Ha. We good?"
She nodded.
"Yup. we're set to move out."
The Knights broke camp to ride out and Tyler was in the lead. The ocean had a more restless feel to it that morning and Asuna noted it.
"A storm?"
Tyler looked.
"Nah. Just the tide's coming in. Kinda HARD too."
A wave slammed into the shore and splashed a few of the warriors some drops and Strand smiled.
"The Pharn coast has some MEAN tides."
"We'll keep that in mind."
A sound of distant thunder was heard out to sea and they all looked. A pair of large sailing vessels were dueling on the waves with thundering cannons and Tyler chuckled.
"Two pirate barques dukin it out. By the look of that Ship of the line, she jumped that Man of war. The MAW NEVER saw it coming and is now fucked."
There was a large explosion from the Man O War and Tyler chuckled as two masts toppled.
"There go her powder barrels on the aft deck. She's a lame duck. Now they'll either board or sink. If they're SMART, they'll do both."
They watched as the more elegant Ship of the Line sailed to the Man O war's intact side to board and the screams of pain were heard even at that distance before going silent. Tyler smiled as he watched through a spyglass.
"man o war surrenders, the hold is looted and the surviving crew members given a choice. Join up, or be set afloat."
Strand looked at him.
"You know ship warfare too?"
"My world we have types of games using enchanted screens that let us visit other worlds. One I was a pirate captain and was undefeated on the high seas."
Sora chuckled.
"Nice. Ship type?"
"OOoh. I see your strategy. Lighting attacks with overwhelming firepower and accuracy. Then when you board, you kill everything that moves."
"Pretty much. Come on. Not our game, not our table."
The company moved on as the ships handled their own affairs. Belfast looked at him as the sound of another salvo was heard.
"Will we do some sailing of our own, Tyler?"
He shrugged.
"Right now I don't know. The ships you're used to sailing are NIGHT AND DAY differences compare to old school sail an tack. I'll slap a maybe on it as it's a distinct possibility."
"Very well."
Asuna smiled as they left the battle behind.
"I kinda wanna go pirate hunting, Tyler."
He chuckled at that.
"Me too actually. But again. we'd need to do it RIGHT."
"Kirito would make a sexy pirate."
They laughed at that exchange. and Tyler looked ahead as the top of a grand lighthouse was seen in the distance. Dryft smiled.
"The Great Guide of Sardona. The largest lighthouse on the coast. It stands at 500 meters tall and has a light no fewer then 15 meters across. it can be seen for hundreds of nautical miles and has saved the lives of thousands of sailors."
Tyler smiled as they drew closer.
"It ever get taken out?"
Strand shook her head.
"No. It's seen as a nautical beacon and serves as guidence for not just Macedona ships but any ship in the region. If a country were to shutter the light for any reason, it would be seen as an act of war and every country that uses that lighthouse would respond in kind."
"Yeah we'll check it out."
Mina nodded.
"If it is THAT important, it's a military target. and the Drakens can take it out, and blame it on Macedona. The bam. The queendom's enemies triple."
The natives looked at them like they were hurt. Strand saying it.
"Is THAT how you people wage war? with NOTHING being sacred or....even RESPECTED?"
Tyler sighed.
"In our wars, it is common practice to use gas based weaponry....on civilians. The country that does it gets LEVELED, but they still do it. Why? Because it's efficent. When our world goes to war, any form of infrastructure is a viable military target. The more important it is to morale, the higher the list of FIRST TARGETS it is. A war broke out in another country and the first thing they bombed was the dam that spanned two miles. It was seen as an achievement of humankind and an example of what that country could do in peace time. It was on their flag for fuck's sake. And it was the VERY FIRST target they hit. 3,000 people died building that thing. And they blew it up just to make a point. When the river was released, a further 40,000 were just swept away."
Victoria shuddered.
"So THAT'S why you're so good at military strategy, Tyler. Your world is wartorn with NO RULES OF ENGAGEMENT."
"Oh there are rules. But they're just for courtrooms. When you're gettin shot at, you're told to follow orders. PERIOD. If we were in my world and you were my soldier, I'd fully expect you to gas an orphanage without question if I told you to. If you refused, YOU'RE the bad guy. And the reason I'd have you flame that building? The enemy built it as a symbol of pride."
Dryft shuddered.
"No more stories from your worlds, Tyler, Mina. We don't want the nightmares."
He smiled.
"I understand."
The lighthouse had a wide beam of light circling around it's tip at set intervals and as they climbed a small hill Tyler got a good look at Sardona.
"Huh. I kinda like what they did here."
The city had been built around the lighthouse and a large cliff jutting over the water. It had the appearance of a horn of stone with speckles of light decorating it with a long tooth under the horn with a beam being fired under it. The city was built in an inverted U shape around the stone horn and the lighthouse was built into the horn. There was also an immense port under the horn with hundreds of ships at anchor with thousands more either sailing into port or leaving port. Tyler smiled as he looked at it.
"every house is built in a staggered pattern. The ones closest the outer wall are lowest while the ones behind it are one story higher. Overlapping lanes of fire if the wall is breached, and plenty of space for fighting on said roofs. The city is a meatgrinder."
He then frowned as he looked at the immense stone horn jutting out over the water.
"But that horn is making me nervous. if that goes, the ENTIRE city is wiped out."
Mina nodded.
"It's COLLASAL and a VERY big target. Look what we did at Dunkrick with a single sprite, a few bombs and the element of surprise."
Strand smiled as she provided reason.
"THAT is the Horn of Valor. They say if you dive from the HIGHEST point OVER THE WATER, and LIVE, yhou are granted a boon from a GODDESS of valor herself."
Tyler smiled widely at this news.
"Ya don't say?"
She looked at him sharply.
"If you miss, you die. There is NO wriggle room up there Tyler."
"Worth it. For what I have in mind? UTTERLY worth it."
The leaders blinked at this before Rias smiled as it clicked.
"Another piece?"
"And a rather big one too. I KNEW it was only a matter of time before I found SOMETHING like this. I am DOING that challange. And I WILL succeed. For Seria."
Asuna smiled at the vow.
"Willing to kill yourself JUST to give her the wedding of her dreams. I'm jealous. Kirito. I don't want you to try."
"No. It;s not worth losing you over."
He kissed her lovingly.
"It;s worth it to me. With such a gift, Asuna? I can protect you better. Do it with me."
"Oooh Kirito. I will!"
Tyler smiled at the moment and sighed as he felt a longing for his beloved princess inside his heart.
"Soon, Seria. Soon."
Rias smiled longingly as she and the rest felt the intense feelings in the air.
"I want that. Oh how I want someone to love me like that."
Tyler caught her below the breath wish and he sighed internally. I NEED to remember who she is and what she's been through. Metalica's voice was heard in his head and it was full of understanding.
"She longs for someone to love her for WHO SHE IS. Like YOU did. YOU got YOUR wish. Why can;t she?"
everyone deserves to have someone in their life that loves them without compromise and is utterly devoted to making them smile. I have Seria and she has me. RIAS has NO ONE and has had to suffer time and time again because of that fact. He glanced back at the redhead as she got a warm hug from Asia, making her smile but the entire time her blue eyes were full of a deep depression and sadness. He sighed as he looked ahead. even now she is TRYING with all her heart not to long for what Seria and I have. And it HURTS.
"You can make it better."
He smiled at this truth and Mina saw it.
"Something click?"
"You could say that. Was chatting with Metalica. She made a good point."
"Whatever it is, I'm sure it's important. We're here too."
"Thanks Mina."
She smiled and the friends rode until they found a suitable campsite in a small circle of rocks out of immediate sight of the ocean. Tyler had his tent up and he looked out to where rias had set hers directly across from it. He smiled and slid the chessboard into view. She smiled and came right in.
"Nice signal."
"Gremory family values. Am I right?"
She busted up laughing at that one.
"Oh my hell I want that on a T-shirt!"
"So long as it has a chessboard under it."
He hugged her the and she blinked at this attack.
"Umm, hi?"
He smiled.
"Sorry. I kinda got wrapped up in my head."
She blinked again and looked at him.
"What the hell does that mean?"
"YOU'RE more alone here then I am. I got my dreamlover. YOU lost yours. i..forgot how much that hurts. I'm sorry."
Rias smiled warmly at this as she hugged him now.
"It's okay. I understand. You were trying to be loyal to Seria. I was just the girl next door trying to butt in."
"True. You WERE pushy and annoying as hell. Fact you're RIAS GREMORY was what allowed you to get away with that crap."
She smiled sheepishly and lowered her chin like a caught toddler.
"Sorry. I...kinda knew that."
"Ugh. Okay. You just stole Asia's cuteness crown."
They laughed at the distant whine of their favorite blonde and Tyler hugged the redheaded girl hard. He leaned in her ear.
"I love you, Rias. You deserved better then what you got."
She shivered.
"I love you too, Tyler. Does..."
"We'll make it official with Seria. But it does."
She smiled with such joy it nearly SPLIT her FACE and he held her. The redhead didn't shed any tears as she settled her head on his chest.
"I like it."
"Me too."
The pair ate together before he summoned Seria. The blue haired princess smiled as she saw Rias beside him.
"So was a choice made?"
Tyler nodded with a smile.
"She deserves better. And I know how much it hurts finding out your dream was just a fantasy."
He hugged the nearly crying again redhead.
"I can at LEAST make sure her new dream is a happy one."
Seria had a proud smile on her face as she hugged the redhead too.
"And THAT'S one of the reasons I love you so freakin much, Tyler. You have a VERY kind heart and EXTREMELY gentle soul. Is she in the family?"
"She is my number two girlfriend."
Seria smiled as she hugged the proud redhead.
"WE will SHARE the snuggles, Sister."
"Yeah. We will, Seria. My heart hurts."
Metalica appeared then with a smile and a tear on her cheek.
"His heart cracked for her on the road today. And it reminded him of WHY he liked her so freakin much to begin with. Seria owns his heart and not a SOUL could hope to challange her. But YOU, Rias, ARE his soul. And right now it is GLOWING."
Tyler smiled as he hugged his girlfriends.
"I'll keep you all safe. I promise. I love you."
They smiled.
"I love you too, Tyler."
"I love you too, Tyler."
The berserker smiled as he held them tightly for a moment longer before Rias smiled.
"will I get one too?"
"I will not say yes or no. NOT right now."
"I'm greedy."
"You're a DEVILPRINCESS. I expected it."
Seria chuckled as they settled down.
"Sad to say THAT will require HEAVY negotiations TYLER."
"I get it."
Rias got his left arm as the ladies laid on his chest and Metalica returned to fairy form to snuggle into Rias' hair.
"Oddly enough this is SUPER comfy."
They chuckled at that as Tyler smiled.
"Good night, Seria. I love you. Good night, Rias. I love you too."
"Night, Tyler. I lvoe you."
"I love you too. Night."

DAY 44.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.
Tyler woke to the sight of red and blue hair over his eyes. That made him smile as he saw Rias and Seria soundly asleep in his arms while Metalica was sleeping in Rias' hair like it was a hammock. He kissed Seria awake and she smiled.
"I love you too."
He smiled and stroked Rias' soft, blood red hair affectionately.
"She means a lot to you, Tyler."
He nodded as Seria rested her head on his chest to look at the sleepinf redhead.
"She does. Before I met you, Seria, she was my dreamgirl. I wanted to be with her so badly it hurt sometimes."
She smiled.
"Then you met me and gave your everything to me with utter devotion in mind."
"Yup. She was my best friend in this world."
"And she wanted to be more. You made a promise to me. And kept it. I think we'll be fine now."
He hugged his new redheaded girlfriend tightly.
"We'll be just fine, Rias."
She opened her eyes with a smile.
"Yeah. I love you."
"I love you."
She looked at seria and a subtle nod was given before the redhead pounced on the Berserker for her first kiss and the man smiled as they got into a VERY intense makeout session that had sparks FLARIING between them that even Metalica winced.
"Damn. Like when two volcanos MEET and MESH."
Seria smiled.
"How intense is it, Metalica?"
"I'm afraid they'll melt my forge with the heat between them."
"Oh dear."
"Relax. His soul is on FIRE for her right now. His HEART, is ACHING for you, Seria."
The princess smiled as Tyler pinned the redhead to the tent.
"Demonic Chariot."
And he lifted off the busty girl as she smiled.
"That was everything I dreamt it would be. I love you."
"I love you too, Rias."
Seria kissed him now and Metalica smiled.
"YOU just dumped a bucket of water on his soul and now it's lovingly warm. She just lights a FIRE in his soul and they RESONATE. A VERY balanced trio now."
Tyler smiled as he hugged them again.
"I love you two. Annnd we have work to do."
They chuckled and Seria smiled as she looked at Rias.
"Remember. NO further then what we have done."
The devilgirl smiled.
"I'll remember that Seria."
Se faded out and Tyler hugged his dear redhead.
"We'll make up for lost time."
"It's okay. We're here now."
"Yeah. Come on."
The pair got dressed and headed out. Akeno was waiting with a smile to kidnap her friend on sight and Tyler chuckled as he met up with the captains at the table. Asuna greeted him as he walked over.
"Morning. So we'll reach Sardona in a few hours. The very first thing we do, is make sure that lighthouse is secure. Then we take a VERY deep cleaning bath. Tyler will commit suicide and then me and Kirito will commit double suicide."
They chuckled at that plan and Tyler nodded.
"Heads on a swivel. Let's not get jumped twice in two different cities please."
They nodded.
"Good. BREAK."
The Knights of the Bloodoath b roke camp ad got riding.
"Hey that ship's out there."
Tyler looked and sure enough the Ship of the Line from yesterday was riding rather close to shore. The majestic vessel had four masts and some holes blown in her hull but was making headway with the tide.
"Looks like she's in good shape. Odds are she'll put into the port for repairs."
Asuna looked at him.
"She's a pirate vessel."
"True. But pirates have to be caught in the act by those that HUNT THEM. The laws have loopholes."
"Ah. Us?"
"Not our game. Not our table."
She nodded as they came over the hill to approach the city gates. The scent of sea air and the cry of seabirds meshed with the rush of the waves as the Knights of the Bloodoath approached the gates of the port city. Tyler noting the guard were geared in bright blue starlite armor as they checked wagons and horses.
"Guess smuggling's a big thing here. Ha. Makes sense."
Asuna had a small jar of balm she applied to her lips as she replied.
"Speciallly since it's a port city. Be kinda funny if they ask to check OUR wagons."
Tyler chuckled at that as they approached and the guard looked up at the intimidating warrior in black.
"Name and business in the city!"
Tyler smiled.
"Tyler the Berserker with the Knights of the Bloodoath. Lookin for rest before we get going again."
The guard went WHITE at THAT one.
"LOrd Berserker?"
"In the mess!"
"My WORD I meant no disrespect Sire!"
"Ha. I like bragging. You're good."
The guard chuckled at that as hr relaxed.
"The Lady is expecting you, Lord Berserker. CLEAR!"
The gates opened and the Knights rode through them and into a mass of cheers from a crowd that had gathered on the otherside in SECONDS after the words Lord Berserker had been uttered. Tyler chuckled as roses and petals were thrown from windows and balconys of the defensively structured city and children ran alongside the parading Knights. Tyler smiled as he caught a flung rose and tossed it to a small girl on a balcony with near pinpoint percision. She gasped at this while her mother smile with pride at the story her girl now got to tell. Asuna chuckled as she did the same to another child, much to the crowd's awe.
"You LOVE spreading tales don;t you?"
"I LOVE showing off."
They chuckled at that one as a small girl looking over her railing overbalanced and fell towards the street. The crowd gasped in horror at this tragedy....only for Tyler to appear beside her in midair and kick off the wall of the house to land lightly on his feet holding the unharmed girl like a princess.
"You okay princ-ARRGH."
She stabbed him in the jugular with a knife.
Tyler didn't flinch as the tiny girl went to run...and grabbed her by a leg.
"A classic trick toots."
The crowd looked on in horror at the assassination attempt that had JUST been preformed and Tyler tore the knife from his neck with his teeth.
"Too bad for you this isn't the first time I've been jumped by a kid on the street. I saw it coming a SPLIT SECOND before you shived me. You missed EVERYTHING vital and are just another tally on my wall of chicks that have tried to kill me. You got some balls HALFLING."
The ranting girl was then tied with knots from HIS world and lashed to his horse. Asia appeared all smiles.
"Twilight healing."
His wound was closed and the blood purged. Annd the poison too.
"There! All better!"
Tyler mounted up on Shadow as the crowd looked at each other as if not sure how to react.
"well? Let;s keep it moving people! we were putting a show on right?"
There was a chuckle from the crowd as gthe captive thrashed on the back of Tyler's horse. The hero's parade picked up again as shouts of,
Went up from the city as they approached the main keep that enshrouded the lighthouse. A wall of armoured knights were waiting with a lady in starlite chainmail wielding a scythe leading them. She was Tyler's height with long, pearl pink hair and vivid purple eyes that had a blazing fire inside them. Her skin was faire and her bust massive in her mail. Her hair hung to her feet and had a knife tied to the end while her scythe was bigger then she was. Victoria smiled warmly as she saw her.
"Sister Brutalia! It is good see you in good health!"
The lady smiled and spoke in a warm yet firm belltone.
"Sister Victoria. I see you have not changed at all."
TYler chuckled as he looked at the intimidating warrior.
"Nice to meetchya, Brutalia. I'm Tyler. Nice headtaker."
She chuckled as she hefted her solid blue scythe with evident affection.
"Her name is Heartbreaker. I hit you, you will break. An honor to meet the legendary Lord Berserker."
Tyler chuckled and held up the still thrashing assassin.
"I caught a snake in the camp."
Brutalia chuckled as she hefted her scythe.
"we are aware. Lady Slyindria is LIVID that parade was nearly ruined for her people. Have you decided the prisoner's fate, lord Berserker?"
"Usually toss em to Mylissia."
"Ah. A sound solution and one the Lady will agree with. we are your honor guard to her. Your steeds will be stabled this way."
The knightsfollowed the pink haired warrior through the gate of the horseshoe shaped keep and Tyler had an idea. He looked at Brutalia while holding the thrashing halfing in view of his eyes.
"So that lighthouse."
She chuckled.
"IS quite the sight is it not?"
"It is. and is the thing secure? I can see those idiot Drakens trying to destroy it....and blame Macedona some how."
The halfling FROZE midthrash at Tyler's mild tone. EVERYONE noticed this and the Berserker chuckled.
"So they ARE trying to take it out? Thanks runt."
The halfling went limp in her bounds as she realized what she'd done. Brutalia had a look of awe on her face as she looked at him.
"HOW did you do that?"
"Simple. She was out of her mind with emotion and I used it. The first reaction is instinct. She knows what they are planning. I had ten minutes I could get it out of her."
The hafling smirked around her gag and Tyler looked her in the eye for a moment.
"Ha. Toots, I already know how they're gonna do it. They'll rig demo charges to the main support structure and try to tip it into the port."
She went white.
"If that fails, they'll resort to simply smashing the light and rigging it to bolw when someone goes to repair it."
"And their men are inside the keep as we speak.....among the guard."
About to pass out.
"And. ONE of them....."
He grabbed one of the guards in armor seemingly at random by the throat.
"Is you. the guy that's been glaring at her like you knew her the entire time."
The helmet was torn off the reveal a Draken in disguise. The dark elf had a look of shock as four mroe were discovered the same way.
"It's what i'd do. Ha. We have a LOT of stuff to give the queen today!"
Brutalia just looked at him like she was halfway between hero worship....and utter terror as the guard were inspected by internal affiars officers.
"YOU are a god."
"Thanks Brutalia. It's called Cold Reading."
Sora laughed at that as he came up.
"YOu learned that from ME!"
"Pretty much. Sora's the best at it, but I know what I'm doing."
The scythe wielder looked at her sister and Victoria shrugged.
"You DON'T really get used to him, Sister. He taught the Rangers a new way to milk venomous serpents the other day."
"Oh my."
He chuckled as the prisoners were dragged through the door of the keep and into the base of the grand lighthouse. The place was in an uproar at the discovery of so many Draken inside their walls and there was a VERY pissed lady in a rather pretty blue dress holding a golden trident. She was Tyler's height with foot length sky blue hair and vivid red eyes set into a tear drop shaped head. Her skin was sapphire blue while her frame was slender. She spoke in a hard, yet airy voice to the warriors.
"I and my city are DEEPLY ashamed by this failure, Lord berserker. You set foot in my city and not even an hour later have discovered an ENTIRE SQUAD OF DRAKENS INSIDE MY GUARD! I looked at these men and women every day for HOURS and suspected a thing. I WILL put this right. Summon the queen."
"Sure. Just one question."
She smiled.
"My name is Sylindria. And yes I am a mermaid."
"Cool. Alright."
Tyler tossed the orb out and Mylissia appeared after a moment.
"You have reached Sardona?"
"Yup. and I got presents."
She blinked.
"That light house is a VERY blatant target."
"Oh by the sky."
She sighed in irritation.
"How many?"
The queen looked at him and he nodded ti a pile of tied up prisoners.
"Wow. That's an entire Deep Hand BRANCH. we will make MOST use of them."
Tyler threw the trash through the orb and Sylindria knelt.
"My lady. I am ashamed of my failure. They LITERALLY just arrived an hour ago."
Mylissia smiled sympathically.
"Do not feel shame, Sister. Tyler and his Knights do that. Yet I see one more, Tyler."
"THIS runt tried to assassinate me on the street."
"Oh my. I see. I will have a SPECIAL interrogation for her."
He flung the halfing through and the queen smiled.
"A halfling. It seems your love for the children has turned around to bite you in the ass."
"She fell off her balcony."
"Ooh. Using your hero instincts against you. VERY clever."
Tyler chuckled.
"Not the first time a cutie with a knife has gotten the drop on me. and it won't be the last."
That got a chuckle from the queen.
"A true hero's weakness and no mistake. Sylindria. You are absolved of any wrongdoing on the grounds Tyler does not seem to blame you."
The Berserker chuckled.
"She knew nothing and Seria was involved this time."
"Ah. Understandable."
"And I am aware of a test of valor or something with that horn."
The queen and the rest of the room blinked. The Mylissia looked at him curiously.
"WHY would you TAKE such a STUPID risk?"
"I need pieces don't I?"
"It's not worth KILLING yourself over!"
"Of course it is. I WILL make that girl happy with everything I am and WILL do everything in my power to make sure she NEVER forgets. I WILL do this test and I WILL pass it. And I WILL see my wife again."
The room was taken quite aback by the FORCE packed into Tyler's words and eyes as he made those vows. Mylissia smiled proudly as she watched.
"I'll be sure to distract her."
"fuck you."
He chuckled at that kneejerk reaction.
"Hilarious. Okay."
He looked at Sylindria.
"Do a mass search. And triple check the tower."
"Absolutely. YOUR chambers are ready. And the test of courage is up THAT way."
Asuna sighed.
"Go on. Kill yourself for a gift."
He chuckled as he ran up a seperate set of stairs in the tower with a smile on his face and his heart as he reached the level for the stone horn. The Berserker ran out onto the long stone spike as Metalica appeared on his shoulder.
"If you die I'll go live in Seria's soul."
He didn't hear her as he ran for the edge of the narrowing spike with unerring footsteps. Tyler smiled as he leapt off the tip close to 200 yards from shaore.
"For you, Seria."
He dove towards the surface of the water close to 700 meters below and as he fell he flipped on his height to drop feet first. He pulled his arms in close to his chest and shut his eyes tightly as he focused on Seria. His feet hit the water and he dropped deep beneath the surface. The Berserker smiled as he landed on the bottom of the ocean, dropped into a crouch and THRUST upwards with all his strength for the surface. He broke the surface cleanly and was faced with a tall woman in a boat beside him. She smiled sweetly at him as she patted the spot across from her.
"Well done Hero of the Unflinching Heart."
He climbed aboard the lady's craft and found he was as dry as a bone. The he got a look at his companion. She was extraodinarily beautiful wih neatly braided golden hair that put even ASIA'S lockes to shame while her skin was pure white. She was slender with delicate features and her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. Her voice was a soft breath that had the same relaxing quality Seria's did and her attire was an english ballgown complete with umbrella. Tyler smiled as he settled in teh rowboat across from her.
"Nice to meet you, Aphrodite."
She blinked at this and smiled.
"You knew my name on SIGHT. Truly a remarkable warrior."
"Tell Hestia I said hi."
"I will most certainly do so. Normally, a goddess of courage bestows the reward upo you. But. Since you did it with such extreme devotion and love for that princess of yours, you entered into MY jurisdiction of rewards. And I could not be happier. Speak, warrior, NAME HER PRIZE."
He presented the goddess of love and beauty a book. Aphrodite chuckled at this audacity.
"TAke what you can and give NOTHIN back. Adorable."
She looked through the book with a smile.
"It will be as you envision. I will PERSONALLY see to this."
"Thanks Aphroia."
"OOh I like that!"
He chuckled.
"I'm glad you do. Thank you."
"Not at all. If anything, I should thank YOU for such amusement. Now. My time for this encounter is up. If you seek another boon from a god, know there are many and more such challanges in the world. I will return you to the tip."
"Thanks aphroia. Hey."
She looked at him curiously.
"What has surfaced?"
He smiled widely.
"Is now a bad time to mention I can't swim?"
The goddess looked at him. And just looked at him as if NOT hearing him. Tyler busted up laughing as her serene expression broke into one of utter PAIN.
"Ooooh I HATE YOU SO MUCH! Hestia is LAUGHING so hard it is KILLING her head!"
Tyler was coughing violently now from his laughing fit and the goddess looked over a little fearfully as he nearly BLACKED OUT from how hard he was laughing.
"Oh dear. YOUR world did EXTREME damage to your body. Thank the sky when I teleport you back it'll heal it."
Tyler smiled as he was blinded by water before he was next standing back up on the tip of the stone horn. Metalica appeared from his soul with a smile as he walked away.
"That girl's wedding with be sung about for CENTURIES to come, Tyler. And I'll be there to see it."
He smiled as he walked back to the tower.
"I love that girl, Metalica. I have to make it epic some how."
"Once again. I'm jealous."
Tyler smiled as he walked down the stairs and saw Kirito and Asuna waiting at the bottom. The black swordsmen looked up and Tyler chuckled as he came down.
"Like a charm."
Asuna smiled.
"If YOU made it work, WE'LL make it work."
"Keep your legs straight when you hit the water."
They nodded and headed up. Sylindria smiled as he walked over to her.
"That lucky, lucky girl. Now. Your chamber."
A maid appeared from behind Sylindria and the young girl had a giddyness to her as she approached the Berserker. She was half his height with the same blue hair, skin and eyes as Sylindria. But with a more petite frame and smaller bust. When she spoke it was with a softly air feel.
"I am Lindria, Lord Berserker. I am honored to be your maid."
Tyler smiled as he patted her.
"Nice to meet you, Lindria. I'm Tyler."
She blushed a happy purple as they got moving.
"The Lady Sylindria is my mother."
"So THAT'S what you'll look like in a few years? Good for yuo."
She smiled proudly at that as they climbed the steps.
"Mother IS exquistely beautiful. And a beloved leader as well."
"Makes sense."
The pair climbed the steps of the lighthouse until Lindria led him to a door near the middle.
"Here, Lord Tyler. I hope you enjoy."
She opened the door and he was faced with a large chamber identical to Seria's in the royal palace. it even had the same row of manniquins and dresses for her to wear. He smiled as he saw it was indeed his wife's chamber as he walked in.
"Thanks Lindria."
She smiled and left. Tyler ser his gear down and took a VERY deep cleaning bath before laying in the bed. He smiled and looked to the door.
"Safe Rias."
She walked in sheepishly and shut the door behind her.
"I was just about to knock too."
He chuckled as the redhead climbed up beside him on the bed and rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her soft red hair soothingly and she smiled.
"This it for the day?"
"Pretty much. You?"
"Same. HAven't been able to REALLY relax on a bed in a bit so."
She shrugged and he kissed her.
"I love you too, Rias."
She smiled happily as they got comfier.
"I love you too, Tyler."
The pair dozed on the bed for a while before Lindria came in with their dinner and smiled.
"I'll be joining Lady Asia for dinner Lord Tyler."
"Watch out for her Lindria. She's a snuggler."
"I love blonde snuggles!"
The pair chuckled at her joy and the mermaid was gone. Tyler smiled as he looked at Rias.
"There she goes."
"And she was never seen again."
Once the pair had been fed they took a bath together in the water and Rias blinked at the spear across from her.
"I'd need some serious lube for that."
She chuckled at that as the pair cleaned up and laid in bed together. Tyler smiled as he held the redhead to him.
"Good night, Rias. I love you."
She smiled with closed eyes.
"Good night, TYler. I love you too."

DAY 45.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 6,138,653.

Tyler woke the next morning to find Metalica asleep on Rias' massive bust in her fairy size. The tiny sprite was curled up on one of Rias' impressive boobs with her perky nipple the pillow and he found that sight cute and was again mildly jealous/ He kissed Rias awake and she smiled happily as her blue eyes opened.
"Good morning my love."
"Good morning Rias. I love you too."
She smiled. The smirked as she became aware of a warmth on her boob.
"That feels nice and weird at the same time."
"I cannot blame her."
"NOR can I."
Metalica woke with a yawn and sat up on Rias' nipple like it was a bench.
"Morning you two. Your tit makes a great bed Rias."
"That's a brand new sentence."
Tyler chuckled at that as he hugged her.
"We'll head out for the next town soon."
she smiled at that as Lindria walked in with their breakfast. Tyler chuckled as he saw her.
"She lived."
"I be myself she wouldn't."
The mermaid smiled adoringly as they set their table.
"I. LOVE. THAT. GIRL! She's so sweet and warm and...just AMAZING! I gave her my spell as I WILL keep seeing her!"
The friends smiled at that gushing praise and Tyler patted the blue haired Mermaid.
"She's Asia."
The friends fed well before heading for the lighthouse meeting hall that was merely a round room with a table and chairs. Asuna had a list for the Berserker as he walked in.
"We did a resupply on stuff. Spend about 150k and refilled the wagons."
Tyler nodded as he looked the supplies over.
"Metalica's supplies?"
"Those we'd need to buy in the capital."
"Makes sense. Alright. We ride for Nard today."
They nodded and Mina smiled.
"We're ready."
"Let's move."
Sylindria smiled as tey walked out.
"On a schedule?"
He chuckled as he faced the mermaid.
"We're kinda BEHIND schedule actually. Sad to say we don't really have te time to see your city properly."
The mermaid leader nodded understandingly.
"Sardona will be better the next time you come to visit, Lord Berserker."
He nodded and Brutalia smiled as she hefted her scythe.
"I'll be here too, Sister."
Victoria smiled.
"Be well, Sister."
The Knights mounted up and were treated to another massive crowd eager to see them again. Tyler spotted the same girl he flung a rose to on a balcony and waved at her, making her gasp and her mother smile. Asuna smiled.
"Like a charm."
He chuckled as they reached the gate.
"Anything good?"
Kirito smirked.
"My swords are made from the highest tier material...and they scale with my levels."
Asuna shrugged.
"Insurance for a certain thing."
Tyler looked at her and she smiled knowingly as she rubbed her belly.
"Makin sure something doesn't happen before we're ready."
He smiled and so did the rest of the ladies at the unsaid. Kirito chuckled.
"Something similar to that too."
"We HAVE stamina potions Kirito."
"I am going to STAB YOU!"
Kirito was now in a near instant rage as the friends chuckled as Bell came up.
"I did it too. I got to see the Goddess."
Tyler smiled.
"How's she hanging Bell?"
The white haired kid smiled.
"She's doing fine and the rest of the gods are preparing for the next occasion."
"Alright. Be kinda fun ordering HER around."
Bell chuckled at that one.
"She thinks you're outta your mind and to tell you to be careful. You MIGHT give her a heart attack with your plans."
They left the gate and broke into a gallope along the road leaving their first coastal city behind. Asuna looked at him as they went.
"NArda is two days from here. Shoot for one?"
"I'd like to. After NArda we're swinging for Berun. That's a week ride but we'll do it in 6 days as Seria's waiting for me."
They smiled at that as they tore along the road. The sky was clear overhead while out to sea the waves were still as a pond and a soft breeze rustled their hair. Tyler smiled as they went and Rias saw it.
"We're heading back to the capital. I won't need a spell soon."
Asuna smiled understandingly as the Knights made camp that night in an alcove by the sea. The pocket dug into the side of a small cliff face that provided a rather cozy space. Tyler took first watch by the road and did his statue of armor impression as behind him his forces got their rest. He was relieved by Mina and the berserker went to his tent where Rias was waiting for him.
"I've been waiting for you, my love."
He smiled at this erotic scen as the naked redhead opened her arms for snuggles.
"I forgot you're just as much the sexy queen as Akeno is."
Rias chuckled as she settled in his arms.
"I'm sexIER."
"Love you too, Rias."
Metalica appeared then to cuddle up on Rias' boob again.
"Seriously. Her tits are just HEAVENLY to sleep in."
The pair chuckled at their sprite friend as they drifted off.

DAY 46.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 5,988,653.

Tyler woke to find he'd buried his face into Rias' deep cleavage. Like he'd full on shoved his head between her mountains and wrapped her in his arms for dear life. He blinked at this soft and yet incredibly warm development and Rias smiled as she hugged him closer to her.
"Now THIS is familiar."
He chuckled as he hugged her tighter.
"I did the same thing to Metalica. Was nice."
Rias opened her blue eyes with a smile and he kissed her.
"I love you, Rias."
"I love you too, Tyler. And next time? Well, maybe I'll try something similar!"
He chuckled at that tease as they got up....and found Metalica asleep on Rias' slit. The redhead and the Berserker blinked at this as the tiny sprite was curled up into a ball on Rias' bald slit and seemed VERY comfy down there.
The iron sprite woke with a yawn and smiled as she saw the curious Rias looking at her.
"You're warm down here. And it's nice too. I like sleeping in your slit, Rias."
"That's ANOTHER brand new sentence."
Tyler chuckled at that one as they just shrugged and got dressed for the day. He went to the Table where Asuna unrolled the map.
"We're debating staying the night in Nard or just passing through. Since we don't really NEED to stay the night and there's not really anything of note in the city, we can just pass through."
Tyler looked at Strand and the ranger smiled.
"Nard's mainly a military port. Nothing really to say about it. The lord isn't really important either."
Tyler smiled.
"Thenn we'll pass through. We'll shave up to three full days off our trip if we do. Alright. Break camp and let's get going. I want to be back in Wilder Forest in four days."
They nodded and the camp was broken down before the thunder of hooves was heard on the road. Tyler in the lead with Shadow putting in work as they tore along the wide seaside road towards the circular city in the distance. Nard was built into a basin with a similar staggered build style to Sardonia just minus the grand lighthouse and the Courage Leap horn. Tyler had a smile on his face as they approached the city and knew this was the last city he'd see before he returned to Seria. The Knight were spotted approaching the city and they were treated to another heroes' welcome by the city and the guard turned out. Tyler chuckled as a knight captain approached.
"Lord Berserker. Lord Magnis wishes you welcome to his fair city. Unfortunately he is engaged in some VERY fiery negotiations with a shipping company or he would greet you personally."
Tyler chuckled.
"It's alright. We're actually behind schedule at the moment and unfortuantely don't have time to spend in the city."
"A shame that. NArd is beautiful this time of year."
"A crying shame. But we'll most likely bow through at another time."
The captain smiled at that eventuality as the Knights put a show on for the people until they were back on the trail through the north gate and Tyler smiled as they rode into the forest route that would take them to Berun. Strand smiled as she looked at rhe forest of oak and aldar around them.
"I know this area, Tyler. We are 6 days from the capital."
"I'll be home soon Seria."
The force smiled warmly at that promise as they made camp in a small rock basin that Strand said had been carved from a fire dragon's breath during some battle. Tyler was on cooking duty again and had first watch. Once fed the Berserker took his stature of armor pose at the road as his friends slumbered nearby. Akeno relieved him and she smiled as he hugged her on the way out.
"I still feel it."
"Same here, Sis."
She smiled warmly at that as the Berserker returned to his tent and smiled as he saw Rias waiting for him.
"Night's Longing."
She chuckled as Seria rose from the ground and the Berserker held his beloved princess.
"7 days Seria."
She smiled happily at this.
"I'm waiting for you, my husband."
He kissed her lovingly and then they snuggled a laughing Rias between them.
"Now THIS is nice!"
Tyler kissed the redhead and she smiled as Seria rested her head on her massive orb.
"Wow. Comfy."
Tyler did the same and Rias just sighed as she held them.
"Now THIS is a weird role reversal. But it feels nice."
Tyler smiled as he got comfy.
"Night, Rias. I love you. Night Seria. I love you too."
The lovers smiled as they drifted off in their cuddle.

DAY 47
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 5,988,653.

Tyler woke to find he'd not moved from his spot using Rias' boob as a pillow and neither had Seria. Both of them had their hands clasped over the redhead's heart and Tyler smiled at how comfy the entire thing was as he kissed Rias awake.
"Me first this time?"
He chuckled at her happy surprise as he kissed Seria awake.
"Morning to you too my love. And Rias makes a really comfy pillow!"
Tyler chuckled as they snuggled their laughing redheaded friend like cats.
"She does indeed. And a sexy spaceheater!"
Seria smiled as she looked down the naked redhead's alluring body.
"She is VERY sexy! And I DID learn on ladies too!"
Rias blinked at THAT ominousness.
"Um. I'm not into ladies, Seria."
"You sure?"
"Um, yeah?"
Seria smiled as she rested her head by Rias' face.
"well. Good thing SOMEONE can keep a secret, right?"
The redhead chuckled at that one.
"A VERY good thing. Right?"
"I love both."
"Good answer."
"Very good."
The pair got more kisses as Metalica yawned herself awake and sat up on Rias' slit again. Seria saw this and blinked.
"wow. She sleeps down there?"
Rias shrugged with a visible bemusement.
"She slept on my boob like twice. Dunno go with it."
The trio got dressed and Seria faded out to return home and Rias smiled knowingly at the Berserker.
"I know nothing."
"Good. And MAYBE."
"Love you too."
They headed out and Tyler went to the table where Asuna smiled at him.
"We're set."
"Alright. Move out."
The Knihts of the Bloodoath rode out towards the capital with Tyler in the lead. The force moved at a full gallop and made great progress that day. They made camp inside a grove of sycamore trees and Tyler smiled as he snuggled with Rias again.
"This'll be more fun in the bed."
She smiled at that as they got comfy.
"Yes it will. I love you Tyler."
"I love you too, Rias."

DAY 48.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 5,988,653.

Tyler woke to find Rias had rolled on her ise and pressed herself against him and he had her in a protective embrace with her long, blood red hair drapped across them both like a red blanket. He smiled at this as he kissed the top of the spine and leaned in her ear.
"I love you, Rias."
She woke with a shiver to smile at him.
"I love how that felt."
He kissed her lovingly and she sighed happily as they enjoyed a morning cuddle.
"Come on, tough guy. She's waiting for us."
HE smiled at that as he met up with Asuna and the redhead chuckled.
"We're set. And Strand says if we keep our pace we'll return to Berun in three days or less."
"Or less it is. Let's move."
They rode hard with a new eagerness to return to their Macedona home in the capital and Tyler had a new excitement in his heart to see Seria without the need of a spell. That night it was him and Seria as Rias got kidnapped by Asia.

DAY 49.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 5,988,653.

Tyler woke the next morning with Seria's slender frame firmly pressed into his body and he kissed her awake. The blue haired princess smiled happily as she woke.
"I love you too, my Husband."
"I love you too, my wife. We'll reach the city by noon."
She giggled happily.
"I feel bad for the horses!"
He chuckled.
"Oh they're fine. They actually loved the workout and Shadow looked especially smug when he was the only one NOT breathing hard."
She smiled and the Berserker kissed her lovingly before the princess hugged him.
"I'll see you at home, my love."
He smiled and she faded out. Then he got dressed and headed out to see Asuna at the Table. He found the redheaded wife and she smiled as he approached.
"We made excellent time, Tyler. We'll reach Berun in a few hours ride."
Victoria smiled warmly as the Berserker lit up like a light.
"You're no longer rookies or my Maggots. You be full fledged warriors now, Tyler. Make the Princess MORE proud."
"We will, Victoria. we got a spot if you want it?"
The purple haired knight captain smiled.
"I appreciate the offer, Tyler. But my place is with my Knights. Besides. You'll soon grow stronger then I could ever hope to keep up with."
He nodded with a smile.
"Knights of the Bloodoath. Break camp."
The force smiled at this and they did so with a spring in their step. Then they mounted up and Tyler looked at the road that would take him to his beloved Princess. He smiled.
"Knights of the Bloodoath, Let;s got home!"
They broke into a heavy gallop at that and Tyler had a wild smile as they tore out of the Wilder forest and saw the walls of Berun in the distance with the palace rising above them. Tyler had to force himself not to ride Shadow into the ground as his excitement grew and Asuna smiled.
"Easy hero. She's not going anywhere."
Tyler chuckled at that time old caution as the ground echoed from the thunder of their hooves. A few hours later they were approaching the gates of Berun. Tyler smiled as they approached the massive portcullis gates....
A massive fanfare of trumpets exploded into being while a waterfall fo cheers from the citizens rang out as the portcullis rose. Tyler smiled as he walked Shadow into the capital where masses of roses, petals, other flowers and the like were tossed at the returning heroes from the thousands of citizens. Tyler waved at the masses of people while the Knights put on a parade show. Victoria smiled as she came up beside the Berserker.
"Once we return to the Palace, I will take my leave."
Tyler smiled as he clasped arms with his friend and semi-mentor.
"Was fun Victoria. Work dem idiots into the dirt."
"Ha. WILL DO!"
Tyler looked ahead as they approached the sandstone palace and shivered from the excitement of the moment. the horses were stabled and the wagons locked before the warriors walked up the palace steps and he threw the doors open. The court was INSTANTLY on edge as Tyler's black coat and unmistakable greatsword was seen as he strode down the hall with eyes only for Seria on her throne. The princess resplendant in a dress of bright blue and she smiled as he approached her throne. Then she couldn't restrain herself any longer and THREW herself into a forceful embrace as Tyler held his beloved princess.
"My wife, I'm home."
Seria smiled with such joy it made a fair few in the audience smile.
"I missed you."
"I love you, Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."
He kissed her and she rested her head on his chest as he held her before wrapping her up in his coat.
He chuckled at her never ending sweetness....
"If you two lovebirds are QUITE finished."
They looked over curiously to see Mylissia smirking at them in exasperation. Tyler chuckled as he held Seria tighter.
"We'll have plenty of time to catch up Seria."
"Oh hell yeah! we only SLEEP together!"
He chuckled at that truth as a fair few sighed at her eagerness. Then Tyler looked at Mylissia. The queen smiled as all eyes turned to her.
"The Heroes have returned and have completed their training. They still have much to learn, much to do, and much strength to aquire. But. we have hope my people. These KNIGHTS are MORE then up to the task of defending us. These Heroes are young. And some are still green in terms of life. Yet I have the utmost faith in their ability to fend off the Fangorn threat. Now. They need a proper leader. A leader that can inspire them to take on the most suicidal of schemes and STILL prevail. A leader that will lead the tip of their charge and do so with absolutle certainty and conviction in their cause."
Tyler was holding Seria as Mylissia looked to him.
"Tyler the Berserker. Step forward."
He passed Seria into Asia's arms and the court awww'd at the cuteness of the blonde snuggling with the princess. Tyler stepped up before the queen and she smiled.
"As bizarre as this will be for you, I must ask you to take a knee."
He chuckled as he knelt before the queen over his greatsword.
"I GUESS I can make an exception for my MOTHER IN LAW."
"I will BACKHAND you into next WEEK you arrogant prick."
The court laughed at that one as Seria giggled as she hugged Asia.
"She;s so CUTE!"
Another round of chuckles before all eyes turned to the ceremony before them. Mylissia lifted a black cape off a rack.
"We need a Hero Leader to guide the rest of the heroes to battle and beyond. I believe with every fiber of my being, YOU are that hero. I name you, Tyler the Berserker, General of the Heroes' Army. Or, the Knights of the Bloodoath as you call yourselves. This is your mantle of office. You have yet to pick a banner, and so it remains blank. Seek me out when you have decided on an emblem and it will be added to your shields so the world will know who they are facing."
Tyler smiled as he buttoned the black cape and rose to full height.
"I already have the perfect emblem."
Asuna smirked.
"A black dragon flying across a field of bodies with a black wolf running across the same field with a fresh line of enemies facing them."
Asuna blinked at the image and so did the rest of the Knights. Mylissia smiled.
Tyler smirked.
"When WE come for you, it will either as a mighty and unstoppable dragon or RAW DESTRUCTION, or as the wily and unpredicatable wolf. we CAN beat you. We CAN overpower you. We WILL outsmart you. When the Knights of the Bloodoath ride to battle, we WILL win. We WILL fly over your corpse. And your deaths will feed the black wolves that we are."
The Knights smiled at the dark imagry and feelings in the room as Mina looked at Belfast.
"I like it."
"As do I."
Mylissia chuckled.
"Approved. The banner border?"
"Sapphire blue."
Many a smile broke out at that tribute and the queen chuckled again.
"I know the royal colors are Sapphire blue, but we all know you picked it for Seria."
"Yeah, pretty much."
Mylissia sighed with a smile.
"The banners will be produced and ready for mounting by the end of the week. Now. There is one more matter to be dicussed, General Tyler the Berserker, that is the next summoning of heroes to reinforce your warriors."
Outside the leaders of the Bloodoath, EVERYONE was stunned by this news. Tyler smiled as he looked at the queen.
"What do we need to know?"
"The Reinforcement summoning will take place tomorrow at noon. So be prepared to to answer a LOT of questions."
"Sure. I like bragging. And the puzzle?"
She smirked knowingly.
"everything is on schedule and going according to plan."
"Good. I'll be keepin at it."
"I am jealous. Now. The day is yours. Try NOT to forget to attend the summoning...TYLER?"
He chuckled as he took Seria back into his arms.
"No promises."
They chuckled at that and the Berserker looked at his friends.
"Alright. Clean up and pretend not to be roadtrash. Knights....DISMISS."
They laughed and Tyler went with Seria up to their chamber. Once inside, the princess squealed as she pounced on him.
"You're HOME!"
He spun her around in his hug with a wide smile on his face.
"I missed you, Seria. I love you."
She smiled as he pulled her close.
"I missed you too. The spell just isn't the same."
"No it is not."
She kissed him and he smiled as they took a deep bath together. She smiled as she saw her destined spear again.
"I want that."
"I want you."
She kissed him and they snuggled in the water.
"In time."
"I love you, seria."
"I love you too."
He deep cleaned the last month and a half off his body and trimmed his hair and face before he and Seria snuggled in their bed together. Though he noted there were new styles of panties strewn about the place.
"Soo, where'd you learn thongs existed?"
She giggled.
"Why'd I even bother?"
He kissed her and the pair settled on the bed for a cuddle.
The pair were wakened by the sea wraith Jerial as she walked in with their dinner. The black haired maid smiled warmly as she saw the pair snuggled up in bed together.
"I missed seeing them like that."
Tyler chuckled as he sat up.
"It's nice to see you again, Jerial."
She had a warm smile as he hugged her and the princess smirked as he did so naked.
"Tyler? She CAN feel that."
Jerial blushed hard at that one as the spear poked her.
"Oh dear."
Seria sighed as she flopped on her back...also naked and the maid just shook her head with a smile.
"You two are adorable."
Tyler chuckled as he and Seria had dinner together...still naked.
"I missed this."
"Me too. And careful with that thing. Some ladies LONG for such spears! You're MINE!"
He kissed her lovingly and she giggled.
"And Rias' too."
He laughed at that quick squeak.
"And her little curiosity?"
Seria smirked at this and licked her lips seductively.
"Perhaps I want to LICK her like a CANDYBAR?"
"Jesus lady. You do that again I MIGHT just attack you."
"MAyeb I WANT you to attack me?"
"Oh I'd be HAPPY to ruin YOUR walking my wife!"
Seria shivered at the imagery and blushed as she looked at the hose aimed at her longingly.
"OHHH I want to....but the mistress checks every day to make sure I'm pure!"
"I have a healing spell."
"Clever. But she'd know."
"Fool around?"
He kissed her lovingly and the princess smiled longingly as they went to the bed.
"oooh I want to DO stuff!"
He kissed her deeply and the princess smiled nervously now as he looked at her.
"I listen."
She gripped the hose inquisitively and he shivered at the feeling.
"Oh damn."
She smiled and kissed him. Then he felt her massive breasts up with a loving tenderness. Seria moaned quietly at the feeling as her hand worked the spear over for a long overdo polish. Tyler moaned into her mouth as her soft hand sent him over the edge and a royal mess was made. She blushed HARD at the amount before he smirked.
"Now allow me to show you something from MY world."
"You'll like it I swear."
"Um okay!"
She smiled excitedly as her long legs were spread and the hungry warrior kissed her dripping slit. Seria squeaked at the sudden feeling.
He fed on her delicious folds and the poor princess had to bite a pillow to prevent herself from screaming in pure pleasure as she orgasmed in mere minutes. Then he laid beside the panting princess with a smile.
"You're deilcious."
She smiled weakly.
"Oh my GODS. The mistress NEVER taught me THAT!"
"I got some tricks a mine own."
"Yay! I'll show HER something new!"
"HA. Sexy.""
He kissed her lovingly and she squeaked at her own taste.
"Wow. I DO taste good! we should clean up."
"Yes Seria."
She smiled as they cleaned up in the pool before snuggling in the immense bed. The princess got as close as she could to the warrior and he held her tightly as Metalica appeared with a flushed face.
"Okay. Next time? I'll just go dormant. YOU TWO ARE SEX ADDICTS! I love it!"
They laughed at the spent Sprite's tiredness and settled for the night.
"Good night, Seria. I love you."
"Good night, Tyler. I love you too."

DAY 50.
GOLD: 326,104.
BLOODOATH GOLD: 5,988,653.

Tyler woke the next mornign with Seria asleep on his chest and Metalica asleep on her back in her fairyform. He smiled as he saw his beloved wife in his arms. He kissed her awake and held her close.
"I love you, Seria."
She smiled happily.
"I love you too, Tyler."
Metalica woke with a yawn.
"Morning you two."
"Morning Metalica."
"Morning Metalica."
The Berserker smiled as he kissed his wife again before they went to the bath. He deep claned himself again with Seria getting his back before she got a full massage and her hair done. Metalica lifted an eyebrow at that last one.
"Sorry Metalica. Ya gotta be my wife for that kinda spoil."
Seria smiled as her water blue tresses shimmered int he early morning daylight.
"I love him too!"
The Iron Sprite sighed with a smile at that as the warrior geared up. Then he headed to the dining hall where he met up with Asuna, Mina, Rias, Akeno, and Strand for their meeting. Asuna nodded as he joined them at the table.
"So we lost Victoria and a captain. We need a replacement."
Tyler nodded.
"And a set method for divvying up the new recruits. All will be level one so we need an even spread to make sure the elites can get to them."
Rias slid him a paper.
"These are our current elites."
He looked.
"Kirito, Bell, Asia, Yoshkia, Gasper, Erza, Barkhorn, Sakamoto, Koneko, Belfast, Unicorn, Sora, Shiro, Kyba, Dryft, Enterprise, Raswesia, Sanya, Illustrious, and Steph. We got 20 elites, 4 captains, 1 second in command, 1 leader. Out of a 126 man force. That math adds up PERFECTLY. As is, we'd have two warriors left over from dividing the warriors between the remaining captains and they'd only gain an additional four. With up to five elites to aid in the squad as well? We're really well rounded at the moment. and elites are the ones level 8 and up. Not bad."
He looked at Asuna.
"we'll see how many recruits we get and what they can do with a week's grind."
She nodded.
"Agreed. The ceremony doesn't start until we're ready so we can take our time."
"Fashionably late."
"Ha. And we're ready."
The Berserker nodded as he reared.
"Let's go make a scene."
The Knights of the Bloodoath headed to the arena along their jogging route and Tyler chuckled as people got out of their way even sooner then before. The colisuem hadn't changed in the month and a half they'd been gone and Tyler smiled at the familar feel of the sand under his boots.
"We'll do some arena grinding too. I want 5 more levels on EVERYONE by the end of the week."
They nodded and Kirito cracked his neck.
"I WILL catch you."
"Hurry up then. Seriously. It's lonely here at the top."
"Arrogant PRICK."
They chuckled as the Knights took places of honor around the queen and Princess' box. Tyler sitting beside Seria as they watched the summon and the blue haired princess smiled sweetly as he took her hand.
"I love you too."
A group of priestesses led by the pope Diaxor. As Tyler saw the man again he had a thought and leaned in Mylissia's ear beside him.
"Soooo Diaxor's last name is DRAKEN."
The queen chuckled.
"A family name. And TRUST ME I thought the same when he introduced himself. Nope. He has turned in no fewer then 300 Draken that thought the same."
"And you're still watching him right?"
"Oh absolutely."
Seria giggled as he sat back up.
"Still a PARANOID Berserker!"
"Still a sweethearted princess of blueberries."
"I hate you!"
"Well i LOVE you!"
She sighed in defeat at the turnaround and her mother patted her sympathetically.
"Sweetie, he is an idiot."
"Owwie. My head."
Tyler rubbed her temples and she smiled with relief.
"All better!"
"You are the REAL queen of cute."
A far off,
Was heard in Asia's whine and they laughed at their favorite cute blonde. Tyler watched as the priestesses with the pope began the chanting and drew the circles that kidnapped people from across the realities.
"Be kinda cool to see how it works on this side. MY end I stepped outside my apartment."
Seria looked at him curiously.
"was it nice?"
"The entire apartment of four rooms could fit inside your chamber."
"Oh my HELL."
"Rent was close to 1,250 gold a MONTH and I mad 76 and hour for 8 hours a day."
"....for THREE jobs."
He hugged her and she smiled.
"All better!"
"You've been around Asia too much."
"NO I have NOT! I LOVE that girl!"
"Wow. So my main compeition is Asia."
The crowd laughed at the exchange and asia's cute whine as a series of glowing doors rose from the sand. Tyler nodded as he saw them.
"Sack up Knights. we got newbies."
The Knights of the Bloodoath focused as 200+ odd doors rose from the ground and people started walking through them. Once a person walked out of the door, it slammed shut and vanished. The odd part? Some doors had multiple people comng through it before vanishing. Tyler frowned as close to twenty people came through one door before it shattered.
"Okay. I was told 157 or so."
Mylissia looked at him in shock.
"By WHO were you told?"
"You know Bell right? Kid with the white hair and red eyes?"
"I do?"
"He's the cherished vassal of Hestia. princess of the gods in his world. And he shares blood with her as a descendant. She keeps in contact now an then."
"Ah. HAs she provided any useful guidence to you, Tyler?"
"Hmm, on one matter she kinda had reach out through Asia to get to me, but yeah."
"I see. She is a goddes no?"
He looked at the group of new heroes and smiled as he spotted a girl with twin tailed hair.
"See that busty cutie with tain tails in that white gown?"
Mylissia nodded.
"I do."
"THAT'S Hestia."
"OH MY GODS. A FULL goddess came through?"
"Pretty much. Rias is the princess of hell. So it's not that much of a stretch."
"fair enough."
"I'd trust her with SERIA'S life, Mylissia."
"Oh my. I will keep her name VERY high on my list then, Tyler."
Seria was also shocked as she looked at him.
"She is THAT type of goddess Tyler?"
"Hestia. the Goddess of hearth and home."
The princess smiled warmly as she looked at the twin tailed girl now.
"I can't WAIT to meet her."
"YOU are going to LOVE her. She's like Asia....buuuut with all the energy of a crack addict."
They chuckled at that one as the doors stopped appearing and Tyler nodded as he got a head count.
"We're lookign at 350 warriors here. That plus my 476 warriors. Asuna."
"Already on it. I see a few friends a mine in there too."
Tyler rose to his feet now and the ENTIRE arena went silent as the Berserker stood on the edge of the box looking at the now on edge New Heroes. His voice was magically augmented so the entire city heard him.
"Alright Rookies. welcome to Macedona. I'm Tyler the Berserker. Leader of the Knights of the Bloodoath. The OTHER Heroes' force. Bottom line. YOU'RE HERE as OUR reinforcements. Why? Humanity's backed into a corner from Drakens. Dark Elves. It's OUR job to push them bastards back into their own country. Maybe further. No clue yet. You've been added to my army and we'll go over roles and such later. for now, pay attention to what Diaxor tells you on the Proficency and leveling. Oh. YES he is a pope. NO he is NOT a mad pope or an enemy or a deep plant. Trust me. He'd be dead by now if he was."
There was a few chuckles from his force at that one and Asuna smirked.
"Coming from teh guy that was nearly SHIVED by a TODDLER that he RESCUED."
"Asuna. YOU nearly pissed yourself from a POKE at the wrong time. You really wanna go there?"
"You know you talkin an aweful lotta shit for a guy with a 1,000 foot drop in front of him.....and a VERY tempermental redhead behind you."
He smirked.
"Rias wouldn't DARE kick me off this."
The redheaded devil smirked at THAT audacious claim.
"And WHY do you think that?"
"Cause you're wearing a SKIRT?"
She snorted at that VERY solid reason and Asuna cracked her knuckles.
"I am NOT."
"Oh. explains a lot."
She and Kirito looked at each other as a jab was sensed but they weren't exactly sure WHAT the jab was. Seria looked at him in visible confusion.
"What DOES that explain Tyler? i'm confused."
"Asuna wears the pants."
"Ah. Teehee! She does!"
The wedded couple just slumped at the defeat and kirito sighed.
"I am going to HURT that guy on reflex one a these days."
Kirito had a NEW look of rage and Mylissia sighed.
"Yes Mother in law."
"Yes Mylissia."
"HEY! not COOL!"
The arena busted up laughing at the tagteam retort and Tyler chuckled as he looked back to the new heroes as they got their Proficencies.
"Looks like we got movement. Diaxor, anything of note in teh Proficencies?"
The pope bowed.
"A LARGE selection of very rare Proficencies, Sire. even a GODDESS Proficency and a few HERO as well."
He nodded.
"Alright. Any questions we move on?"
He got a few murmers from the new force before a tall well built man with blonde hair stepped forward. His voice a well oiled baritone as he spoke to the Berserker.
"I am Commander Erwin of the Scout Corp. YOU are in command of our army?"
TYler nodded.
"I am."
"I see. On what merit do you lead us?"
"A few reasons. One. I am a level 12. Teh HIGHEST level in the ENTIRE army. Kirito and Bell, are the two second highest. Second. My war strategies up to this point have been resulted in the deaths of several draken, the capture of an entire branch of their spies and saboteurs, the destruction of a taken city, the destruction of over 15,000 bandits. If you think if you can do a better job of leading my warriors, by all means, PROVE IT. Prove to me you're the better leader and I will GLADLY step aside. BUT. NOT for the time being."
Erwin nodded.
"I ask proof of these feats, Tyler the Berserker."
"Sure.....we DO have those crystals right?"
Mylissia chuckled as he looked at her.
"Absolutely. Ladies."
The maids were then dispatched and Tyler faced the heroes as they did so.
"A WARNING newbies. RESPECT THEM. Or you WILL be dragged to hell. ARE WE CLEAR?"
His eyes were ice cold and started to turn red from his still POTENT rage and a near instant mass of promises and nods was heard.
"Good. All i need, is a NOD and you will suffer a hell the likes of which you have NEVER known. Moving on."
He blinked and he was cheery again. Seria chuckled.
"Your moodswings are intense, love."
The recordings of the various strategy meetings, campaigns, and battles the Knights of the Bloodoath had been apart of were played for the entire city to view and Tyler sighed as the forest giant fell.
"We lost 15 knights at that fight. That thing was a BITCH to kill."
Then there was the destruction of Dunkrick and a few blinked as they saw the avalanche and Tyler shrugged.
"THAT one was surprisngly straightforward. And a little TOO easy to pull off. But hey. We did it."
Then a mass of gasps were seen when he took the arrow and Seria smiled.
"I knew that would be used."
"Ha. When i gamble, it's with a loaded deck. And if we get to THAT point, you already lost."
Erwin had a smile on his face as he saw the various feats.
"every battle you are leading the charge and rallying the fighter behind you. Every meeting EVERYONE is an equal. And NO PLAN is TOO outlandish to be considered. Very well. Who are your officers?"
Tyler nodded and the captains rose.
A few gasps were heard as the redhead stepped up.
"This is Asuna. Second in command of the Knights of the Bloodoath. She gets her orders from me and the captains gets theirs from her. Do NOT make her mad. Her temper is kinda scary."
Asuna chuckled as she rested a hand on her rapier.
"Idiot. Alright rookies. We'll get you grinding soon enough. You will reach level 7 in a week. if NOT there will be hell to pay."
The four captains stepped forward now and Tyler nodded to them.
"This is Mina Lindebran. Commander of the 501st joint fighter wing and a captain in my army. She s fierce, kind, and DOES NOT put up with jack shit. She command 30 warriors."
Mina nodded.
"Welcome to the fight."
Akeno stepped up now and a few more gasps were heard by those that knew her.
"This is Akeno Himejima. The THUNDER GODDESS and is half devil, half fallen angel. I have seen her thunder spells ROAST 50 men in one hit. she is one of my most trusted warriors for a REASON. Annnd try not ot fall in love. it hurts."
she smiled as her wid wings came out and a few gulped.
"we will make good use of YOUR abilities!"
"She's also a MAJOR tease. Sooooo. yeah."
Strand stepped up now and tyler smiled.
"This is Strand. Ranger Master. She is an elven ranger of the forests and our guide out there. Don't make her mad."
The brown haired elf smiled as she looked at rhe 350 new recruits.
"We have numbers this time. Interesting."
Tyler chuckled.
"She is also one of the ones that taught ME on this world. LISTEN TO HER."
Last up was Rias and Tyler chuckled at the silent awe in the eyes of the new heroes.
"This is Rias Gremory. The last captain. The Empress of Ruin. She's the Demon princess and is MY best friend in this world. Aside from Seria. But we'll get to her. Rias is a DARK FLAME mage. Her power is terrifying and those eyes miss nothing."
Belfast stepped over now and Tyler noted a few expressions of relief on some faces at her appearance.
"This is Belfast. Bloodoath Quartermaster. Need something talk to her. She may seem like the beautifully serene and proper lady, but DO NOT BE FOOLED. That lady is a tsunami in a gorgeous frame. She can and WILL make you pay for it."
The silver haired Belfast smiled prettily as she curtised before the nervous recruits.
"I look forward to serving alongside you."
Erza and Barkhorn stepped up now and more then a few gasps of relief and shock went up as Tyler nodded to the intimidating ladies.
"Now. Company enforcers. THEY make sure MY rules are followed. If you break them, you'll answer to them or ME. and you BETTER hope it's me. First up. Erza Scarlett. Warrior badass. And walking tank. Pretty as can be....and the one intimidates me the most. Beside her is Gertrude Barkhorn of the 501st joint fighter wing. She don't take no shit. Make Barkhorn mad, and they'll NEVER find all a you. I have seen people SPATTER in to PAINT when SHE hits them with that hammer a hers. Erza? She's a walking fortress. And is one of the toughtest ladies in the entire army."
The officers nodded and Tyler smirked.
"You'll get to know the elites, or high levels, in my army soon enough. But now it's time we introduce the two blue beauties behind me."
Mylissia rose to her imperious height to stand by the Berserker.
"I am High Queen Mylissia of Macedona. The queen of the country YOU now stand in. I hank you for your efforts to come."
Seria stood now and a rush of awed gasp, longing sighs, and awww's were heard as the princess took her spot by her mother.
"I am Princess Seria of Macedona. sorry! I saw that!"
Tyler smiled as he took her under his arm.
"Seria is my fiance and wife-to-be."
His eyes turned ice cold as he glared at the force.
"DO NOT MAKE HER SAD. OR DIE. Are we clear?"
Seria smiled as she snuggled under his arm and the heroes smiled at the warning. Mylissia chuckled.
"Blunt as a hammer. Tyler, mingle with them. Their training begins in the morning."
"with Victoria or me?"
"YOU. Victoria has other matters to attend."
"Makin sure. Knights of the Bloodoath, go brag."
They laughed and vaulted the box to drop to the sand below. Tyler used his grapple gauntlets to swing down and he pulled a flip to land like iron man in the sand before the two factions. Then he approached the blonde Erwin as friends and allies reunited. Erwin was a tall man, easily rivaling Tyler in height while his frame was well built from a life as a soldier. He had short cut blonde hair and blue eyes while his attire was tan and white pants with a harness for some canisters and swords on his hips. Around his shoulders was a green cloak and the man smiled as Tyler walked up.
"A fine introduction and MANY layered warning."
"Yeah i don't give the same warnign twice. So how many scouts came?"
The man blinked.
"You know me."
"Yeah your story is famous in my world....and one of the darkest I've ever come across."
"Damn. That's not reassuring."
"True. but hey. This should be a cakewalk for your crew."
Erwin chuckled now before he became serious.
"How will you seperate the warriors between captains?"
Tyler frowned as he looked over to Asuna as she created a few people.
The redhead came over and Erwin nodded.
"Ha. Good. What's up?"
"We need to decide on whether to divvy now or wait till we get some training in their new tricks into them."
The redhead tilted her head.
"Train em a bit. we didn't set ranks until like what? Two weeks in? We also need more captains and enforcers for the Bloodoath now."
"Alright. Erwin, for the time being we'll put a pin in that. we need to see how you all measure up."
The blonde man nodded understndingly.
"I completely understand. it will be very odd being rank and file again. duties start when Sir?"
"In the mornign at sun up. You'll be given your first lesson then. And the route you're gonna take."
"HA. Very well. I understand you are looking for officers?"
"We are. But if you're aiming for THAT, you have to impress ME. AND THE OTHER CAPTAINS. If we don't like you as a FULL UNIT, you're not getting the promotion."
Erwin nodded with a minor relief.
"You value your warriors' lives."
"Absolutely. Their lives are more important to me then victory."
That made him frown.
"Victory is the entire reason we go to war. And if humanity is backed into a corner to that degree we can't afford to be so virtous."
"I see your point. Here's mine. If we forget the entire reason we went to war in the first place, WHY did we even bother?"
Erwin smiled wryly at that.
"A very wise point. And one I find I agree with. You do gamble."
"with MY life. NEVER theirs."
"Interesting. A leader that puts the FORCE over the WAR. This is going to be interesting."
"Tyler, dear."
Belfast's voice came from further down and the Berserker chuckled.
"See ya round Erwin."
The man nodded as the Berserker headed to see what the silver haired beauty wanted. Asuna smiled as she looked at Erwin.
"A step in the right direction."
"I do not follow, ma'am."
"I can tell already. Tyler respects you. I wonder why that is?"
Tyler walked over to where Belfast was standing with a group of other ladies and she smiled warmly as she introduced one.
"Tyler. This is MY ruler, Her majesty Queen Elizabeth."
Beside her was a shorter girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes set into a tear drop shaped face. She was half his height with a slender frame and large bust under a red and gold unitard. She had a serious expression on her face as she spoke in a soft yet firm soprano.
"So you're the one that Belfast has been praising so highly. Yet I see that darkness in your eyes, Tyler the Berserker. I do not know if I can trust it."
The warrior chuckled.
"That's fine. I got no problem provin it to you, Elizabeth."
She lifted an eyebrow.
"You do not respect royalty or station?"
"Lady I call MYLISSIA by first name. NO ONE gets any special treatement aside from Seria. You are all the same. Is that going to be a problem?"
Belfast chuckled at that one as Elizabeth looked at her.
"You find such a stance humorous?"
"He did the exact same thing to our knight captain trainer, Elizabeth. Nearly two months prior. He hasn't changed at all."
"Ha. I know I've lost weight...and gained a few pounds in a few good places."
That made the lady smile knowingly.
"Oh I am QUITE aware."
He chuckled before looking to elizabeth.
"So what's your point Liz?"
"I am TRYING to decide if you are WORTH following."
"Oh. well. Give it a few days. You need practice anyway so whaddya got to lose?"
She nodded.
"A VERY just offer. And one I will take. If we refuse to join your force?"
"Well. We'll go from there. I and my Knights know this world. YOU don't. Consider the scale."
He walked away and Belfast looked at her queen.
"Did I tell a lie, Liz?"
The queen of the Royal NAvy smiled as she watched the Berserker walk through the masses of people.
"NO you did NOT, Belfast. If anything? You UNDERSOLD him.

Tyler walked over to where Bell was talking with a group of people. The white haired kid had a few girls trying their utmost to strangle him and Tyler chuckled as he walked over.
"wow, Bell. who's the better hugdeath? The both of them or Asia?"
Bell chuckled as he fistbumped the Berserker.
"Asia wins. She's nearly killed me twice."
"Ha. YOU got balls kid, going after a blonde a her caliber."
"Ha. we're better friends."
"Yeah. I can see that. Asia's sweetness makes it a little weird don't it?"
Bell nodded with a fond smile.
"Like she's that kid sister you love to death and yet are driven nuts by. Still love her to death."
Asia's embarrassed whine was heard.
"Love you too!"
The two warriros chuckled at that one and Bell looked at him.
"Soooo her hearing is incredible."
"Asia is as Asia does."
"fair enough. Oh! That's right!"
Bell remebered the surprised group beside him now and looked at them.
"Tyler, these are some friends from my world. That guy with the red hair is Wulf Crozzo. He's a highly skilled blacksmith and can make enchanted weapons. I think him and Metalica should get to mnow each other."
"Ohhh. Good call. we need more camp craftsmen to be honest."
The redheaded man chuckled as he spoke in a deep bark. He was a tall guy the same hieght as Tyler with short cut redhair and bright blue eyes set into a friendly face. He was well cut too from his life hammering iron and the man wore a black robe.
"I guess you two got close. Nice to meetchya, Tyler! That sword though."
"It's made from Starlite."
"Huh. Never heard of it."
Metalica appeared from his soul and Tyler chuckled.
"She'll be happy to teach ya, Wulf. This is Metalicana. The Iron Sprite. Just call her Metalica."
Metalica chuckled as she looked at the surprised Wulf.
"Better be prepared to hate that hammer. I ain't as nice as he is."
"Oh damn."
Bell then patted a shorter girl with marron hair ina crop top and ragged shorts.
"This is Liliruca ard. She was my Supporter in my world. A skilled shapeshifter and support warrior."
Liliruca was not even Tyler's hip in height with thick marroon hair and pale skin. Her frame was petite with a large bust on her chest and her eyes were a bright purple. She wore a white robe over her croptop and shorts and spoke in a chirpy voice.
"Thanks for looking after MAster Bell, Sire. He means a lot to me."
Tyler chuckled.
"Me? LOOK after HIM? Toots he don't need no help. That guy is the third highest level in my entire party and one a MY go to linebreakers. Guy is a badass."
Bell smiled proudly as the group looked at him in shock.
"I WILL catch you, Tyler."
"Ha. I'm looking forward to it, Bell."
Bell then looked to an elven lady in a green tunic.
"That's Ryu Leafwood. A HIGHLY experienced adventurer and a VERY powerful one too. She's a bar maid at my favorite tavern in my old world."
Ryu nodded as Tyler looked at her. She was a head shorter then him with long blonde hair and a slender frame. Her skin was pale and her ears were tipped like spears. Her eyes were jade green and she wore a tunic of white cloth and green breeches while over her head was a cloak of green. She spoke in a soft, serene breath.
"A pleasure."
Tyler smiled.
"Nice to meetchya. You should coordianate with Strand and Dryft. They can fill you in on the good races of elves here."
"I will do so. These Draken. they ARE elven correct?"
"They are. They're a race of elf called Dark Elves. And the ones I've encountered have done NOTHING to discount what you've been told."
A second elf approached now from Bell's friends. She was a tall, serene beauty with long golden hair and blue eyes set into an elegant face. She wore elegant mage robes while in her hand was a staff tipped by a crescent moon shape. Her voice was a hard yet friendly sigh.
"I am Riveria of Loki. I wish to see one of these Dark Elves with my own eyes before I cast judgement, Sir Tyler."
"Sure. It's what I did. We'll run into em again sooner or later, Riveria. for the time being just focus on getting stronger in case we're right."
She nodded.
"I will do so."
Bell smiled as he next move to the next lady.
"This is Ais wallenstein. The Sword Princess. She was the highest level in my city. She is an EXTREMELY skilled rapier user and adventurer."
Ais was a VERY beautiful lady with long golden hair that hung to her hips and coldly sparkling blue eyes set into a round face. Her frame was slender and she had a moderate bust on her chest under her breastplate of iron. On her hip was a long blue rapier and she spoke in a soft, monotone voice.
"So it seems the Little Rookie has overtaken me. Now I have to catch up. I will do so."
Tyler chuckled.
"Yo Bell."
"Hit me."
"Her and Asuna in the same argument."
"JESUS CHRIST. there goes my night's sleep. Uh, Tyler?"
"No minimum safe distance. Poor Kirito."
"Poor EVERYONE! ais ALSO has a scary temper!"
"Oh shit. Ha. Get popcorn."
"Abso-fucking-lutely. I got Asuna."
"Me too. Ha."
Ais lifted an eyebrow.
The white haired kid chuckled as he looked the irritated girl int eh eye.
"The second in command. She's intense too."
Ryu smiled as Bell didn't even FLINCH looking Ais in the eye.
"You've improved."
"Thanks Ryu. But looking her in the eye is NOTHING compared to locking eyes with an angry forest giant. Been there done that."
"Okay Bell. Brag later. who's the shortstack?"
Bell smiled widest now as he gestured to the girl with the twin tailed hair.
"This is my Familia Goddess. Hestia. She....oh hell you know."
Hestia was a short yet very cute girl that rose up to Tyler's chest. Her hair was slate black and hung to her thighs in twin tails. Her frame was buxom with a large bust on her frame and her eyes were a sparkling blue. She wore a white dress that hung to midthigh and on her arms were a pair of white gloves. In her hair was a pair of flower ties that held her tails up and Tyler smiled as he looked at her.
"Nice to meet you, Hestia. Yo boy is a badass."
Hestia beamed proudly at this as she spoke in a chirpy yet cherry soprano.
"That's my Bell! And don't worry. I'm tough too."
"course you are. YOU'RE the Princess of the Gods."
She smiled smugly now.
"HA. Yo BEll. Sorry. Asia sees her...POOF. exit the goddess."
"I'm actually looking forward to Asia getting a hold a Lily."
"YIKES. She might not live through it."
"Oh most likely not. It's okay. I got a healing potion."
Tyler whistled.
"damn dude. dark. I love it. Anyway. Metalica?"
"I got em."
Tyler nodded as he looked at Bell.
"I gotta go make sure Koneko hasn't shived anybody."
"I'll be in the arena later."
"Good. Show em what you can do."
"With knives."
Tyler looked at the stunned rookies with a chuckle.
"See ya round newbies."
The Berserker walked away to check in with his other elites and captains as Bell wowed his friends with tales from their adventures. The Berserker found Sora and Shiro next and the lanky redheaded boy smirked as he approached.
"we got some friends for you to meet, Tyler. Annnd I got an idea."
Tyler chuckled as he patted Shiro.
"Hit me."
"A CUTENESS contest. Winner is camp cutie."
"dude you are a fuckin genius. We'll set it up."
Sora chuckled at that before he gestured to a tall lady with lavendar hair.
"Now remember when you said we needed more battleangels? Well we got one more. This is Jirbril. The floogal."
Jirbril was a beautiful lady with an inch on the Berserker. Her frame was slender yet well built with a large bust on her frame while extending from her hips were a pair of wide white wings. Her attire was a haltertop of purple and a skirt like gown thing that left a lot of her body exposed. She spoke in a soft yet friendly tone while her eyes were golden....and there were upside down crosses in their depths. She litteraly had crosses for irises.
"So you are the one that command King Sora and Queen Shiro? I am the one they call Jirbril."
Tyler chuckled as he looked the lady over.
"Nice to meetchya Jirbril. So. YOU'RE a godkiller?"
She smiled cheerily.
"I am indeed! I am an ultimate weapon! sadly, YOU do not wield me. I swore myself to King Sora and Queen Shiro."
Here she smirked and a dark light appeared in her eyes while a ball of fire appeared in her hand.
"If you seek to order ME like THEY do, I am afraid you will have to defeat me. But such a FEEBLE human-"
"Magical rebuff."
Jirbril had been floating on her white wings as she made this challange....and when Tyler's potent antimagic field took effect she was dumped on her ass. When she looked up the greatsword was resting under her chin.
Sora chuckled.
"5 seconds exactly. Pay up."
Shiro grumbled as she slid her brother 50 gold.
"I will GET you."
Tyler smiled as Jirbril gulped.
"You know I can cut you, right?"
She nodded around the sword.
"You win."
The sword was replaced o his back and Sora chuckled.
"I warned ya, Jirbril. Tyler's the real deal."
She was instantly drooling with a fanatical light in her eyes as she looked at the Berserker.
"It has been too long since I felt fear for my life! we are allowed to kill here?"
"Yup. ALL of Tet's pledges have NO effect here. You're in a new world toots."
The floogal was squealing from excitement and Tyler smirked.
"Calm down before you wet yourself."
She settled right down and he noted her floating.
"Sooo yuo can fly?"
She smiled and presented her Status Plate.
"I can indeed, Master. My Proficency is Angel. I can use my flight abilities freely here so long as I have my mana. it is a steady drain however, so i can't maintain it for long."
"We'll get some numbers in you and go from there."
Sora then nodded to a tiny girl with amythest colored hair, ears, and the tail of a fox. She was the same height as Shiro with adorable eyes of violet.
"That's Izu. She's a warbeast. So her physical abilities should be of use."
Izu spoke in a soft voice.
"Why the fuck would I be useful t YOU? Please, thank you."
Tyler patted her and she blushed at the feeling.
"Cute. Cause once Asia sees you, odds she'll never let you go."
"Oh fuck. Thank you."
"Sure thing, Izu."
Sora chuckled as he looked around at the rest of the mingling force.
"We're gonna need more wagons."
"Ha. AND tents. Logistics are gonna be a fucking nightmare."
"Yup. Camps too."
"Those we'll have to cut into shape. PERFECT. Eh we'll deal with that later. You two good?"
They nodded and Shiro hugged him.
"I'll see Seria later."
"Have fun Shiro."
Tyler walked among the newcomers seeking the ones that were tough, looked tough, would need help or have their hand held when Wendy's happy voice was heard from his right. He looked over and smiled as he saw her getting a hug from a group of people with the same emblem on their arms as her. So he walked over as Wendy cradled a white furred cat to her modest chest. Tyler smiled as he walked up and patted the blue haired girl and she blushed at the attack.
"Oh hey Tyler. Come to pet ME or the CAT?"
"Ha. Maybe both."
"I'll be sure to tll Seria that."
"Blueberries together, am i right?"
She glared at him for that.
"I am a HEALER you jackass. Like i said before. Do you REALLY wanna piss off the girl that MIGHT have to shove your guts back in?"
"Sure. You're fun to piss off."
"I am going to hit you with a hurricane."
He chuckled at her irritation as the cat in her arms spoke in a warm yet formal voice.
"my word Child. Is THIS what you have turned into here? A FIERY foul mouthed warrior?"
Wendy smiled.
"Yup! That's Tyler. He's like Erza is for Fairytail....only a lot scarier when pissed. Annnd is the highest level in the party."
"Oh hey what level are you, Wendy?"
She pouted.
"I've been stuck at level 6 for a week. I've been doing stuff im our fights an all, but don't get much experience."
"We'll do some heavy grinding in the arena."
"Good. Asuna wants me to level up my Dragon Roar since it can knock opponents off their feet."
"Smart. So. Care to introduce your babysiters?"
"fuck you."
"Sorry not into your type a blueberry."
She slugged him in the balls then! he dropped as a fair few of the Knights busted up laughing and Asuna looked at her husband.
"WHY didn't I think a that?"
Tyler was laughing as Wendy cracked her knuckles with a dark expression.
"don't be that kinda creepy again."
"Yes Wendy."
"cute squeak."
"I am going to beat you to death you infuriating prick!"
He chuckled as he got to his feet and Erza appeared.
"NO bullying Wendy."
"Yes Erza."
"Good. I'LL hit you next."
"Now THAT sounds liek a thorough fisting."
Seria's sweet voice was heard then.
"enough dear. I am getting jealous."
He waved at his princess and she smiled sweetly as Wendy deflated from relief.
"THANK YOU. ugh. Guy can be utterly infuriating."
Tyler chuckled before he looked at the somewhere between amazed and appaled group.
"Soooo, hiya."
wendy sighed with a smile and pointed out the old man.
"This is my guildmaster. Makorov. He's the leader of Fairytail."
Makorov didn't even reach Tyler's KNEE in height. His frame was cut and his skin weathered from his age while he spoke in a wizedn old croak.
"It seems little Wendy has learned QUITE a bit during her time here. I am MAster MAkorov. And I would speak you Tyler the Berserker."
The man gestured to his guild.
"Will my children be split up?"
"Hmm. Probably. I'm counting close to 30 warriors here and that would make for a lopsided formation. They won't get sent to a different force if that's what you're asking, but more split between the captains in mine."
"I see. Then I request to become a captain and tend to them myself."
Tyler crossed his arms now.
"Hmm. We'll be doing promotions based on merit and ability once we see what you can do. I am not saying yes, I am not saying no. Since if you get made a captain in MY army, I'd need to be able to rely on your abilites PERIOD. AND you'd be given command of MY warriors. Not just anyone gets that kinda weight."
Makorov smiled at this.
"I completely understand, young warrior. And do not blame you. I still wish to be a captain. And will earn my way up."
"Good attitude. We'll talk rules once everyone has had a chance to settle in."
They nodded and Makorov smiled
"I have one more question."
A twinkle appeared in his eye.
"will we live life to the fullest?"
Tyler merely pulled up the view from the hang glider on his crystal and Makorov laughed at that point.
"I wish to try that!"
"Sure we still got the gliders."
Tyler chuckled at that humor as he looked at Wendy.
"You good?"
She nodded.
"Yup! Now go bully somebody else."
"Oh come on Wendy, you're the most fun to bully. You're a dragonslayer!"
"I will blow you into....wait."
She blushed as she realized what she was about to say and he laughed.
"Oh my god you have learned too much! Later Princess Hurricane."
"Hey-huh. I kinda like that. Princess Hurricane."
Tyler left her to her new ego trip ad headed to where Asuna and Kirito were talking with a group in various brightly colored attire. The Black swordsman fistbumped the Berserker as he walked up.
"Hey Tyler. We got our crew back."
"They suck as much as you?"
"Fuck you man."
"I don't swing that way."
Asuna sighed as she hugged a small girl with black hair.
"Yue came too."
"really? Huh. Sup, runt."
The black haired girl GLARED at him for that.
"I will sacktap you while you are SLEEPING."
"Ha. Yup[. YO Asuna's girl alright."
Yue was an ADORABLE little girl with knee length black hair and pale skin. her attire was a grey gown and on her back were a pair of thn gossmer wings like a fairy. Kirito smiled.
"She got turned into a pixie here. Her Proficency is Navigator."
"No shit?"
"No shit. She's a navigator."
"That woulda been useful in that damn fog. She have a soul bind?"
Asuna nodded.
"She does. I bound her to mine. Kirito's was a BIT too cold for her."
"I was gonna offer mine. Metalica would love a little sister."
That made the redhead smile.
"She can still visit. Since YOUR soul is like a vault."
Yue smiled as she got a pat from the Berserker.
"I'll bind to your soul too, Sir Tyler. I can feel how warm it is from here."
Metalica appeared then with a pop.
"HOLD little Pixie. His soul would incinerate you at your current level."
The iron Sprite smiled as she looked at Tyler.
"I'll take her, Tyler. Teach her HOW to be a pixie."
"Thanks Metalica."
Yue shrank down to the same size as Metalica and was now garbed ina cute little dress of purple flowers. Metalica then flew into Asuna's soul and the redhead shivered as the sprite's heat hit her.
"Yeah Metalica's hot."
Kirito led a elven beauty with green hair forward now. She was Tyler's height with long green hair and bright yellow eyes and spear tipped ears. She was buxom with large breasts and garbed in a green tunic with a katana on her hip.
"Tyler, this is my sister Leafa. She's good with that katana."
Leafa smiled shyly as Tyler looked at her and her voice was a firm breath.
"Nice to meet you, Sir Tyler. So...are you like a PRINCE?"
"Nah. I AM the Queen's champion though."
"Ha. Don't worry, Kirito."
"She's my sister bro."
"Poor girl."
"I will hit you."
Tyler chuckled as a sudden scream tore the air.
An explosion rocked the arena as a pair of girls wielding long katana like weapons were clashing with EXTREME ferocity and Tyler sighed as he saw the sailorsuit.
"DAMMIT Ryuko. I got em."
The Berserker threw himself into a leapt that saw him reach the girls as they clashed again in a split second. Tyler grabbed their wrists, twisted, and SLAMMED them both on their backs while at the same time relieving them of their weapons he kicked to a waiting Asuna and Kirito, who caught them cleanly. Tyler turned an extremely acrobatic flip before slamming his boots into the proned girls' bellies with enough force to DRIVE all teh air outta their lungs. The EXTREMELY exasperated Berserker then clapped the both of them over the ears and looked at em.
"You done?"
The taller lady had a glare in her black eyes as she barked at him in an imperious bell.
"Why do you interfere in OUR duel?"
"Cause you're not alone in the arena. wanna have a pissing contest, go ahead. BUT NOT WITH PEOPLE IN THE WAY. OR my FIANCE in FIRING range."
Tyler's eyes started turning red.
"Or WE'LL duel. With LIVE steel. Do I make myself clear?"
The lady tried to match eyes with the Berserker.....and found she couldn't. She looked away.
"we are."
"Good. Now YOU."
He looked to a glaring daggers girl in a blue and red sailorsuit. She was a head shorter then him with short navy blue hair and a neon red stripe in the middle. Her skin was fair and her bust large under her sailorsuit. Tyler smirked.
"I WONDERED when YOU'D show up, Ryuko Matoi."
She blinked and spoke in a hard, fearless snap.
"Who the hell are YOU?"
"Your story is kinda legendary in my world. oh. What up Senkestu?"
Ryuko snorted.
"He just said nothin much. Hanging around."
"Ha. I get it. Here."
Tyler flicked a drop of blood and a deep voice was heard un his mind.
The tramuatized voice of the sailorsuit had Tyler laughing hysterically and Ryuko looked at him with VERY confused blue eyes.
"Uhhh, what'd you do to him?"
"I showed him a hentai."
"HA! Oh yuo sick fuck! That's awesome!"
Senkestu shuddered.
"That guy is SICK Ryuko."
"How dat ass treatin ya?"
Tyler chuckled.
Then he refocused.
"Okay. NO grudgematches of THAT intensity AROUND ther people. Wanna kill each other in the arena, GO FOR IT."
The other girl recovered her breath now to get to her feet. She was Tyler's height with a well cut frame and large bust on her narrow chest and severe features. her hair hung to her hips while her attire was a white military jacket. She looked dow her nose at the Berserker.
"So. You know Matoi. But NOT me?"
"Oh I know EXACTLY who YOU Satuski Kriyuin. Do we have an issue?"
"Yes. I will be a captain in this army."
"PROVE that you DESERVE the trust of ME putting THEIR lives in YOUR hands. And we'll go from there."
"Very well. Now RETURN my sword."
Tyler took the blades back and held them as they went to take them.
"ONLY warning."
Ryuko hung her sword, which was just half a giant pair of scissors, on her back.
"Yeah, yeah tough guy."
Satuski sheathed her sword on her hip without a word and Tyler walked away...and waved at Seria. The princess smiled at the show and Asuna chuckled.
"Nice moves, showoff."
"Ha. MArk em."
"Already did. They're gonna be a handful."
Kirito chuckled as the two girls glared at each other.
"Soo, what's their deal?"
"eh. Drama."
They shrugged as they returned to Kirito's friends. Leafa smiled as Tyler looked at her.
"So you're level 12 Sir Tyler?"
"Yup. Blackball here's level 11."
Kirito looked at her sharply and Tyler noted the awed look in the elven girl's eyes and he smiled.
"I'm engaged Leafa."
she blushed at the callout.
"I know. A girl can dream right?"
"Oh fair enough. Just try not to dwell on impossible dreams, and forget to enjoy being awake."
Asuna and Kirito whistled at the turn of phrase as Leafa sighed.
The redhead looked at him.
"Since when the hell can YOU sound like a sage?"
"I need to be set up for it."
"Eh oh okay."
Tyler looked at Mylissia and the queen nodded.
"Alright. we'll get them settled at the palace and get to some grinding."
Asuna nodded.
The Berserker blew a whistle on his lips and the Knights fell in for new orders. Tyler took his spot at the front as Mylissia explained their pay and living situation. Once done, she nodded to Tyler.
"Alright recruits. We're heading for the palace. Keep close and try not to split from the group. Pay attention to the route as you'll be runnin it in der mornin. Any questions?"
He got crickets.
The Veterans led their new Rookies through the arean and into the city proper. There they were created by the remainder of the Capital city's denizens on their Heroic Parade. Tyler was in the front waving at people and throwing roses to kids as per his way and Erwin smiled as he looked at Asuna beside him.
"He adores the masses. And masses adore HIM back."
Asuna chuckled as Tyler stopped to hug a small girl with a bandaged arm....and heal her arm.
"He likes feeling like the big hero to the kids. His words are everyone deserves to have a story to tell."
"Wise words indeed. He is an idealist then?"
"Only for HIS ideals. And my GODS is not afraid to make sure you live up to them. If NOT, ya get slapped."
Rias chuckled as she looked at the second in command.
"Like that time he threatened a city leader to his face when he got called out?"
"Or that time with spies in the guard."
They chuckled as Tyler caught another rose and tossed it to Helia in the crowd now and the elven smith smiled happily as he did. Rias smirked.
"Oh nice one jackass."
Erwin smirked.
"even though he is engaged?"
"She forged his first sword."
"Ah. Good man."
Tyler led the parade through the city to the palace where the court looked at them curiously and he smirked. Instantly the court gulped. Queen Elizabeth frowned as she saw this and looked to Belfast beside her.
"The Queen's court is TERRIFIED of him."
The silver haired Quartermaster nodded sagely.
"He has put to death two members of their count in VERY public displays, Liz. The first refused to set his false suit for the princess aside. Tyler used a rope to decapitate him in front of the entire arena. The SECOND he split clean in half for the crime of BLACKMAILING the queen and the princess. He has one member sworn by honor to him along with the knight captain when he uncovered a plot for usurption. He has made it VERY CLEAR, he WILL kill them if they so much as GLANCE in his cherished princess' direction in a manner he does not like."
Elizabeth sighed at this revelation.
"He rules by FEAR."
"He does not wish to rule."
She blinked.
"Then WHY is he marrying the princess, if not to rule?"
"He loves that lucky girl, Liz. Loves her so furiously I fear it may be just the SLIGHTEST bit unhealthy. Watch when they are together."
"I shall."
Tyler smiled as he saw Seria on her throne and walked up to her.
"I love you, Seria."
She smiled as he hugged her.
"I love you too, Tyler. whip em into shape."
"For you, my wife."
She shivered and he kissed her lovingly right there in the throne room.
"I'll be up shortly, my husband. I wanna watch the show some more!"
Elizabeth smiled dreamily now as the pairs' intense feelings were felt throughout the room.
Belfast nodded with a smile.
"They have NEVER diminished in the month and a half they have been together. If anything, they have INCREASED."
Tyler then looked at the hungry warriors.
"Note to you long haired ladies.....try NOT to get it stuck in a door or a crack in the wall please?"
There was a mass of VERY dark glares thrown his way from a few long haired beauties and Liz looked at Belfast while stroking her own golden lockes.
"Pay attention dear."
Tyler left his giggling princess to lead the army to the immense dining hall where he took a seat at the middle of the head table with his captains and the elites took seats at the heads of tables for their meal. The Berserker then looked at Asuna once the rest were seated.
"We got a decent crop here."
she nodded.
"VERY. And a few of captain material too."
"I want more elites from them Asuna."
"we'll get them. They're all level one. Give em a chance."
"Any that'll need ground up work?"
She nodded as Jerial wheeled a trolley before them.
"A fair few. Some will need to be taught HOW to hold a sword."
"Makes sense. Any potential thorns?"
"Oh yeah. A large number of em. Ryuko and Satuski for example. I can tell already. THEY are going to be a handful."
"We'll use Melody's village on em then."
"Absolutely. A week?"
"We'll shoot for two, expect to get ONE."
Rias on his other side rested her head on her hands as she looked at him.
"We're going to need a lot more supplies, Tyler."
"I know. The logsitics are going to be a nightmare. Belfast."
The silver haired beauty smiled.
"I have recruited Lady JAvelin and Sir Kyba for my assistants Tyler. I will need more in time though."
"We'll get them trained up and take your pick."
She nodded and Kirito swirled his wine while looking at the quietly conversing rookies.
"My friends won't need much help, Tyler. We're used to this."
"Lizbeth's smithing will be a help. Same with Wulf's. And Kirito?"
"Why'd your sister come here as an elf?"
"Her gamer avatar is an elf."
"Ah. Oh yeah that's right."
"She a minor character?"
"Your show is listed as a HAREM anime."
"Oh jesus."
"Yup. Same with HIS."
He nodded at Bell and Asuna blinked.
"That's adorable!"
Kirito chuckled.
"Poor bastard."
Tyler nodded sagely.
Rias chuckled as they enjoyed the feast.
"So tomorrow we're back to babysiting. HUUUray."
"Ha. Pretty much."
Asia was heard giggling next to Shiro.
"Izu is SOOOO CUTE! She is MY snuggle tonight!"
"we'll snuggle her together then Asia."
"Yay! Oh. Yue's cute too."
"Her too. I'll get Yoshkia."
"I got Unicorn."
"This is gonna be fun!"
Tyler looked at Rias/
"it wrong I am suddenly very jealous of them?"
She chuckled.
"NOPE. I am too."
The forces fed well on their dinner before being led to their chambers by maids. Tyler went up to his chamber with Seria and the princess smiled.
"You were having fun up there."
"I kinda was. I always liked showing off."
she chuckled and nestled her head into his arm as they walked into their chamber.
"I liked watching you show off."
"I love you, Seria."
"I love you too, Tyler."
The pair took a bath together before they settled into their bed together. Metalica appeared with Yue, the recruit pixie, from Seria's soul and the black haired girl blushed as Metalica settled on the princess' boob.
"Here, Yue. It's like SUUUUUPER comfy."
"Um, okay."
Tyler chuckled as Yue snuggled up with the sprite on Seria's large mammary.
Seria giggled.
"it tickles!"
Tyler kissed her lovingly.
"Good night, Seria. I love you."
"Good night, Tyler. I love you too."

DAY 51.
GOLD: 331,104.

Tyler woke to the feeling of something small yet VERY warm on his chest. He opened his eyes to see Yue asleep in a ball on his chest in her tiny fairy form and smiled at the sight. Seria was asleep on his arm beside him with Metalica spreadeagled on her boob on her belly. The Berserker smiled as he stroked Yue's long black hair softly with a finger and she woke with a squeak.
"Morning Tyler. You're really comfy."
"Morning Yue. You're really cute."
She blushed with a smile and he kissed Seria awake.
"Good morning my love."
"Good morning my WIFE."
She smiled and Metalica woke with a yawn.
"Morning my favorite tit bed. Seriously. Best place to sleep outside my room."
Yue giggled.
"Brand new sentence!"
They chuckled and Tyler cleaned up with Seria before he geared up.
"Alright. Back to basic.....with rookies. Ugh."
She giggled.
"I'll be watching! So make em sweat!"
He chuckled and headed to the dining hall. Asuna was already there with most of his Veteran force and a few rookies. The redheaded second in command smiled as he sat beside her.
"Morning. I got the rookie proving spell from Victoria."
"Good. we'll have them pick their favored gear and drill em on it. Any issues from the staff, Belfast?"
The former maid smiled.
"A few instances of crass humor, unwanted touches and flirting, and a few accounts of scared girls seeking a hug. Nothing they could not handle themselves."
Erwin was among the rookies that had arrived and he noted the Berserker unroll the map. Asuna did too.
He chuckled.
"City already feels small. and we KINDA need a direction after this."
She chuckled and tapped a city to the north.
"we'll head north this time. See what it's like closer to an active line."
Tyler sat back there.
"Hmm. I worry if we get too close to an actice frontline, we'll get stuck there. Oh hey the heroes are here we don't have to do a think!"
She sighed.
"That'll happen no matter where we go."
"You got a point there. We'll get a sitrep from Mylissia day 6 then. See which line could use a bailout the most."
The map was put away and Asuna smirked.
"So Yue wasn't seen anywhere last night."
"Hm? oh she was with us. Metalica likes her."
"Uh-huh. WHERE is she now?"
Yue popped out of his chest with Metalica.
"Here mommy!"
Asuna smiled as the pixie settled on her shoulder.
"So you were inside his soul, Yue?"
"Yup! It's REALLY warm in there and relaxing too! Plus his anime is INCREDIBLE!"
Tyler patted her with a smile.
"Atta pixel."
"Hey...huh. He's kinda right. weird."
She shrugged and looked to her mother as Asuna looked at Metalica.
"And WHAT have you shown her, Metalica?"
The iron sprite shrugged.
"A few yuris, some shotas, a few with tentacles too."
"what? You don't like Slice of Life?"
"I hate you."
She chuckled and Tyler chuckled as he drank his coffee. More of the yawning rookies walked in and Tyler smirked as he saw they were still missing half.
"Alright. if they don't show up by the time everyone is done eating, every head up and hit them with an ice spell...on the SPINE."
The Knights nodded with smirks and a fair few rookies gulped. Mina came over then and sat by the Berserker.
"So how ARE we training them, Tyler?"
"Same way we were."
"Ah. wilder forest too?"
"I don't think we'll need to since we have two Rangers in the force that can teach as we go."
"Alright. we'll work then hard."
More rookies walked in and Tyler chuckled as he saw Gasper talking with Izu with a smile on his face.
"I see him. Good for you, Gaspy."
The last of the rookies walked in and Tyler nodded as they sat down.
"Alright people. First lesson is simple. A funrun to the coliesum. Ya get lost you're gonna run it until you can do it blindfolded. We gotta lot to do today and I want you all to start gaining experience by the end a da day."
They nodded and once the meal was gone,
"Alright. GET goin."
The rookies took off running en mass with the rest of the knights urging them on. Tyler visited Seria in the throne room and the princess merely smiled at him.
"Oh go on. I'll best you there anyway."
"Love you too, Seria."
Tyler ran out the door now and overtook the entire mass of running heroes in seconds. He then ran by them and Erwin blinked as he was gone.
"The difference between power is THAT EXTREME?"
Kirito chuckled from beside him.
"I'm level 11. He's a level 12. I can't win that fight. The difference is THAT intense that a SINGLE level is the difference maker. Here's something to think about. That forest giant?"
"I remember."
"Let this sink in. IT was a LEVEL 35. And we had to kill it."
"And HE got the kill."
"it nearly killed him. But he did. That guy is a tactical genius....and suicidal madman. I hope you like dirt. Yer gonna taste it a lot."
Tyler had reached the arena WELL ahead of the other heroes and was looking the arena board over curiously...when he saw a bill that made him smile.
"A bandit clan? 50 men. Payout is....25,000."
He took it and the attendant chuckled.
"Show em how the BERSERKER goes to war? i like it."
Tyler chuckled as he took down three more such bills for a total fight of 200 men.
"I like these kinda battles."
He walked in as the rest of he heroes appeared on the hill and kirito slumped.
"Great. So much for catching up. Come on. There is a REASON he is the highest level in the force AND it's leader."
The now curious heroes took seats in the stands as the crowds went WILD from Tyler walked into view. Elizabeth frowned as she looked at Erwin beside her.
"He is risking his life in a pointless arena fight."
The blonde man smiled.
"I see a leader proving why he IS the leader."
The announcer had a chuckle in his voice as he spoke now.
"Oh ho, ladies and gentlemen do we have a TREAT for you this morning! Fresh from his epic journey across the land and scarsely a day back in the city, LORD BERSERKER has returned to the arena! And he has not lost an ounce of his rashness or his thirst for thrilling battles! His opponents this time? An entire bandit company of 200 men against him alone! This is SURE to be a quick one people, so PLACE YOUR BETS! The bloodbath is about to start!"
Erwin started.
"200 MEN?! He IS suicidal!"
Kirito snorted.
"That's it? Tch. Tyler won't even break a sweat with that many idiot bandits. He killed like what? A thousand? During that fight with the Renegade King. Idiot can kill fifteen men with a single stroke of that sword so."
The cages rose from the ground and the masses of bandits howled as they saw the berserker waiting for them. Makorov was watching the warrior closely now as Tyler cracked his neck.
"He'll be fine. watch."

Tyler pulled his bright blue greatsword from bis back as the gates of the cages opened.
"for you, Seria, my WIFE TO BE."
He charged the bandit army head on with a wild light in his eyes.
Erwin just watched as men and body parts flew through the air from the Berserker making impact. The crowds were going wild as blood poured like water from the masses of bandits and Tyler was seen smiling as he leapt in to the air spinnning his sword scything down men like wheat to a reaper. Then he smirked.
His sword split four men in half and the force he packed into the blow staggered ten more.
His thirty foot tall spinning tornado of blue flame appeared and melted a hole through the bandits as the enjoying himself immensely warrior dove into the next cluster of men.
On the bleachers, Elizabeth shuddered at the mass death she was seeing.
"He is a MONSTER. And these people THRIVE on bloodshed."
Belfast chuckled as she sat beside her.
"You do get used to it, Liz. And the arena IS a good source of income and levels."
Elizabeth looked at the silver haired lady in shock.
"YOU'VE changed, Belfast."
"Liz. This world is HARSH and UNFORGIVING. I have seen things that even now haunt me. And yet? I LOVE this world. Give it a chance. See what you discover."
The fighting in the arena went silent and they looked to see Tyler standing unharmed and without a drop of blood on him atop the pile of 200 men he'd slain in a single fight. The Berserker was smiling with his sword resting on his shoulder and he gave a flourishing bow to Seria.
"You asked for a show, My beloved, I LIVE for you."
Seria clapped with a proud smile as the crowd roared and photos taken of the intimidating sight. Tyler took his Status plate out...
"Ha. level 13 kirito!"
"fuck man."
"Oh hey. I got a perk."
Asuna perked up now.
"Bring it in Tyler."
"Comin atchya."
The Berserker used his grapple gauntlets to swing up to his second in command and Sora appeared beside him for an impromptu meeting. Tyler pointed to the new perk.
"It's called fighting Spirit. Awarded for facing immense odds such as 200 to one without flinching three times. Boosts vitality, Strength, Defense, and Stamina by 150. Asuna."
"I will have Kirito and Bell take them on as well."
"Good. They're the only two that can do it without injury."
Sora smiled.
"I have a direction."
"Do that again, WITHOUT A SCRATCH."
"I'll take a crack at it, Sora. Makes sense. I got 45 points to place but I'll do it later."
Asuna nodded as he put his Plate up.
"See what happens with different circumstances."
"I saw one for some goblin and orc bands. I'll take em both."
She nodded again and Kirito came over.
"Fight outnumbered to an extreme three times and WIN WITHOUT FLINCHING."
"Ah. I'll do that later."
Tyler nodded as the bandits were looted.
"Alright. All rookies in the pit."
The Knights chuckled at the gearshift and Tyler dropped down without even breathing hard.
"Now you know what I do for fun. When I am done with you, well. You'll still need to get there."
The mess was cleaned up with a firespell and racks of armor and weapons were rolled out with better quality adventuerer clothes.
"Some a you aren't exactly dressed for roaming in the mountains. Get changed and pick the weapons yiu think suit you. Armor too. We'll be here if you get into trouble. And I see those looks ladies. Figure it out."
He sat o the sand as the 350 rookies went to the racks. Asuna smirked as she sat beside him.
"200 at once?"
"Made the point didn't I?"
"eh pretty much."
Tyler chuckled as the ladies were using makeshift screens of their fellow women to change behind.
"Ha. Uuuugh. I am gonna teach them how to improvise PROPERLY."
Bell smiled.
"I got it."
"fine. Go on Bell."
The women looked at the white haired kid curiously as he took some unused pikes, a few wall shields, and stood the pikes up ina teepee shape before laying the wallshields in a scaled pattern up the frame to create a small alcove underneath with room for 5 at a time. A mass of slumps were seen at the simplistic solution as Bell gave a flourishing bow.
"Your dressing room, ladies, is ready."
Tyler laughed.
"He has been sitting on that since I did it! Atta boy Bell!"
asuna chuckled as the white haired kid walked back.
"He kinda looks up to you like a Godhero."
"Ha. Slick, Bell."
"They're gonna have fun on the trail."
"Oh yeah. Some a dem have NEVER slept on the dirt before."
Bell sat beside him.
"The Goddess' proficency is goddess. Seems she can use some of her arcanum here. And has to REEARN her power to use it in full."
"YIKES that's a little overpowered. But hey. we got another goddess in the Knights."
Hestia looked over curiously as she picked an outfit.
"WHO is the OTHER goddess?"
He jabbed a thumb at Akeno.
"Akeno. Teh THUNDER Goddess."
"OOOH. Sorry."
They chuckled as the process went without issue and once the changing was wrapped up, Tyler smirked.
"Now the fun part."
Asuna smiled.
"Rookie's Proving."
Their weapons and staffs were coated in magic and Tyler smiled.
"Now you'll duel with the Palace Knights. Get you some practice wielding your new tools. DO NOT WORRY. You CANNOT hurt them. I couldn't when I tried."
The company of knights pair off with their heroes and Tyler took a new perch on a section of wall with a clean view of the battle.
"Drop em."
The bout was on with some hefty wacks dealt out and some heavy plants gifted. Tyler and Asuna keeping track of those that got dropped int eh first few swings, the ones that had experience but still lost, and those that won. Once the last duel ended, Tyler nodded.
"You winning heroes. Now we'll have a battle royale. Let's see who among needs the LEAST amount a help from the get go. drop em."
The next round got underway with those used to such duels easily racking up kills and those with great power yet little skill were holding their own. The Berserker the spotted a shorter boy, a girl with black hair, a blonde haired girl, a brick of a boy with tan hair, and a girl with pink hair and horns tearing through the other heroes with near impunity.
"I see them. four this time."
"Interesting. Erwin was taken out by Satuski. Oh. 6. Satuski and Ryuko are dueling again. Ugh. Those two."
The girls in question were going at it hammer and tongs with sparks flying from their blocks. Asuna smirked.
"Ryuko has the advantage of sheer POWER. Satuski has EXTREME skill. An interesting bout."
"Yeah they're fights usually go fifty/fifty. enteraining though."
They looked back to the remaining heroes in the royale and it was a standoff between the four champions. Then they rushed and the clashing steel was heard all the way up to Seria's perch. Teh shorter boy wound up being the last man standing and was now having trouble with the pink haired girl's extreme strength and inhuman reflexes as she swung a battleaxe faster then she should have.
"I see her. Her name's Zerotwo. She's a Berserker too."
"Interesting. Teh boy?"
"HIS name is Levi. And is full man."
"Yea he's a runt. Guy's a badass though. And is PERFECT officer material for my army."
"Speed slasher. And I MEAN speed. Guy spins like a top and SLICES you thirty times in ten seconds when he gets going."
"Scary. Zerotwo?"
"Isn't entirely human. Her reflexes alone will net her the fight. Levi's instincts and experience will keep him alive though."
The pink haired girl pounced with her axe in a wide arc that the man blocked with a longsword...and the force packed into the blow sent him FLYING. The girl was on him and one solid chop later the man was dropped. Tyler nodded sagely.
"Yup. Levi just DOESN'T have the strength needed to block a straight blow from Zerotwo."
The pink haired girl was now moving to the last fight where Ryuko won her bout with Satuski from a well placed foot. Ryuko was gloating her victory over the proned the pink haired girl's axe slammed into her from the side. Ryuko dropped and Tyler clapped.
"Well done, Zerotwo. Looks like YOU know what you're doing."
He hopped down as the sore and irritated rookies got to their feet and the pink haired girl approached Tyler. She was his height wirh lower back length pink hair and a pair of bright red horns on the top of her head. her skin was pale and her bust large in her tight fitting tunic of blue. Her frame was slender and she wore a skirt for pants wih combat boots om her feet. Her eyes were a very pretty shade of teal and she spoke in a hard yet warm belltone.
"You know my name?"
"Yup. And your story."
"You get used to it. Alright. Again."
There was a mass groan from teh rookies and Tyler chuckled.
"Come on rookies. we all did this too ya know. This'll be your daily routine. A morning fun and bout with the knights and each other. One full day a this, and tomorrow we'll add more."
Zerotwo smiled.
"This is fun!"
"Ha. Atta girl."
Asuna chuckled as the heroes went another bout with fresh knights.
"Bring back memories, Tyler?"
He chuckled.
"I nearly killed my knights. Every time."
They watched the next three bouts and Tyler smiled as ALL of the new recruits were laid out panting on the sand.
"Is that all? ugh. Rookies. Alright. We'll pick this up tomorrow. Remember to practice. The arena offers fights to those with balls. And they pay you VERY well for your blood sport. Veterans. YOU I want to level up ONCE today ACROSS THE BOARD before the sun goes down. DIIIIIISMISS!"
The rookies all had groans of relief at being released and the Bloodoath grabbed masses of bills for their bouts as Tyler sat with the sore and groaning rookies in the stands. Erwin was rubbing his sore arms as he sat beside him.
"You got dropped old man."
Erwin chuckled at that one as he settled.
"By Eren no less. Kid hits hard."
"Ha. His eyes are intense."
"You saw?"
"How could I NOT? That kid's got FIRE. And scary is he didn't go berserk. That other girl did though when he took that shot to the chops."
Erwin sighed as Kirito was in the ring dueling with 100 men.
"Mikasa Ackerman. She's.....devoted."
"Yeah I'll have a word with her. That kinda blind charge at the wrong time will get MANY a warrior killed."
"I have tried. She doesn't listen."
"eh. I'll talk to her. I got a talent for dealing with co-dependant people."
The berserker then looked to where Kirito was slicing through men with the speed of a tempest.
A severed arm came FLYING at him with the hand in the shape of a middle finger as Kirito flipped him off before slicing his latest victim in half. Tyler was laughing hard as he tossed the arm back.
"Oh my god that was great, Kirito."
Leafa sat beside the Berserker with a smile AND a blush and Tyler chuckled.
"Kirito works hard dunnnit he?"
"we've been over this Leafa."
"I know."
He looked at her.
"Okay. I am NOT playing this game. I am NOT. INTERESTED. I am VERY happily engaged to HER. Fantasies are okay. But DO NOT think you have a shot. YOU DON'T. Do something stupid, and it'll hurt. A LOT. And HE won't be able to save you. Are we clear?"
Leafa slumped now as Tyler's voice was like steel.
"Sorry. Crystal."
"Good. So what;s up?"
"Just...wanted to be next to'd didn't have to be so CRUEL with it."
"I don't play games. I DON'T take chances. Ask Kirito what happens when Seria's happiness is threatened. In ANY manner. Or better yet? Ask Rias."
Leafa got up and left and Tyler sighed as he looked to the arena.
"I hate that shit with a passion."
"She was right you know. You were VERY cruel to her."
"Okay? NOW she knows. Without a shadow of a doubt. Belfast saw. She'll see to her."
erwin sighed as Kirito won his fight without a scratch.
"I see you are a STAUNCH husband indeed. I can respect that. Yet she merely had a crush."
"It's a slippery slope. And sides. Her eyes were NOT of a girl with a mere crush."
Kirito walked up now.
"Leafa push it?"
"And I shut it down."
"I'll go talk to her."
Erwin looked at him.
"He always liek that?"
Kirito smiled.
"Word of advice? DON'T FUCK WITH SERIA. Seriously. Just...DON'T. That guy has killed people for merely LOOKING at her in a way he didn't like. In the middle of the freakin THRONE ROOM TOO. Yeah. Leafa picked the WRONG GUY to crush on."
He left and Erwin looked at Tyler as he got a drink of water from a canteen while Bell stepped into the arena.
"So even the men under you know."
"I don't hide or sugarcoat what I am, Erwin. I am NOT a hero as they seem to think. I'm a monster. don't ever forget that."
The older man looked to the arena as Bell faced off with 200 bandits like Tyler had.
"I will remember that."
Tyler watched as Bell danced with the 200 men with his twin knives.
"Ha. THAT is how you step up Bell. Oh he'll level with this one."
Bell was panting hard from the strain of fighting 200 men at once but had a wild smile as Tyler watched.
"Bell has grown so much in such a short time."
Hestia sat beside Tyler now and the little goddess had opted for a tight fitting haltertop and shorts that showed her lovely curves off in all the right ways. On her feet were a pair of tough boots as she watched her friend duel. Tyler chuckled as he watched.
"Bell's one my more relied on Elites for a reason Hestia. Guy gets it done."
She smiled proudly as Bell whiddled the enemy force down with spells and speed.
"Two months ago he was just BARELY reaching the 18th floor. Now he's in a ring fighting 200 men and I'm not worried. His eyes BURN with new confidence and his movements are INSANELY precise. And yet he's still the same kindhearted Bell."
Tyler smiled.
"Now YOU have to catch up to HIM Hestia."
"Oh I will. And it'll be fun."
Tyler chuckled at that as one bandit was seen sneaking around a pile of dead behind Bell's back. Hestia saw this and Tyler did too.
"Ha. watch this."
Hestia gulped as the bandit snuck around Bell while he danced with 15 men. The bandit pounced...and Bell smirked.
Annnd he teleported. Bell vanished from view for a split second and when he reappeared the 15 men dropped to the ground in pieces as the white haired warrior rose from his crouch as the victor. Tyler clapped in full view of him.
"Well done Bell. Did you level?"
Bell looked.
"Level 12. Nearly there."
Tyler smiled.
"He jumped two levels there."
Hestia smiled.
"He wants to reach you."
"And a rematch."
"Oh. Of course."
"I dropped everyone in my rookie class. FIVE TIMES. Undefeated thus far."
Kirito came back then with a smirk.
"I'm level 12 too. I'll GET you."
"Ha. Sure."
The boy in black sat by him now.
"Leafa took it hard."
"I figured. She got WAAAY too glowy WAAAY too freakin quick."
"Yup. I saw it too. I TOLD her not to push it too. Yesterday she was gushing about you to Alice and Sinon....and I flatout told her to NOT push it. So yeah."
"Sachi here?"
He smiled.
"She is actually. And so are her friends. They're alright Tyler."
"See? Wasn't your fault."
"I...yeah. She said the same thing. Thanks Tyler."
"Sure thing."
Kirito dropped to the arena floor to pick another fight as Tyler took his plate out.
"Oh he wants to play. Okay. I have 45 points to place. I had 145 Strength, 238 defense, 250 Stamina, 300 Vitality, 210 Magic, 140 Agility, 210 Magical Defense, 140 Dexterity, 500 Intelligence, 210 Mana. Then plus the 150 boost to Strength, Stamina, Defense, and Vitality puts me at 295 Strength, 388 defense, 400 Stamina, 450 Vitality, 210 Magic, 140 Agility, 210 Magical defense, 140 Dexterity, 500 Intelligence, and 210 Mana. Hmm. I'll put 5 into Strength, and that'll give me an even 300. 20 into agility, and 20 into dexterity. 300 Strength, 388 Defense, 400 Stamina, 450 Vitality, 210 Magic, 160 Agility, 210 MAgical defense, 160 Dexterity, 500 Intelliegence, and 210 Mana. Not bad for a warrior."
He hit apply and headed for the board as Kirito got a few more bills for bandits. The attendant smirked.
"Hey BERSERKER, ya forgot your pay."
"Yea oyu be slipping."
Tyler chuckled as he got his 100,000 gold payout for the bout that morning.
"Okay. TOO early in the morning."
He then went to the board....and blinked.
"A hill giant?"
The attendant nodded.
"It be 40 feet tall and an IDIOT. It's level is 20. Reward is 450,000."
Tyler looked at the monster.
"i'm level 13. I will take that challenge."
He took the bill down and the attendant nodded.
"Show em who you are. LORD BERSERKER.'
Kirito won his bout and walked out with a smirk.
"Level 13."
Tyler held the poster up and Kirito blinked.
"Jesus. YOU are out of your mind! No! That's suicide!"
Tyler smirked as he walked through the door.
"There is a REASON I am in charge, Kirito. Allow me to REMIND YOU of what I am."
Kirito was GONE like a BULLET.
Asuna was up in the bleachers smirking as Tyler walked into the arena.
"Here he goes again...what the?"
Only for the Berserker t have a VERY intense feel to him now and the crowd picked up on it. A mass of nervous murmers broke out and Asuna frowned.
"What did you do?"
Kirito appeared and the redhead looked at him.
"THAT idiot took a fight for a HILL GIANT! ALONE!"
"Oh for fuck's sake."
Erwin looked at the now on edge redhead.
"What has he done?"
Asuna sighed as she called Rally.
"He basically picked an underdog fight. That hill giant is level 20. HE is level 13. He JUST reached level thirteen. it;s 40 feet tall. STUPID, but for FUCKS sake."
Belfast and Rias appeared and when they heard, Belfast sighed.
"Oh dear. I thought we were passed this."
The announcer had a VERY excited tone now.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls. we have a bout that will go down in the Arena records as a classic. Lord Berserker, has elected to face....GOLIATH! That's right. The legendary Hill giant champion has been CHALLANGED by Lord Berserker himself! HOW will the Lord of rage overcome the God of strength? Place your bets people."
Kirito smirked.
"I'll put down 2 mill from Bloodoath coin on him to WIN. And it be EFFORTLESS."
"I'll do the same. He has a plan.....or some bullshit."

Tyler cracked his knuckles and drew his greatsword as a deafening bellow of rage was heard from below the ground.
"For YOU, Seria."
The blue haired princess smiled with CLEAR nerves on her face as the sand colored monster rose from the ground clad in chains the size of Shadow. The beast was naked with a near 35 foot long club at it's feet made of solid stone and it was covered in hundreds of scars as the lone warrior in black stared it down. Erwin looked at the immense creature with an intense green gaze as it roared.
"That thing should NOT be in this city."
Strand chuckled as she sat beside him.
"They keep their monsters in an enchanted block of ice. Not even an archdemon can escape."
Asuna looked at the Elven Ranger.
"what are his odds?"
"Asuna. This is the BERSERKER we are talking about here. He has a plan. Or will do something stupid that will work."

Tyler smiled as the 40 foot tall giant was released from it's chains.
"Alright. ICED WALL"
A massive spike of ice appeared from the ground and he took off running at the charging beast as he hefted his greatsword. The giant went to KICK the tiny human with a foot the size of a truck
His grappled fired at the same time as he sliced the upper thigh of the beast with a leap and the soulkiller took it's leg CLEAN off. Tyler's grapple embedded itself in the giant's chest as he flew under it's one leg,
The sandy floor was turned to ice and the giant slipped as it fell and he yanked on the grapple, directing it's fall. RIGHT onto the 10 foot spike of ice he'd conjured prior. The spike pierced it's eye and the giant died on impact. The ground shook from the severe impact and Tyler retracted his grapple with a smirk.
"Level 15. 100 points to place. Any questions?"
The crowd was SPEECHLESS by the feat of ingenuity and foresight they had JUST witnessed. Asuna then smiled widely as she looked at Elizabeth behind her.
"Is he worth following NOW?"
ERwin smiled with a new respect in his eyes as he clapped.
"So THAT is why he leads you. His plans seems suicidal on the surface, and yet? It's a trap. He had a plan from the very start."
Kirito came back now.
"Asuna. We'll need to collect the payout with Tyler and the knights."
"How much?"
"Yeah. We kinda just got banned from making bets on him."
Tyler swung up onto the bleachers after hugging Seria and he smirked at the dumbfounded newbies.
"I think I've made my point."
Kirito sighed.
"Come on man. Give me a chance here."
"You'll get your chance Kirito. Just do what I do."
"Idiot. NO ONE can do what you do. I tried I'd get flattened."
"It's just thinking ahead and making your own weakness."
"Dude. YOU are YOU. Ugh. Anyway. We need to muster."
Tyler frowned as he became instantly serious.
"what happened?"
Kirito smiled.
"we made a bet. And won. Payout is 200,000,000."
"Oh SHIT. Yeah. Okay. we'll pick that in force. Asuna."
"Already did."
Tyler looked at Erwin and the blonde man smiled.
"I admit. I am impressed."
"Scary thing?"
"Oh no."
"That thing is an idiot. Like so tried to KICK ME LIKE A BALL. When I'm this size, and it's THAT size. Where's that club?"
Kirito blinked and looked to see the club was STILL ON THE PLATEFORM it had risen on!
"It was so forgot it had it. Oh mt god."
"Yeah. Idiots. easy prey."
The berserker pulled his new numbers up now.
"Alright. I got an extra 100 to place fo two levels. I had 300 Strength, 388 Defense, 400 Stamina, 450 Vitality, 210 Magic, 160 Agility, 210 MAgical defense, 160 Dexterity, 500 Intelliegence, and 210 Mana. I'll slap 40 into Agility and Dexterity and that'll give me 200 per. The last twenty I'll split and slap intoMagic and Mana. 220 per. 300 Strength, 388 Defense, 400 Stamina, 450 Vitality, 220 Magic, 200 Agility, 200 Dexterity, 220 Mana, 210 Magical Defense, 500 Intelligence. Nice."
He put the plate away and Kirito smirked.
"You did that to me on purpose."
"Ha. Kinda."
"Fair enough. I wanna catch you, I gotta MATCH you."
"Exactly. Otherwise our duel would just be another me kicking YOUR ass."
Bell smiled.
"By the time I DO catch you, Tyler, I WILL be able to beat you."
Tyler thumped him on the back approvingly.
"I am looking forward to that day Bell."
Kirito sighed and smiled.
"I'll get there. I just gotta start thinkin like YOU."
The Knights arrived at the collection booth and the lady attending smirked as Tyler took the sack.
"Lord Berserker, you and yor company are hereby BANNED from placing bets on your own party...for six months. We lost pay because a you."
Tyler chuckled as he took the money.
"Pleasure doing business."
"WE hate you."
The Berserker chuckled at that halftruth as they left. Then he looked at Asuna.
"was this PARTY coin?"
She nodded.
"It was."
"Alright. I'll let it go as you saw an opportunity. Try NOT to use party coin for bets like that."
"Agreed. What'll we do? i was NOT expecting it to be that high."
Tyler smiled.
"We'll split it in half. Half to the party, half to the warriors."
She smiled.
"A great idea. They haven't had a large scale payout in a few weeks now."
The Berserker nodded as they walked to the dining hall of the palace. There he set the sack of gold on the head table while waiting for the entire force to take seats. Once everyone was seated, Tyler smiled.
"Alright. NOw we'll talk lootsplitting and pay."
Erwin and a good number of the newbies became VERY attentive. Tyler dumped the gold coins out.
"Each week we're paid on an individiual basis 1,000 gold. That is yours to keep. Loot, like say we kill a bandit hideout and take their stuff. Gold, is spit between raiders and the Bloodoath. Say four raiders go out and they score 100 coins off a bandit raid. 50 of those coins go to the Bloodoath's coffer to support the company. Food, equipment, housing if nessecary, mass scale upgrades, and supplies. We ALL contribute to the Company. the remaining fifty is split among those that captured it. Are you with me so far?"
A sea of nods and Erwin perked up.
"Is the rate fixed? Say the fight ends before I draw my sword?"
"It is. If you are a part of the crew that got it, you earned a share. BUT. If you go on the raid, WITH THE STRENGTH TO HELP and are PRESENTED with an opportunity to DO SOMETHING, yet REFUSE TO, then you lose out on the payment. Say you attack a bandit camp and just sit there. You had the strength to help but didn't."
Erwin nodded.
"If an issue arises with pay? Say a missed payment or someone gets more then they should?"
Tyler smiled.
"If you think you missed out on gold, say something. We got records of EVERY coin we've ever made. I look it over with the officers BEFORE we divvy it in case we find something mean like say a cursed item or something else along those lines. If you bicker over pay, however, the captain of your squad will step in and resolve the issue. PUSH IT, and ASUNA will END IT. It BETTER not get to the point I have to step in cause then you'll lose it PERIOD."
Erwin nodded.
"Harsh yet fiar. This is our gold payment we are speaking of?"
"It is. STRICTLY money. We'll talk stuff like swords and other loot in a moment."
Tyler relocted his train of thought.
"Now. The way gold splitting works is half to Bloodoath. This never changes. If the split were to leave not enough for EVERYONE in the raider to get at least ONE COIN, it all gets added to Bloodoath to avoid a fight. Same with any leftovers. If it's not a perfect split, the leftovers are added to Bloodoath by default."
Elizabeth looked up.
"You believe this is fair? Say one warrior does all the work in the fight, and the other members do nothing as they have NO inclination to assist. They'd still get paid anyway. Seems a way to encourage slacking for lack of a better way to put it."
Tyler smiled.
"well. If something like that DOES occur, by all means PLEASE speak up. camp rules. NO WORK, NO FOOD. You WILL pull your weight or get dumped in a ditch. And yes I WILL do that to you."
The blonde lady nodded.
"Now THAT is more concrete. What ARE the rules of yuor camp, Tyler?"
"well. Aside from the no work no food, there's Open your mouth, deal with the consquences. You do not have to like each other. But you WILL respect each other. If you think you can bullying the people in MY army? I WILL find you. And I'll bully you myself using MY tormentor's tricks."
Rias and Belfast SHUDDERED. That spoke VOLUMES. Erwin had a thought.
"Company crime? Like sayn theft or betrayal?"
Tyler smiled and a GOOD NUMBER of the Knights shuddered.
"well. Betrayal? It HURTS. A LOT. I am a HIGHLY skilled torturer and absolutely SADISTIC monster when you piss me off or try to hurt the ones I care about. If you betray the company, you LOSE all your levels and the ability CONTINUE TO LEVEL. I will BEAT YOU within an inch of your life or however much else I feel like hurting you, and you are EXILED from the Knights, AND THE QUEENDOM. To date, TWO such unfortunates have chosen this path."
THAT revelation caused a stir. Elizabeth rounded on him in a horror.
"Their crimes?"
"Issei Hyuta. Company pervert. He was caught trying to rob the company safe and whe caught, tried to STAB THEM. He is also banned from every brothel in the city for being a disgusting creep."
Rias nodded and Barkhorn stood from her spot as Enforcer.
"I was the one that caught him. And the he attempted to stab."
Tyler then moved to the second.
"Last is Max. Level 5. Slacker. Sadist. and barking dog. He was a RANTING rascist and I DO NOT tolerate that shit. He did NOTHING but badmouth the people in his squad and do his best to sow discontent. GAsper."
The blonde haired boy stood now.
"Hello. My name is Gasper. I am a level 8 in Tyler's army, and so considered one of his elites. Or high levels. MAx would follow me around for HOURS calling me leech or bloodsucker or undead reject, you get he idea. I am a halfblood vampire. And he found this disgusting. TYLER took him behind a house and he screamed for a good four hours before being left in a ditch."
He sat down and Tyler smiled.
"So. Piss off the people around you, and they're ENCOURAGED to do something about it. Piss ME OFF, and depending on what you do? It's going to hurt. a LOT."
Erwin nodded.
"And how is it USUALLY in your camp? Like the general mood or morale?"
Tyler shrugged.
"we're a buncha friends on an extended roadtrip."
He blinked.
"even though you were on mission?"
"Just cause we're on mission DOESN'T mean we work ourselves into the ground. If ANYTHING, we strive to AVOID that. We'll bust our asses some days, and then just not move an inch until we recover."
Elziabeth rubbed her head at the rollercoaster that was Tyler the Berserker.
"'re a hardworking yet LAZY company that is led a sadistic monster with a heart of gold who would GLADLY die for the people in his company. That about it?"
He chuckled.
"eh yeah pretty much. If all you do is bathe in blood and war, soon enough you'll forget why you started in the first place."
She and a good number of others blinked at this turn of phrase and the blonde Elizabeth smiled.
"Nowe THAT I completely understand. And in that light I agree. Has such an issue arisen?"
"It has. The people I lead were startin to irritate the fuck out of me. So I turned to my burnout expert. Belfast?"
The Quartermaster rose with a smile.
"Tyler sought me out as SOON as he noticed the symptoms of fatigue and burnout. After a period of discussing the issue, it's cause and it's solution, he had the warriors spend an extra day beside a rather pleasent river for a two day leave. The issue has not yet arisen since."
That news made Erwin nod sagely.
"You know your limits. This is good."
"Hey real quick. How old do you think I am?"
The man blinked, but answered the very odd question truthfully.
"To m y eye you are a grown man in his 34th year of life."
"I'm 15."
THAT one got a mass of blinks! Elizabeth looked at him in utter SHOCK.
"YOU are ONLY 15 YEARS?"
Tyler pulled jhis Status Plate up and hitt he projection feature for proof.
Erwin smiled wryly at this.
"YOU are younger then Eren and yet are a full war leader. NOW I have another question."
"WHO is your council?"
Tyler smiled.
"Well. Strand here, Sora who is another strategic genius and his Proficency is Strategist, asuna as she has experience doing this shit, MINA as she is a former military commander and has been war against inhuman creatures before, Belfast for a similar reason as Mina only she is the more....emotional side? eh close enough. Mylissia for terms of judgement and punishment. I am NOT permitted BY THE QUEEN, to decide your fate in terms of ACTUAL punishment. I can beat the crap outta you and call it you pissing me off, but actual judgment is the queens and queen's alone. Thankfully, these instances have only occured twice and SHE rendered their verdict AFTER I beat the crap out of them. The reason I am so freakin picky on my captains is THEY are the ones I look to the MOST to help me lead this army."
Sora nodded as he stepped up now.
"Tyler IS an extremely crafty and skilled leader. But he's still new at this. If he looks to you for advice, you an expert in his eyes. And he does NOT hesitate to ask."
Asuna nodded.
"Tyler routinely checks in with Mina, Strand, Victoria during her time with us, Dryft, or any leader he thinks had the answer he needs. If you DON'T, he will make one for himself. Hence the plan for Dunkrick."
Elizabeth smiled.
"I can respect this. And knowing you seek council when needed is nothing short of a relief. Has the council REJECTED any of HIS proposals?"
Asuna chuckled.
"Nothing MAJOR yet as so far his ideas have been outlandish, yet doable. Mostly it's his idioicy and pranks that'll drive you batty."
Mina chuckled.
"And he draws inspiration from PROVEN TO BE SUCCESSFUL campaigns. For example the battle with the Renegade King."
She retold the tale of Sparta and a few smiled as they also knew the tale. Erwin looked up now.
"Duties around camp? Are they set or do they rotate?"
Tyler chuckled.
Yoshkia stood now and the Berserker nodded to her.
"Yoshkia is company cook. She's the best chef in the Bloodoath. She's got her own crew that does the cooking since they're best at it. That said we ALL pitch in. even ME."
Erwin chuckled.
"NOW I have a new fear."
"Ha. Yoshkia strictor then I am. If SHE don't approve, that; YO meal for the night."
Yoshkia smiled.
"NO poisoning your fellow soldiers with your bad cooking."
They laughed at that and Tyler chuckled.
"watches rotate every night. Again. even I'm in the rotation."
Asuna chuckled.
"THAT guy is kinda freaky on watch. All you'll see when you go to relieve a black shadow that does not move."
Tyler shrugged.
"My horse can transform into a skeletal horse. it's fun scaring people. Now. PITCHING CAMP, with this many people it'll be a hassle and well need to be careful as Strand here is a RAnger. and there are RULES out there. Some of us come from worlds that destroyed our forests and our worlds. They WILL NOT allow us to the same here. Yes I am still learning. That said. PITCH IN. I bust my ass helping the Bloodoath. I BETTER see you doing the same. if you're WOUNDED you have an excuse."
Erwin chuckled.
"I was just about to ask that. Battle?"
"THAT depends on what we're fighting to be completely honest. Some enemies are meaner then others, and since I'm the highest level in the party, I kinda have to deal with any unknown creatures myself with a few support roles. One reason I push the others so hard is I kinda do alot on my own."
Kirito sighed.
"We're workin on it."
"I know. You'll get there."
Makorov spoke up now.
"When you are not fighting, or preparing for a fight, Tyler, what is the camp like?"
Tyler shrugged.
"whatever you really feel like so long as yuo stay close in case a trouble. I slept y the river during our break and did some fishin. And taught Strand how to milk a snake. Long as you're close by, days up to you."
The old man smiled.
"We will travel, will we not?"
"Yup. we'll get you all fitted with horses and you'll learn to be riders."
"Oooh dude what the hell?"
Kirito shuddered as he remembered the story and Tyler chuckled.
"How dem scars treatin ya?"
"I want to hit you with something."
Tyler chuckled before he refocused.
"If you never seen a horse before, that's okay. I sucked at riding too. But I learned."
Makorov smiled.
"When we reach a new city, is there a set of rules we need know now?"
"Yeah don't make a mess."
Tyler smiled.
"But in all seriousness? it depends on the city. Some cities have access to unique grinding opportunities and so if we take a day, you ARE still expected to grind out experience for SOME PORTION of your day. Say a raid or hunting or whatever."
Erwin frowned.
"You mentioned hunting. How does provisions work when in the field? Do you have a set squad of hunters?"
"No. EVERYONE hunts. EVERYONE butchers deer, EVERYONE helps. You'll all be taught how to survive out there and how to hunt like a Ranger. If we bring something big like a tyrant or a REALLY big bear down, the entire camp comes together to get as much material out of the thing as we can."
He nodded and Elizabeth smirked.
"THAT I'm afraid is a little difficult. Sometimes if there's no river available, you're gonna have to deal. In a city you can figure that out yourself. In the wilds it's kinda dependant on what we find."
She smirked thinner.
"If we catching a peeper?"
"Pop their eyes."
"Yup. Asia."
The blonde stood up with a smile...tripped on her foot and caught herself in the same motion. She stood up with a smile and the Berserker chuckled.
"Asia Argento. She's the best healer in the camp and in charge of the healer crew. Poke your eye out, she can heal you. PIss her OFF, and we ALL beat you."
Asia smiled sweetly.
"I'm a devil!"
erwin chuckled at that....when her wings came out. Then he gulped.
"Oh damn."
Tyler chuckled as Asia basked in the sudden spotlight.
"Hey! I LIKE being looked at!"
The room chuckled at her infuriated squeak as another girl stood now. She was half a head taller then Asia with shoet cut brown hair and slender frame. Her bust was modest in he teacher's uniform while her eyes were green. She had a distinct childlike feel to her as she walked over to the head table to be heard and her voice was a soft yet firm tenor.
"Yes hello. My name is Aiko. I have a question."
Tyler chuckled.
She nodded.
"Are we able to go home? Say AFTER the war is won?"
That made him, and EVER OTHER warrior in the Knights blink. They looked at each other in clear surprise and Aiko noticed.
"You.....don't know?"
Tyler chuckled.
"More we never bothered to find out. This world is a paradise for us so why would we LEAVE?"
She and the rest of the rookies were taken aback by the amusement in his eyes at this and Aiko confronted him.
"But don't you have family? friends? A HOME TO RETURN TO?"
Tyler sighed now and he gripped the hilt of his sword as he looked at her.
"Aiko. MY parents were killed in a home invasion....and I was the one that pulled the trigger. I've been jumped in more alleys then you will ever know and my ass still hurts some nights. ALL my friends re dead from school shootings, shootouts with cops, hit by cars, you get the idea. My world is a hellscape the likes of which you will NEVER know. I never bothered asking, as I nevered intended to go back."
She grabbed him in a hug from sheer HORROR at the things he'd listed and he patted her.
"Thanks, Aiko. I'm okay."
She looked at him with tears in ehr eyes.
"Are you?"
"Oh yeah. I fought these demons off years ago. And I'm in a new world with all of them."
He waved at his friends.
"My fiance is a princess and my GOD do I love that girl. My best friend is HER."
He jabbed a thumb at Rias.
"And SHE'S the Princess of hell. Like for real. I can kill a fully grown hill giant ALONE with this and not bring a sweat. I walk down that street and am hailed a hero by people I have never met before. I BUILT my legend with my own two hands and am nowhere near done. This world is a paradise for people like me. If you longed for a second chance, YOU GOT ONE. If I can make it here, ANYONE CAN."
Aiko smiled at this.
"You remind me of one of my students. He too had a wish."
"Ha. what's his name teach?"
"Hajime Nagamo."
Tyler chuckled at that.
"Hajime Nagamo. The MONSTER OF THE ABYSS. Jesus Christ I THOUGHT I recognized you, Aiko. Or should I say, the Fertility Goddess."
"Hey! wait what?"
"You're story's famous in my world."
"Oh. Weird."
"Try it from my end."
Aiko chuckled.
"OW. So you know Nagamo's story?"
"I look up to the guy."
A LARGE number of people blinked at that serious confession. Kirito smirked.
"Like ME?"
"MORESO. I wanted to BE that guy in way you will NEVER understand."
Aiko had a new look of strain at this.
"Um, Tyler? Nagamo is....different."
"Lady. He tried to save his classmates...and they tried to kill him for it. He gets sent to hell and CLAWS HIS WAY BACK OUT. when he does, he's a godkiller with that vampire a his. Yue. The Golden Vampire Princess. So he gets sent to hell by the ones he sought to protect....and comes out a badass. He's got a code I agree with. Annnd he's just a TOUCH too kindhearted for this shit."
She blinked at this.
"Nagamo? KINDHEARTED? Maybe before, yes. Absolutely.'m afraid he;s not exactly kind."
"He WASN'T kind he would have that shot that bunny when she pissed him off the first time. OR shot his way through Verbergan rather then help them. That guy has the strength to FORCE his way in his world REGARDLES of who's standing there, annnd is a little shy on flexing that power. Ask my friends. You get in my way I WILL cut a path through you. Asuna, how often how you seen me hesitate?"
The redhead chuckled.
"Not even with that undead banshee. Or when you found that creature....I don't even know what is was. Or when you beheaded that noble in the middle a the throne room."
Tyler looked at Aiko.
"Hajime's biggest weakness is he is TOO KINDHEARTED. Guy is an absolutel badass.....UNTIL you get one a those girls as a hostage. Then he freezes like a bug in ice. Threaten YUE, and he goes full board."
The teacher just looked at this kid younger then her own students now giving her a lecture on how the man she feared and care for most was TOO KINDHEARTED. Tyler chuckled as his perspective blew her mind.
"So to answer your question, Aiko? I dunno if we'll be able to go back. I sure as hell ain't. If you really wanna find out, ask Mylissia."
She nodded.
"Yeah. I...I will."
Her voice had a faraway tone as she foudn herself considering Tyler's words and Kirito whistled.
"wow, Tyler. First time I've ever heard YOU gush over a DUDE before."
"Ha. I resonated more with his character of retribution then I did yours."
"eh fair enough. He here?"
Tyler looked around at the group now before he spotted a taller boy in a black coat with snow white hair an an eyepatch.
"Ha. Yup. Thied table from the right next to the blue bunny."
The boy in question looked u and Rias whistled at the dark fire in his remaining eye.
"Damn. Okay I see why now."
The white haired boy with the eyepatch smirked as he looked the Berserker in the eye. His voice an iron clad bark.
"Not interested in autographs."
"Ha. You still got it?"
"I lost a lot of my power coming here. BUT. ALL my artifacts are at full power. And the trove is still here too."
"Nice. we're gonna have some fun here you an me."
"Keep up rookie."
"That's MY line newbie. Oh."
Tyler looked at the tall girl with blakc hair in a kimono sipping some wine from a glass.
"Hey Tio, question."
The girl smiled into a fan as she spoke in a soft b reath.
"Oh dear. You know me as well?"
"Yeah. Watch the masochasim aroudnt eh kids or we're gonna have some problems. And there ARE dragons in this world. I have not encountered any of them, so keep your head on a swivel."
She nodded.
"I am aware of their existence. And shall inform you if they approach."
"Good. wendy."
The blue haired girl stood.
"Wendy is a dragonslayer. In HER WORLD, THAT is her magic."
Tio was quite impressed by this knowledge.
"Oh my."
Asuna frowned as she picked up on something.
"Tyler? You said masochism."
"Yeaaaah that girl is a MESS. Liek a MAJOR MESS. ALL her life she was the strongest in the room. She picks a fight with Hajime...and gets beaten black and blue. She's a dragonborn....and can transform into a dragon. Are you with me so far?"
"I am. And damn."
"Oh yeah. Well. In her dragonform she has but ONE PHYSICAL weakness. Annnd it's the only place of two on her body that doesn't have scales. I think the term is shiskabob."
A fair few shuddered at the implications and tyler nodded.
"exactly. Well. Since too much stimulation too fast...she developed a pain fetish. And my GOD is it bad. Keep her AWAY from the kids and the younger until we've had a chance to get some therapy into that chick."
"Yeeeah Yue is NOT going near her."
The blonde sitting beside Hajime looked over now and spoke in a soft, yet mature voice that carried across the entire room.
"MY name is Yue."
Tyler smiled.
"Yue? where you at?"
The tiny pixie appeared from his chest with Metalica and a pop.
"Here! Hiya!"
Tyler chuckled as the tiny girl fluttered by his face.
"This is Yue. Asuna and Kirito's adoptive daughter. She's a pixie and lives inside my soul."
Yue waved and a fair few smiled at her cuteness.
"Hiya! Nice to meet everyone!"
Asuna smiled.
"You've actually been pronoucing it wrong Tyler. It's U-E. Not U-A."
"Huh. well that makes tellin em apart easy."
Yui giggled and Tyler next nodded to Metalica.
"Now THIS is Metalicana. The IRON SPRITE. She is an elemental of iron and my Astral. She lives inside my soul and is one of go tos for questions."
Yue nodded and returned to her snuggle with Hajime. Tyler chuckled at that as he looked at Yui.
"Keep away from that girl in the kimono Yui."
"Hm? oh the dragonlady? Sure. Her soul is a mess. I'll go hang out in Seria's soul."
Metalica laughed.
"NOT without ME you're not! I LOVE ehr soul!"
The two winked out of sight and Tyler chuckled.
"Those two are a handful."
Asuna nodded with a fond smile as Hajime looked at him.
"So, what's the gold doing there?"
"Oh yeah that's right."
Tyler refocused on the INTIAL reason they'd gathered in the first place.
"We made 200,000,000 off that fight with the giant. HALF is getting added to the Bloodoath. The rest is getting split between all a us."
They blinked and some smiled. Tyler looked at Belfast and she came over with the paper.
"100,000,000 has been added to the funds. The actual split is a bit of a bitch."
"I got it. Okay. We're....476. 100,000,00 by that is....210,084 16 coins left over we'll add to party."
Erwin blinked.
"How the hell did you do that in your head?"
"Math an I hate each other."
The shares were taken and Tyler smiled as he added up the new numbers.
"I now have 641,188. Bloodoath has.....105,988,653. Oh. Party coin is company secret."
They nodded and Erwin looked at him.
"Are there any other company secrets we need know now?"
Tyler frowned and looked at Asuna.
"There's my ability."
She nodded.
"even it's an OPEN secret."
Tyler looked at Erwin.
"My ability. Dark Sacralant."
"You used it to slice the leg off the giant?"
"That's it's FAILED use second effect. It's INTENDED effect, is I CUT YOUR SOUL IN HALF. Like I can kill you, no matter what armor or enchantement you are using. The ability is exclusive to the Slayer Proficency. with it, I can kill a god in a single hit so long as my ability is leveled properly. Hestia."
The goddess stood and Tyler smiled.
"Hestia is an ACTUAL goddess in human form. If I were to hit her with the ability, it would not only do damage to her MORTAL SOUL, but her IMMORTAL soul as well. I have had a NATURE SPIRIT tell em to my face I scare her. People just think it's an ultimate cut."
Hajime frowned.
"So...let me get this straight. YOU got a GODKILLER ability handed to you on a plate?"
"eh pretty much. It's INTENDED for demons. But WORKS o gods."
"HA. MY Proficency is MAgical Artisian."
"Oh good. We need mroe craftsmen to be honest. Your GUNS though."
Hestia chuckled.
"HIS style are allowed. ON LAND. everyone else it's either aboard ship or in the air."
"Thanks Hestia."
Hajime looked at him.
"Some worlds have rules on weaponry like that."
"Ah. Stieff?"
Hestia chuckled.
"Allowed. Same with Brise. Since they're kinda exclusive to you. And fi yuo think can make them to the EXACT SPECIFICATIONS, go for it."
Tyler smirked.
"Hajime. WE need to chat."
"flaming motorcycle?"
"Nah. A TANK that fires molten fireballs."
"I like it. we will talk."
Tyler chuckled at that one before he looked at the bunny with the blue fur.
"Hey Shea."
She stood up all smiles.
"You still got future sight?"
The VERY pretty bunnygirl tilted her head thoughtfully.
"Um, yeah. It's a second ability I have with my Proficency of Unseen Oracle."
"Cool. You're a stealthy seer. I'll have you work with Sora. He;s got a similar trick only his is like looking through a keyhole. YOURS is triggered when you're about to die."
Shea blinked.
Tyler smirked and she JUMPED TO THE SIDE....and nothing happened.
She looked at him trembling.
"I just SAW YOU hit me with a KNIFE from there and it killed me!"
"It's an easy trick to master."
"Ha. Relax Hopps,"
"Hey jackass."
Tyler looked over at Rias,
And she slugged him.
"NO bullying the adorable bunnygirl!"
he chuckled as he rubbed hus face.
"Sure thing Rias. Shea's one TOUGH bunny though."
"Yeet she's wearing bikini armor?"
"That's more her PEOPLE'S FAULT then hers. Literal bunnies made into people."
"Yeah Shea's been there a few times. She's one a the few bunnygirls that is NOTa just there for fanservice. PURE melee though with a MASSIVE warhammer amplified with shotgun shells."
Shea smiled as she sat back down.
"Nice again!"
Tyler chuckled at her squeaky yet kind voice. Then he looked at them.
"Anyone else have any questions?"
A tall boy with brown hair in shiny golden armor stepped up now. He was Tyler's height with broad shoulders and blue eyes. He spoke in a firm yet tenored voice.
"My name is Kouki Awamanogwia. I have a question for you, Berserker."
Tyler looked at him curiously.
"Spit it out."
"HOW many people have you killed?"
Tyler tilted his head at the odd question...and Strand smiled.
"Yes there IS a Besteiry."
"Thanks Strand."
He pulled his Status Plate and found the list of slain monsters.
"Goblins....orcs........Ah. People is listed 2,535. Huh. Yea. 2,535."
Kouki had a look of horror on his face at the high number.
"You just said you're not ALLOWED to deal out death penalties...yet you have killed that many people?"
Tyler nodded.
"Yup. Passing judgement is different then fighting bandits on the street ."
"HOW so?"
"Cause. You lift a sword against me you're dead before you hit the ground."
"Are there no jails? No FAIR TRIALS?"
"Ugh. Okay. I'll just get this out of the way."
The Berserker leaned on a table.
"Soo, following your method, Kouki, killing is wrong, right?"
He nodded.
"It is. Murder is ALWAYS wrong."
"Okay. Keep that in mind. So. You're at home, with say your family. Nice folks. Never hurt anybody. Your mother, sisters, and we'll father too for this lesson. Suddenly, a group of hooded thgus kick in your front door, kill your father and take your mother and sisters hostage. They don't know you're there and they have the rest of your family tied up and are about to RAPE THEM BEFORE YOUR EYES. There is a GUN loaded with enough bullets to kill them. And a phone. You THINK it's fully charged. Which do you choose?"
Kouki's answer was on reflex.
"The phone. I'd call the cops."
"Ehhh, wrong. The phone is DEAD. No charge. And in so doing, alerted the invaders of your prsence. They find you, and the gun. Congrads. One of your sisters was just raped in front of your very eyes. And you had allll the power in the world to stop in that gun. Okay. Try again. They tie you up as they finish up inside your sister and as she screams, your OTHER sister passes you a knife. You can use it to cut either HER TIES, or YOURS. Which do you choose?"
Kouki was shaking in rage at the images as he again answered on reflex.
"I'd cut hers. She could run."
"ehhh wrong. Yu cut hers...and she freezes. How could she leave you to run for her life? She;s only 6 years old you see. The men come back...find she escape with a knife...and now it's her turn to be raped as your other sister BLEEDS TO DEATH FROM ER INJURIES. Your younger sister's screams are QUITE piercing as she is BEGGING YOU TO SAVE HER. You find the cuffs are cracked and you break them. You are free and have AGAIN the element of surprise. You see the loaded gun on rhe table BEHIND THE RAPING YOUR SISTER MEN. Your sister sees you and is BEGGING YOU to save her. What do yuo choose?"
Kouki was shaking even more violently as he fought with the choice and Tyler smiled.
"Ehhh too late. The men finish inside your sister and she too, bleeds to death from her injuries. They find you, frozen in fear with the gun on the table. They laugh, and now it's YOUR turn on the table and they're inside YOUR ass. Your mother is beside you also with like three guys inside her and she looks you in the eye...and asks WHY DID YOU HESITATE? well Kouki? WHY DID YOU HESITATE?"
Kouki had tears of helpless rage on his face as his mind fought with itself to come uo with an answer. Tyler walked over, and patted him with a smirk.
"And THAT, Kouki, is why you will NEVER be a hero to those that need one. YOU ARE A COWARD. Now turn around, take your seat, and stop pretending to be a knight in shining armor."
Tyler turned the silently weeping boy and pushed him to the empty chair. Kouki retook it without a word as the Berserker sat on the head table.
"You're probably wondering where that scenairo came from. well. It;s mine."
A fresh wave of horror went through the silently glaring heroes. Tyler nodded.
"That happened to me. But with a difference. I didn't hesitate to grab the gun and shoot those monsters. I dropped four of em and ran outta bullets. First sister raped to death. Second was too. I got loose and found a second gun and killed the remaining three. I didn't know they had fifteen. Didn't know till I got hit with that bat. Came to, and was looking my mother in the eye as they fucked us both. She smiled and said at least I tried. And to make sure I got them next time. I did. I did get them the next time."
He looked at the heroes.
"So. Any other questions you wanna ask?"
Kouki was heard shivering as he fought with his own personal ideals and weaknesses and Tyler looked at Asuna.
"I got him. Ugh. He'dda been dead three days in in SAO."
"He'dda be a jumper."
Kouki had a new look of mentan anguish n his face from the entirely plausible yet hypothetical scenario. Tyler then smirked.
"And here's proof that shit happens HERE too. Asuna."
The redheaded second in command smiled as she played the crystal from Melody's village. Instantly a mass of gasps of horror and pity rang out at the pile of mutilated corpses imapled on stakes. Tyler sighed as he looked at them.
He snapped his fingers.
"Ten more were just wiped out and we'll never hear of them. We found them after the monsters did. If you think we can save everyone, well, that's just not possible. Will we TRY to? Nope. We'll do what we can, but we'll do it at our pace. so WE do NOT end up like THEM."
ERwin shuddered now as he saw the signs of rape and birth on the mutilated women.
"To think I am GLAD all we had are titans and that they just EAT us."
Mina shuddered as she remembered.
"In Tyler's words? TRUE monsters do that to you. And it's why it'd OUR job to scare them MORE."
Makorov had a look of utter thunder on his face as he looked at Tyler.
TYler chuckled.
"Oh they got caught alright. TRUST ME. We found the ones that did it. Right, Akeno?"
The half fallen angel giggled knowingly.
"Oh we did! They were FUN!"
More then a few shuddered at the joyful glee in Akeno's pink eyes and Tylr chuckled.
"Akeno's like WAAAAAY into Sadomasochism. She brings the pain....AND LIKES IT. she uses lightning too."
More then a few more shuddered again and Akeno giggled before Hajime refocused them.
"You still haven't explained material splitting."
The room fell silent and the recording put away. Tyler nodded.
"Using the bandit company again. The raiders that secured the camp get first claim to the weapons and armor and stuff like that. Gems and valuables are split like gold as gems are a currency in some places and can be used for magical catalysts. An important point. If I say it's for SERIA, that's IT, no further questions."
There was a few chuckles at that and Elizabeth smiled.
"If THAT is he abuses his position of leader? Hoarding gifts for his fiance? I can live with it."
Erwin chuckled.
"Is that a serious rule?"
The ENTIRE Knights company replied en mass.
"It is. He does it all the time."
The women chuckled and the men smiled approvingly before Tyler moved on.
"Now. Material like ore and crafting materials. If you mined it yourself on a break or say in a campsite, depending on the type, it's yours to claim. If you find material of vaule, I ask you check in with the leaders and Metalica in case it can be better used for the company. MAss supplies of 100 pounds or more are split between individual and company as we make a lot of stuff on the road and it costs less if you bring you're own material. If you find ANYTHING, report it to Belfast or her assistants for the company records. That way if anything goes missing we can say it existed in the first place."
They nodded and Tyler switched to the next item.
"Now. Potions and healing. EVERYTHINF of healing you find, from herbs and potions to spells and tonics are hoarded and divvied to the experts. Healing is company wide and hoarded to the extreme. That said, EVERYONE will get their own set of healing spells and potions to make ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN we have enough. You will also be given a full complement of spells mirroring our own arsenals to also ensure no gaps in the line. Afterwards, any new spells, perks, abilities and the like you aquire are to be reported to the leaders along with how, when, where, and everything else you know about getting it. The same when you level up. ALL Skills numbers are to be reported to the leaders. And they are a party secret except for mine."
Erwin smirked at that.
"The Bait."
"Exactly. I have a VERY good flair for the flashy show. So, we use it. Long as they're looking at ME, they DON'T SEE YOU."
The leaders in the rookies smirked at the setup and TYlr moved to the next bit of intel.
"Now. Keep this in your pocket. But the Draken have made their OWN summing of heroes as well."
They gasped and Tyler nodded gravely.
"And this is MY hunch going off the intel we got from the prisoners we took, but they are the assholes and adversaires from ALL OF YOUR WORLDS."
Erwin frowned.
"Even the dead members?"
"Sachi was killed in her world and she's here. I see a few people I know for CERTAIN are supposed to be dead and yet are here. So yes."
Elizabeth looked at him with a frown.
"And just WHO is supposed to be dead?"
TYler jabbed a thumb at a tall, lanky boy with sandy hair by Erwin.
"HIM for one. He got eaten alive by 25 foot tall giants. Sachi and her crew there for others. Since we're all from different worlds, it's not THAT much of a stretch."
There as a mass sigh and Tyler refocused.
"So there is a chance we'll encounter enemy heroes as well. But. According to the intel we have on them from the same captured Draken, their highest level is level TEN. And I am a level 15. We have heard this from the mouths of five different Draken. I am under the impression it's a race wide misdirection and missinformation strategy, but for the time being that doesn't really concern us. They're out there. But not cose enough to really bother us yet."
Erwin nodded.
"Be mindful of our enemies. Now you did not finish answering my crimes question."
"Ah. The theft piece."
Tyler shrugged.
"I can handle THAT much for punishments. If we find a thief I'll bust out a few more of my tricks. And it'll either be hard work, hurt like HELL, be UTTERLY HUMILIATING, or some combo of the bunch. Dunno. Depends on how I feel at the time."
Makorov looked at him.
"Infighting ike say a personal spat?"
Tyler chuckled.
"NO airing out your dirty laundry on mission or in public. If you're gonna have a lover's spat....DO IT IN CAMP OR BEHIND A DOOR. Annnywhere else....and ya get SMACKED. Right Rias?"
The redhead chuckled.
"He WILL knock you the fuck out if you start something like that at the wrong time. TRUST me."
Ryuko smirked.
"Grudge matches?"
"CAMP away from everyone else. YOUR drama will not make a mess of OUR camp. We clear?"
"Yeah, yeah."
TYler smirked.
"Or WE'LL have a grudge match.....with unprotected swords."
Ryuko noded now with a SLIGHT hint of nerves and Satsuki nodded as well with a sigh. Tyler then looked at the rest of the group seeking any missed holes as Elizabeth had one.
"Upgrades for our equipment?"
Tyler smiled.
"On an individual level, if you say gt a fresh sword, you pay for it yourself. If we go for a span in the wilds and everyone levels up to the point their old gear is underleveled, the company coin is used. If you DO buy a new sword and it's being forged let th leaders know so we can make sure you get it. LAst thing we need is you to buy a sword and we leave before it's ready."
The rookies fell silent as they digested the mass amount of information thrown at them and Tyler smiled.
"If you have any other questions, thoughts, concerns the leaders aren't that hard to find. The rest of the day is yours and remember the grinding. we'll be handing out rally whistles to you soon so keep them on you at all times as they're used for muster."
They nodded and Tyler cracked his neck.
"I'll go pick another fight."
The Knights chuckled at that as the Berserker hopped down and headed for the door. He left and Erwin looked at Asuna as the door shut.
"So he comes from a horror filled past."
Belfast answered in her place.
"His past is filled with tragedy, evil, and war. Which is where his Berserker rage comes from."
Erwin frowned.
"Does he have a secure grip on his rages?"
Rias chuckled.
"THAT depends on how much you piss em off. The more you piss him off, the shakier it gets. He goes in TOO DEEP, only SERIA can calm him down. And if you stand between him and whatever it is that pissed him off to THAT DEGREE, he'd cut you down and not even notice. Have you noticed his eyes turning red?"
Elizabeth nodded.
"I have."
Rias smiled humorlessly.
"So long as there is brown and white still visible, he is in control. If you should EVER, look in his eyes and see nothing but red, GET OUT OF HIS WAY. For all he can see, is that which pissed him off...and red. THAT'S IT."
Erwin looked at her now as a new wave of frowns was seen.
"How extreme is it when he goes into it?"
"He nearly cut me in half."
That revelation made them all frown hard and Makorov looked at the busty redhead in concern.
"And what does it take for him to go into that kind of rage?"
Belfast sighed.
"Nerve-rackingly little MAster Makorov. The ONE TIME we saw this rage in it's entirety was when Tyler lost a bout with a knight from the RULES, NOT THE FIGHT itself. In a REAL FIGHT, he would have won. But. The winner was determined by first HIT. My theory is he had a flashback to other just injustice and it set him off. He NEARLY killed the knight, Victoria our trainer, RIAS, and myself as we stood there trying to calm him down. Then the Lady Seria spoke and he reacted on reflex. She asked him to lower his sword and it was like he got ice water dumped on him. He was midswing against Rias as well."
Elizabeth smiled.
"So his beloved fiance ws able to calm the savage beast within him. I love the romance of that. Yet the rest is extremely troubling. And it has only surfaced the one time, Belfast?"
She nodded.
"Indeed. We are all on watch with a secret spell Seria gave to us he dos not know about in the event he DOES go into the rage. It will allow her to contact him directly in a feelable image."
They nodded and Asuna smiled.
"It is a backup plan. Nothing more. Odds are he knows we have it too. The fact he sees her nearly every day from his own spell helps him keep it caged. Just gods help us if she ever gets so much as a SCRATCH from an enemy, Cuase them he'd fly into a rage the likes of which is simply TERRIFYING to imagine."

Tyler walked into the throne room whistling a merry tuen and smiled as he saw Seria on her throne. The princess smiled happily as he hugged her.
"Heading back to the coliseum?"
He kissed her.
"I was gonna. But ya know what? Let's take off."
Mylissia just chuckled as the pair walked out.
"And there goes any chance of her doing ANY actual work."
Seria was all smiles as they headed to their chambers.
"Soooo, fool around?"
He kissed her.
"What'd the mistress think of your new trick?"
"She wants to fuck you now. See what OTHER tricks you have. I told her nope! ALL for me!"
They returned to their chamber and the pair stripped down for a dip in the pool. Seria snuggled right up beside him and he kissed her lovingly as they relaxed. The blue haired princess smiling happily as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"Are there any heroes I should be aware of in the new wave?"
"Guy's name is Kouki and was in the really shiny armor. His proficency is hero."
"I think I saw him. His problem?"
"IS absolutely convinced of his own righteousness to the point he becomes paralyzed by ANYTHING so much as POKES at it."
He told the tale of his story and she sighed when the princess heard of Kouki's freezing.
"I see. I will make sure he does not think he has a shot. And WHY am I just finding out about your past, Tyler?"
"I found these demons off years ago. They'll rear their heads now an then but this are things I'm used to dealing with."
Seria smiled.
"You made your peace?"
"eh kinda. I got my revenge. Now it's just ghosts."
"Fair enough. I am here."
"I love you too."
"Any other potential issues?"
"Hmm. Problems? Satuski and Ryuko. They're firecrackers that LOVE getting into all out shitfights with each other."
"They're good people...just REALLY freakin intense. Satuski is more intimidating then Mylissia when pissed."
"YIKES. Thorns?"
"I saw a pair a guys I'mma need to keep an eye on. Reina and Bertholt. In their world....they BETRAYED humanity. Not once....but THREE times."
"Mother will be informed."
"So will the Leaders. Sides from that? eh just some drama between more an a few o the new idiots. Some old grudges, old pissing contests, crushes on people they REALLY shouldn't be crushing on, the usual."
"I heard of Leafa."
"Kirito's younger sister."
Seria ndded.
"AND of how CRUEL you were to her when you told her off."
"I learned a lot from Rias. And Asuna had a similar problem with Kirito."
"I see. And am NOT really surprised given you're own extremes. ANY potential?"
He smiled.
"NO. a few I feel really, REALLY bad for, like Zerotwo for example. In her world, she's a pariah. EVERYONE, including the guy that says he's in love with her, is TERRIFIED of her. JUST because she's not entirely human. Even if she's one of the warmer people you could meet and one of the most TORTURED souls I have ever met."
"You REALLY feel bad for her."
"She was UTTERLY alone her ENTIRE life. I get what that's like."
Seria smirked now.
"AND Hajime?"
He smirked as well.
"HE is the guy I take after."
"Ha. Should I be interested?"
"You got no shot toots."
"Yeah he's already got himself a girl. Her name's Yue and is that blonde girl with the red eyes."
"She is so CUTE!"
"She's over 300 years old and a pure vampire."
"wow. still super cute."
"Wait'll you meet Myu."
Seria looked at him.
"Their mermaid adopted daughter. She, and this is coming from me, is CUTER then ALL OF THE CUTIES YOU'VE MET THUS FAR including Asia, COMBINED."
"I will prove it as soon as I find her."
"You freakin better!"
He kissed her ad the pact was made. Then he smiled.
"Most'll be fine. You know if more will be summoned or not?"
She shrugged.
"eh most likely. But it won't be for a while. The worlds need a chance to recover before we can open the doors again."
He kissed her again and the pair snuggled in the heated section of the pool for a while before Seria yawned. Tyler smiled as he carried her to the bed and tucked her in. The blue haired princess smiled.
"I'll be there to watch."
He kissed her lovingly.
"I'll be sure to put on a show for you. My WIFE."
She giggled happily.
"I love you too, my husband."
Tyler got dressed and walked out as Jerial went in.
"She's warm and it's her time for her lessons."
The Berserker headed to the coliseum and the attendant smirked as he looked at the board.
"NO bets."
He chuckled at that one as he spotted a bill for a goblin mass. 150 creatures and the payout was 90,000. He took it and the attendant chuckled.
"Try NOT to get killed in there. The payout would be astranomical."
Tyler chuckled as he walked into the arena and sure enough, Seria was in her box in a clean gown of blue. he waved and she waved back with a smile. She's either got a teleport or that's a hologram. The cages of the squealing creatures were hauled up and Tyler drew his greatsword.
"For you, Seria."
The creatures rushed him like a green flood and Tyler smirked as he met them headon. The rodent like creatures died in droves with heads and torsos flying through the air as the Berserker had his fun. Tyler had a wild smile on his face as he tore through the goblins with near impunity.
His sword glowed neon blue and when he spun his circle the result was whirling blades being flung from the blade that splattered the screeching things before he rushed from a foot into a uppercut slash on four. The fight ended with the last goblin being stomped to death and Tyler looked at his Status Plate.
"Halfway to 16....and a perk. I knew it."
He looked at the description as the crowds went wild for the newest victory. Monster Bane. Increases Strength, Defense, Agility, Dexterity, Vitality, and Stamina by 100. Awarded for slaying 500 monsters. I'll give the news to Asuna. He looked up into the stands and spotted his second in command easily enough with a fiar few of the rookies. Asuna smiled as he swung up.
"Sora right?"
"Yup. 500 montser kills nets you Monster bane. Increases physical attributes by 100."
"Nice. And very easy to get. I'll give the order."
Tyler swung down to the collection booth and got his 90,000. Then he returned to the board as Kirito went in with a squad of rookies for a brawl with some trolls. Tyler smiled.
"NO bets. On the BLOODOATH."
The Berserker chuckled at that as he saw a bill for a hobgoblin clan. 75 ten foot tall beasts. Payout was 50,000. he took it and the attendant nodded. So Tyler went to watch Kirito's bout with Seria. The princess smiled as he sat beside her.
"Another win for the Berserker."
He kissed her and she smiled.
"I have a teleport."
"I knew it."
She giggled at that as they looked to Kirito's fight. Tyler spotting Erwin, Makorov and a few others from Bell's friends backing him.
"This'll be over quick."
The brawl was over quick with the level 1 warriors reaching level two fro the higher level monsters. Tyler dropped to the floor for his brawl and Kirito smiled as he passed him.
"We'll take on that orc mob after. 150."
"Swap out for level ones."
"Alrrady am. ten this time. EVERY Elite is doing this."
The Berserker took his place at the ready as the clan of hobgoblins came surging from their cages. Tyler rushed them with his sword arcing and every stroke cleaving one to two in half while he dashed by. He tore out of the clan and pivoted on a foot to dive back in. The fight ended when eh reemerged. The Berserker smiled as he swung the green blood off his sword and looked at his plate.
"Hm. On the cusp. One more good run and I'll level up."
He hung his sword on his back and Seria's soft voice was heard.
He smiled at this.
"As you wish."
He returned to her side as Bell came in with his own crew and Seria rested her head on his shoulder.
"No more then four battles per day in the arena, Love. I do not want to see you hurt in there."
He held her warmly.
"Alright, Seria. I love you."
"I love you too, Tyler."
Bell and his party's opponents were some forest wolves and Tyler chuckled as the screeching raptors attacked.
"You'd think he'd be tired of fighting them things after Drikin."
The white haired kid smiled as he led his squad against the thirty claw strong pack with a clean victory in under 5 minutes. He looked at his plate.
"Nearly to 14. Alright."
His squad reached level 2 and Tyler nodded.
"Good. Once they hit level 5 they'll be allowed to do single fights without an elite present."
Seria smiled as Bell walked out and GAsper walked in with his own group of rookies.
"And we all know you'll never LET them get close to your level."
He chuckled at that distinct possibility.
"well. I won't HAND IT TO THEM, but they'll be able to catch up."
He kissed her and she rested her long head on his shoulder as Gasper's opponent of a group of forest ogres were seen. The fat pigs on two legs were each 10 feet tall and wielding large clubs. Tyler chuckled as he saw this.
"Atta boy, Gaspy. Show em what your fangs can do."
Gasper led his warriors to victory against the larger opponents with a fair few taking hits and serious wounds but for their healer to prove her worth. Tyler smiled as he recognized Riveria of Loki as the healer.
"Good pick for a healer, Gaspy."
Seria smirked.
"Ha. I'm like 99% sure she's a lesbian."
He kissed her.
"All better!"
He just chuckled at that cuteness as GAsper looked at his plate.
"Yes! Level TEN baby!"
Tyler clapped with a wide smile on his face.
"Atta boy, Gaspy! He just jumped two full levels there. HEY. Your crew?"
It was then revealed they had all reached level three with Riveria making four from her extra work of healing the party. Tyler smiled.
"well done, Gasper. VERY well done. Thus far? YOU have the highest level jump with the rookies."
Gasper merely smiled.
"we're not done yet."
"Good man. Get back to it."
Gasper walked out and Rias came strutting into view with 15 warriors behind her. Tyler's sharp eyes picking out Jibril, Ryu, Izo, and Elizabeth among their number and he chuckled.
"Rias is gonna make them look stupid."
The cages rose and inside them was a pack of fifteen chimeras the size of semis. Tyler whistled at this task.
"Chimeras are immune to magic as a WHOLE. She knows this. The fuck you playin at, Rias?"
The gates opened and Rias glowed red as she channeled her immense mana.
"Diaboical REBUFF."
The chimeras glowed before they all tripped from the dark confusion that also weakened their claws and mental acuteness. Tyler chuckled as her squad were awarded VERY easy kills with Rias getting a mass of experience from the debuff teamwork.
"THAT'S why. I forgot she had that ability."
Seria smiled.
"How is she?"
"Happier. We're keeping it under wraps for the time being since te new heroes would just bitch. And I want to make sure the fact they have no shot sinks in properly."
"Good. I wanna snuggle."
"Ha. she knows."
Rias waved.
"I just hit level 12."
"Ha. She's a captain for a reason. THEIR levels?"
"3. HAlfway to four."
"The cap for lone raiding is 5."
She walked out and in walked Asuna with a 20 man squad. Tyler chuckled as he saw this.
"Oh this oughta be inneresting."
Her set of cages rose from the ground and inside was a mass of undead humans. The Berserker blinked at this.
"Undead? Huh. And I don't see any holy mages in her squad. weird choice Asuna."
The 200 or so undead undead zombies shambled towards the heroes and Asuna led them on a frontal assault with their weapons dealing heart piercers left, right, and center. Tyler shrugged as the battle ended in a mere ten minutes.
"Makes sense. Asuna."
She smiled.
"I just reached level 10. All of mine hit level 2 and are on the cusp of three."
"Keep at it."
"Will do. We're doing two full circuits with the rookies before we REALLY let them off the hook."
Tyler chuckled at that one as she took her squad.
"Ha. That's why she's second in command. Girl works like a horse."
Seria smiled as they watched the hero's training bouts.
"Careful. You'll clean out their stores of opponents."
"When do they get new stock?"
"eh once a month they get a shipment of several million creatures. Bandits arrive every day."
"And the last?"
"Was last month. They're actually due for another one soon."
"Oh. Cool. Clean em out."
She chuckled at that one. The fights continued with rookies gaining levels by the bucket. Though Tyler smirked as Kouki came in with Mina's rookie squad.
"THAT'S Kouki."
Seria nodded as a mass of 200 bandits rose from the ground and Mina had only brought 10 warriors.
"This will be very interesting."
TYler nodded as he ooked at Mina and she smiled.
"She has a plan."
The cages opened and Mina led her warriors into the frey with her katana slashing everything that moved. The bandits fell like chaff to a reaper....while Kouki struggled with a mere three. The men realizing his mental quagmire and pressed the advantage. Tyler sighed as Kouki took nurmerous wounds even though he was far stronger then the bandits and yet REFUSED to so much as CUT them. Mina and her remaining warriors cut the other bandits to shreds and looked to see Kouki STILL in dire straits with the three. The crowds also saw this and the jeers and boos started nearly instantly as the boy in the shiny white armor was now just standing there as the bandits laughed at him. Tyler rose now and the crowd went silent as the Berserker took a spot by the edge of the box.
"well, Kouki? Ya gonna just stand there?"
The bandits, well aware they were not getting out alive, also started egging the coward on. Mina and her warriors surrounded the boy and his opponents in a ring and Kouki was visibly shaking as his mind was just NOT big enough to make a decision. Tyler smiled.
"We're not going anywhre Kouki until you kill them. We got nowhere better to be. You WILL get this through your head even if I have to FORCE you to. Kill them. Be a MAN for once in your easy life."
Kouki swung his sword....and the boos and jeers tripled when he stopped midswing for the standing still bandit's chest. The man laughed and slapped the kid in the face.
"Come on ya wee welp! Me heart's over here! and you're supposed to be a hero? PATHETIC."
Kouki threw up. He LITERALLY emptied his guy on the sand at the thought of killing them and he dropped to his knees as he just couldn't do it. Tyler chuckled at this as the boy buckled.
He swung down to the ring and the bandits chuckled.
"Nothing personal."
"Yeah we know what you're doing."
"Weird form of honoring it be, aiding in the hero's training. Go on. We already made our peace."
Tyler grabbed Kouki by the back of the neck and dragged him to his feet as he had tears of humilated RAGE on his face as he saw Tyler take his sword.....and put it in his hand.
"wait what are you doing?"
Tyler smiled as he forced Kouki to hold his sword.
"Something your previous teachers didn't have the BALLS to do. I told you. I will FORCE you to grow up."
Kouki gasped in horror as Tyler forced his body to move with well placed knees and he made his arm lift.
"What is WRONG with you? Murder is WRONG! This is WRONG! I am not a MURDERER! Lemee go! LET ME GO!"
Kouki thrashed and fought with all his strength to escape Tyler's grasp but to no avail. The Berserker then brought Kouki's arm down and slashed the first bandit's head clean off. Kouki had a new look of utter horror as the man's blood splashed on his armor.
"No. I didn't want this. I DIDN'T WANT THIS! THERE WAS A BETTER WAY!"
The second bandit came over chuckling.
"oddly enough? Me captain did the same thing to ME when i got me balls. HAppy to help."
"Ha. This is a WEIRD world mah man."
"Aww but the best!"
"No arguements here!"
The sword was forced into the man's heart with a stab and Kouki looked like he was about to faint.
"Oh. Nope. Healing Touch. You're not clocking out that easily. Sorry buddy. This one's gonna hurt."
The last bandit chuckled.
"I figured. I do not blame you, Berserker. Every boy needs to grow up some time."
The sword flashed and the man screamed louder then he needed to from the nonlethal cut and Kouki was still thrashing as the sword was swung again and again.
"Stop! Please stop! Let me go! I AM NOT A MURDERER! SOMEONE STOP HIM!"
Mina sighed as the guy was BAWLING like a CHILD now as Tyler forced him to slash the badit to ribbons until he died.
"wow. THAT guy is HELPLESS."
The bandit died of bloodloss and Tyler tossed Kouki aside like a sack of potatoes.
"Alright. Same thing tomorrow, Mina. He'll either break and do this himself, or all he'll know is the screaming. NO payment for him."
"Absolutely not. We'll hit this again."
Tyler dusted his coat off as Kouki curled into a ball trembling from the knowledge he'd been forced to kill.
"If you want the screams to stop, be a man. Otherwise enjoy your new music."
The Berserker left him in his puddle to return to Seria. The princess smiled.
"evil. Yet completely nessecary."
TYler nodded as the cleaners went to remove Kouki....
"Leave him. He is NOT permitted to leave this Arena until he kills a bandit in a fight. And anything that happens to him is ON HIM for just standing there as his comrades needed him. Begin the next fight!"
The men nodded and Kouki was left in the arena as Belfast walked in with her squad. Her squad including more people from Wendy's guild, some girls with nervous expressions and tentative grasps on their weapons and Tyler blinked as he saw their faces.
"Miho Nizihumi? Hana? Saori? MAKO? AKIYAMA? What the hell are THEY doing here? This world is WAAAAAY too dark for them!"
Seria looked at him.
"You know them?"
"Yeah. YOU would LOVE that orange haired cutie and her friends. Okay. Belfast."
The silver haired lady smiled.
"Do not fear. I have them."
"They are mere highschool girls, Belfast. They have NEVER seen TRUE danger before. EVER."
"I am aware."
Tyler nodded as he walked to the edge to keep a very close eye on this bout. Seria saw this.
"They mean something to you."
"Meet them. EASIEST way to explain. Miho has potential for being a captain in my force though. And her skills with maps is extreme. Actually. Huh."
He smiled and the 5 girls gulped.
"I know what I'll do with them. Miho wil train with Strand to become a ranger, Saori will join Yoshkia's cooks as she's good at it, Hana will join Strand due her skill with flowers, Mako....hmm. She's a good scout and so isn't Akyama. eh I'll give em to Strand. Alright. Let's see what you're up against."
The cages rose from the ground and Tyler chuckled at the sight of numerous balls of living slime inside them.
"Classic basic mob. Poke em and they pop."
The girls were then instructed by Belfast how to properly pop a mass of slime filled water balloons and they smiled with relief when it worked. Once the fight ended Tyler swung down to them and they instantly started shaking as he landed. The Berserker smiled as he walked up.
"Nice to meet the Goosefish crew."
They relaxed nearly INSTANTLY at that and Miho perked up. She was a cutie with short cut orange hair and fair skin. Her frame was slender while her bust was large in her black track jacket. Her eyes were sparkling rust colored and she had a white miniskirt and boots on. Her voice was a happy squeaky chirp.
"Nice to meet you, Sir. I'm Miho Nizihumi. You are a fan?"
He patted her with a smile...making her blush HARD.
"absolutely. Girls cute as you riding tanks for FUN? Sign me up please. I'm Tyler."
Miho smiled around her shy blush.
"Um...thanks. Sooo Ranger?"
"Yup. You'll be trained on the wilds like Strand and her sister Dryft were. Since you're so freakin good with maps, it'd be a boost for ya. What's your Proficency?"
She looked at her plate wide eyed now.
"seriously. 125 people and we didn't get a SINGLE navigator. ugh. NOW we have THREE. whatever."
He rubbed his eyes tiredly and Miho gulped.
"Is it BAD?"
"Oh no. we got stranded for a day cause a soma the thickest fog you have ever seen. Yet navigators can find their way in the DARK without A MAP. They're REALLY freakin useful."
He chuckled.
"cute. Oh. seria wants to meet you guys."
They gasped at the idea of meeting an actual princess and the blue haired beauty smiled.
"my fiance seems QUITE interested in you five. I would know the reason why."
One of Miho's friends giggled.
"Uh-oh! I smell a triangle Miporin!"
Tyler busted up laughing at THAT set up!
"Sorry Saori. You'll all a little TOO much kid sisters for me. appreciated though."
she smiled. OBVIOUSLY the more self-confident and outgoing member. She was half a head taller then Miho, who barely reached Tyler's chest with long lovely red hair and bright amber eyes. Her skin was fair and she was quite buxom with a large bust in her black track jacket. Her frame was slender and she had a spear on her back as she spoke in a warm and friendly tone.
"So are you a PRINCE, sir Tyler?"
"Nope. I AM the Queen's champion though."
"wow! It's like a fairytale!"
"With a horror story's main monster. You do know right?"
Saori smiled disarmingly now.
"I know. The PRINCESS is YOUR fiance! Like any good knight in a story!"
"Ha. She is going to LOVE you."
She smiled with a slight nervousness at meeting the princess before remembering something.
"Sooo I'll join the cooks?"
"Till we get you trained up properly. Yoshkia'll look after you."
"She nice?"
"Oh very. She's a level 12. So one a my elites."
"WOW. which one was she?"
Tyler thought for a moment.
"Hmmm, Miho's height in the black tanktop and tight pants, hazel eyes, slender with a large staff tipped with a diamond. and messy brown hair like she has fox ears."
Saori smiled.
"Oh I know her! She's SOOOO SWEET! And a witch right?"
"Yup. Funny enough? when she started out?"
He jabbed a thumb at Miho.
"She was just as scared as Miho!"
"Hey! wait...WHAT?"
"Yeah. You don't think people are BORN that tough do ya? ya gotta WORK at it."
They sighed with relief and the taller girl in the group smiled warmly. She was quite the elegant beauty in her own quiet right with long, slily smooth black hair that dropped to her hips and gentle brown eyes. Her frame was slender and she had warm features and a large bust in her track jacket. She spoke in a soft, yet kind voice.
"I am relieved we are not useless, Sir Tyler. We have never done anything like this before. I am Hana. A pleasure."
Tyler chuckled at the only girl of the five able to look him in the eye without tilting her head.
"Same here, Hana. NO ONE in my crew is useless, aside from Kouki. You're inexperienced and new. I get this. Which is why I'll try to keep you out of combat until you are sure of yourselves and aquire the right attitude. I'll be perfectly honest with you. ALL FIVE OF YOU HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING HERE. You're too kind, too gentle, and FAR too nice to be thrown to wolves like this. That said? we'll look after you until you're tougher an HER."
He jabbed a thumb at a smiling warmly Belfast and the girls smiled in relief. Hana bowed a little at this.
"we will assist as best we can. And we GREATLY appreciate your help."
"I look after my own, Hana. You'll join Strand's Ranger training since your skill with flowers and plants already have you moving in the right direction. she's tough, but fair."
"we'll work hard."
He chuckled and looked at the next girl in the line that had STARS in her eyes as she looked up at him. She was a scrappy girl with brown hair in a messy perm and lively brown eyes. She was skinny with the air of a tomboy and a modest bust on her frame. Her attire was the same track jacket and miniskirt as the rest and she spoke in a firm yet friendly tone.
"Akyama reporting sir!"
"At ease Sargent oddball."
She blushed at that as her friends giggled and Tyler chuckled.
"You're gonna have fun here, Akyama."
"Oh yeah. YOU I wanna have hang with Barkhorn. One o my enforcers. I look at YOU? and see HER before her training. And she's one the toughest chicks I know."
Akyama smiled with a new excitement.
"I'll go find her and tell her you said that sir Tyler!"
"Make SURE you mention the part about rhe toughest chick I know. Okay?"
She laughed as Belfast smiled knowingly.
"Are you perhaps attempting to FLATTER HER into NOT beating you for something?"
"More covering my ass. she's fierce!"
They laughed at that insurance s the last girl was looked at. She was a sleepy looking girl with long black hair and headband with dark grey eyes and fair skin. She was slender with a large bust and spoke in a tired rasp.
"Being awake is pain."
He chuckled and patted her.
"Healing touch."
Belfast blinked as she glowed.
"She was injured?"
"nah. Low blood pressure."
"Which is ODD since her grandma is a firecracker."
"Oh my."
Mako shivered as her low blood pressure was healed to peak preformance and she shivered.
"I feel weird."
"You'll get used to it, Mako."
She smiled. Then Tyler looked at Belfast.
"They'll need a moe slow yet steady progession into the horrors of this world."
She nodded.
"Unicorn was just as gentle. I have taken then as my assistants as well."
"OOOH smart. Hana's extremely neat and organized, Saori's good at direction, Akyama is the muscle, Mako floats, and Miho directs traffic. Ha. I'll be interested to see what they turn into. Alright. Seria'll most likely kidnap them later."
Belfast smiled as the group headed out and Tyler returned to Seria. The princess smiled warmly as he landed and he kissed her.
"So. THEY sure have your attention."
He chuckled as he sat on the throne beside her.
"Meet them. You'll understand why."
She smiled sweetly.
"I will have them attend me for a bath then."
"Ha. Poor Akyama has a new hero."
"She does indeed. Are you going to shut it down?"
"No need to. She's big on hero worship. Plus I could tell. She's just a fan of the new big man on campus. I'd be more worried about Miho getting crushed."
"She DOES seem the type. If she DOES?"
He sighed and sat back in the chair as the next group of warriors were walked in by Erza.
"Her, I think I'll diect to you. She's that kinda sweethearted."
"You really DO like them. Interesting."
He chuckled at her sweet tone before the Berserker looked to see Erza's crew included 30 rookies.
"Ha. UH-OH."
A set of cages rose from the arena floor and close to 150 different monsters ranging from chimeras and trolls, to a few orcs and goblins with hobgoblins to round out the mess. Tyler chuckled.
Seria rested her head on his shoulder as the bout started and the monsters routed by Erza's squad....then Kouki getting attacked a few times by the creatures and him displaying he DID have strength and skill by killing them without issue. Seria frowned as she saw this.
"So he DOES have strength. Yet went faced with another person he freezes."
"And it is PEOPLE we are at war with."
"exactly. His punishment is upheld."
"Ha. Cute."
She smiled proudly at this and he held her as the match ended with all but Erza leveling to 2. The fierce redhead smirked then and a SECOND round of monsters rose from the ground and her warriors all gulped. Tyler laughed at the twofer.
"There it is. I THOUGHT that was too easy for her."
This fight lasted longer then the one previous due to the heroes' exhaustion and lowering of the guard...but it still ended in a victory for Erza. Kouki seemed to regain some of his fire as he wiped his sword clean and went to leave with them....and a barrier spell prevented him from leaving. Tyler smiled.
"YOU haven't killed a bandit yet, Kouki. Until you do, you do not leave this arena."
That made him round on the Berserker in a fury.
"Is THIS how you treat those that disagree with your DICTATORSHIP!?"
"You're a soldier. Soldiers kill people. ACT LIKE IT."
"I will NEVER be like you."
"Okay. The starve in there. I think I'll use the methods of the ancient Spartans on you. Until you prove your worth by slaying our fellow man, you are denied food, shelter, DECENCY. You will be a man, or DIE a child whimpering in the dark."
The barrier glowed and solidified as Kouki ranted at this harshness. Mylissia came striding into the Princess' box and she smiled as she sat beside the Berserker.
"I see someone refuses to be of use."
Tyler nodded as Kouki was shoved aside by Kirito's second party.
"Kouki is utterly convinced of his self-righteousness and is convinced he is never wrong. I'll have to break him as a person to fix it."
The queen nodded.
"I have a few breakers you could borrow. They are quite skilled at this form of training."
"I'm sure they are. If my tricks don't break him I'll send for em."
The trio looked back to see Kirito's next set of opponents were another mass of bandits. 200 again. Tyler chuckled.
"Alright. I'll go back in tomorrow."
Seria smiled sweetly.
"actually, love?"
He looked at her curiously and she smiled sweeter.
"Show that self-assured idiot up close and personal WHY you are as strong as you are."
"Are you asking me to PROVE MYSELF, seria?"
"I am indeed."
"As you wish."
Tyler swung off and Kirito groaned.
"Greeeat. NOw he is going to try to KILL HIMSELF because his princess kicked sand in his face."
The black swordsman led his fighters against the mass of bandits as a group of five broke off to attack the once again frozen in place Kouki.
Tyler walked to the board and the Attendant chuckled.
"So the LAdy SERIA has asked you to prove yourself? Oh dear."
Tyler chuckled.
"what's the meanest thing you got up here?"
The lady smirked.
"We have a drakolisk not a soul dares challange. It is level 45, 75 feet tall, 150 feet long, breathes fire, b ut can't fly. The ONLY way to kill dragonkin is to stab it in the heart. And their scales are nigh impenatrable. The PAY is 2,500,000 gold and the Arena Title of CHAMPION OF THE ARENA. Boosts all stats by 250. Are you man enough, Lord Berserker?"
Tyler smiled.
"Can I HURT it?"
"Absolutely. even a LEVEL 1 can hurt a drakolisk."
"Then I can kill it. I'll take it."
She slid the poster aside from a selection of beasts behind her and Kirito walked out. Tyler walked in and the black Swordsman blinked.
"Ummmmmm. Uh-oh."
Tyler walked into the arena and the crowd went wild. Kouki was shaking violently in a puddle of juices and tattered clothes. The bandits had enjoyed violating a cowardly hero until Kirito and co got around to saving him. Now Tyler cracked his neck with a determined expression and the crowd gulped by the STEEL in his eyes.
Asuna and the rest of the entire army had finished gathering in the stands and Belfast had worry stamped on her face.
"So the Lady Seria asked him to prove himself DIRECTLY?"
Kirito nodded without taking his eyes off the warrior.
"She did to show Kouki what a REAL hero is like. Guys? I'm scared."
Rias nodded as she saw Tyler draw his sword.
"we ALL are, Kirito."
The announcer had a new tone of utter AWE as he spoke now.
"LAdies and Gentlemen. Today...Lord Berserker.....may FINALLY have met his match. This day....the Arena Champion....IGNOG THE FIRE DRAKOLISK IS IN ACTION FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 150 YEARS!"
The knights jumped!
"did he just say...DRAKOLISK?"
Kirito's stunned voice made Erwin look at him.
"What is this creature?"
"It's a dragon."

There as a deep, EARTHSHAKNG roar of utter fury from below the ground as a magical barrier rose to protect the crowds from the sure to be volitile battle. Seria had a look of utter shock as she heard the sound.
"I merely meant he battle more BANDITS! I DIDN'T MEAN A DRAGON!"
Mylissia nodded as she too was QUITE alarmed.
"Sweetie you asked hi to prove himself to you. and with the way that man loves you? That only means one thing. The BIGGEST MONSTER HE CAN FIND!"
Tyler had not moved from his position in the arena as the drakolisk appeared fro the ground. It's head was that of a t-rex with longer jaws and more teeth while it's 75 foot long neck swayed back and forth like a snake. The beast looking like a blown up komodo dragon with a deeper chest and bulkier body. It's tail ended in a vicious spike that left craters as it slapped the sand aggressively. Tyler locked eyes with the beast as it rose and the drakolisk roared a rattling sound that echoed for miles. The Berserker, merely smirked.
The beast roared again and it swung it;s tail at him and Tyler used his grapple to swing out of the way with his sword at the ready while swinging around the immense beast. The dragonkin was blood red and as Tyler zipped by it's chest seeking a way to start taking it apart...he noticed a SLIGHT GAP between two scales on it's chest as he went....and sighed in disappointment.
"Seriously? ugh."
His sigh of disappointment made the entire area blink and the berserker dropped to the sand.
"I want a FIGHT dammit. Ugh. whatever. Frozen Wastes."
The ground was coated in ice as the drakolisk charged it's fire breath.
Tyler's immensely bored casting resulted ina mass of steam that blinded the beast as it breathed flames hot enough to melt bone at him...only for the Berserker to be seen walking up to it...and stabbing it to the hilt with the greatsword in the tiny groove between the two scales. An expression of UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT on his chest. The drakolisk's fire cut off and it fell to the ground with a SLAM that set off a minor earthquake in the region as Tyler tugged his sword free.
"Seriously. If ALL dragonkin have such a fucking weakness, I could hunt them to extiniction RIGHT NOW and not take a scratch. I WANT A FIGHT DAMMIT! NOT just another execution!"
He slammed his sword on his back and swung off to the collection booth as Asuna blinked.
"He found a WEAKNESS that QUICK?"
Kirito had narrowed eyes as he ran the fight through his head.
"He soared by it's chest....and THEN groaned. A gap between scales? oh for fuck's sake. If it's THAT kinda of blaring weakness? Not even a DRAGONGOD could beat him. His ENTIRE STRATEGY is FINDING weaknesses and exploiting them. All a gap like that is to him? A blaring sign that says hi! Stab here! ugh."
Tyler sighed as he walked up to the speechless attendant.
"well that sucked. Got anything tougher?"
"Ummm. That drakolisk has killed 13,000 people that have challaged it."
"were they fucking blind? There's a GAP in the scales on it's CHEST. Some mist when it charges fire breath.....and bam. Instakill."
She just looked at him as he got his 2,500,000 gold.
"The title is bestowed by the queen."
"Ooooof course it is."
He swung off and the attendant just sat there.
"He found and exploited a dragon weakness in a 60 second fight."
Mylissia and Seria were also wearing expressions of the kind of unsure how to react as Tyler landed in the box.
"THAT was disappointing. Sorry, Seria. I was expecting something better."
She just looked at him.
"Tyler. You just killed a drakolisk in 60 seconds. WITHOUT a single ability. That's just not supposed to be possible."
"Seria there was a gap in the scales. Only the size of my swordblade....but to somebody like ME? And MY battle strategies? All you did was hand a sign that said HEY! HIT ME HERE! I could bring that thing down with an arrow and a general direction. Ugh I was EXPECTING a FIGHT. Not just another execution."
He sighed tiredly and shrugged before looking at the queen.
"So this title?"
Mylissia just sighed.
"I should let you know. Hitting a dragon weakness like that is NOT POSSIBLE for the average soldier."
"why? Just use a fog or something when it charges it's breath. Bam. Instant access."
She sighed.
"Okay. We DID live our world wrong. Very well."
The queen smiled.
"I hereby bestow the title of Arena Champion upon you, Tyler the Berserker. ALL your stats are boosted by 200 points and your payouts from fighting in the arena are doubled on a victory."
"Thanks Mylissia."
Tyler kissed Seria and she smiled happily.
"I gotta go cooridinate with my crew. KINDA made a leap."
He swung off and Asuna was waiting for him when he landed.
"Okay. YOU made that look WAY too easy."
He nodded as he sat beside her and his Leaders.
"I was EXPECTING another fight like with the forest giant. One where I had to MAKE my own weakness. NOT have it handed to me on a plate. Ugh."
Kirito chuckled as he leaned over his sword from behind him.
"A gap between scales? SERIOUSLY? That is so fucking easy."
"Yeah. NOW I'm worried ACTUAL dragons are that weak. if they have a scale gap, I can kill them all REGARDLESS of level RIGHT NOW without a scratch. Ugh. Anyway."
He looked at his Status Plate.
"I shot up 5 full levels. I'm on the cusp of level 20. I'll take a break for the time being. Let everyone catch up as I'm TOO far ahead now. I have like 300 points to place too."
Sora nodded as he joined the discussion.
"You're overpowered now and we need to hurry to catch up."
Tyler nodded.
"Alright. I'll relax for a bit and adjust to my new numbers."
Erwin looked at him.
"So your fiance asks you to proof yourself...and you pick a DRAGON?"
He just shook his head with a smile.
Tyler looked at his numbers.
"Okay. THIS is gonna be a doozy. I had 300 Strength, 388 Defense, 400 Stamina, 450 Vitality, 220 Magic, 200 Agility, 200 Dexterity, 220 Mana, 210 Magical Defense, 500 Intelligence. I got the Perk Monster Bane that added Increases Strength, Defense, Agility, Dexterity, Vitality, and Stamina by 100. So 400 Strength, 488 Defense, 500 Stamina, 550 Vitality, 320 Magic, 300 Agility, 300 Dexterity, 320 Mana, 310 MAgical Defense. Now I have the boost from the title of 150 to everything. 550 Strength, 638 Defense, 650 Stamina, 700 Vitality, 470 Magic, 450 Agility, 450 Dexterity, 470 Mana, 460 Magical defense, 650 Intelligence. Now the 300 points I have leftover. I'll slap enough into Magic, Agility, Dexterity, Mana and Magical defense for 500 across the board. So 30, 50, 50, 30, and 40. That leaves an even 50. Into Strength for 600 Strength. So I have 600 Strength, 638 Defense, 650 Stamina, 700 Vitality, 500 MAgic, 500 Agility, 500 Dexterity, 500 MAna, 500 MAgical defense, 650 Intelligence. EVERYTHING is within 100 points of everything. Good."
He hit apply and sat back as Asuna looked at him.
"NO more battles until we've closed the gap."
"Absolutely. I'll just spend some time with Seria. Right now my coin is 3,281,188. Watch. I'll upgrade my gear with the lisk...and blow all my gold."
They chuckled at that possibility and Belfast sat beside him now.
"You know what I am going to say."
He chuckled sheepishly.
"Seria asked me to proof myself. So I KINDA HAD TO."
She sighed.
"I understand. But a DRAGON? what was it's level?"
"If you continue to take such extreme risks and engage in such stupidly suicidal escapades, Tyler, one day your luck WILL run out and you will get somebody you care about killed."
He smiled ruefully.
"I'll be more careful, Belfast."
She nodded.
"Good. And you DID make it look EXTRAORDINARLIY easy."
"I'm used to having to look for weakpoints like that. Plus it was an instant kill when I pierced the skin."
Belfast smiled at his shrug.
"I suppose you had a plan."
"I DID. But then I realized it wasn't needed. Was gonna make it dizzy from me swinging around it since it turned it's NECK, not it's BODY to look at me. Move fast enough and it'd LITERALY tangle itself. Snakes do it all the time when eating or shedding skin."
"Ah. I see."
Erwin chuckled as the eye turned to the next fight as the body of the drakolisk was removed.
"So THAT is how the council works. And he heeds their words."
Tyler chuckled at that before he noted Seria waving. The Berserker swung off t heed the call of his Princess and she smiled.
"I'm tired."
The pair left the arena and he carried her in his arms as he swung through the air. The pair returned to their room and she smiled as he kissed her.
"I love you too, Tyler."
He held her tightly and she had a proud smile as they stood on her balcony.
"That drakolisk made me nervous."
She shook her head with a smile.
"It's okay. I've never seen it close up like that. Then when i remembered YOU were fighting I immediately thought, huh. what's his plan THIS time? I didn't think for a SECOND you'd lose. and you didn't."
He smild at her faith and held her tighter.
"I'd NEVER lose with YOU watching, Seria."
She smiled.
"I know. You'd never leave me alone like that."
His eyes flashed at her words and she squeaked as he pulled her closer with a notebook out behind her back to jot something down.
"Had an idea."
"You're weird."
"You're marrying me. HOW normal are you?"
She sighed at that as he put the book away and kissed her.
"Fair enough. So you're taking a break?"
He kissed her and the pair hopped into the pool. There they snuggled up in the heated water enjoying the peace. Metalica appeared with Yui in tow and the two tiny ladies were quick to drop into the pool as well. Yui was in a cute little two piece made from frills while Metalica was naked and flaunting it. Tyler chuckled as Yui blushed at the sights.
"Relax Pixel. Asuna'd kill me."
The tiny pixie giggled as she sat on Seria's boob in the water. The level being perfect for her to soak up to the neck.
"Yup! So be nice!"
Seria giggled at the feeling of Yui on her boob.
"She's sooo CUTE!"
Tyler chuckled as he kissed her.
"She sure is. And she's got some neat tricks too. Right, Yui?"
The tiny pixie smiled proudly.
"Yup! I can control emotions like Metalica does iron!"
The iron sprite chuckled as they looked at her.
"Yui's Proficency is Harmonizer. She can touch your emotions and control like them directly. I'm teaching her how to use it and NOT be cruel or irresponsible. She's leveled up ten times already."
Tyler chuckled.
"Makes sense. Pixies and Sprites level differently."
"That and her very existence is gained experience as she flexes her power like I to my grey glow. So is a constant experience grind."
Tyler chuckled as Yui got a hand hug from Seria, making her glow. The four of them relaxed in the pool for a bit before Jerial came in with their dinner and Tyler made sure Yui cleaned uo before eating. Much to EVERYONE'S amusement. Seria smiled knowingly.
"Scares the hell out of you, eh?"
Tyler chuckled as Yui sat beside him.
"I DID learn a few tricks from my grandmother before she went."
Yui grew to her small girl size and Tyler patted her fondly, making her blush with a happy giggle. Metalica was by Seria and once fed they laid in bed together. Yui snuggled RIGHT up between Tyler and Seria and sighed with a smile.
"There! Perfect!"
The pair chuckled as they looked at the epecially smug Yui. Tyler ran a soft hand over her belly....tickling the poor girl.
"Look at the stones on HER? Trying to come between me and my wife? You got some nerve little lady."
Yui was giggling helplessly before the tickle and Seria nodded with her own tickle punishment,
"She DOES seem to think she is some ENTITLED little princess! Coming between me and my HUSBAND? That is ONE bridge too far little lady. YOU will be VERY intensely punished!"
Metalica was in her human size as the lovers punished the little invader with tickles and the iron sprite watched with a fond smile.
"If that's how they treat their FRIENDS' kid? I can only imagine how they'll treat their own."
Yui had tears in her eyes from laughing and Tyler smiled as he settled beside her.
"I guess another girl DID come between us, Seria."
The princess smiled as she wrapped an arm around a now fallin asleep Yui's waist.
"I guess so. I think I can let this one go."
Tyler smiled as he pulled them close.
"She IS really freakin cute."
"And WARM too."
Metalica shrank to the same size as yui to snuggle beside her and the pixie wasted no time in grabbing the iron sprite like a sister. Tyler smiled.
"I got a photo. Night girls. I love you."
Seria smiled as she settled.
"Night, Tyler. I love you too. Night girls. I love you too."
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