Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Ice Kunoichi of the Eleven-Tailed Wolf

Chapter 12: Chunin Exams Pt.3

by GamerLadd 0 reviews

Aiko Yanaka was a 4-year-old kid that was abandoned by her parents near the gates that lead into Konoha. Before she even enters the village she meets the demon sealed inside of her, at least, that'...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Hinata,Kakashi,Naruto,Orochimaru,Tsunade - Warnings: [!] [X] - Published: 2021-12-14 - 5802 words

Welcome to Chapter 12: Chunin Exams Pt.3

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy

(Chapter contains a Lemon Scene)

Flashback Start:

As they waited for the bell to sound, singling the start of the second stage of the Chunin Exams, Aiko had a troubled look on her face. Naruto noticed this and walked up to her. "Aiko, what's wrong?" Naruto asked, placing his hand on her shoulder and giving it a slight squeeze. Aiko looked up at Naruto and gave him a thankful smile and placed her hand over his. "It's nothing much Naruto, it's just..." Aiko said but looked at the floor, letting her hand fall from its former position, "I just have a very bad feeling about this. Like something really bad is going to happen to us".

Flashback End:

The bell to announce the commencement of the second round of the Chunin Exams sounded. Aiko, Naruto, and Hinata waited for the gates to open before walking inside calmly. Why were they walking in instead of running? It's because if they waited a little bit they can run into another team instead of a team running into them. As they walked they discussed how they were going to get the scroll they needed; The Earth Scroll. "So what's our plan of attack when we run into another team?" Aiko questioned as she held her hands behind her back. 

Naruto adopted a thinking look on his face as the three of them trudged through the forest. "If we do run into another team I want you to use your Ice Style: Ice Breath and aim for their legs. Once they're frozen in place, Hinata, I want you to strike and paralyze them. Then I'll come in and knock them out". Naruto's plan sounded solid to the two Kunoichi on his team. Aiko nodded and smiled at Naruto, "That's a great sounding plan Naruto-Kun!". Naruto's face turned slightly red from the praise he received from Aiko. 

Hinata just smiled at the two's interaction. The three continued to walk further into the forest until the sound of a twig snapping resonated throughout the area. Immediately, Naruto started weaving handsigns in a blur of speed, so fast that it looked like a single handsign. "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!". Naruto blew a massive amount of wind from his mouth and destroyed the surrounding trees in front of him. Three figures had leaped out of the way of his jutsu and landed in front of the three. 

"Who are you!" Aiko demanded as she whipped out her kunai and got into a fighting stance, the others doing the same. "You don't need to know who we are, all you need to know is that we're going to take whatever scroll you have" A male Genin boasted. "Are you so sure about that?" Hinata questioned. "Across we were weird eyes!" A female in the team shouted. Hinata rolled her eyes at the comment about her eyes, she's been getting those throughout her life.

"Ice Style: Ice Breath". Aiko whispered her Jutsu and blew out a small stream of freezing, icy wind at the opponent's feet, freezing them in place. "W-what is this!" the third member of the group shouted. Hinata charged at them in a blur of speed and quickly jabbed their tenketsu points, paralyzing them. They didn't have enough time to say anything because Naruto appeared behind them in a flash and knocked them all out in a single, swift chop to the neck.

"Search them, see if they have the scroll we need" Naruto instructed. They each took a Genin and searched them, finding only a Heaven scroll. "Dammit!" Aiko cursed, "I thought they would have an Earth Scroll". Aiko stood there and kicked the ground in frustration. "We can't waste too much time complaining about not getting what we need. We'll need to move if we want to get that Earth scroll," Naruto said. Everyone agreed with a nod from their heads. As they ran off, they were completely unaware of a pair of yellow snake-like eyes watching them, particularly one of them, with great interest. 

Naruto, Hinata, and Aiko ran through the forest at a moderate pace. Hinata had her Byakugan activated to check ahead for any teams and their chakra signatures. As they ran through the forest the feeling of someone watching her team grew in Aiko. She kept looking over her left shoulder then her right shoulder. She just couldn't shake the feeling off. She just decided to shake off the feeling the best she could and concentrate on what was in front of her. 

As they ran Hinata let out a gasp of shock. Before Naruto or Aiko could even ask what Hinata saw a massive blast of wind was making its way towards them at a great speed. Having no time to react properly all three members of Team 7 were blown away far, far from each other in separate directions. A single shinobi landed on an undamaged tree branch and placed their hand against the trunk. The Shinobi wore plain grey garbs with a black polo and pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back, blue tomoe-shaped earrings, and shinobi sandals with bandages around his calves. "Kukuku, Looks like I succeeded in separating them. Now to get what I came after". The Shinobi cooed as he leaped off the branch he was standing on and in the direction of Konoha's Ice kunoichi. 

Aiko flew far, far away from her team, and crashed violently against a few tree branches. Once she hit the ground she skidded against it for a little bit before hitting a tree. She let out a grunt of pain as she laid there, trying to gather her bearings She groggily looked up at her surroundings with blurry eyes. She blinked a few times before rubbing them. Once she could see well enough she stayed sitting to regain use of her body, letting Yuna heal her body with her chakra. 

"What the hell was that!" Aiko thought with confusion evident on her face. "I know that was 'Wind Style: Great Breakthrough' but that one was way more powerful than Naruto's". "The person was able to hide their chakra signature long enough so that Hinata didn't detect them until it was too late," Yuna said cutting in. "But I thought Naruto would be able to avoid it! He has his father's Flying Raijin for Kami's sake!" Aiko argued. "Even though Naruto had that Jutsu he still needed a marker to teleport to. The only ones he had were in his kunai pouch and he didn't have enough time to react and throw a kunai. Plus, he wouldn't leave his teammates in danger's way" Yuna explained.

Aiko let out a sigh as she shakily stood up. "I guess your right" Aiko said as she placed her hand on the tree to steady herself. Once Aiko was able to gather her bearings she looked around the forest to see if she could find out where she was. She heard rustling in a nearby bush and hurled a kunai towards it. A yelp was heard coming from the bush and Hinata stepped out of it. "Hinata!" Aiko exclaimed in relief, running over to her teammate, "Thank Kami that it's you". 

"Are you okay Aiko?" Hinata asked in a concerned voice. "Yeah, Yeah, I'm good Hinata-chan. That was a pretty strong Wind Style" Aiko said. "Yes, it was" Hinata answered. "We should probably get going and find Naruto-kun" Aiko suggested as she looked around the forest again. She started walking in the direction where he came from when something struck her. "Hinata was in the middle when she got blown back by the Jutsu. She was in the bush behind me when I threw the kunai at her" Aiko said to herself as realization hit her, Hinata was not Hinata. Aiko quickly turned around and whipped out a kunai and held it towards Hinata.

Hinata's eyes widened in shock and she held her hands up. "Aiko! What are you doing!" Hinata exclaimed. "Who are you!" Aiko demanded. "It's me...Hinata Hyuga". Aiko narrowed her slitted eyes in suspicion as she took a whiff of the air around Hinata. When she stopped, her eyes widened before fighting the grip on her kunai. "I know your not Hinata! You smell like a snake!" Aiko shouted. Hinata stared at Aiko for a second before she started to clap slowly.

"Congratulations Aiko Yanaka for finding me out so soon," Hinata said. "What did you do to my team!" Aiko snarled. "I did nothing to them Aiko-Kun, I'm not after either one of them," Hinata said as she started to walk around Aiko with her hands behind her back before stopping on the other side of Aiko, "I'm after You". Aiko flinched and the imposter decided to attack. The imposter ran at Aiko with a kunai in their hand, causing Aiko to react and deflect their hand away. Aiko coated her fist in her ice-chakra and threw a punch at the imposter. The imposter jumped over Aiko and kicked her in the head. 

Aiko stumbled forward but threw a kunai back at the imposter. The kunai cut the cheek of the imposter, causing a puff of smoke to fill the area as the transformation jutsu was rendered useless. Aiko stood back up and started weaving handsigns. "Wind Style: Vacuum Sphere" Aiko mumbled before shooting multiple narrow streams of air towards the smoke. A figure jumped out of the way of the Wind Style Jutsu and landed on the tree behind them. 

"Kukuku. It's fairly interesting to see a Genin use a B-Rank Ninjutsu. I want to see you use more Jutsu". Aiko looked up at the figure and saw a man. The man wore plain grey garbs with a black polo and pants underneath, a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind his back, blue tomoe-shaped earrings, and shinobi sandals with bandages around his calves. "Who are you!" Aiko demanded. "If I were to give you that information, you would need to beat me in a battle," The Shinobi said.

Aiko started growling before weaving handsigns. "Ice Style: Ice Breath" Aiko mumbled before blowing a wide stream of Icy-wind towards the unnamed Shinobi. The Shinobi's eyes widened before jumping out of the way. When the Shinbi landed Aiko was right in front of him, her fist cocked back. Aiko threw it forward and connected to the shinobi's stomach, sending him crashing through several trees. "Ice Style: Ice Prison Jutsu" Aiko mumbled as she slammed her hands on the ground, sending her Jutsu towards her target.

The Shinobi stepped out of the tree and saw the Jtusu coming before jumping out of the way. "Wrong choice bud!" Aiko snarled form behind the Shinobi. The Shinobi whipped around just in time for Aiko's palm to strike him in the chest, encasing him in an icy prison. When Aiko landed she threw a single handsign that caused the Shinobi in the prison to widen their eyes slightly. "Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!" Aiko mumbled before blowing hard. 

A massive wave of fire rushed towards the shinobi before it engulfed him. Aiko looked at where the Shinobi should have been before widening her eyes in realization. "Dammit! He could have had the scroll we needed!" Aiko cursed in frustration. Because of Aiko's frustration, she never noticed the burnt body of the Shinobi she just fought was hollowed out. The Shinobi was near Aiko, hiding from her as he smiled widely. "She has very powerful Jutsu in her arsenal. Not to mention the fact that she's a Jinchuriki. If I implant the Sharingan I got from that Uchiha brat into her then I may have a very powerful vessel indeed" The Shinobi mused as he smiled in glee. 

Aiko looked around the forest before deciding to look for her teammates. Before she could even act on the thought she felt a burning sensation and sharp pain coming from her left shoulder. Aiko let out a scream of pain she clutched where she was bitten and fell to the floor on her knees. The Shinobi Aiko thought she killed landed right in front of her. "H-how are you still alive?" Aiko said as she gasped in pain. The Shinobi let out a deep-sounding chuckle before crouching down to her height. 

"Fret not Aiko-Kun. My name is Orochimaru and what I have given you is a gift that so few rarely ever survive getting". Aiko looked up at the now named Orochimaru with a single eye closed and the other open. She was panting from the exhaustion the pain caused her while Yuna did her best to heal Aiko. "What kind of gift did you give me Orochimaru?" Aiko spat, her voice dripping with sarcasm when she mentioned the word gift. "Kukuku, you find out that easily little one. Just know that a darker side of you will seek me out for more power," Orochimaru said before he brought out a vile with two eyes in it. 

Aiko's own eyes narrowed at the container suspiciously. "What are those?" Aiko questioned. "These are two more gifts that will make sure you'll seek me out. Don't worry, when the transplant is complete you'll be able to keep your beautiful-looking eyes" Orochimaru said before he chopped Aiko in the neck, knocking her out. When Aiko came to she found herself in a small, hollowed-out area underneath a tree's base. She heard fighting and slowly looked to her left. She saw her two teammates, both panting in exhaustion and bleeding, fighting the team from Otogakure. 

Aiko tried moving her body but pain shot through her and she let out a moan of pain. "Hinata! Fall back and protect Aiko, she's the one they want!" Aiko heard Naruto shot before movement was heard rushing towards Aiko's. Seconds later Hinata entered Aiko's field of vision and kneeled down next to her. "Aiko!" Hinata said with a relieved tone, "How are you doing?". Aiko looked Hinata over and saw that she had blood coming out of her mouth and some blood leaking down her forehead.

Aiko couldn't help but feel this unexplainable rage start coursing through her. "Who did this to you?" Aiko questioned quietly. "What happened to me is not important Aiko, what's important is you," Hintat said before Aiko sat up in the blink of an eye and stared at Hinata, her cold Ice-White eyes gazing at Hinata. "I'll ask you again, Who. Did. This. To. You?" Aiko said with a slight snarl. Hinata flinched slightly and looked back at the younger male in the Otogakure group. 

At that moment the exact same person hit Naruto with a Jutsu, causing him to fly and hit the base of the tree with a sticking thud. "Naruto-Kun!" Aiko cried out. Aiko ran towards Naruto's body and cradled him as she checked for a pulse. When she didn't feel anything her eyes went wide and she gently laid Naruto down. "You are dead" Aiko whispered. The same man let out a laugh as he took a step forward, acting fairly confident. "Ha! Your friends were pathetic. They couldn't even handle my Jtusu and they were way stronger than you Girl. But I guess that blond was the weakest because he was too easy".

Aiko could feel her heartbeat, her body slumping over as rage slowly took over her senses. "You bastard!" Aiko snarled as her narrow pupils became slits and the curse mark on Aiko's shoulder started glowing orange-red and start spreading across her body. Aiko let out a bone-chilling scream of pain. She clutched her left shoulder in a feeble attempt to ease the pain. "Let me take over Aiko..." A voice inside of Aiko's head whispered, "Let me make that person pay for hurting Hinata and Naruto-Kun". 

Aiko had no strength to resist whatever was taking over her body. She heard a burst of dark and maniacal laughter and put up no fight as the voice took her over. "Don't worry Aiko-chan. I'll make this man pay for hurting our Naruto-kun" The mystery voice cooed dangerously. The guy took Aiko's absence of moving as an opportunity to kill Aiko and rushed forward with a kunai in hand. When he was in front of Aiko he swung his kunai down but Aiko grabbed his arm without even looking. 

Aiko tightened her grip around the guy's wrist, causing him to drop the kunai. "You going to pay for hurting Naruto-Kun!" Someone who was not Aiko said with a giggle. She crushed the man's wrist in one, swift motion and threw him back like he was nothing. "Agh! You bitch, you crushed my wrist" The man shouted as he clutched his wrist. "Aw, you hurt my feelings. You're not very nice" Aiko cooed as she disappeared from sight and appeared right behind the man.

She grabbed his wrist and started to pull his arms backward. "Agh! Stop! you'll break my arms" The Shinobi shouted. "I don't like things not matching so I'll help you with that". With that said, she crushed the man's other wrist with a sicking crunch. "Now... you seem very proud of these arms, how about I break them for you," Aiko said with a sweet voice. The female of the Otogakure team tried moving in but Aiko's head whipped around towards her. Her eyes were now blazing with a blood-red color, two black tomoe marks surrounding her slitted pupil. 

The sight of Aiko's eyes halted the female and she stopped moving. Aiko returned her attention back towards the man. "Now where were we? Oh right!". Aiko proceeded to pull the man's arms back until they were completely behind him. A smile spread across her face as she heard the cracking and shattering of the man's bone and she thrived on the screams of pain he let out. She let him fall to the ground and wither in pain. She looked down at him with an unsympathetic look on her face. "Pathetic" Aiko said before turning around towards the female. "I've already had some fun today but I need more!" Aiko said with a sickly smile before charging at the female.

She punched the female in the stomach hard and caused her to spit out blood. Before she could do anything else, she was hit with an invisible force. She flew back and landed between her team and the Otogakure team. Aiko stood up and looked at the hunched overman with a crazed look on her face. "'ll kill you for killing my Naruto-Kun!" Aiko shouted as amethyst-colored chakra started to swirl around her violently. "Aiko-chan!" A male voice familiar to Aiko shouted.

Aiko looked back and saw Naruto standing up with the help of Hinata. "You need to stop this! They learned their lesson" Naruto pleaded. Aiko scoffed and face the Otogakure team again. "They hurt you and Hinata and I can't forgive that!" Aiko shouted as she started preparing Jutsu but felt a pair of arms in front of her wrap around her gently. "Please Aiko...I don't want to see you do this" Naruto said from behind Aiko. Naruto didn't let go of Aiko as he looked into her eyes. 

"They...they have to pay," Aiko said, her voice cracking with uncertainty. "Aiko, you have to stop and calm down. I don't want to see the person I love hurt others for an unjust reason and get pleasure from it" Naruto said. Aiko's world froze when she heard the one-word Naruto said. Aiko looked at Naruto, her slitted pupil and ice-white eyes returned. "What did you say?" The real Aiko asked. Naruto didn't answer her question in the way she expected. Naruto leaned closer to Aiko's lips, she could feel his warm breath on her lips and felt a tingle go down her spine. Naruto closed the gap between the two and placed his lips on Aiko's in a kiss. 

When Naruto pulled away from Aiko, she had a look of shock and happiness all rolled in one. "I love you Aiko" Naruto repeated. Aiko could feel tears of joy fall down her cheeks as she kissed Naruto back. "I love you to Naruto-Kun," Aiko said with a genuinely happy smile with her canine's showing. The leader of the Otogakure team threw his team's Earth Scroll on the ground and grabbed his teammates before retreating. Aiko apologized profusely for what she did and for what Hinata stand Naruto saw her do.

"I wasn't myself. It felt like someone took my body over, literally" Aiko said at the end of her apology. "We'll have to get Kakashi-Sensi to look at this curse mark. When Orochimaru gave it to you, it may have reawakened your dark side but as a much worse version" Naruto mused. "I know you'll be able to control that mark regardless Aiko," Hinata said as she gave her best friend a kind, almost motherly, smile. "Thanks, Hinta-Chan!" Aiko exclaimed as she hugged Hinata tightly. 

After that, they started to make their way to the tower. Once inside, they laid the scrolls out and they summoned Iruka. He congratulated the team on finishing in a single day and said that they had four days of rest before they continued. The team nodded and headed towards some rooms. When they got to the rooms they separated from each other. Naruto entered his own room but Aiko followed him inside his room. "Aiko-chan? I thought you were going to go find a room? Naruto said with a confused tone.

Aiko walked closer to Naruto before lifting her hand up in a half tiger seal. Kanji for 'Silence' spread throughout the room, originating from Aiko. Aiko walked closer to Naruto until there was barely any space in between them. "I know you said you love me I said the same. But I want to prove my love to you" Aiko said before she placed her lips against Naruto's in a kiss that grew ever so passionate. 

Lemon Scene Start

Aiko slowly separated herself from Naruto. Their eyes slowly opened, both gazed into each other's eyes with a look of longing. Aiko started untying the small rope-like thing. Once that was done she threw it to the side and undid the sash tied around her waist. She once again threw that particle of clothing aside and started to pull her mesh shirt up. Once she got that shirt up and over her chest, her subtle C-cup breast bounced slightly. 

When she had her shirt off and at the same place as all of her other clothing she looked at Naruto's face and saw that it was all red. "It's not fun if I'm the only one doing this Naruto-Kun" Aiko cooed as she grabbed the zipper of Naruto's jacket and started to pull it downwards. Aiko began to kiss Naruto again once he started to take off his own jacket and then his own shirt. They separated again and Aiko took a moment to look at Naruto's well-toned body. For someone like Naruto, he had a very muscular body. 

Aiko kissed Naruto again before pushing him to the bed. Naruto watched as Aiko gave him a smirk before grabbing the waistline of her pants and started to pull it down and a slow and agonizing speed. Once her pants and undergarments were on the floor she stepped out of them and kicked them elsewhere. Naruto's face was a deep crimson red color as Aiko slowly bent down onto her knees in between Naruto's legs. She grabbed his pants and pulled them down, exposing his boxers and his covered, erect member. Aiko smirked at the effect she had on Naruto's body and grabbed his boxers.

In one quick, swift movement, Aiko pulled Naruot's boxers down to his ankles and off along with his pants. Aiko was smacked in the face with Naruto's erect, eight-inch-long member. Aiko let out a gasp before she smiled and gently gripped Naruto's large member. "Your so big Naruto-kun" Aiko cooed in a sultry tone as she started to move her hands up and down. Naruto started to exercise a pleasure like he never felt before as Aiko stroked his cock. 

She gradually gained speed with her strokes before stopping. Naruto's looked up from laying his head down on the bed and saw that Aiko put her breast around his member and started to lift them up and down. Her breasts were two soft sensations on Naruto's member as a wave of pleasure caused Naruto to lay his head back down. As Aiko smother Naruto's member between her breast she bent her head and started to lick the tip of his cock. 

Naruto moaned with pleasure as a feeling he had never felt before started to come to the surface. "A-Aiko...I think s-somethings c-coming" Naruto said. Aiko heard Naruto and this caused her to stroke even faster and put the tip of Naruto's cock into her mouth. Inside her mouth, Aiko swirled her tongue around the tip as she stroked his cock ever so faster. Finally, Aiko was rewarded kindly as Naruto's member exploded with his seed. 

Aiko dropped her breast and slammed her head down on his cock. Naruto's dick spurted more and more almost like an endless stream. Aiko's cheeks puffed out before they started to leak from the edges of her mouth. Naruto had never felt anything like what he had just experienced. Naruto looked up from his laying position and watched as Aiko proceeded to swallow all of his seed inside of her mouth. "My, my Naruto-Kun, You gave me so much," Aiko stood and had her hand on her womanhood with two fingers inserted before she pulled them out, "I'm all wet and it's because of you. So you better take responsibility and make me feel good". 

Naruto stood up from the bed before he gripped Aiko's shoulders, turned her around, and laid her down on the bed. The two had swapped from their previous positions. Naruto was now between Aiko's legs as he stared at her womanhood. He gazed up at Aiko, silently asking for permission to continue. With a red blush on her face, Aiko nodded and Naruto moved in. Naruto gave an experimental lick to Aiko's entrance, causing a stifled moan to escape from her lips. Naruto started to lick more and more before he inserted his tongue inside Aiko. Aiko gasped and gripped the sheets tightly as she felt pleasure speedily move throughout her body. 

Aiko let out a moan as Naruto started to play with her clitoris. As Naruto licked he would slightly pinch it, causing Aiko to shiver with pleasure. Minutes after starting the pleasurable experience, Aiko started to feel like she was going to explode. "Na-Naruto!" Aiko moaned as she gripped the back of his head and shoved it closer towards her, shoving Naruto's tongue deeper into her. Mere seconds after that, Aiko's lower regions exploded. Pleasure ripped through her violently causing her to arch her back as she let out a loud moan. 

Once the pleasure passed Aiko stayed laying down and panted. Naruto stood up and moved Aiko to lay her on the bed lengthwise. Naruto got on the bed and hovered himself over her. As Aiko panted, she looked up at Naruto and grabbed the sides of his head. She smashed his lips on hers. She moved her tongue and brushed it against Naruto's mouth, challenging him. Naruto accepted the challenge and he opened his mouth hand their tongue's battled.  Naruto won the war and started to explore Aiko's mouth. While he was doing that he cupped Aiko's left breast and started to grope it. 

Aiko's moan caused Naruto's member to twitch. He separated himself from Aiko and shuffled a little bit. He had his member in his hand, positioned over Aiko's womanhood. "Are you sure you want to keep going, Aiko?". Aiko's response to Naruto's question was to wrap her legs around him and pull him forward, pushing his member deep inside of her. Aiko let out a little yelp as she held Naruto there for a second so that she could adjust to his size. 

A minute after that Aiko unwrapped her legs from around Naruto and laid them back down. Naruto put his hands just above Aiko's shoulders and slowly started to move his hips, forward and back, in and out. Naruto's speed gradually got faster and soon he was pushing in and out at a fast pace. Aiko let out loud moans of pure pleasure. While one of her hands gripped the sheets on the bed her other started to play with her own breast, increasing her pleasure if just ever so slightly. 

"Faster Naruto-Kun! Faster!" Aiko moaned out. Listening to Aiko's request Naruto started to move his hips even faster than before. Now he was slamming his cock deep inside of Aiko, his tip touching the entrance to Aiko's womb. When Naruto started hitting the entrance of her womb Aiko started to feel new pleasures. She was experiencing a world of extreme pleasure and ecstasy every time Naruto thrust himself deep inside of her. Aiko could feel herself coming closer and closer to her release. 

"Naruto-Kun, I'm close!" Aiko breathed as her tongue started hanging out of her mouth from all the pleasure. "I-I am to" Naruto groaned. Naruto increased his pace to an even faster speed than before. He was slamming himself against Aiko's womanhood resulting in the tip of his cock pushing deeper inside Aiko. Aiko could feel her release was coming fast so she wrapped her legs around Naruto and pulled him towards her. "I'm about t-to cum" Naruto groaned out. 

"I want it inside" Aiko moaned out. "Are you sure Aiko? What if you get preg-?" Naruto questioned Aiko but she held a finger up to his lips before letting it limply fall. "Let me worry about that, I want you to feel good so finish in me," Aiko said, leaving no room for argument. Naruto nodded and started to pound Aiko with even more ferocity. Naruto slammed himself one last time in Aiko and breached her womb. Aiko's eyes grew wide with shock before they crumpled in pleasure. 

Naruto slammed his lips on Aiko's and they began another battle of the tongues, with Naruto winning again. Aiko could feel Naruto's hot seed pump its self inside of her, filling her womb up in seconds before it started leaking out of her. Naruto laid on top of Aiko as the two of them took a short breather. Naruto flopped to Aiko's side and he panted slightly, sweat glistening from his body. "You know, it's actually really hard to get a female Jinchuriki pregnant" Aiko mentioned as she panted. 

"Oh really?" Naruto said with a raised eyebrow, "What are you getting at?". There was a gleam in Aiko's eyes as she jumped on top of Naruto and leaned in close to him. "That means we can go again and this time I'll be the one on top" Aiko whispered before blowing inside of Naruto's ear slightly. Aiko moved and positioned her womanhood over Naruto's still erect member and lowered herself down on it. She placed her hands on Naruo's chest before she started to move her hips in a rhythmic motion. 

Almost as soon as she started she started to slam her hips down onto Naruto's member and felt as his cock breached her womb once again. She moved her hips faster and faster in a rhythmic motion. She grabbed Naruto's hands, which were on her hips, and moved them so that they were on her breast. Not needing any instruction Naruto started to grope her breast. Aiko leaned forward and now laid across Naruto, still slamming her hips down in the same speed and ferocity as before. 

Naruto placed one of her C-cup breasts inside of his mouth and started to lick her nipple. Aiko let out a moan of pleasure as Naruto lick and occasionally bit her nipple while he played with her other breast. Naruto switched between breasts as Aiko slammed her hips down. "Naruto!" Aiko moaned out. She grabbed the side of his face and slammed her lips down on his. they battled for dominance in the tongue battle and Aiko had won. Aiko explored Naruto's mouth and felt a greater experience than before. She deepened the kiss even more and felt her neater regions tingle even more. Aiko slammed her hips down once more and felt her own release happen. Just as Naruto pumped his seed deep inside of her, Aiko's own release squirted its self all over Naruto's manhood. 

Lemon Scene End

Aiko laid her body on top of Naruto as she sucked air in. She got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom as Naruto laid on the bed. Once she was inside she closed the door and immediately turned the shower that was inside the room, on. She let it run for a few seconds before stepping inside of it, letting the hot liquid run over her body. Aiko's let her eyes close as she thought back to what happened mere seconds ago. She giggled on the inside before she reached her hands down towards her nether regions. She spread them open and let Naruto's seed spill out of her. 

Once Aiko was done with the shower she grabbed the nearby towel and dried herself off. She stepped in front of the mirror in the bathroom and stared at her reflection for a second. She blinked and what she saw after caused her heart to stop. A figure that looked exactly like Aiko stood behind her. The only difference being the figure had black sclera surrounding cold-looking ice white-eyes. Aiko whipped around but nothing was there. Aiko was breathing heavily in confusion and slight fear.

"That can't be possible" Aiko breathed as she turns back around, "that version of me is dead". Aiko shook her head a just shoved that thought to her back of her mind. She couldn't focus on that right now. She left the bathroom as Naruto brushed past her. Naruto slapped his hand on Aiko's rear, enlisting a yelp from the Kunoichi and a playful glare in his direction. Aiko climbed back into the bed and noticed that they were new sheets. She didn't question it, mostly because she knew Naruto changed the sheets because he wouldn't want to sleep in a bed with that kind of mess on it. With the four days remaining Aiko thought of ways to train as her eyelids grew ever heavier until they closed completely, letting the comforting embrace of sleep take her. 


Published: Tuesday - December 14th, 2021 - 3:23 P.M.
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