Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Clancreb

Chapter 2: sling

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Creb, husband of Luna Lovegood re-lives his childhood

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Humor - Characters: Luna - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2022-01-31 - Updated: 2022-02-03 - 3099 words - Complete


Chapter 2: sling

Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling
Earth’s Children is owned by Jean M. Auel

It took a long time for Creb to recover from the Cave Bear attack. During this time, his mother, Uba made the skin of the Cave bear that attacked him into a cloak that was far to large for him. But since he would one day be a mog-ur, she wanted him to have a cloak made from when Ursus had chosen him.

During this time of his recovery, the current mog-ur, Borg, often came to visit him and attempted to teach him some of things he would need to know in order to become a mog-ur. But much the mog-ur’s surprise, Creb already knew everything the mog-ur attempted to teach him. The mog-ur attributed this to Creb’s Clan memories of an ancestor who had been a mog-ur.

Finally, he was healed enough to walk with the aid of a staff. Since he now only had one hand, he’d have to lean the staff against him in order to talk. The very first place he went was the hearth of Vorn, the Toolmaker, who waved a friendly greeting as the deformed and injured boy approached.

“This boy has a request for the Toolmaker,” signed Creb. “Can the Toolmaker make a sling for this boy?”

“What would the boy do with a sling, Creb?” signed Vorn. “The boy needs both hands in order to use a sling.”

“This boy will hold the ends with his teeth to put the stone in,” signed Creb “then grab the ends with this boy’s hand and sling the stone.”

“This might make it possible for the boy to use a sling,” signed Vorn. “The Toolmaker will make the boy a sling,”

“This boy is grateful,” signed Creb, before hobbling away.

He went just out of sight of the cave to think. He was a Weez-ur, but had no wand. It would be many seasons before Luna came to him with his wand. But he still knew how to be The Mog-Ur. And perhaps with a sling he could bring some food to his mother’s mate’s hearth. The wait for his mate, Luna would be a long one. Even Ayla was many seasons away. Creb felt himself getting tired. When he hobbled back to the cave, his mother the Medicine Woman scolded him for attempting too much, too fast.

Later that day, Vorn the Toolmaker brought him a sling the was small sized for him. Creb thanked the tool maker, but his mother would not let him out of the hearth until the next day.

And so, the next day, Creb hobbled over to Zoug’s hearth. It was strange to see the old man so young! And his new mate, Iga, was barely a woman! Zoug was as mature as a 22 year old man of the Others would be. He was at the peak of his health and was second in command after Crebs father Brac, who was Leader of the Clan.

“Would the second ranked man practice using slings with this boy?” signed Creb.

“This man would be happy to show the Leader’s son how to use a sling,” signed Zoug, humoring the boy, who he knew would not be able to use a sling with one hand.

After they had walked out of sight of the Cave, Zoug could see that Creb was having difficulty hobbling with the aid of his staff. So the man of the Clan picked up the boy and carried him the rest of the way. Once they had gotten for enough away from the rest of the clan, Zoug showed Creb the post that he had set up for sling practice. He very carefully explained each step as he showed the one-armed boy how to use the sling.

“The man is sorry that the boy will not be able to use his sling,” signed Zoug, once he had demonstrated that you needed two hands to load and fling a sling.

“This boy can do,” signed Creb, before grabbing the ends of the sling with his teeth, loading it with a stone, then grabbing this ends so he could swing it around and release. But he missed the post! Creb was disappointed at his failure to impress his old friend.

“That was amazing!” signed Zoug. “This man did not think you would be able to us a sling with one hand. This man is happy to have been proven wrong! When this man was a boy, before he was able to hunt with the men, this man would hunt with the sling. It is a useful skill for hunting small game. Let us practice some more.”

They practiced the rest of the afternoon with their slings. Zoug was the best man in the clan at using the sling. But his skill was not as great as Creb remembered from when they had been old men. As they practiced, Zoug was able to hit the post most of the time and Creb was able to hit more often than he missed. When they tired, Zoug carried Creb most of the way back to the cave, but set him down to walk on his own before the rest of the clan could see him.

That was the first of many times that Creb practiced the sling with Zoug. Soon he had become proficient enough to hit the post most of the the time. One day, when Creb was practicing with the sling he had an idea. could he use magic to improve his ability? He didn’t have a wand. But perhaps if he focused on hitting the post with the same feeling as using a wand . . . .
When he tried that, he hit the post less often, at first. But then he notices the stones were veering off at the last instant. When he tried directing them to move the other way, he suddenly became more proficient. By trying to evoke the same feeling as using magic and willing the stone to hit the post, he was hitting his target every single time! Zoug watched him hit the exact same spot on the post every single time over and over for a long time before signing:

“There is nothing more this man can teach the boy about the sling. The boy is already proficient.”

After that, Creb would go out to practice on his own. He had recovered his strength back from the Cave Bear attack and could walk the distance on his own. Multiple practice sessions showed him he could hit the exact target he wanted every time now.

One day, on his was to practice his sling, he spotted a ptarmigan coming out of its’ borough. Carefully pulling out his sling and putting the ends in his mouth to hold with his teeth, he place a stone in his sling, then carefully taking the ends from his mouth, he began swinging the sling is a circle before releasing at the bird and directing the stone at its‘ head. He’d killed it instantly! Now that the bird was dead, he reached into the borough, searching for eggs, but there were none. Climbing back to his feet he picked up the ptarmigan. Trying to hold both the bird and his staff was difficult. But he managed to make it back to the cave.

As he approached the cave, the entire Clan turned to stare at him. The crippled one-armed boy who was being passed over for Leader had successfully hunted! As he entered the hearth, his mother praised his kill and took it from him so she could prepare it for cooking. Brac, who was the man of the hearth and Leader of the Clan, nodded his approval of Creb’s first kill before leaving the hearth and calling all the men away for a meeting.

“The son of this Leader’s mate has successfully hunted a ptarmigan,” signed Brac. “Should we recognize him as a man of the Clan?”

“As a boy, this man was able to bring down small game with his sling,” signed Zoug. “But this man was not recognized as a man until this man’s first hunt with a spear.”

“Our clan never expected that the boy would be able to hunt,” signed Borg the mog-ur. “This is why he was made this mog-ur’s acolyte. And the boy had very good memories for being a mog-ur. The boy does not even need reminding. It is as if the boy already knows how to be a mog-ur. The boy will be a very good mog-ur and will be able to contribute to the Clan without being a hunter.”

“The boy is too young to be a man, signed Dorv. “And the boy will not ever be able to hunt with the men using a spear. The boy should not be made a man.”

“This man agrees,” signed Vorn. “The boy should not be made a man.”

“This man also agrees that Creb should not be made a man until he can bring down a large animal,” signed Bok.

“This is my decision,” signed Brac. “Creb will be allowed to hunt with his sling but will not be recognized as a man of the Clan until he is able to bring down a large animal, which we know will never happen.”

After that first time, the clan became more used to Creb bringing home small game to the hearth of his mother’s mate, Brac. She would always praise him for his kills. He was learning how to quiet his shuffle and look for animal signs. As his skill improved, his success and hunting happened more and more often. It order to carry back his kills, he would wear an extra wrap, woman style over his male wrap. This gave him folds he could turn a rabbit or bird into.

Four of the women of the Clan were pregnant: Ona, mate of Dorv and Vasa, mate of Vorn and Greeba, mate of Grev and Iga, mate of Zoug. All women were starting to show and Creb expected some of the people he knew were soon to be born.

By the time winter arrived, the clan had become used to Creb bringing back the occasional squirrel or wolverine. By now it had become clear to Borg the mog-ur that Creb’s memories of mog-ur knowlege were better than his own. Their teaching sessions often turned into the student teaching the teacher. And when Borg needed the assistance of an acolyte, Creb always filled the role to perfection.

Vasa was the first one to have her baby and it was named Droog. Ona was next and her daughter was named Vera. Then Greeba gave birth to Targ. And finally Iga had her daughter: Ebra.

This was also the winter when the mother of Creb’s mother died. She’d lived a couple of years older than Iza had, so it was not unexpected for Creb.

Spring meant that their winter stores of meat were nearly gone. So the men went out hunting and Creb went out with his sling to do the same. One time when he flushed out a pair of ducks, he barely got his sling ready in time to bring one down. But the other flew away. This made him wish that he could do Ayla’s two-stone trick. But he knew he could not. But what if he hit two birds with one stone? If he kept directing the stone, he could make it bounce off one and hit the other. When he tried doing that making the stone bounce off one tree and hit another, his accuracy was diminished at first. But with practice, he got better and better at it until he could reliably hit two targets with one stone if they were a reasonable distance from each other.

When Creb realized that his mother was pregnant, he became excited. He was looking forward to being reunited with his sister: Iza.

Creb continued to hunt small game over the summer as his sister grew within their mother. He had perfected his two birds with one stone trick and often brought home something to the hearth of the Leader.

The women of the Clan were able to gather plenty of roots to feed them over the winter and the men were successful and so there was plenty of meat to last them through the winter.

It was during that winter that Creb’s mother gave birth to her child, a healthy daughter who lived until her naming day. When the time can, Creb held the bowl of ochre paste for the mog-ur while he painted the mark on the child and proclaimed:

“The girl’s name is Iza!” he signed before pronouncing her name.

Spring came, and the Clan had to work extra hard to gather more plants and hunt more game because this was the year of the Clan Gathering. Creb’s kills were especially welcome this year because they meant the Clan was eating less of the large animals that they usually ate but need to preserve for winter. One day, when Creb was out hunting, he attempted to take down a crane at extreme range. But by the time the stone reached the bird it was not traveling fast enough and it bounce off the crane harmlessly allowing his prey to escape. This made him wonder if he could use magic to make the stone fly harder. So he practiced slinging at a tree willing it to fly harder each time. Do so made him less accurate at first, but then he learned to compensate and he was back hitting what he aimed at every time, only harder. He practiced flinging harder and harder, using magic to augment his sling until he heard a “CRACK!” as the stone broke the sound barrier and shot deeply into the tree. Seeing his success, he tried it again . . . and again until he could fling through trees and even shatter stones with his sling. Now anything he could see, he could take down. No bird was too far away.

When the time came, the Clan packed away what they had put away for winter and lined up to begin the trek to the Clan Gathering. Brac the Leader was in front, with the men behind him. The came the women and young children, led by his Mother, Uba the Medicine Woman. The older children, like Creb were after with Bok guarding the rear of the Clan. Creb let himself be the last child. He did care about status and from the rear he could use his sling to help Bok guard the backs of the Clan. It took them two phases of the moon to arrive at the Clan Gathering. It had been a long time since Creb had seen so many people. The Clan set up lean-tos to sleep under and then joined the socializing with the members of the other clans. This was not so pleasant for Creb.

“Look at the deformed boy!” signed a boy. “Hey! Deformed boy! Why was that boy allowed to live?”

“This boy was marked by the honey lover,” signed Creb. “Some day, this boy will be The Mog-Ur.”

“No! That boy will not!” signed another boy. “Everyone knows the flute playing mog-ur is the mightiest one. The mog-urs would never pick a deformed boy to be The Mog-Ur!”

“He will not ever be mated either!” signed a girl who was not quite a woman. “This girl though this girl had seen ugly men before, but then this girl saw that boy!”

Eventually the children from other clans gave up on teasing Creb and went away to do other things. There were competitions for many things and there were children’s versions of many of the events the adults competed in. Creb entered the children’s sling competition, which was mainly to encourage the children to practice. It didn’t count for the competition to be the best Clan. There were posts set up in a line for the boys to sling stone at. The other boy laughed when he joined the line of boys preparing to sling and put the ends of his sling in his teeth to hold it. But when they all went to sling their stones. One boy dropped his stone. Another’s fell short. Another’s sailed over the post. Two of them hit the post and Creb’s hit the post.

“This is unfair,” signed Creb. “May this boy stand further back?”

The man running this was from another Clan. He nodded his assent and Creb hobbled back twice as far as the other boys. This was though safe because not of these boys were believed capable of throwing a stone hard enough to hurt another. No one was eliminated from the contest, because it was just for training, anyway. So the boys all made another try, and Creb hit the post again, from twice as far back as the other boys. Now the boys weren’t laughing at him anymore.

“The boy is very proficient in using the sling,” signed the man running this.

“Would the man like to see this boy hit the sides of two posts?” signed Creb.

The man nodded his assent and Creb flung a stone to hit the side of his post and bounced off to hit the side of the post next to it.

Now, everyone was staring at him.

“Would the man like to see this boy put the stone inside the post?” signed Creb.

“That is not possible!” signed one of the boys. “It must be a trick!”

Creb doubled again the distance that he was from the post. He gripped the ends of the sling with his teeth, place a stone in it, grabbed the ends with his hand. He swung in around in a circle a few times, then released, applying his magic the the throw. The was a loud CRACK! as the stone broke the stone barrier and sailed at the post splitting it with a crack. Creb hobbled over to the post and pointed out that the stone wood had cracked, but the stone was still embedded in the crack, in the center of the post.

“How did the boy do that?” signed the man.
“Magic.” signed Creb. “This boy is the acolyte to the mog-ur of his Clan.”

“The boy is the winner of this competition,” signed the man.
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