Categories > Books > Harry Potter > All Men must Serve

Chapter 17: the Dark Side at Pike

by selenepotter 0 reviews

the Dark Side at Pike

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2022-02-21 - 1586 words - Complete


Seeing a real, living wight . . . . well at least, animated wight, was quite a revelation! Obviously, there is some sort of necromancer on the loose. And if the wildlings are to be believed, this necromancer is somewhere North of The Wall! But for now, this problem would keep. Most of the courtiers seemed confident that The Wall would keep the Wight Walkers out of Seven Kingdoms.

And so, late at night, I snuck out of the Red Keep and went to check on my criminal empire. When I walked into our lair, Big Byrony had a surprise for me. There was a cage containing a pale, recently dead man, surrounded by the remains of the remains of the box it had been in. The wight was thrashing around in its’ cage hissing at us.

“I nicked this from the docks,” explained Big Byrony. “Thought you might want one for yourself, boss.”

“You have done well,” I praised my underling, before pulling her into a kiss to re-enforce my control over her. I would need to do some experiments to determine the true nature of these wights.


You would think that after alerting the kneelers to the true threat of the Wight Walkers, that we would be put up in style, perhaps even better than that Manderly kneeler had done for us. But if you think the kneelers were at all grateful for the news we had brought them, you would be wrong. To the kneelers, we were just a pack of dirty Wildings, just one step barely above animals. We weren’t offered room and board in their fancy castle. Instead, we were kicked out into the street like trash. And when we made our way back to the docks, the boxes of wights were gone!

“Now, what do we do?” asked Ygrette.

“We stay here, try to find jobs to keep us busy,” I replied.

“Why the fuck would we stay here in the stinking city full of Kneelers?” asked Toreg.

“Because sooner of later, the King of the Kneelers will return,” I answered. “I’m betting, when he does, he’ll want to speak with us.”


“What do you mean, sacrifice?” I asked Red Missy.

“The Lord of Light requires a proper sacrifice,” replied Melisandra. “The boy has king’s blood. We must burn him to appease the Lord of Light.”

“SITH THAT!” I yelled before going on the attack. This woman had been bothering me from the beginning. Even being in her presence was painful. The worst of it seemed to be coming from that choker necklace she always wore. I used the Force to rip if off her. Even using the Force from a distance, it hurt to hold that necklace. It was like holding a red hot coal in my hand and the burning sensation got hotter as it drew nearer to me! So I reversed the direction it was flying through the air and Force pushed it off the cliff!

Instantly, Red Missy transformed from a fake looking beautiful woman into a crone that looked like she was centuries old! Everyone around us took a step back when her true appearance was revealed. She reacted by shooting jets of fire out of her arms at me!

I leaped sideway through the air in order to dodge both jets of fire, then rolled to my feet and Force pushed her off the cliff! I stepped closer to the edge to make certain of her fall. She had almost hit the water when she burst into flames and her descent slowed to a stop. She just hovered there burning all over like some kind of human torch, then she started rising. Faster, and faster she flew up towards me. She had almost reached the top when she threw a sphere made of fire at me. I dodged the fireball and replied with a bolt of Force Lightning.

She screamed when it hit her and fell from the sky. This time, she did not stop her descent before sinking beneath the waves. I watched to make certain she was not coming back for more.

“That was ill done,” spoke Stanis. “You killed her.”

“She was going to burn a child!” I snarled back at him. “You know what? Sith it!” Grabbing Edric under my arm, I Force leaped up to the top of the drawbridge. Once we were up there, I turned to Edric and said: “Now do your magic stuff and make it go down!”

“I could have done this from down there!” replied Edric, as his wand appeared in his hand. He waved it and the links of the chain holding the drawbridge up began to stretch like taffy, lowering the drawbridge.

(Sith that hurts!) I thought as we rode the drawbridge down to the ground. Once it was down, we all charged into the castle. The portcullis slammed down in front of me as the Ironborn poured boiling oil on us. I used the pain I received when Edric transfigured the boiling oil into flowers to feed the Dark Side of the Force and used it to lift the portcullis enough that I could roll under it. There were a bunch of Ironborn men with spears, ready to fight anyone that tried to lift the portcullis. I made short work of them slashing with my bastard sword, then racing further into the castle, killing anyone who got in my way. I made my way to the first rope bridge and across it to the castle. Then, fought my way through to the next bridge. I continued killing my way through until, at the last bridge a group of men with axes had the idea to cut the ropes that held up the bridge. I could tell I was not going to make it in time. So, halfway across, I Force jumped the rest of the way. just in the nick of time, as the bridge was falling away as I was soaring through the air. I landed amongst them and killed them all before killing my way further into the castle.

When I got to the room with a big black oily stone chair, it was obvious the Greyjoys were trying to make a last stand here. After I cut my way through the warriors, the old man tried to surrender. But I was too far into the Dark Side by now. I killed him and everyone else in the room, man, woman and child. And I continued my killing spree as I searched out everyone else in the castle extending mercy to none until there was no one left to kill.


While I was transfiguring the boiling oil into harmless flowers, Jon had only lifted the portcullis enough to roll under it before it slammed back down. But he did kill the Ironborn men who were supposed to prevent us from lifting it. I transfigured it into paper and we broke through it easily. Bran and I were in the vanguard as we fought our way through alongside Prince Stanis, securing each castle. It was easy to tell where Jon had been by the trail of dead bodies he had left behind. The trail ended with a rope bridge that had been cut from the other side. But I could see more dead bodies in the gateway of the last castle, where the other end of the rope bridge was supposed to be.

A reparo charm restored the bridge and we headed across to the last castle of Pike. Inside, it was a charnel house. No longer was there a trail of dead bodies showing which way Jon had gone. Instead, every room seemed to contain a corpse. We had fallen behind because Stanis had insisted that we secure each castle before moving onward. Bran and I were able to speed up the process by casting binding charms to tie the prisoners up. But it still took time. And it was obvious that Jon had not taken any prisoners. The throne room was the worst. It was clear that this was where the Ironborn of the castle and their families had tried to make a last stand. And Jon had shown them no mercy.

“Point me, Jon Stark” I said, with my wand in the flat of my hand. It rotated and tilted up. So I searched until a found stairs leading upward. I found him meditating on the top of the castle. There were blood stains up here, but no corpses left.
“Jon?” asked Bran.

When he opened his eyes to peer at us they were a sickly yellow.

“Leave me alone!” hissed Jon. “I need time to pull back from the Dark Side! . . . And don’t do any magic around me!”

I nodded and pulled Bran away.

It was later, after Jon had recovered, when Bran informed us that Tywin Lanister was dead. That he had been killed by Ser Bariston when the Siege of the Westlands had been broken.


My next edition, detailing the visit from the Wildings and their claims of the return of the Others was one of the best selling stories ever. If very quickly sold out and I was able to sell out six more printings. After that, I continued to look deeper into this story and published a series on the legend of the North, obtained from interviews with people who had moved down from the North and from the Wildlings that had come to our city.
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