Categories > Movies > Marvel Cinematic Universe > Spider-Man's Little Sister

2. Adjusting Over the Years

by MapleWritesFanfics 0 reviews

Some scenes from over the 5 years of the blip

Category: Marvel Cinematic Universe - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-03-06 - 1471 words

Note: This Chapter has multiple time skips, they will be marked though

Also the pacing, emotion, and action gets better from here. I just needed to do some relationship building and fill in the blip a bit

~September 2019~

"Have a good day at school, Isla!" Pepper calls to me as I leave for the first day of 5th grade.

"See you later, Pepper." I wave as I walk out the door of the lakefront cabin. 

"Remember, Tony's picking you up at the end of the day!"


Things have been different since last year. I still always feel an empty hole inside though. I don't think that it's ever going to fully go away. But it gets a little better everyday. I catch the school bus that rides into Albany, the town I go to school now. It's my second time without Peter on the first day of school. It was one of those special things that we shared together. And now that he's gone it feels weird.

I found the class lists in the front foyer. It took me a few minutes to find Ms. Porter's room. She seemed nice. I found a seat at the back of the room, hoping we didn't have seating plans. I just wanted to sit by myself, at least for now. 

I got through the day. All we really did was talk about class rules and expectations. I hardly talk to anyone in my class anymore, after half of everyone disappeared. I just don't want to make any attachments that can hurt others, and myself.

After school I go outside to see if Tony was there yet. 

"Kid, you ready to go?" I spot Tony parked across the street and look both ways before running over and getting in the car. "How was your day?"

"It was fine. Basically just talking about classroom expectations." I answer. I stare out the window as we drive. The streets still look so empty to me. I don't think I'll ever think it's normal. At least not for a very long time. 

I can hear Tony and Pepper's daughter, Morgan giggling in the living room as I walk through the door. She'll be one this December. I drop my pack by the staircase and head over to play with little Morgan.

"Hey." I say softly as I sit down on the carpet with her and pick up one of her rattles. Morgan crawls over to me as I shake the colourful  rattle. Her little hands reaching for the rattle as I hand it to her. I give her a smile. She's the most adorable thing ever, and I would do anything to protect her. I make silly faces, causing Morgan to start giggling. I play with her for a bit before heading upstairs to my room.  

The pale blue walls still bare as I walk in. I pull my hair into a ponytail before kicking up into a handstand on my wall. About a minute later I kick back down into a back walkover. Doing a backflip afterward. 

~ June 2021~

I climb out my window onto the roof right below it with my journal. I took up journaling as a way of venting about everything. It's been three years now. I still miss Peter and Aunt May so much. But, I have a new normal too. Tony, Pepper, and Morgan are practically family.  And I have made a few friends at school, Lainey and Lena Wilcox, and Delilah, or 'Lilah' Bines. I watch as the sun starts to set behind the lake. It's one of the most breathtaking sights I have ever seen. Pinks, oranges, yellows, and reds all mixing with the blue, and slowly taking over the sky. Sitting on the roof outside my window makes me feel like I'm back in Queens with Peter. I wipe a couple tears from my eyes. I accept that they're gone. I have too. 

I hear Pepper come into my room. "Isla, it's time for dinner."

I turn and climb back through the window. "Ok." I smile as I walk out the door of my room and down the stairs. Pepper brings Morgan down with her. Once we're all seated at the table we start eating. Cheeseburgers are delicious. 

"Isla, could you help with the dishes?" Pepper asks as we finish eating.

"For sure, Pepper." I answer. I help out pretty often. Dishes, cleaning up. That sort of stuff.

As soon as Tony takes Morgan away from the table I clear the plates and head over to the dishwasher to load them. Setting the white, ceramic plates on the counter I open the stainless steel dishwasher and put the plates in.

"Thanks for helping out." Pepper gives me a smile. 

"You're welcome." I smile back. "You guys took me in after the snap and I'm just paying it back by helping out." 

"We couldn't just leave you all by yourself. You needed people in your life who could be there for you and we knew that."

I nod. 

"Don't you have powers?" Pepper asks. 

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I just don't really see you using them much."

"I don't use them that much. They remind me of Peter too much. We used to sit on the ceiling and read together and stuff. It still feels weird to do it without him."

"Oh." Pepper's tone is apologetic. "I know you miss him. And your aunt."

"It gets a little easier every day." I say. "And I probably should practice using my powers. Some of them I don't even really know how to control, they just happen."

Pepper nods.

"Anyway, I should probably get to bed. I've got school in the morning."


I head up to bed. My pale blue pjs have little monarch butterflies printed on the shorts and one in the middle of the t-shirt. I just lay awake in bed for a long time staring at the ceiling before eventually falling asleep.

~December 2022~

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Morgan, happy birthday to you!" Tony, Pepper and I sing as Pepper brings out the cake.

Morgan blows out the four birthday candles on the cake. 

"Happy fourth birthday, Morgan!" We cheer. 

Morgan grins. Her dark brown hair falling on her shoulders. She's so happy, a ball full of energy. Not only can I see it on her face, but I can feel it, being an empath and all. It really feels like we're a family now. We're all wearing the cheesy, colourful, cone party hats.It's fun though. 

"Cut the cake! Please daddy." Morgan wants some of the birthday cake.

"Ok Maguna." Tony picks up the cake knife and cuts everyone a slice before we all dig in.

It was so delicious. I know Morgan was so happy.

"Sissy, come open presents!" Morgan tugs on my arm.

"Ok, ok. I'm coming." I smile. She's one of the few bits of joy I still have in life. Things are just normal now. I have my friends over sometimes. I've been practicing using my powers regularly, everything's good.

I sit down in the living room with Tony and Pepper as Morgan starts tearing open the wrapping. "A bear! I love him so much! That you!" Morgan's little voice making the words sound like they have W's in them. Her deep brown eyes sparkle with delight.

~February 2023~

"Twenty-seven... twenty-eight... twenty-nine... thirty! Ready or not here I come!" I  run and check all of the most obvious hiding places. Morgan's gotten smarter. I check upstairs. No luck. I make my way into the basement.

I check behind everything down there before getting to Tony's workspace. I spot Morgan's foot poking out from behind the table.

"Found you." I reach out my hand. "Come on. You know you're not supposed to be hiding in your dad's workspace."

"Why not?" She tilts her little head at me.

"Because you could get cut by leftover scrap metal or tools that have been left out. I don't want you to get hurt." I remind her.

"Ok. Can we get juice pops?" 

"Sure. We can get juice pops." I reply as we reach the top of the stairs out of the basement.

*Notes: I fact checked a bunch of dates of things, such as Infinity War and where the upstate Avengers facility is located. The upstate facility is located in the area known as the Capital Region which I searched up and it is a city called Albany. I don't think Tony wen't too far away from the Avengers facility. Nothing on the internet says where Tony and Pepper's house in Endgame is supposed to be in canon, just where the filming location is, so I put it a little outside the city of Albany that has a little lake on google maps. 

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