Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 45: Quantum Filament

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Captain’s log, Stardate 57736.5 - We are still traveling to Qo’nos

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Humor,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer,Gaius Baltar - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-04-14 - 1480 words - Complete


Chapter 45: Quantum Filament

Captain’s log, Stardate 57736.5 - We are still traveling to Qo’nos, with many detours to investigate unusual phenomena along the way. Currently we are examining variation in the subspace background in this region.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Ten Forward

“Are you sure you shouldn’t be staying in bed in your condition?” asked Lieutenant Boomer Eight.

“Nonsense! I am fully capable to getting around until the day this baby is born!” replied Chief Luziana Eight, as she waddled towards a table where Lieutenant Gaius Baltar appeared to be talking to himself.

“Hi Gaius, hi Natasi,” greeted Boomer as she attempted to aid her Betazoid wife to the table. Even though she couldn’t see her, Boomer knew Gaius had to be in conversation with his wife, that she couldn’t see or hear. “Do you mind if we join you?”

“Not at all,” replied Baltar. “You two are always welcome at our table.”

“I’m surprised to see you moving around in your condition,” said Natasi.

“I’m pregnant, not an invalid,” snapped Luziana at what looked like an empty chair to her wife. “Besides, I’m not the only one,”

She indicated a trio of engineers that had stopped bay after their shift: Lieutenant Charles Chen, his Medeusan wife: Lieutenant Đžain Chen, and their co-worker: Lieutenant Valerii Eight, a model Eight Cylon who also appeared to be heavily pregnant.

Suddenly, the whole room lurched, throwing people out of their chairs and the lights went out.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Bridge

After the ship lurched, the bridge was thrown into pitch darkness.

“Report.” Lieutenant Commander Harry Kim ordered his officers.

“Power appears to have gone out,” reported Lieutenant Gran.
“We can see that,” replied Kim. “Our cybernetic systems appear to be effected also. They are rebooting. Can anyone see well enough to assist me into the Captain’s chair?”

“I can’t see a frakin’ thing!” said Starbuck. “But if I can find you, I’ll help pick you up.”

“There is no need,” replied the blind Ensign Betsa. “I don’t need to see. I’ll help you.”

“I can also navigate in the dark,” added Lieutenant Gran, who was andorian and thus able to ‘feel’ things at a distance.

After the two of them had helped Kim into the Captain’s chair some of the lights in his components started to light up.

By the time his systems were fully rebooted, some of the touch screens were also lighting up with the reload icon.

“It appears we have lost power to at least the Bridge, if not the whole ship,” reported Lieutenant Gran. “Your own loss of power to your Borg implants would tend to point towards that possibility.”

“We’re starting to re-establish contact with the other Borg on the ship,” said Kim. “It appears to be a ship-wide phenomena.”

“Where was the Captain before all this happened?” asked acting 1st Officer Lieutenant Kara ‘Starbuck’ Thrace.

“He was in the holodeck with a group of the junior officers,” replied Kim.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Holodeck 3

Captain Data was attempting a team building exercise by running them through the ‘Three Musketeers’ program. He was with Lieutenant Nog, Ensign Vonik and Ensign Tabi in the midst of a sword fight with the Cardinal’s men when everything when black.

“Computer, end program . . . Computer Arch . . . Computer increase illumination . . . It appears that the holodeck systems are completely disabled,” observed Captain Data.

“How do we get out of here?” asked Vonik.

“We need to carefully work our way to a wall, then feel our way to the exit,” explained Data. “From there, we can manually open the door.

“I can hear, by the echo that the nearest is wall is that way . . . “ said Nog, before he realized none of them could see where he was pointing. “Just follow my voice. It’s only 4 meters way.”

Deep Space - USS Argos - Ten Forward

The front window gave them some light. But they were in deep space so the starlight was not very bright.

“Oh! I think my water just broke!” moaned Luziana.

“Mine too!” moaned Valerii Eight.

“Does anybody have experience delivering babies?” asked Luziana.

“I’ve done the medical program on the learning machine, but I have no practical experience,” offered Baltar.

“Oh! Does any have any prior first hand experience delivering babies?” moaned Luziana, as she started telepathically scanning around the room. “You! Commander Worf!”

“No!” protested Worf.

“I know you can do it, You’ve done it before!” moaned Luziana.

“Not on purpose!” protested Worf “Besides It’s too dark for me to see what I am doing!”

“Then you’ll have to do it by feel,” said Luzaina, before asking her wife: “Help me get this uniform off.”

“I am NOT going to touch you down there!” protested Worf. “You are a married woman!”

“It’s alright! You can touch her as much as you want,” yelled Boomer. “Just deliver the baby safely!”

“Baltar, you could help me, if you want,” said Valerii Eight.

“I’ve only downloaded the knowledge,” protested Baltar. “I don’t have any practical experience.”

“It’s all right, Gaius. I’ll talk you through it,” said Natasi.

“I’m afraid you’ll need to take your uniform off,” said Baltar, nervously.

“Not a problem,” laughed Valerii Eight. “I’m an Eight, and married to a Fernegi. The only reason I’m wearing it now is I just got off duty.”

Deep Space - USS Argos - Bridge

“I looks like all the computers on the ship have gone down,” reported Lieutenant Gran. It’s going to take hours to get them all re-booted. We can speed the process by limiting when ones are working until the main computer is fully rebooted.”

“Understood,” replied Lieutenant Commander Harry Kim. “Well have our fellow Borg go to Life support and manually restart it. Life support and other critical systems shall be our priority.”

Deep Space - USS Argos - Holodeck 3

“Now that we have found the wall, it is just a mater of working working our way around the room clockwise until we find the door,” said Data.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Ten Forward

“I need a hand to hold on to . . Đžain!” yelled Valerii Eight, before she realized her friend’s Universal Translator was not working an she was strugling to understand the language. Reaching behind her, Valerii Eight grabbed two of her Medeusan friend’s hands and pulled her to help support her back as she squatted.

“I can feel him! The baby’s crowning!” said Baltar. “Push!”

Valerii Eight screamed an agony of the strain as she tried to push her baby out.

“One more, push. You can do it!” coaxed Baltar.

Valerii Eight squeezed her friend’s hands as she bore down and pushed.

“He’s a boy!” said Baltar, as he cleaned it with a table cloth and he began to cry.

“Would you like to hold him for a second?” asked Baltar. “We’ve still got to push the afterbirth out.”

Realizing that she was probably nodding and he couldn’t see her, he handed her the baby anyway.

“He’s not ‘our baby’ he’s hers,” said Balter, to Natasi. “I know you like babies but you’ve got to stop getting so attached to other people’s babies!”

“Why haven’t you gotten this baby out of me!” yelled Luzaina.

“The baby will come when she’s good and ready,” growled Worf.

Luziana turned on her wife: Boomer Eight, who was holding her hand: “Your parents were never married!”

“Yes, dear,” said Boomer as she continued to offer her wife support.

“Come on! You can do this!” coaxed Medi, who was holding her other hand. “Lots of women have done this before. Women all over the galaxy do this every day. I believe in you!”

There was a flicker and the lights came on.

“Don’t you dare move your hands Mister Worf!” screamed Luziana.

“But we need to cover you!” protested Worf. “People will see you naked!”

“I don’t care if people see me naked!” screamed Luziana. “Everyone has already seen me naked! Just get this baby out of me!”

(You need to calm down. You are projecting and you are giving the mind-blind a headache,) telepathically projected Lieutenant Nichi, one of the Talosian members of the crew who was in Ten Forward with them.

After much struggle and labor, Luziana finally birthed her daughter, It had just fallen into Worf’s hands when Doctor Salar walked into the club.

Captain’s log, Stardate 57737.6 - We have survived our encounter with a quantum filament. Although it was detrimental to the functioning of our machinery, no one was permanently injured by the blackout. In fact, the population of the ship has increased by two.
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