Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 56: Federation vs. the Skrrr

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Commodore’s log Stardate 57777.7 - Having re-deployed the fleet and spending weeks in preparation, the time to resolve the Skrrr situation has come.

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: William Adama - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2022-04-21 - 2385 words - Complete


I do not own Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or the Flintstones

Chapter 56: Federation vs. the Skrrr

Commodore’s log Stardate 57777.7 - Having re-deployed the fleet and spending weeks in preparation, the time to resolve the Skrrr situation has come.

Visalayan orbit - Talosian ship Athena - Commodore’s office

In the Visalayan system sat the Fleet that Commodore Sart had gathered to deal with the piracy problem perpetrated by the Skrrr. From the Talosian system he had brought 9 of his ships to add to the four Medusian ships he had concentrated here. (two of them were normally posted here, two more had been brought back from other systems) There were two Cylon Base ships and two Kobolian ships: a Mercury class Battlestar and a Cruiserstar. Commodore Sart had spent weeks in video conference with his captains. Now, he had gathered them all for one last video conference to remind them of the more important points he had already gone over with them previously. All of the ships had subspace transceivers with video screens, so they could see each other. Though, with 27 people on the screen, it was difficult to see any one person.

“Captains, we are about to embark on this mission, so I want go over a few points again,” said the Talosian Commodore Sart. “We are going to confront the Skrrr, an insectoid species that has been preying on Medeusan shipping. We have made many attempts to negotiate a peace with the Skrrrr, but they have refused all attempts. I will take the Athena uncloaked into their territory. The rest of the Talosian
ships will accompany me but will remain cloaked. The Medeusan ships will follow a a position one light hour behind, to the right of and above the Athena. The Cylon and Kobolian ships will be called after the battle has begun and will jump in.
The Skrrr’s usual ships are small carriers that are unarmed, other than the 6 fighters that they carry. Their fighters are comparable to Raiders and Vipers and are armed with auto-cannon similar in effectiveness to the kinds our Raiders carry. The fighters are also capable working as boarding pods. The Skrrr are an insectoid race. Their bodies are covered in chitinous carapace armor that is comparable to Cylon Centurions. So any troops that encounter them, will need to be armed with either explosive bullets or phaser rifles, set to disintegrate. Their physical strength
is also comparable to a Centurion. They do not use ranged weapons in boarding parties and instead rely on melee weapons to carve up their foes. Their running speed is rapid enough that they can often close with you before your can fire a shot at them. It is not believed that they have transporter capability. But if they are found to have that technology, the Proserpina, Khthonios, Atalanta, and the Odyssey, are all ordered to jump away immediately, not pausing to retrieve Vipers or Raiders. If any of our planets except Kobol or Caprica send a distress call, these four ships are to immediately jump to the planet and defend it.
Are there any questions?”

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan to Skrrr Hive-world - Athena (Talosian flagship) - Bridge

(Commodore, I am sensing a large number of individuals) thought the Talosian in charge of far listening. (They are not yet within sensor range)

(Monitor sensors, Let me know when they become visible.) thought Commodore Sart. (Communications, alert the rest of the Fleet)

(Aye Commodore) thought the communications officer, who then turned on the subspace transceiver and alerted the other ships.

(Ships are coming into range) thought the Sensor officer. Taking on individual names was for the convenience of the other races of Starfleet and the Talosians didn’t bother with them when they were alone on their ship. (Their configuration matches that of the Skrrr carrier ships. There are a large number of them . . . . estimate more than 600 of them.)

(Raise shields,) commanded Commodore Sart. (Hail the Skrrr)

(Channel open, audio only,) announced the Communications Officer.

“This is Commodore Sart of the United Federation Planets. We wish to negotiate an end to hostilities between your people and the Medeusans, a member species of our Federation.”

“This is Over-Worker Krrrrk of the Skrrr Invasion Fleet! Soon we shall exterminate the slimy Medeusans and take their world for our selves! then, there will be peace between our peoples as they digest in our stomachs!”

(Switch channels to the entire Fleet) thought Commodore Sart.

(All ships are listening, Commodore) thought the Communications Officer.

“Fleet, contingency plan 23,” said Commodore Sart. “Begin.”

On hearing their command, the other 8 Talosian ships de-cloaked, raised shields and fired phasers, destroying 7 of the Skrrr carriers. The Medeusans circled around to de-cloak on their lower right flank. Then, four of the Skrrr carriers exploded as the the bombs transported inside them exploded. When the Base ships and Kobolians jumped on to their upper left flank, they began launching Vipers and Raiders. The Skrrr began launching their fighters.

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Odyssey - C&C

“Skrrr are launching fighters,” reported Lieutenant Terry Carter.

Target 12 of the carriers with our belly launchers,” commanded Captain Penelope Illyria. “Have the side cannon prepared to intercept Skrrr fighters.”

“Photon torpedoes locked on target,” reported Commander Ronald Moore.

“Fire!” commanded Captain Illyria.

“12 Carriers destroyed,” reported Lieutenant Carter.

“Have them reload,” commanded Moore.

“Turn the nose down,” commanded Illyria. “I want to try out that L.A.S.E.R.! While we’re at it, target 12 more carriers.”

The Odyssey was not equipped with a view screen. So their Bridge officers couldn’t see the focused beam of light lance out for 3 seconds and burn through the hull of the Skrrr carrier ship or the Skrrr fighter that was destroyed when it attempted to block the laser beam by interposing itself.

It was not possible to instal phasers without removing all the tyllium based tech and replacing it with a warp core and the plasma conduits required to power a phaser cannon. So the Borg had, instead installed an older technology, a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation device that’s power draw was near the upper limit of what the Odyssey could handle. During the 3 seconds that the L.A.S.E.R. was firing, the lights on Odyssey dimmed to half their normal brightness throughout the ship.

“L.A.S.E.R. has destroyed its’ target, along with a fighter,” reported Lieutenant Carter. “Photon torpedoes have destroyed 7 more carriers.”

“Why only seven?” asked Commander Moore.

“The fighters are getting to be so dense they’re starting to block our torpedoes,” explained Lieutenant Carter.

“Tell the lateral cannons to keep those fighters off us,” commanded Captain Illyria. “And spin us around. I want to shoot them with the top launchers while the others are reloading.”

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Racer’s Viper

Julia ‘Racer’ Alexandros and Tom ‘Lone Wolf’ Riddle were weaving in and out of a veritable sea of Skrrr fighters and had been cut off from the rest of their squadron.

“I’ve got one on my tail! I can’t shake him! I can’t-” were the last words of ‘Lone Wolf’ before his viper exploded from Skrrr fighter fire.

“Fast draw, I’m cut off and I lost my wingman!” Racer reported to the CAG.

“We can’t get to you. There’s too many of them,” replied the CAG.

“I can be your wingman,” said a mechanical sounding voice.

“Who’s that?” asked Racer.

“I am Raider 57,” replied the voice.

Racer glanced to her left and spotted a Cylon Raider flying parallel with her.

“Glad you have you, 57,” said Racer. “Now let’s kick some insect ass!”

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Ahtapot (Medeusan ship) - Bridge

“Here comes another swarm of fighters!” reported the Medeusan Tactical Officer.

“Beam another warhead into the middle of their formation,” ordered the Captain.

“Hit! That swarm is gone,” said the Tactical Officer. “But here comes another one!”

“Palm me with one hand” grumbled the 1st Officer. “I think there might be enough of them to carry out their threat of invading Visalayan.”

“Not if we take them out before they get there,” replied the Captain. “Beam!”

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Proserpina - Bridge

“Fire four more photon torpedoes,” ordered Captain Mecha.

“Three of the fighters have latched on,” reported 1st officer Three. “We’ve got boarders in sections 5, 14, and 39.”
“Send two squads of MACOS to each of those sections,” ordered Captain Mecha.

Most of those MACOS were, like her, Cylon Centurions. Though there was one Kobolian Human in their ranks.

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Odyssey - corridor

“Here they come!” said MACO Lieutenant Grant.

In the time they had been in this part of the galaxy, the Odyssey had taken on new crew members, alien crew members, from the home worlds of the Borg, Tarquinians, Vulcans, Medeusans and Talosians. Being new, these aliens were all ensigns with the lowest seniority. But if they survived this battle, they’d rise in rank aboard this ship. Grant’s MACO squad had Kobolian Humans, a Tarquinian and a Medusian in it. But the aliens’ differences were forgotten as the skittering sounds of the approaching Skrrr echoed off the deck. As soon as they saw movement, they started firing. The barely had time to register the shape of the Skrrr worker as it charged them with an axe in each hand. It looked sort of mantis-like, with a four legged body and two arms that had hands that could hold weapons. The Skrrr charged so fast that there was only time to take one of them out before the others were amongst them.

The Skrrr managed to kill two of Grant’s men before the Medeusan MACO and grabbed both its‘ arms and tried to prevent it from killing any more of them. The Skrrr worker reared back on its’ back feet and started kicking with its’ front feet while using the Medeusan’s grip on its’ arms to bash him against the ceiling! Grant pointed his pistol, loaded with explosive rounds, under what looked like the chin of the creature and pulled the trigger. The Skrrr worker dropped the Medeusan as its’ body went limp. Meanwhile, the Tarquinian had managed to disintegrate one with his phaser riffle, and another had been taken down by another of his men, armed with explosive bullets.

Deep Space - 1/4 the journey from Visalayan - Odyssey - C&C

By now the battle had been going on for hours. The Odyssey had long since expended all of its’ photon torpedoes and was relying on its’ LASAR and lateral cannons to hold off the Skrrr fighters.

“Port armory reports they are out of ammunition for the cannons,” reported Commander Moore.

“They’ve got us surrounded again,” reported Lieutenant Carter.

“Well make another micro jump to the edge of the battle,” commanded Captain Illyria. “The starboard cannons will have to take up the slack.”

“Odyssey, with draw to Visalayan,” commanded the voice of Commodore Sart, over the subspace transceiver.

“Captain?” asked Moore.

“You heard the Commodore,” replied Captain Illyria. “Set jump co-ordinates for Visalayan and . . Jump!”

The new duatronic computers allowed known co-ordinates to be saved and constantly recalculated from their current location to a known one. They no longer had to recalculate for each jump. This allowed the Odyssey to safely leave the battle and join the Atalanta, Proserpina, and Khthonios, who had preceeded them there. The rest of the battle would have to be completed by the Taolsians and Medeusans. But the Human ships, both Kobolian and Cylon, had given a good account of themselves and helped greatly with paring down the nearly 700 Skrrr carriers to few dozen. And in the process, friendships had been formed between Viper pilots and Raiders.

Skrrr homeworld orbit - Athena - Bridge

It had been a hard battle. They had lost four ships: three Talosian and one Medeusan. But they had, in one stroke, destroyed the Skrrr’s ability to wage war completely. The Skrrr had gambled all their forces and lost.

(Open a channel,) commanded Commodore Sart.

(Channels open on all frequencies, Commodore,) reported the Communications Officer.

“This is Commodore Sart of the United Federation of Planets. We have tried repeatedly to make peace with you and you responded with an invasion fleet. We have therefore removed your ability to travel in space and destroyed all your spacefaring ships. Until you are willing to negotiate, in good faith, a peace between our species, you will be denied the ability to leave your planet. Any ship that attempts to leave your planet, unless it is a diplomatic envoy prepared to negotiate for peace, will be destroyed.”

Normal Fleet Deployment
Kobol - Galactica, Tartarus, Zeus, Polvo, Atalanta, Atlantis
Caprica - Styx, Charon, Lethe, Orpheus, Plouton, 7 Base ships, Hermes, Pugita,
Mars - Cube 1, Basestar, Ares, He’e, Apollo (under construction)
Talos IV- Athena, Hera, Hades, Artemis, Dionysus, Hestia, Erebos,
Tarquinus - Kerberos, Hephestus, Ahtapot, Odyssey
Visalayan - Khthonios, Poseidon, Blekksprut, Kaheksajalg,
Vulcan - Proserpina, Helios,
Exploring - Argos

Psyche Class Talosian ship: Warp 4, one person transporter, shields, phasers, phasing cloak, 22nd century tech, named after Lords of Kobol, (Zeus, Hermes, Ares, Athena, Hera, Hades, Artemis, Dionysus, Hestia, Hephestus, Poseidon, Helios,)
Medeusan ship: Warp 6, most advanced transporters, polarized hull plating, transporting bombs, phasing cloak, 23 century tech
(He’e, Hobtnica, Ahtapot, Blekksprut, Kaheksajalg, Pugita, and Polvo.)
Basestars: Erebos, Kerberos, Khthonios, Proserpina, modified to include 4 photon torpedo launchers in Landing Bay.
Odyssey: modified to include 36 photon torpedo launchers and a LASER, 4 Raptors, no landing pods.

Captain Penelope Illyria
1st Officer - Commander Ronald Moore
DRADIS operator - Lieutenant Terry Carter
Communications Officer - Lieutenant Sorbo
Helm - Lieutenant Glin Larsun
Raptor Pilot -‘Lieutenant Jon ‘Small Hands’ Smytha
Raptor Sensor Specialist - Lieutenant Margareta ‘Shorty’ Cody

Current Fleet Deployment
Kobol - Galactica, Tartarus, Zeus, Polvo, Atlantis, Styx, Orpheus, Plouton,
Caprica - Charon, Lethe, 7 Base ships, Hermes, Pugita,
Mars - Cube 1, Borg Basestar, Apollo (under contruction)
Talos IV- Helios,
Tarquinus - Kerberos,
Visalayan - Blekksprut, Kaheksajalg, He’e, Ahtapot, Athena, Hera, Hades, Artemis, Dionysus, Hestia, Poseidon, Hephestus, Ares, Proserpina, Khthonios, Atalanta, Odyssey,
Vulcan - Erebos,
Going to Mars - Argos
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