Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 60: Apollo launches

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Captain’s log: Stardate 57827.3 - We have returned to Mars, where my previous First officer, Worf, shall become the new Captain of the Apollo.

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Starbuck - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-04-24 - 1925 words - Complete


I do not own Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica or M.A.S.H.

Chapter 60: Apollo launches

Captain’s log: Stardate 57827.3 - We have returned to Mars, where my previous First officer, Worf, shall become the new Captain of the Apollo. the first of the Apollo class ships that shall be built to protect the home worlds of the Federation. Eventually there shall be two in each system. But thus far, there is only one, the first Federation ship built in this universe.

Mars Orbit - USS Argos - Nog’s Quarters

As usual, when visiting the Nogs, Natasi had shed all her clothing except her ultra high-heeled shoes that she favored. Lieutenant Gaius Baltar had become used to this new eccentricity his wife had adopted after she became Godmother to the son of an Eight. No one else could see her prancing down the corridors like this, But HE could. When they arrived at their quarters, Baltar rang the door alert. He and Natasi had ironed out their differences and come to an agreement. This would be his last opportunity to see his Godson: Rom for a while, as the Nogs were both transferring to the Apollo. When Lieutenant Valerii Eight opened the door, Baltar saw that her husband: Lieutenant Nog and Lieutenant Solon were already there. As soon as they entered Lieutenant Solon made Natasi visible to them all and made herself invisible so she would not disrupt their social gathering. Natasi stepped forward and hugged Eight, before taking Rom from her arms, then walked over to give Nog a one armed hug. She then, turned her entire attention onto the baby.

“It’s good to see you one last time before you leave,” said Baltar.

“I replicated us some dinner, if you like?” offered Eight.

They had a pleasant dinner together. Eight sat on Nog’s lap and chewed his food before passing it to him with a kiss. Baltar sat across from them and made small talk with the other couple as he ate. Natasi, did not eat at all and focused her full attention on baby Rom. After they finished, Baltar helped Eight clear off the plates and put them back in the replicator to be recycled. She then, moved over and sat next to Natasi.

“Listen, there’s something I would like to ask you,” said Eight as she tried to summon her courage. “Ferengi men as wealthy as Nog, usually have more that one Female. Since we’re so close, would consider fraking Nog for me?”

“Sure, I think I’d like that,” said Natasi as she tore her eyes away from Rom to give a sultry look at Nog.

“Eight, I told you I don’t want that,” protested Nog.

“Hold on!” interrupted Baltar. “Are you actually suggesting that we engage in wife swapping!?!”

“I don’t think I would be able to see her with another man,” countered Nog.

“Well if you really want to, I could leave you three alone,” offered Baltar. “This seems like a good time to mention it. Natasi and I have agreed to be separated. When you leave, she’s planning to stay with you so she can watch over Rom. You three could get together then.

(It is not possible for me to create this illusion without the presence of her host) the voice of Lieutenant Solon rang in their heads. (In order for Natasi to interact with them this way we must both be present)

“The point is moot!” scolded Nog. “Eight, I’ve told you before, you are the only Female I want. It may not be very Ferengi of me, but you are better than any Ferengi Female could ever be! I Love you Eight, you are all the Females I want!”

“. . . On that note, I think it’s time for me to make my departure,” said Baltar. “Nog, Eight, it has been a pleasure to see you and I will be sure to drop in again the next time the Argos is at Kobol. Natasi . . . farewell.”

Baltar walked out of their Quarters, followed by Lieutenant Solon. As soon as they were out the door, Natasi vanished from their eyes and Nog realized he had been holding his son all along. Natasi was still there, but neither of them could see her.

Mars Orbit - USS Apollo - Bridge

“All ship’s systems are operational,” said the voice of Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Valerii Eight, over the intercom.

“Captain, all systems are go, we are prepared for launch,” reported the 1st Officer: Commander Kara ‘Starbuck’ Thrace.

“Take us out, 1/8 impulse,” commanded Captain Worf.

“Aye Captain, 1/8 impulse,” said the Talosian Helmsman, Lieutenant Ingulz.

When they had cleared the shipyard, Commander Thrace reported: “We are clear of the shipyard, Captain.”

“Set course for Kobol,” commanded Captain Worf.

“Aye Captain, course laid in sir,” reported Lieutenant Stonn, who was a Vulcan from the Argos’ Universe.

“Warp Factor 1, . . . Engage!” commanded Captain Worf.

And their first Voyage had begun.

From there, after bringing the ship up to Warp 6, things became routine on the Bridge. At the end of the Alpha Shift, Captain Worf suggested:

“Commander Thrace, your experience in ‘boxing’ sounds intriguing, Would you care to try out my combat practice program on the holodeck with me?” invited Worf.

“I’m sure I can take what ever you can dish out, Captain,” said Starbuck, with a grin.

“Very well,” said Worf as he rose from the big chair. “Lieutenant Gran, you have the CON.”

“Aye Captain,” said the Andorian Chief Science Officer, as he moved to sit in the big chair.

Deep Space - USS Apollo - Holodeck

Unlike the Argos, this ship only had one holodeck. More were not needed because it would be spending most of its’ time close enough to a planet that the crew would be able to go on leave.

After they entered the Holideck, Worf told her:

“Arm yourself for battle, what ever you feel is appropriate. Computer, bat’leth.”

“Computer, give me a phaser,” commanded Starbuck.

“Computer activate Worf combat program, level two,” commanded Worf.

The holodeck activated, and suddenly they were in a rocky desert terrain with unusual light that looked like the kind that might encounter indoors. The sky was overcast, producing this weird illumination. On top of a large rock was a trio of Ferengi. Starbuck had spent enough time around Lieutenant Nog to know that Ferengi could be tougher than they looked. They were armed with some kind of glowing whip thing. She took aim with her phaser, and it blocked the beam with the glowing whip.

“You’ll have to do better than that to foreclose us,” taunted the Ferengi. “Now let’s make a deal!”

Another Ferengi lashed at her with its’ laser whip, which Starbuck dodged with a roll and stunned with her phaser. Worf, had meanwhile sprinted up onto the rock and took the other two out with his bat’leth.

“That seemed a bit easy, sir,” complained Starbuck. “I thought this was supposed to give me a workout.”

“Very well,” replied Worf. “Computer, increase to level 10, Borg Cube scenario.”

They suddenly found themselves in a dark corridor, made of machinery. From both ends, some pale Borg were slowly walking towards them. These weren’t the Cylon or Talosian Borg she was used to seeing. These Borg were from a variety of races, and many of them looked human. Starbuck aimed her phaser and took down one. It fell to the deck. But when she tired to take down the next one, a small forcefield appeared to block her phaser beam. She tried it on one approaching from the other direction and the same thing happened.

“What’s happening!?!” yelled Starbuck.

“They have adapted,” explained Worf. “What will you do?”

She tried aiming at a different one, with the same result. Over and over she shot them with her phaser, only to have it prove ineffective. When to were close enough, Worf started dispatching them with his bat’leth. But there were too many for him to get them all. Starbuck punched one, and it fell to the deck. But the next one fell to grabbed her arm and injected her neck. She knew she was about to rejoin the Borg! And this time, she would not be able to regain her individuality!

“Computer, end program,” commanded Worf.

“What was that!?!,” asked Starbuck. “None of the Borg I know are like that. I should know, I used to be one!”

“That is what the Borg were like when we first encountered them in the Argos’ Universe,” explained Worf. “Eventually, we were able to make peace with them. But many of us who came on the Argos fear that by allowing them into this Federation, we have taken a viper into our midst. We have been discretely keeping an eye on them. Now, do you know what you did wrong?”

“Picking a phaser pistol as my weapon didn’t work so well,” mused Starbuck.

“Correct, they are able to adapt to our phasers in, at most, three shots,” explained Worf. “We compensated by having each person carry a phaser set to a different frequency. But that offered only a temporary respite. A better solution is to use a physical weapon.” He patted his bat’leth.

“Computer, give me a colonial style pistol with explosive rounds,” commanded Starbuck. “Reset scenario and replay.”

Kobol - Athens

“As far as the rest of the world knows, you will be the owner of this bank,” admonished Nog. “No one else is to know of my involvement.”

“Yes, sir, understood sir,” said the Kobolian human: Milbirn Drajzdail.

“Thank you for you donation, this will go a long way toward building our temple to the One True God,” said Rick Two.

“My Female is a monotheist,” explained Nog. “This is for her.”

“I’m surprised to see you making such a large donation to building the Temple of Hermes,” said Staisi Jonz. “This will allow us to finally complete it.”

“Just as long as it is anonymous,” reminded Nog

Over and over these scenes were repeated as Nog reinvested his accumulated wealth into things that would help the Federation, and Kobol in particular.

Fleet Admiral’s log: Stardate 57830.4 - The Apollo has arrived. With its’ fire power, Kobol is so well protected that I was able to send the Polvo back to Visalayan. This is just the first of many Apollo class ships that will be built. Eventually, there will be two posted in each Federation system.

Note: Apollo class ships are a more heavily armed variant of the Hermes class (in case you want to look up a picture) They look like the saucer section of the enterprise from the original series with a single round Warp nacelle where the secondary hull should be. The Apollo is as fast, shielded and almost as heavily armed as the Argos. But it has less long range capability and fewer labs and exploration facilities.

Apollo Crew
Captain - Worf
1st officer - Commander Kara ‘Starbuck’ Thrace (Beta Shift Captain)
Chief Science officer - Lieutenant Gran - Andorian (Gamma shift Captain)
Communications - Lieutenant 3 of 12 - Talosian Borg
Ship’s Councilor - Councilor Đaimz - Medeusan from Planet: Visalayan
Chief Medical Officer - Doctor Leptus - Tarquinian
Medical Officer - The Doctor - EMH
Helmsman - Lieutenant Ingulz - Talosian
Navigator - Lieutenant Stonn - (Argos’ Universe) Vulcan (Gamma shift Science Officer)
Chief Engineer - Lieutenant Valerii Eight (Nog’s Wife)
Security Chief - Lieutenant Nog - Ferengi
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