Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 3: X-ray vision

by selenepotter 0 reviews

X-ray vision

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer,Saul Tigh,William Adama - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2022-05-01 - 1945 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Superman

Chapter 3: X-ray vision

As soon are they were out of earshot of the brig, Commander William Adama turned to Sergeant Hadrian.

“I want you to organize six teams,” said Adama. “One each for Brother Cavil, Arron Doral, Shelly Godfrey, that whore our marines are hiding, D’Anna Biers and Simon the med tech. Go after all of them simultaneously and put them in the brig. If you catch Simon in Life Station, tell Doc Cottle to x-ray his skull before you take him in.”

“Yes sir,” replied Sergeant Hadrian.

“Also, when the prisoners are strip searched and issued prison jump suits, see that Lieutenant Valerii gets one too,” added Adama. “And reprimand Private Metis for allowing her to remain naked in her cell. He is not to be allowed to guard any female prisoners alone in the future. I’ll be in C&C. Let me know when the operation is done.”

“Yes sir,” replied Sergeant Hadrian.
A couple of hours after her talk with Adama, a squad of all female marines came in with the brunette model Six that Boomer had seen at the Cylon meeting. Private Metis was sent from the room while she was strip searched and Sergeant Hadrian picked Boomer’s uniform up off the floor outside the cell and put it in a prisoner’s locker. When the Six was given prison clothes, Sergeant Hadrian handed one to Boomer saying:

“Put this on.”

Her point having been made, Boomer did as she was instructed and put the prison jumpsuit on, as the Six was put in a cell with her.

“I don’t believe I caught your name,” said Boomer. “I’m Sharon Valerii.”

“Eris Evans,” replied the Six as she held out her hand for Boomer to shake.

A few minutes later, Another squad of marines came in with Brother Cavil. He was put in the cell next to theirs. Shortly after, they brought D’Anna Biers in, screaming about her rights as a member of the press. Then, the other Six, Shelly Godfrey was brought in. There was a slight shaking of the ship. Then the ship jumped. Boomer guessed that Doral must have suicided himself, just like Al said he would. Finally, Simon O’Neil was brought in. Once Simon had been strip searched and placed in the cell with Cavil, Sergeant Hadrian picked up the receiver:

“Get me C&C,” Sergeant Hadrian told the operator. “Commander, the operation is complete. . . . There were three casualties, sir. . . . The test was positive. . . . Yes sir, I will give you a full report.

Sergeant Hadrian left them for a couple of hours. When she returned, it was with two squads of marines.

“Lieutenant Valerii, we’re going to put restraints on you and remove you from this location,” said Sergeant Hadrian. “You will not resist and do exactly as we tell you. Do you understand my instructions?”

“Yes Sergeant,” replied Boomer.

The marines pointed their guns at them and the door of the cell containing the female Cylons was opened. Boomer stepped out, then the door was closed and locked again. Cuffs were placed on her feet with her hands behind her back, and she was guided out of the Brig. She could tell pretty quickly that she was headed for Life Station.

Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

“Are those really necessary?” asked Doctor Cottle, when he saw she was in restraints.

“Yes they are,” answered Boomer. “Cylons are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed freedom unless we know a particular one of us can be trusted.”

“All right,” said Doctor Cottle. “I’m going to be taking an X-ray of your head. Just relax and let me place you in position and you’ll be fine.”

“Don’t worry, Doc,” said Boomer. “This was my idea.”

He had her stand with her side to the bucky and took only one film. He then, took the film into the dark room to develop it. When he walked out, he placed the picture on a view box that was not in a place Boomer could see.

“Yep, you’re a Cylon all right,” pronounced Doctor Cottle.

“Can I see it?” asked Boomer.

“Sure, bring her over here,” replied Doctor Cottle.

The guards moved her to where she could see the film on the view box. It was a lateral skull picture. And inside the skull where the brain is, was a white thing that looked sort of like a spider that filled about 1/16 of the volume.

“ . . . I still held out hope that I was wrong,” said Boomer. “That I was insane, instead of Cylon . . . But there it is . . . proof of what I am . . .”

“You didn’t know you were a toaster from the beginning?” asked Cottle.

“Until a couple of days ago, I thought I was human,” explained Boomer. “Even after I found out, I still hoped I was wrong. But now we know . . .”

After Boomer was returned to her cell, one by one all of the others, except Simon were also taken to be x-rayed.

Battlestar Galactica - C&C

After all the prisoners had been x-rayed, Commander Adama was called down to life station so he could see the pictures with his own eyes. When he returned to C&C, he asked to be connected to the President, on Colonial One.

“Madame President, we have a situation requiring your attention,” said Adama. “I need you to come over to Galactica to see the evidence with your own eyes. And bring your aid, Tory Foster with you.”

“All right, Commander, I’ll be right over,” replied President Laura Roslin.

Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

After the President arrived on the Galactica, she and her advisors: Billy and Tory were escorted to Life Station where Commander Adama was waiting for them, along with Colonel Tight and the Deck Chief Galen Tyrol.

“What’s this all about?” asked Roslin.

“During those several hours when the Cylons kept attacking us every 33 minutes, one of my Raptor pilots, Lieutenant Valerii called from the brig to confess that she was a Cylon.”

“Boomer is a Cylon!?!” gasped Roslin.

“Yes, she is,” confirmed Adama. “She was the one that told us that the Olympic Carrier had a tracking device and she implicated Gaius Baltar in the destruction of the Colonies. We sent a team of marines to storm the Olympic Carrier and found and removed the tracking device.”

“That was good work Commander,” praised Roslin. “If you hadn’t found that tracking device they might have kept coming after us until we were all dead!”

“Precisely, Madame President,” said Adama. “After the fleet was secure, Lieutenant Valerii was interrogated some more and she identified the other Cylon agents on board and came up with a possible test to detect whether or not someone is a Cylon. We rounded up all the active Cylon agents she identified and took X-ray pictures of their heads. These are the results.”

“What is that?” asked Roslin as she looked at the X-ray pictures in the viewer. “Is that metal?”

“Lieutenant Valerii claims that if a Cylon is killed, their consciousness is downloaded into a new body,” explained Adama. “She theorized that the device that allows it would show up on an X-ray, and here it is. This is her. And this one is that Reporter D’Anna Biers.”

“By the Lords!” gasped Roslin.

“Show her the rest, Doc,” commanded Adama.

Doctor Cottle took down the two pictures that fit the view box and replaced them with more until he had shown her all six of them.

“Six Cylons, all with this same device implanted in them,” pointed out Adama. “There was another copy of Arron Doral that we tried to apprehend when we picked up these. But he was wearing a bomb that he set off. That’s why I had the Fleet make a sudden jump for no apparent reason. Lieutenant Valerii says that she didn’t know she was a Cylon until recently. That might be true of any of us too. So I want all of us to be tested. We’re all too critical to the safety of this Fleet.”

“Which of the two of us should go first?” asked Roslin.

“It doesn’t matter,” replied Adama. “If either one of us is a Cylon, the Fleet is fraked.”

“Then, I’ll go first,” replied Roslin.

Roslin did as she was directed and had her X-ray picture taken. After she was cleared, Adama was next. When they saw Saul Tigh’s X-ray picture, it looked different than the other Cylons. There was still something metal in his head, but it had thinner filaments. It looked more sophisticated.

“No! No! No! This can’t be happening!” protested Tigh. “I can’t be a frakin’ toaster! Bill you’ve known me for 40 years! I can’t possibly be a Cylon! I’m Saul Tigh! You know I’m loyal to the Colonies!”

“Calm down, Saul,” commanded Adama. “I know I can trust you. But isn’t it possible that you can be Saul Tigh, loyal Colonial officer and also a Cylon?”

“No! I can’t be a toaster!” protested Tigh.

“You are,” replied Adama. “Accept it and move on.”

“Let’s get you two irradiated too,” said Adama, after he turned to Tyrol and Foster.

They both had the same metal devices as Tigh did.

“You’re probably wondering why your implants look different than the other Cylons,” said Adama. “Lieutenant Valerii identified you as three of the ‘Final Five’ Cylons. She says you five are originally from Earth. That you gave the Cylons human form in exchange for making peace with us. But then you were betrayed, one of the skin-jobs erased your memories and erased you from the memories of the other Cylons. Then, you were placed in the Colonies in your new lives.”

“For 40 years I’ve been Saul Tigh, Colonial Warrior,” exclaimed Tight. “And if I go down fighting the Cylons, then that’s the man I’ll be!”

“I know I can count on you, Saul,” replied Adama.

“So if they are three of the Five, who are the other two,” asked Roslin.

“Lieutenant Valerii said that Sam Anders the Pyramid player is one of them,” explained Adama. “She says he is on Caprica.”

“And the other one?” asked Tory.

“Ellen Tigh,” replied Adama. “Lieutenant Valerii says she is somewhere in the fleet.”

“Ellen’s alive!?!” gasped Tigh. “My Ellen’s alive!?!”

“We’ll start searching for her,” assured Adama.

“What happens to us?” asked Tryol.

“What do you want to happen to you?” asked Adama. “It seems to me you have a choice. You can remain loyal to the Fleet and keep doing your jobs . . . or you can go join you fellow Cylons in the brig.”

“The ones who erased our memories and fraked our minds?” scoffed Tigh. “No chance of that!”

Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

Boomer was surprised when Commander Adama, himself came down to see her again.

“Get me Lieutenant Valerii’s uniform,” commanded Adama.

The guard retrieved her uniform and handed it to the Commander.

“Now, open the cell,” commanded Adama, as he indicated the one holding the female Cylons. “Lieutenant Valerii step out here.”

While she was stepping out of the cell, the guards all had their guns trained on the female Cylons in case they tried anything.

“You’re being re-instated,” said Adama as he personally handed her uniform back to her. “Put this on, then, meet me in the interrogation room for debriefing.”

Adama then walked away, leaving her to change back into her uniform.

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