Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 4: Boomer tells all

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Chapter 4: Boomer tells all

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer,William Adama - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2022-05-02 - 1541 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Sybl

Chapter 4: Boomer tells all

Battlestar Galactica - Brig - Interrogation Room

When Sharon ‘Boomer’ Valerii entered the interrogation room, Commander William Adama was already seated at the table waiting for her.

“At Ease. Please be seated, lieutenant.” said Adama. “You know, you came off like a madwoman, what with your refusal to wear clothes and arguments with yourself. It didn’t do your credibility any good. But thus far, all of your wild claims we’ve been able to verify have checked out. So let’s start with your hallucinations. What is it you think you are seeing?”

“There’s a man that only I can see or hear,” explained Boomer. “He looks like Brother Cavil to me.”

“The man you identified as a model One Cylon?” asked Adama.

“That’s what he looks like,” affirmed Boomer. “He’s the one who told me I was a Cylon and when I got invited to the Cylon meeting, I realized it was true. He’s the one who told me everything!”

“So what is he?” asked Adama. “A fault in your programing, perhaps?”

“That’s what Baltar thinks his is,” replied Boomer.

“Baltar?” asked Adama.

“I’m one of three people who are experiencing this,” explained Boomer. “Balter thinks that he has a chip in him giving him instructions from the Cylons that take the form of a model Six that only he can see or hear.

“That would certainly explain some of his odd behavior,” mused Adama. “But between you and Arawak, we already have enough to bring him in for questioning. But he’s a lot better at covering up the fact that he’s hallucinating. But why would the Cylons send you these kinds of messages? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of having a sleeper agent?”

“I’m not sure what it really is I’m seeing,” replied Boomer. “But he claims that he’s an actor from another world, one where our world is a work of fiction and that he played the part of Brother Cavil or model One in a video series, one that has ended. So he was able to tell me everything that happened in the series and this gave me future knowledge about what’s going to happen. But this future knowledge is not absolute. We can change things if we act on my future knowledge.”
“What kind of changes?” asked Adama.

“Well, for example, when the Cylons were attacking us every 33 minutes . . .That was supposed to last a lot longer,” replied Boomer.

“How much longer?” inquired Adama.

“At least 100 hours,” explained Boomer. “Because I told you about the Olympic carrier, you were able to deal with it a lot sooner.”

“I see . . .,” said Adama. “So start from the beginning and tell me the whole story that your invisible friend has shared with you.”
After hours of going through the whole story, with the help of her ghost, the Commander finally brought the session to a halt.

“Think that’s enough for today,” proclaimed Adama. “We’ll resume this again tomorrow. What you’ve shared, this future knowledge, is vital military intelligence. So you are not to share it with anyone else. For now, you’re free to go back to your duties.”

“Thank you, sir,” replied Boomer.

“Oh, and one more thing,” added Adama. “Your relationship with the Chief violates the rules against fraternization. So you need to either end it, or marry him. I already told him the same thing.”

“Yes, sir,” said Boomer as she stood, saluted and left.
Battlestar Galactica - Hanger Deck

“Chief can I speak with you about something?” asked Boomer.

“Oh! Hey Sharon! I’ve been wanting to talk to you too,” replied Deck Chief Galen Tyrol.

Once they were alone, Boomer turned to Tyrol. “The Commander told me I need to speak with you about our relationship,” began Boomer.

“Before you go any further, there’s something you should know,” interrupted Tryol. “I’m a Cylon. I don’t remember being one. But I was tested and found out what I am.”

“I know that,” replied Boomer. “I’m one too. Who do you think told the Old Man and suggested the test that showed what we are?”

“You’re a Cylon too?” asked Tyrol. “And you’re on our side?”

“If by ‘our side’, you mean the Fleet, then yes, I am,” replied Boomer.

“It’s interesting that Adama didn’t tell him that you’re a Cylon,” observed Al.

His comment pulled her attention to the side for a moment. But she was able to re-focus and tell Tyrol:

“There’s another thing you should know about me. I have an invisible friend that only I can see and hear. He’s the one who told me we were Cylons. I can’t tell you more than that because it’s classified.”

“I see . . . “ replied Tyrol, dubiously. “So the Commander ordered me to either end our relationship or marry you.”

“He gave me the same order,” replied Boomer. “So what do you want to do? Are you willing to tolerate me, even though I sometimes get in arguments with a ghost you can’t see?”

“I think I could learn to live with a mad woman,” conceded Tyrol. “I mean, I already knew you were a madwoman in the sack.”

“Thanks, a lot!” laughed Boomer.

“So what do you say?” asked Tyrol, as he pulled her into a hug. “Will you marry me?”

Boomer pulled him into a passionate kiss.

“I think he needs to hear the actual words,” said her ghost. “Men are funny that way.“

Boomer broke off the kiss and said to her ghost: “Alright! Alright!” before turning back to Tyrol. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

He responded by pulling her back into that kiss, which they deepened, before fumbling to remove each other’s clothes.

Battlestar Galactica - Brig - Interrogation Room

It took several sessions for her ghost to relay via Boomer all he knew about the future, or at least a possible future. When they got to the Cylon civil war, he asked her:

“You spent some time in the cells with them? So what do you think of the chances of our prisoners turning?” asked Adama.

“I think Cavil may be the original model One, the mastermind behind everything,” observed Boomer. “So I don’t think we should space him.”

“You don’t? Why not?” asked Adama.

“As long as we have him, he can’t run things personally,” explained Boomer. “He has to hope his subordinates and the other model Ones are following his plans. So we should hold on to him as long as we can.”

“And limit any information he is exposed to,” added Adama.

“And if he IS ever in danger of being set free, we should test how well he can download after and explosive bullet goes off in his head,” added Boomer.

“What about the med tech?” asked Adama

“Simon . . . is mainly concerned that his family will be hurt now that he has been revealed to be a Cylon,” said Boomer. “I think he has already turned to our side and would jump at the chance to rejoin his family and resume his duties at Life Station.”

“And Biers?” inquired Adama. “What should we do with her?”

“She seems like she is completely not on the our side,” replied Boomer. “But according to Al, she later becomes obsessed with the Final Five, so much so that Cavil boxes all of the Threes. I think, if we have as many of the Final Five as we can get, reveal them selves to her and tell her what their original plans for her were, we could then send her back with that knowledge. But we’d have to warn her about the danger of One boxing her.”

“And the Sixes?” asked Adama.

“Shelly Godfrey seems completely dedicated to the Cylon side,” said Boomer. “I don’t think we can turn her. And Al says she was only in one episode anyway. The Other Six . . .”

“The whore,” reminded Adama.

“Yes, her,” agreed Boomer. “She’s mostly worried about the consequences for the marines or as she called them: ‘her Boys’, will suffer for smuggling her aboard and hiding her. I think she might be willing to turn, especially if we let her resume her profession.”

“I’m NOT going to run a brothel aboard my ship,” growled Adama. “She’ll have to move to the Rising Star or Cloud Nine. The marines can visit her there.”

“And we’d have to post a guard on her,” added Boomer.

“To keep her from passing on any secrets she gains through pillow talk?” agreed Adama.

“That too,” agreed Boomer. “But I was more worried that she might need protecting from clients who want to take out their anger at Cylons on her.

“Agreed,” proclaimed Adama. “What about the other you? The Sharon that is with Helo on Caprica?”

“I think if we accept her from the beginning, she’ll be as loyal as me,” pointed out Boomer. “I think a lot of the Eights might be willing to defect if given the chance.”
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