Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > The Legend of Changeling

Chapter X

by Big_J 0 reviews

(summary to be written)

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Published: 2022-12-12 - Updated: 2022-12-12 - 925 words

November 8, 11065

On Wanexeter, Wilhelm, now 35 years old, is visiting his father's grave at Sooka Memorial Gardens in the eponymous city. As he lays flowers in front of the tombstone, he hears a warning siren go off and a voice over a PA system say, "Wanexeter is under attack by the Qubic Empire! I repeat: Wanexeter is under attack by the Qubic Empire! All citizens are urged to return to their homes until further notice! This is not a drill! I repeat: this is not a drill!" Wilhelm clenches his fists as the mention of the Qubic Empire brings back unpleasant memories.

After Eduardo's death, it fell upon Quoloft and Reyjon to raise Wilhelm. Quoloft also resigned as intendant of the NCC, and they went to live in a quiet, rural area outside of Sooka. Wilhelm had a very tumultuous adolescence, having to deal with the loss of his father, his anger toward Clarice, and living a somewhat sheltered life because of his power. His grandparents homeschooled him and trained him in fighting techniques.

The Young family had a tradition where, if a family member so desired, they could choose a weapon to call their own on their 20th birthday. Quoloft and Reyjon had collected many weapons over the years, and Wilhelm was given a choice of one. The weapon that stood out to Wilhelm the most was a large, golden greatsword.

"An interesting choice," Quoloft commented.

"Is there something special about it?" Wilhelm wondered.

"Legend has it that that sword was forged with a shard from the Sword of Lekhgaat [leek-gaht], and that it has supernatural properties," Reyjon explained.

In ancient times, before Leviathan brought the humans to their planet, the ancient Changelings coexisted with a race of advanced beings that they regarded as gods. They were somewhat insular and few in number, living in a city on the planet's highest mountain summit.

The beings were divided into two races, the "Monarchs" and the "Plebeians", who were unable to interbreed. The former could be regarded as the "gods", while the latter could be regarded as the "angels".

There were only 12 Monarchs, and Lekhgaat was the "Supreme Monarch", as he was king of the council of gods and ruler of the city itself. Each god had a goddess for a wife, and each couple represented one of the six elements: light, land, wind, water, fire, and darkness. Lekhgaat and his queen, Lekhtehs [leek-tehss], were the god and goddess of light, respectively.

These were all the members of the council:

Lekhgaat: god of light
Lekhtehs: goddess of light
​Aasdanos [ahss-duh-nohss]: god of land
​Phimlatera [fihm-luh-tee-ruh]: goddess of land
Omdehr [ohm-dehr]: god of wind
Phildazil [fihl-duh-zihl]: goddess of wind
​Ehthrogaart [eh-throh-gahrt]: god of water
Rehgaaya [reh-gah-yuh]: goddess of water
Braanehtvir [brah-neht-vihr]: god of fire
Onphirna [ohn-fihr-nuh]: goddess of fire
Raath [rahth]: god of darkness
Daankhal [dahn-kuhl]: goddess of darkness

The Plebeians were inherently non-elemental. However, if a Plebeian wanted, they could be "bound" to a pair of Monarchs, which meant being part of those Monarchs' "militia" and gaining their corresponding element. The "Bound", as they were called, were obligated to obey their Monarchs, or they would be "purged" and returned to a non-elemental state. Not all Plebeians survived this process, as the removal of the element was traumatic to the body. Lekhgaat was also the only one who could command all of the Bound, as otherwise, they could only obey their respective Monarchs. Not even Lekhtehs could do this.

There was only one law, as the gods did not have or need many, and it was fittingly called the "One Law". For non-elemental Plebeians, the One Law allowed them to leave the city, but they forfeited their "godhood" and were unable to return should they interbreed with the Changelings. For elemental Plebeians and Monarchs, they could also leave the city, but they were strictly forbidden from interfering with the Changelings' societal development and from interbreeding.

One member of the council was vehemently against the One Law. It was Raath, the god of darkness, who believed that it was their right to rule the planet and the universe. The remaining members of the council disregarded what he said as mere rhetoric, even his wife.

Raath was incensed that the council did not take him seriously and began organizing a rebellion with his militia. Raath told Daankhal about it, swearing her to secrecy, but she told Lekhgaat anyway. Lekhgaat confronted him, and while he did not mention who told him, Raath had an idea of who it was.

On the day that Raath began his rebellion, the other council members, including Daankhal, and their militias were there to stop him.

"Daankhal? What are you doing? As your husband, I order you to my side at once!"

"I am no longer your wife," she responded.

"What!? How is that possible!?"

Lekhgaat replied, "I annulled your pairing."

"That is an abuse of power, Lekhgaat!"

"Do not dare speak to me about abuse of power, Raath! If anything, what you intend to do is!"

"It is our right as the superior species to rule those beneath us! It is our right to expand our influence across the cosmos! I submit, Lekhgaat, that you are too weak to lead the council!"

Lekhgaat began, "So you intend to dethrone me? In truth, I am not even certain that I deserve to rule the council—"

Raath smiled.

Lekhgaat then continued, "—as I was a fool to indulge you!"

Raath snarled.

"Well, not anymore! If you want a fight, Raath, then one you shall have!" Lekhgaat concluded.
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