Categories > TV > Doctor Who > Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space Series 1

Heat Death

by Heppelino 0 reviews

Back from travelling the cosmos, the Doctor, Diana and David visit Australia in the 26th century. But something looks to dial up the heat, and turn the country into a hellish wasteland...

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2022-12-21 - Updated: 2022-12-23 - 7375 words

Diana and David sprint into the TARDIS, to join the Doctor already made his way into the ship. A single black laser shot from a blaster hits the TARDIS time rotor, causing a ring of the cloister bells to follow, as Diana and David duck for cover to avoid being caught in the crossfire.
"CLOSE THE DOORS!" the Doctor shouts, panicked and at the top of his lungs. "CLOSE THE DAMN DOORS!"
Diana and David stumbled quickly over to the TARDIS doors and slam them firmly shut, and the Doctor immediately pulls the dematerialisation lever to get them the hell out of there. Resting against the doors, the couple share a sigh of relief, covered by a smile. The Doctor falls back onto a chair at the TARDIS console, and gives a glance of annoyance at both Diana and David, still leaning against the doors of the time machine.

"And thanks to you two winding up the King of Planet Zazz by saying how much you don't like jazz music," the Doctor starts, "we can never ever go to that planet again. Couldn't you just fake it?" A stern face befalls the Doctor as Diana and David are shocked, and slightly guilty. The Doctor maintains the irritated look for a few seconds before bursting out laughing, relieving the nervous couple.
"Look at your faces!" the Doctor jokes. "God it's been a while since I had that much fun!" He starts laughing, confusing and worrying Diana and David, who begin to feel that this time inside the TARDIS is a bit of a rollercoaster.
"It's fine!" the Doctor gloats in between laughs. "It's a lot of fun with you two."

And with that, Diana and David feel it safe to laugh, and over time begin laughing hysterically with the Doctor, sliding down to sit on the dark cobbled floor of the TARDIS interior.

After a few seconds of pure comedy for the trio, the Doctor stands back up and over the TARDIS console, as pulling the dematerialisation lever only sent them into the Time Vortex, waiting for a destination to be set.
"Okay, I think it's your turns to pick where, when, why and what," the Doctor declares. "You picked future day Planet Barcelona, and I picked Zazz. So, your turns again." The Doctor leans, expectantly and waiting, against the TARDIS console, for the lucky duo to make up their minds on where, when, why and what.

"Somewhere warm," Diana asks. "Your pick of Barcelona was way too cold."
"Maybe on Earth as well. Too many alien planets for now," David requests.
The Doctor rolls his eyes and begins to speak."I've already told you, it's your pick. Don't look at me, this is as much your ship now as it is mine. Kind of. Actually not really, but use it as if it were. I think she likes you." The 'she' that the Doctor is referring to is of course his trusty sentient time machine. Unaware, the fledgling companions give the Doctor matching looks of sheer confusion, as they approach the console.
"Oh, sorry. The TARDIS. The TARDIS likes you," the Doctor chimes.
"Why'd you call it a 'she' then? Bit lonely?" Diana asks, rather cheekily, and offensively to the Doctor's opinion.

"No, just... shut up," the Doctor says, pacing towards the duo, before turning around and facing his console again. "Somewhere on Earth, nice and warm... I know just the place. Heads up, you might want to get changed."
He punches in the location and time into the TARDIS, as Diana and David head to their newly grown room to change as the Doctor recommended.
In their room, David begins to change into some more cooler weather wear than he has had for the past few adventures. After putting on his new, un-sweaty shirt, and contrasting coloured shorts, he looks straight at his girlfriend, already changed into a shirt and skirt, staring at him with a smile.
"What's so good to look at?" he smugly grins.
"You, obviously," she rolls her eyes whilst stating with a hint of flirty obviousness.
David chuckles a little, before looking over to her again.
"Who do you think he really is? Like, he says he's the Doctor, he's from a planet that he's struggling to find that was destroyed plenty of times, and a species virtually non existent anymore," the ever inquisitive David ponders.
Diana rolls her eyes again, but this time in a more irritated way. "He'll tell us one day," she says, as she reaches for his hands and gently swings them once they join. "For now, I suppose we'll just have to be happy with running."

"It is an awful lot of running," David jokes, to his partner's humouring. He pulls her in for a brief kiss on the lips, as they smile at one another.
"Are you guys coming or what?" the Doctor communed over the TARDIS comms.
Startled, Diana replies, "you set up com-set communication in our bedroom?"
The Doctor goes silent for a second, possibly realising that is a little odd. "Yes," he awkwardly replies, "but mainly for circumstances such as this. You guys are taking an awful long time, what are you doing? Making more humans?"

"Shut up, we're on our way, don't worry," David quirks back to the Doctor, finally finding the button to switch off the com-set. He begins to walk out of the room ahead of Diana, before turning back and saying, "we are not done here yet." With a wink, he leaves, and the giggling Diana follows.
In the console room, David stumbles across a barely changed Doctor.
"Ah, hello!" the Doctor cheers, pushing himself from leaning against the console. "I was wondering if you'd ever turn up."
David examines the Doctor, who hasn't even ditched his red velvet jacket. He's just swapped his blue shirt for a polka dot white one, with the same trousers and shoes as normal.
"Doctor, haven't you taken us somewhere warm?" an equally surprised Diana states. The Doctor nods. "Then why on earth are you wearing pretty much what you always do?"

This is another statement the Doctor takes offence to. "This is a different jacket, albeit slightly, and a different shirt entirely!" He tutts and murmurs under his breath, marching down from the console stair case to the doors. "And this shirt is very good at losing sweat. The polka dots allow sweat to transfer through, using osmosis as the fabric of each dot is semi-permeable, AND each dot encases sweat that can be transferred out."
Diana understands this; she is a nurse herself back home, after all. David, less so. He just nods purely in happy agreement.

"Right then, I best let you know where we actually are," the Doctor announces, as his companions stand next to him. He opens the right-sided TARDIS door, revealing Sydney, Australia, in the year...
"2567! Sydney, Australia!" Pro he declares, stretching his arms out wide as he and the trio exit the TARDIS. Turning to face Diana and David, the latter of which closes the door, the Doctor explains that, "this is one of the warmest, yet bearable days in the history of inhabitable Planet Earth. 39.6 degrees Celsius might not seem too hot, given what you've done to your planet, but in 2567 it's made much more bearable by the repaired ozone."
Diana and David smile brightly. "So, we fix our climate change problem?"
The Doctor laughs. "Of course not, but I'm very clever," implying he had something to do with it.

As the trio walk on, David checks his mobile phone, able to work at any time provided it's on Earth. Checking his weather app, he finds something the Doctor got wrong.
"Erm, Doctor, my phone says it's 40.9 degrees Celsius," David checks. "Think you got your facts slightly wrong."
The Doctor stops dead still, in shock. He thinks for a second, as it is all he needs, and begins to grow suspicious. Yet, he knows his companions need a break. It's been a bit busy lately. So he does not raise this suspicion, and carries on walking.
"Are you sure your phone is accurate?" the Doctor enquires, as David and Diana trail just behind him whilst walking.
"Well it must be," the perplexed David replies. "You zapped it with the sonic, and you said it'll always be right from now on."
"Well, sometimes I lie," the Doctor mentions, desperately trying to forget any problem, as he could maybe do with a stop too.

"You mentioned that bit too," Diana corrects. "I remember it when you did it to my phone too. You said exactly, 'Sometimes I lie, but not this time. This phone can check if anything is correct, from the weather to if Boris Johnson has 6 or 7 kids."
The Doctor is irritated, but to avoid suspicion being aroused for his companions, he allows them to believe he got it wrong. "Yeah, got it wrong. Sorry. Not too much a difference. Just... a whole degree and nearly half of another one."
The trio arrive at a beach, packed and with robotic servants, to the delight of an exhausted Diana and David. Ignoring them, however, the Doctor analyses the sand as the couple set up deck chairs and towels, preparing to order a picnic from the servants.
"Doctor, you got something small wrong, give it a rest, will you?" Diana asks.
The Doctor ignores them too. "I'm going to look around. For some..." he starts, but needs to think of something to once again alleviate suspicion. " cream. A hot day, I want ice cream."
"Get me the biggest one they've got, no matter the cost. I'll pay," David jokes, causing Diana to give him a playful slap.

The Doctor, however, is not in joking mood.
"Ha," he just says, scanning the surroundings for anything suspicious. Both seem slightly concerned that the Doctor is going to waste his time searching around, but just want to relax, so let him do what he wants to.
"Do we bother following him?" David asks.
Diana fervently shakes her head. "Nah. This is a nice spot. Plus, he's the Doctor."
David acknowledges both of her points, and puts on his sunglasses.
"Anyone else feeling slightly uncomfortable?" the man in the grey shirt says.
His son responded, "it feels like it just got a bit... hotter?" The grey shirted man's son had just celebrated his fifteenth birthday. He was a smart boy, but regularly bullied. A problem that seemingly did not go away with human evolution.
Still, the boy's intellect saw him brimming with potential - already on the brink of completing his final exams, three years early.
The man claps his hands to enable the room's air fans, and opening the walls for other fans to be exposed.
"My goodness, what's the temperature?" the boy's mother asks.

The boy examines the wall clock, with temperature, time, humidity, pressure and other important information upon it. "Just gone up a little to 40.2 degrees." It didn't seem right to him, but he decided not to bother. Because, who cares? It's not too bad, right? Nonetheless, he wanted to go outside and have a look.
"I'm gonna go play on the tire swing, is that okay mum?" the boy asks, wanting to have a look around for anything odd.
"Yes, but be careful Lucas," the mother replied. "Don't need another one being flung off it when it's sixty feet high."
Closing the door behind him, Lucas feels the increasingly sweltering heat as he begins to walk around the street, unbeknownst to his parents who just think he's in the garden.
The Doctor continues to look around, rather aimlessly and like a headless chicken, as there is no clear pattern or location for him to investigate. Occasionally taking in air through his mouth to 'taste' it, the Doctor struggles to find a source.
Lucas bumps into him, quite by chance. "Oof! Sorry sir!"
The Doctor chuckles a little. "It's okay, I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you alright?"
"I'm okay, but why on earth are you wearing what you are in this heat?" Lucas asks, quite surprised to see him wearing regular clothing.
"Special clothing," the Doctor answers, placing his hand on Lucas' shoulder. "What's your name?"

"Lucas," he answered. "And you?"
"The Doctor. And before you ask, just 'Doctor' will do," the Time Lord chirps back. "Any chance you could tell me the temperature?"
Lucas checks his smart watch. "40.6 degrees Celsius." This shocks and worries both, who notice each other's worry.
"You're not here to play outside, are you?" the Doctor canvasses.
"No, it's too hot and I'm having a look to see why," Lucas repudiates. The Doctor immediately can notice that this kid is quite smart. He crouches down slightly to meet the height of the teenager.
"Same here," he smiles. "Let's have a look around together."
"Where has he got to?" Diana wonders, looking around for the Doctor. "He's been gone for about an hour now."
David shrugs his shoulders whilst readjusting to sunbathe. "Don't know, don't care. He's the Doctor, he does this wondering thing for a living and always has. He will be fine."
Diana relents. "Yeah. I suppose you're right. But I'll give it another half an hour. If he isn't back by then..."
"...Then you can panic, sure," David agrees. "Just give him some time. Probably forgot about the ice cream and is looking for some nice souvenirs."
He signals for her to relax, pointing to her deck chair. She obliges and settles back down into it.

A few moments later, the pair begin to smell... smoke?
Diana sniffs the air and immediately takes off her sunglasses, noting that there is something wrong.
And it was exactly the problem they thought it would be...
The Doctor and Lucas walk towards the beach that the former's companions are at, each step beginning to smell more and more smoke. Lucas does not take any notice, thinking it may just be a barbecue, but the already skeptical and paranoid Doctor begins to fear something is happening.
"Stop," the Doctor commands. He tastes the air like he was earlier, when he first bumped into Lucas. "I don't think that's regular burning..."
He continues to taste the air for a few seconds, sparking immense confusion for Lucas. Lucas goes to speak, before the Doctor raises his finger to order him to shush.
"What the hell are you doing Doctor?" the absolutely bemused teen enquires, slightly embarrassed, even though the street is empty. The Doctor fails to respond at first, before his eyes suddenly burst open, in panic.

"We need to find my friends," he implores, and starts running before Lucas can even respond.
"Can you tell me what on earth is going on?" Lucas shouts, as he struggles to keep up with the exceptionally quick time traveller. The pair continue to sprint to the beach where Diana and David were relaxing on. And the Doctor's fears were realised. Diana and David had already noticed what was going on, and promptly stared in absolute confusion, and fear.

The city was beginning to burn.
And not just regularly burn.
The buildings began to disintegrate, and Sydney began to fall into frenzy, and panic.

"Oh no no no no..." the Doctor repeats, pacing up and down to frantically think of a solution. His thinking speed is severely decreased whilst he panics as he is now, leaving Diana and David to introduce themselves to the random kid that just turned up behind their friend.

"Hi," Lucas pants. "I'm Lucas. I'm gonna assume that you're friends with this guy." He points at the still-thinking Doctor.
"Sometimes," David answers. "I'm David, and she's Diana."
Lucas looks at the Doctor, still talking to himself whilst thinking. "Is he often like this?"
Diana nods fervently. "You have no idea."
Back at home, Lucas' father searched and searched for his son, as the city's remarkable wildfire approached the suburban areas.
Inside, his mother was watching the emergency alert news; and it was not for good reading.

"Authorities issue a mandatory evacuation order for Sydney and a surrounding area of radius 50 miles effective immediately. Areas of the city are experiencing an existential wildfire threat, as buildings coming into contact with the fires disintegrate almost instantaneously," the news reporter, based 'safely' in Canberra, began.
"From this fact, we can infer that the temperatures of the wildfire may be amongst unearthly temperatures... of several thousands degrees Celsius... we don't even need to check to register that the temperature of the city of Sydney's centre is tenfold the previous global ground temperature level."

"Evacuate immediately."

"Lucas! Stop playing games! We need to get out of here!" his father screams.
The mother exits to talk to him. "If he's not here, we're not going to find him. We have to get out of here."
The father takes a second to agree, before obliging. But soon the fires spawn nearby, engulfing the surrounding street in a matter of seconds. They, and the whole street were trapped.


And this was surely Hell of extraterrestrial origin...
From above, they laugh in unison.
"Their screams are pitiful, and this is quite delightful!" their leader proclaimed, as the rest of the species celebrated the locating of a new home.
Another frantically runs over to meet the leader. "You must see this." The other transmits a video of four people on the beach, with one in a red velvet jacket investigating frantically, and the other three being cooly dressed, with one being younger than the other two.
The leader chuckled. "Well, I was hoping we got to do something ourselves! Send down the Beast!"
The Doctor continues to examine the area frantically for clues, with no luck. Diana and David continue to converse with Lucas, exchanging information about what may be happening.
But suddenly, a grey transmit beam projects down to a distance away from the quarter of investigators, and what comes down is a frightening site for one Time Lord in particular.

The Doctor stands back up, from crouching to examine the sand once more, which he is sure has something to do with this.
And upon spotting this Beast, a gruesome beast that from top to bottom looks like a demon from folklore, he shouts for communication.
"I had a feeling it was your kind," he projects over at the Beast.
"Doctor! What is that thing?" Diana asks, in absolute panic.
"The Beast. The Beast of the flame planet of Calefaction. Literally meaning heating or warming," the Doctor explains, before projecting over to the Beast again. "And I would hope that you know that Article 102 of the Shadow Proclamations Intergalactic constitution says what you are doing is illegal."

The Beast does not respond.
"I'll make it easy for you," the Doctor shouts over. "GET. OFF. THIS. PLANET."
The Beast does not respond.
"Okay then," the Doctor whispers to himself. "I guess we're in for a tough one."
"What 'kind' Doctor? And who lives on Calefaction?" David asks another question the Doctor doesn't need right now.
"I'll tell you later, I just need to think," the Doctor demands.
"You can do that later too, Doctor!" Diana announces. "He's charging right at us!"
The Doctor, David and Lucas look up to see the Beast of Calefaction heading straight for them.

A literal heat death is on the horizon, and time is running out.
The Beast of Calefaction continues to charge directly at the Doctor, Diana, David and Lucas, at lightning quick speed, and time is running out for the four of them to think of a way out of this.
The Doctor seems unfazed by the approaching Beast, compared to the other three in absolute fear and panic mode, paralysed by the utter speed of the Beast.
"Heat!" the Doctor shouts. "It's heat! It is literal heat!"
"What are you talking about?!" Diana angrily argues back.
"Calefaction's populace! They're made of literal heat! Pure, unadulterated heat!" the Doctor realises. "And what do you do when you want to cool down?"
The Doctor pulls out his sonic screwdriver and applies setting 182, the chilled setting. Pressing down the button of the screwdriver, a wave of ice emerges and upon contact with the Beast, combusts it, and it explodes.

With the Beast exploding, red substance is flung towards the four of them. But the Doctor, David and Lucas manage to duck in time, but not Diana, unfortunately getting absolutely soaked in the red goo.
Diana urges. "What the fu-"
"Eugh, sorry about that," the Doctor apologetically states. "That's, erm... not nice. Not enough time to warn you."
"How can a screwdriver do that?" David interrupts, confused about how the Doctor managed to combust the Beast using just a screwdriver.
"Picked it up from the Ice Warriors in Portsmouth," the Doctor recollects. "Only problem is, no sonic for roughly an hour. The sonic automatically repairs its circuits, which that command burst, but it takes a while."

"Hello? Goo?" Diana groans.
"Here," the Doctor says, taking a towel from out of his jacket pocket and handing it to Diana. "Pockets, bigger on the inside. Besides, who doesn't take a towel with them to the beach?"
Diana begins to wipe herself with the towel, urging as each piece of the unusual slime is wiped from her body.
"No matter about the Beast," the communication said. "A distraction whilst we prepare to transfer you up to the mothership."
The Doctor rolls his eyes. "Well hurry up then, it's very boring waiting."
His wish would be granted, as all four of them are transmatted up to the mothership of the Calefaction kind. Upon the arrival of the Doctor and his associates, they feel the extreme heat of the mothership, almost unbearable for them.

"Sweet Jesus it's hot up here," David complains. "We never get any of that in Portsmouth, we literally nearly froze a couple of weeks ago."
"Silence!" the leader declares, stepping out in front of her large army. "You will listen, or the fires will spread beyond Australia."
The Doctor steps forward. "Hello! How are you?"
The leader ignores the Doctor. "We are the people of Cal-"
"Oi!" the Doctor shouts over. "I asked a question!"
"And we do not care," the leader acknowledges him this time, turning his head to face him directly in the eye. "We will be triumphant soon, thank you."
"Wonderful!" the Doctor exchanges back. "So you're from the planet Calefaction, eh?"
The leader, a female of pure thermal energy that came together to form an almost humanoid, nods. "We are the Alliance of Heat."
"Rubbish name," the Doctor says, walking back to stand alongside his companions. "I think the Sweat Gang sounds much better. Or at least more insulting."

The leader growls. "We are from Calefaction, and the rest are from Earth. But you are not of Earth descent. Tell, where?"
"Two suns, silver leaves, can't miss it. Well, I miss it," the Doctor admits. "Gallifrey. Time Lord."
"The stuff of legend," the leader responds. "They've been dead for millennia."
The Doctor laughs in response. "And yet I'm standing, right here."
He takes one step forward, causing the leader to take a step back.
"And doesn't that scare you to death?"
Lucas' parents see their street encased in the disintegrating flames. Time is running out for them to escape, and things are getting desperate.
Huddled nervously, awaiting their death which seems inevitable at the hands of Hell, something remarkable happens. A transmat beam spawns right above them, and they begin to ascend into the air, before being temporally shifted to a weird craft in the sky, into a room for imprisonment.

Confused, his father stands up, placing his hand on the wall of the prison cell. Dragging his hand back, he thinks.
"It reminds me of the spaceship that crashed in London," the father says. "The one last year... do you reckon that we're..."
"Shut up Leonardo," his mother demands. "Lucas is here. I can feel it."
"Yeah, his watch says he's here, Ella," Leonardo responds, rolling his eyes.
"Then we've got to get out," she says, "and I think I've got an idea."
"We need a home. Your kind destroyed it in the Time War," the leader declares. The Doctor lowers his head in guilt, on behalf of the Time Lords.
"I'm sorry. I truly am. The War was hell. I know it more than most, I was there on the front lines of most major battles," the Doctor recalls, in melancholy and apologetically. "Pretty much confirms it then, you're here to turn this continent, and most likely this world, into a new home for your species?"
The leader laughs. "The Doctor, the legendary figure who can deduce in seconds."
Diana notes that, "It was kind of obvious. You guys are made of heat and you wanted a cesspit to live in."
The Doctor clicks his fingers and points at his companion. "Not exactly a game of Cluedo, to be fair."

Next for the Doctor is to scold the creatures. "Australia is pretty much a dump anyway. Lived in the outback for about a century. Trust me, biggest regret. Well, one of them."
"Anyway, like I said. Article 102! Wait 'til I call the cops," he continues. Pacing slowly towards them, the Doctor abruptly turns serious. "This is your chance to go. You know me. Take it."

The leader chuckles. "I do know you. I know your species. Or rather, knew."
The eyebrows of the Doctor furrow; the fury of the Time Lord. They're lost, somewhere. He hasn't seen them in time - and for a man as flexible in time as him, and from a species that makes it their playground, it's telling. Diana and David notice the fury of the Doctor. In general, he doesn't speak much about his home, or his past and kind. But they know he is short tempered sometimes, so something must be playing on his mind. They just don't know what.

"Don't say you were not warned," the Doctor spits.
Lucas' watch bleeps. He looks down at it, with open eyes. An SOS from his parents is shown on it, with his parents located to be near. He panics for their safety, knowing that the Calefaction people have teleported them on board. He doesn't know why, but he doesn't care. Without consent from the Doctor or his companions, and unbeknownst to the three of them, he runs off to go find them, following the signal and its origin point.
Diana and David scan the room, and look at the Calefaction army, ready to take the city of Sydney and begin their conquest of Planet Earth, in order to turn them into New Calefaction. Diana notices a fault in the formation of the army, as the triangular formation has a small break in the upper right hand side.
"Can you notice that? In their formation," she whispers to David, "in the top right of their battle formation. There's a break, an error."
David looks closely. He spots the error, noting its significant importance immediately.
"When I was in the army, an incorrect formation meant that we were vulnerable, and that's why you always had to be careful about being flanked or otherwise infiltrated, because there were clear holes," David replies to his girlfriend. "Get the Doctor to distract them. I'll figure something out."
Diana nods, slowly walking up the Doctor, still conversing with the Calefaction leader. The Doctor notices Diana moving without looking backwards and slightly turns his head so she can whisper in his ear.
"Keep talking," is all she says. Immediately acknowledging that, the Doctor keeps rambling on, not caring about Diana and David's plan as he now trusts them implicitly.

"...and talking about that does remind me to ask," the Doctor starts, directed at the leader. "What's your name?"
The leader raises her arms in the air. "My name is Ablaze. The Queen of the Calefaction people."
The Doctor rolls his eyes with a slight chuckle. "Sorry, I know you guys are made of pure thermal energy and that's, oooh scary, but are you guys just named after synonyms for heat and burning?"
Ablaze growls again. "You are called 'Doctor'. A simple name for healer. You are the true antithesis of your own name."

"Funny you say that, because as you said I'm apparently a 'legend', in the history books, presumably known for that damn War and for stopping anything from harming anyone," the Doctor rants, "and yes, some die and that's a fact of what people like you do. But I think what I do is a pretty good impression of 'Doctor'".

Ablaze's face falls in anger. "You are the destroyer of worlds, you were foretold as the Oncoming Storm. Not only could you not save us, you killed us!"
The Doctor snaps. "No! I'm sorry that it happened, I'm sorry Calefaction was lost, but for you to blame me is completely unfair. And to be honest, and to be frank, you deserved it."
Ablaze growls once again, and the army lines break forward again ever so slightly, and widening.
"One more final thing," the Doctor proclaims, turning to face Diana. "Tell David, 'you're welcome'."
For a split second, Ablaze stands confused, but herself quickly realises. The Doctor's rambling has brought forward her army, which had already been disrupted in battle formation, and had been disrupted even more. And by telling David he's welcome, he meant he's welcome for helping.

David, from the control panel to the side of the Calefaction army, and begins to look for a solution to the fires in Sydney. The Calefaction army once the Doctor says his last line take notice and turn to face David, providing enough of a distraction for the Doctor to pull out his sonic screwdriver, finally repaired from the act of destroying the Beast.
Instead of killing the 'people' of Calefaction, the Doctor points the sonic at the control panel where David is stood.
"Move back!" he shouts, and David obliges. The second he does, the Doctor uses the screwdriver to blow the control panel, and in doing so halts the creation of new eviscerating fires, limiting the destruction caused by only the ones that already exist. And the existing fires were no longer permanently sustained, as the control panel managed both tasks.

"I hope that did what I wanted it to!" the Doctor begs, knowing that it did. David looks back at the Doctor and Diana with a surprised smile, but notices that Lucas isn't there.
"Doctor, where is Lucas?!" David shouts, as the army of Calefaction begin to approach him, and he runs down to join the Doctor and Diana.
The Doctor looks around worried; he hadn't noticed that Lucas slipped away. But as worried as he is, he doesn't have time to look. The trio have stopped the new fires spawning and the old fires from being permanent.

The army approaches the Doctor, Diana and David as Ablaze continues to growl. The temperature of the ship begins to rise, in order to protect the lives of the members on the ship.
"You will not stop us from taking Sydney!" Ablaze screams, allowing the temporal shift of the Calefaction army down to the surface of the planet. Alarming the Doctor, he is now only left alone with Ablaze herself.
"One offer I will make. A planet near Earth, Venus. It would be perfect for your civilisation. The hottest planet in this section of the solar system. Please, take this offer," the Doctor bargains.
Ablaze growls once again, a recurrent theme. "There is no glory in to inhabiting a planet already devoid of life. Taking this Earth would be glorious fun, and our new home. Upsetting the destroyer of the Doctor in the progress."

The Doctor stares her down. "You'll take the offer later, I promise you." Ablaze grins in disbelief, but upon the Doctor not changing his facial expression, her face turns to one of fear, knowing what the Time Lords did to Calefaction in the Last Great Time War. Ablaze promptly joins her army on the surface of Sydney.

The Doctor turns to face Diana and David. "In case it's important later, I did make them an offer. A fair, democratic offer. You saw that, right?" The romantically involved pair nod, confused but in acknowledgement. "Good, now let's go and find that kid first."
Lucas is running through the corridors of the ship, following the SOS's original location. After a while of running, he finally finds them, in their prison.
"Mum! Dad!" Lucas shouts, placing his hands on his head, seeing them imprisoned. Soon after, the Doctor and his companions arrive, as his sonic screwdriver had identified three human life forms in this exact corridor.
"Lucas, I know you're a genius but my god, rule one, do not run off!" the Doctor reprimands him, before noticing the two imprisoned and realising they mean something to him, mouthing the word 'Sorry'.

"I can't get them out..." the Doctor admits. "It's deadlocked. I'm sorry."
David's eyes light up. "Three prisons... give me a second!"
He runs off back towards the control room, and this running off slightly annoys the Doctor.
"I always keep saying I'll one day find someone who doesn't run off," the Doctor starts. "Never will." He rolls his eyes. "He knows what he's doing, though. I think. Hopefully."
"What button, what button?" David panics, looking for the button on the control panel that would open the prisons of the ship. "What button?!"
David contemplates just pressing a button and hoping. But for a second, he deploys logic. He eliminates the two buttons that the Doctor eliminated, when he disabled them using his sonic screwdriver. He deduces that the buttons around it must be to do with the fires as well, so turns to face the other side of the panel.
"One of these?" he asks himself. Finally, he notices layers of green buttons, all laid out in three's. Only one, however, is illuminated in red.

David smashes his fist down on the button, hoping it's done as he wants. Sure enough, it did. He correctly figured it out, and the button is now illuminated green like the rest of the buttons.
The prison opens.
"Well done, Redgrave!" he shouts, knowing it was him who opened the prison from the control panel. Lucas' parents rush out of the cell and hug him, before his mum slaps his arm in fury.
"Why did you run off like that? Anything could've happened to you!" she exclaims.
"It was ridiculously hot and I'm curious, mum!" he replies.
"And he's ridiculously clever to go investigating too," the Doctor interjects, ruffling his hair. "Smart boy. You've done a good job."

David returns to the five at the prison room, receiving a validating and applauding kiss from Diana, as his actions have saved the parents of Lucas.
"But why?" the Doctor asks himself. "Why would they teleport his parents here? There must be a reason!" He taps his head, repeating "Think think think," as if it will speed up his already electrically quick thinking process.
Everyone else in the room is thinking too, before Diana breaks the silence.
"A distraction... maybe it was a distraction from their invasion of Sydney! They knew that directly taking you on without a head start was suicide, so enticed us away!" she triumphantly proclaims. The Doctor, enlightened in realisation, kisses his hand before tapping it on both Diana and David's heads.

"Now they've got the head start then," Leonardo adds. "And those things... they've already had most of our city burn..."
"...And now they're off to conquer the ruins and from there, invade the earth. Yes, I know," the Doctor adds, now thinking of what to do next.
The army of Calefaction, and Ablaze, are temporally shifted to the beach that the Doctor and friends were previously moved from. In fury, Ablaze realised; the Doctor had locked the teleport device with the sonic screwdriver too, and they could now only switch between this beach, nearly surrounded by water, and the ship itself.
This meant for now, there was only one path they could follow, unless they were able to build across the river.

Knowing that the Doctor was likely in pursuit, they decided not to bother wasting their time on that potential, instead deciding to follow the other option, prepared to wreak havoc on the remains of Sydney.
The Doctor continues to think of a solution, as the remaining fires in Sydney burn on and the army approaches to finally take the city, and restart the eternal flames.
"David, you saw the control panels were able to control the fires. Was there anything else of any note?" the Doctor asks.
"Not really? I mean, maybe. I don't know, I didn't really have time to look like that. Although your sonic did override the buttons spawning new fires and maintaining the conditions for the pre-existing ones to rage on," David explains.
"Hang on," Ella takes command. "The fires, the way they spread. And how they've originated from a spaceship clearly running on fossil fuel-like fumes. The fires are oily!" This helps: no water solutions. No 'ice setting' the Doctor 'borrowed' from the Ice Warriors in Portsmouth.

The Doctor begins to eliminate solutions quickly within his head. The fact the fires are oil fires makes the situation harder to contain, but not impossible.
"No water, water aggravates oil fires. Oil fires can be stopped by cutting off oxygen supply. Can't cut off oxygen supply of Sydney or else everyone suffocates and that would be brutal, and I'm not having that..." the Doctor begins to narrow his options down to just one. "So what can get dispose of the oxygen supply of the fires, but not the city?"

"Wind! Turbines, Doctor!" Diana shouts. "There was a big oil fire on our street in Portsmouth, and what they did was bring a helicopter with the most powerful of turbines, and the sheer force killed the fire stone dead."

The Doctor clicks his fingers and runs to the main room with the control panel at electric speed, leaving the other five in his wake.
"Does he often do this?" Ella asks.
"A bit too much," Diana begrudgingly answers, as they all run to catch up to him.
The Doctor turns up at the main room, ready to save the day. At least he hopes.
"David, which side of the panel works the ship?" the Doctor asks loudly, jumping up onto the elevated floor surrounding the panel.
"The left side, the one facing us!" David projects back.
The Doctor begins to look at each button, before realising that since excessive wind is clearly bad for these fires, and that none of these buttons are going to actually cause the ship's turbines to accelerate. Deep in thought again, he ignores everyone in the room... until his eyes fixate on the smartwatch that the family of Lucas is wearing.

"Lucas, watch. Gimme," the Doctor orders, with Lucas obliging and tossing the watch over to the Doctor. "Can this thing remotely work your home?"
"Yeah, voice activated. It's connected to each vent and fan in our home," Lucas explains.
The Doctor smugly grins. "Voice activated? Cute."

He blasts the sonic screwdriver down the watch, beginning to spin every single fan and opening every vent within Lucas' house. But it won't be enough, and the Doctor needs to do it for every house, apartment and office room in Sydney. The screwdriver won't hack the mainframe to every single smart watch in the city, and even if it could, what guarantee that each member of the populace has one?

The Doctor has figured out his plan, but needs to know how to execute it.

Lucas runs up to the Doctor, handing him the smart watches of his parents and his mobile phone. "I've been snooping around the city government's dealings for a while, hopping in and out of their servers, looking around." A look of guilt is clear on his face, but the Doctor smiles broadly.
"Your son," the Doctor begins, directed at his parents. "Your son just saved Sydney, and the world."
"And he's in an awful lot of trouble..." Ella, annoyed, intrudes.

From Lucas' phone, the Doctor is able to access the mainframe of the city, and is able to send out any electrical message he pleases to the devices of Sydney. He sends one message out, one word.

On the surface, the Calefaction army marches on towards the burning remains in Sydney.
"Phase One: to be completed," Ablaze grins, turning to face her right hand man, whose seemingly just disappeared. Ablaze refocuses forward, to see that the remaining fires of Sydney are being put out.

They had failed. The Doctor and his friends had stopped them.

Ablaze falls to her knees, as the breeze hits, and she resists, as many of the Calefaction people fall, and dissipate as simply wasted energy.

The Doctor activates the temporal shift, taking himself and the others to the beach, where h runs to catch up to Ablaze.
"Your ship is still there," the Doctor starts. "The teleport still works. The offer for Venus still exists."
Ablaze, on her knees, looks at the Doctor, who's previously angry eyes have turned into ones of sorrow and compassion. Without a word, she activates the temporal shift, teleporting herself and the remaining Calefaction people to their ship, to depart on their way to settle on Venus.

Diana, David, Lucas, Ella and Leonardo finally catch up with the running Doctor.
"Can we... stop running... all the time?" Diana pants.
The Doctor chuckles. "Maybe not in 40 degrees heat. Check your phone. What's the temperature here now?"
Diana unlocks her superphone and checks. "39.6 degree Celsi-". She stops, rolling her eyes as the Doctor is once again correct.
"Aha! Told you I'm always spot on!" he chimes. Diana and David are not amused.
The six of them locate the TARDIS, as three bid farewell to three. As the Doctor unlocks the TARDIS, ready for Diana and David to enter with him and continue, he stops and looks at Lucas.
"Inside this silly old box, is everything," the Doctor smiles. "Want to have a look?"
Lucas looks at both of his parents, who nod in allowance. But Lucas nods 'no', surprising the Doctor, but he understands.
"Fair enough," the Doctor adds.

Lucas does give a reason. "I'd step inside and never want to step out again." He puts his arms around his parents' shoulders. "Besides, someone's gotta stay and look after these two." His parents roll their eyes so hard, it's almost as if they'll pop out of their sockets.
Diana and David hug Lucas goodbye, as the Doctor opens the TARDIS doors to allow the pair in.
The 3,000 year old Time Lord gives Lucas a fist bump, believing himself to be cool now.
"Keep using that brain of yours. You're going to do wonders, kid," the Doctor winks.

Oh, he knows his future.

The Doctor enters the TARDIS, taking the key out of the hole. But before closing the door, pops his head out for one last word with Lucas and his parents.
"You'll love this bit!" he charms.
A few seconds later, the TARDIS dematerialises, to the disbelief and excitement of Lucas and his parents.
In the TARDIS, the Doctor looks at his beleaguered companions.
"Now, for that ice cream I promised you!" he laughs out, as his two now best friends laugh as much as he does.
"You're paying!" Diana demands, jokingly.
"Well, I don't have any money," the Doctor calmly responds.
She laughs. "Oncoming Storm they called you? You can't even afford a Cornetto! Fine, I'll pay this one. I've got to be useful for something."
The Doctor acknowledges, but quickly disregards the last piece of information Diana says.

Looking into his two best friends, he smiles broadly, and continues to pilot the TARDIS beyond. David heads to get changed, but Diana stares at the console blankly, feeling somewhat useless as the other two sort out the problems as always.
Next time:
Short story - David gets himself lost in the TARDIS! And he and Diana learn more about their mysterious Doctor as they literally, and metaphorically, find each other again.
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