Categories > Games > Pokemon > Pokèmon: Serene and Discord

Chapter Six - Are We There Yet?

by CJWorthington 0 reviews

Chapter 6 of Pokémon: Serene and Discord

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2023-01-26 - Updated: 2023-02-03 - 636 words

The sun was finally sliding behind a range of distant mountains, casting long shadows across the red pathway and darkening the surrounding tall grass to a black abyss. The air was cooling rapidly, providing merciful relief from the formally unyielding heat of the rays. The first day of travel was drawing to a close, but the teenagers had still to reach their next destination. Or even yet, see the lights of the city, as their journey had taken far longer than any could have expected.

Amelia had proved to be a hardy traveler, her time spent working on her family’s farm proving to be valuable training for moving about in the elements. The siblings, however, had spent most of their days in the cool air of their mother’s lab or at school. The hardest work they usually partook in, involved the mind as they flipped through books while solving particularly difficult questions from their homework or tests.

Due to the lack in physical abilities, Riley and Felix had been forced to stop more often than they cared to for rest.

“Come on you two, we need to keep moving.” Amelia spoke impatiently, pacing around the boulder the others had sought refuge on. “The sun is nearly gone. Your dad said we need to make it to town before dark.”

“I know.” Riley shot back, temper flaring in their exhaustion.

“Rye, please don’t start.” Felix chirped in quietly. “She’s right. It can get pretty dangerous around here at night.” He glanced around wearily at the blackened wavering grass, looking as though something might jump out at any moment.

“Dangerous? What’s so scary about some tall grass and a couple trees?” Amelia snorted, amused at the comment, but also helping Riley to their feet.

Riley was the one to speak up this time, having calmed their anger down. “It’s what hides in the grass.”

“We’ve only seen a couple Pidgey and some bugs, though.” She spoke once more, but even her confidence had begun to wane. Having only lived in Kaneko for a few months meant that Amelia wasn’t well aware of the Pokémon that lived around here.

They stood, hushed for a moment as they listened to the quieting calls of day dwellers and the increasing murmurs of creatures that live in the night. One call sounded close to Felix’s left and the short boy gave a small jump and whimper from their place, still seated upon the rock. Amelia’s hand shot out and pulled him away from the grass and Riley pushed them both forward, arms outstretched and shooing them on.

Even with a far quickened pace, it was completely dark when the children finally saw the first specks of light from the settlement.

“That’s Cassidy Village”. Felix said in a near whisper, his breath coming out in tired, fearful gasps. “It shouldn’t take us too much longer to get there now.”

“Alright, but we can’t stop.” Amelia stated as the young boy’s pace faltered and slowed.

“Amelia is right.” Riley confirmed, grabbing hold of their brother’s arm and giving him a tug. “We’re so close.”

Instead of responding, Felix stared at Riley, eyes suddenly wide.

Amelia made her way over to the siblings. “What’s going on?”

“You’re breath.” Riley said, having noticed what Felix did.

“What about it.”

“We can see it.”

“And I can see your’s. It’s cold out here, why is this suddenly an issue?” Amelia was becoming incredulous at the seemingly foolish worry of her travel companions.

“We weren’t able to see it a moment ago. Isn’t it odd how quickly the temperature dropped?” Felix said so quietly that Amelia had to hold her own breath to hear him.
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