Categories > Anime/Manga > My Hero Academia

A New Student (MHA) (Unfinished)

by Yuri_Minari101 0 reviews

Yuri is a 15-yr old girl from Hiroshima. Yuri's parents decide Yuri should go to UA, because of her powerful Quirk. Since Yuri is a First Year in her High School, she will arrive at UA for her Seco...

Category: My Hero Academia - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2023-01-31 - Updated: 2023-01-31 - 82 words

Yuri had woken up at 8:00 am, 30 minutes before school started. Like normal, Yuri took a shower and got ready, with 15 minutes to spare. Yuri's mother, Haoya, called her down to tell her some awesome news. "We thought that, since your Quirk is so powerful, we decided to sign you up for UA High School!" Haoya said happily. "Really!?" Yuri said, amazed. "Yep, and you'll start in your Second Year!" Haoya replied. "Oh! I forgot! Today's the last day of School!" Yuri remembered.
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