Categories > Cartoons > Family Guy

Never Underestimate Cutaway Gags

by KurtPikachu2001 0 reviews

A collection of cutaways I posted on Macfarlane Verse

Category: Family Guy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2024-01-18 - 869 words - Complete

Cutaway #1: Inspector Gadget Safety Tip:

Brian: I haven't felt this shocked after I saw that ending to that Inspector Gadget safety tip.

Penny and Gadget are in a bedroom with Chief Quimby who was sick in bed.

I.G.: Whenever a relative or loved one is ill, always do everything in your power to keep them comfortable and give them everything they need. Medicine and relaxation are key and vital!

Penny: Correct Uncle Gadget! Because it's essential to their health and well being.

I.G.: It really helps if you put your whole life aside to help take care of your relative if they are sick!

Penny: That's a step in the right direction because it shows you care!

I.G.: Absolutely Penny! But never try to get into a confrontation with a relative who is sick!

Penny: That's right, Uncle Gadget. If you do, it could make them feel worse, endanger them and take them even longer for them to recover!

I.G.: If that happened it could lead to more problems, such as trips to the emergency room and perhaps even death!

Penny: You know, you're an enigma Uncle Gadget.

I.G. (laughs heartedly): Oh, Penny! You have such a way with words, why do you say that?

Penny: You're so smart when it comes to these safety tips we do at the end of every episode, but you're such a (beep)ing dumbass when it comes to missions stopping Dr. Claw.

I.G.: (laughs) Well Penny, that's because.....wait....(in complete shock).....WHAT??!?!?!?!

Brian and Stewie were surprised at what they saw.

Stewie: Did Penny just call out Inspector Gadget for being an idiot, Brian? Are they able to get away with THAT on a kid's show?

Brian: Don't know, Stewie! All I know is I'm glad SOMEONE called Gadget out for being such a shit headed moron!

Cutaway #2: Peter Never Keeps His Facts Straight

Lois: Peter you can never keep your facts straight. People always misunderstand you!

Peter: Really? Since when?

Lois: Like that time when you bought that DVD from that video/music store!

Scene shows Peter at a video/music store.

Clerk: What can I do for you sir?

Peter (drunk): I would like to see the movie Barfly!

Clerk: I'm sorry, sir? What?

Peter: Barfly!

Clerk: Again!

Peter: Barfly!

Clerk: What? Say again?

Peter: Barfly!

Clerk hands Peter a DVD of the movie Butterfly.

Peter: Barfly! Gonna give me Barfly?

Clerk (hands Peter the DVD): Have it right here!

Peter: okay thanks!

Cutaway #3: Peter Meets John Fetterman

Peter: This is just like the time I meet John Fetterman.

In an office John Fetterman is behind a desk and Peter is dressed in dirty overalls and a plaid blouse.

Peter: Holy freaking sweet, you're the famous John Fetterman! I work as a farmer as you can probably tell by my outfit here! Congrats on your big win! I can't wait to see what you will do for the people of Pennsylvania!

John Fetterman: (in a monotone): Why do you get to wear jeans? And I have to wear a suit?

Cutaway Number #4: Garfield assassinates Heathcliff

Peter: This is more shocking than the time when Garfield assassinated Heathcliff!

The opening to the Heathcliff cartoon and theme plays. Heathcliff runs out with a fish on a platter pissing off the manager of the deli.

Theme Song Plays: Heathcliff Heathcliff No One....

A gunshot is heard from far away. Heathcliff screams mmeeooowww! As he is shot. Soon Heathcliff lies dead with a bullet in the back of his brain. Garfield is shown on a high building with a gun and Odie by his side.

Garfield: Throw away the evidence, Odie!

Odie: Arf!

Cutaway #5: Modernized Laurel and Hardy:

Peter: I haven't felt this insulted or out of place like that time I saw that SNL Sketch about a modern Laurel and Hardy!

Cutaway: Ollie is walking into the room getting back from work and took off his derby. Then he sees Stan dressed as a 1990's era ska punk blowing bubble gum.

Ollie: STAN! What the fuck as gotten into you?

Stan (talking like a skater punk): Hey, Awllie! Guess what?!

Ollie (sneering): What?

Stan: I'm streetwise now!

Ollie: Goody for you!

Stan (rides out on a skateboard): See ya later, aggitator!

Cutaway #6: Peter screams like Paul Atreides.

Chris and Brian just heard Peter in a screaming drunking rage. Both are startled.

Brian: Peter sure loves to turn up the decibles in his voice when he's drunk.

Chris: You can say that again.

Brian: He screamed louder than Kyle MacLachian in the original Dune movie!

Cutaway: The last scene of the Dune movie where it takes place in the fighting dome. Peter is Paul Atreides while Meg is Reverend Mother Mohiam.

Peter (as Paul Atredeis): Try looking at the place where you dare not look! You'll find me starting back at you!

Meg (as Reverend Mother Mohiam): You mustn't speak.....

Peter (as Paul Atredeis): SILENCE!!! (echoes)

Meg falls backwards and some soldiers catch her.

Peter (as Paul Atredeis): I remember your gome iabber!

Meg gasps in pain.

Peter (as Paul Atredeis): Now you remember mine! I can kill with a word!

Meg continues to moan and gasp.
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