Categories > Original > Erotica > Random lemons

Sonic and Amy.

by Regretevatorenjoyers 0 reviews

From Sonic the Hedgehog.

Category: Erotica - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2024-05-05 - 457 words

Sonic sped in green hills. He had nothing to do and everyone was busy. Dr. Eggman was plotting something but he did that far away so Sonic was free all week. But then... A pink blob apears infront of him. He stops running and seees that it is Amy.
"Hi! Are you bored too?" she asks.
"Yup. My brain wants entertainment." Sonic replies.
"How about he explore the woods?"
"Okay then. It wouldn't hurt to see some wild life I guess."
The woods
"Woah.. It's been awhile sice I've been here. I need to come here often." Sonic said.
"Yeah we should do this more!" Amy said.
"I wonder if.." Sonic stops. He turns around and finds... a pack of wolves.
"Okay Amy.. all we need to do is slowly retreat." Sonic whispered.
His heart went faster than his speed. Normally he'd fight the wolves but he would need Tails' help. The wolves didn't go further but instead went closer.
"Grab on to me!" Sonic shouted and piggybacked Amy. Sonic ran and ran until the coast was clear.
"Hey look. There's a shack over there. Let's take a break before we get home." Sonic instructed. The two just sat in the shack for a while. Half of Amy's skirt was ripped off by a tree branch so her panties were just barely visible.
But Amy wondered what Sonic was like in sex and said:
"It's hot in here" and taking off her dress. Underneath Sonic's Tracksuits, his member grew harder as Amy undressed. Now Amy was completly naked.
"You bored?" she said seductively.
Sonic stuttered. "Y..yes.."
Without warning, Amy took off his trousers and his cock sprung up.
"This should satisfy you." Amy said.
Amy started licking Sonic's dick and balls and he moaned.
"Hhhhhhhahhhhhhhh" He mumbled. He could barely even talk. It was his first time after all. Amy started licking and drinking the precum off his cock and started giving him a blowjob. Sonic moaned. Suddently, Amy went fully in so that Sonic could moan louder. Sonic started to accept it and grabbed Amy's hair so tht she could go deeper.
"I.. im g gonn gonna cum" Sonic Stuttered and his semen went into Amys throat. Amy licked her lips and said it was delicious. Next, Sonic railed her and spanked her.
"Mhm Yes! FUCK ME HARDER!" Amy screamed and Sonic did just that.
"You slut!" Sonic went as deep as he could go.
"Amy im gonna-"
"ME TOO JUST DO IT INSIDE!" Amy interrupted. Sonic came inside of Amy and filled her pussy and she let a loud moan.
"Whoo.. I can barely walk." Amy said. "Can you pick me up?"
"Sure thing, Princess." Sonic winked and carried Amy And they walked home.
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