Categories > Cartoons > Codename: Kids Next Door > The Big Badolescent and Laura's second Strike

Chapter 33 The BSC unites

by orieo82 0 reviews

The Babysitters Club has found new ways of torture in this fic

Category: Codename: Kids Next Door - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2024-05-14 - 4286 words

As Susie fell asleep she sneered seeing another boy thinking he was strong and this boy was a bully to everyone including her.
Susie(Stomping up to the boy) Moe Collins time to meet your demise me.
Moe punched brick walls demolishing them as Susie coughed weakly the dust getting in her lungs as he sneered at her.
Moe: Well, well, well look who decided to show in my dreams. Derkins I'm not the man of your dreams I'm the man of your nightmares and you just fell into it.
Susie(Giggling) What you think breaking brick walls is a feat? I can do so much more with Jack Jack Parr's powers. FYI he made nummy piggies.
Moe was on the ground laughing as he lit a cigarette and blew smoke into Susie's face.
Moe(Puffing) Here have some second hand smoke Derkins.
Susie hacked as Moe laughed and Susie was on the ground blue in the face.
Moe(Face to face with Susie) Seeeeeeeeeee every hero has kryptonite yours is smoke Losey Jerkins.
Susie gasped and giggled standing up knowing Moe's kryptonite and she was a girl Calvin was in fear of.
Susie(Closing her eyes tight) Moe you're in need of a babysitter meet Rosalyn Sanchez the scariest babysitter ever and she's always looking for fares.
A teenage girl with blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, blue jeans, a white button up over a yellow T shirt, pink shoes, and a stout stared Moe down and he gulped.
Susie(Walking off) Smell ya later Moe literally you stink and need a bath real bad.
Susie walked through the broken brick walls as Rosalyn sneered snatching Moe up.
Rosalyn(Poking Moe's stomach) Hmmmmmmmmm flabby most of my clients are.
Moe(Thrashing) Heyyyyyyyyyyy put me down.
Rosalyn(Looking around) You call this alleyway a dreamscape? Meet mine once you do you'll see why Calvin hates it with a passion.
Moe's dreamworld evaporated into a school dance and Rosalynn sneered knowing the worst thing for Moe all the girls at the dance shrieking over cute baby Calvin.
Rosalyn(Gripping Moe) No worries I'll be watching him all over again but this time he has a friend in solitary with him.
Moe(Looking around) Where is my dreamworld?
Rosalyn(Hugging Moe tight) I took it and made it mine Honey. Now since I have a date to this shindig let's cut a rug.
Moe eeped knowing who the date was and Rosalyn got eye to eye with him.
Rosalyn: Not only are you my boyfriend but you're also my client and I'll make sure to show you all the things Calvin was shown.
The wall to the dance blew up and five girls Rosalyn knew as the BSC walked up all of them bidding on Calvin.
Rosalyn(Shrugging) Orrrrrrrrrrr the BSC bid on the cutie and I reinvent my methods torturing you. You say tomato I say tomato.
A girl in a yellow Eitful tower dress, brown hair flowing down, white Converse, and a bit of a shy demeanor sat down with a paper in her hand determined to win Calvin him and her having history sat in a chair.
Girl: OK you little demon time for some payback.
Mary Anne Allison Spear the shy girl growled as she made a big bid knowing in her dreams she was a trillionare and she was going to get Calvin as a client if it killed her.
Mary Anne: Three years three years of torture Jenny Prezzioso was tame comapared to the little goblin.
Another girl with brown hair tied into a ponytail under a red cap, a dirty white T shirt, red vans, and dusty jeans plopped onto a chair next to Mary Anne and giggled knowing no one could outbid Mary Anne.
Girl: Hey Mare so it looks like a good turn out for bidding. I personally want Karen my sister she's kind of a snob living in a mansion and stuff and I want her to earn her place like I did.
Kristy Thomas sneered as Claudia Kishi an Aisan girl in multi colored hair snapped blueberry gum.
Kristy: Heyyyyyyyyy Claud looks like you brought Stacey too. So who are you two looking to take?
Stacey Mcgill the definition of a blonde godess sat down in Gucci everything and UgZ giggled pointing at a shivering boy.
Stacey(Sneering) He just got diagnosed with Diabetes and he was always laughing at me in my old school. So I figure why not let Doctor Stacie Mcgill PHD of Diabetes show him the way a diabetic lives?
Stacey skipped up to David Marsh who had a red liccorice whip and she snatched it handing him celery mixed with raisins and sugar free peanut butter tossing the liccorice in a garbage can.
Stacey(Pushing the celery to David's chest) It's called ants on a log so much better than liccorice. At least it is for you Betec as you call me.
David sneered pulling a big tub of gummy everything from his backpack and Stacey threw it out putting a vegetable platter on an empty table and confiscating David's backpack.
Stacey(Tsking David) No wonder you have diabetes Red Fizzies are nothing but sugar and their all you drink by the look of things.
David: I'm not changing for you or anyone Betec. I may have diabetes but that doesn't mean I'm changing.
David dove into the trash getting his backpack and gummy tub out devouring bears, worms, sharks, pixie sticks, and peanut butter M&M's in front of Stacey.
Stacey(Grabbing David) You little one need a crash course in being a diabetic. Luckily your new sitter knows everything about it and I'm sure your mom would love to hear that I'm such an expert.
Flames burst burning David's things and he gulped the ants on a log surviving.
Stacey(Looking down at David) Just try the ants I mean their not that bad. I like them and look how thin I am compared to you.
David opened his mouth and made a face and Stacey shrugged pulling David to her dreamworld her bedroom dedicated to BTS, Backstreet Boys, and NSYNC.
Stacey: You'll get used to them just like you'll get used to your new menu.
David(Throwing the celery on the floor) Yick gross there I tried it can I have my candy back now?
Stacey(Pulling down a chart) Nope and I'll show you why. See everyone's body has a pancreas and that pancreas creates insulin that helps create sugar. Well yours and mine don't create insulin and that's what makes us diabetics we need help creating insulin.
David(Shrugging his shoulders) Soooooooooooo my candy?
Stacey: Is killing you but no worries let's look at your chart and see what type you have.
Stacey conjured a chart as David was pushed into a hospital bed and she giggled putting the chart back.
Stacey: Good news no insulin shots for you. Bad news the pills you take are the foulest tasting pills ever. I hated taking them and now I need insulin shots.
Stacy dumped a cup of pills into David's mouth and he gagged as the boy Claudia came to torture tackled Stacey and she groaned oof as the boy grabbed David and Claudia held the boys BSC client folder in her hands.
Claudia: Trent Michaels THE Trent Michaels the one that makes Jenny Prezzioso look tame that Trent Michaels?
Trent(Punching Claudia) Yeaaaaaaaaaa what's it to ya?
Claudia(Sneering) I just gained you as a client and I happen to know an eager beaver you thought you left behind willing to come out of retirement.
David gagged as Stacey held a bowl over his mouth and Claudia transferred Trent to a church where he left the one girl that scared him his last babysitter.
Claudia(Shivering) Ohhhhhhhhhhhh I'm getting chills from this place I mean it's a church but why so empty?
Trent(Looking around) Because she craves attention. I left her here because she's the final piece to defeating me.
Claudia giggled and grabbed a crowbar taking apart a brick wall brick by brick.
Claudia: She's not too happy with you but like I said you're my client. I just felt reenforcements could be fun.
The last brick revealed a baby cooing and Claudia awed placing the baby on a pedestal and the church broke in half the floor cracking with Claudia chuckling evilly.
Claudia(Dressing the baby) Nowwwwwwwww to bring back Lilah Sawyer your worst nightmare and my new best friend since Stacey became friends with her new sister.
Trent: Sister? But David's a boy a boy can't be a girl.
Claudia(Pinching Trent's cheeks) Sure not in reality but make a boy a girl in dreams and they become one in reality. That's the glory of dreams once we wake up they may end or in David's case they may not. Lucky sap Stacey is loaded and now so is David.
Trent raced to the pedestal as the baby screamed pushing Trent back and the clothes took hold red hair growing onto the babies head and it's body went from small to medium size freckles on both of the babies cheeks as Claudia sneered.
Claudia: Almost complete and then we'll plan a sleepover just the three of us.
Trent in a last ditch effort tried prying open the church doors as kids screaming was heard behind it and Claudia chuckled evilly grabbing Trent and leading him to Lilah who stood up sneering and chuckling evilly.
Lilah(Arms spread out) IT'S A GIRLLLLLLLLLLLL HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
Claudia(Reaching her hand out) Lilah? Claudia Kishi nice to meet you and I wanted to shake the hand of the girl that tamed Jenny Prezzioso. I mean you are the stuff of legend.
Lilah(Shaking Claudia's hand) Nice to meet you Claudia. Yes Jenny was a tough cookie but with the right ammount of milk any cookie will crumble.
Claudia(Pushing Trent to Lilah) What about him how much milk do you need for him?
Lilah(Pinching Trent's cheeks) Not much with your help. See there's a reason Trent locked me up. His milk cup has almost runeth over thanks to little old me and a certain neighbor he used to have.
Trent(Backing up) No not her she's like you times a thousand.
Lilah(Skipping up to the church door) First I need my num nums of scaredy kiddies.
Lilah opened the door and white lights shot into her faces begging for freedom all over her stomach.
Lilah(Sneering) Awwwwwwwwww mommy missed ya nummies now to get Trent into the right state of fear.
Trent cringed as Claudia and Lilah chuckled advancing onto him and he gasped waking up in his bed as Lilah sneered.
Lilah(Looking out over a town) We need an able body someone not afraid of Chinese customs or giant bears. She's the key to Trent's fear.
Claudia(Spying a boy) Hmmmmmmmmmm he's bullied me since forever so I say he's the greatest candidate.
Lilah and Claudia giggled and transferred themselves to a gym this boys dreamworld Lila holding a vile of Mei Lynn Lee the girl that Trent feared most.
Claudia(Cornering the boy) Daniel Bradshaw OMG I am so glad I found you. I have a new game for us to play.
Daniel(Scoffing) What clays and paints? Ohhhhhhhh real fun or I know how's about a pottery wheel artsy geek.
Claudia(Lifting Daniel over her head) Pottery has made a big comeback with Ghost unfortanately for us I have a better game.
Claudia cackled as Daniel transferred himself out of the dream not knowing all the power Lilah had after her soul food buffet.
Daniel(Looking around) A mirror maze? IS THAT THE BEST YOU CAN DO KISHI MIRRORS?
Lilah snickered as Daniel found two doors locked and half the mirrors became Mei in different ages the other half Daniel bullying Claudia.
Mei(Booming) Sorry to keep you waiting maybe if there were more of me to spread around.
Mei cackled as the other mirrors where Daniel was bullying Claudia made Claudia taller than him the letters BSC written in blood on the frame.
Mei(Grabbing Daniel) Think fast honey I got you now.
Mei cackled as the giant red panda skipped up the hall of the room and seperated him from Mei's mirror and throwing him into Claudia's mirror.
Claudia(Beaming) Awwwwwwwwwwwww who's smaller now?
Claudia pinched Daniel and he shrieked waking up as Mei was all over his walls the giant red panda joining her and also his bedset was of Mei and Gretchen the giant red panda.
Daniel(Gasping) What happened to my room?
Mrs. Bradshaw(Applying lipstick) Danny honey come down and meet the sitters for the night.
Daniel(Gulping) Sitters meaning more than one?
Mrs. Bradshaw: Obviously now be good your dad and I will be back late.
Daniel gulped seeing Claudia and Mei Lynn with duffel bags.
Mr. Bradhsaw: He's all yours girls whoever takes him his birth certificate is on the table.
Mei snatched it and threw it in her duffle as Claudia sneered Daniel's parents leaving.
Claudia(Pinning Daniel down) Nowwwwwwwwww first off your worst nightmare a MLP Friendship Is Magic A Thon.
Claudia booted up season one of MLP Friendship Is Magic as Mei held Daniel down becoming Gretchen with Daniel gulping hating the ponies.
Gretchen(Sneering) Sooooooooooo who's your favorite Twilight? You seem like a non Princess Twilight fan or spoiler alert a Princess Twilight fan.
Daniel(Covering his eyes) I hate this show.
Gretchen giggled producing a red bear cub costume she planned on forcing over Daniel
Daniel(Moaning) Ughhhhhhhhhhh I hate this show. Can't we watch something else?
Gretchen(Shaking her head) Nahhhhhhhhhhh this show is the best.
Daniel: Yea if your a girl. I mean even Twilight hates the ponies she mimics Spike and everything.
Gretchen(Mimicing Twilight) Meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh. So good nobody sass's like Twilight.
Daniel: Exactly Twilight hates this show as much as I do.
Another boy ran into the dream Harvey Mckenzie his brown hair wild from non sleep thanks to Claudia and she was ready to finish him off.
Harvey(Pointing a gun at Gretchen) OK Lee transform back and come quietly. If not I have agents up my butt looking to take you in.
Gretchen(Cackling) Oh-really-where-are-they-now? I-just-see-you-here- and-Claudia-is-sooooooooooo-ready-to-claim-you.
Harvey: Claim me?
Gretchen roared in laughter and it sounded like thunder nodding as Claudia grabbed Harvey and giggled having a pajama suit just for him that she wore when she was a newborn and full of wonder.
Claudia(Cheering) Yessssssssssss it's Claudia Kishi at the goal line and the crowd goes completely bonkers yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Claudia.
Harvey(Gulping) Heyyyyyyyyyyy girl so babysit any terrors like me lately?
Claudia(Pinning Harvey to the floor with her boot) Nooooooooooooo because nobody is as much of a terror as you. No worries Janine and I are looking for a baby waby to balance out the Kishi household.
An older version of Claudia walked up dressed in her dream attire a latin cape and a brain bulging with black veins.
Claudia(Pointing at Janine) See she's the smartest and she's trying to turn me smart too. the only smart thing I ever did was find you Natalie so Janine can manipulate you're newborn brain.
Janine(Sneering) On the plus side Claudia's not the only one you were a terror to. She's got you trapped and now it's time for me to reel you in.
Janine cackled evilly as Harvey shrank and Claudia forced a pacifier in his mouth and he grew into a nightgown with latin letters all over it just like Janine's cape and Claudia giggled.
Claudia(Walking off with clays and paints) He or she's all yours now Janine. I have an art project to start.
Claudia left Mei alone with Daniel which was how she wanted it transforming back to herself and sniffing her armpits.
Mei: Ughhhhhhhhhhh that bear needs to learn to wear deodorant. I mean our bodies are sweaty. doesn't she know that?
Daniel(Plugging his nose) Ewwwwwwwwww you smell like sweat and wet dog.
Mei grinned slyly turning her hand into a bear paw and punched Dainel knocking him out.
Mei: Wet bear actually but I suppose any wet animal smells the same.
Mei used this time to force Daniel out of his puppy dog PJ's and forced a pair of red panda underwear on him along with the red bear cub costume on him.
Mei: Tadaaaaaaaaaaaa now when he wakes up he'll be a Lee and I'll train him to be just like me.
Upstairs we hear a crying baby and Janine cooing making silly faces at Natalie Kishi the latest Kishi child.
Janine(Showing Natalie flash cards) Frapachino can you say that? Can you say frapachinio. Hola say hola or como es stes say that.
Natalie moaned seeing Claudia play with Play Do and Janine knowing what to do pulsed her brain and we hear the last of Harvey screaming and going into Claudias head.
Claudia(Chuckling) Good luck in there Harv Joy does not run my emotions Disgust does. She will not be very nice to new emotions especially love sickness.
Harvey turned pink and a girl all green tapped purple flats staring at him.
Disgust: Ughhhhhhhhhh welcome new emotion and let me introduce you to Claudia's emotions Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, Disgust that's me, and you Love sickness.
Harvey(Gulping) Love Sickness?
Disgust(Nodding) Yes and I run things so Love Sickness time for you to go through orientation.
Harvey screamed as Claudia chuckled molding a pink monster AKA Love Sickness out of Playdo and Harvey screamed becoming the monster Claudia made.
Disgust: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK Love Sickness let's see what we have to work with.
Claudia(Giggling) Roarrrrrrrrrrr I'm Love Sickness also a hormone monster of sorts.
Disgust(Looking at Harvey) Wellllllll you heard her Love Sickness act like a hormone monster.
Harvey: And how do I do that?
Disgust(Sighing) You knowwwwwww make me and the rest of the emotions a jumble. She wants you to be the leader of her hormones.
Claudia giggled as Harvey just touched the emotions and they all screamed going through puberty with Claudia.
Claudia: Nowwwwwwwwww Love Sickness meet your kryptonite a puberty confused boy for me to date.
Claudia dressed into a two piece bikini finding her weakling boyfriend sleeping on a waterbed and she was ready to claim him.
Boy(Stretching out) Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh no nightmares stupido Harvey has no imagination when it comes to dreams.
Claudia gurgled evilly under the water as Lee Sanchez Harvey's BFF closed his eyes making Claudia his age and a pre teen in his dreams.
Claudia POV: Nowwwwwww to introduce Lee to Joey's nightmare in Nightmare On Elm Street 4 the wet dream.
Lee stared amazed at a girl in his waterbed swimming up to the plastic as she giggled it being Claudia.
Lee(Pressing his face against the plastic) This-is the-best-dream-ever.
Pre teen Claudia the dream girl giggled and spread herself against the matress the bikini disappearing making her naked as Lee his tongue hanging out stared amazed at the first girl body he ever saw.
Claudia's POV(Cackling) Like putty in my hands Play Doey putty.
Lee puckered kissing the matress as Claudia knew she had him where she wanted him.
Claudia POV: Time for the Freddy kill my favorite one.
Pre teen Claudia swam off as Lee searched the water to find no one there.
Lee: Hey wait where did she go? Damn must have been a dream.
Claudia as a teenager cackled and grabbed Lee pulling him into the waterbed as he struggled.
Claudia(Grabbing Lee and kissing him) How's this for a wet dream
Lee gurgled under the water as Claudia giggled holding him under.
Claudia(Sneering) You have awesome lungs lets test them.
A hole appeared under the waterbed and sucked up Lee and Claudia landing them in a French class.
Claudia(Locking Lee's desk) Nowwwwwwwwww you can handle almost drowning but can you handle French kissing?
Lee gulped as Claudia got closer opening her mouth and engulfing his her tongue lashing into his mouth her chest like a vacuum sucking the life out of Lee until he was literally breathless.
Claudia(Sneering) Ooh la laaaaaaaaaa looks like French kissing's not your thing honey.
Claudia shrieked in laughter as Lee looking like a paper doll got cut up and put in a book Claudia was making.
Claudia(Putting pictures of Mei's sister out) Lee your soul just became the property of Elanore Lee Mei's sister.
Lee screamed and Daniel did the same as he saw he was a little girl and Lee was on a chain ataached to the girl.
Mei: Welp looks like I have a sister so you two enjoy the ponies. FYI servant of Elanore good luck she's non verbal seeing she's a newborn and so is her red panda.
Mei cackled and locked the door Elanore curling her lip and bawling as Lee groaned great.
Lee(Walking up to Elanore) There, there baby waby no crying just tell me what you want.
Elanore sneered gripping Lee in a death hug Mei taking pictures shrieking literal bear hug Elanore growling being a red panda cub.
Lee(Gagging) Ughhhhhhhh I think she peed herself.
Mei giggled putting a screen down and we see the auction for Calvin starting.
Auctioneer(Showing baby Calvin) Alright first up on the bidding floor a newborn boy named Calvin Richards. Bidding starts at $25.00
Rosalynn(Sneering) $100.00
Mary Anne: $300.00
Rosalynn: $1000.00
Mary Anne: $2500.00
Rosalynn: $3500.00
Mary Anne grinned slyly knowing how to beat Rosalynn and get Calvin her tormenter as her client.
Auctioneer: $3500.00 going once, $3500.00 going twice
Mary Anne(Sneering) One trillion dollars beat that Rosalynn.
Everyone gasped after this as Mary Anne squealed excitedly the auctioneer flabbergasted.
Auctioneer: One trillion going once, one trillion going twice, sold to Mary Anne Speer for one trillion dollars.
Mary Anne(Snatching Calvin) Thank youuuuuuuuuuu now smile you little demon time to start my own babysitting business.
Jenny Prezzioso rubbed her eyes falling into the dream Mary Anne snatching her hand.
Mary Anne(Staring at Jenny) You're no better you think you deserve attention because you're spoiled. Luckily I need you spoiled because Calvin is getting a crash course in my babysitting service.
Jenny(Growling) Calvin Richards? My babysitter after you Susie Derkins told me horror stories of him.
Mary Anne(giggling) No worries hes my client and he'll be more once I get him where I want him.
Jenny(Sneering) Hmmmmmmmmmmm Calvin time for a tea party. every girl loves tea parties and I feel Mary Anne would like you as a sister.
Mary Anne(Cackling) Awesome Idea Jenn and Calvin good luck resisting Jenny's tea parties. Karen Brewer tried once and only once and now you can't speak Jenny P's name in front of Karen.
Jenny(Carrying Calvin off) Yeppppppp to be me is an art and Karen's fear makes me so much more powerful in dreams.
Jenny pushed Calvin into a seat grabbing a feather boa with purple feathers, a tiara, a purple dress, a teacup, a saucer, and a teapot laughing evilly seeing Karen fall into another chair.
Jenny(Fixing her hair and makeup) Ughhhhhhhh Karen you're late. It's not polite to keep our new friend waiting.
Mary Anne(Checking her backpack) Yeppppppppp all hand me downs that we as sister's will share. On the bright side it'll save daddy money on new clothes.
Karen(Gulping) Uhhhhhhhhh where's my Wizard Of Oz deam? I'm Dorothy there.
Jenny(Getting eye to eye with Karen) Your dreams have met their match in the form of big sister Kristy.
Karen(Gulping) Wait not her
Jenny(Nodding) Lucky us she's not the tea party type she's the sporty, tomboy, biggest nightmare giving girl ever.
Karen screeched running off as Jenny just chuckled knowing Kristy would find her doppleganger soon.
Jenny(Pouring Calvin tea) Well Mare name her so we can start educating her in the art of being a girl.
Mary Anne: Flora it's a fairy name for Flower and you will be pretty as a flower once we're done. Now first it's etiquette Jenny's forte.
Jenny(Folding her hands and placing her elbows on her knees) No elbows on the table it's bad manners.
Calvin copied Susie and Mary Anne sneered having a new plan for Calvin and a plan for a new boy that was just like her.
Mary Anne(Walking around the tea party table) Sayyyyyyyyyyy Jen what would you say to Calvin being your sister?
Jenny(Sneering) Welllllllllll that would be an idea. I mean he's hated me since birth.
Mary Anne(Looking at a paper) Darnnnnnnnnnnn I was outbid by Rebecca Prezzioso Jenny's mom. You two have fun I have a shy guy to make into a sibling of mine and watch as Lee succumbs to both Mei and Elanore.
Mary Anne skipped off as Jenny giggled shutting her bedroom door and locking it making a rescue team hard to come by.
Jenny(Getting changed) Ahhhhhhhhhh you know wearing dresses everyday is tiring. but no worries you'll get the same feeling little Flora.
Jenny in a last ditch effort dressed Calvin in a baby dress and booties snatching both Hobbes and Susie's girl version of Hobbes.
Jenny(Snuggling the tigers) I just became your Bacon and you gave these cute tigers to me.
Jenny cackled as Calvin gulped and became newborn her.
Susie(Grabbing earplugs) You guys like me will need these when she throws tantrums.
Jenny put earplugs into the tiger's ears Karen screeching at her own nightmare Kristen Amanda Thomas.
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