Categories > Games > Zelda > The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage: Dark Mirror

Chapter Eighteen: The Gerudo Leader

by LaxyakLovesLoZ 0 reviews

Chapter Eighteen: The Gerudo Leader

Category: Zelda - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Link,Zelda - Published: 2024-06-24 - 1369 words - Complete

After breakfast, Zale took Lila to talk to Nabooru. They met with her in a room outside of the dungeon so they could be alone. She was in chains, but that didn’t diminish her dignity. She was an old woman, and she sat up straight in her chair. Chairs were brought in for Zale and Lila to sit in.

“Remove her manacles,” Zale instructed.

“But, sir–”

“Do as I say. She will not harm anyone,” Zale said. Once the guard had done as he asked, Zale then added, “You may leave us now.”

“I must protest–”

Zale looked sharply at the guard. “Don’t make me ask again. Lila is here. I’ll be fine.”

The guard shrank under Zale’s gaze and left the room. He locked the door behind him.

Sighing, Zale turned his attention to the prisoner. She was rubbing her wrist and had a thoughtful look on her face.

Zale asked, “You are the leader of the Gerudo?”

Nabooru shook her head. “I was until Ganondra forcibly took control.”

“Tell us how that happened,” Zale prodded.

Nabooru’s red eyes clouded over. “I believe those witches, Kotake and Koume, encouraged her to do it, though I had no warning of the coup. One day, Ganondra entered the throne room brandishing a sacred trident. She gave me the chance to abdicate, and I did. I thought I might be able to influence from the background, but Kotake and Koume had too great a hold on Ganondra. I bit my tongue and managed to stay alive.”

“Ganondra used that trident as a symbol of her power,” Lila supplied. “It’s what I recovered from the bulblin king. Maybe, if negotiations go well, we can give it back to the Gerudo.”

A light flashed in Nabooru’s eyes and she asked, “What do you plan to do with us?”

“That depends on you,” Zale said. “Firstly, now that Ganondra’s gone, will you take up leadership again?”

Once more, Nabooru shook her head. “I cannot hold that honor after cowardly leaving the throne. Perhaps my daughter Riju will accept the honor.”

“Then you will no speak for your people?” Zale asked.


“Very well.” Zale stood up and knocked on the door. When the guard opened it, he said, “Take Nabooru back to her cell and bring me her daughter Riju.”

“Yes, sir,” the guard said. He took Nabooru and left Zale and Lila alone.

“What do you think?” Zale asked, startling Lila.

“I don’t know,” she answered. “Ganondra took over before we were born, so I knew nothing about it.”

“My father gave me the histories of the Gerudo, so I knew there had been a peaceful change in leadership. I had no idea it was a coup. Did you notice the way Nabooru reacted when you suggested returning the trident?”

Lila frowned slightly. “No.”

Zale looked away from her, thinking. After a moment, he said, “She mentioned that it was sacred. Do you know anything about that?”

“No. I only knew it as one of Ganondra’s tools. It never seemed sacred to her.” Lila shivered, remembering how the evil woman had used the trident.

Zale noticed and said, “I’m sorry to bring up painful memories.”

Lila gave him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it. She’s gone now.”

A thought struck Zale at her words. What if there was another? He should have asked Nabooru if Ganondra had a twin. He decided not to mention this thought to Lila just then.

They sat in silence for a time, and then they could hear two people approaching. Soon, the guard led a young woman into the room. Zale and Lila stood at their entrance. Zale was happy to see that the woman wasn’t in chains.

As the three sat down, Zale asked, “You are Riju, daughter of Nabooru?”

The woman nodded. “Yes,” she said simply.

Zale continued, “It is my understanding that you are the next in line to be leader of the Gerudo.”

Riju showed no emotion as she asked, “Did my mother tell you that?”

“Yes,” Zale said.

“Then it is so,” Riju said. She sat back in her chair, arms crossed.

The hairs rose on the back of Zale’s neck. Something about Riju felt hostile. He supposed being raised under Ganondra’s reign molded her differently than Nabooru. He would have to be careful when dealing with her.

Zale asked,” Will you speak for your people?”

“Yes,” Riju said.

“Then we can begin,” Zale responded. “I know you want your freedom. I want that for you as well. If you cooperate with our demands, you may have it.” He paused, but Riju merely watched him with her steady gaze. “Our demands are simple: stop harassing men, and allow them to see their daughters.”

Riju exploded, “Unacceptable!” She raised from her seat with her fists clenched. “What you ask cannot be done! Our land is sacred. No man may step foot there.”

Zale stayed seated and remained calm. “I’m not asking you to allow men into your land. I’m sure you can arrange to let fathers see their daughters outside of the Gerudo Desert.”

“That is not our way,” Riju asserted. “I cannot meet with your demands.”

“Then I’m afraid there’s only one other option left to you,” Zale said solemnly. “You and your people will no longer be allowed in Hyrule. You will have to relocate after being released from our prison. I will give you time to decide.”

With that, he stood and knocked on the door. Lila followed him out of the small room, leaving Riju behind. Zale stalked down the hall and Lila hurried to keep up with him.

“Are you okay?” Lila asked.

“Me?” Zale said. “I’m fine. It’s Riju I’m worried about. I really wanted to have peace between our people.”

“Not everyone feels the same way you do,” Lila said.
“I know,” Zale sighed. “I just hoped…” He sighed again and stopped his mad walk. “I think I know what option she’ll choose, and there’s nothing I can do to change her mind.”

Lila placed a hand on his shoulder. He grasped it with his hand and shut his eyes. They were alone. He took a few calming breaths and then turned around to meet her eyes.

“It is her choice. I need not worry about the matter.”

“That’s right,” Lila said. “You have more important things to deal with.”

Zale sighed and looked down. “Yeah.”

“I’m sorry!” Lila said. “She tilted his chin up again. “Don’t worry about it! You’ll be fine!” She smiled and he smiled back.

“Do you know that I love you?” Zale let slip out.

Lila blushed, not expecting his words. “You may have mentioned it.” Her eyes flitted to his lips and then back up.

They stood gazing into each other’s eyes. Time seemed to stop. Zale’s body temperature rose. Was this a good idea? Could he stop himself if it wasn’t? There was nothing in the world he wanted more than Lila.

Slowly, gently, their lips met. There was no saying who initiated the kiss. They were one. Zale and Lila. Lila and Zale. Together, the only people in the whole world. Nothing could be sweeter.

When it was over, Zale wished for more, but his duties tugged at him. He ignored them and pulled Lila in for a deeper kiss. He couldn’t get enough of her. She was the most precious thing to him. He shunned the idea of having to leave her, even for a second. All he cared about was Lila. His love. His life.

Finally, Lila broke away. Breathless, she said, “We have a rehearsal to attend. Besides, what would people think if they saw us together like this?”

“Who cares what others think!” Zale said just as breathless. “Let me love you.” He leaned in for another kiss, but she pushed him away.

“Not now. We’ll save it for another time.” Lila disentangled from his grasp and pulled him along down the hallways.

Zale sighed, a smile on his lips.
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